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Manual BoardMaster 4.

English, Version 1.1

LPKF Laser & Electronics AG

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Copyright (c) 2001 LPKF AG

Printed in Germany. LPKF reserves the right to change specifications
and other product information without notice. Systems and products
offered by LPKF and its subsidiaries are covered by issued and pending
German and foreign patents. Products mentioned are for identification
purposes only and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective companies. LPKF logo and ProtoMat are registered
trademarks of LPKF Laser & Electronics AG
All rights reserved.

BoardMaster 4.0

About this manual This manual

It is an introduction into the operation of BoardMaster 4.0 for Windows.

LPKF BoardMaster is a program for the automatic control of HP-GL
compatible LPKF circuit board plotters. LPKF BoardMaster 4.0 is
capable of importing production data generated by LPKF CircuitCAM 4.0
in LMD format and production data generated by other programs in HPGL format, of displaying this data graphically on the screen and
processing it together with process and job information. The circuit board
plotter is fully controlled through BoardMaster. The WYSIWYG (What
You See Is What You Get) representation of the data to be processed,
the manual control of the circuit board plotter through the Windows
interface and the incorporated tool library with all the requisite
information guarantees largely automatic prototype production. This
manual will guide you from the LMD/HP-GL circuit board data created by
CircuitCAM or other programs, through job preparation, to the
production of the circuit board prototypes with the circuit board plotter.
You will be guided step by step through the program; at critical points in
the program we will point out possible sources of errors that might arise
because of the structure of the various data sources. In this way, we
hope to allow you to identify errors correctly from the outset and to avoid
them by defining the important parameters correctly.

BoardMaster 4.0

Using this Manual

This tutorial does not cover the basic operation of the Windows
interface. Please first refer to your Windows documentation if you are
not familiar with the techniques of handling Windows objects.

I. Orientation
this manual is divided into the following chapters::
1. Safety notes
2. Installation
3. Introduction
4. Description of the Menu bar
5. Description of the Function bar
6. Specific functions
7. Step by Step

II. Conventions used in this manual

Bold text is used to emphasise important information.
Illustrations are numbered by a system indicating the chapter number
and the illustration number.
Example: Figure 5-11: illustration 11 in Chapter 5
Prompts for actions are identified with an arrow.
Italic text is used to inicate the reactions consequent on an action.

III. Notes on the symbols used

This symbol is used to highlight danger to life or health.
this symbol is used to identify hazards which may cause damage.
this symbol is used for notes intended to help you avoid faults in
operation or to help you improve your procedures.

BoardMaster 4.0

Table of contents

1.0 Safety notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.0 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.1 System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
2.2 Materials supplied. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
2.3 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
2.4 Folders created during installation . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

3.0 Getting started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3.1 Starting BoardMaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
3.2 Plotter standby mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
3.3 Waiting for machine response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
3.4 BoardMaster user interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

4.0 The Menu bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4.1 The CONFIGURATION menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Serial interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Circuit board plotter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tool parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Heads dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

23 New determination of the offsets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

4.1.5 PHASES - Production phases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4.1.6 MATERIAL - Base material size . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

4.2 The GO TO menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

4.3 The FILE menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
4.4 The EDIT menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

BoardMaster 4.0


Tool Assignment ...31

Placement ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tool Selection .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Check Drill ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reload... - rework function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.5 The VIEW menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

5.0 The tool bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

5.1 Status information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
5.2 Variable parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
5.3 Project Placement functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
5.4 Control functions for manual control. . . . . . . . . . . .43
5.5 Select production phase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
5.6 Tool change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
5.6.1 Circuit board plotters with manual tool change . . 46
5.6.2 Circuit board plotters with automatic tool change. 46

5.7 Selection functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48

5.8 Start / Stop function for the data processing . . . . .49

6.0 Special functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

6.1 LPKF AutoContac. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
6.2 Special Functions for ProtoMat 95s / 95s/II . . . . .56
6.3 The Teach In dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59

7.0 Step by Step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

8.0 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

BoardMaster 4.0

Safety notes

1.0 Safety notes

The following points must be observed without fail to ensure your safety.
Of course, the use of BoardMaster on its own constitutes only a very
slight hazard potential.
Make sure that your computer is plugged into the main
supply properly and correctly connected to the circuit board
Make sure that no-one enters the working area of the circuit
board plotter while data transfer between BoardMaster and
the circuit board plotter is taking place.
Make sure that no-one can access the working area of the
circuit board plotter or come into contact with the tools
while the operations controlled by BoardMaster are being
Make sure, when working on the circuit board plotter, for
example when changing tools manually or lining up the
board material, that it is impossible for an unauthorized
person to operate BoardMaster.
In an emergency, switch off the circuit board plotter and the
PC connected to the circuit board plotter immediately.
You must also follow the safety instructions given in the
manual for the circuit board plotter .
You should also take account of additional safety
instructions in this manual.

BoardMaster 4.0


2.0 Installation
2.1 System requirements
The minimum system requirements for an installation of
BoardMaster are:
Pentium Iprocessor 75 MHz or better
32 MByte RAM (recomended 64 MByte
VGA/XGA graphics card (recommended resolution 1024 x 768)
Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000
4x CD ROM drive
BoardMaster requires approximately 3 MB free hard disk space for its

2.2 Materials supplied

The materials supplied with BoardMaster include:
this manual

2.3 Installation
BoardMaster is installed from CD ROM. The CD ROM contains all the
programs and files necessary for the correct operation of BoardMaster.
How to install BoardMaster:
Insert the CD ROM in your CD drive.
Select RUN from the WINDOWS START menu.
Then click to Browse... .
Select the BoardMaster 4.0 installation directory and double click
The installation routine for BoardMaster starts running

Note: Clicking on CANCEL allows you to close the dialog box and
cancel the installation.

BoardMaster 4.0


Then follow the instructions in the installation program:

Choose the language of the setup.
After welcome and warning screen you will enter the license agreement.
If you agree with the license agreement, choose YES to move on to
the installation directory screen.
Choose the destination directory of the installation.
Next choose the destination start menu folder.
Now, you will beasked to select the language of the INSTALLATION.
Note, that this is different the the language of the SETUP.
Choose the actual COM port that your machine is, or will be,
physically connected up to.
Note, that you may choose to set the COM port up manually at alater
time if you do not know what COM port it willbe attached to.
Select whether this is to be a new installation, or an update to an
existing one.
If you choose update, you will be ask for the location of the existing
BoardMaster installation. Navigate to the directory where this is located
and choose OK.
If you choose NEW, you will be prompted, after the files are copied
onto your hard disk drive, to insert the configuration floppy disk, which
contains your machines specific calibration information
Now it is recommended that you view the read me file, which contains
important information.
The installation program creates in additon to the entrie in the Windows
Start menu a BoardMaster 4.0 short cut on the desktop. This short cut
contains all important parameter files within its command line.
The shortcut for BoardMaster which was created by the install
programm contents not only the target to BoardMaster execute file
(BMaster.exe). Further it contents two other very importent files
which must be in command line to start BoardMaster.
The correct comand line is:
c:/lpkf40/BMaster/bmaster.exe bm-eng.txt bm-C60.INI
Parameter files:
language file: English version
individuall machine config file (e.g. ProtoMat C60)
Caution: Without parameter files BoardMaster starts undefined!
That means BoardMaster in English version without machine and library

BoardMaster 4.0


2.4 Folders created during installation

By default, the installation program creates an "LPKF40" directory to
which the program files for BoardMaster are saved.
The following subdirectories will be created in the LPKF40 directory:
BMaster contains all program files for BoardMaster as well as all
necessary configuration files.
Data this is used as the working folder for BoardMaster. This
working folder already contains some sample files for
BoardMaster and may be used as standard directory to save
data from CircuitCAM.


BoardMaster 4.0

Getting started

3.0 Getting started

In this chapter, we would like to give you a first look at BoardMaster and
familiarize you with the BoardMaster user interface.
Note: This manual uses the default settings suggested during the
installation for the name of the program group and the folders

3.1 Starting BoardMaster

Following installation of BoardMaster, you will find a new folder called
LPKF40 in the Windows Start menuas well as a short cut icon on the
How to start BoardMaster:
Click on the BOARDMASTER 4.0 icon in the LPKF LPKF40 folder in
Start menu or double-click on the icon on the desktop.

Starting BoardMaster for ProtoMat 95s*:

When starting BoardMaster for ProtoMat 95s and 95s/II the TOOL
STATUS dialog box will appear
fig. 1 : Tool Status dialog box

CAUTION:You must determine if there any tool is present when the

ProtoMat 95s* is switched on. If a tool is located in one of the
clamps then you must specify the free tool position in the tool
Comment:Position 1 = tool 1 is on the far right, Position 30 = tool
30 is therefore on the far left of the tool magazine.
When starting BoardMaster for ProtoMat 95s* the very first time the
TOOL STATUS dialog box appears as shown above. The tool status has
to be defined by the user.

BoardMaster 4.0


Getting started

Every time BoardMaster is started anew, it will

remember the previous tool status. This status will be shown and needs
to be confirmed by pressing OK. If the status does not match with the
real situation the user needs to correct it.
Then BoardMaster will ask whether the current tool should be removed
to the tool magazin or should remain in the spindle.

3.2 Plotter standby mode

Once LPKF BoardMaster has been started, you will see a prompt to
switch on the circuit board plotter (machine) and to confirm by clicking
on OK. In case if the plotter is allready switched on the message box
will not appear!
fig. 2 : Switch on Machine

Caution: Clicking on CANCEL causes the program to continue

whatever the response from the circuit board plotter and can lead
to data loss. Connection to plotter is terminated (NULL).

