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County News

pg 6


Driving rapid palm oil

expansion in Liberia, Global
Witness expos reveals


pg 6


Jury Awards Embassy Suites

Hotel US$1.5M For Loan
Damages At Civil Law Court

pg 5


Sinoe Residents Hoping for
Sustained Post-Celebration


VOL 9 NO.107







That we Matilda W. Parker and Christiana Kparbar Paelay defendants and Family Dollar Universal insurance
services INC by and thru its General Manger Mr. Matthew Zayzay surety, a cooperation organized, registered
do hereby these commit ourselves, administrators and assigns unto the sheriff of this court that Matilda and
Christiana will answer on the charges against them, the defendants criminal appearance bond states.
Excerpts from Criminal Appearance Bond Filed by suspended NPA MD and her comptroller

Law & Order - pg. 10











MONDAY, JULY 20, 2015



MONDAY, JULY 13, 2015

These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of the foreign exchange market
in Monrovia and its environs. The rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the
commercials banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Source: Research, Policy and Planning Department, Central Bank Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia


Page 2 | Frontpage

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Bettie K.Johnson/[email protected]

iberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf used the recent
celebration of Americas 239th Independence anniversary
at the Executive Pavilion on July 2, 2015 to chastise the
U.S. for relying too heavily on local media reports in
highlighting the countrys ills in its annual Human Rights Report.
In taking the U.S. report to task, the Liberian leader suggested
that the U.S, State Department adopts a policy of review and
consultation before releasing the report to the public. I only wish,
given the likelihood that much of the comments in the report are
based on local media reports; and taking into account, comments
in the report on the media, that the US will adopt a policy of
review and consultation before such reports are released.
The U.S. until now has been relatively quiet.
On Wednesday, Ambassador Deborah Malac, U.S. envoy accredited
to Liberia came back firing, just days before Liberia turns 168,
the envoy responding to the Liberian leaders statement while
addressing local media at the U.S. Embassy in Monrovia said that
the U.S. does not necessarily need inform Liberia or any country
prior to the release of its country reports.
The US Reports captured Respect for the Integrity of the Person
including freedom, respect for integrity, respect for civil rights
and political rights, corruption, and transparency in Government,
and workers rights among others.
The most serious human rights abuses were those linked to a
lack of justice, judicial inefficiency, corruption, lengthy pretrial
detention, denial of due process, and harsh prison conditions.
Violence against women and children, including rape and
domestic violence, and child labor were also serious problems.
Other important human rights abuses included reports of Police
abuse, harassment, and intimidation of detainees and others;
arbitrary arrest and detention; official corruption; human
trafficking; racial and ethnic discrimination; discrimination
against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons;
mob killings; and ritualistic killings, the reports.

On Wednesday, Ambassador Malac disclosed that prior to

the reports release, a panel conducts conversations with
organizations that monitor human rights conditions, their
experiences, contacts and communication and not just on media
Said Ambassador Malac: We produced them on conversations
we have with organizations that monitor the human rights
conditions, our experiences, contacts and talking, we dont simply
take things out of the media and put them into the reports, we
checked our information as much as possible.
The U.S. envoy clarified that the panel is not committed to pre clear
with any government and stated that the U.S. does not coordinate

in advance with anyone relating to what goes into the reports,

but we are not committed to pre clear with any government so
we dont coordinate in advance with anyone relating to what goes
into these reports, it is process by which we feel fairly comfortable
with the information that we put in those reports.
Ambassador Malac averred that the U.S. does however accepts
that governments around the world will take exception to things
obtained in the report. What I dont know is what specifically the
President may have been referring to. In the past she has quoted
our human rights report in the state of the Justice system and
other activities.
Ambassador Malac however said she was certain that the Liberian
President was not complaining on the entire report, I am certain
that she (President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf) was not referring to the
entire reports it may be one particular item.
During the U.S. independence celebration in Monrovia, President
Sirleaf said her government took note of the negative things raised
but defended her reign, saying that there is no lack of political will
to improve the issues raised on her government while declaring
that but none has come to reality.
Ambassador Malac said that the U.S. congress mandates them to
bring up human rights report on countries as it is a general rule.
Endorsed by Congress, White House
According to the U.S. State Department website, the annual
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices the Human
Rights Reports cover internationally recognized individual,
civil, political, and worker rights, as set forth in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and other international agreements.
The U.S. Department of State submits reports on all countries
receiving assistance and all United Nations member states to the
U.S. Congress in accordance with the Foreign Assistance Act of
1961 and the Trade Act of 1974.
In May 2010, the White Houses National Security Strategy said
of the annual report: We see it as fundamental to our own
interests to support a just peace around the worldone in which
individuals, and not just nations, are granted the fundamental
rights that they deserve.

Addressing the controversy surrounding Liberias messy

education system, the U.S. envoy pointed out that it is difficult to
improve the school system when there are unqualified teachers
while adding that the US government work with the Educational
partners aimed at improving the capacity of teachers and
improving literacy as it is the first step in education.
Commenting on the cutting down the budget for integrity
institutions, Ambassador Malac stated that people should not
attribute the reduction to governments commitment in fighting

I think people should not describe the reduction in budget to

the governments commitment to the process. Liberia is facing a
real constrain and you have a very small budget for many things,
mainly for a country that has great number of needs and at some
point the reality is with Ebola, and economic recovery. I believe
there is a commitment to support the governments agenda but
the reality is there is not much money to go around the ministries,
she added.
When quizzed on the U.S stance of bringing in war crimes court,
the U.S Ambassador said: The issue of creating a war crimes
court is not ours; it is for Liberians because it goes around
reconciliation, its not for me as an Ambassador, its for Liberians
to come to grip with the past and move forward and unfortunately
I cant give you an answer on that.
The ambassador dismissed reports that media reports that there
are FBI agents in Liberia, stating: There is no FBI agents - and if
they are here, I will know.
The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) recently posted on
its website that it is seeking information from diaspora members,
refugees, and asylum seekers here in the U.S. with knowledge
of human rights violations committed abroad. If you have any
information about perpetrators of genocide, war crimes, or other
related mass atrocities, please submit it to us or
contact your local FBI office, domestically or internationally.

Ambassador Malac also paid homage to the government over its

handling of the latest resurgence of Ebola, stating that the U.S.
has been overwhelmed at the level of work done on the new
outbreak. We are glad with the governments handling of the
new outbreak as she revealed that the US is providing assistance
to build the health system and build public health infrastructure
and going forward in collaboration and coordination to support
the governments plan.
The envoy continued: The good news is there are plans underway
so that the issues can be done as soon as possible; that is, efforts
are on the way and we are committed to engage in the health
sector as many of you know that the CDC prevention has opened
an office here in Liberia and will be here in the coming years for
the response because they are here to build capacity and public
Ambassador Malac said the U.S. remains committed to improving
economic and agricultural sections and looking at how it can, not
only spread agriculture production; but also provide that as a way
to provide private sector and capacity of improving the energy
The US Ambassador also consoled the families of late Islamic
cleric Sheik Kafumba Konneh whom she described as a critical

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Page 3


By Martin K. N. Kollie - Youth Activist, [email protected], Contributing Writer



ON MONDAY, JULY 20, the BBC published an incredibly

disturbing report that detailed the trafficking of young Liberian
footballers to Laos. Inside the report, the BBC noted that young
players gratefully accept invitations [to Laos], since Liberia
lacks a football academy of its own, despite being the only
African country to have produced a FIFA World Player of the
Year George Weah in 1995.
While it is true Liberia currently lacks a football academy, that
will no longer be the case come October.
Allow us to introduce you to the Monrovia Football Academy
Liberias first football school.
In May 2013, Sekou Georgie Manubah and Will Smith met at
a pickup football game in Paynesville. Until that point, our lives
had followed completely different trajectories.
GEORGIE WAS BORN in Paynesville. As a young boy, he
showcased great football talent, and it soon led to professional
contracts and a spot on the Liberian national team. From 2005
to 2012, Georgie played for clubs in various parts of the world.
By the time he was playing in that pickup game in Paynesville,
he had already been a member of four professional clubs and
played in numerous matches for the Lone Stars.
BY CONTRAST, Will Smith (no, not that Will Smith) was born in
Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Although Will had some success as
a young footballer, he did not experience the same rise to the
professional or international levels. He would ultimately play
football for the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg,
Virginia, earning a bachelor's degree in Political Science and
French. Later, he would complete a master's in African Studies
at the University of Oxford.
DESPITE OUR DIFFERENT life paths, our education and our
experiences with football gave us a very similar way of seeing
and interpreting the world. As we spent more time together
on that pitch in Paynesville, it was thus no surprise that we
developed a strong friendship and sense of understanding.
Within a few weeks, Georgie was inviting Will into his Liberian
circles, introducing him to football legends whom Will grew up
idolizing (such as Senator George Weah). These introductions
led to a few incredible experiences, including playing together in
front of 35,000 people at the Liberian Peace and Reconciliation
WHEN IT WAS TIME for Will to return to university, Georgie
revealed to Will a dream he has always had: to start the first
football school in Liberia. It sounded like a great idea, but given
our respective plans at the time, it was not going to be possible
for at least a couple of years. We decided we would keep it in
mind, and return to it when the time was right.
That time has come. In the aftermath of the Ebola crisis, we are
determined to contribute to the rebuilding process and give
Liberia's youth access to better opportunities than they would
otherwise have.
TODAY, WE ARE introducing the Monrovia Football Academy
(MFA), the first football school in Liberia. In October, MFA will
bring together 20 boys and 20 girls, ages 9 and 10, and the
ultimate goal is to provide these talented young footballers
with a quality education, formal football coaching, and life skills
lessons on the football pitch. At the moment, we are working
closely with our key partners Senator Weah, the Ministry of
Youth and Sports, and the Ministry of Education to finalize
our location and initiate the application process. Within the
next few weeks, we will have plenty more information about
the initiative, including details on how prospective students can
apply to our school.
FOOTBALL HAS TAUGHT us many lessons, and one of those
is perseverance. We know that at times, it will be tough. We'll
get tired, and we'll just want to take a break. But to overcome
adversity, one must persevere. And to persevere is to give
everything one has. We promise to do just that.
We're excited, and we hope you'll join us.

ong before the declaration of our Independence in 1847,

the freedom of our forebears to dictate their own political
and economic destiny was under hostage. For 25 unbroken
years, the sovereignty and self-governance of a land
which would later be known as Liberia was determined by an
International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) called the
American Colonization Society.
After several years of hard labor and inhumane treatment in the
United States, the chain of slavery was finally untied from the
hands and legs of black slaves. In 1822, a new territory in Africa call
Liberia was founded by the ACS to accommodate freed black slaves.
I can imagine how though it was for these settlers to safely sail on
a dark continent like Africa. Even though it was difficult traveling
long distances, but nothing could easily bend their determination
from seeking refuge in a new home where freedom was accessible.
On February 6, 1821, the first batch of 88 immigrants left New York
and harbored in Liberia. This was a new beginning of establishing
a young nation. Upon the arrival of these settlers, they met
indigenous occupants on ground with unique cultural pattern and
values. Americo-Liberians were gently given an olive branch by
original owners of this soil at the time. As a result of indigenous
kindness and generosity, Americo-Liberians had breathing space to
co-exist on the Providence Island.
After few months, the interest of these strangers grew larger. Their
quest for expansion became a paramount priority. The memory
of slavery was still fresh on their minds. As a result, they had no
intention to unite with those they met on ground. Instead, colonists
thought it was a good idea to promote disunity and disintegration
by subjecting the natives to unjust and inhuman treatments.
Internal bickering and power struggle became the order of the day.
There were series of wars between the colonists and indigenes.
This was a bitter start for Liberia! I think if two parties (both
natives and settlers) were going to cordially cultivate unity from
the very beginning, our country would have been a better society.
Regrettably, deep division characterized the formation of Africas
first Independent nation.
From 1821 to 1847, Liberians were indirectly ruled by foreigners.
From the Colonial to Commonwealth era, the determination of
self-governance was invisible. The British and French also took
advantage of a conflict-ridden settlement by encroaching on
our land. Even though there was segregation, but delegates from
various colonies were ready to embrace an independent status
after two and the half decades of external control and threats. Their
readiness was uncompromising!
A new and lone nation in Africa was finally given birth to at an
official constitutional convention held in 1847. There were 12
delegates from Montserrado, Sinoe, and Grand Bassa Counties
who subsequently adopted the declaration of independence and
constitution on July 16, 1847. At long last, on July 26, 1847, a
young African American man from Virginia named Joseph Jenkins
Roberts declared the colony of Liberia an Independent Republic.
The Lonestar rose above Africa as an inspiration to other colonized
territories. Our country became known worldwide from that
moment. Many saw us as a symbol of hope and a shining star of
democratic radiation in Africa.
I am left to wonder why Long Peter, Sao Boso, and other native
Kings didnt participate in this crucial convention even though they
were an integral part of the society. It is left with you to answer this
question. Despite the situation, there were unique promises made
during Independence. Those promises are still loud in our ears and
can never be forgotten. The promise of self-determination, security,
freedom, peace, unity, equality, dignity, justice, and civil liberty
were guaranteed in one voice by the founders and forefathers of
this state.
After 167 years of existence, the question that seems too hard to
answer in some quarters is HAS OUR INDEPENDENCE MET ITS
PROMISE? I want to emphatically say NO! The promise of Liberias
independence is still lingering in the wilderness of uncertainty. After
more than a century of political endurance, where is democratic
inclusion where is equality where is economic freedom where
is Justice - where is unity where is patriotism where are all
these good promises? The state remains at a standstill whenever
self-seeking economic migrants excel to prominence. Our past and
present as a nation clearly show the lack of political will to uphold
and defend these fundamental promises of our independence.
The significance of preserving our sovereignty goes beyond
everyones interest and imagination. Overtime, most citizens
have lost appetite to celebrate Liberias birth anniversary simply
because they believe that it is worthless to be happy in the midst
of poverty and hardship. Independence Day is meant to revive
national courage and restore broken hopes. Independence renews
good memories of economic, political, and social transformation.
Independence means for everyone regardless of your status to
have access to basic social services. It also means to equitably
distribute national resources. Other countries around the world
are eager to celebrate their independence because the promises of
their independence are still in tight!
Recently, Americans happily observed their independence because
the promises of America yesterday are still upheld today. Due to
the conducive political and economic environment existing in
Ghana, there was a nationwide independence celebration on March
06 of this year. I saw smiles on the faces of Ghanaians. They had
sufficient reasons to commemorate such a special day. Their flag
was high up in the sky projecting an emblem of a progressive and
inclusive society. How can Liberia boast of being 168 years old
when most of its citizens are subjected to economic deprivation,
marginalization, and destitution? How can we brag of being the
trendsetter of Independence in Africa, when our economy is at
the verge of collapse? Why arent we growing along with our age?
This is a big shame to Africas first Independent Republic. Even
though we have abundance of natural resources with a very small
population, our country remains one of the poorest on earth. I
refuse to accept that this sweet land of liberty is cursed!
The countrys greatest problem has been its leaders. Most

