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IBM Tivoli Software

Maximo Asset Management Version 7 Releases

Version 7.5 Report Planning Guide
Document Version 4
Pam Denny
Maximo Report Designer/Architect

Revision History ............................................................................................................... iv

Overview ..............................................................................................................5

Reviewing Data Analysis Options ............................................................................6


Custom Reports .........................................................................................6

What Data Analysis Options are available? ...............................................................7


Query by Example, QBE or Application List Download .................................. 9


RS. Result Sets ......................................................................................... 10


Application Export .................................................................................... 11


KPIs, Key Performance Indicators .............................................................. 12


QBR (Query Based Reporting) or Ad Hoc Reporting .................................... 13


OR: Operational Report ............................................................................ 15


SR: Strategic Report ................................................................................. 16

Understanding Report Options .............................................................................17

Version 7.5 Releases .............................................................................................18


V7.5 Report Options Functionality Comparison ...........................................19


BIRT Version 7.5 Releases .......................................................................20


Cognos Reporting Version 7.5 Releases ....................................................26


External Report Integration Version 7.5 Releases ......................................30

Open Database Platform Version 7.5 Releases......................................................32


Developing Custom Reports .................................................................................33

Error! No text of specified style in document.



Embedded Reporting Tool ........................................................................34


Customizing Out of the Box Reports .......................................................... 35


Use Ad Hoc Reporting as a base for Custom Report Development ............... 39

Cognos Report Integration ........................................................................43


Query Studio ............................................................................................ 43

5. 2.2 Report Studio............................................................................................... 46

Reference Materials.........................................................................................................48

Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2013

US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule
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June 2013


Updated Reference Links, Corrected formatting

errors, and included additional Cognos

November 2012


Diagram Updates and Reformat of Document

July 2012


Updates for 7503 Release

September 2011


Included additional information on application



Initial Release

April 2011



IBM Maximo Products include an Open Reporting Architecture, which enables you a number of
different reporting options to choose from. This guide is intended to review each of those
options as you make your report decisions in Version 7.5.
To guide you through this process, this document will be composed of three main sections
Reviewing Data Analysis Options
Understanding Report Options
Developing Reports
Each of these sections is intended to give you features to consider, along with detailed
information and decision points to evaluate, as you determine your report plan for Version 75.

The document concludes by including reference materials where you can access further

Reviewing Data Analysis Options

As you begin evaluating your report requirements for Version 7.5, there are a number of items
you should consider. You may want to review your custom report requirements, along with the
latest available features that can be utilized to access and display data to your users.
This first section details these various data analysis options, so you can determine what
combination of formats your data needs should best be delivered in.


Custom Reports

You may have a list of custom reports that your users have requested for Version 7.5, or that they
want to have upgraded from prior releases. Each of these individual reports must be designed,
developed, tested, administered and maintained. Additionally, design specifications and test
plans may be required, and the report design code must be properly maintained. This can be a
significant investment in terms of resources and time.
Because there may a significant investment in report creation, you may want to evaluate
reducing the number of custom reports you create. You may find that with the data analysis
features of Version 7.5, users may no longer need custom reports, as the data can be analyzed
through other mechanisms.


What Data Analysis Options are available?

This section details the latest data analysis features available in Version 7. These features enable
different forms of data analysis, which can quickly and dynamically display data in any
applications. Additionally, they can be considerably less time consuming to enable than creating
individual custom reports, and therefore should be carefully considered.
The different functionality formats include:
QBE Query By Example. Using your applications filter and/or query, you can immediately
download your results for additional analysis in Microsoft Excel.
RS Result Sets. Using an applications query, you can enable a set of fields or graph for display
on the Start Center.
Application Export. Capitalizing on the power of an object structure, you can export multiple
database objects and attribute fields using your applications filter and/or query.
KPI - Key Performance Indicators. Visual indicators displaying status against predefined targets.
QBR Query Based Reporting. Version 7s version of Ad hoc reporting where your users create
their own reports on the fly from within the various applications.
OR Operational Report. Often referred to as transactional reporting, these are the day to day
detail reports your users require to complete their business tasks.
SR Strategic Report. Enable viewing of data in varying perspectives thru the use of complex
graphs, in depth calculations or scenarios.

