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Complainant hired the services of the respondent to annul her marriage to Danilo Soriano.
Complainant gave the respondent a diskette containing a narration of what happened between
her and her estranged husband. Complainant also gave respondent money as part of the
acceptance fee and the filing fee for the case.
Inquiring on the status of her case, respondent told the complainant that their first hearing was
postponed to a later date. Unconvinced complainant went to RTC Branch 64 to inquire on the
status of her case. Much to her surprise, there was no such case filed in court. Respondent
promised to return what the complainant gave. However, the amount was only given after
complainant filed for a disbarment case with the IBP
Whether or not respondent is guilty of Canon 16 and 18 of the Code of Professional
Rule 16.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility (the Code) provides that a lawyer
shall account for all money or property collected for or from the client. Acceptance of money
from a client establishes an attorney-client relationship and gives rise to the duty of fidelity to
the clients cause. Money entrusted to a lawyer for a specific purpose, such as for filing fee, but
not used for failure to file the case must immediately be returned to the client on
demand. Paguinto returned the money only after Parias filed this administrative case for
A lawyer should give adequate attention, care and time to his case. Once he agrees to
handle a case, he should undertake the task with dedication and care. If he fails in this duty, he
is not true to his oath as a lawyer. Hence, a lawyer must accept only as much cases as he can
efficiently handle, otherwise his clients interests will suffer. It is not enough that a lawyer
possesses the qualification to handle the legal matter. He must also give adequate attention to
his legal work.
The lawyer owes it to his client to exercise his utmost learning and ability in handling his
cases. A license to practice law is a guarantee by the courts to the public that the licensee
possesses sufficient skill, knowledge and diligence to manage their cases. The legal profession
demands from a lawyer the vigilance and attention expected of a good father of a family.
Rule 18.01 of the Code is clear. A lawyer shall not undertake a legal service that he is not
qualified to render. Rule 18.02 of the Code provides that a lawyer shall not handle any legal
matter without adequate preparation. He has the duty to prepare for trial with diligence and
deliberate speed. Rule 18.03 of the Code also provides that a lawyer shall not neglect a legal
matter entrusted to him and his negligence shall render him liable.

Atty. Oscar P. Paguinto is GUILTY of violating the Code of Professional Responsibility. Accordingly,
the court penalizes Atty. Oscar P. Paguinto with SUSPENSION for SIX (6) MONTHS from the
practice of law.

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