politicians in Liberia careless to improve the living standard of

ordinary people. They go extra mile to achieve their selfish political
ambition and enrich themselves through ill-transparent practices.
They lack integrity to protect the constitution which guarantees
the inalienable rights of all citizens.
It is very unfortunate for our leaders today to forget the promise
of self-determination. Patriots like Hilary Johnson and J. J. Roberts
made sacrifices to secure the status of nationhood for Liberia. The
destiny of the oppressed majority is still imprisoned by members
of the elite class. This country belongs to all Liberians; as such,
divisiveness and class system must come to an end. The principle
of egalitarianism is an unparalleled catalyst of national healing and
reconciliation. Everyone must be given a fair chance to chart his/
her own course politically, socially, and economically. Realities in
the recent past and now suggest that our country has not aspired to
the level of self-determination. What a promise betrayed! When our
sitting President said in her first inaugural address that she looks
forward to see Liberia becoming a success story of America, did
the president really calculate the implications? For me, that was
an understatement. When the story is written about how America
through Firestone has and continues to exploit Liberia and its
people for 89 years now, I wonder what will the president say.
The promise of Security, Peace, Equality and Freedom has been
suppressed by elitists and imperialists. The society is still insecure.
Without security, it is impossible to achieve economic growth and
democratic sustainability. Due to poor security system, criminal
rate is high on the increase. The rule of law is not taking root
because some enforcers of the law are unaware about the law.
The rights of impoverished citizens are mostly infringed upon by
higher-ups. I thought the framers of our constitution said everyone
regardless of your social status should have access to unlimited
security and Justice. Regrettably, the rich and powerful continue
to enjoy maximum security and justice at the expense of ordinary
peasants. With the draw-down exercise of UNMIL, our nation
stands at serious security risk. I hope this government under
Madam Sirleafs rule will mitigate this gap.
Though the objective of our founding fathers was to establish a
country of peace and tranquility, but after 167 years, peace amongst
Liberians is invisible. Peace cannot come when one group of people
are being unfairly treated. Peace can only come when everybody
has access to equal opportunities and privileges.
We fought war in this country due to dissatisfaction and discontent.
We had no reason to kill each other for 15 years. Sadly, we had
to thread the path of civil unrest because certain individuals felt
they were more citizens than others. Certain individuals felt that
the presidency was a family inheritance. As a result of this, greedy
politicians took advantage of the situation by infiltrating the
ignorance and gullibility of our people.
Today, the innocent blood of over 250,000 Liberians who were
victimized by this senseless crisis is crying out for Justice. Our
peace still remains fragile as the symptoms of displeasure and
public discontent continue to undermine national reconciliation.
Reconciliation is possible, but through sincerity, honesty, justice
and transparency. We cannot be preaching reconciliation why
corruption in public service is evident. We cannot be preaching
peace when our hydrocarbon resources are abused. We cannot
promote togetherness when our educational system is messy. We
cannot sing the song of freedom when our health sector is poor.
We cannot preach unity, when the gap of economic equality is very
wide. If we are given the opportunity to freely and equally vote, we
must also be given the opportunity to freely and equally share in
our nations wealth.
We have achieved political freedom to some extent, but where is
the economic freedom? Our current dilemma is more economical.
Until we can fight to gain economic independence, our political
situation will continue to shift downward. Liberia cannot get better
when the hope and aspiration of our Independence are decaying.
This country is far from getting better when our young sisters are
sexually enslaved and trafficked by foreigners. A just and equal
society procreates peace and unity. The failure of politicians over
the years to pledge their uncompromising loyalty and allegiance to
Liberia has led to an uneven nation.
Noticeable indicators in Liberia have made most Liberians to lose
taste about celebrating Liberias birth day. We know how they feel
right now. We share in their sorrow, pain, and agony. We empathize
with street children, widows, teachers, students, shoe-shine boys,
wheelbarrow pushers, taxi-drivers, marketers, push-push riders,
petit traders, car loaders, rock crushers, and all less-fortunate
citizens who are in serious economic torment. Dont give up
Keep holding on! Change is on the way.
Why must Liberia be the 7th poorest country when its soil is
blessed with abundant natural resources? Liberia according to
transparency international 2013 barometer report was rated
as the most corrupt country along with Mongolia in the world.
Over 80% of Liberians live below the line of poverty, while 85%
are unemployed. We have more than 16 billion direct foreign
investments, but the living condition of our people is awkward. Why
must we celebrate independence when 66 out of 68 concession
agreements did not meet the minimum standard of the PPCC
and PFM laws? Liberias inflation rate is 7.30% while import rate
stands at $2.457 billion. I wonder where we stand with all these
downward trends. There is nothing to celebrate because the hope
of our independence is unseen in practical terms. We call on all
Liberians to peacefully protest on July 26 by boycotting all national
programs around the country. 168 years is enough to transform our
condition. Join us to fight against nepotism, corruption, patronage,
injustice, and inequality.
About The Author: Martin K. N. Kollie is a Liberian youth activist,
student leader, an emerging economist, and a young writer. He is
currently a student at the University of Liberia reading Economics
and a member of the Student Unification Party (SUP). His passion
is to ensure a new Liberia of socio-economic equality and justice
for ALL. He can be reached at: [email protected]

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Page 4 | Frontpage




Seltue R Karweaye Sr. Top Commenter 490 followers
Until Liberia promote Transitional Justice, there will be no
sustainable peace in Liberia. Folks, Peace is not the present
of Warlords, and Supporters of Warlords in Public Offices or
running for Public offices in a Vampire State, But Peace is the
Present Justice!

Emmett Mollihi Watson Jr. Top Commenter International

Consultant-Gender in Humanitarian Action at UN Women
Good news! However, the photo captioned John T. Richardson is
Coocoo Dennis. We need to bring to book all those responsible
for the death and destruction in Liberia. That's the only way
Liberia will see lasting peace. May the souls of those departed
rest in peace.

Sylvester Moses Top Commenter Works at Self-Employed

While the financiers, prosecutors, and fighters are in the
Executive, Legislature, and Judiciary, and some in our foreign
embassies, security sector, corporations, etc. the immensity
of the effort would ironically be destabilizing for the nation.
The country isnt ready for such agonizing scrutiny. Thats
why an option was for EJS to use good governance bring
about recompensing reconciliation. Nobody likes anyone who
reminds I told you so! Nonetheless, this advice is reminiscent
of one written by my operational staff at MNS in a memo to the
then CIA Director, William H. Webster, who was visiting Liberia
around September 1989.
President Bush had signaled a new policy, yet our regime was
asking Mr. Webster for logistical support. Anticipating that it
was foolhardy, our memo warned that the pending insurgency
would lead to unintended consequences. I personally delivered
it to him at RIA before his departure. Even when he was leaving
we knew it was hopeless. The US wanted the regime out as a
result of the bloody disproportionate reprisals for the 1985
invasion. Nations learn from past mistakes, but they cant from
what they dont know; thus, our adopting the need to know
principle here wouldve been self defeating. Its Liberia
stability at stake, be careful what you wish.
Sylvester Moses Top Commenter Works at Self-Employed
Brother Seltue Karweaye, every Liberian lost a loved one so your
position about the linkage between peace and justice resonates.
But our historical ethnic and cultural animosities have made
mockery of the word justice. Allegedly, pay back for late
1900s and early 20th century injustices, for example, historical
hangings, sealed the fate of the 13 martyrs, and that combined
with the 1985 overreaction fueled the genocidal bloodletting of
the 1989 insurgency. When then would there be reconciliation
and sustainable peace should we continue to allow the past to
bury a united future?
In remarking on the vicious cycle of this eye for an eye credo
(which has infected the national psyche), Law professor Thane
Rosenbaum writing in The Chronicle of Higher Education
observes that a call for justice is always a cry for revenge.
Liberia is still a fragile state, lets be careful of overzealousness
that would repeat the mistakes of the past. May be, we can learn
a thing or two from Abraham Lincolns post war response to
the Confederacy. Im far from being a dove, but one must look
beyond the clouds to glimpse the radiance of celestial harmony.
Goah Bernard Top Commenter Oregon Institute of Technology
Since cessation of hostilities in 2003 Liberians have not
taken definitive measures to prevent a repeat of another civil
madness. The absence of war in Liberia currently, which is only
due primarily to the presence of UN Troops on the ground, does
not equate to peace. To believe other-wise is a complete illusion.
Unlike Sierra Leone, Rwanda and other countries where in
the post-conflict period maximum attention has been given
to tackling the root causes of the violence in order to ensure
deterrence; Liberia, on the other hand, has done just the
opposite. Those who orchestrated the mayhem are now ruling
the country and dictating the pace of reconciliation. This is
no way to restore peace following a brutal war where more
than 200,000 civilians were murdered and almost the entire
population uprooted.
Bernard Gbayee Goah - President, Operation We Care for
Liberia, Folokulah Johnson Mount Laurel, New Jersey
We want to thank the international community for taking this
initiative, which is geared toward retributing perpetrators of
war and economic crimes. I will also like to call on the Liberian
people to began taking the lead, it is said when someone is
scrubbing your back u should scrub your belleh. Let us now
show those war mongers that enough is enough, its time for