Depending on the individual business case and user, you may want to use one or a combination
of these features instead of creating a custom report.
For example, one of your users may need to know the Number of Work Orders Overdue each
day. This information is critical as this user needs to know if the number is above the targeted
value. Instead of creating a custom report for this individual user, you could quickly create a KPI.
The KPI would visually display the value on the users Start Center, and your user would know if
action was required or not.
An overview of each of these options is detailed below.


2.1.1 Query by Example, QBE or Application List Download

Available from all Application List pages, this functionality enables the user to immediately
download the results to Microsoft Excel for additional analysis. This is a quick and simple way
for all users to analyze key application data quickly and seamlessly.

2.1.2 RS. Result Sets

By using the Result Set portlet from the Start Center, you can select a predefined application
query and then determine the content to display on your start center page.

You can select the content to display with the field values, or in graphic format as shown below.
Once available within the portlet on the Start Center, you can immediately view it, or be taken
directly to the application where you can then act on it.


2.1.3 Application Export

The QBE functionality listed above enables the user to directly export the results of his
application query to Microsoft Excel. However, it only exports the list tab fields.
You can export additional fields, including fields from related objects, by utilizing the Application
Export functionality. This functionality is based on object structures, which enable multiple
objects to be joined together via maxrelationships.
Additionally, you can capitalize on existing report object structures (ROS) you may already have.
To do this, you simply duplicate your ROS into object structures, with a consumed by of
Integration. Then, enable the Add/Modify Application Export Support Action for the selected
applications, and resolve any alias fields the objects may share.
Your users can then take their application query results, and click on the applications export icon
highlighted below.

Their results are then exported to xls for additional data analysis. In this example, you can see
that multiple database objects and attributes are exported, including the highlighted fields from
the Workorder and Asset Objects.


2.1.4 KPIs, Key Performance Indicators

KPIs are metrics which are used to highlight performance against a set goal. KPIs are available in
list and graphic format. They are used to quickly highlight status in red/yellow/green colors.
Additionally, KPIs are able to link to other KPIs or related reports for additional data analysis.
KPIs are created within the KPI Manager, and do not utilize the embedded report engine to
execute. The user simply creates a sql statement within the KPI Manager. This is combined with
the configurable Target, Caution and Alert Values to generate the KPI results.
When you need to quickly obtain a status on items like Number of Work Orders Outstanding,
Ticket Response Time or Open Service Requests, KPIs can be a much more efficient and dynamic
process than reports to display that data to your users.
Examples of KPIs include: Average Emergency Response Time, Total Resolved Process Requests,
SLA Compliance, Average P1 Incident Response Time, Current Login Users.


2.1.5 QBR (Query Based Reporting) or Ad Hoc Reporting

Ad Hoc reporting is also known as QBR (Query Based Reporting). It enables business users to
create their own, individual reports on the fly without the need for technical skills or database
knowledge. Ad Hoc reports are excellent for meeting an individuals needs for one-off, or
project/business specific reports. Additionally, because the user creates his individual report,
external resources for designing, developing, testing, administering and maintaining are not
required. This can lead to significant cost and resource savings.
Within V7, ad hoc reporting is known as QBR, or Query Based Reporting. The terms QBR and ad
hoc reporting are used interchangeably within V7.
QBR reports are created within the various applications, by presenting a tabbed window that the
user navigates thru to build his report. Within this window, the user selects the fields he wants in
his own report, along with defining sorting, grouping and filtering.
QBR reports can be created for very simple summary reports containing only attributes of the
main table of the application, or more complex reports. The complex, detail reports can
incorporate fields from multiple related tables, and can also utilize multiple one-to-many
QBRs can be enabled to utilize multiple related tables in an application via Report Object
Structures. Report Object Structures are created in Maximos Object Structure Application, and
contain a hierarchy of related tables from which the user can select fields. The related tables are
joined together via maxrelationships. Additionally, the Report Object Structures can be
customized to exclude fields from QBR Reporting. This can be extremely useful in hiding extra or
integration fields that can crowd field selection for your user.
Behind the scenes, the users input for his QBR reports are sent via an API to create an individual
Report Design File. If the user decides to save his QBR Report, the design file is saved within the
database. Once saved to the report repository in the database, the Ad Hoc report can be
accessed just like standard enterprise reports. The embedded reporting functionality of
scheduling, emailing and viewing by others is enabled. Additionally, each time the Ad Hoc report
is executed, entries are made to the REPORTUSAGELOG table, so you can see who is executing
the report, how long it takes to execute, and if it is being scheduled or executed immediately.
Additionally, Ad Hoc reports can be used as the starting point for an Enterprise Report.
Developers can export ad hoc reports from the database, and open them in the report designer.
This gives them an excellent base starting point for their report development as then they may
only have to extend the sql statement or add a graph or chart rather than building a report from
a blank template.
Examples of ad hoc reports include: Buffalo POs grouped by Status and Vendor, User Listing by
Site, Overdue WOs grouped by Supervisor and Finish Date


