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World Journal of Nano Science & Technology 3(2): 45-51, 2014

IDOSI Publications, 2014
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wjnst.2014.3.2.111

Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Using (ALOE VERA) Aqueous Extract


T. Muralikrishna, 1Monalisa Pattanayak and 1P.L. Nayak

P.L. Nayak Research Foundation and Centre for Excellence in Nano Science and Technology,
Synergy Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada andhra Pradesh, 533003, India

Abstract: In the present study we explore the reducing and capping potential of aqueous extract from Aloe vera
for the synthesis of gold nanoparticles. The extract with different concentration reduced with HAuCl 4 aqueous
solution at room temperature. The color change, pH change and UV-visible spectroscopic analysis reveal the
Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) of the final reaction product which confirms the reduction of Au 3+ ion to gold
nanoparticles. XRD, particle size analysis results represent strong reducing potential of Aloe vera aqueous
extract which can also be tested in the green synthesis of other metallic nanoparticles.
Key words: Aqueous extract

Gold nanoparticles

Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)


AuNPs can modify their interaction with external systems

(J.L. Elechiguerra, J.L. Burt 2005) [7]. This study describes
an eco-friendly method for the synthesis of AuNPs using
Aloe vera as the reducing and stabilizing agent.
Aloe vera (/' lo i / or /' lo /) is a succulent plant
species. The species is frequently cited as being used in
herbal medicine since the beginning of the first century
AD. Extracts from A. vera are widely used in the
cosmetics and alternative medicine industries, being
marketed as variously having rejuvenating, healing, or
soothing properties. There is, however, little scientific
evidence of the effectiveness or safety of Aloe vera
extracts for either cosmetic or medicinal purposes and
what positive evidence is available is frequently
contradicted by other studies. Aloe vera is a stemless or
very short-stemmed succulent plant growing to 60-100 cm
(24-39 in) tall, spreading by offsets. The leaves are thick
and fleshy, green to grey-green, with some varieties
showing white flecks on their upper and lower stem
surfaces. The margin of the leaf is serrated and has small
white teeth. The flowers are produced in summer on a
spike up to 90 cm (35 in) tall, each flower being pendulous,
with a yellow tubular corolla 2-3 cm (0.8-1.2 in) long. Like
other Aloe species, Aloe vera forms arbuscular
mycorrhiza, a symbiosis that allows the plant better
access to mineral nutrients in soil. Aloe vera leaves
contain phytochemicals under study for

Synthesis of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) has

gained immense significance during the last few years due
to their catalytic, optical and electrical properties
(Kasthuri, K. Kathiravan, N.J 2009) [1]. The existing
chemical and physical methods are successful in
producing well-defined AuNPs, but these processes
usually require use of toxic chemicals. Therefore, the
synthesized nanoparticles are not useful in medical and
biological applications (M. Catherine, G. Man, D.
Catherine 2004 [2] S. Singh, H.S. Nalwa 2007 [3] V.
Kattumuri, K. Katti, S. Bhaskaran 2007 [4]). For this
reason, the synthesis of AuNPs using an eco-friendly
method is important to address the growing concerns on
the overall toxicity of nanoparticles for medical and
biotechnological applications. AuNPs have been
considered important due to their unique and tunable
surface plasmon resonance (SPR) property and their
applications in biomedical science including drug
delivery, tissue/tumor imaging,photo thermal therapy,
immune chromatography and identification of pathogens
in clinical specimens (H. Gleiter,2000) [5]. It is known
that the physico-chemical properties of AuNPs are
strongly dependent upon their interaction with capping
agent molecules (J.S. Bradley, G.E. Schmid,Cluster and
Colloids 1994) [6]. Indeed, the surface chemistry of
Corresponding Author:

Capping, Aloe vera

Monalisa Pattanayak, P.L. Nayak Research Foundation and Centre for Excellence in Nano Science and
Technology, Synergy Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.