3.3 Waiting for machine response

A box with the relevant message will be displayed on screen all the time
BoardMaster is waiting for a response from the circuit board plotter:
fig. 3 : Waiting for machine

This message appears if BoardMaster is started and requires an answer

from the circuit board plotter. The message will disappear once the
machine has executed the last comands from the command buffer and
sends a ready to receive next data to the BoardMaster. However,
BoardMaster sets the communication interface to NULL if STOP is


BoardMaster 4.0

Getting started

This is not an error message. It is possible to change to other

applications while this message is being displayed. As soon as the
plotter sends the response required to the PC, the message disappears
and the program continues as normal.

3.4 BoardMaster user interface

The illustration shows the BoardMaster user interface with the project
"tutor.lmd" already imported:
fig. 4 :

A complete prepared production file, containing information regarding

material size, LMD- or HP-GL files used, their placement and all
production phases and tool assignments is referred to such a job.
The structure of a job file will be described in detail in the sections
You can import the "tutor.lmd" file for testing and practice purposes after
you have started BoardMaster by selecting IMPORT - LMD from the
FILE menu.
The BoardMaster user interface is divided up into a number of areas:
The Title bar shows the name of the program and specifies the
circuit board plotter type in use and the name of any job that has
been loaded or freshly created.
The Menu bar lists the menus available.
The tool bar contains various buttons, displays and functions for
controlling the circuit board plotter and for modifying a job.
The Graphic Area shows the current view of the circuit board
plotter in graphical form.

BoardMaster 4.0


Getting started

This area is for its part divided into the

actual working area of the circuit board plotter (shown in
light grey) and the area of the board material in use
(shown in dark grey) with the circuit board data to be
processed. You can customize the graphical representation
of the graphic area to your requirements using the VIEW
menu functions.
The Scroll bars beneath and to the right of the graphic area can
be used to move the visible detail around the graphic area.
The current mouse pointer position is shown on the left hand
side of the horizontal scroll bar.
The Status bar beneath the horizontal scroll bar shows
information about the buttons, displays or areas where the
mouse pointer is currently located.


BoardMaster 4.0

The Menu bar

4.0 The Menu bar

In this chapter we would like to introduce the menu functions in
BoardMaster in a typical sequence in which they might be used.


This menu groups together all the functions you might need in
configuring BoardMaster and the connected circuit board plotter:
fig. 5 :

4.1.1 Serial interface

CAUTION:Make sure that no-one can access the working area of
the circuit board plotter during the configuration procedure, as
changing to the correct interface could cause a data transfer and
thus cause the circuit board plotter to start.
Open the CONFIGURATION menu and select Connect... to open the
following dialog box:
fig. 6 :

BoardMaster 4.0


The Menu bar

Use this dialog box to choose the communication port to which your
circuit board plotter is connected. The default setting is NULL, i.e. no
communication takes place through the serial interface.

Click on this radio button to use BoardMaster on a PC

without a circuit board plotter connected to it. (For test
operation and for preparing the data.)


Click on this radio button to use the COM1 to COM4

radio buttons to specify the serial interface to which
your circuit board plotter is connected.

The serial interface parameters to be set for the various circuit board
plotters are listed in the table below:

Circuit board plotter

Baud rate

Data bits

Stop bits


Flow Control

LPKF 91, 92
HI-P, Automill




LPKF 91s, 92s

ProtoMat 91s, 91s/VS,
92s*, 93s, 95s*
ProtoMat C20, C30,
C30S, C60, C100/HF,
M30, M60, X60




The FIFO buffers need to be disabled.

These parameters are set up in the Windows Control Panel.
Windows 95/98/ME: under SYSTEM - DEVICE MANAGER - PORTS
Windows NT/2000: under PORTS
The first time it is started, BoardMaster sets all the relevant interface
parameters itself. It even automatically disables the FIFO mode for the
interface selected. BoardMaster may then prompt you to reboot the
system to make sure that all the settings are effective.
The FIFO mode of the relevant serial interface cannot be disabled
automatically under Windows NT. Please use ADVANCED PORT
SETTINGS in CONTROL PANEL - PORTS to disable the FIFO mode
Check the connection between the PC and the circuit board plotter if the
circuit board plotter is not being controlled correctly after data transfer is
You should also make sure that the parameters for the serial interface in
Windows Control Panel match the parameters listed in the table.
Note: An incorrectly specified protocol for the serial interface is a
frequent cause of defective communication. Make sure that
Hardware and not XON/XOFF is selected under Flow Control.


BoardMaster 4.0

The Menu bar

4.1.2 Circuit board plotter

Once the interface has been set up, you will have to import or set the
plotter parameters necessary for correct operation.
Open the CONFIGURATION menu and select the PARAMETER... line
to open the following dialog box:
fig. 7 :

This dialog box is used to define all the plotter-specific parameters and
to save them to the initialization file (*.INI). LPKF supplies circuit board
plotters with two different types of controller:
LPKF 91, LPKF 92, LPKF 101 LC, LC/VS, HI-P, Automill with
MCU controller
LPKF 91s, LPKF 92s, ProtoMat 91s, ProtoMat 91s/VS, 92s*,
93s, 95s*, ProtoMat C20, C30*, C60, C100/HF, M30*, M60 and
X60 with SMCU control
The laser is a third controller type. Use this operating mode if
BoardMaster is being used with an LPKF StencilLaser, Multifunction
laser or Hybrid laser.
BoardMaster is capable of operating all three types of controllers. The
controller type is selected in the CONTROLLER group box and is preset
for the circuit board plotter selected during setup.

BoardMaster 4.0


The Menu bar

The controller type should not be changed, as otherwise correct data

transfer with the appropriate syntax will no longer be possible.
To prevent accidental changes to a parameter listed in the
CONFIGURATION SETTINGS dialog box, you are required to click the
UNLOCK button to allow editing of a parameter before you carry out any
intentional modification.

Machine parameter setting for MCU controller (only LPKF 101 LC,
LC/VS, Hi-P, Automill)
All the important parameters for circuit board plotters with MCU
controllers such as the HOME position (data origin) and the size of the
working area are stored in battery-buffered RAM after plotter
initialization. This data must be downloaded from the circuit board plotter
before you start working with BoardMaster:
Click on UNLOCK to allow modifications to machine parameters.
Click on INITIALIZE to download the parameters from the circuit
board plotter.

It is only possible to download the data from the circuit board
plotter if the circuit board plotter controller is switched to Select.
Unless the origin of the circuit board plotter and/or the serial
interface used is changed, definition of the connection and reading
the HOME position and the working area is a one-time process, as
this information is stored in the initialization file (*.INI) when you
close BoardMaster.
The parameter values downloaded from the circuit board plotter
are displayed in the ORIGIN, SIZE, HOME and PAUSE text boxes.
The data in the NULL and SIZE text boxes are fixed values which
are plotter-dependent and cannot be edited. The data in the HOME
and PAUSE text boxes may be edited.
Changing the HOME position only causes changes of the display of
the grphic area; it has no effect on the positioning of the data on
the circuit board plotter, as the relevant HOME position for the
circuit board plotter is stored in the controller.
It may be appropriate to modify the Pause position if it is to differ
from the default setting (Xmax/Ymax), eg Xmax/Ymin.


BoardMaster 4.0

The Menu bar

Machine parameter settings for SMCU control (LPKF 91s, LPKF 92s
and all ProtoMat models):
The machine parameters for your plotter are read during installation from
the initialization disk that was supplied with your circuit board plotter.
This means that all the important data for the machine size and the
location of the HOME Position (data origin on the mirror axis) are already
programmed in the factory. The plotter is ready to use.
All the important information such as the HOME position and the working
area will be sent to the circuit board plotter controller by BoardMaster.
In case the machine specific INI file or the configuration disk get lost it
might be necessary to initilaize the circuit board plotter anew.
Please follow the instructions below if you need to set these parameters
anew or correct them.
Caution: The following instruction starts the circuit board plotter.
Previous parameter sets get lost.
Make sure that no-one can access the working area of the circuit
board plotter.
You should also take account of additional safety instructions in
the circuit board plotter manual.
Click on UNLOCK to allow modifications to machine parameters.
Click on INITIALIZE to start the initialization run.
The plotter head approaches the limit switches for all four travel
directions during the initialization run and sends the values determined
in this way back to BoardMaster. These values are displayed in the
ORIGIN (Xmin/Ymin, always 0/0) and SIZE (Xmax/Ymax) text boxes.
These entries cannot be edited, they can only be reset by initialization.
The values in the PAUSE text box are identical with the values in the
SIZE text box. They can, however, be edited to place the Pause position
at any chosen point.
Note: The values in the HOME (data origin) are set by default to
Xmin and Ymax/2. The HOME values determined in this way are not
the precise values which will ensure that the solder side and
component side will coincide in the production of double-sided
circuit boards. It is necessary to ensure that the HOME position lies
precisely on the mirror axis of the plotter, which is established by
the two alignment pins.
Set up the Home position on the mirror axis of the circuit board
plotter. (You can find information on how to do this in the circuit
board plotter manual.)
Click on SET HOME to set the Home position to the current position
of the circuit board plotter's head.

BoardMaster 4.0


The Menu bar

We recommend that you make a note of these values so that it is not

necessary to set up the HOME position on the circuit board plotter if the
values are accidentally changed.
A command chain in the plotter syntax can be entered in the START
LINE text box. This will be stored in the initialization file when you exit
from BoardMaster and sent to the circuit board plotter each time you
start BoardMaster.
All entries in the MACHINE PARAMETERS dialog box are sent to the
circuit board plotter when you click on OK and saves to the initialization
file when you exit BoardMaster. This means that they will be available
the next time you start the program.
Further parameters

Clicking on one of these two radio buttons selects inch or

metric display for the length, diameter, coordinates
information, etc.