Example of Summary Ad Hoc Report displayed in Adobe PDF

Example of Detail Ad Hoc Report displayed in Report Browser


2.1.6 OR: Operational Report

Reports are best suited to business needs when data is required to be formatted, graphical,
stored for record keeping or when the analysis of the data is complex. Additionally, reports are
best suited for multiple user access, and are often enabled for quick or one click access.
Reports contain defined sql, sorting, grouping and fields resulting in formatted data set. They
can also include graphing, hyperlinking, record limits, and application toolbar access. Reports
can be scheduled, emailed and enabled for security access.
Each individual report must be designed, developed, tested and maintained, therefore, it is
critical that its requirements be understood initially to reduce any potential rework or redesign
There are two main types of reports in V7 Operational Reports and Strategic Reports.
Operational Reports are often referred to as transactional reporting. These reports are primarily
composed of the day to day detail reports users require for their daily business tasks.
Examples: Work Order Details, Asset Details, Work Order Pick, Inventory Transaction Reports


2.1.7 SR: Strategic Report

Strategic Reports are the second type of report enabled in V7. These types of reports enable
viewing of data in varying perspectives thru the use of complex graphs, in depth calculations or
Examples: Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Asset Measurement History, Maintenance Cost


Understanding Report Options

Each business has unique business requirements which impact their reporting needs. These
needs may be set by their industries, or by their corporate standards. Regardless of the reason,
the V7 reporting architecture is very flexible in its ability to integrate with a wide range of these
reporting systems.
This section reviews the report options available to you in the Version 7 Releases. These options
include the embedded reporting tool, along with report integrations. While the embedded
reporting tool will enable you the deepest level of report system level functionality, integrated
reporting options enable you the greatest flexibility in using your reporting tool of choice.
Additionally, you can choose to use any combination of these reporting tools. You may want to
use the embedded reporting tool for the large number of reports delivered out of the box and its
deeply embedded application functionality, and also an integrated reporting tool for your custom
report needs.
This section will provide data for you to answer the next set of questions, including What
Reporting Features are most important to my environment?


Version 7.5 Releases

The report options have been significantly enhanced in Version 7 and include a wide range of
reporting tools. These tools include the embedded reporting tool, BIRT, along with IBM Cognos
Reporting. The integration to the powerful Cognos Reporting Products enables a silent log in
to the Cognos Server, along with the dynamic creation of a metadata layer for reduced report
development efforts.



V7.5 Report Options Functionality Comparison

The numerous report options in Version 7.5 provide you with a variety of reporting tools to
choose from. Each of these tools contains its own inherent functionality, which is then
supplemented when utilized within the V7.5 Product Suite.
The amount of functionality that is added to insure a seamless integration varies by reporting
tool. For example, minimal functionality is added for the Open Database Platform where you
create reports directly against the V7.5 database. This contrasts significantly with the embedded
reporting tool of BIRT, which contains a silent install, hundreds of out of the box reports, and
deep embedded capability like direct printing and ad hoc reporting.

After reviewing the options and the functionality they provide below, you may determine that
you want to utilize multiple report options. For example, you may choose to use BIRT for its
embedded capabilities of Direct Print and ad hoc reporting, and then create your custom reports
with your separate, corporate reporting tool.



BIRT Version 7.5 Releases

BIRT, Business Intelligence and Reporting, is the embedded reporting tool in the Version 7.5
Releases. As the embedded reporting tool, it enables the deepest levels of integrations
throughout the various Maximo applications.
Delivered Reports
Depending on the specific products you are licensed for, over 150 Out of the box reports are
delivered out of the box. These reports span the variety of Applications, and include Analysis,
Detail, Hierarchical, and Drill down Reports. Reports can update the database, hyperlink to one
another to enable more detailed analysis, and refresh data dynamically. These reports are
designed to quickly and clearly convey information to the end user, and approximately 20%
include graphs, including pie, bar and line charts along with daily and monthly calendar views and
control limits.
The out of the box reports provide you a starting point for your custom report needs. You can
quickly customize these reports to meet your individual business needs, and also utilize the
delivered business logic to create any new reports you need.