World J. Nano Sci. Technol., 3(2): 45-51, 2014

Gold Nanoparticles: Elemental gold has many unique

properties which have attracted and fascinated mankind
since its discovery. Being very unreactive, gold does not
turnish in the atmosphere and so keeps its attractive
colour forever (Hutchings et al. 2008) [8]. That is one of
the main reasons why gold has been used in shaping
jewelleries. It has been used for many colourful,
decorative, ceremonial and religious artifacts and has
been a metal with a high monetary value. Colourful
aqueous solutions of gold colloids date back to Roman
times and were known to medieval alchemists as aurum
potabile (Mellor, 1923) [9]. A Roman cup, called the
Lycurgus cup, used nanosized (ca 50 nm) gold and silver
alloys, with some Cu clusters to create different colours
depending on whether it was illuminated from the front or
the back. The cause of this effect was not known to those
who exploited it. Michael Faraday was the first to
recognise that the colour was due to the minute size of the
gold particles (Faraday, 1857) [10]. On February 5, 1857,
Michael Faraday delivered the Bakerian Lecture of the
Royal Society in London entitled Experimental Relations
of Gold (and other metals) to Light. In his speech, he
mentioned that known phenomena (the nature of the ruby
glass) appeared to indicate that a mere variation in the size
of its particles gave rise to a variety of resultant colours.
Nearly a century later, electron microscope investigations
on Faradays rubycoloured gold colloids have revealed
that Faradays fluid preparations contain particles of gold
of average diameter (6 2 nm) (Turkevich, 1951) [11].
Although some scientists see the Faradays experiment as
a landmark in the history of nanoscience and
nanotechnology (Peter and John Meurig, 2007) [12] the
chemical inertness of gold as a bulk metal appeared to
provide very little opportunities to open up new and
exciting chemistries (Hutchings et al. 2008) [13]. The new
field of nanotechnology made it possible to discover the
unique properties of matter when subdivided to the
nanoscale. Gold at nanoscale manifests a number of
interesting physico-chemical properties that have
fascinated many disciplines of science including: material
scientists, catalysts, biologists, surface and synthetic
chemists and theoreticians in great number. Today, in the
21st century, gold chemistry is based on solid ground
regarding the preparation and characterisation of a wide
variety of fundamental compounds with gold atoms and
gold clusters as core units (Murray, 2000 [14], Peter, 2000,
Gagotsi, 2006 [15]). The fact that gold NPs have been
studied in many different scientific fields has led not only
to a deep understanding of many of the physico-chemical

Fig. 1: Schematic illustration for the deduced process of

gold nnaopartides formation, reduction and
naudeation are faster process than colescence of
nuclei (Polte et al., 2010). Reprinted with the
permission from copying 2010 anerican chemical
bioactivity, such as acetylated mannans, polymannans,
anthraquinone C-glycosides, anthrones, anthraquinones,
such as emodin and various lectins. Aloe vera has been
widely grown as an ornamental plant. The species is
popular with modern gardeners as a putatively medicinal
plant and for its interesting flowers, form and succulence.
This succulence enables the species to survive in areas of
low natural rainfall, making it ideal for rockeries and other
low water-use gardens. The species is hardy in zones
[8-11], although it is intolerant of very heavy frost or
snow. The species is relatively resistant to most insect
pests, though spider mites, mealy bugs, scale insects and
aphid species may cause a decline in plant health. In pots,
the species requires well-drained, sandy potting soil and
bright, sunny conditions; however, Aloe plants can burn
under too much sun or shrivel when the pot does not
drain the rain. The use of a good-quality commercial
propagation mix or packaged "cacti and succulent mix" is
recommended, as they allow good drainage. Terra cotta
pots are preferable as they are porous. Potted plants
should be allowed to completely dry prior to rewatering.
When potted, aloes become crowded with "pups"
growing from the sides of the "mother plant", they should
be divided and repotted to allow room for further growth
and help prevent pest infestations. During winter, Aloe
vera may become dormant, during which little moisture is
required. In areas that receive frost or snow, the species
is best kept indoors or in heated glasshouses. Large-scale
agricultural production of Aloe vera is undertaken in
Australia, Bangladesh, Cuba, the Dominican Republic,
China, Mexico, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Tanzania and South
Africa, along with the USA to supply the cosmetics
industry with Aloe vera gel.

