Determination of Probable Cause, Executive and Judicial

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Determination of probable cause, executive and judicial

There are two kinds of determination of probable cause: executive and judicial.
The executive determination of probable cause is one made during preliminary investigation. It is a
function that properly pertains to the public prosecutor who is given a broad discretion to determine
whether probable cause exists and to charge those whom he believes to have committed the crime as
defined by law and thus should be held for trial. Otherwise stated, such official has the quasi-judicial
authority to determine whether or not a criminal case must be filed in court. Whether that function has
been correctly discharged by the public prosecutor, i.e., whether he has made a correct ascertainment of
the existence of probable cause in a case, is a matter that the trial court itself does not and may not be
compelled to pass upon.
The judicial determination of probable cause is one made by the judge to ascertain whether a warrant of
arrest should be issued against the accused. The judge must satisfy himself that based on the evidence
submitted, there is necessity for placing the accused under custody in order not to frustrate the ends of
justice. If the judge finds no probable cause, the judge cannot be forced to issue the arrest warrant.
Paragraph (a), Section 5, Rule 112 of the Rules of Court outlines the procedure to be followed by the
To move the court to conduct a judicial determination of probable cause is a mere superfluity, for with or
without such motion, the judge is duty-bound to personally evaluate the resolution of the public
prosecutor and the supporting evidence. In fact, the task of the presiding judge when the Information is
filed with the court is first and foremost to determine the existence or non-existence of probable cause
for the arrest of the accused.
What the Constitution underscores is the exclusive and personal responsibility of the issuing judge to
satisfy himself of the existence of probable cause. But the judge is not required to personally examine
the complainant and his witnesses. Following established doctrine and procedure, he shall (1) personally
evaluate the report and the supporting documents submitted by the prosecutor regarding the existence
of probable cause, and on the basis thereof, he may already make a personal determination of the
existence of probable cause; and (2) if he is not satisfied that probable cause exists, he may disregard
the prosecutor's report and require the submission of supporting affidavits of witnesses to aid him in
arriving at a conclusion as to the existence of probable cause.
The rules do not require cases to be set for hearing to determine probable cause for the issuance of a
warrant of arrest of the accused before any warrant may be issued. Petitioner thus cannot, as a matter of
right, insist on a hearing for judicial determination of probable cause. Certainly, petitioner cannot
determine beforehand how cursory or exhaustive the [judge's] examination of the records should be
[since t]he extent of the judge's examination depends on the exercise of his sound discretion as the
circumstances of the case require. xxx
The periods provided in the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure are mandatory, and as such, the judge
must determine the presence or absence of probable cause within such periods. The Sandiganbayan's
determination of probable cause is made ex parte and is summary in nature, not adversarial. The Judge
should not be stymied and distracted from his determination of probable cause by needless motions for
determination of probable cause filed by the accused.
[Leviste vs Alameda, G.R. No. 182677, August 3, 2010]

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