Developing Reports
Developers can use the Eclipse Based BIRT Designer Tool to create or customize Maximo Based
Reports. Utilizing the popular Eclipse Platform reduces learning curves and minimizes unique
development platforms.
A large number of Maximo report templates are included which enable developers to quickly
create Maximo reports. Also, Libraries and Style sheets are used to simply development, and
insure a consistent look and feel among all reports. Report designs are saved as XML Files, which
are easily imported into the Database, and accessed at run time to display the users requested

Executing Reports
From within the various applications, users can execute reports immediately for display in the
report browser. From the report browser, reports can be searched through for particular data
sets, converted to PDF for printed, or downloaded to other file formats including xls, pdf and ppt
for additional analysis.
To enable users to quickly retrieve their filtered data in a report, Maximo reports can be
configured to execute against either the applications current query, or against user inputted
parameters. User inputted parameter options include single or multi values, required or nonrequired and report lookups.
End users can access a variety of one click actions for reports within an application. These
include Browser View, which opens the report immediately in the Report Browser, or Direct Print,
which prints the report directly to the users default printer. Direct Print with Attachments is also
enabled, which prints both the report and any print-able attachments directly to the users
default printer.


Ad Hoc Reports
Within the embedded reporting tool, Ad Hoc Reporting functionality has been enabled via the
Maximo Framework. This functionality is called Query Based Reporting, and enables users to
quickly create their own custom reports from any application. This greatly reduces the number
of reports that need to be designed, created, tested, administered and maintained, leading to
large time and cost savings.
Within the applications, users can access the ad hoc reporting familiar in a familiar environment.
They can then select what type of report they want to create, which fields they want to display,
and whether to group and sort the results. Additionally, they can define unique report
parameters, and also determine if they want the report to execute against the applications
record set.
Users can then choose to save and share the reports with others, or determine that it is needed
for a one time usage only. If a user saves his report, it can be scheduled and automatically
emailed to him or a number of users just like standard enterprise reports, or the user can
download the reports contents to other file formats like Microsoft Excel for additional analysis.
In the 7.5 release, the users ability to edit his ad hoc reports has been enabled. The example
below shows the types of ad hoc reports that can be created


The embedded reporting tool is silently installed during the Maximo installation process. No
separate install or integration process is required to activate the embedded report engine. This
significantly reduces your setup time, and enables a quick deployment for development
Report Administration
The Report Administration application enables administrators to configure and manage reports.
Based on standard Maximo functionality and user interface, the report administration features
include importing and exporting of report designs to the database repository, and defining and
viewing report security. Within this application, you can also configure reports to enable
application tool bar access, priorities, record limits and parameters. The ability to register and
view multiple data sources is also available.
Report Security which users can have access to which reports is enabled in the Report
Administration application. Security can be granted at the individual report level, the application
level or can be granted access to all reports. Multiple views are available so you can quickly see
which reports each security group has access to. Additionally, with the embedded reporting tool,
no synchronization of security groups with external reporting systems is required.
Report Performance
A variety of mechanisms have been enabled for you to optimize report performance. Because
reporting enables a number of different processes, report performance is categorized into five
separate components, including Configuration, Designing, Developing, Administering and
Running. Each of these five functional areas is described in detail in the Report Performance
Guide, with the most frequently requested information on Configuration and Administration
described at a top level here.
The embedded reporting tool can be configured to be a separate, dedicated server called
BROS (BIRT Report Only Server.) Additionally, the report server can be clustered, and
since report scheduling is done via a cron task, the report server can be optionally located
on a cron cluster.
Administration of reports is very critical to their performance success. Specific items that
administrators can enable include: Record Limits to prevent end users from
inadvertently executing reports against large record sets, and specifying Schedule Only
functionality. Schedule only functionality can be implemented on complex, batch
reports to define the exact days and times of the week when the report can be executed.
Additionally, administrators can use tools like the Performance Tab and Viewing Report
Processing to monitor report performance.


Additionally, in the 7.5 release, report administrators can specify the maximum number
of scheduled reports a user can make. This can force users to manage their scheduled
reports, and delete recurring scheduled reports which are no longer required and
thereby minimizing unnecessary report processing.

