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Kelley v. Microsoft Corporation Doc.

Case 2:07-cv-00475-MJP Document 23 Filed 06/29/2007 Page 1 of 2
FOR THE United States District Court for the Western District of Washington

Dianne L Kelley
v. Case No.: 2:07−cv−00475−MJP
Hon. Marsha J. Pechman
Microsoft Corporation


October 28, 2008
TRIAL DATE at 09:00 AM
Deadline for joining additional parties 07/27/2007
Deadline for filing amended pleadings 08/06/2007
Reports from expert witnesses under FRCP 26(a)(2) due 05/01/2008
All motions related to discovery must be filed by
and noted on the motion calendar no later than the 06/02/2008
third Friday thereafter (see CR7(d))
Discovery completed by 06/30/2008
All dispositive motions must be filed by
and noted on the motion calendar no later than the 07/30/2008
fourth Friday thereafter (see CR 7(d))
Settlement conference per CR 39.1(c)(2) held no later than 08/29/2008
Mediation per CR 39.1(c)(3) held no later than 09/29/2008
All motions in limine must be filed by
and noted on the motion calendar no later than the 09/30/2008
second Friday thereafter
Agreed pretrial order due 10/16/2008
October 17, 2008
Pretrial conference [to be scheduled by the Court] at 11:00 AM
Trial briefs, proposed voir dire questions, proposed 10/23/2008
jury instructions, and trial exhibits due
Length of Jury Trial: 10 days

These dates are set at the direction of the Court after reviewing the joint status report and
discovery plan submitted by the parties. All other dates are specified in the Local Civil
Rules. If any of the dates identified in this Order or the Local Civil Rules fall on a weekend
or federal holiday, the act or event shall be performed on the next business day. These are
firm dates that can be changed only by order of the Court, not by agreement of counsel or
the parties. The Court will alter these dates only upon good cause shown: failure to
complete discovery within the time allowed is not recognized as good cause.

Order Setting Trial and Related Dates − Page 1
Case 2:07-cv-00475-MJP Document 23 Filed 06/29/2007 Page 2 of 2

If the trial date assigned to this matter creates an irreconcilable conflict, counsel must
notify the Deputy Clerk, Eileen Scollard, in writing within 10 days of the date of this Order
and must set forth the exact nature of the conflict. A failure to do so will be deemed a
waiver. Counsel must be prepared to begin trial on the date scheduled, but it should be
understood that the trial may have to await the completion of other cases.

As required by CR 37(a), all discovery matters are to be resolved by agreement if

possible. Counsel are further directed to cooperate in preparing the final pretrial order in
the format required by CR 16.1, except as ordered below.

The original and one copy of the trial exhibits are to be delivered to chambers five days
before the trial date. Each exhibit shall be clearly marked. Exhibit tags are available in the
Clerk’s Office. The Court hereby alters the CR 16.1 procedure for numbering exhibits:
plaintiff’s exhibits shall be numbered consecutively beginning with 1; defendant’s exhibits
shall be numbered consecutively beginning with the next number series not used by
plaintiff. Duplicate documents shall not be listed twice: once a party has identified an
exhibit in the pretrial order, any party may use it. Each set of exhibits shall be submitted in
a three−ring binder with appropriately numbered tabs.

Should this case settle, counsel shall notify Eileen Scollard as soon as possible at
206−370−8518. Pursuant to GR 3(b), an attorney who fails to give the Deputy Clerk
prompt notice of settlement may be subject to such discipline as the Court deems
DATED: June 29, 2007

/s Marsha J. Pechman
Honorable Marsha J. Pechman
United States District Judge

Order Setting Trial and Related Dates − Page 2

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