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"Sciant praesentes et futuri quod ego Galicia relicta Humphredi le Her de Bromham dedi concessi et hac
praesenti Carta mea Confirmavi Nicholaio filio meo &c Hijs testibus Rico de Bridwolston, Rogero le
Blount, Willo le Blount, Magistro Simone, Johanne de la Mason Sans date." ("Know all present and future
that I Galicia widow of Humphrey le Her de Bromham hereby give and here present my seal confirming
Nicholas as my son etc. Witness this Richard de Bridwolston, Roger le Blount, William le Blount, Sir
Simon, John de la Mason, without date.") The next charter confirms that Nicholas was Galfridus of
Bromham's brother: "Sciant praesentes et futuri quod ego Galfridus le Here de Bromham dedi concessi et
hac praesenti Carta mea Confirmavi Nicholaio fratri meo pro homagio et servitio suo &c Hijs testibus Rico
de Brawanton tunc ballivo, Rogero le Blount, Willo (Wanthelin) le Blount et aliis Sans Date." ("Know all
present and future that I Galfridus le Here of Bromham dedicate, concede and here present my seal
confirming Nicholas as my brother for your homage and service, etc. Witness this Richard de Brawanton
Bailiff, Roger le Blount, William (Wanthelin) le Blount and others, without date.") Finally, a third, dated
charter is quoted: "Pateat universis per praesentes quod ego Galfridus le Eyre de Bromham dedi et concessi
et praesenti scripto [meo] Confirmavi Willo: Rolf &c Hijs testibus Johanne de la Roch: Willo le White
Stephano le Eyr Thome Milis Johanne le Stocke et multis alijs Dat apud Bromham die Dominica proxima
ante festum Sti Thomae Apli Anno Regni Regis Edward Filij Regis Edw: 15: 20 Dec. 1321." ("Universal
patent for all present that I Galfridus le Eyre de Bromham dedicate and concede and present my signature
confirming William, Rolf, etc. Witness this John de la Roch: William le White, Stephen le Eyr, Thomas
Mills, John le Stocke, and many others. Dated at Bromham, the Lord¹s Day, just before the feast of Saint
Thomas during the 15th. regnal year of King Edward son of King Edward, 20 Dec. 1321.") These charters
confirm that Galfridus is the brother of Nicholas, son of Humphrey. However, the genealogy portrayed in
the Visitation shows Galfridus as the son of Nicholas which is obviously incorrect. The following notes are
in Browne Willis's hand: Rich le Eyr Ld of a 4th pt of Barton M. co: Warwick Temp: H: 3, Simon Eyre Ld
Mayor of London Temp: Hen: 6 See Stow, Roger Eyre mentioned in a Fin 48 H: 3 [1264] Robt Eyre High
Sheriff of Derbyshire 1481 21 E 4. The Eyres an antient Family in Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire give the
same Arms as I remember from some of their epitaphs in Ashmoles Collections in the Musaeum wch are
200 years old as I remember Humphrus Le Her sanz date [married] Galicia."(1)

Humphrey was a crusader and travelled to the Holy Land with Richard the Lionhearted.


 I. Nicholas- b.c.1295 Bromhall



(1) Wiltshire Visitation Pedigrees, 1623- Harleian Society, London, 1954- pp.57-8; Genealogical and
Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry- 18th Edition, Burke's Peerage Ltd., London, 1965- p. 246

A History of the Wiltshire Family of Eyre- Mary Elizabeth Frances Richardson Eyre, Mitchell & Hughes,
London, 1897- p. 14
The Visitation of Wiltshire, 1623- Harleian Library, London, 1954- pp.57ff
A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland- John Burke, Esq.
A Short Account of the Family of Eyre of Eyrecourt and Eyre of Eyrevill in the County of Galway- Rev.
Allen Stewart Hartigan- p. 5



 3I. GALFREOUS- b.c.1325 Bromhall

 II. Stephen- of Bromham


A History of the Wiltshire Family of Eyre- Mary Elizabeth Frances Richardson Eyre, Mitchell & Hughes,
London, 1897- p. 14
The Visitation of Wiltshire, 1623- Harleian Library, London, 1954- pp.57ff
A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland- John Burke, Esq.
A Short Account of the Family of Eyre of Eyrecourt and Eyre of Eyrevill in the County of Galway- Rev.
Allen Stewart Hartigan- p. 5


From the Visitation of Wiltshire, 1623: Galfridus le Eyre de Bromham 15: E: 2 (1322).