Report Logging
Additionally, report logging is available to monitor the usage and execution of the embedded
reports. This valuable information can be used to answer the questions Which Report takes the
longest to execute? Are users scheduling reports and Which reports are executed most
Application Toolbar Settings
Heavily used reports are often required to be accessed within the applications via a minimum
number of mouse clicks. In certain scenarios, they are also required to be directly printed to the
users default printer. This functionality can be enabled through the use of application toolbar
settings. Three different variations of this functionality are available including Browser View
Direct Print

or Direct Print with Attachments

Application toolbar settings are enabled only for the embedded reporting tool, which are
application reports. Application reports are also known as launch in context and dynamically
pass the users application query and/or filter to the report engine at run time.
Browser View
enables a report to automatically display in the separate report browser via
one click from the toolbar. Once the report opens, the user can choose any actions from the
reporting toolbar, including printing, searching and downloading.


Direct Print
enables a report to automatically print to the users default printer via one click
action on the icon. The report browser does not open only a temporary window displays during
the printing process which closes when the print operation is complete.
Direct Print with Attachments
enables a report to automatically print to the users default
printer via the icon in the toolbar, along with any printable attachments it may have. The report
browser does not open. A temporary window displays during the printing process which closes
when the print operation is complete, and a window asking the user to confirm if he wants to
print the attached documents displays.



Cognos Reporting Version 7.5 Releases

Cognos Features
In the 7.5 Release, a Cognos Reporting Integration is enabled. This integration extends the
current suite of reporting tools that Maximo enables into a deeper level of Strategic Reporting.
The integration utilizes the Cognos Reporting Products of Developers Studio, Query Studio,
Cognos Connection and Framework Manager Products.
Silent Integration
The Cognos integration enables clients to further analyze the powerful Version 7.5 dataset. By
enabling detailed drilldown analysis capabilities, users will have powerful flexibility and capability
in analyzing data.
Users can see and access Cognos reports from within the various applications. Based on the
users report inputs, the Cognos reports are displayed in a separate browser session within the
Cognos Portal. This is enabled through a silent log-in to the Cognos Server, where the user is


Version 7.5 Cognos Metadata

The integration also enables the automatic creation of a metadata layer. The metadata layer is
used by developers to create Enterprise or Ad Hoc Reports. It consists of pre-joined tables, so
developers can quickly and consistently develop reports versus the traditional method of creating
complex sql statements for each individual report.
To enable the metadata layer in the Cognos Integration, Cognos packages are based off of the
Version 7.5 applications, like Assets, Work Order or Job Plans. These packages will be created
from within the V7.5 Object Structure application by using specific Report Object Structures.
Report Object Structures are collections of related tables, joined together via maxrelationships,
and having defined cardinality and join properties. The Report Object Structures are then
published to the Cognos Content Store thru Framework APIs.
By utilizing the Object Structure application, the report integration setup time is significantly
reduced. Clients will not have to expend significant time and effort in manually create individual
Cognos Packages within the Cognos Framework tool by spending hours of time searching for
correct object relationships.
Additionally, a clients attribute customizations are seamlessly incorporated. This is a key design
point as many clients extend the database, and their unique attribute customizations are
dynamically incorporated in the Report Object Structures.


Developing Reports
The powerful Cognos Reporting Products enable two different tools to create custom reports.
Query Studio is used to create Ad Hoc reports, and Report Studio is used to create standard,
enterprise reports. Both of these tools are very powerful in that they are browser based, but
more importantly, they utilize the metadata layer. This reduces report development time
because developers no longer have to create sql statements for their reports.
Integration Enablement
The Cognos Integration can be enabled thru a clients license of the Cognos Reporting Products,
or thru the Tivoli Common Reporting (TCR) Enablement.
Utilizing TCR enablement is referred to as the Maximo-Cognos Indirect Integration, versus using
your existing license is known as the Maximo-Cognos Direct Integration.
The TCR Enablement process provides licensing for the Cognos Reporting Products for use with
any Tivoli Product. Utilizing this feature can enable you to create Tivoli Cross Products report
which you can access from the Cognos Portal.