This text box displays the circuit board plotter type that will
be displayed in the BoardMaster title bar. This data is for
information only and is of no significance for operation.


The number in this box indicates the number of tool change
This is always 1 for the LPKF 91, 92, ProtoMat 91s,
92s, 93s, ProtoMat c- and M-series and LPKF101 LC,
LC/VS, and HI-P circuitboard plotters, always 7 for the
LPKF Automill and always 30 for ProtoMat 95s* circuit
board plotters.

Clicking on this button sends the command, typed in the text

box to the left of the button, to the circuit board plotter.
It is not necessary first to click on the UNLOCK button for
this function. Please consult the circuit board plotter manual
for the command syntax.

The number in this box specifies the maximum speed of the
circuit board plotter spindle.
The number in this box specifies the maximum travel speed
of the circuit board plotter spindle. This has higher priority
than the tool speed (see TOOL PARAMETERS dialog box).
The numbers in these two text boxes define the distance
traversed by the circuit board plotter for one step of the
stepper motor in the X or Y direction. These values should
never be changed, as otherwise it is no longer possible to
guarantee proper scaling of the output.
None of these parameters should be changed (except SEND) to avoid


BoardMaster 4.0

The Menu bar

4.1.3 Tool parameters

The BoardMaster includes tool libraries listing the tools supplied by
LPKF with all the tool- specific parameters. The tool library files come in
three variants: *.TOL for drilling and milling tools, *.DIS for dispensing
nozzles and *.VAC for suction nozzels (only used with LPKF
The TOOL LIBRARY sub menu of the CONFIGURATION menu gives
you access to the various tool libraries:
fig. 8 :

Samples for a ProtoMat C60:

working with FR4 basis material

working with FR3 basis material
working with Alu basis material
working with film folies
working with solder stemcil foils
working on plasic material

FR4-60.tol was loaded as default. Please choose library depending on

the material.
Select MILL/Drill from the CONFIGURATION - TOOL LIBRARY menu
to open the following dialog box:
fig. 9 :

BoardMaster 4.0


The Menu bar

The various tool libraries define all tool specific parameters depending
on the different plotter and application type. The parameters are
described here to assist you in modifying or inserting additional tools.
NAME The name of the tool is listed in this list box. The name
you choose if generating a new tool must be the same as
used in CircuitCAM in order to enable an automaically tool
assignment if importing the production data from
CircuitCAM. Selecting a tool from this list box allows you to
display and, where necessary, modify its parameters.
The number in this text box specifies the diameter of the tool.
This information allows the system to display the actual
diameter of the tool in the BoardMaster tool bar and will be
used for the automatic tool assignment as well.
The number in this text box indicates the time interval in
seconds between "Head down" and "Head up" commands
for the drilling tool, between Head down command and
start of milling respectively.
Clicking on one of these two radio buttons defines the tool as
a milling tool or drilling tool.
This text box is provided for an additional description of the
tool. This information is of no significance for the production
The number in the MAXIMUM text box specifies the
maximum milling distance or the maximum number of
drills for the tool.
The CURRENT text box displays the distance already milled
by the tool or the current number of drills made by the
tool. Clicking on REPLACE starts the tool change procedure
and resets the content of the CURRENT text box to 0 once
the old tool has been replaced.
The number in the SPEED text box specifies the optimum
speed of the drilling spindle. The number in the MILLING
text box defines the optimum feeding for milling tools.
Note: The speed of rotation is only used automatically for the LPKF
ProtoMat circuit board plotters with variable spindle speed. In the
case of all other circuit board plotters with variable motor speed
(e.g. LPKF 101 LC/VS), the optimum speed of rotation must be set
manually on the controller. The optimum speed of rotation to be set
is, however, indicated by BoardMaster on a tool change.
All changes to the tool library could be saved in the tool library file
(*.TOL) for later reuse. The file which is loaded with the start of


BoardMaster 4.0

The Menu bar

BoardMaster is specified in the #include section of the *.MCH file.

Also the valid production phase file (*.phs) and the dispenser (*.dis)
and vacuum (*.vac) tool files are specified there.
By pressing the Save button, all changings will be saved in the current
tool library file (*.TOL). The name of the current file is displayed above
the tool listing.
By pressing the Load button, you can load other tool libraries. Close the
tool library dialog box by pressing OK or Cancle.

Dispenser, Vacuum: These dialog boxes contain all the important

parameter required for dispensing and removing the conductive paste
for the AutoContac system and for dispensing other media. These
processes are explained in more detail for their users below in this
manual (see LPKF AutoContac on page 50).

4.1.4 The Heads dialog box

The HEADS dialog box is accessed by clicking on HEADS in the
fig. 10 : Head dialog box

The various tool heads are listed on the left-hand side, and the offsets
assigned to the highlighted head are shown in the right-hand side:
MILLDRILL HEAD: The circuit board plotters head used as a reference
for all further options fitted to the head. Its offset must, therefore, always
be set to X = 0 and Y = 0.
DISPENSER/VACUUM: The distance between the Dispenser/Vacuum
nozzles ( LPKF AutoContac) and the plotter head is defined.
The Special functions for LPKF AutoContac chapter contains a detailed
description of how these offsets are determined.
CAMERA: The distance between an assembled videa camera option
(LPKF CircuitView) and the plotter head is defined in here. These can be
used for precise positioning when reworking prefabricated circuit boards.
The Reworking .... chapter (see Reload... - rework function on
page 36) contains a detailed description of how these offsets are

BoardMaster 4.0


The Menu bar

X offset, Y offset:
These values specify the distance between the AutoContac nozzles or
the camera and the mill/drill spindle in the X and Y directions. These
values differ for the various types of cartridge toolholders and are in the
range of 32 to 35 mm for X and 30 to 37 mm for Y.
Once the offsets have been determined, they should only be corrected if
the nozzles or the camera are not positioned exactly centered over the
drillings in the circuit board for dispensing, suction or viewing. An
increase in the value corresponds to a displacement of the nozzles/
camera relative to the mill/drill spindle in the positive X or Y direction.
Important:The maximum size of the working area is smaller for the use
of dispenser or camera than those for drilling and milling by these
amounts. The restricted grapfic area will be indicated by a white frame if
a dispensing tool or suction tool is selected.
You can use this white frame to correctly place a project with dispensing
and vacuum phases correctly on the printed board. Do this by selecting
a dispensing and suction tool in the TOOL combo box (tool bar top left).
The white frame will then be visible. New determination of the offsets

CAUTION:Make sure that no-one can access the circuit board
plotter's working area while you are redetermining the offsets.
Entering the following commands has an immediate consequence
on the circuit board plotter.
The procedures for re-specifying these offsets are as follows:
Select the SPIRAL DRILL 0.5 MM tool from the TOOL combo box.
Insert a 0.5 mm drill.
Manually position the plotter head over the circuit board (using the
arrow keys or the mouse).
Switch on the motor and drill a hole using the Down button.
Change to the HEADS dialog box, select DISPENSER and click on
Now select the D PINK CARTRIDGE 0.5 MM tool, take the drill out
and insert a cartridge with a needle (pink) in the holder.
Manually (using the arrow keys) shift the needle as precisely as
possible over the drill hole in the circuit board . You will have to use
manual control through the arrow keys to do this see MATERIAL Base material size on page 26.
Press the head down by hand and visually check the position of the
needle in the X and Y direction, correcting as appropriate.
Change back to the HEADS dialog box, select DISPENSER and
click on HEAD.


BoardMaster 4.0

The Menu bar

The offsets will be computed by BoardMaster and entered. These values

should also be used for the VACUUM head. When you exit
BoardMaster, these values will be saved to the INI file and loaded again
the next time you start the program.

4.1.5 PHASES - Production phases

All the data to be sent by BoardMaster to the circuit board plotter must
be assigned to a specific production phase. These production phases
embrace an operation in which the user does not need to intervene. An
intervention might be, for instance, through-hole plating of the circuit
board or turning the board material over. The sole exception to this rule
is a manual tool change. This assignment is prepared in CircuitCAM and
is automatically implemented in BoardMaster.
Some production phases are already defined in the initialization file. You
can, however, modify these production phases to meet your
requirements at any time. The names for the production phases must be
the same in CircuitCAM and BoardMaster.
Open the CONFIGURATION menu and select the PHASES... line to
open the following dialog box:
fig. 11 :

All production phases defined by default are listed in the list box.
Selecting a production phase allows you to display and, when
necessary, modify its parameters.
Two settings are required for each production phase:
The color to be used to display the data assigned to this
production phase. This setting is used to distinguish the various
production phases in the graphic area.
Definition of a production phase as "Standard" or "Reversed
side". Check the REVERSED SIDE check box for all production
phases that act on the solder side of the circuit board. All other
production phases for which the REVERSED SIDE check box is
disabled are thus defined as acting on the component side.

BoardMaster 4.0


The Menu bar

How to create a new production phase:

Select the production phase before or after which you wish to insert
the new production phase.
Enter the name for the production phase in the text box.
Click on INSERT ABOVE or INSERT BELOW to insert the
production phase at the appropriate point in the list box.
Press SAVE to save all changes to the current phases file (*.PHS).
To load other phases files press Load.
Note: When milling single sided boards, Reversed side should be
enabled for the drilling phase. This will prevent you from having to
turn the base material!