World J. Nano Sci. Technol., 3(2): 45-51, 2014

features that determine the characteristic behaviour of

these nanoscale gold nanoaprticles but also
invent, test and validate reliable novel procedures
for the preparation, synthesis and characterisation of
gold nanoparticles of basically any desired size and
The bottom up process by far more common and
effective (Sardar et al. 2009) [16] and has become a
popular method in current nano-science and
nanoengineering. It has a number of potentially very
advantages. These include experimental
simplicity down to the atomic size scale, the possibility of
three-dimensional assembly and the potential for
inexpensive mass fabrication (Brust and Kiely, 2002) [17].
The simplest and most common bottom up method
employed for the production of the gold nanoparticles
of different sizes is the reduction of Au (III) salt
(usually HAuCl4) by sodium citrate in water. In this
method, pioneered by Turkevich and co-workers in
1951(Turkevich, 1951) and later refined by Frens in the
1970s (Frens, 1973) [18] and more recently further
developed by Kumar (Kumar et al. 2006) [19]. It is
generally accepted that the AuCl4 - ions are first reduced
to atomic gold (Au), the concentration of which rises
quickly to the supersaturation level. Collision of the Au
atoms leads to a sudden burst of nuclei formation
which marks the start of the nucleation step. It is the
attachment and coalescence of those nuclei which
results in the growth and formation of desired
nanoparticles (Pong et al. 2007) [20]. Figure 1 illustrates
the reduction, nucleation and growth steps during the
formation of the nanoparticles. It shows that the reduction
and nucleation are fast (>200 ms) while growth step is the
rate determining step since it is much slower than the
antecedent nucleation step. Many times, difficulty in
controlling the nucleation and growth steps, which are
intermediate stages of particle formation process may
result in a broad particles size distribution (Bellloni, 1996)
[21]. In the presence of various reactive polymers in the
reaction medium, that is, polymers having various
functional groups, the growing metallic particles are
stabilized by the adsorption of the polymer chains onto
the surface of the growing metal fragments, thus lowering
their surface energy and creating a barrier to further
aggregation (King et al. 2003) [22].
One important factor for understanding the behaviour
of the natural particles in the environment and the
bioavailability of heavy metals loaded on them is their

interaction with microorganisms associated with biomass

population. The nanoparticles could possibly be
immobilised, absorbed, reacted or retarded by biomass in
the environment.
Reagents and Chemicals: etrachloroauric acid
(HAuCl4XH2O) was obtained from Sigma Aldrich
Chemicals. Freshly prepared triple distilled water was used
throughout the experimental work.
Preparation of Aloe Vera Aqueous Extract: In our
synthesis procedure, Aloe vera aqueous extract were
used as reducing and capping agent. Extract was prepared
by soaking 2 gm of carrot root in 20 ml deionized water for
overnight and crush it with mortar and pestle, the mixture
was boiled for 10-15 minute at 70-80C. The extract was
followed by centrifuge for 15 minute at 5000 rpm; collected
supernatant was then filtered by standard sterilized
filtration method. Extract was then stored at 4C for further
use [23-51].
Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles: In a typical
experiment, AuNPs synthesis protocol was optimized by
stirring a mixture of Aloe vera aqueous extract at three
different concentrations with 1mM HauCl 4 aqueous
solution (1;1, 5;1, 10;1) at 200 rpm at room temperature
for 1 hour. Within a particular time change in color
was observed indicating nanoparticle synthesized
UV-Vis Spectra Analysis: The reduction of pure Au3+ to
nanoparticle was monitored by measuring the UV-vis
spectrum the most confirmatory tool for the detection of
surface Plasmon resonance property (SPR) of AuNPs, by
diluting a small aliquot of the sample in distilled water.
UV- Vis spectral analysis was done by using UV-Vis
spectrophotometer Systronics 118 within the range of 350650 nm [24].

X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis: XRD measurement of

biologically synthesized AuNPs from tertrachloroauric
acid, AuNPs solution drop-coated on glass were done on
a Bruker axs- D8 Advance instrument operating at a
voltage of 40 KV and current of 20 mA with Cu K
radiation [25].

World J. Nano Sci. Technol., 3(2): 45-51, 2014

Table 1: Indication of Colour change in green synthesis of Gold
Colour change
Nanoparticle ---------------------------------Solution
Aloe vera

Light Yellow

Dark Brown

Colour intensity

24 Hours

Table 2: Indication of change in PH during green synthesis of Gold

Aloe vera

PH change
-----------------------------------------------Before Reduction
After Reduction


Fig. 2: A UV-Vis spectra of AuNPs synthesized by
reacting different concentration of Aloe vera
extract with 1mM HAuCl 4 aqueous solution (5;1,
10;1, 1;1) at room temperature. B Tube A- contains
yellow color gold solution, Tube B- contains Light
Yellow color Aloe Vera extract, Tube C- contains
Dark Brown color gold nanoparticles solution [27].