Cognos Reporting Feature Considerations

The list below includes some items you may want to consider when evaluating the Cognos
Reporting Integration. A full list of these items can be found in the Cognos Integration Guide
referenced at the end of this document.
1. The Integration is specific to the Cognos Reporting Products. It does not utilize the Cognos
Analytics Products of Transformer, Analysis Studio, Event Studio and Metric Studio.
2. A variety of Cognos Reporting releases is used depending on your Maximo Version. For the
latest list of supported versions, reference the document located here:

3. Localization of reports. The ability to localize reports including their labels, titles and
individual data is not enabled for the initial integration. This includes the ability to localize the
metadata layer.
4. The embedded reporting functionality which deeply engulfs reporting in the various
applications is not reproduced in this integration offering. A listing of some of the embedded
functionality not included is:
A. Full Product Suite of Out of the box Reports
B. Scheduling, emailing, or canceling a Cognos Report within the V7.5 applications.
NOTE: This functionality can be enabled within the Cognos Reporting Products.
C. One Click Direct Print: Enabling a Cognos Report print directly to a users default
printer via a one click action from an applications toolbar in V7.5.
D. Direct Print with Attachments: Enabling the Cognos Report print directly to a users
default printer along with any printable attachments it may have (ex. xls, doc, pdf, jpeg)
within the Maximo Applications.
E. Application Changes, including Direct Print on Status Change and direct database
updates from an executed report within the V7.5 applications.
5. Additionally, because this is a separate integration, full platform support is not enabled. For a
detailed listing of platform differences, reference the Cognos documents at the end of this guide.



External Report Integration Version 7.5 Releases

External Report Integration Features

The External Report Integration, or ERI, is available to integrate the Maximo Framework with
external Reporting Systems. These external reporting systems could include a variety of
reporting tools, including Hyperion, Information Builders, SAS, Oracle BI, or many others.
This functionality is very flexible in that it is report system and report version independent. You
determine what reporting tool and version best meets your unique reporting needs.
This integration enables users to execute two types of reports. Users can execute parameterized
reports, where they specifically enter values for parameters, like Start Date and End Date.
Additionally, they can execute application reports or Launch in Context reports. Launch in
Context reports pass the applications query and/or filter directly to the report server, thereby
minimizing the number of keystrokes and potential typing errors by the user.
The Report Administration application is used to register and define security access to the
external reports. External reports are identified as report type custom. Within Report
Administration, the administrator registers the external, custom reports, associates them to an
application, and defines which security groups should have access to them from the various


External Report Considerations:

IBM does not provide you with any report licenses or support in working with external reporting
tools. You must purchase and maintain your licenses for any of these tools separately.
Additionally, because this is an open integration which is not enabled to a specific reporting tool
or release, no out of the box reports are provided.
Additionally, this integration does not enable the full suite of embedded reporting functionality.
Examples of embedded functionality not included are application toolbar access, including
licensing, Direct Print with Attachments, and Emailing and Scheduling from within the Maximo
For more details on the External Report Option, including how to enable it and its corresponding
integration functionality, reference the document at the end of this guide.


Open Database Platform Version 7.5 Releases

Open Database Platform Features:
Maximo is based on an Open Database Platform. You can extend this architecture to configure
your reporting tool of choice directly to the Maximo Database. This enables you to directly
connect to the database without going thru the Maximo Framework - to streamline this report
This flexible architecture enables you to utilize any reporting tool or version as you simply
configure your reporting tool directly to the database. Once this is configured, you can create
powerful reports directly against the vast amounts of data available.

Open Database Platform Considerations:

With the Open Database Platform, you do not utilize the Maximo Framework to execute reports.
Report execution is done directly from the users machine to the reporting software. With this
simplified process, the user can execute any number of reports directly against the Maximo
However, with this approach, Maximo users will not have visibility to these reports from within
the various applications, and can not execute these reports via a Launch in Context. Additionally,
any of the other embedded reporting functionality like emailing, scheduling, security and
toolbar access is not available because reports are executed external to the Maximo
Finally, because this report integration is not enabled within the framework, IBM does not enable
licenses or support for the variety of broad range of integrations that you could enable.


Developing Custom Reports

In the previous sections, information on design features to consider and the various report
options were detailed. This last section is intended to bring the output of those sections into an
actionable plan that you can undertake for your custom report requirements.
This actionable plan can be used by both clients upgrading to Version 7.5 from prior Maximo
versions, or those creating new custom reports in Version 7.5.



Embedded Reporting Tool

If you choose to utilize the embedded reporting tool of BIRT in V7.5, there are a number of
options you can pursue to develop your custom reports. These options include customizing the
out of the box reports provided, or using the embedded ad hoc reporting functionality as a
starting point for your custom report.