4.1.6 MATERIAL - Base material size

The first task in preparing a new job is to define the size of the base
material to be used. This is necessary to ensure that the available area
for operations is displayed in the graphic area, thus permitting the
optimum placement of the circuit board data.
The board size is defined under MATERIAL of the CONFIGURATION
fig. 12 :

This sub menu offers two options for the definition of board size:
Manual input in the SIZE dialog box
Determine the size by allowing the circuit board plotter to travel
Manual input in the SIZE dialog box
Open the CONFIGURATION MATERIAL sub menu and select SIZE...
to open the following dialog box:
fig. 13 :


BoardMaster 4.0

The Menu bar

The size of the board material is specified by manually entering the

appropriate values in the text boxes. The size calculated from the values
entered in the two top text boxes is displayed in the SIZE text box.
The area of the board material will be displayed in dark grey on the
graphic area once you quit the dialog box by clicking on OK .
Make sure that the minimum values (with a negative sign if necessary)
are entered under Low Corner X/Y and the maximum values are entered
under High Corner X/Y.
You should only use this option for specifying the size when preparing a
job without the circuit board plotter connected, as it is not possible to
specify this precisely taking into account the positioning on the circuit
board plotter and the location of the registration pins in the plotters table.
Determine the size by allowing the circuit board plotter to travel
The board size is determined precisely when the circuit board plotters
head is moved to use the SET Low Corner and SET High Corner
functions found in the CONFIGURATION MATERIAL sub menu of the
Caution: The following instruction starts the circuit board plotter.
Make sure that no-one can access the working area of the circuit
board plotter.
You must also follow the safety instructions given in the manual for
the circuit board plotter .
Manual control of the circuit board plotter is required for this process.
Consult the capitel manual control (see Control functions for manual
control on page 43) for information on this procedure.
Move the plotter head to the "front, right corner" (X/Y min) of the
base material using the
arrow keys. Ensure
to take the registration pin position and the fixing tape ito
consideration inorder to avoid placing your projects onto this
sub menu.
Move the plotters head to the "rear, left corner" (X/Y max) position of
the base material using the

arrow keys.

Select SET High Corner from the CONFIGURATION MATERIAL

sub menu.
Once you have specified the base material size, the area will be shown
in dark grey in the BoardMaster graphic area.

BoardMaster 4.0


The Menu bar

Make sure that the controller (standard controller) of the circuit board
plotter series LPKF 91, 92 and LPKF101* is switched to Select when
you are setting the two coordinates.
Make sure that you follow the specified sequence in setting the
coordinates (first X/Y low corner , then X/Y high corner).
Take the fixing tape and the size of the working depth limiter into
consideration when specifying the material size.
Any material size already defined will be deleted when you open a new

4.2 The GO TO menu

This menu contains functions for moving the plotter head to the positions
fig. 14 :

CAUTION:Selecting an entry from the GO TO menu causes the

circuit board plotter connected to move.
Make sure that no-one can access the working area of the circuit
board plotter or come into contact with the tools while the
operations controlled by BoardMaster are being executed.
HOME Select this entry to move the plotter head to the HOME
position (data origin).
PAUSE Select this line to move the plotter head to the PAUSE
position (by default, this is Xmax/Ymax).
Select this line to move the plotter head to the Tool change
position (by default, this is Xmin/Ymin).
Camera >>Head
Select this entry to move the camera to the current mill/drill
spindle position.
Select this entry to move the mill-drill spindle back to its
original position.


BoardMaster 4.0

The Menu bar

4.3 The FILE menu

The functions in this menu are used in handling jobs and projects in
fig. 15 : File menu


Select this item to create a new job in BoardMaster.


Select this item to open an existing job.

Also Job files from BoardMaster 3.x can be loaded, but
the tool assignment has to be done again, because the
tool names are different in this version.


Select this item to save the job opened in BoardMaster

under the filename shown in the BoardMaster title bar.

SAVE AS...Select this item to save the job opened in BoardMaster

under a new filename.

This sub menu contains functions for importing

production data or projects into BoardMaster:

fig. 16 :

Select this item to import LMD files (CircuitCAM
production data) or LPR files (BoardMaster HP-GL
projects) into BoardMaster. Also LMD files from
BoardMaster 3.x can be imported, but the tool
assignment has to be done again, because the tool
names are different in this version.

from this submenu to

import HP-GL files into BoardMaster
and to assign them to a new project.
<DEFAULT> from this submenu to import HP-GL
files into BoardMaster and assign them
to the Default project.

BoardMaster 4.0


The Menu bar

The data is automatically placed in the centre of the circuit board plotter
work area or the predefined base material respectively when LMD files
are imported. Furthermore, the production phases and tools required are
automatically assigned to the data. If BoardMaster is unable to assign
one or more tools, the following message box will appear:
fig. 17 :

You will then have to assign the tools manually in the tool assignment
dialog box, add needed tool to the tool library or load the proper tool
library before importing the data again.
All the tools required will be listed in the CircuitCAM report window after
the data is exported.

4.4 The EDIT menu

fig. 18 :


BoardMaster 4.0

The Menu bar

4.4.1 Tool Assignment ...

Every job in BoardMaster is composed of one or more projects. The
circuit board data imported here as an LMD or HP-GL file is known as a
Import the sample file Tutor.LMD by choosing Import - LMD to load a
project. Open the EDIT menu and select TOOL ASSIGNMENT to open
the following dialog box:
fig. 19 :

The production data is generally imported using the import function from
the file menu. These projects can, however, also be added (LMD file
from CircuitCAM) or generated (HP-GL files) at this point.
Every LMD file created during export in CircuitCAM contain the
production data for the whole PCB to be produced. The imported LMD
files are listed in the project list box. In the Phase File/Layer list box
every CircuitCAM layer with its production phase (Phase) is listed. Each
of the items contain 1 or more tool information (Pen) with the assigned
tool from the BoardMaster tool library (Tool).
In case the tool assignment could not be done automatically (see
message box above) it needs to be done in here:
Select the layer from the listing which misses the assignment.
Open the Pen list box and check that each pen has a tool assigned.
If not, choose from the Tool list box the to be assigned tool.
Repeat this till all tools have been assigned correctly.

BoardMaster 4.0


The Menu bar

How to create a new project:

Click on CREATE PROJECT to create a new project.
Assign a name to the project in the ENTER NEW LPR NAME dialog
fig. 20 :

Click on OK to close the dialog box.

Enter the resolution of the HP-GL files associated with the project in
the UNIT text box.
HP-GL files have a default resolution of 0.025 mm. Please change the
setting for the HP-GL unit in the Machine Settings dialog box if you wish
to use data with a different resolution.
Click on ADD FILES... to add the selected HP-GL files to your
All the HP-GL files for a project must be located in the same folder.
You must further also assign the following information under FILE/
LAYER to any file containing production data:

Select the phase to which the production data are to

be assigned from this list box.

PEN/TOOLSelect from the PEN list box the pen from the HPGL file to which the tool selected in the TOOL list
box is to be assigned.

Enable this check box to allow simultaneous

display of both sides of the circuit board
in the case the production data was created as
mirror images. (Generally the solder side in all
production data.)

Click on SAVE AS... to save the project as an LPR file.

To open a project saved as an LPR file when you start the BoardMaster
program, you should select LMD OR LPR... line of the IMPORT sub
menu of the FILE menu.


BoardMaster 4.0

The Menu bar

Click on ADD PROJECT... to add a project.
This project may be an LMD file generated by CircuitCAM or an LPR
file (HP- GL project file) generated in BoardMaster.

4.4.2 Placement ...

Once you have imported or generated the projects you require, you will
be able to place them in the BoardMaster graphic area. Imported
projects are automatically placed in the center of the graphic area.
Open the Edit menu and select PLACEMENT ... to open the following
dialog box:
fig. 21 :

How to place a project:

Click Add... and select the project you wish to place from the list box.
Select a project from the list on the left hand side to modify the
placement of an already placed project.
Enter the scaling you require for the project in the SCALE text box.
The default value for the scale is 1, i.e. a 1:1 scale. You may, however,
also specify a different scale here for applications such as engraving
front panels and plates.
Enter the position required for the project on the graphic area into the
X and Y text boxes under ORIGIN. These values relate to the HOME
position for the circuit board plotter and to the data origin of the
You may enter the values 0 and 0 here if the precise position of the data
in the coordinates system is not known, and place the project on the
graphic area by mouse using the tool bar.
Select a rotation angle of the project under ROTATION if necessary.

BoardMaster 4.0


The Menu bar

Specify the number of step-and-repeats under COUNT. Enter the

number of boards in the X direction in the first text box and the
number of boards in the Y direction in the second text box. Note:
values should never be smaller than 1.
Specify the spacing between the single pcb under DISPLACEMENT.
The spacing between boards must be at least as great as the circuit
board width or length, respectively, as otherwise the uses would
Panelisation (Step-and-repeat) can also be created using the tool bar.
How to place a project centred on the base material:
Select the appropriate project from the list box.
Click on CENTER to place the project selected centrally on the base
material. If no base material has been defined BoardMaster places
the project in the center of the plotters working area.

How to add further projects for placement:

Click on ADD... .
Select the project you also wish to place on the graphic area from
the list box:
fig. 22 :

Click on OK to close the dialog box.

How to remove a project that has already been placed:

Select the appropriate project from the list box.
Click on DELETE to remove the project from the base material
again. The project remains within the Edit - Tool Assignment dialog


BoardMaster 4.0

The Menu bar

4.4.3 Tool Selection ...

The Tool Selection dialog box is used to disable specific tools for a
production phase, in order to restrict the operations with those tools.
This dialog box shows all required tools within the current product
phase. As default all the tools in the list are marked (enabled) i.e. all
tools will be used if you will start the current production phase.
By clicking on one of the tools you can toggle between enabled (bleu
background) and disabled (white background). Disabled tools will not
been used during running the current production phase although they
are part of the project.
fig. 23 : Select Tools

A blunt drill bit has been used for drilling. For that reason the drills were
not all the way through the board or the tool got broken. Only those
drillings will be done again with this tool if the other tools of the list are
In addition you can choose if the smallest tool of the list (recommended
for fine line milling) followed by the next bigger one or the current tool
(for drilling, to reduce unnecessary tool changes) should be used first.