 4I. JOHN- b.c.1365 Bromhall, m.c.1385 ELIZABETH CROOKE (b.c.1365 Erchefonte, Wilts)


A History of the Wiltshire Family of Eyre- Mary Elizabeth Frances Richardson Eyre, Mitchell & Hughes,
London, 1897- p. 14
The Visitation of Wiltshire, 1623- Harleian Library, London, 1954- pp.57ff
A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland- John Burke, Esq.
A Short Account of the Family of Eyre of Eyrecourt and Eyre of Eyrevill in the County of Galway- Rev.
Allen Stewart Hartigan- p. 5


b.c.1365 Bromhall, Wiltshire

m.c.1385 ELIZABETH CROOKE- b.c.1365 Erchefonte, Wiltshire, d. of John Crooke of Erchefonte

John had his home at Wedhampton, in the parish of Urchfont. He recovered seisen of his lands in Urchfont
by the name of John Le Eyr in the reign of Edward III.


 5I. SIMON- b.c.1415, d. before 1500 Wedhampton


A History of the Wiltshire Family of Eyre- Mary Elizabeth Frances Richardson Eyre, Mitchell & Hughes,
London, 1897- p. 14
The Visitation of Wiltshire, 1623- Harleian Library, London, 1954- pp.57ff
A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland- John Burke, Esq.
A Short Account of the Family of Eyre of Eyrecourt and Eyre of Eyrevill in the County of Galway- Rev.
Allen Stewart Hartigan- pp. 5-6


bur. St. Mary Woolnoth, Lombard St., London
will 8 Dec. 1457-11 Nov. 1458 Wedhampton, Wilts

Simon bore the arms: Argent, a boar rampant, azure, lined and collared or.

"The draper, Sir Simon Eyre, Mayor of London, leaves a total of 7,000 marks to his family: 2,000 to his
only child, Thomas; 1,000 to his grandson, Robert; 2,000 to his grandson, Thomas; and 2,000 to his
graddaughter, Jane. In each case the amount is to be paid half in woolen cloth "as it cost at ye first cate" and
half in debtors." In a second, fragmentary codicil, dated 16 Sept. 1458, also kept at Somerset House, Simon
apparently tried to remedy this unequal distribution by giving each of the grandchildren 1,000 marks and
leaving the rest to his son Thomas. (1) It is interesting to note that Simon did not mention Thomas' oldest
son William. Perhaps he had provided for him previously?


 6I. THOMAS- b.c.1445, d. before 1500 Wedhampton


(1) Notes and Queries- Jan. 1954, p. 15- Another Look at Simon Eyre's Will

A History of the Wiltshire Family of Eyre- Mary Elizabeth Frances Richardson Eyre, Mitchell & Hughes,
London, 1897- p. 14
The Visitation of Wiltshire, 1623- Harleian Library, London, 1954- pp.57ff
A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland- John Burke, Esq.
A Short Account of the Family of Eyre of Eyrecourt and Eyre of Eyrevill in the County of Galway- Rev.
Allen Stewart Hartigan- p. 6


d. before 1500 Wedhampton, Wilts



 II. Robert- Robert was mentioned in his grandfather's will
 III. Thomas- mentioned in his grandfather's will
 IV. Jane-


A History of the Wiltshire Family of Eyre- Mary Elizabeth Frances Richardson Eyre, Mitchell & Hughes,
London, 1897- p. 14
The Visitation of Wiltshire, 1623- Harleian Library, London, 1954- pp.57ff
A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland- John Burke, Esq.


b.c.1465 Wedhampton, Wilts

m. JULIANNA COCKERELL (bur. Priory Church of the Canons of St. Augustine, Christchurch, Hants)


