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Application For Employment

We appreciate your interest in our company. You should complete the application by answering all questions. If a
question does not pertain to you, please indicate not applicable or N/A. Standard Textile Co., Inc. is a federal
contractor and complies with the Drug-Free Workplace Act. Standard Textile Co., Inc. is also a Tobacco Free Workplace
and tests for nicotine in Ohio, Alabama, Georgia and Texas. As part of our commitment to a drug and tobacco-free
workplace, we require pre-employment drug testing of all new employees. Offers of employment are contingent upon
successful completion of these tests. Any applicant with a confirmed positive test result will be denied employment.
Individuals who have failed a pre-employment test may reapply after a period of no less than six months but must
present themselves drug and/or nicotine free. If you have questions concerning our pre-employment tests, please ask
the Human Resources representative during your interview.
Standard Textile Co., Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The Company does not discriminate on the basis of
age, race, religion, color, sex (including pregnancy), genetic information, national origin, disability or any other
characteristic protected by federal, state, or local law.
If you need additional space for any response, please continue on a separate sheet of paper.

General Information


Have you ever been known by any other names? If so, please list all names.
Position Applied For
Available (check all that apply): Full Time

Social Security No.

Part Time

Temporary Only

Day Shift

Night Shift____

Expected Salary/Wage (Range)

Phone (

Other Phone (

Present Address

How Long? (From-To)


County of Residence

Have you ever worked for this company before?

Who referred you to us?

How did you find out about this opening?

Do you have relatives working for this company?
Are you over 18?


Email Address

If hired, can you provide proof of your legal right to work in the United States? Yes


General Information (continued)

Have you ever been convicted of a crime (other than a minor traffic violation) that has not been sealed, expunged,
annulled, erased, statutorily eradicated, or pardoned by a court of law or governor?* Please note that a criminal
conviction is not an absolute bar to employment. The Company will consider the age and nature of the offense as
well as any other relevant information.


If yes, give details of all convictions.*

*Massachusetts and Hawaii applicants only: Do not respond to this question.
*Washington Applicants only: You may exclude convictions that occurred over ten years ago, unless the conviction
reasonably relates to the job duties for the position you are seeking.
*California applicants only: Do not list marijuana-related misdemeanor convictions over two years old, or any
misdemeanor conviction for which probation has been successfully completed and discharged.
*Connecticut applicants only: You are not required to disclose any conviction record that has been erased pursuant
to sections 46b-146, 54-76o, or 54-142a of the Connecticut General Statutes. Records subject to erasure under these
sections are records pertaining to a finding of delinquency or that a child was a member of a family with service
needs, an adjudication as a youthful offender, a criminal charge for which the person was found not guilty or
received an absolute pardoned conviction. Any person whose records were erased within the meaning of these three
sections may consider such events to have never occurred and may so swear under oath.

Record of Previous Employment

List all past jobs. If necessary use additional sheets.
Present or Most Recent Employer (circle one)
Kind of Business
Starting Date
Ending/Present Date

Phone (
Starting Title
Ending/Present Title

Starting Earnings
Ending/Present Earnings

Starting Duties
Ending/Present Duties
Last immediate supervisors name and title
What did you like BEST about this job?
What did you like LEAST about this job?
Reason for leaving
May we contact your present employer now?

Record of Previous Employment (continued)

Previous Employer
Kind of Business
Starting Date
Ending/Present Date

Phone (
Starting Title
Ending/Present Title

Starting Earnings
Ending/Present Earnings

Starting Duties
Ending/Present Duties
Last immediate supervisors name and title
What did you like BEST about this job?
What did you like LEAST about this job?
Reason for leaving

Previous Employer
Kind of Business

Phone (

Starting Date

Starting Title

Ending/Present Date

Ending/Present Title

Starting Earnings
Ending/Present Earnings

Starting Duties
Ending/Present Duties
Last immediate supervisors name and title
What did you like BEST about this job?
What did you like LEAST about this job?
Reason for leaving

Previous Employer
Kind of Business

Phone (

Starting Date

Starting Title

Starting Earnings

Ending/Present Date

Ending/Present Title

Ending/Present Earnings

Starting Duties
Ending/Present Duties
Last immediate supervisors name and title
What did you like BEST about this job?
What did you like LEAST about this job?

Colleges and Universities Attended
Include Jr. /Community Colleges, Graduate, Trade or Business Schools
Number of

Name of School
City, State


Did You

Grade Point


High School Attended

Name of School
City, State


Did You

Grade Point

How did you finance your education? ______________________________________________________________________

Academic Honors, Scholarships, Fellowships, Extra Curricular Activities [Do not list any organization where the
name indicates the age, race, religion, color, sex (including pregnancy), genetic information, national origin,
disability or any other protected characteristic of its members.]