BoardMaster 4.0


The Menu bar

4.4.4 Check Drill ...

Open the Edit menu and select Check Drill ... to open the following
dialog box:
fig. 24 : Check drill

If the check box CHECK FOR BROKEN TOOLS is enabled

BoardMaster will drill with any of the differnet drill tools within the current
production phase one last drilling at the position specified here. Even if
all drillings from the projects will be executed by optimization rules this
final one will be always the last one, outside the project.
You easily can check whether a drill has been broken: If all the check
drillings have been done, all the others of the projects must have been
done as well.

Enter the X/Y coordinate for the position of the

additional check drillings.


Enter the distance of drillings to each other.


Enter an angle for the row of check drillings if

necessary . 0 means drillings are parallel to the
X- axis.

If the check box Check for broken tools is enabled and you leave the
dialog box with OK the additional drillings will be displayed in the graphic
area as small squares. The Check Drill function is marked in the edit

4.4.5 Reload... - rework function

The Reload function is used to rework a circuit board which has already
been produced and cut to size, for example to add additional drillings,
engrave labels or to separate the conductor tracks on circuit boards that
have already been produced for coding purposes.
The requirements to use the rework function are a PCB, which should be
reworked, and the PCB data as LMD file containing at least two items
(drillings, targets, corners) which can be assigned to the corresponding
items on the PCB.


BoardMaster 4.0

The Menu bar

The main task for the rework function is to align the data to be executed
with the PCB to be reworked. Therefore 2 characteristic items (reference
points) of the data will be assigned to the 2 correspondig items on the
board placed on the plotter. How to select graphical items of a project
please refer to open the Edit menu and select Reload ... to open the
following floating dialog box:
fig. 25 : Reload material

The following operations are required to rework the material:

CAUTION:The connected circuit board plotter will be set in motion
when you execute the following steps.
Make sure that no-one can access the working area of the circuit
board plotter or come into contact with the tools while the
operations controlled by BoardMaster are being executed.

Fix the circuit board to be machined on the plotter.
Import the LMD file with data matching to the circuit board
If not yet been done open the Reload... dialog box with the radio
buttom 1.Point enabled. Select the first reference point in
BoardMaster (pad center point, drilling center point, corner point).
CENTRE or CORNER buttons to move the
Use the
highlight to the desired position. The centre point of the soldering
pad ot a drilling is best. This is indicated on the screen by a cross.
Move the mill/drill spindle with an inserted tool or the cameras cursor
target (LPKF CircuitView option) to the corresponding position of the
board. Therefore use the
the tool bar.

arrow keys from

Then click READ in the Reload dialogbox to accept the first

reference point.
Enable the radio buttom 2.Point and repeat the steps above for the
second reference point.
Finally enable the Enable check box. Select the data to be
processed. Press Start from the tool bar and the data sent to the
machine will be recalculated to match with the position of the PCB on
the plotter.

BoardMaster 4.0


The Menu bar

Enabling the check box Stretch will stretch or shrink the data
according to the real dimension of the board.
Note: The rotation or shifting eventually happend to the data is not
displayed on the graphic area.
After finishing rework completely, disable the Enable check box to
avoid mis-alignment of the data for later non-rework-jobs and close
the dialog box by clicking on OK.

4.5 The VIEW menu

You can customize the graphical representation of the BoardMaster
graphic area to your requirements using the VIEW menu functions.
fig. 26 : View menu


Select this function to have any detail of the

grapfic area zoomed to full screen display. Do this
by clicking the left mouse button and holding it down
while you cover the area required.
You can also select this function by clicking on
in the tool bar.

ZOOM IN 1.5x

Select this function to enlarge the graphical

representation by a factor of 1.5.

ZOOM OUT 1.5x Select this function to reduce the graphical

representation by a factor of 1.5.

Select this function to display the full working area

of the circuit board plotter configured in the
grapfic area.


Select this function to display the full board material

area in the grapfic area.

ALL PROJECTS Select this function to display all the placed projects
as large as possible in the grapfic area.


Select this function to display the previous

screen detail again.

BoardMaster 4.0

The Menu bar


Select this function to toggle between simultaneous

display of both sides of a circuit board and display
of one side of the circuit board only.


Select this function to switch on or off display of the

milling lines in their true width.
The true width of the milling lines is defined by the
tool diameter in the tool library.

DEFAULT FONT Select this function to toggle

between the BoardMaster default font and the font
specified under CHANGE FONT for text display.
CHANGE FONT...Select this function to select the font to be
displayed if the DEFAULT FONT option is disabled.

BoardMaster 4.0


The tool bar

5.0 The tool bar

The tool bar in BoardMaster contains functions for placing and copying
projects on the board material and for controlling the connected circuit
board plotter. In addition, the tool bar shows important status information
relating to the current machining process.

5.1 Status information

fig. 27 : status information

-1-Current life cycle

The value displayed here indicates the length milled or the
number of drillings already completed by the current tool.
The value displayed here is identical with the value displayed in
the PRESENT text box in the tool library dialog box.
-2-Maximum life cycle
The value displayed here indicates the length that can be
milled or the number of drillings that can be completed by the
current tool.
The value displayed here is identical with the value displayed
in, the MAXIMUM text box in the tool library dialog box.
-3-Length to be milled in the current production phase
The value displayed here indicates the milling length or the
number of drillings to be completed in the current production
phase by the current tool.
-4-Communication port
This field indicates the interface to which the data are
being sent. NULL here means that the data are not being sent
to any interface. If you move the mouse pointer over this display
panel, the parameters set for the interface will be displayed in
the status bar.
-5-Data marked/selected
This field indicates whether a section of the production phase
data has been Marked (P) Selected (F) or Partially marked/
partially selected (P/F).


BoardMaster 4.0

The tool bar

-6-Current plotter head position

This panel indicates the current position of the plotter head.
-7-Estimated processing time for the current production phase
This panel indicates the estimated time in hours:minutes
required to process the complete production phase.

5.2 Variable parameters

You may edit, and thus customize to your requirements, the entries
listed here.
fig. 28 : Variable parameters

-1-Selected Tool
This list box shows the tool being used for the current
production phase. Open the list box and select a different tool
for manual tool change. The plotter willmove to the toolchange
-2-Milling speed/drilling time
The value displayed here indicates the milling speed or the
drilling time defined in the tool library for the tool displayed.
You can increase or reduce this value by clicking on the arrow
buttons to the right of the field or type a specific value.
-3-Speed of rotation
The value displayed here indicates the speed of rotation
defined in the tool library for the tool displayed.
You can increase or reduce this value by clicking on the arrow
buttons to the right of the field or type a specific value.
For plotters with variable spindle seed only.
-4-Current production phase
This list box displays the current production phase. Open the
list box the change the production phase in order to machine
the requested data.
-5-Step width for manual control
This text box defines the step width by which the plotter head is
moved on a click of one of the four arrow keys. You may
highlight the text box and increase or reduce the value in fixed
increments using the + or - key or type a specific value.

BoardMaster 4.0


The tool bar

-6-Vector index
Specify the vector index in this text box. An index is
incremented for every line section, arc or drilling. Here you may
specify, for instance, from which vector index machining should
be started or the range of vectors to be done.

5.3 Project Placement functions

Open the EDIT menu and select PLACEMENT... to bring up the

PLACEMENT dialog box to help you accurately place the projects at
their approximate position on the board material.
Use the following functions on the tool bar in a second step to place the
projects visually.

Move project
Click this button to move a project around the board material.
Place the mouse pointer over the project to be moved, click the
left mouse button and drag the project to the desired position
holding the mouse button down. The project is displayed as a
light area while it is being moved.
Duplicate project
Click this button to duplicate a project and to place the copy
on the board material.
Place the mouse pointer over the project to be duplicated, click
the left mouse button and drag the copy of the project to the
desired position holding themouse button down.
The copy of the project is displayed as a light area while it is
being duplicated.

You must click the appropriate button again each time you wish to move
or duplicate a project.
Press the <ESC> key to cancel a function.
Click the right mouse button on a project to open the PLACEMENT
dialog box and display the parameters for this project.
You can, for instance correct the reference point values in this dialog box
to place the projects on the same X or Y coordinate (in register). This
may be useful if you wish to use a guillotine or saw for later dividing up a
multiple use board.
You may also use the PLACEMENT dialog box to rotate a project - after
placement with the mouse - by changing the ROTATE parameter.


BoardMaster 4.0

The tool bar

5.4 Control functions for manual control

CAUTION:The connected circuit board plotter will be set in motion
when one of the following buttons in the tool bar is selected.
Make sure that no-one can access the working area of the circuit
board plotter or come into contact with the tools while the
operations controlled by BoardMaster are being executed.

Manual control
The plotter head can be moved in the +X, +Y, -X and -Y
directions using the arrow keys. Pressing one of the arrow keys
once moves the head in the direction selected by the amount
specified in the STEP WIDTH FOR MANUAL CONTROL field
in the tool bar (see Variable parameters on page 41).
The arrow keys specify the direction in the coordinates system.

Movement using the mouse

When this button is clicked, the plotter head will move to the
position in the grapfic area on which you click with the left
mouse button. If you hold the left mouse button down, you can
move the mouse and the plotter head will follow the mouse
movement once it has arrived at the mouse's starting position.
This function can be used to move the plotter head very quickly
to any position, for example, to define the board size or to drill
or mill manually on the board material. The button must be
clickedagain if the plotter head is to be controlled by the mouse
movement again.

