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SPE 113563

SPE 113563
New Completion Technology As A Catalyst to Improve Oil Recovery
Salem El-Abd, SPE, Abdel Hameed Amiri, SPE, Ashraf Keshka, SPE, Salem Al-Bakr, SPE, Saif Al Arfi, SPE (ADCO),
Magdi El-Asmar, SPE (Baker Oil Tools)

Copyright 2008, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2008 SPE Indian Oil & Gas Technical
Conference and Exhibition scheduled 4-6 March 2008 in Mumbai, India
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This paper presents the reservoir considerations,
implementation and results of a new completion technology
with the aim to improve ultimate recovery. The non-uniform
production profile across the horizontal hole especially in the
highly heterogeneous and fractured reservoirs can result in
premature water production and lower ultimate recovery. PLT
surveys were carried out in some horizontal wells which
indicated non-uniform production profile across the horizontal
holes. Therefore the need for production system as part of the
completion was raised to control water production and to
improve ultimate recovery. This completion technique will the
low and high permeability intervals to contribute to flow was
found to be the optimum option for this highly heterogeneous
and fractured reservoir.
Horizontal hole segmentation using ICD (Inflow Control
Device) completion was found to be the optimum option to be
tested as pilot in a new and an existing wells. The new well
was expected to penetrate highly fractured area and the
existing well is also located in highly fractured area.
The ICD Equalizer system was installed in both wells to
evaluate the technique. The surface testing results of the recompleted well indicated a drop in the well water cut from 7%
to traces. PLT survey was carried out in both wells and
indicated uniform production profile across the horizontal
section. Therefore the reliability of the technique was proved
and these jobs were considered as the first application in
United Arab Emirates. With field scale implementation, the
reservoir simulation and economic analysis revealed an
improved oil recovery of 1% and higher NPV.

This paper presents the reservoir considerations,
implementation and results of the new completion technology
to improve ultimate recovery of an oil field in the United Arab
Horizontal well technology has become an established method
of drilling conventional wells due to their improved recovery
efficiency, reservoir drainage and delayed undesirable fluids
(water & gas). However non-uniform production profile across
the horizontal hole especially in the highly heterogeneous and
fractured reservoirs can result in premature water production.
This may cause bypassed oil, lower ultimate recovery and
therefore decrease in profitability.
The main characteristic of this reservoir is the presence of a
complex fracture network within the highly heterogeneous
matrix system. Both matrix and fracture systems play an
important role in the production mechanism of the reservoir.
Additionally, the reservoir is characterized by the presence of
Sucrosic Dolomite rock (mainly in the South part of the
middle reservoir unit) that significantly enhances matrix
permeability further. Matrix permeability ranges from 0.01
mD to 12 Darcy with the average in excess of 100 mD. The
fractures are described as fracture corridor system (or fracture
swarms) that show two major trends, namely N40E and
N70E. Fracture swarms/sub-seismic faults are structural
features extending laterally over several hundreds meters and
sometimes over several kilometers (Figure 1).
With water movement towards well-bore, sweep efficiency is
affected and recoverable oil is impacted. This progress in well
water cut and consequently fields water production increase
will cause loss of production and reserves.
The shortening of well life cycle is directly linked to the wells
water production and its source. In this field, once the well
water cut reaches 50%, the constrained well production rate of
2,000 stb/d will no longer be maintained and the well has to be
workedover or new wells to be drilled to be able to sustain the
field production capacity. Therefore the need for a production
system as part of completion strategy was raised with the aim
to improve production efficiency.