 I. William- d. 6 Dec. 1520 Christchurch, Hants. William entered the monastic life and was elected Prior
of the House of Canon of St. Augustine in 1502. He is buried in the south aisle of the church: "Jumba
Domini Wilielmi Eyre, Vicessimi quint Prioris, Ungus Ecclesiae--qui obiit tetio die Decembris Anno
Domini Milessimo ccccc: et xx eligus anime propitietur Deus Amen." By his side was interred his
mother--"Hic jacet Joano Cokrell, mater Wilielme Eyre."
 8I. JOHN- b.c.1495 Wedhampton, m. JANE CUSSE (b.c.1485 Broughton Giffard, Wilts)


A History of the Wiltshire Family of Eyre- Mary Elizabeth Frances Richardson Eyre, Mitchell & Hughes,
London, 1897- p. 14
The Visitation of Wiltshire, 1623- Harleian Library, London, 1954- pp.57ff
A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland- John Burke, Esq.
A Short Account of the Family of Eyre of Eyrecourt and Eyre of Eyrevill in the County of Galway- Rev.
Allen Stewart Hartigan- p. 6



b.c.1495 Wedhampton, Wiltshire

m.1. Margaret, d. of John Button of Alton, Wilts
2. JANE CUSSE (b.c.1485 Broughton Giffard, Wiltshire) d. of John Cusse of Broughton Giffard

Issue- first two children by Margaret, last four by Jane

 I. John- m. Alice, d. of Stephen Payne of Motcombe, Wilts. John was MP for Wiltshire in 1563.
 II. William- probably d.s.p.
 9III. ROBERT- b.c.1515 Wedhampton, m. JOAN ______, d. 1559 New Sarum, Wilts
 IV. Christopher- m. Jane Ryves
 V. William- m. Anne Chaffin
 VI. John- m. Sybil Chaffin


A History of the Wiltshire Family of Eyre- Mary Elizabeth Frances Richardson Eyre, Mitchell & Hughes,
London, 1897- p. 14
The Visitation of Wiltshire, 1623- Harleian Library, London, 1954- pp.57ff
A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland- John Burke, Esq.
A Short Account of the Family of Eyre of Eyrecourt and Eyre of Eyrevill in the County of Galway- Rev.
Allen Stewart Hartigan- pp. 6-7



b.c.1515 Wedhampton, Wiltshire

m. JOAN ______ (m.1. George Turney)
d. 1559 New Sarum, Wiltshire

Robert settled in Salisbury as a merchant and purchased the lands and tenements in Castle Street of Sir
Henry Long. He was MP for Salisbury in 1557 and was Mayor of Salisbury in 1559.(1)


 10I. THOMAS- b.c.1545, m. ELIZABETH ROGERS (b.c.1545 Poole, Dorset, d. before 1600 New
Sarum), d. 1628 New Sarum


(1) A History of the Wiltshire Family of Eyre- Mary Elizabeth Frances Richardson Eyre, Mitchell &
Hughes, London, 1897- pp. 4, 13
NEHGR- Vol. 10, p. 256
The Visitation of Wiltshire, 1623- Harleian Library, London, 1954- pp.57ff
A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland- John Burke, Esq.
A Short Account of the Family of Eyre of Eyrecourt and Eyre of Eyrevill in the County of Galway- Rev.
Allen Stewart Hartigan- p. 7


m. 16 Apr. 1577 St. Thomas, Salisbury, Wilts ELIZABETH ROGERS, d. of John Rogers (b.c.1545
Poole, Dorset, bur. 24 Dec. 1612 Salisbury, Wiltshire)
bur. 10 Sept. 1628 St. Thomas, Salisbury, Wiltshire
IPM 2 Oct. 1629

Thomas was Mayor of Salisbury in 1587. He held lands in Wimborne, Dorset and purchased the Manor of
Chilhampton and South Newton, Wilts. Elizabeth was the daughter of John Rogers of Poole, Dorset and
descended from the family of Brainston, Dorset.(1) Thomas' monument is in the church of St. Thomas in