Milling/drilling motor on/off

This button switches the milling/drilling motor on or off.
The appropriate button will be displayed according to the
status. The milling/drilling motor is switched off automatically
when you exit BoardMaster.

Raise/lower plotter head

This button raises and lowers the plotter head.
The appropriate button will be displayed according to the
The plotter head can only be lowered if the milling/drilling motor
is switched on.
The plotter head is automatically raised
when a milling ordrilling procedure is terminated.

BoardMaster 4.0


The tool bar

Milling/drilling mode
You may use this button to toggle the controller mode between
milling and drilling.
The appropriate button will be displayed according to the
The speed of the milling tool or the drilling time of the
drilling tool will then be observed, depending on the mode
A milling file will not be processed in drilling mode and,
inversely, a drilling file will not be processed in milling mode.
The mode will be set automatically with every tool change.

Automotor on/off
You may use this button to enable or disable automatic control
for switching the motor on and off. ,
The appropriate button will be displayed according to the
When the Automotor function is enabled the milling/drilling
motor will be switched on at the start of a production phase and
switched off again when the phase is completed. The same is
true for tool change on circuit board plotters with manual tool
This function has a higher priority than the Motor on/off and
Raise/lower plotter head functions. These two functions are
disabled if Automotor is enabled.
In case the Automotor On/Off button is disabled the plotter will
start the production phase without switching on the spindle and
lowering the head. This is for test run only.

5.5 Select production phase

You must select the production phase to be processed first before the
milling or drilling data can be sent to the circuit board plotter. This
selection is made in the PRODUCTION PHASE list box of the tool bar:
fig. 29 : Select production phase

Choose the production phase to be processed next. Make sure that the
production phase you select has also been assigned to an HP-GL file or
the LMD file. An incorrect selection will either cause the incorrect files to
be processed, or cause no data at all to be sent.


BoardMaster 4.0

The tool bar

Below we show an example of the sequence of production phases for a

double-sided circuit board:

Production Phase

1. Drilling


2. Milling the solder side


Turn the base material

BoardMaster 4.0

3. Milling the component side


4. Milling the contours



The tool bar

5.6 Tool change

5.6.1 Circuit board plotters with manual tool change
The TOOL list box in the tool bar lists all the tools of the tool library. This
list is sorted, first shown the tools being used within the current
production phase (marked with a "*") if a project is imported or a job is
fig. 30 :

The first production phase will be active if no particular production phase

has been selected.
If a tool will be selected from the list, the plotter head will move to the tool
change position. At the same time, a message appears on screen
stating that the tool just selected needs to be inserted into the collet.

Danger: This selection operates the Circuit Board Plotter

automatically. You must also follow the safety instructions relating
to tool changes given in the manual for the circuit board plotter.
Once you have changed the tool and confirmed the change by clicking
on OK , the system can continue with further control commands.
Plotters with MCU controler needs to be switched to Select first.
During the computer controlled process of milling or drilling BoardMaster
will manage the proper tool change

5.6.2 Circuit board plotters with automatic tool change

Automatic tool change is only possible with the circuit board plotters
ProtoMat 95s* or the LPKF101 Automill. If you now open the tool list
box in the tool bar, you will not see a list of all tools, as it is the case with
circuit board plotters with manual tool change, but rather only a list of the
thirty (ProtMat 95s*) or seven (LPKF101 Automill) tool positions with the


BoardMaster 4.0

The tool bar

relevant tool assignment. These toolpositions represent the 30 or 7

positions of the plotters tool magazin.
Note: The <UNKNOWN> tool is assigned to each tool position after
starting BoardMaster the very first time, i.e. no tool is entered. This
is intended to force the user to check the tools in the circuit board
plotter's magazines and to assign the corresponding positions in
the TOOL POSITIONS dialog box.
It is absolutely necessayr that the real tools in the tool magazin and
the tools assigned in the tool position dialog box are exactly the
same to avoid usage of wrong tools and therefore malfunction.
Open the TOOL POSITIONS dialog box by clicking with right mouse
button on the TOOL list box:
fig. 31 : Tool positions

Assign the tools to the tool positions 1 to 30 (7 for the LPKF 101 Automill
) by selecting the tool required for the production phase in the
appropriate list box.
The WANTED FOR THE CURRENT PHASE list box lists the tools
required for the production phase currently selected. This helps to
ensure that all needed tools have been assigne to a tool position.
The current life cycle of the assigned tools is given under Current. The
maximum life cycle of the tools is shown under Maximum.
The New check box needs to be checked if a used to in the toolmagazin
has been replaced by a new one. This will set the Current life cycle back
to 0.
These tool position setting will be saved in the BoardMaster directory
under *.tls when quiting BoardMaster. The list willbe automatically
loaded when starting Boardmaster anew.
This dialog box will be opened automatically at the start of the
production phase if a required tool has not been assigned to a tool
position. You will only be able to continue once all tools have been
assigned to a position.

BoardMaster 4.0


The tool bar

5.7 Selection functions

Once the next production phase to be processed has been selected and
the tool positions have been occupied (only required for automatic tool
change), you will be able to select the data for this production phase to
be sent to the circuit board plotter. It is only possible to send selected
data for one production phase at a time to the circuit board plotter.
The tool bar includes the following buttons for the selection of data:

Select all data

Click this button to select all the data for the current
production phase.
The selected data is shown in lighter color on the screen.

Cancel selection
Click on this button to cancel the current data selection.

Mark area (verctors inside and crossing the area)

Click on this button to mark (preselect) a range of data. Do
this by clicking the left mouse button and holding it down
while you cover the area required. This function also marks
all the entire lines that cross the rubber-band selection. The
marked data are shown in white on the screen.

Mark area (only vectors inside area)

Click on this button to mark (preselect) a range of data. Do
this by clicking the left mouse button and holding it down
while you cover the area required. This function only marks
lines crossing the rubber-band selection as far as their first
point coordinate outside this area. The marked data are
shown in white on the screen.
You must click the appropriate button again each time you wish to select
an area. Press the <ESC> key to cancel a function.

Add marked data to the selection

Click on this button to add the marked (preselected) data to
current the selection.

Remove marked data from the selection

Click on this button to remove the marked (preselected) data
from the current selection.
With these select function you are able to choose exactly those data you
want to process.

BoardMaster 4.0

The tool bar

5.8 Start / Stop function for the data processing

Danger: The connected circuit board plotter will be set in motion
when the following buttons in the tool bar are selected.
Make sure that no-one can access the working area of the circuit
board plotter or come into contact with the tools while the
operations controlled by BoardMaster are being executed.

Click on this button to send the selected data of the current
production phase to the circuit board plotter through the
serial interface.

Click on this button to terminate data transmission to the
circuit board plotter once started.
CAUTION:The circuit board plotter will NOT stop IMMEDIATELY
after you click on the Stop button, but will first process the data
remaining in the buffer memory.
Clicking the Stop button only interrupts data transmission to the
circuit board plotter.

BoardMaster 4.0


Special functions

6.0 Special functions

6.1 LPKF AutoContac
Dispenser tool
The DISPENSER TOOL EDIT dialog box contains a list of the dispenser
tools available.
Select Dispenser from the CONFIGURATION - TOOL LIBRARY menu
to open the following dialog box:

The names for the tools are built up as follows: The abbreviation D for
dispenser is followed by the colour of the metering needle, then by the
associated drilling diameter in mm.
For a 0.8 mm diameter drilling, you must use the D GREEN
CARTRIDGE 0.8 MM, i.e. a green nozzle. When importing the LMD file
BoardMaster will automatically assigne the proper nozzle. It is clear from
the list of tools, that the same needle can be used for a number of
different drilling diameters. The difference between these tools lies in the
different settings for the wait times. See the Wait times in dispensing
section for an explanation of the meaning of these times.
The user is able to define his own tools (eg for solder paste dispensing)
or to modify the settings for the existing tools, thus having a direct
influence on their function.
Press SAVE to save all dispense parameters to the current
dispenser library file (*.DIS).
To load other dispenser libraries press LOAD .


BoardMaster 4.0

Special functions

Vacuum tools
The Vacuum Tool Edit dialog box contains a list of the vacuum tools
available. These tools are similar nozzels as those for dispensing. They
will be used with empty cartridges to suck off residual conductive paste
using LPKF AutoContac
Select Vacuum from the CONFIGURATION - TOOL LIBRARY menu to
open the following dialog box:

The names of the suction tools are composed of the letter V followed by
the colour of the metering needle used and finally the associated drilling
Press SAVE to save all vacuum parameters to the current vacuum
library file (*.VAC).
To load other vacuum libraries press LOAD .