5.1.1 Customizing Out of the Box Reports

Depending on the specific products you are licensed for, over 140 Out of the box reports are
delivered out of the box. These reports span the variety of Applications, and include Analysis,
Detail, Hierarchical, and Drill down Reports. Reports can update the database, hyperlink to one
another to enable more detailed analysis, and refresh data dynamically. These reports are
designed to quickly and clearly convey information to the end user, and approximately 20%
include graphs, including pie, bar and line charts along with daily and monthly calendar views and
control limits.
The out of the box reports provide you a starting point for your custom report needs. You can
quickly customize these reports to meet your individual business needs, and also utilize the
delivered business logic to create any new reports you need.
To understand the types of reports that are available, and the code that they utilize, access the
V7.5 Report Booklet. Available as a download from IBMs Support website, the report booklet
contains valuable information on each report.
The booklet is set up as a workbook as shown below.

The first workbook V75 Reports lists details of each out of the box report, including:
Name: Name of the Report. By clicking on its name, it will hyperlink to a pdf copy of the report.
Description: Description of what the report does
Additional Report Description Details?: Highlights if the report has additional information on its
content, or on the code in how it was developed.
Report File Name: Report design file name.
Maximo Application(s): Application or Applications that the report can be accessed from.
Graph: If the report includes a graph, the type of graph utilized and what it displays.
Enabled for Rich Text Formatting? Details if the report includes a long description field with this
unique control.
Configurable BV, DP, DPA, Limits Enabled: Details if Application Toolbar Access Settings are
enabled out of the box. These include Browser View, Direct Print and Direct Print with
Parameters: Details if parameters are specified for the report, like Start Date or End Date, and if
they are required or non-required parameters. If parameters are not specified, the report
executes against the current/selected record set, in what is known as Launch in Context.


Suggested Demo Data: If you want to execute these reports from a maxdemo environment, the
suggested demo data column lists maxdemo data that can be used for report execution.
Template: Details which template is used, and if grouping or sorting is used
To best utilize this information, you may want to search for information you need on your custom
report from this page. For example, if you need to create a custom report with a pie graph, you
may want to look at an out of the box report which has a pie graph. As shown below, the Details
of Asset Failures by Location report includes a pie chart.

You can then open up the report in its pdf format by clicking on its report name


You could modify this report for your custom data needs, or you could use portions of its code
within your unique custom report. You can open its source file in the Report Design Tool. The
Report Source is located in <V75>\reports\birt\reports

Additionally, if a report has a Yes in the Additional Report Description Details? column within
the spreadsheet, it indicates that additional information is available for the report. This is shown
with the same report Details of Asset Failures.

The additional information is available in the second worksheet Additional V75 Report Desc.


Once on this page, you could also search to find additional information that may be included in
the out of the box reports. This example details how a bound date parameter can be used.


5.1.2 Use Ad Hoc Reporting as a base for Custom Report Development

When Ad Hoc Report is created and saved, its resulting design file (.rptdesign) that was created
on the fly is saved to the database. This enables the report to be accessed in the future for
immediate run access or scheduling and emailing.
Additionally, once the report is saved in the database, it can be extended within the Report
Designer tool. By simply exporting the report and opening it in the design tool, you can quickly
build upon the report design by adding calculations, graphs or additional features.
This can become a huge time saving feature for your custom report development because ad hoc
reports can be created with complex sql from multiple tables, filters and application queries.
Instead of having the developer create all this information you can let the Maximo framework
perform this work, and then build upon the ad hoc report in the designer.
To show how this can be accomplished, an example below is given. First, the Ad Hoc report is
created and saved. In this case, the report is created in the Asset application, and called Asset
Specifications and Work Order Details.


Then, the report is exported for its repository in the database to a local file system. This is done
via a command utility. Enabling the command utility is a properties file which first must be
configured. The property file is: file.
To configure this file, browse to the tool location ...<V75> \reports\birt\tools. Locate and open
the file shown below. Enter the standard values required for this file.

*NOTE: For more details on configuring this file and the variations that can be enabled,
reference the V75 Report Developers Guide noted at the end of this document.
After configuring the properties file, you can export the Ad Hoc Report by opening a command
window. Navigate down to the exportcommands path. <V75>reports\birt\tools

Then, export all of the reports from the asset application by:
exportreports app asset


*Note: You can also export only a single report by using the command:
exportreport report <application> <reportfilename>
However, all command files work with file names not the report descriptions that users assign
during Ad Hoc Report Creation. So to use this command, you first must know the exact name of
the QBR report. To find the report file name, access the Report Administration application. You
can either filter on the Created By field in the list tab, or utilize a query to quickly locate your Ad
hoc reports. Ad Hoc reports are identified where the Created By field is not null.