Other Qualifications
Machines: Please list those you can operate.

Special Skills and Qualifications: Please list.

Military Experience: From


Branch of Service


List any special skills or training acquired in the service:

Activities: Include business, trade, professional, community, volunteer, hobbies, sports, etc. [Do not list any
organization where the name indicates the age, race, religion, color, sex (including pregnancy), genetic information,
national origin, disability or any other protected characteristic of its members.]

What are your future goals?

References: Give the names of three persons not related to you, whom you have known for at least (1) year.

Authorization for Release of Information

I authorize any reference, school, former employer or other person to disclose to the Company, upon request, any
information they may have about me, and I release them from all liability for disclosing such information.


Applicants Signature
Other Pertinent Qualifications

Sometimes the form of an application makes it difficult for individuals to adequately summarize their complete
background. Please make additional comments you feel are appropriate regarding your qualifications.

I certify that I have thoroughly read this application and that the information I have provided is correct and
complete. I understand that making false or misleading statements or omitting facts on this application are grounds
for rejection of this application or dismissal from employment whenever the Company discovers them. I authorize the
Company to investigate all the information provided or requested in this application. I understand that, if the
Company extends an offer of employment, it will be contingent upon successful completion of a background check.
If hired, I agree to comply with all rules and regulations of the Company. I will keep the Companys confidential
information in the utmost confidence and that I will not use or disclose it to any other person during or after my
employment except as authorized by the Company. I understand that either the Company or I can terminate my
employment, with or without cause and with or without notice, at any time. I also understand that the Company
can change the position to which the Company assigns me at any time. I also understand that no Company
representative (with the exception of a corporate officer, in writing) has any authority to enter into any agreement
or to make any promise that is contrary to the foregoing. Anything said or implied to the contrary is not binding
upon the Company.
This application will remain active for no more than six months.


Applicants Signature

Receipt Confirmation for your

Application and/or Resume.
Thank you for submitting your resume and/or application to Standard Textile Co., Inc.
If your background and experience should match our needs, we will contact you to schedule an
interview. If an appropriate match is not available at this time, we will place your
application/resume in our files to be reviewed as other opportunities become available. Over the next
six months if we do not contact you to schedule an interview, please accept our best wishes for your
continued success.
Since Standard Textile Co., Inc. is a government contractor and an equal opportunity employer, we
are required to maintain information concerning the race and sex of our applicants. Please take a few
minutes and complete the information below and e-mail it back to [email protected]. You can
also mail this form Attention: Human Resources, One Knollcrest Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45237.
This form is optional to complete and will have no adverse impact on your candidacy.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation. We are delighted that you are considering Standard
Textile Co., Inc. as a potential employer and we thank you for taking the time to respond to this
Human Resources Department

Applicant Self Identification Form

1. Candidate Information
Standard Textile Co., Inc. is a government contractor and an equal opportunity employer. Applicants are considered for
employment, and treated during employment, without discrimination based on age, race, religion, color, sex (including
pregnancy), genetic information, national origin, disability or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local law.
The Company takes affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified women, minorities, veterans, and disabled
individuals. As a government contractor, the Company is required to maintain information concerning the sex, ethnicity, race, and
veteran status of applicants.
For these reasons, you are invited to volunteer the information requested below. This information will be kept in a confidential file
separate from your application for employment. Failure to provide this information will not jeopardize or adversely affect your
consideration for employment. If you wish to be identified please sign below.

2. Statistical Information

A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican,

South or Central America, or other Spanish
culture or origin, regardless of race.


Race Identification

Job Classification


Not Hispanic/Latino


A person having origins in any of the original

peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

Black or African American

Native-Hawaiian or other
Pacific Islander

Please write the title of the position

for which you are applying in the
box above.
If unknown, please list your
current or most recent job title.

A person having origins in any of the Black

racial groups of Africa.
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of
Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.

Veteran Status
A person having origins in any of the original
peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian
subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India,
Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands,
Thailand, and Vietnam.


American Indian or
Alaska Native

Two or More Races

(Not Hispanic or Latino)

Vietnam Era Veteran
Newly Separated Veteran
(within three years)

A person having origins in any of the original

peoples of North and South America (including
Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation
or community attachment.
All persons who identify with more than one of the above
races, excluding those who identify themselves as Hispanic or


Applicants Name (Please Print)

Applicants Signature

3. Non-Participation
I have read the above statement, and I have chosen not to complete this form.
Please check box if applicable.

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