Control Buttons using Dispensing Production Phase

After choosing the Dispense or the Vacuum production phase and
selecting the data to be sent to the plotter the control buttons in the tool
bar change.
Raising/lowering head button (stroke)

Clicking the stroke button in the function bar on a milling tool

(while the motor is turning) causes the head to be lowered.
Clicking the stroke button on a drilling, dispense or suction tool

BoardMaster 4.0


Special functions

causes the execution of a single drilling, dispense or suction

Adjustment button

There is a special Adjustment button for the adjustment of

dispense and vacuum tools ('A'+ arrow).
In case of a dispense tool a click on this button will lower the
head and will execute a continues dispense signal to vent the
cartridge, another click will lift the head and will switch off the
dispense signal.
In case of a vacuum tool a click on this button will lower the
head and will switch on the vaccum in order to adjust it. Another
click will lift the head and will switch off the vacuum signal.
Waiting times for dispensing
All the waiting times necessary for the control of the dispense operation
are entered in ms (milliseconds) under WAITING TIMES in the
DISPENSER TOOL EDIT dialog box. Different values will be entered
here depending on the various diameters of the drill holes and the
nozzles to be used.
The significance of the various waiting times is described below.
Before Down (BD)):
The BD wait time is added to settle the plotter head before the nozzle is
lowered once it has reached a hole position. This can be very short, in
the region of BD = 10 ms.
After Down (AD):
The AD wait time after the command lowering the head, takes account
of the fact that the nozzle takes about 180 ms before it is in contact with
the circuit board. AD can thus be fixed at 200 ms.
Dispense (D):
The time D is the duration of the compressed air pulse. This time,
together with the pressure selected, determines the volume of
conductive paste forced into the drilling and must be set appropriate for
the drill hole diameter and the nozzle used.
Before Up (BU):
The BU wait time between the solenoid valve closing and the needle
being lifted takes account of the paste continuing to flow following the
end of the compressed air pulse as a result of the relatively slow
pressure decline in the cartridge. This is intended to ensure that the
nozzle is lifted cleanly from the circuit board and can be set to a fixed
value of BU = 400 ms.
After Up (AU):
The AU time is also used to ensure a clean process. There is a problem,
particularly with large diameter nozzles (brown) of the paste forming a

BoardMaster 4.0

Special functions

thread as the nozzle is raised. The AU wait time after the command to
raise the head waits for these threads to break and prevents the tool
head moving immediately; this prevents the paste thread being laid
across the isolation track. AU can be set to shorter times for small
needle diameters than for large diameters.

The graph below illustrates the function of the wait times in the dispense
fig. 34 : Wait times in dispense

The graph above plots the position of the tool head, the changes in
pressure in the cartridge and the exit speed of the paste against process
The gradient of the pressure pulse transitions is determined by the buffer
effect of the air volume in the hose and the cartridge. The term min
instead of 0 is intended to indicate that a weak vacuum is also present in
the nozzle during the dispense procedure to prevent dripping. The
vacuum is applied to the cartridge once the solenoid valve is closed.
Wait times for vacuum
All the wait times necessary for the control of the suction operation are
entered in ms iunder WAITING TIMES in the VACUUM TOOL EDIT
dialog box.
Before Down (BD):
This has the same meaning as during the dispense procedure.
Vacuum (V):

BoardMaster 4.0


Special functions

The time V between the commands for lowering and raising the tool
head has an indirect influence on the contact time of the suction nozzle.
A time of around 180 ms for the head to lower needs to be subtracted.
After Up (AU):
The AU wait time gives the paste sucked up time to pass through the
needle into the cartridge. This ensures that the needle is free again
before the next suction operation. AU can be set to a fixed value of 500
The graph below illustrates the function of the wait times in the suction
fig. 35 : Times for the suction

The graph above plots the position of the tool head, the negative
pressure in the cartridge and the flow rate of the paste in the drill hole
against process time.
The vacuum level is fixed on the metering device. The maximum
negative pressure is established in the cartridge when the nozzle is
closed. The negative pressure in the cartridge falls to a greater or lesser
degree, however, as air is sucked through the nozzle depending on the
magnitude of the volume flow. The minimum negative pressure is
established once the needle is completely free. This situation exists
when the head is up.
When the suction nozzle is placed on the paste-filled drill hole, the
negative pressure in the cartridge rises to the preset maximum negative
pressure. This sucks the paste upwards through the drill hole into the
nozzle. The negative pressure falls again when the drill hole is finally
opened and air is sucked through it. The air flow in the drill hole forces
the paste further up the hole side wall until the head lifts and the air flow
through the drill hole is halted.


BoardMaster 4.0

Special functions

Enable / Disable DispoMat

If a new tool is required according to the TOOL combo box (at the top left
of the tool bar) when a new phase is started or on a manual tool change,
BoardMaster will first query if the dispenser unit has been switched on.
Switched on means Dispenser active, switched off means Dispenser
inactive, i.e. the milling/drilling motor is switched on.
If this dispenser is not set correctly for the tool selected, the user will be
prompted to change the status of the dispenser unit. If, for example, the
dispenser is switched off, and a dispensing or suction tool is selected,
the ACTIVATE DISPENSER/VACUUM HEAD prompt will appear. If,
conversely, the dispenser is switched on and a drilling or milling tool is
selected, the DEACTIVATE DISPENSER/VACUUM HEAD prompt will
be displayed.
fig. 36 : Querying the toggle switch

Important:Please always acknowledge by clicking OK . BoardMaster

then checks dispenser status once again and, if necessary, prompts the
user again to set the dispenser unit appropriately.
Clicking on CANCEL implements the tool change without checking
whether the dispenser is enabled.
The short switching pulses actually intended for controlling the solenoid
valve in the metering device are passed to the motor if the metering
device is switched on and a dispensing tool has been selected.

BoardMaster 4.0


Special functions

6.2 Special Dialog Boxes and Functions for

ProtoMat 95s / 95s/II
The Service Password dialog box
If service is required, clicking on SERVICE in the STATUS... and TOOL
MAGAZINE... dialog boxes of the CONFIGURATION menu brings up
the following screen prompting you to enter the password.
fig. 37 :

It is then possible to make changes to the settings in the dialog boxes

CAUTION:These changes may only be made by persons who have
been trained in the functioning and operation of the ProtoMat 95s.
You must observe the proper functioning of the machine and the
safety regulations to avoid personal injury and damage to the
machine. Enter the password [ bmaster ] if you are authorized to
make changes.


BoardMaster 4.0

Special functions

The ToolBox I/O Status dialog box

Clicking on STATUS... opens the TOOL MAGAZINE I/O STATUS dialog
fig. 38 : The ToolBox I/O Status

The TOOL MAGAZINE I/O STATUS dialog box shows information

regarding the signals set or which data lines are connected.
In is used to check the lines that are also connected for tool change, Out
indicates which lines have been enabled by BoardMaster.
The Refresh button can be used to check whether any status changes
made have been detected and accepted by the system.

BoardMaster 4.0


Special functions

The Tool Magazine dialog box

The TOOL MAGAZINE dialog box is accessed by clicking on TOOL
fig. 39 : The Tool Magazine

Here you can manually check the alignment positions preset by LPKF
for automatic tool change. The user does not normally need to make any
changes here. The numerical values entered indicate a sample
indicates the position of the plotter head over the exchange
indicates the position of the auxillary clamp over the exchange
indicates the position of the auxillary clamp over the first
tool in the tool magazine.
indicates the position of the auxillary clamp over the last tool.
Pressing the Read button will reset the coordinates to the coordinates of
the current plotter head position. Doublecheck the ploter head position
before clicking to Read. Clicking on MOVE then verifies this change.
These positions, and also HOME and SIZE, are preset in the factory (file
CAUTION:Note that it is possible to overwrite the current positions
and thus there is a hazard to the user and damage to the machine is


BoardMaster 4.0

Special functions

indicates the wait time between the various commands.
indicates the plotter head travel in the X direction during a tool
The status of the three combo boxes, MAIN CLAMP (of the plotter
head), EXCHANGE CLAMP and TOOLBOX must correspond to the
status when the TOOL MAGAZINE box is opened, otherwise it is not
possible to quit the TOOL MAGAZINE box. These buttons can be used
tosimulate an automatically tool change procedure.
Note:The plotter must be switched on and connected before you
can quit the TOOL MAGAZINE box.
Any changes or actions within this dialog box needs to be enable
by clicking on SERVICE and entering the a.m.password for safety

6.3 The Teach In dialog box

BoardMaster has offered the function of programming drilling and milling
data from a template (film or circuit board) using a Teach In process.
This is done by fixing the template on the circuit board plotter and then
travelling to the positions you wish to program by this method using a
light spot or CircuitView camera as a guide. After programming, the HPGL file can be imported into BoardMaster and output to the circuit board
The Teach In dialog box is displayed when you select TEACH IN from
the EDIT menu.
fig. 40 : The Teach In dialog box

BoardMaster 4.0


Special functions

STEP [MM]:The values entered under X and Y (in mm)

indicate the distance traveled for a single click of the travel buttons (+X, X, +Y and -Y). A value of 2.54 mm must be entered here when
programming the drillings for an IC, this corresponds to a pad spacing of
HEAD:Clicking on one of these two radio buttons (UP, DOWN) programs
the Head Down or Head Up commands. The head will remain in the
chosen position until the other radio button is selected. This function is
not used for the creation of a drilling file, but for programming milling or
contour data.
RECORD MOVEMENTS:Enabling this check box causes all movement
commands to be recorded in the file selected.
PEN:The pen number entered in this box is written to the selected file as
a Select Pen command. This means that all drilling data, including that
for different diameters, can be combined in one drilling file. Example:
Pen 1 for 0.7mm, pen 2 for 0.9mm etc.
+X, -X, +Y, -Y:These buttons are used to move to a desired position.
Clicking on one of these buttons causes the plotter head to move by the
amount specified under STEP in the direction selected.
EXIT:Clicking on this button closes the TEACH IN module of
BoardMaster and closes the drilling or milling file being recorded.
CREATE FILE:When this button is clicked, BoardMaster prompts you to
name a file into which the data to be programmed will be saved. Here
you may either create a new file or overwrite an existing file.
APPEND FILE:Clicking on this button allows you to select an existing
drilling or milling file to which the additional drilling or milling data will be
appended. The new data will be appended to the end of the file selected.
PEN [SP]:Clicking on this button adds the pen or tool number selected
under Pen to the drilling or milling file as a Select Pen (SP) command.
This is used to distinguish between different drilling diameters.
PLOT [PA]:This button can be used to move the head at angles other
than 90(with the RECORD MOVEMENTS function deselected).
DRILL [PD;PU;]:This button is clicked to program a drilling operation
once you have moved to the correct position. This writes the Pen Down,
Pen Up command sequence to the file.
This command sequence corresponds to a drill command for the circuit
board plotter.
Set the unit appropriate for the machine resolution (0.0079375) in
the EDIT PROJECT dialog box. (You will also find this value in the
PARAMETERS dialog box of the Configuration menu.)
Please do not forget to reset the resolution to the original value when
this operation is completed.
Now open the TEACH IN dialog box to import the coordinates