SPE 113563

Business Case
A multidisciplinary team was formed to investigate possible
techno-economical solution to the described problem of nonuniform production profile and water progress across the
horizontal sections. The following elements comprise the
business case and findings:
Reservoir Consideration & Business Need
The formation, which is the pay zone in this Field, is a
complex fractured carbonate reservoir exhibiting considerable
lateral and vertical lithological changes and consequently
variations of reservoir characteristics. Both matrix and fracture
systems play an important role in the production mechanism
of the reservoir. The reservoir is subdivided into three
reservoir units namely Unit Unit1, Unit2 and Unit3
(Figure 2).
At the early stage of the development of the field, the
significance of fractures in this reservoir was not recognized.
However, the latest fracture study which was carried out by
integrating all available data FMS/ FMI, Cores, Seismic and
production data revealed that this reservoir is moderately to
highly fractured reservoir. The fracture network is composed
of fracture-swarm zones. The width of such zones ranges
between 50 to 100m. The fracture swarms are oriented in two
main directions: N40E and N70E. No diffuse fracturing can
be characterized. This means that this reservoir is weekly
fractured between the fracture-swarms zones.
PLT surveys were carried out in some horizontal wells and all
of them indicated non-uniform production profile across the
horizontal holes. The following are the results of the
horizontal PLT surveys in some wells:

production rates from this short interval, the sharp

increase in temperature and the increase in Gamma ray
are due to the presence of large fracture as supported by
the fracture study (Figure 6).

A PLT survey was carried out in Well C, to determine

the production profile across the horizontal hole and to
measure the base sigma log for saturation monitoring.
Although this well is located in an area which considered
homogeneous, the PLT results (Figure 7) indicated that
the first half of the horizontal section is contributing all
production and the second half of the hole is contributing

Based on the above PLT results, the need for a completion

technique to achieve uniform production profiles across the
horizontal holes was raised with the aim to improve the
reservoir sweep efficiency, achieve longer production plateau
of the wells by controlling the rate of water cut development
and consequently increasing the overall field ultimate
Technical Options & Alternatives
Water shutoff techniques such as mechanical and chemical
were investigated and it was found that both techniques were
considered to be inefficient in the highly fractured reservoirs.
The technique of controlling the flow and establishing uniform
production profile across the horizontal hole will allow the
low and high permeability (fractures) intervals to contribute to
flow. Using ICD (Inflow Control Device) was found to be the
optimum option to be tested as a pilot in a new well (Well D).
Based on the latest fracture study, this new well is expected to
be drilled in a highly fractured area especially the second half
of the horizontal section (Figure 8).

A PLT survey was carried out in Well A to determine

the oil and water production profiles of the horizontal
open hole section, to define the produced water entry
points and to measure the base sigma log for saturation
monitoring. The well is located in a highly fractured area
as presented in Figure 3. The results of the survey
(Figure 4) indicated non-uniform production profile
across the horizontal section and most of the oil and
water producing intervals are in line with the fracture
study. The water cut reaches some 50% in this well and
it was planned to be horizontalized into another direction
but after the completion was retrieved, the casing
corrosion log indicated that the casing is severely
corroded. Therefore the well was plugged and
abandoned and a replacement well was drilled.

Market survey & Technique Evaluation

Through market survey different vendors were invited to
introduce their technologies and it was found that three
technologies have similar functionality and can provide in
theory the required effect on well-bore uniform production
profile. The technique of controlling the flow and establish
uniform production profile across the horizontal hole which
allow the low and high permeability (fractures) intervals to
contribute to flow was found to be the optimum option for this
highly fractured reservoir. The following were considered in
the technique evaluation:
Features, Benefits & Applications
Technical Specifications & Testing
Risk Assessment & Mitigation
Case Histories, Success Ratio & Experience Sharing

A PLT survey was carried out in Well B, to determine

the oil and water production profiles of the horizontal
open hole section, to define the produced water entry
points and to measure the base sigma log for saturation
monitoring. The results of the survey (Figure 5)
indicated that a short interval of some 40 ft is
contributing 70% of the total oil production and some
80% of the water production. The high oil and water