 I. Robert- b.c.1560, m.1. Agnes Still d. of Right Rev. John Still, Bishop of Bath and Wells (d. 15 Feb.
1598 Hadleigh), 2. Alice Tooker, bur. 8 Aug. 1638 St. Thomas, Salisbury, Wiltshire. Robert, of
Chillhampton and Sarum, was a barrister.
 II. Lyonell- bpt. 2 Jan. 1570 Salisbury
 III. Catherine- bpt. 25 Feb. 1571 Salisbury, m. Thomas Hooper of Boveridge, Dorset
 IV. Giles- bpt. 27 Feb. 1572 Salisbury, m. 1603 Jane Snelgrove d. and heiress of Ambrose Snelgrove of
Redlynch, Wilts, bur. 16 Jan. 1655 Whiteparish(3)
 V. Nicholas- bpt. 5 Dec. 1573 Salisbury, bur. 6 Dec. 1573 Salisbury
 VI. Thomas- bpt. 14 Sept. 1575 Salisbury, bur. 27 Sept. 1575 Salisbury
 VII. Francis- bpt. 20 Jan. 1576 Salisbury, bur. 8 June 1590 Salisbury
 VIII. Christopher- bpt. 25 Apr. 1578 Salisbury, m. Heather Hester Smythes d. of George Smythes of
London, d.s.p. 5 Jan. 1624 St. Stephen, Coleman St., London. Christopher was a founder of Eyre's Hospital
in Sarum and one of the original founders of the East India Company.
 IX. Thomas- bpt. 24 Aug. 1580 Salisbury, m. Anne, d. of Rev. Thomas Jaye of Fittleton, Wilts, d. 1633.
Thomas was Mayor of Salisbury.
 ?11X. JOHN- bpt. 2 Sept. 1582 Salisbury, m. HANNAH ______ (d. 8 Oct. 1688 Haverhill), d. 31 Mar.
1657 Haverhill, MA
 XI.William- bpt. 26 Nov. 1585 Salisbury, d.s.p. Nov. 1646. William was a barrister and bequeathed his
estate of Bonhams to his great-nephew Sir Samuel Eyre.
 XII. Rebecca- bpt. 26 Nov. 1585 Salisbury, m. 10 July 1609 St. Thomas, Salisbury, John Love of
Basinge, Southampton
 XIII. Elizabeth- bpt. 9 July 1587 Salisbury, m. Gilbert Tooker of Madington, Wilts
 XIV. Jane- bpt. 9 July 1587 Salisbury
 XV. Elynor- bpt. 31 Mar. 1590 Salisbury, bur. 1590
 XVI. Anne- m. John Swaine


(1) A History of the Wiltshire Family of Eyre- Mary Elizabeth Frances Richardson Eyre, Mitchell &
Hughes, London, 1897- pp. 5, 13
(2) Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry- Burke's Peerage Ltd., London, 1939-
pp. 727-9
(3) A Short Account of the Family of Eyre of Eyrecourt and Eyre of Eyrevill in the County of Galway- Rev.
Allen Stewart Hartigan- p. 8: "Giles Eyre, the second son, was the founder of the Brickworth and Irish
branches of the family. He was born in 1572, and was High Sheriff for Wilts in 1640. He was a very strong
supporter of the Parliamentarian Party, and suffered on account of his opinions. He himself and three of his
sons were members of the council of Oliver Cromwell, and two of them, John and Edward Eyre,
accompanied the Cromwellian, General Ludlow, to Ireland,a nd founded there, the family of the Irish