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The Editor

his write-up is an open letter of appeal to the Government

of Liberia in particular the Office of the President,
Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, the Ministry of Education,
the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Development,
including the newly formed Liberian Revenue Authority, to kindly
assist in the release of forty foot goodwill container, currently
languishing at the Port of Monrovia for the last two months.
During the early part of January, our foundation, The Prince
Ibrahima & Isabella Freedom Foundation, Inc., an Illinois notFor Profit organization was contacted by Dr. Michael Wannah,
Chair of the Department of Education at Concordia University
and current president of the Liberian Studies Association, about
the goodwill of the Plainfield Catholic Archdiocese, the largest
Catholic School District in the state of Illinois, intention to build a
modern library in honor of Fr. Tikpor, the renown Liberian prelate
in his hometown of Grand Bassa County.
More than $250,000 worth of brand new school books from
grade 1-12 including teachers editions, were donated, including
laboratory equipment (microscopes, computers, laptops, and
others school supplies) for this worthy educational project in
Liberia with hope of a second container to be sent in August for
the official ground breaking ceremonies in September. PIIFF, Dr.
Wannah and the Catholic Diocese were able to raise more than
$10,000.00 to send the container to Liberia which arrived at the
Port of Monrovia since March, 2015.
Accordingly, PIIFF made a payment of $5000 through its broker
to begin the process of clearing the container but was told after
more than a month that the container could not be cleared until
an additional $4600 is paid to the Liberian Revenue Authority
as fine for the foundations failure to carry out a pre-inspection
through BIVAC in the United States. Sadly, while this fine has not
yet been paid, the container is incurring massive storage of more
than $35 a day for the last two months.
It is on this basis of the excessive fine and sadly, our attempt
to assist in the rebuilding of our country, especially the irony
of a broken education system in the nation, that we find it so
unfathomable to be punished for trying to assist our country
in its rebuilding process especially the humanitarian gesture of
facilitating in the building of a free library in honor of Fr. Tikpor
by the Illinois based Catholic School District.
The foundation faced similar hurdle during the Ebola crisis of
2014 when more than $5 million dollars of donated relief food and
medical supplies were given to the Liberian people through various
agencies in the State of Illinois. When the Liberian community in
Illinois contacted various authorities in Liberia, including officials
of the Liberian Government, they each demanded that the items
be sent directly to them, in contravention to the donors wishes.
The delays led us losing half of the supplies but a SOS placed to
one of our partners, The Hands of Hope Foundation, headed by
Dr. Troy Benitone and his team, we were able to salvage at least
half of the relief foods and medical supplies that were eventually
shipped to Liberia and distributed free of charge to students, and
healthcare workers in rural Liberia during the early part of this
Finally, it is our hope and prayers, Madam President, for the
common good of our beloved country, especially the good gesture
of the Illinois based foundation and Roman Catholic Church, in
building the much needed library in honor of Father Tikpor, that
you kindly intervene in the release of this container Reference
No: GIS000684-01 Booking No.NAM2033491 B/L: GIS001701


May God grant us wisdom, patience, and courage, as we all make
our contribution to the rebuilding of our beloved country, Liberia.
Thank you so much for the kind considerations.
Respectfully Yours,

Artemus W. Gaye, PhD

(President, The Prince Ibrahima & Isabella Freedom Fdn) Chicago,


The Editor,

he proof is in the pudding; it is not over until the fat lady

sings; it is not over until the final whistle---all notable
quotes about the unknown and anticipated outcome or
finality of a much publicized game, trial, controversy or
event. And this case: Liberia versus Matilda Parker & accomplices
fits the bill. But Liberians, the United Nations and our chief
supporter the United States of America, all know the suspect
nature of the corrupt judiciary where money triumphs over
justice and litigants with the deep pockets often prevail.
We also know the powerful influences of the Executive over the
judiciary in cases as we saw in the 2013 case: Chris Toe vs. FPA/
Rodney Sieh. Then there is the ever present in all matters of the
influential and powerful Big Sister Jennie Bernard, the godmother
in the First Family and gatekeeper to Little Sister President. In
an appearance on the ELBS Radio program, "Conversation With
The President, " President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf told listeners
that when crooks get in trouble (corruption), they first run to
the Great Mediator Big Sister Jennie Bernard to plea for political
forgiveness for their sins. Unless you are from another planet,
every Liberian knows the "cold water" corruption culture when
favor is sought and done.
In our African culture and tradition, nothing tops the
unquestioned obedience to your elders, not even if one's youngest
sibling is President of Liberia. The President confessed on the
radio program that she is powerless to go against the wishes
and demands of her Big Sister who is the undisputed head of the
Sirleaf Clan. Watch out for Jennie as she calls the shots in this trial
from her hidden bunkers both in Liberia or her plush mansion in
faraway Long Island, New York. Let the fireworks begin.
Liberians should not jump for joy in this case to expect the
unexpected that Parker will move to the South Beach Prison
because this is Liberia where the outcome in judicial matters over
the decades are a foregone conclusion even before the case gets
underway, political or criminal cases. Matilda Parker has deep
pockets and powerful connections and my bet is she walks free,
unless a miracle happens.
Jerry Wehtee Wion,
Journalist and Political Commentator,
Washington, DC, USA


Rodney D. Sieh, Managing Editor, 0886-738-666;

077-936-138, [email protected];
[email protected]
Samwar S. Fallah, News Desk Chief, 0886-527
541, [email protected]
Danesius Marteh, Sports Editor, danesius.
[email protected], 0886236528
James-Emmanuel D. Cole, Jr, Graphics Designer
& Layout Editor, [email protected];
0886 211 390, 0777 027 030
Henry Karmo, Reporter, henry.karmo@
Bettie Johnson, Reporter, , / betty.johnson@

Al-varney Rogers, Reporter,, 0886-304498
Kennedy L. Yangian, Reporter, kennedy.yangian@ 0777296781
A. Macaulay Sombai, Sports Reporter, macaulay.sombai@, 077217428
Grand Bassa, Alpha Daffae Senkpeni, 0777432042
Bong County, Selma Lomax, selma.lomax@, 0886-484666
Kadi Coleman Porte, 0886-304-178/ 0777832753,
[email protected]

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Page 5

Greenville, Sinoe County

young men sat
under a makeshift
shelter watching
attentively as two others play
a game of checkers, describe
by many as a brain puzzler.
All of them very focused and
obviously eager to take on the
winner of the game.
At the end of each game, the
winner gets away with only
pride and no cash prize.
The makeshift shop is Seebah
Towns intellectual Forum,
a venue for discussing
key issues. Contemporary
issues, issues shifting the
development of Sinoe County.
For a bystander, it did seem
during a recent visit that
these forum members were
quite interested in chattering
the current issue: that their
beloved Sinoe County will in
the next couple of days host the
countrys 168th independence

Seebah Town is just about a

mile outside the port city of
Greenville, one of Liberias
oldest cities.
Just 50 feet away from the
intellectual forum, three road
works machines were buzzing
as engineers from Atlantic
company operating in the
county, struggle to rehabilitate
a terrible part of the road while
torrential rain pose its own
natural problem. Kpanyan road
is the main route to Grand Kru
County, the other host of this
years national celebration.
For over five days now the
engineers have been working
day and night and if they failed
to repair that damage part
of the road, President Ellen
Johnson-Sirleaf will find it
improbable to travel by road to
Meanwhile, the intellectualists
cum checker-players are not
perturbed by the loud noise
and honking from the earthmoving equipment as they
continue to play one game
after the other. Many of them
say they are blissful about
the independence celebration
coming to their county but
remain cautious about the
sustainability of whatever
projects implemented in the
county while others described
the preparation as last
minute to time that risk being
abandoned right after the
Im not in the position to
say anything because it is
too late and what I will say
cannot make any changes,
a man appeared to be in his
early 50s laments as he snub
an interview attempt from a
visiting journalist.
The man turns his attention
back to the checker game
now between two new
opponents. He later identifies
himself as Garrison Geeplay,
the Secretary General of the
Seebah Community - a town
about a mile outside the port
city of Greenville.



We will be hosting foreign guests and others but when you look at the roads in our county they are
very, very deplorable. Garrison Geeplay, the Secretary General of the Seebah Community
Alpha Daffae Senkpeni, [email protected]

before President Sirleaf, her

entourage, foreign diplomats
and a crowd of government
officials arrived in the next
couple of days.
Unlike Mr. Geeplay, the
President of the Sinoe Youth
Association, Roland C. Sneh
opted for an interview saying
hes also upbeat by the
opportunity that his county
is co-hosting the festival
especially with a multipurpose
youth center built for the youth
and will be dedicate soon by
Her Excellency. But Sneh too
is concern about the eleventh
hour preparation asserting
that national government is
slow in meeting the needs of
the people.
We will be hosting foreign
guests and others but when
you look at the roads in our
county they are very, very
deplorable, he said arguing
that several projects are not
completed and may even be

ignored or abandon right after

the celebration.
Liberia is like Santa Claus
because when you are about
to carry a Santa Claus out
you always dress it and
immediately after the period of
performance you will undress
it, he said incongruously
without a smile. So when
Liberia has an important
event in a county she rush
there to carry out quick
impact projects, let me be
fair with you after the 26
(Independence Day) projects
like the electrification of the
city will not be sustained,
Sneh added.
The pessimism is visible
amongst people of Sinoe County
admits the fascination about
playing host and benefiting
from over US$2million dollars
worth of projects. Sinoe
County was robbed of its first
chance to host the celebration
in 2014 due to delays over


Geeplay insists nothing will

change the rush to complete

the completion of several

projects including the roads.
Many now say the blessings
of the national festivity will
be the impact of development
even if it is short-lived and
Superintendent Romeo Quiah
in a recent interview with FPA
revealed a plan to sustain all
the projects once the party
is over. Quiah promised to
privatize some of the facilities
which he said will be managed
by private businesses.
We have established plan
b because for anything you
do when theres no plan b
it leads to occasion failure,
the very vocal and vigorous
county superintendent said
in a walking-mood-interview
- a strange one though. , we
will privatize those facilities.
We will find competent Sinoe
citizens (business person) who
will run those institutions,
Mr. Quiah confidently stressed
with a facial expression
corresponding with buoyancy.
He added that this will create
employment and improve the
countys hospitality.
But Sinoe Youth President
labelled the Superintendents
strategy as fruitless while
referencing the misused of
public resources in past years.
Lets retrospect about the
guest house which was
managed by Sinoe Trust and
a committee put together to
spearhead activities at the
guest house but today we
dont know where the money
go, Sneh stated. It may be a

good idea but accountability is

The argument of sustainability
appears to be a long term
subject but what needs
immediate strategy is the
terrible condition of the roads.
The Arm Forces of Liberia
Engineers are seen working
on the roads but unfriendly
weather is an adversary that
continues to punish commuters
as well. Transportation fares
have skyrocketed as well as
breakdowns of commercial
vehicles on these slippery and
muddy literate roads. Bridges
and roads rehabilitated but
complaints from residents over
late preparation are evident by
the hash condition travelers
go through daily during these
rainy days.


With the clock counting

down and just days ahead to
Liberias 168th independence
celebration, there are even
more concerns from residents
in Greenville that projects
will not finished in time
contractors are doubling shifts.
Chris Swan, Vice President
of Road Transport Union in
the county doubts a 100%
completion of projects while
describing decision to rush
the completion of projects as
mockery to development. And
the Youth President added:
With just a week to the
program my fear here is the
issue of the road and I doubt
this road will be fixed before
About two miles away from,
Greenville City is Butaw.
Butaw has been in the news
headlines over the last couple
of months in relation to the
rioting and ransacking of
(GVL) compound. Grievances
against the company erupted
into chaos on May 26 leading
to the damaging and looting
of the companys properties.
Dozens of Butaw residents are
now behind bars pending court
trial while their kinsmen back
home demand their release.


A resident, speaking to FPA on
anonymity, said there could be
protest from residents during
the celebration to pressure
President Sirleaf release those
in prison. The speculation
hasnt gained much attention
but over the weekend a
tournament was staged in the
town involving police officers
who were seen smoking peace
pipe with several residents.
The predictableness of any
fiasco is already vanishing but
some residents say it could
be a side attraction to the
celebration as the president
convoy passes through the
the colony of Mississippi
in Africa is Liberias third
original county which joined
the common wealth two
years to its independence in
1847. Measuring the existing
existence is satirical leaving
many of its people to bemoan
the slow pace of development
in the county but with several
projects now significantly
cannot be over emphasized.
With the national government
directing all efforts to impact
development, resident are
pretty hopeful and some
are assertive that President
Sirleafs presence in the county
will change a lot more .
We want the celebration
to come because we want
development, a young job
seeker calling himself Otis
said. He relocated to Sinoe
from Monrovia and has been
in search for job for over
three months from several of
the concessions operating in
the county and now believes
the celebration will improve
his chances. We believe the
President coming will not only
bring development but she
will say some things that will
help we the young people and
even bring the county together
for development, Otis said

Page 6 | Frontpage


Thursday, July 23, 2015




Driving rapid palm oil expansion in Liberia, Global Witness expos reveals, Says
Urgent reforms needed to protect citizens and regulate plantation companies

Jury Awards Embassy Suites Hotel US$1.5M

For Loan Damages At Civil Law Court

Kennedy L. Yangian
[email protected] 0777296781

Monrovia he Ecobank Liberia Limited was Wednesday declared

liable to pay US1.5M in damages at the Civil Law
court by a six-member jury that returned from an
hour-long room of deliberation.
The bank had been initially sued for US$3.5M for general and
US$ 72,000 punitive damages but jurors returning from the
room of deliberation reduced the amount to US$1.5m
The six-member jury in a statement read by their forelady
(name not disclosed) told the court Wednesday that from a
careful review of the evidence in the case it was convinced
that the bank was found liable for the damages.
We the six member jurors unanimously agreed that the
Ecobank is found liable the jurors through their forelady
The decision by the jurors followed after the bank was sued
at the Civil Law Court at the Temple of Justice early this year
by the Embassy Suite Hotel located in the Diplomatic enclave
of Mamba Point when the hotel management accused the
bank of wrongful closure on October 5, 2014 for loan the hotel
allegedly owned the bank.
In the complaint to the court the Management of the Embassy
Suite stated that` officers of the Commercial Court at the
Temple of Justice acting upon order of the Ecobank moved
into its premises and ordered the hotel closed causing its
customers to leave under the guise that the hotel was indebted
to the bank.
Also in an apparent reaction to the complaint lawyers
representing the Ecobank argued that one of the incorporators
of the bank in person of Anwar Sawoud was indebted to the
bank through a loan of US$500,000 at the time he served as
one of the shareholders of the Liberia Resource Management
Group (LRMG) and later moved to established the Embassy
Suite Inc.
According to the Ecobank lawyers in order to evade the loan
Anwar decided to change LRMG to Embassy Suite to avoid the
payment of the loan in question.
The Ecobank lawyers further that at the time the money was
taken by LRMG the Embassy Suite established in January, 17,
2014 was not established .
This case is about someone taking people money and our role
in this case is to go after the people money and get it back one
of the legal counsels of Ecobank said while charging the juror
going to the room of deliberation.
According to the Ecobank lawyers once Anwar took the
money when he operated the Embassy Suite as a sole
entrepreneurship he must pay the loan under the new
management as Embassy Suite Inc .
Before the jurors verdict the presiding judge Yussif Kaba
charged them to pass their verdict based on the evidence
adduced at the trial and the required law.
It is your duty to pass a verdict based on the evidence in this
trial and it is also your duty to pass a verdict based on the law
Judge Yussif Kaba who endorsed the verdict and has five days
to rule as required by law.