Techno - Economic Assessment

Reservoir simulation runs (using the existing Eclipse model)
were carried out to evaluate the benefits of installing the
Equalizer system in the new well (Well D) which was planned
to be drilled in November 2006. The results indicated an
incremental oil of 1.4 MMstb over the well life can be
achieved by running the Equalizer system compared with
barefoot completion. Moreover, to evaluate the impact of

SPE 113563

installing the Equalizer system on field scale implementation,

it was assumed that the Equalizer system will be installed in
70% of the planned future wells which are expected to
penetrate fractures. The results indicated an incremental oil
recovery of some 36 MMstb, which represent 1% of the
original oil in-place, can be achieved by running the Equalizer
system compared with barefoot completion. Moreover,
NetTool simulation runs were carried out to determine the
required number of ICDs to achieve uniform production

In February 2007, well D was drilled and completed as a

Unit 2 single lateral horizontal oil producer with 2,000
horizontal hole. Inflow Control Devices (ICD) with Mpas
packers were installed (11 ICDs and 11 MPas Packers) in
the horizontal section with the aim to achieve uniform
production profile along the horizontal section and reduce
water production. The well was completed with 3
single completion string equipped with ESP and Y-tool.
The final down hole completion string is presented in
Figure 9. The well was tied-in to the production station
and started production in March 2007. The initial testing
results indicated that the well produced some 2,100 stb/d
of dry oil. A PLT survey was carried out to confirm the
reliability of the technique in achieving uniform
production profile across the horizontal hole. The PLT
interpretation indicated uniform production profile across
the horizontal section (Figure 10).

In April 2007, the ESP failed in well B due to short circuit

in the downhole string after 9 years since commissioning.
In May 2007, the well was worked over to replace the
ESP. NetTool simulation runs (Figure 11) were carried
out to determine the optimum number of ICDs and MPas
packers to be installed. Based on these runs, 11 ICDs and
5 MPas Packers were recommended to be installed to
achieve better production profile compared with the open
hole completion. During the workover the opportunity
was taken and a new completion string using Inflow
Control Device (ICD) in the horizontal section was
installed to achieve better production profile along the
horizontal section and reduce water production. The final
down hole completion string is presented in Figure 12.
The well was tied-in and produced some 2,500 stb/d with
traces of water cut compared to some 7% water cut before
workover. A PLT survey was carried out with 2 different
production rates (2,000 and 3,000 stb/d) to evaluate the
impact of the ICD on the well performance in case of
high production rates. The PLT interpretation (Figure 13)
indicated uniform production profile across the horizontal
hole with ICD completion compared with the one with
barefoot completion which was carried out in 2002.
Moreover, the comparison between the production
profiles at different production rates showed minor
change of the well performance in the presence of ICD
completion. The PLT results are inline with the NetTool
simulation results.

In order to justify the expenditure associated with the

Equalizer (ICD), a detailed economic analysis was carried out
based on the planned well production forecasts using ADCOs
economic guidelines. The case with Equalizer was compared
to the barefoot completion case on a single well model and the
economics calculations indicated the following incremental
economics indicators:

NPV @ 8 % Discount Rate

UTC @ 8 % Discount Rate
PIR @ 8 % Discount Rate
Incremental Oil


1.9 Million $
4.4 $/bbl
1.4 MMstb

For field wide implementation, it was assumed that the ICD

will be installed in 70% of the planned future wells as issued
in the Full Field Development Plan. The economics
calculations indicated the following incremental economics

NPV @ 8 % Discount Rate

UTC @ 8 % Discount Rate
PIR @ 8 % Discount Rate
Incremental Oil


43.9 Million $
2.9 $/bbl
36.3 MMstb

Operational feasibility
The operational procedures were discussed within a
multidisciplinary team and it was decided to run an image log
in well D prior to the ICD completion to assist in defining the
required number and locations of ICDs & MPas packers for
the purpose of achieving uniform production profile and
controlling water progress. Based on the reservoir model
permeability profile, the original design was to run 10 ICDs
and 9 MPas packers with possibility to reduce it as deemed
necessary. Moreover, testing procedures and the involved risks
along with its mitigations were also discussed to ensure proper
implementation and safety precautions are met in accordance
to industry standards.
Technique Implementation & Evaluation
Horizontal hole segmentation using ICD (Inflow Control
Device) completion was found to be the optimum option to be
tested as pilot in a new and an existing wells. The new well
was expected to penetrate highly fractured area and the
existing well is also located in highly fractured area. The
implementation and evaluation of the ICD completion are
discussed below:

The results from the two ICD completions were positive, as

the PLT results indicated better inflow profile compared to the
existing openhole completions. Both wells (Well B & D) have
been considered as an economic success and will recover the
targeted oil reserves. The installations of the ICD completions
were successfully implemented in both wells as a result of
proper well planning and wellbore cleaning.
Field-Scale Implementation
The Full Field Development plan is driven by optimizing
ultimate recovery while maintaining / developing sustainable
production capacity throughout longer production plateau

SPE 113563

development plan covering the optimum development scheme
considered the application of ICD as part of enhancing
production efficiency. Different development options were
studied along with the impact of ICD on sweep efficiency and
in-fill drilling program. The main conclusion from this work
was that the application of ICD helps improving the field
economics by optimizing ultimate recovery and can assist in
optimizing the future development drilling & workover



Inflow Control Device

Production Logging Tool
Net Present Value
Unit Technical Cost
Profit Investment Ratio
Electrical Submersible Pump
Stock Tank Barrel

N 70E

Figure 1 Fracture Maps Shown the Two Main

Directions (N40E and N70E)
Reservoir Units



LOWER Reservoir

Conclusions & Recommendations

1. The reliability of the ICD completion to achieve uniform
production profile across the horizontal section was
proved, as both wells showed uniform and better inflow
profile compared to the existing open hole conventional
2. These jobs were the first application of this technique in
United Arab Emirates (UAE).
3. The simulation results are inline with the PLT results.
4. The installations of the ICD completions were
successfully implemented in both wells as a result of
proper well planning and wellbore cleaning.
5. The ICD technique proved effective in minimizing well
water cut as indicated by the PLT (Well B). The latest
well test results showed traces of water production
(almost one year since the installation of the ICD
6. It is recommended to install the ICD completion in some
70% of the future wells (35 wells). This will improve the
field ultimate recovery by 1% (36 MMstb).

N 40E





Figure 2

Reservoir Units

Figure 3

Well A Location on the fracture map

We wish to thank ADNOC for giving the permission to
publish the result of this field case. Also, we are grateful for
continuous support provided by ADCO Management during
the course of the study, from building the business case to
Jody R. Augustine An Investigation of Economic Benefit on
Inflow Control Devices on Horizontal Well Completions
Using a Reservoir-Wellbore Coupled Model SPE 78293
(October 2002).

SPE 113563


Figure 7

Figure 4

Well A PLT Results

Sy-50 Proposed Surface, Landing Point and Bottom Hole Locations

with Respect to Fractures at Simsima R2

Figure 8

Figure 5

Well C PLT Results.

Planned Location of Well D

Well B Location on the fracture map.

Well D

Figure 6

Well B PLT Results

Figure 9

Well D Down hole Completion

SPE 113563

Well D PLT Results, 2007




- 5

Unit 2



l i z e r
b e r

( P


l a
t h

Well B

r i s

l c


l t s

l a t e
a t e


o i l F
b l / d

l o

Figure 12 Well B Down Hole Completion

Well B PLT Results

Figure 10 Well D PLT Results

Rate2, ICD, 2007

Rate1, ICD, 2007

Bare Foot, 2002



8% O ,7 %


5 % O ,0 %





70 % O ,80 %



Figure 11 Well B NetTool Simulation Results

3 % O ,8 % W




15% O ,5%





Figure 13 Well B PLT Results Before and after ICD


SPE 113563


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