Then execute the command to export a single report


Once you have exported the ad hoc report, open up the Report Designer tool. From the menu,
click File Open File and navigate to the directory where you exported your reports. Select the
Ad Hoc Reports .rptdesign file, and it displays in the designer.

You can immediately see that you have an excellent beginning to extend this report further for
any other customizations you may need. Multiple data sets (subreports) can be already
populated, parameters included and complex sql statements including application queries can
already be formed for you.

This can become an excellent starting point for your report developer.



Cognos Report Integration

If you choose to utilize Cognos Reporting to create your custom reports in Maximo 7, you can
utilize either the powerful Cognos Query Studio or Cognos Report Studio. Cognos Query Studio
enables you to create Ad Hoc Reports, whereas Cognos Report Studio enables you to create
standard Enterprise Reports. Both tools are web based, and enable report creation via a visual,
dynamic interface.

5.2.1 Query Studio

Using Cognos Query Studio tool, your business users can quickly create Ad Hoc Reports with
little or no training. Your users will simply open up any one of the Cognos Packages to begin
report creation. These Cognos Packages were formed from the Applications Report Object
Structure in the Maximo Framework.
When you create reports in either Query Studio or Report Studio, the business user does not
have to have database knowledge, or experience in writing sql statements. The metadata layer
enabled with the Cognos packages contains the sql so your users can quickly and consistently
develop report content.
The example below shows how a user could create a Work Order Ad Hoc Report. You first start
with the Cognos Work Order Package that was dynamically created from the Work Order Report
Object Structure in Maximo. When you expand the package, it shows all the objects (database
tables) which you can select fields from. You can select fields from the parent object of Work
order, or any related tables like Asset, Locations, or SLA. Each of these tables is related to the
parent via the maxrelationships defined in the Report Object Structure.


To add a field to the Ad Hoc report, simply drag and drop the field in the report authoring

Continue building your report by adding other fields from the main table or related tables.


Additionally, you can apply filters, add calculations, sort, group along with numerous other
features including graphing and pivot tables to create your own powerful, custom Ad Hoc Report.

With minimal training, the business user can quickly create an Ad Hoc report within Cognos
Query Studio to meet his individual business or project needs. Once complete, it can be saved
for future access, and also shared with others.


5.2.2 Report Studio

With Cognos Report Studio, your developers can create professional enterprise reports in an
advanced reporting environment.

A few of the benefits developers will see when developing reports within the Cognos Reporting
Product Suite include*

Reports can be created in a wide variety of formats and objects, including graphs, charts,
crosstabs, lists and other dynamic non-BI components like images and logos.

The report development tools deliver a zero-footprint, browser based interface for all
reporting functionality. This eliminates the need for IT to install and manage client
desktop software.

Casual or novice users can author and modify their own reports with minimal training or
IT involvement. The flexibility of the task based interface reduces the time required to
author and modify a report.

Report developers can create reports containing any number of report objects charts,
cross tabs, and lists, as well as non-BI components such as images, logos, and live
embedded applications that can be linked to the information.

Reports can be built with multiple data queries. Each query can draw data from any data
source or a combination of sources and be linked together in context or left as

Users can arrange report objects by dragging and dropping them into the report
authoring window. Report layout automatically adapts and rearranges as report objects
are added or removed.

When used with dimensional data, query and reporting capabilities provide automatic
recognition of hierarchies and automatic drill-up and -down for both text reports and
charts, without the need for authoring by the user. Queries on dimensionally modeled
relational data can be enabled for drilling-up and down on each dimensional hierarchy.

Additionally, like Query Studio, because Developers Studio utilizes the Cognos packages or
metadata layer, developers no longer are required to write sql to join database objects together.
This enables them to very quickly create powerful enterprise reports
*Reference: Reporting with IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence. February 2009, File


A few examples of the types of custom reports you can create within the Cognos Reporting Tools

For a demo of more detailed, interactive capabilities of Report Studio, access the link below, and
access the Reporting demo on the right.


To access additional Maximo Report Reference materials, access this IBM Maximo Wiki
or its shortened url of
This page contains the latest listing of report reference materials, including description,
revision levels and hyperlinks to the documentation
Additional details on Maximo Reporting can be found throughout the Wiki Pages here
or its shortened url of


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