London iberians are reported

to have been being
beaten, threatened,
and arrested for
taking a stand against one
of the worlds biggest palm
oil plantations as it sweeps
across the southeast of
the country, a new Global
Witness expos reveals.
As Liberia emerges as a
new frontier market for
the worlds cheapest, most
popular vegetable oil, The
New Snake Oil details how
state officials are said to be
helping the palm oil company
Golden Veroleum (GVL)
harass communities into
signing away their land and
crush dissent. The report also
documents the huge foreign
investment, state-sanctioned
violence, and regulatory
black holes that are making
this possible.
how GVL accelerated its
operations at the peak
of Liberias 2014 Ebola
outbreak. The company held
meetings with hundreds
of people and encouraged
illiterate citizens to sign
away their land rights when
community support groups
were staying home for risk of
contagion. At this time GVL
almost doubled the size of its
plantation. (1)
discouraged the worlds
major banks from offering
their services. Standard
Citibank alone hold shares
in GVLs parent company
Golden Agri-Resources
(GAR) worth nearly US$ 1.5
billion. (2)
The case of GVL risks
becoming the first chapter
of a longer narrative of
dispossession and abuse.
Liberian President Ellen
Johnson-Sirleaf has made
agriculture a central pillar of

the countrys development

strategy, making repeated
yet so far unfulfilled public
assurances that palm oil will
lift poverty in rural areas. In
response to early protests at
GVLs plantation she called
those who spoke out against
the company unpatriotic
as they risked discouraging
future investors. (3)
Global Witness is calling
on Liberias government to
investigate acts of violence,
pass a law recognising that
rural communities own
their land, and regulate
the countrys agriculture
sector to bring an end to
the impunity enjoyed by
plantation companies.
GVL has bought the rights
to convert 2,600 km2 of
southeast Liberia into an
oil palm estate an area
the size of London and
Barcelona combined. Its
contract is valid for up to 98
years, affecting some 41,000
people. This is the first time
its parent company GAR has
expanded outside its home
country Indonesia, where it
has an appalling track record
for human rights abuses, land
grabbing, and environmental
Liberia is rolling out the
red carpet to a company that
has swindled communities,
forcibly grabbed land and
chain-sawed its way through
rainforests in Asia, said
Global Witness campaign
leader Jonathan Gant. With
the companys first foray
into Africa, at the peak of
the continents deadliest
Ebola epidemic, it is has
manipulated villagers into
signing away the lands they
depend on. This will affect
at least five generations of
families who will likely never
see their land returned to
landowners were encouraged

to hand over their land to

GVL were watched over by
powerful local officials, and
in at least one case armed
police. Global Witness also
documents several accounts
of violent assaults and
arbitrary arrests of those
who voiced their concerns,
events in which the company
claims it played no part. The
benefits offered by GVL to
communities in return have
been negligible. Those willing
to work for the company
are promised access to free
medical support and schools.
(5) For non-employees, the
most tangible negotiated
benefits Global Witness could
find evidence of were six
toilets. Suspicious payments
by GVL to local elites suggest
that they are getting a better
deal. (6) The full responses of
GVL and GAR to the evidence
contained in The New Snake
Oil can be found on the Global
Witness website. (7)
Palm oil risks becoming
Liberias snake oil. Just
as con men in the United
States sold fake snake oil as
medicine, pretending it had
magical healing qualities,
palm oil developers are
selling Liberians what may
turn out to be false promises
of a better future. They are
tricking communities into
giving up the land they rely
on for food and livelihoods
and giving them very little,
if anything, in return, said
Ten percent of Liberia is now
earmarked for agricultural
plantations an area three
times the size Beijing. This
rapid expansion is taking
place in a legal vacuum.
There are no laws in Liberia
to govern how agriculture
awarded contracts, how they
should operate, or how they
will be held to account.
It is unacceptable to

view the well-being of

people as inferior to an
investment contract, said
Gant. Development is not
development if it involves
poorest citizens of their
land. If Liberians are to
benefit from palm oil they
must be free to choose for
or against it, and have the
information and support
they need to negotiate on
their own terms. Until that
time, the government should
stop Golden Veroleum from
expanding onto new land,
and set a precedent for the
other foreign companies
poised to cash in on Liberias
vast natural wealth.
Between August and October
2014, when the Ebola
outbreak was at its peak,
GVL signed MOUs covering
134 km2 of community land.
Prior to the outbreak the
company had signed MOUs
covering 166 km2. Between
April and December 2014,
GVL used bulldozers to
expand its plantation over 54
km2. In the three years prior
to this, GVL had only cleared
a total of 58 km2. GVL has
stated that its activities in
2014 were part of its longterm plan.
Standard Chartered holds
US$ 710 million in GAR stock,
HSBC holds US$ 409 million,
and Citibank holds US$ 358
million together almost
one third of the companys
shares. Representatives of
HSBC and Citibank state that
these shares are held in
custody for other ultimate
(beneficial) shareholders.
Global Witness has also found
evidence that some GVL
staffers are reportedly not
employed by the company
directly, but instead are being
subcontracted. It is unclear
will get the same benefits
as employees. GVL has
stated that it may employ
some subcontractors but
is not aware of any such
GVL rents its office space
from Milton Teahjay, Senator
for Sinoe County as an
office, for US$ 18,000 per
year, which is around three
times the average rental
rate for the region. GVL
had a similar arrangement
with Teahjays predecessor,
Senator Mobutu Nyenphan,
where the companys annual
rent was US$ 35,000. GVL has
stated that these rents were

Thursday, July 23, 2015



Selma Lomax, [email protected]

Gbarnga, Bong County

collaboration with
the United States
department of State on
Wednesday July 22, 2015
mitigating Local Disputes
in Liberia Program at the
building in Bong County.
headed by Superintendent
Selena Polson-Mappy, is a
composition of 15 members
including the commanders
of the Bureau of Immigration
Liberia National Police, the
National Security Agency,
the County Health Officer, the
County Agriculture Officer
and other security apparatus
as well as civil society
organizations, focuses on
security issues.

Speaking at the official

Assistant Justice Minister
represented the Ministry of
Justice, said the introduction
of the program is the result
of numerous assessments
across the country and the
subsequent passage of the
security sector reform and
Intelligence act in 2011.
Minister Gbemie said the
program would focus mainly
on human security, protection
of culture and health as well
as food security Minister
Gbemie said it would bridge
the gap faced by people in
remote places in the County
and getting their messages to
the National level.
This program is not about the
American government and
people but an opportunity
through our partners to
ensure those issues that take
place in other communities

especially the ones that

borders on security get to
the appropriate authorities
on time, Minister Gbemie
Minister further challenged
the people of Bong County to
see the program as their own
by working with the County
and district councils as well
as the community forums to
ensure the objectives of the
project are achieved.
For his part, the Mitigating
Local Disputes in Liberia
(MLDL) program manager,
Martins J. Sopp, made it
clear that the MLDL program
is intended to support the
efforts of the government of
Liberia in the maintenance of
peace and reconciliation.
Mr. Sopp said the MLDL
program in Bong will be
working in two districts
in Bong County, namely:
Suakoko and Kpaii under the

district security council with

a membership of 20 persons.
He also disclosed that
the program would work
with two community fora
in Zowienta Kpaii district
and Sinyea Suakoko with
a composition of thirty
members each.
Mr. Sopp further that under
the program the various
structures will be trained
by the Ministry of Justice
and the National security
council to ensure efficiency
and effectiveness during the
course of the program.
Mr. Sopp expressed the
hope that the program could
extend to Fuamah, Salala and
other districts in Bong County
in the future depending on
donors support.
Also speaking the National
deputy security adviser to the
President and a member of
the National Security Council

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and the

people of Liberia for their
continued commitment to see
Liberia become a productive,
functioning society. Mr. Yacob
Batshon said that Winners Inc.

believes in the possibilities

that the new Liberia hold
and pledged his companys
support to the promotion of
the development agenda of
Winners Inc. sees itself
as a firm Partner with the
Government and people of
Liberia and when the nation
is gathering in celebration of
its Birth anniversary, we must
contribute to help make this
a grand and worthy one. We
are even more moved by the
decision of the President and
Cabinet to have the July 26
celebration rotate from county
to county. This year, as Sinoe
and Grand Kru play hosts,
Winners is providing this
consignment of over 140 bags
of rice and several cartons of
fish to support governments

efforts in ensuring a festive

celebration. Mr. Batshon said.
Additionally, Winners Inc.
has agreed to support varied
other projects in Buchanan
City, Grand Bassa County and
around the country to help give
the counties a face-lift for the
July 26 celebrations. Giving
back to the communities in a
socially responsible way is a
key attitude of our company.
Winners continue to provide
hundreds of jobs for many
Liberians and projects that the
company will in the next 12
months be able to create more
jobs in line with governments
jobs creation policy.
Winners Inc wishes President
Boikai and Mrs. Boikai, The
Speaker and Members of
the Legislature; the Chief



Monrovia he Chief Executive

Officer of Winners
Inc., Liberias leading
Company has hailed President

the project on behalf of

the Liberian government
reminded the people of
Bong County to realize that
their security is in their own
Mr. Duo said, one of the
reasons for the organization
of the County Security
community people quickly
channel their grievances to
national authorities .
Mr. Duo commended the
US government through
the US States department
for funding the program
and pledged governments
unflinching support to the
Speaking of behalf of the
people of Bong County, the
Assistant Superintendent for
Development, Mr. Anthony
Boakai Sheriff, who proxy
for Superintendent Selena
Polson Mappy described the
launch of the program in Bong

Justice, Associate Justices and

members of the Judiciary ;
The Cabinet; the Doyen and
members of the Diplomatic
Corp, The Executive Director,
Chairman and members of the
Board of the National Lottery
Authority and all peace-loving
Liberians a safe and joyous
July 26, 2015. Winners Inc
reaffirms its support to the
government and thanks the
National Lottery Authority for
its leadership in the sector.
The consignment was received
by the Deputy Director-

Page 7

County as an opportunity for

the peace and stability of the
Mr. Sheriff further assured
that the leadership of the
county and encouraged
citizens to take ownership of
the program by engaging in a
massive awareness campaign
in towns and villages across
the county.
More than 150 opinion
leaders including, district
commissioners, paramount
and clan chiefs, women and
youth leaders as well as
civil society organizations
attended the program.
Others included, MLDL Chief
of team in Liberia Marti Troy,
Deputy BIN Commissioner
Peter Zayzay, the UN family,
guests from the US Embassy
and proxies for Lawmakers
of the County.
The Mitigating Local Disputes
Liberia program is funded by
the United States department
of State through the Bureau
of International Narcotic
and Law enforcement and
implemented by the Kaizen
The Bong County program
is a pilot phrase expected to
last for three years.

General for Operations at the

General Services Agency Hon.
Borkai Sirleaf on behalf of
Director-General Mary Broh
and the people of Liberia. Hon
Sirleaf thanked Winners, Inc.
for the donation and reminded
the company that it has
always contributed to national
programs and serves as a firm
supporter of the governments
developmental agenda. The
Marketing Manager of Winners
Inc made the donation then
on behalf of the CEO and
Management of Winners, Inc.