Eyres. Giles Eyre built the Mansion House of Brickworth, in the parish of Whiteparish. Close by the west
door of Whiteparish Church is a tablet to his memory, with this inscription:-- "Buried here Gyles Eyre Esq.
adn Jane his wife. A man much oppressed by public power for his laudable opposition to the measures
taken in the reigns of James and Charles I. "In the year 1640 (for then well-known Court reasons), he
was . . . was afterwrds plundered at Brickworth by the King's soldiers of £2,000 value, and imprisoned for
refusing to pay the sum of £400, illegally demanded of him by two instruments under the Privy Seal,
bearing date at Oxford, 14th Feb. 1643. He was baptized 1572, died Jan., 1655, having issue seven sons
(three of whom were likewise members of Parliament), and four daughters." Over the vestry of Whtieparish
church hangs an Esquire's helmet, surmounted by leg coupée, the Eyre crest. The time in which Giles Eyre
lived were very troublesome ones, and split up families into two parties. We find that the senior branch of
the family, the Eyres of Chalfield, were strong loyalists, and fought for the King. The opinions of Giles
made him very obnoxious to many of his neighbors, amongst whom the ancient and courtly family of St.
Barbe, of Cowsfield Loveries, in Whiteparish. Edward St. Barbe, by his will, proved in 1643, left his
property to his son Edward on condition that he would not intermarry with the daughter of Giles Eyre, Esq.,
of Brickworth. This condition was observed by Edward St. Barbe, but the Fates in the course of time had
their revenge, as in the 19th century, Charles St. Barbe married Mary Foster, dr. of the Rev. Thomas Foster,
of Ryhall, Rutland, who was descended through the Eyres of Ashley from Thomas Eyre, the father of Giles
Eyre. Giles Eyre m. 1603, Jane Snelgrove, dr. and heiress of Ambrose Snelgrove, of Redlynch, and left

NEHGR- Vol.10, p.253, 256

The Visitation of Wiltshire, 1623- Harleian Library, London, 1954- pp.57ff
A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland- John Burke, Esq.
A Genealogical Account of the Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages of the British Empire-
Sir Bernard Burke- p. 193



bpt. 28 Mar. 1596 Bromham, Wiltshire?, bpt. 2 Sept. 1582 Salisbury?

m. HANNAH _____ (d. 8 Oct. 1688 Haverhill, MA)

d. 31 Mar. 1657 Haverhill
will 12 Mar- 6 Oct. 1657

There has been much debate about the identity of John of Haverhill. The most commonly held belief is that
he is the son of Thomas and Elizabeth of Salisbury, Wilts, however, this requires that one accepts that John
was treated very differently from his siblings and ignores the English caste system which would have
carried over to the New World. It also ignores the date of John's birth as estimated by the birth of his
children and his release from military duty. Also, there is a burial for a John Eyre, age 17, in St. Thomas'
church in Salisbury which was probably the son of Thomas and Elizabeth. The research done by Rosalie
Fellows Bailey in her "The New England Heritage of Rousmaniere, Ayer, Farwell and Bourne Families"
gives a more probable decent of John as the son of Robert and Cicely (Crosse) Ayre of Bromham, Wilts.
The ancestry of John, son of Thomas and Elizabeth is given above, if nothing else, it's interesting!

The earliest identification found of the wife of John Ayer as Hannah Evered was a newspaper genealogy
column known as "The Boston Transcript." According to that source Hannah was listed in the will of John
Evered alias Webb, therefore she must be his sister. Hannah was still alive when the will was probated, she
was not mentioned and did not inherit anything. John Evered alias Webb did mention his cousins as the
children of John Ayer and not as the children of his sister Hannah which would be very unusual if indeed
she was his sister.

John came to America in 1637 from Norwich, Norfolk. He was a proprietor in Salisbury in 1640. He
received land in Salisbury in the first division in 1640 and again in 1643. He sold his house, land, and
commonage to John Stevens in 1645 when he moved to Haverhill. Here he built a house which together
with his land was valued at £160.This house was continously occupied by his descendants through sixth
generations. He was one of thirty two landowners in Haverhill. He was fined in Feb 1647 for not attending
the town meeting. He served on the Grand Jury in Apr and Oct 1649 and in Apr 1652. He was made a
Freeman in Mar 1654. As he signed his own name in certain court proceedings, he was a man of some
education. When he was made a Freeman, the list had an evaluation of man’s property, John Ayers
valuation was £160 and was he 2nd highest on the list.

His will, 12 Mar 1657, was very extensive and comprehensive where he mentions his wife and all of his

"Estate of John Eyers, Sr. of Haverhill.