Particle Size Analysis: Size analysis of gold

nanoparticles were carried out on Brookhaven 90 Plus
Nanoparticle Size Analyzer with following measurement
parameter, Refractive index fluid-1.330, Angle-15.00,
Average count rate-5.2kcps with run completed 3 times
Image of Aloe Vera Leaves Shown Below:

Fig. 3: XRD of gold nanoparticles.

formation of larger AuNPs with SPR at 550 nm. And in
reaction mixture ratio 1;10 the observed intensity of SPR
peak is more with small sharpness in the peak compare to
the reaction mixture 1;1 with SPR at 530 nm. Where as in
reaction mixture 1; 5 the SPR band intensity and peak is
highest indicating complete reduction of gold ions with
SPR at 540 nm. Thus maximum yield of reduced sized
AuNPs at reaction ratio 5; 1 suggested as optimum
reaction condition under room temperature condition.

Aloe Vera
UV-Vis Spectroscopic Analysis of Au Nanoparticles:
The appearance of violet color evident that the formation
gold nanoparticles in the reaction mixture and the efficient
reduction of the Au3+ to Au0 (Fig.2B), the formed color
solution allowed to measure the absorbance against
distinct wave length to conform the formation of gold
nanoparticles. The corresponding UV-vis absorption
spectra are shown in Fig. 2A. The change in pH of
aqueous gold solution 2.95 and Aloe vera extract 4.86 to
3.06 of Aloe vera gold nanoparticles solution in 24hour.
In the present work, AuNPs synthesis with three different
concentration of Aloe vera extract with fixed
concentration of gold solution as ratio 1; 1, 5; 1, 10; 1.
UV-vis scanning of reaction product showed SPR
absorption band and peaks (Fig. 2a). Reaction mixture
with 1;1 ratio, in which reduction of Au3+ ions just to
occurred and SPR band intensities was less and peak is
broad which suggest partial reduction of Au 3+ ion and

XRD Analysis: The crystalline structure of biologically

synthesized AuNPs using Aloe Vera extract were
analyzed by XRD measurements. A typical XRD pattern
of the Au was found by Bragg reflections corresponding
to (111), (200) and (220) sets of lattice planes are observed
that may be indexed on the bases of the fcc structure of
gold. The characteristic peaks corresponding to (111),
(200) and (220) are located at 2 = 38.80, 44.13 and 64.82
respectively and the weak intensities of peaks indicates
that gold nanocrystals are embedded in the film, shown in
Figure 3.

World J. Nano Sci. Technol., 3(2): 45-51, 2014


Fig. 4: Particle size analysis.
Particle Size Analysis: Laser diffraction particle size
analyzer provides the detail about the particle nature,
such as monodispersed, didispersed and polydispersed.
Our investigation revealed that nanoparticles show
polydispersity at 0.419 indexing and various sizes of
nanoparticles ranging with effective diameter around 441.4
nanometer, lognormal summary given below in Figure 4





The study demonstrates the rapid synthesis of gold

nanoparticles with small sized and high crystallinty.
The reduction of the metal ions and stabilization of the
gold nanoparticles is believed to occur by the proton
releasing hydroxyl group, containing
citronellol, borneol, trans-nerolidol, cis/trans-linalol
oxides, -sitosterol, phytol, geraniol, stigma sterol or any
other secondary metabolites and various acids present in
extract. The concentration of Aloe Vera extract and metal
ions plays a crucial role for the synthesis of gold
nanoparticles of desired size with reaction conditions.
The spectroscopic characterizations using UV-vis, XRD
and Particle size analysis were useful in providing the
formation of nanoparticles and also to confirm their
characteristic. From literature study proposed that
hydroxyl and amine group containing components are
responsible as an active reductant and capping agent, but
further FTIR analysis can give evidence to understand the
appropriate chemical and molecular interactions which
could be responsible for the gold salt reduction. As, the
appearance of single peak in UV-Vis spectrum represents
spherical shape of generated nanoparticles which can be
further confirmed by representing the Scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) and Transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) images.







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