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Page 8 | Frontpage

Monrovia t was an impressive

occasion as several
dignitaries ranging from
foreign to Local officials
gathered for the official
opening of the New Central
Bank of Liberia in Monrovia.
The building, according to
its history was constructed
in May 18, 1989 but faced
several structural problems.
Its revamp now include four
vaults, a passageway for the
disabled and an adjoining
parking garage and a host
of other attractions, officials
say will make banking more
accessible and conducive.
The CBI says bidding for the
new facility was competitive
CESAF was the contractor
Dr. J. Mills Jones, Executive
Governor of the Central
Bank described the day as
important for Liberia and the
Central Bank. When we say,
out of the ashes with despair
we will rise to a new day;
this is what we mean, come
and see the modern building
standing tall as a testament.
Governor Jones said Liberia
is still a land of possibilities,
while heralding that it is time
for foreign and domestic
say invest in domestic and
foreign, we believe in the
countrys economy, see an
impressive edifice for the
future of Liberians. Liberia
does not hold a cent in debt
for this building, when we
say come and see; it is not
about the building we are
talking about but finding
Liberian solutions to Liberian
Governor Jones stated that
the building represents
promises made and promises
kept as he heaped praise
on President Ellen Johnson
For her part, President Sirleaf
described the dedication of
the building as a milestone
in the fulfillment of their
steadfast effort, thereby
challenging the private and
public sector to continue its
development agenda.
Said Sirleaf: We are here
to participate in a historic
milestone in the fulfillment
of our steadfast effort, we
continue to challenge those
in public and private sector
that the development of
our country depend on
Goals can only be achieved, if
we all work toward it and all
play their part.
The President said the
well-being of the economy
determination and action
charged with promoting the
governments development
Drawing contrast with the
dilapidated building standing

New Central Bank building Dedicated in Liberia

Bettie K. Johnson/ [email protected]

Front View of the New dedicated Central Bank of Liberia

CBL Executive Governor Dr. Mills Jones and invitees look on as President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
cut the ribbon to official opening of the New Central Bank on Ashmun Street.

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in chat with former CBL Board of Governors Mr. John Bestman

Governor Mills Jones and Governor Charles Sirleaf at the Program

Dee Maxwell Kemayah in chat with Labor Minister Atty. Neto Lighe

across from the new facility, the

historic E.J. Roye edifice, President
Sirleaf marveled: To witness the
dedication that gives our capital city a
good face makes me proud, this bank
put us on par with our sub-region;

this bank faces a structure of rapid

destruction of a historic structure
as we languish in the court and
that structure becomes a victim for
insensitivity and greed.
The President commended Governor

Jones and the banks staff for

completing what she calls another
major project that was started by a
previous government.
The Liberian President recalled early
objection faced by bilateral partners,

fearful that there will be a misused of

reserves to complete such a high-cost
building but said she was glad to have
stood firm. We are all proud today
that we have completed our agenda.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Page 9

Defense Minister Brownie Samukai along with Rev. Kekura York Cooper (Center) and Finance Minister Amara
Konneh at the dedication of the new Central Bank building.

President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf receiving the Building Key from CBL Governor Dr. Mills Jones

From Right Dee Maxwell Kemayah, D. Sheba Browne CBL Director of Administration in Blue ,
CBL Governor Dr. Mills Jones, and some guests at the Program.

Some Invitees at the Program including Atty. Lighe, Labor Minister in Blue and Foreign Minister in Brown
Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan and Deputy Minister of Information Isaac Jackson in Gray Coat

Associate Justice Philip A.Z. Banks III in chat with Cllr. Rose Mare James and a CBL staffer

Liberias Chief of Staff Daniel Ziankhan with an invitee

Partial View of CBL Executive Governor Dr. Jones office at the New dedicated Building

Partial view inside of building

Partial view of CBL Deputy Governor / Operations and Chairman of the building committee Charles Sirleafs office

Some Guests at the dedication program

Page 10 | Frontpage

Thursday, July 23, 2015


United States of America promises to help Financial Intelligence Unit
Danesius Marteh, [email protected]





That we Matilda W. Parker and Christiana Kparbar Paelay defendants and

Family Dollar Universal insurance services INC by and thru its General Manger
Mr. Matthew Zayzay surety, a cooperation organized, registered do hereby
these commit ourselves, administrators and assigns unto the sheriff of this
court that Matilda and Christiana will answer on the charges against them,
the defendants criminal appearance bond states. Excerpts from Criminal
Appearance Bond Filed by suspended NPA MD and her comptroller

Bettie K. Johnson /[email protected]

ollowing a drama-filled Tuesday at the Monrovia
Central Prison when the Sheriff of Criminal Court
C issued a writ of release to the Superintendent of
the Prison, a local insurance company, Family Dollar
Universal Insurance Service has filed a US$ 1 million(one
million, two hundred thousand United States Dollars criminal
appearance bond in favor of the suspended Managing Director
of the National Port Authorit(NPA) and her comptroller
Christiana Kpabar Paelay.
On Tuesday, the sheriff was ordered by the judge to issue a
release of the embattled pair on grounds that a bond was filed
in favor of them although neither was at the Central Prison.
Sources from the prison said the sheriff went to the prison but
unfortunately he was denied by the prison superintendent on
grounds that the Central Prison did not commit anyone with
the name on the release.
The insurance criminal appearance bond stated that it insured
Matilda W. Parker and Christina Kpabar Paelay on the start
date of their appearance and until the final verdict.
The insurer promised that they shall produce the insurer
anytime requested as required by the court or any court of
competent jurisdiction within the Republic of Liberia for any
financial obligations or contingency by this guarantee, so
long as such expenses do not exceed the sum insured of one
million, two hundred thousand United States dollars.
The bond further revealed that its condition is such that the
insured shall appear before the court on a day- to-day to
answer to the charges of Economic Sabotage, Theft of Property
and Criminal Conspiracy until duly discharged from the said
The insurance company added that it is warranting the
criminal appearance bond for only the periods and in the
event of anything that is not inconformity with the court
proceedings as it relates to the coverage, the bond becomes
null and void.
The bond states: That we Matilda W. Parker and Christiana
Kparbar Paelay defendants and Family Dollar Universal
insurance services INC by and thru its General Manger Mr.
Matthew Zayzay surety, a cooperation organized, registered
do hereby these commit ourselves, administrators and assigns
unto the sheriff of this court that Matilda and Christiana will
answer on the charges against them, the defendants criminal
appearance bond states.
Court staff hinted to FrontPageAfrica Wednesday that
defendant Deneah Martin Flomo of the city of Monrovia
Denmar enterprises is still at large as he has not filed a bond
yet to appear before the court.
It can be recalled that grand jury of Montserrado County the
Special Grand Jurors for the County of Montserrado, Republic
of Liberia indicted Parker, Paelay, and Flomo for committing
the crime of Economic Sabotage in flagrant violation of
Chapter 15, Sub-chapter F, Sections 15.80(a) (b)(c), 15.81
(a)(b)(c ), and 15.82(b)(c), , of the New Penal Law of Liberia.
The Jurors declared that the co-defendants carried out the
act by designing a criminal scheme whereby Co-Defendants
Matilda Parker and Christina Kpabar Paelay by awarding
two sole source contracts without the approval of the Public
Procurement and Concession Commission(PPCC) to Deneah
M. Flomo and his Denmar Enterprise on behalf of the National
Port Authority for the removal of wrecks from the port of
Greenville, and the provision of security consultancy at
the ports of Monrovia, Buchanan, and Greenville, valued at
US$500,000.00 and US$300,000.00 respectively.

US Ambassador Deborah R. Malac (left) and FIUs Alex Cuffy

Technical Assistance
(OTA) of the United
States Department
of Treasury has pledged
to help Liberias Financial
Intelligence Unit (FIU) to
implement the anti-money
laundering and countering
the financing of terrorism
(AML/CFT) regime in Liberia.
It followed an assessment
visit by the OTAs Economic
Crimes Team (ECT) to
Monrovia where it held
high level discussions from
July 13-17 with several
governmental agencies, who
collaborate with the FIU on
the AML/CFT regime.
According to a July 21 FIU
release, ECT Senior Advisor
Carol A. Kelly was joined by
Lilieth R. Whyte, economic
officer of the US embassy in
Monrovia, and they met FIU
chief executive officer, Alex
Cuffy and a joint session of the
AML/CFT Inter-Ministerial
Committee chair by Deputy
Finance and Development
Planning Minister, Dr. James
F. Kollie and FIU board
chairman Charles E. Sirleaf,
who is also a deputy governor
at the Central Bank of Liberia

The ECT also met high level

officials of CBL supervision
department, Liberia
National Security Agency,
Drug Enforcement Agency,
Transnational Crime Unit,
Judge James Jones of the
Judiciary and Liberia AntiCorruption
Executive Chairman Cllr.
James N. Verdier.
The ECT came to Monrovia
to discuss in greater details
its prospects for technical
following a visit paid by Cuffy
to Washington in September
2014 in furtherance of a
discussion President Ellen
Johnson-Sirleaf held with
US Treasury Undersecretary
David Cohen in May 2014.
And Cuffy, who served as
financial comptroller at the
Roberts International Airport
under the Governance and
(GEMAP) from 2006-2009,
was exceedingly delighted
with the partnership.
I feel good because this is
one of the things any entity,
like ours, that is in the fight
against transnational crimes

will be pleased about once

international support.
The FIU is an autonomous
agency of government, which
came about as a result of the
ongoing international fight
against money laundering
and terrorist financing. We
belong to a group called the
GIABA in West Africa and
then we have the worldwide
body, which is called the
Financial Action Taskforce,
Cuffy told FrontPageAfrica
on Tuesday.
Before his visit, Cuffy
had written the Treasury
Department for technical
assistance in which he
strategic goal of ensuring a
full functioning FIU; building
awareness and sensitization;
enhancing the legal and
and enhancing national,
regional and international
OTA acknowledged receipt of
his letter and commended the
FIU for its well-considered
strategic goals and work
plans as well as the holistic
approach it is taking to ensure



Plan International Liberia first female driver tells her story

38-year-old and a
happy mother of
four. She works as a driver in
Montserrado County.
In Liberia, she has become a
role model, mentor, and an
inspiration to many female
drivers. Mary joined Plan in
2011 after graduating in automechanics from the Monrovia
Vocational Training Center in
After my graduation, I applied
to work as mechanic at Plan,
said Mary.
Despite the fact that there was
no mechanic department at
Plan, Mary was hired and began
driving for the organization
and was assigned at the Nimba
County Field Office.
When I joined, I knew nothing

about computer and logging

mileage as well as writing
trip reports, said Mary. Four
years at Plan Liberia, I have
been empowered to write
good English, make maximum
use of computer and other
available technologies as well
as driving amongst my male
counterparts. I have now
learned how to write trip
reports, log my mileage and
respond to emails adequately,
she says.
Her resilience to personal
challenges, and her passion
to work with the Liberian
children has won her many
accolades. Plan has really been
a unique organization to my
personal and career growth. I
receive so many benefits from
Plan including medical and
educational amenities, Mary

transforming her life over
the years and helping her to
address her household needs,
In Liberia and particularly in
her community, her strength is
an inspiration.
We celebrate the success of a
lady with a humble background

close collaboration between

key partner institutions.
Although a formal deal is yet
to be consummated, Cuffy
believes an end to all of the
exchanges is insight.
After weve signed an
agreement, that partnership
will entail capacity building,
which will be in the form of
bringing a technical officer,
who will be based at the FIU
but providing assistance to
the FIU and other entities
as the needy is based on the
result of the assessment and
the work program that will
be developed.
They will also be providing
things like equipment. The
FIU is a repository of data
bases. We are working
with banks. Banks will be
submitting report to us. Right
now, we are dealing with a
manual system. But through

this assistance,
we will be
getting equipment to make it
digital, Cuffy added.
The FIU was created by an
act of the Legislature on April
30, 2013 and published by
the authority of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs on May 2,
2013 to serve as the central
national agency for receiving,
analyzing and disseminating
suspected proceeds of crime
and terrorist property.
Liberia is a member of
West Africa (GIABA), a
specialized institution of
facilitating the adoption and
implementation of AML/CFT
measures in West Africa.
Liberia scored high marks
at a GIABA plenary in Ivory
Coast from May 18-23 where
it was commended for its
significant steps in the fight
against AML/CFT.
The plenary retained Liberia
on the regular expedited
request it to submit its fifth
follow-up report to GIABA
secretariat before May 2016.
who is now seen as an icon
of hope. She is passionate,
excellent in spirit, said Koala
Oumarou, Plan International
Liberia Country Director.
Despite the challenge of being a
female in a country with limited
opportunities for women,
and of working amongst male
counterparts, Mary remains
strong and hopeful; and her
passion continues to serve as
inspiration for many women in