The last will and Testament of John Eyers ye Elder of Haverhill made ye twelfe of March one thousand six
hundred fifty six: fifty seaven: ist ffirst I giue vnto my Sonne John Eyers my dwelling house and house
Lott, butt my wyfe to haue the [my] house and Archyard & the psture of English grass by the barne, and the
leantoo att the South end of ye barne and to haue livertie in ye Same Nue barne to lay in such hay or corne
as shee shall haue occasion to make vse of duering the tyme of hir Naturall life and att hir death to returne
to my Sonne Jno Eyers, and duering the tyme of my wiues life my Sonne is to haue the vse of my house
Lott and barne, and to pay vnto my wife tenn shillings an acre for every acre of broken vpp land in this my
house Lott, and after the end of my wyues life when this falls into my Sonne John Eyers hand then hee shal
pay as followes, fiue pound the first yeare after my wyfes death to my Sonne Nathaniell . . .and that young
Sowe, whose eare hangs downe and all my flaggy meadow I giue to my Sonne Peter the other halfe of my
decond division of meadow & vpland, & two Oxe comons with all privilidges belonging to two Oxe
commons and three acres of land in ye upper playne which hee hath allreadie in his possession: I giue my
third division of land which is agreed on by the town to bee lay'd out, I giue vnto my Sonne John Eyers &
Peter Eyers to bee equally divided beweene them. . . I giue to my wife my best Cowe, and to my daughter
Hannah my second best cowe, & my other Cowe and three yeare old heifer to my daughters rebecka &
Mary: And all my other goods and Cattell and Swine and house hold stuff vndisposed of I giue vnto my
wyfe Hanah Eyers whom I make my Sold Executrix and whom I appoint to discharge all my debts & to
take care for my buriall: [No signature.] Proved in Hampton Court 6:8:1657 by Henry Palmer

John Ayer's Inventory

fower cows, two steers, and a calf..................................................................................... 20.00.00

twenty swine and fower pigs............................................................................................. 18.00.00
fower oxen ........................................................................................................................ 25.00.00
one plough, two pair plough irons, one harrow, one yolke and chayne, and a rope cart ... 4.00.00
two howes, two axes, two shovels, one spade, two wedges, two betell rings, two sickels and a reap hook
hangers in the chimneys, tongs and pot hooks ................................................................. 13.00.00
two pots, three kettles, one skillet, and frying pan.............................................................. 3.03.00
in pewter.............................................................................................................................. 1.00.00
three flocks, beds, and bed clothes ................................................................................... 18.00.00
12 yards of cotton cloth and cotton wool and hemp and flax............................................. 4.00.00
two wheels, three chests, and a cupbboard.......................................................................... 1.03.00
wooden stuff belonging to the house .................................................................................. 1.16.00
two muskets and all that belong to y' .................................................................................. 2.10.00
in books ............................................................................................................................... 0.15.00
in flesh meat......................................................................................................................... 0.15.00
about forie bushells of corne ............................................................................................... 7.00.00
his waring apparill ............................................................................................................... 8.00.00
about six or seven acres of graine in and uppon the ground................................................ 9.00.00

the dwelling house and barne and land broken and unbroken with all appurtaneences..... 120.00.00
forks, rakes, and other small implements about the house and barne.................................... 1.00.00
in debt owing to him .............................................................................................................. 1.00.00
between two or three bushels of sale and so mayle................................................................ 0.10.00

TOTAL 248.05.00 pounds

The will was attessted by Hanry Palmer, the father of the wife of John's son Robert, and a fairly equitable
division was made among the chidlren of the real estate, which comprised two dwellings and a number of
out-laying parcels of land. His wife was given the homestead during her life, and the major portion of his
cattle and personal property. The homestead at the death o the widow was to go to the testator's son, John,
chareable with certain case payments to his broather and sister. In the above inventory no mention is made
of a second house and house lot, which, by the will, was given to his son, Nathaniel, 'When his
apprenticeship is out with his master French.' During Hannah Ayer's widowhood she appears to have been
active in affairs, purchased and sold lands, and previous to 1675 built a new house 'on the commons.'