BoardMaster 4.0

Special functions

Note here that a file has already been written for the data to be created;
the coordinates will then be exported into this file in sequence. Do this by
clicking on the Append file button. A new window in which you can
assign a name to the file will open. You may use any extension for the
Once you have entered the name, you will be returned to the TEACH
IN dialog box. You must check the RECORD MOVEMENT option
before you can begin importing data.
The file to be created is an HPGL file which means that it will be
written in the structure appropriate for an HPGL file. You should thus
first click the Pen (SP) button to define a pen.
Now move the head to the drill hole position to be imported using the
movement buttons and click on the Drill (PD;PU) button.
Once you have imported all the drilling data required, you should
close the TEACH IN dialog box by clicking the EXIT button. The
coordinates recorded will now be saved in the HPGL file previously
If you now wish to produce a board using this newly entered data
with BoardMaster and the machine, you must open the EDIT
PROJECT dialog box. It is best first to create a new project by
clicking on NEW PROJECT. You may then insert the associated
HPGL file using ADD....

BoardMaster 4.0


Step by Step

7.0 Step by Step

This section once again runs through the principles behind the
procedure for prototype production of a double sided not through hole
plated PCB in BoardMaster step by step using a plotter without
automatically tool change:
Start BoardMaster
Click on the BOARDMASTER 4.0 icon under Program-LPKF40 in
the Start menu or doubleclick the icon on the desktop to start
Configuring BoardMaster
If not been done yet define the serial interface by selecting the
INTERFACE... line of the CONFIGURATION menu.
Also check the settings for the serial interface under PORT in the
Specify board size
Place the board material with the predrilled registration holes on the
plotters table fitting to the registration pins.
Specify the size of the board material to be machined using the SET
X,Y MIN and SET X,Y MAX functions found in the MATERIAL sub
menu of the CONFIGURATION menu.
Open or create the job
Open an existing job by selecting OPEN... line from the FILE menu
or create a new job by selecting the NEW line of the FILE menu.
Import production data
Import LMD production data created by CircuitCAM or HP-GL project
files already created by BoardMaster by selecting the LMD OR
LPR... line from the IMPORT sub menu of the FILE menu.
Assign tools
Assign the appropriate tools/phases to the imported production data
or projects by selecting the TOOL ASSIGNMENT line of the EDIT
menu if BoardMaster has not been able to complete the assignment
Place production data
Place the imported production data or projects by selecting the
PLACEMENT... line from the EDIT menu or

BoardMaster 4.0

Step by Step

using the

buttons in the tool bar.

Save job
Save the job following placement of all projects by selecting the
SAVE AS line from the FILE menu.
Select first production phase
Select the production phase DrillingPlated to be processed from the
PRODUCTION PHASE list box in the tool bar.
Enable Automotor
Enable the Automotor function by clicking on

in the tool bar.

Disabled function is indicated by a white slash through the icon

Select data
Select the data to be sent to the circuit board plotter using the
selection buttons in the tool bar:

CAUTION:The connected circuit board plotter will be set in motion

when the following button in the tool bar is selected.
Make sure that no-one can access the working area of the circuit
board plotter or come into contact with the tools while the
operations controlled by BoardMaster are being executed.
Start drilling/milling operation for the production phase selected

Click on
in the tool bar to send the selected data for the
current production phase to the circuit board plotter via the serial

BoardMaster 4.0


Step by Step

Select second production phase

After finishing the drilling, select the production phase
MillingBottom to be processed from the PRODUCTION PHASE list
box in the tool bar.
Select data
Select the data to be sent to the circuit board plotter using the
selection buttons in the tool bar:

Start drilling/milling operation for the production phase selected

Click on
in the tool bar to send the selected data for the
current production phase to the circuit board plotter via the serial
interface. The tool change will be controlled by BoardMaster. Follow
the instruction.
Turn the base material
After finishing the drilling and milling of the bottom side of the PCB,
move the plooter head to pause position (GO TO - PAUSE) and turn
the base material by X axis.
Select third production phase
After finishing tiurning the material, select the production phase
MillingTop to be processed from the PRODUCTION PHASE list box
in the tool bar.
Select data
Select the data to be sent to the circuit board plotter using the
selection buttons in the tool bar:


BoardMaster 4.0

Step by Step

Start drilling/milling operation for the production phase selected

Click on
in the tool bar to send the selected data for the
current production phase to the circuit board plotter via the serial
interface. The tool change will be controlled by BoardMaster. Follow
the instruction.
Select fourth production phase
After finishing the milling of the top side, select the production phase
CuttingOutside to be processed from the PRODUCTION PHASE
list box in the tool bar.
Select data
Select the data to be sent to the circuit board plotter using the
selection buttons in the tool bar:

Start drilling/milling operation for the production phase selected

Click on
in the tool bar to send the selected data for the
current production phase to the circuit board plotter via the serial
interface. The tool change will be controlled by BoardMaster. Follow
the instruction.

The double sided board has been finished. If you need to process data
of other production phases (dispense, milling inner layers of a multi layer
baord etc.) follow the a.m. instructions in the same way.

BoardMaster 4.0



8.0 Index
ADD FILES ......................................................................................................................32
automatic tool change ...............................................................................................46
Automill ..............................................................................................................................18
Automotor on/off ...........................................................................................................44
AUXILLARY CLAMP ..................................................................................................58

board material ................................................................................................................14
BOTH SIDES .................................................................................................................39
Broken drills ....................................................................................................................36

CAMERA/ .........................................................................................................................23
Cancel selection ...........................................................................................................48
Caution ................................................................................................................................4
Check Drill .......................................................................................................................36
circuit board data ..........................................................................................................14
CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................17
CONTROL PANEL ......................................................................................................16
Conventions ......................................................................................................................4

Danger .................................................................................................................................4
data loss ............................................................................................................................12
DESCRIPTION ..............................................................................................................22
DISPENSER ...................................................................................................................23
DISPENSER TOOL EDIT ........................................................................................50
dispensing ........................................................................................................................52
DispoMat ..........................................................................................................................55
DRILLING TIME ............................................................................................................22
DRILLING/MILLING HEAD ...............................................................................21, 50

Enable Automotor ............................................................................................63, 64, 65

FILE menu .......................................................................................................................29
Folders ...............................................................................................................................10

GO TO menu ..................................................................................................................28


BoardMaster 4.0


HEAD ................................................................................................................................. 23
HOME ................................................................................................................................ 28
HP-GL ................................................................................................................................ 29
Hybrid laser .................................................................................................................... 17

INSERT ............................................................................................................................. 26
interface ............................................................................................................................ 15

Libraries ............................................................................................................................ 21
LMD OR LPR ................................................................................................................. 29

MACHINE ........................................................................................................................ 38
MAIN CLAMP ................................................................................................................ 58
Manual control .............................................................................................................. 43
material size ............................................................................................................. 13, 26
MCU controller .............................................................................................................. 18
Menu bar .......................................................................................................................... 13
MILL/DRILL .................................................................................................................... 22
Milling/drilling mode .................................................................................................... 44
Milling/drilling motor on/off ...................................................................................... 43
monitor ................................................................................................................................ 8
Move project .................................................................................................................. 42
Movement using the mouse .................................................................................. 43
MOVING SPEED ......................................................................................................... 20
Multifunction laser ....................................................................................................... 17

Note ...................................................................................................................................... 4
NULL .................................................................................................................................. 16

OPTIMUM SPEED ...................................................................................................... 22
Orientation ......................................................................................................................... 4
ORIGIN ............................................................................................................................. 33

PARAMETER ................................................................................................................ 17
PAUSE .............................................................................................................................. 28
PLACEMENT ................................................................................................................. 33
plotter head position .................................................................................................. 41
pointer position ............................................................................................................. 14
PREVIOUS ..................................................................................................................... 38
processor ........................................................................................................................... 8
Production phases ...................................................................................................... 25

Raise/lower plotter head .......................................................................................... 43

BoardMaster 4.0



RESOLUTION ...............................................................................................................20
REVERSED SIDE .......................................................................................................25
ROTATION SPEED .....................................................................................................20

Safety notes ......................................................................................................................7
Save job ............................................................................................................................63
Scroll bars ........................................................................................................................14
Select all data ................................................................................................................48
SEND ..................................................................................................................................20
SET HOME ......................................................................................................................19
SETTINGS .......................................................................................................................16
SIZE dialog box .............................................................................................................26
SMCU control .................................................................................................................19
Start .....................................................................................................................................11
Status bar .........................................................................................................................14
symbols ...............................................................................................................................4
System requirements ...................................................................................................8

Teach In .............................................................................................................................59
Title bar ..............................................................................................................................13
TOOL CHANGE POSITION ...................................................................................28
TOOL HOLDERS .........................................................................................................20
TOOL LIBRARY ................................................................................................21, 50, 51
Toolbar ...............................................................................................................................13
TYPE ..................................................................................................................................20

UNIT ....................................................................................................................................20

VACUUM ..........................................................................................................................23
Vector index ....................................................................................................................42

working area ...................................................................................................................14

X offset ...............................................................................................................................24
XON/XOFF ......................................................................................................................16

Y offset ...............................................................................................................................24


BoardMaster 4.0

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