Thursday, July 23, 2015


A Tale on One of the 66 Chimpanzees

Abandoned by the New York Blood Center
Al-Varney Rogers [email protected] 0886304498

Monroviahimps used by the

New York Blood
Center for research
individually have terrible
experience that they have
been through over the years
and even continue to have
those experiences while in
Currently there are sixty six
chimps placed in sanctuary
on an island called the money
island by locals, One of the
many Chimps on that island
is Bullet who when through
hell during the research by
NYBC and continues to have
similar terrible experience
while in retirement.
Bullets story serves as a
heartbreaking example of
what these chimps have
been through at the hands of
NYBC and why NYBC must
live up to its commitment to
provide for the lifetime care
of the animals used in NYBC
Bullet is a 38 year old male
who was first brought to the
lab in 1979 when he was
approximately 3 years old.
When he arrived at the lab,
Bullets right arm had to be
amputated due to a severely
infected, untreated wound he
sustained when his mother
was shot. Immediately after
the amputation, Bullet was
placed into a cage, assigned
the number 147, and placed
on a research protocol.
According to laboratory
records, Bullet was used in
multiple studies involving

HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C,

and blood cleansing research.
Under the care of NYBC,
Bullet was anesthetized at
least 404 times, was forced
to endure 55 painful liver
biopsies and underwent
hundreds of blood draws. His
medical records also indicate
that during the many years
he spent locked in a cage for
research, Bullet had to be
treated multiple times after
receiving severe bite wounds
from his cage mates.
However, despite his difficult
past and his disability, Bullet
has proven himself to be
quite a resilient chimpanzee.
In fact, after his release onto
one of the man-made islands
created by NYBC, Bullet
eventually rose to become
the alpha male of his group.
Today, Bullet continues to
live on Island 5 with eleven
other chimpanzees.
Many chimps like Bullet
were captured in their infant
by the NYBC, getting them
at tender age, hunters pay
by NYBC have to killed the
older chimps because they
(chimps) could not allow
their babies to be taken away;
with this, one can imagine
that a whole family will have
to be wiped out to get a baby
They go to hunt them, in
hunting them, they captured
the young ones, the get rid of
all of the protective adults,
so they wipe away whole
family because the older ones
will not allow you to take
their babies, One of Liberia

Veteran Conservationist Alex

Peal said.
Peal recalled that the first set
of chimps that were no longer
useful to the New York Blood
Center was taking to a park
in the Ivory Coast adding that
they later died.
There were some chimps
and that the New York Blood
Center no longer had use
for, they were taken to Ivory
Coast and were later killed by
wild chimps, Peal said.
Peal averred that the chimps
were subject to slavery while
been use in experimental
research adding that after

years of captivity to see the

chimps end up been abandon
is cruelty by the Blood Center.
They lost their family,
confined for almost the rest of
their lives, they were subject
to slavery, Peal added.
Even in the midst of these
about the chimps the New
York Blood Center remains
adamant with its decision
not to support the chimps
that it has used for research
purposes evident by its
recent statement that the
chimps are not the property

of NYBC.
Over the past few months,
New York Blood Center
(NYBC) has been the
subject of news media
outreach, telephone calls,
emails and letters related
to chimpanzees in Liberia
most of which contain
inaccurate information.
NYBC has declined most
opportunities to comment,
because NYBC does not own
the chimpanzees in question,
and we feel that participating
in an international debate on
the subject of chimpanzee
research in the press
and social media is not
NYBC does not own, and
never owned, the animals
in question. The animals
are owned by the Liberian
government, and Liberian
officials have repeatedly
acknowledged that they have
responsibility for the care
of the chimpanzees; NYBC
stopped research on nonhuman primates more than
ten years ago.
chimpanzees into a sanctuary
and voluntarily, on a
philanthropic basis, provided
for their care while working
with the Liberian government
to transition the animals to
the government; NYBC is a
nonprofit organization with
a humanitarian mission to
provide the highest quality
blood products and services
to patients in need.
NYBC provides these services
to our partner hospitals,
doctors and clinics that serve
hemophilia patients, victims
of trauma, accidents and
natural disasters, women
who suffer complications
of pregnancy and delivery,
children and adults with
cancer, as well as others who
need lifesaving and other

Page 11

We have many civic-minded

partners who are critical
to the fulfillment of our
mission, including volunteer
leaders from the corporate,
academic, and religious and
government communities.
One of the Non-Governmental
pursuing the NYBC to live
up to its commitment to the
chimps is the Society for the
Conservation of Nature in
Liberia (SCNL).
SCNL has begun holding
with other NGOs involve in
conservation to ensure that
steps are taken locally to
have NYBC reconsidered its
decision not to support the
SCNL is one of Liberias oldest
conservation organizations
which foundation is dated
back in the 80s.
The action by conservation
organizations in Liberia
came as the result of a news
story about uncertain fate
of chimps used by the New
York Center for research
which was firstly reported
in FrontPage Africa and later
lifted by the New York Times.
The Executive Director of
SCNL Michael Garbo said,
his organization decided
to quickly intervene upon
hearing on media that the
Chimps were abandon by
NYBC Garbo said, a team
from SCNL visited the Liberia
Institute for Bio-Medical
Research to obtain the fact
surrounding the chimps
abandonment adding that it
was established the NYBC did
abandon the chimps.
Garbo said, immediately his
institution begun creating
awareness and raising alarm
by taking the airwaves to get
the public inform about what
is happening to Liberias
The SCNL Executive Director
said a meeting for NGOs
involve in conservation was
held adding that action points
has be adopted to purse the
New York Blood Center.
According to Garbo, SCNL
and other NGOs have begun
gathering all the agreements
between NYBC and the

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Page 12 | Frontpage

Government of Liberia

National Identification Registry

Capitol Hill, Monrovia
1.0 Background
The National Identification Registry (NIR) of the Government of Liberia seeks applications
from qualified Liberians for the positons of Executive Director and Deputy Executive Director
for Technical Services
The NIR is an autonomous agency of the Government, which was created by an Act of
the National Legislature in 2011 with responsibility for, among other things, designing,
establishing, maintaining and administering a National Biometric Identification System
(NBIS) for all citizens and residents of the Republic of Liberia. The NIR is further mandated
to design, establish and/or acquire the necessary technical infrastructures and procedures
that will serve as a platform for the implementation of the NBIS. In addition, the NIR has legal
responsibilities to collect, organize, store, secure and grant access to secure biometric data
from individuals applying for National Biometric Identification cards.
In order to achieve the afore-mentioned objectives, the Board of Registrars of the National
Identification Registry (NIR) is seeking qualified Liberian applicants to fill the following

Ability to be tolerant to varying political, cultural, religious and social perspectives and
opinions; and
Must be a Liberian.
All Applications should be addressed to:
Chairman of the NIR Board of Registrars/
Minister of Internal Affairs
Capitol Hill
Monrovia, Liberia
Deadline for submission of applications: July 24, 2015 at 4:00 pm.
Please submit applications along with resumes to the Office of the Minister of Internal Affairs.
2.2 Deputy Executive Director for Technical Services

2.1 Executive Director

Job Title: Deputy Executive Director for Technical Services

Job Title: Executive Director

Reporting to: Executive Director

Reporting to: Chairman of the Board

Duration: Fulltime

Duration: Fulltime

Starting Date: Upon appointment by Board of Registrars

Starting Date: Upon appointment by Board of Registrars



a. To assist the Executive Director in ensuring that all technical and operational functions
of the NIR are successfully managed in order to achieve the purpose for which the Registry
b. To ensure that all directives, recommendations and assignments relative to technical and
operational functions of the NIR that are given by the Executive Director and by the Board of
Registrars through the Executive Director are carried out successfully and timely;

a. to ensure that all of the mandates, functions, operations and responsibilities of the NIR are
successfully managed and carried out in order to achieve the purpose for which the Registry
b. to supervise senior administrative and technical staff of the NIR in carrying out their
responsibilities in accordance with their respective terms of references, for maximum
productivity; and
c. to ensure that all directives, recommendations and assignments, given by the Board of
Registrars, relative to the functions of the NIR are carried out in a timely and successful
Specific Duties:

Coordinate and supervise the implementation of all activities and programs of the NIR,
including decisions and policies of the Board of Registrars;
Prepare draft quarterly /annual work plans and budgets of the NIR and ensure their timely
submission to the Board of Registrars for approval;
Prepare draft quarterly /annual reports, including financial statements, of the NIR to be
submitted to the Board of Registrars for approval;
Supervise the work of the Deputy Executive Directors for Technical Services and
Work with ministries, agencies, public corporations, and commissions of the Government
of Liberia, as well as the private sector and donor agencies/institutions for mobilization of
adequate funding, material and human resources for the effective implementation of the NIRs
Oversee the human and institutional capacity development of the NIR;
Design project proposals and grant requests for the NIR, as additional means of resource
mobilization for the entity;
As Secretary to the Board of Registrars, organize meetings in consultation with the
Chairperson of the Board and prepare draft agenda, meeting minutes, reports, resolutions or
other directives that may emanate from the Board meetings;
Oversee the recruitment, capacitation, compensation, and motivation of a team of
professional and trustworthy staff and consultants to manage the Registry;
Commission annual internal audits of the NIR in consultation with the Board of Registrars;
Undertake and perform other necessary responsibilities and activities as may be determined
by the Board of Registrars, for the successful operations of the NIR.
Key Deliverables:

Submission of quarterly, annual and other periodic plans and reports to the Board of
Registrars and the President and National Legislature through the chairman of the Board;
Submission of other plans and reports as may be requested by the Board;
Submission of project proposals to the BORs for its approval, to mobilize technical, financial
and material resources from partners for the work of the NIR;
Submission of internal audit reports to the Board;
Submission of other necessary reports and/or documents to the Board upon its request.

Advanced degree (masters or higher) in Public Administration, Business Administration or

related field;
A minimum of 10 years of experience in senior level management or administration;
At least 3 years of experience in managing large scale projects or programs;
Proven leadership in the design, management, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of
Government programs;
Strong communication and interpersonal skills, ability to foster networks and partnerships,
and good working knowledge of information and communication technology;
Proven ability to develop and communicate a common vision among diverse stakeholders
and the ability to lead multidisciplinary teams;

Specific Duties:

Design guidelines and procedures for approval of the Executive Director and or the Board
of Registrars that will lead to the successful implementation of the National Biometric
Identification System; and ensure that such guidelines and procedures are efficiently managed;
In consultation with the Executive Director, team up with the Deputy Executive Director for
Administration (DEDA) and other senior managers in drafting quarterly and annual work
plans of the NIR; and, upon approval by the Board of Registrars, work with the DEDA and other
senior managers to ensure that such plans are successfully carried out;
Design and implement a public awareness, sensitization and educational strategy to improve
public understanding of the purpose and significance of the NIR and encourage the citizenry
and residents of Liberia to participate in the National Biometric Identification processes;
Design terms of references and supervise consultancies and works of technical and
operational level;
Work with the DEDA in the designing of capacity development programs for technical
positions and ensure that such programs are successfully carried out so that the technical
capacity of the NIR is adequate for the fulfillment of agencys mandate;
Supervise senior technical staff and consultants of the NIR for maximum productivity;
Work with the Executive Director in identifying the technical capacity development needs of
the NIR;
Assist the Executive Director in the preparation of quarterly, annual, and special reports of
the NIR; and
Undertake and perform other necessary responsibilities and activities for the successful
operations of the NIR as may be assigned by the Executive Director or the Board of Registrars.
Key Deliverables:

Submission of draft quarterly, annual and other reports to the Executive Director;
Submission of quarterly, annual and other work plans to the ED; and
Submission of other necessary reports and/or documents to the ED.