Hannah survived John and died "aged” in Haverhill on 8 Oct 1688. In fact, she became “unreasonable with
age” and in 1674 and years following was “dissatisfied” with the way he sons were providing for her.


 I. John- b.c.1623, m.1. 5 May 1646 Haverhill, Sarah Williams (d. 25 July 1662 Haverhill), 2. 26 Mar.
1663 Haverhill, Mary Wooddam
 12II. ROBERT- b.c.1625, m. 27 Feb. 1650/1 Haverhill, ELIZABETH PALMER (d. 24 Apr. 1705
Haverhill), will Mar. 1717 Haverhill
 13III. REBECCA- b.c.1627, m. 8 Oct. 1648 Newbury, JOHN ASLEBEE (d. 6 June 1671 Andover)
 IV. Thomas- b.c.1629, m. 1 Apr. 1656 Haverhill, Elizabeth Hutchins, d. 9 Nov. 1686 Haverhill
 V. Peter- b.c.1632, m. 1 Nov. 1659 Haverhill, Hannah Allen, d. 2 Jan. 1698/9 Boston
 VI. Mary- b.c.1634, living 1668 Ipswich
 VII. Obadiah- b.c.1637, m. 19 Mar. 1660/1 Haverhill, Hannah Pike (d. 31 May 1689 Woodbidge, NJ),
d. 14 Nov 1694 Woodbridge
 VIII. Nathaniel- b.c1639, m. 10 May 1670 Haverhill, Tamesin Turloar (d. 13 Dec. 1700 Haverhill), d.
17 Nov. 1717 Haverhill
 IX. Hannah- b. 21 Dec. 1644 Salisbury, m. 1633 Stephen Webster, d. 2 June 1676


New England Heritage of Rousmaniere, Ayer, Farwell and Bourne Families- Rosalie Fellows Bailey, NY,
"Essex Antiquarian"- Vol.4
"The Lamson Family of Jonesport, Maine"- p.378
"Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury"- pp.36-9



m. 27 Feb. 1650/1 Haverhil, MA, ELIZABETH PALMER (d. 24 Apr. 1705 Haverhill)
probate Mar. 1717 Haverhill

Robert was a yoeman farmer in Haverhill and took the Freeman’s oath 8 Oct 1667. In the same month he
was made a corporal in the Haverhill military company and was later a sargeant. He recieved land in the
second ands fifth divisions of “plough-land”. He was a Selectman in 1685 and was one of a committee of
three who were appointed to see about settling Rev. Benjamin Rolfe, the second minister in Haverhill.
Robert Ayers died between May 1716 and Mar 1717 at the age of ninety two. There was no formal will or
inventory however, there are many dispositions concerning him giving land and goods to his children and
in 1708 he gave the ”remainder of his estate” to his grandson, James Ayers, with the stipulation that Robert,
retain the use of the property for life.

Issue- All children b. Haverhill, MA

 I. Elizabeth- b. 10 Nov. 1652, m. 22 Feb. 1675 Haverhill, John Clement

 II. Samuel- b. 11 Nov. 1654, m. 14 Dec. 1681 Haverhill, Mary Johnson (d. 8 Jan. 1744/5 Haverhill, will
6 Oct. 1741-23 Apr. 1745), killed in attack on Salisbury 29 Aug. 1708, adm. 18 Oct. 1708
 13 III. MEHITABLE- b. 14 Sept. 1656, m. 14 Apr. 1681 Hampton, NH, THOMAS PHILBRICK (b.
14 Mar. 1659 Hampton, d. 1712)
 IV. Timothy- b. 2 Oct. 1659, m. 24 Nov. 1682 Haverhill, Ruth Johnson (m.2. 5 May 1691 Haverhill,
Samuel Dow, d. 25 July 1751), d. 14 Apr. 1690 Haverhill, will 7 Aug. 1689-30 Sept. 1690
 V. daughter- b. & d. 9 July 1662
 VI. Hannah- b. 26 Jan. 1663/4, d. 10 Mar. 1675/6 Haverhill
 VII. Mary- b. 15 Jan. 1667/8, d. 14 Apr. 1668


Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury- pp.36-9, 871



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