Master degree in Technology Management, Computer Science, Engineering or related field;

At least 7 years of progressive experience in information and communication technology
At least 3 years of experience in program management ;
Proven experience in developing work plans, program budgets and project proposals;
Ability to work in partnership with non-governmental organizations and other governmental
Ability to tolerate varying political, cultural, religious and social perspectives and opinions;
Must be a Liberian.
All Applications should be addressed to:
Chairman of the NIR Board of Registrars/
Minister of Internal Affairs
Capitol Hill
Monrovia, Liberia
Deadline for submission of applications: July 24, 2015 at 4:00 pm.
Please submit applications along with resumes to the Office of the Minister of Internal Affairs.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Call for Experts

About CNFA: CNFA, a US-based nonprofit nongovernmental organization (NGO), works to stimulate
economic growth and improve rural livelihoods. CNFA assists smallholders in increasing household
food security and nutrition through improved agricultural practices, diversification of production, food
preservation and storage, development of farmer organizations and strengthened linkages to markets.
Project background: The Feed the Future Liberia Agribusiness Development Activity is designed to
provide broad support to agricultural development and food security initiatives at the community and
national levels in Liberia. The project supports forging innovative partnerships with the private sector
to leverage new resources and maximize impact in support of its development efforts. The goal of
the project is to expand access and use of agricultural inputs, and post-harvest handling, processing,
packaging and marketing services, broadly applicable to raising incomes for Liberian small-holder
farmers (SHF).
CNFA is currently seeking applicants for the following positions:


Page 13




Chief of Party: 15+ years of experience in managing donor-funded agricultural development projects
required (7 years of experience with promoting agribusiness, private sector led agricultural growth, and
value chain development preferred); management of USAID-funded projects with a value greater than
$10 million required; Masters degree in a relevant field and fluency in English required.
Deputy Chief of Party: 8+ years of experience managing donor-funded agricultural development
projects required (USAID experience and a specialization in agricultural economics preferred); Masters
degree in relevant field and fluency in English required.
Private Sector Advisor: 7+ years of experience in agribusiness and/or small enterprise development is
required; Bachelors degree in relevant field and English fluency required.
Monitoring and Evaluation Manager: Inputs Marketing Specialist: 7+ years of experience in monitoring
and evaluating donor funded programs, including experience with designing M&E systems including
indicators, data collection systems, impact assessments, tracking and reporting according to USAID
standards and overseeing data collection and analysis to assess the impact of project activities.; advanced
degree in a relevant field preferred.
Investment Promotion Advisor: 7+ years of experience in promoting private sector investment and
facilitating financing in the agricultural sector; advanced degree in a relevant field preferred.
Gender Advisor: 7+ years of experience in promoting womens empowerment and gender equality in
agricultural programs; Masters degree in a relevant field preferred.
Youth Advisor: 7+ years of experience in youth empowerment programming; Advanced degree in a
relevant field and English fluency required. Applicants must send their CV and cover letter to jobs@ with Liberia ADA and position title in the subject line. Deadline for submission is July
23, 2015.

Consultancy Announcement -International


Scholarship Consultant
Department of Energy (DOE)
Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy (MLME)

Duty Station:
Reporting To:

Three (3) Months

Ministrys Head Office in Monrovia
Head of Department

The Program for Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building of the Energy and Water Resources Sectors in Liberia
funded by the Norwegian Government for 5 years (2010-2015) aims at contributing to the economic and social development
of Liberia. Within the framework of the Program and specifically under its Cooperation Area 2 (Capacity Building) support
is provided for recruiting a Scholarship Consultant to the Department of Energy at MLME. The Program is now therefore
soliciting the application of qualified and suitable persons to fill this international consultancy.
Develop guiding policy, procedures and instructions for Institutions, applicants and awardees of the Department of Energy
Scholarship Program. Prepared Scholarship scheme should reference best international experience/practices and should be
carefully tailor- made in all aspects for Liberia.
The main deliverables of the consultant include, but are not necessarily limited to:
1. Use both international and national models to develop MLME Scholarship Policy and Procedures
2. Develop procedures for application, eligibility and selection
3. Develop a framework for acceptance of the scholarship and its conditions
4. Must detail what constitute scholarship fees and other entitlements such as allowance, living expenses, health
coverage, visa cost, field trip, etc.
5. Must detail scholarship conditions and terms of enrolment including withdrawals, extensions, suspensions, transfer,
upgrade, terminations, etc.
6. Must details finalization of studies and repatriation to home country.
7. Submit draft copy of work or brief scholarship committee every two weeks until final copy is submitted.
At least 5 years of experience in Higher Education.
Proven experience and in-depth knowledge of Scholarship Scheme development
Proven working experience or advising higher education/ government authority on various developmental processes or working
with offices/ agencies with international cooperation in higher education or research
Bachelor Degree required but Master Degree will be an advantage
Each interested applicant should submit a letter of application along with a copy of her or his CV, including a contact telephone
number and names of at least 2 persons as references. In the upper left corner of the envelope containing the application should
be written: Applicant Scholarship Consultant, DOE/MLME
MLME is an equal-opportunity employer; women are strongly encouraged to apply
All applications should be addressed to:
The Deputy Minister for Administration
Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy (MLME)
Monrovia, Liberia
Applications should also be send by email to [email protected] and [email protected]
Deadline for application is
Friday-31st July, 2015 at 17hrs
Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.
MLME reserves the right to reject any and all applicants

o God we belong, to Him we shall return and every soul shall have a taste of
death, then to God we will be ultimately returned. These are words of the Holy
Quran Surahs Al Baqarah 2:156 and Al Ankaboot 29:57.
In a simple term, this means whatever we have is not really ours. It belongs to
God. Having looked around us; everything we see, all that we have and all that there is in
us, on us and around us belongs to God alone. It is God who has given us all the property
and cash we possess, the cars that we own, the house that we live in, the kids with which
we are blessed, the health that we have and the time that we are allowed to live on this
On Monday, 20th of July 2015 at about 1700HRS, the true owner of all things said, Sheikh
Kafumba Famod Konneh was going to observed his last Ramadan in 2015, the Islamic
Holy Month but was not going to see the Ramadan in 2016 because there was absolutely
no contract signed between he, Sheikh Kafumba and God to see all Ramadans even
though God allowed him to see light and observed the Holy Month for 71 unbroken years.
Further, as a manifestation of his ownership, God in his infinite wisdom ordained the
impossibility of this astute clergyman, lawyer, Judge, great teacher, leader and scholar
to see the 168thIndependence Celebrations of the land he has so well worked for in all
of his life as a Magistrate in Yekepa, Nimba County, Secretary General and Chairman,
Inter-Religious Council, Commissioner, Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and
Chairman, National Muslim Council of Liberia. Truly, the owner of all and everything has
recalled one of Liberias repositories of knowledge, an immaculate scholar thus; Nimba
County has lost a son, Liberia a repository of knowledge, West Africa a peace negotiator,
Africa a clergyman and the World a symbol of tolerance.
Death is a reality that none of us can deny, neither are we denying the passing of Sheikh
Kafumba but it would not be fair if we deny that Sheikh Kafumba has given his whole life
into the service and the work of God. Also, it would not also be fair if we deny the fact
that Sheikh Kafumba was a faithful, loving, upright, religious and dedicated service man
to the Liberian Society. And because he did, we must honour and celebrate his passing,
especially so when we look back at his role in the Liberian society. For me and many
others who knew Sheikh Kafumba at the TRC, we knew a statesman; we knew decency,
tolerance, a reconciler and well-articulated example of the Muslim Faith.
He was a founding member of the Inter-Faith Council who engaged warlords to stop
the senseless 14 Years Civil War of Liberia and an outspoken member of the Truth and
Reconciliation Commission of Liberia. The passing of Sheikh Kafumba is a great lost for
Liberia and the Muslim community he headed as Chairman since 1980. We would have
pleaded with God to bring back Sheikh Kafumba to Liberia if he was not going to meet
his fellow revolutionists among the likes of the late Catholic Archbishop Rev. Michael K.
Francis, Baptists Prelate Rev. Levee Moulton, Pentecostals Bishop William Nah Dixon,
the Episcopals Prelate Rev. Canon Burgess Carr and the Baptists Prelate Rev. Dr. Walter
D. Richards. May God bless them all together with whom he Sheikh Kafumba cemented
peace treaty for Liberia and today we enjoy the ambiance of peace and stability.
I remember late last year, when Imam Varmuyan Abdullah Nyei, Chief Imam of the
Republic of Liberia passed, May God forgive him, Sheikh Kafumba warned that we should
all live as Muslims and must pray to never approach death until we are Muslims. Now
hereof, because you Sheikh Kafumba, was a Muslim and approached death as a Muslim,
we therefore ask O God, to forgive you and have mercy on you and give you strength and
pardon you. Be generous to you and your fellow revolutionists cause your entrance to
be wide and wash you with water, snow and hail. Cleanse you of your transgressions as
white cloth is cleansed of stains. Give you an abode better than your home, take you into
Paradise and protect you from the punishment of the grave and from the punishment of
Hell-fire. And bless you as a man who spread the repository of Godly knowledge on earth.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Page 14 | Frontpage





Washington (AFP) igeria's

Muhammadu Buhari
warned Washington
on Wednesday that
a US refusal to arm his troops
because of "so-called human
rights violations" only helps
Boko Haram.
general has been warmly
received in the US capital on
his first visit since his March
election raised hopes of reform
in Africa's troubled giant.
But he departs with little
practical military assistance in
his battle against the Islamist
militants who have turned the
northeast of his country into a
bloody war zone.
The US government has vowed

to help Nigeria defeat the

insurgency but it is prohibited
under law from sending
weapons to countries that fail
to tackle human rights abuses.
application of the Leahy
Law by the United States
on the grounds of unproven
allegations of human rights
violations levelled against our
forces has denied us access to
appropriate strategic weapons
to prosecute the war," he said.
Addressing an audience of
policy-makers, activists and
academics in Washington,
Nigerian forces had been left
"largely impotent" in the face
of Boko Haram's campaign of
kidnapping and bombings.

"They do not possess the

appropriate weapons and
technology which we could
have had if the so-called human
rights violations had not been
an obstacle," he said.
"Unwittingly, and I dare
application of the Leahy Law
Amendment by the United
States government has aided
and abetted the Boko Haram
He appealed to both the White
House and the US Congress to
find a way around the law -introduced by Senator Patrick
Leahy in 1997 -- and to supply
his troops with high-tech
weapons under a deal "with
minimal strings."
Buhari, who ruled Nigeria as



Tunis (AFP) unisian

Wednesday began a
three-day debate on
a new anti-terrorism
bill aimed at beefing up powers
to confront a jihadist threat
following a spate of deadly
President Beji Caid Essebsi
imposed a state of emergency
after a student went on a
shooting rampage at a beach
resort last month, killing 38
foreign tourists, most of them
Tunisia has come up with
several drafts of legislation
to deal with "the fight
against terrorism and money
laundering" since its 2011
revolution, but none reached
parliament because of a lack of
The latest version would
allow courts to impose

death sentences for terror

convicts and make it easier
for investigators to use phonetapping against suspects.
It would also make public
expressions of support for
terrorism a jailable offence.
The bill went before lawmakers
after it won approval from a
commission made up of party
from the Islamist movement
Ennahda and Essebsi's secular
Nidaa Tounes.
"This project is one of the
measures among others" in
combatting the jihadist threat,
said lawmaker Khaled Chouket
of Nidaa Tounes.
"It is a historical test, and
we must win... to reinforce
the values of (Prophet)
Mohammed," he added.
But Sahbi Attig, a counterpart
from Ennahda, called on
parliament to amend the bill,

arguing some of its measures

were too repressive.
"We must be vigilant to ensure
Tunisians aren't faced with
injustice," he said.
It would replace the 2003
terrorism law, passed under
the dictatorship of president
Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and
widely criticised as being a
tool to crush dissent, especially
from then-banned Ennahda.
But advocacy groups, including
Amnesty International and
Human Rights Watch (HRW),
have condemned the latest bill.
They have described it
as draconian, saying its
definition of terrorist crimes
is too vague and that it fails
to adequately safeguard the
rights of defendants and could
undermine freedoms.
- Fears over 'flaws' In a joint letter this month, nine
human rights groups including
Amnesty and HRW, criticised
the bill, with the latter saying it
was "flawed".
"Tunisian authorities have
legitimate concerns about the
growing influence of extremist
groups and individuals and the
threat they pose to Tunisians
and foreigners," said Eric
Middle East and North Africa
"But laws to counter terrorism
should meet -- not flout -international human rights
standards," he said in a

a military strongman between

1983 and 1985, returned to
office in March as the country's
first opposition challenger
to defeat an incumbent in a
largely fair poll.
His victory triggered a wave of
optimism for oil-rich Nigeria,
which has Africa's biggest
population and economy but
many deep and seemingly
intractable problems.
Since 2009, Boko Haram has
been trying to establish an
Islamist breakaway state in a
conflict that has seen 15,000
people killed and 1.5 million
The group's brutality and in
particular the mass kidnapping
and enslavement of schoolgirls
has shocked world opinion, but
Nigeria's own security forces
also face criticism.
In June, rights watchdog
Amnesty International said
there is sufficient evidence to
launch an investigation into
senior Nigerian officers for
war crimes.
In a detailed 133-page report,
the group blamed the army for
the extrajudicial execution of
1,200 people and the torture
or arbitrary detention of
thousands more.
Buhari insists that the charges
are not proven, but he has
replaced his senior military
commanders and has promised
to investigate the allegations.

Critics say the bill would
allow the authorities to detain
suspects for 15 days without
access to a lawyer or being
brought before a judge, as well
as put harsh restrictions on
Members of the opposition
were among those to criticise
the bill.
"We fear the fight against
terrorism could be turned
into a fight against social and
popular movements," said
Ammar Amroussia of the leftist
Popular Front.
But Labiadh Salem, an
independent in 2013 in
the government of Islamist
premier Ali Larayedh, was
even more scathing.
"This law will not limit the
phenomenon of terrorism,"
said Salem.
He added that instead, "this law
will fuel terrorism" as it "does
not distinguish between social
movements and protesters and
terrorist acts".
Essebsi decreed the monthlong state of emergency on July
4, eight days after the shooting
at the Mediterranean resort
of Port El Kantaoui killed 30
Britons, three Irish nationals,
two Germans, one Belgian, one
Portuguese and a Russian.
That came after two gunmen
attacked Tunisia's national
museum on March 18, killing
21 foreigners and a Tunisian
Both attacks were claimed
by the Islamic State jihadist

A. Macaulay Sombai,
[email protected] 0777217428

Monroviane of the old hands in Liberian football sensational

LRC Oilers were on Wednesday disgraced 5-0 by
FC Fassell in the LFA first division group (b) second
round encounter played at the Antoinette Tubman
Stadium (ATS) in Monrovia.
Sam Chaplay and Alioscious Saymukal put Fassell in the
driver seat in the 19th and 29th minutes respectively.
Chaplay increased Oilers frustration in the second half after
scoring his second goal to make it 3-0 while Kessely Kamara
and Vatile Sieh got the fourth and fifth goals respectively
close to the end of the 90 minute play.
The win increased Fassell points to11 in group (b) table
out of six matches played while Oilers still stand with seven
points from the same six games played.
LISCR FC who ended the league first phase at the top of
group (b) table with nine points made things worse for Aries
FC who are seated bottom of the table with a 3-2 victory in
Wednesday last battle at the ATS.
The win maintains LISCR lead at the top of the table with 12
points from six matches while Aries remains bottom of the
group table with one point from the same six games played
with five defeats, one draw but not a single win.
Earlier on Tuesday, NPA Anchors revenged against Keitrace
FC in the same group (b) encounter with a 3-1 victory in the
day only clash at the ATS.
Jimmy Taylor put the Anchors ahead in the 27th minute but
Williams Sickie made it 1-1 in the 42nd minute while Bill
Hiah added the Anchors second and third goals in the 80th
and 90th minutes.
The victory increased the Anchors points to 11 equal to
Fassell but Fassell top with goals distinction.
The Head Coach of the NPA described his team 3-1 triumphs
over Keitrace FC as revenge after the Anchors suffered a
4-1 defeat at the hands of the same Keitrace during the first
phase of the league.
Coach Abraham Sesay in a Smile move said his side wins
against Keitrace was not surprising but very fascinating
due to what he called his players seriousness to deliver the
necessary results for their side.
Says Coach Sesay: I considered my team win against Keitrace
as a revenge because after their 4-1 victory against my side
during the first face of the season, they were so boastful of
winning the championship but they failed to realized that
my side and the rest of the teams in our group could make
a comeback at anytime of the league which we have done
especially against them and that the defeat has kept them
second from bottom of the group table.
Coach Sesay called on his players to remain vigilant and be
more focused in order to win the rest of their four remaining
games to come so that they could finish at the top of their
The league will heats up today at the ATS and at the Nancy B.
Doe sports ground in Kakata City Margibi County all in group
First division defending champions Barrack Young
Controllers (BYC) and Monrovia Club Breweries will meet in
the day opening game at the ATS, Invincible Eleven (IE) will
engage Jubilee FC in the last fight while Watanga FC chase
Nimba United at the Nancy B. Doe sports ground in Kakata
City Margibi County only match.

Thursday, July 23, 2015




Page 15




Did BBC paint a disgusted picture of Bilitys five-year tenure and Weahs legacy in Liberia?

Danesius Marteh, [email protected]

rontPageAfrica (FPA)
journey of 18 Liberian
footballers, who left Monrovia
in early January for Laos, in
search of greener pasture.
They were joined in Accra,
Ghana by five West African
footballers before they made
the expedition to Nairobi,
Kenya; Dubai, the United Arab
Emirates; Bangkok, Thailand
and finally in Pakse, Laos.
At first, it turned out to be
a patriotic move by former
Liberia international Alex
Karmo (capped once by
deceased Hungarian coach
Bertalan Bicskei).
Roland Mulbah, president of
the Sports Writers Association
of Liberia (Swal), suggested, on
his Facebook page, that Karmo
should replace George Weah as
the new soccer ambassador of
Mulbah may have been right
because no Liberian footballer,
scout or administrator, was
successful in exporting that
number of players out of
When James Salinsa Debbah,
with the help of sports
JustineColnoe attempted to take
talented footballers to a
tournament in Lyon in 1999,
they were denied visas in
Abidjan, Ivory Coast and
branded as rebels, who were
taking warfare to France.
Led by Liberian Football
Players Union (LFPU) founding
president Wleh Bedell, the lads
were hoping to move a step
beyond Debbahs US$20,000
initiative and secure the
necessary paper works and or
visas for a voyage to Laos.
Bedell was upbeat about
the trip with the death and
interment of Liberian football,
according to a Facebook post
by Debbah following a 2-0
defeat to Lesotho in a 2015

Africa Cup of Nations qualifier

with Lesotho on June 1, 2014
in Maseru.
[Today is] day nine in Ghana.
[I am] enjoying every moment
with my lads and the new
Liberian football, Alex Beyam
Karmo. I know you are keen
to know why the Laos-based
rugged rearguard is being
described in such manner.
Just wait and read subsequent
posts and articles, Bedell, who
selected the players, posted on
facebook on January 26.
Bedells recruits trained at
Nania Football Clubs academy,
owned by Ghanas
Abedi Pele and had a trial
match with the club that plays
in Ghanas division one before
their departure.

Karmo, who plays for SHB

Champasak FC in Laos, was
thought to have bankrolled
the trip but it later emerged
that each of the players from
Monrovia paid US$500 to
secure their passport (which
was then US$23 but is now
US$50) to make the trip to
Accra before Karmos faked
academy got them to their
Having left Accra on February
5, they landed in piecemeal in
Laos on a day later with Bedell
again elated about the trip.
The Accra, Nairobi, Bangkok

and Pakse marathon journey

has brought to the fore a
monumental achievement by
the Champasak Academy that
have seen the need to invest
in talents from mostly Liberia
primarily due to the exploits
and discipline of their most
influential player, Karmo, he
wrote in a press release on
February 10.
But their marriage of romance
soon headed for the civil
law court in March when it
emerged that Karmo and not
Bedell will be the players
manager when a lucrative deal
is stamped and sealed.
The exchanges soon began
on Facebook and HUMAN
ADVENTURE? was the back
page headline of an FPA article
on March 27.
Things are getting more
complicated for us here in
Laos. There seems to be
problem looming. We are
in a predicament. We have
just been informed that the
tickets for our trip have been
confirmed, Bedell wrote on
Facebook on March 26.
In one of several postings since
their fallout, Bedell referred to
himself as the Nelson Mandela
in the football world who will
not let the kids to sign any
bogus deal.
But Karmo, whom Bedell
referred to as Goodwill
Footballer since their deal
was consummated in January,
denied all the claims made by

his buddy.
I want you call the kids and ask
them if what Bedell is saying
is what [is] happening here.
People just [want to] spoil my
name for my own good but
God is watching. Now I want to
send them back to their people
but they [are] refusing. Its just
[that] my company doesnt
want to work with Bedell and
nobody [is] forcing him to go
or harassing him as he has
written, Karmo countered.
And like FPA wrote in March,
the Laos story resembles
human trafficking more than a
football adventure but nobody
listened since it didnt come
from an international media.
And what the BBCs Piers
Edwards has written paints
a disgusted picture of Musa
Bilitys five-year tenure and
George Weahs legacy in
That the youngsters were
keen on Laos even though it
has made next-to-no impact
on the international stage and
is ranked 16 places below
161st-rated Liberia in Fifa's
rankings speaks
volumes about how Bility has
improved football in Liberia.
"Liberia is over 165 years old
and we are just completing the
first football training centre.
Maybe if that training centre
was here, those kids would not
be in Laos, he told the BBC.
Those who travelled to join
the "IDSEA Champasak Asia
African Football Academy"

players to a foreign academy

until they are 18.
LFA President Musa Bility
said: "Whatever role we might
have played, I believe it is
"Maybe we should have done
more than we did," Bility told
BBC Sport.
"At our level, we probably need
to have an investigation as to
why they didn't do that."
Six minors are still with top
Laos side Champasak United,
but the club, based in the
southern city Pakse, denies any
Bility - who intends to run for
the Fifa presidency - wants the
remaining children to return
"We have to bring them home,"
he insisted.
"Not only that, we asked the

foreign ministry a month ago

to ask the Laos government to
intervene. They have to come
"I went to the foreign minister
myself. They have diplomatic
protocols and they are
going to make the necessary
understands some of the boys
do not want to come home
despite a lack of work permits
and very little freedom.
And Bility admits that Liberia
needs to make improvements
in order to prevent similar
issues in the future.
"That is a sad story, a truly sad
story," he said.
"We should, as a country, be
able to provide opportunity.
Those opportunities are not
here. Liberia is over 165 years

did so after being invited by

Karmo, who captained the club
at the time.
And according to Edwards,
they gratefully accepted the
invitation, since Liberia lacks
a football academy of its own,
despite being the only African
country to have produced a
Fifa World Footballer of the
Year - George Weah in 1995.
international Patrick Vieira
having taken an academy in
Senegalhis birthplace and
Didier Drogba having opened
the first of five hospitals
at US$1 million), Weah is
being rewarded for partly
bankrolling the national team
and his successes on the pitch
even though he was refunded
by government, according to
then Finance Minister Wilson
Weah and Debbah were at the
Lizzy Sports Complex in Accra,
built by Ghana-born former
France international Marcel
Desailly, and were thrilled by
the state-of-the-art facility
erected by a footballer, who
played along with Weah in
AC Milans primary line-up
Fabio Capello (1996) won the
15th Italian championship for
But what Bedell may or may
not know is that he is part
of the problem rather than
the solution as he helped
in trafficking those players
knowingly or unknowingly.
And the issue of them being
minors is debatable as Bedell
without the consent of their
Finally, the Liberia Football
Association is arguing that
some of the players, if not all,
arent minors having played in
several under age competitions
dating to 2010.
But Wleh has a point to prove
and may feel vindicated by
yet another international
attention from the BBC.


The Liberian Football Association should
have done more to prevent the trafficking of 23
youngsters to Laos, according to its president.

discovered that Laos
United imported 23

under-age players from West

Africa to an unregistered
football academy.
Fifa prohibits movement of

old and we are just completing

the first football training
"Maybe if that training centre
was here, those kids would not
be in Laos."
He also defended the LFA's role
in allowing the players to move
to Laos.
"I think the organisation
that sent for these people
misinformed the LFA - that is a
serious crime," he said.
"They should have no place
in football. I hope that Fifa
will look into this - we hope
something will happen.
"Because as it is, this is almost
tantamount to child trafficking.
"This organisation must be
banned - otherwise you might
have worst cases than this
because these kids could be

Monchi has laughed
off suggestions that
he turned down the
chance to sign Robin van
Persiethis summer, stressing
that snubbing the former
Manchester United man would
have been like rejectingLionel
The 46-year-old attempted
to lure the Netherlands
international to Sevilla in 2004,
but the striker eventually opted
to join Arsenal instead.
Reports from Spain suggested
that Monchi got another chance
to sign Van Persie this summer
as his Manchester United
career came to an end, but he
says a deal for the striker was
never on the table.


latan Ibrahimovic
has admitted that
his future will be
decided by agent
Mino Raiola.
The Paris Saint-Germain
striker has been linked with a
return to his former club AC
Milan this summer, as they
look to improve after last
season's 10th place finish in
Serie A.
suggested a transfer could
happen, stating that it will be
handled by his representative.
Will I stay in Paris? My
future is in the hands of Mino
Raiola," he told Sky.



helsea midfielder
Oscar has rejected
talk of a move
away from the
Premier League champions,
amid interest from Juventus.
The Brazil international was
picked out by Juve coach
Massimiliano Allegri as a
potential signing last month
as the Italian champions look
to improve their squad after
losing Andrea Pirlo earlier
this summer.
However, the player's agent
has already distanced him
from a move, and Oscar has
now reiterated his desire to
stay at Stamford Bridge and
build on his three trophies
since arriving in 2012.

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