Comm. of Customs Vs Eastern Sea Trading

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3, OCTOBER 31, 1961


Commissioner of Customs vs. Eastern Sea Trading

No. L-14279. October 31, 1961.


Import and export; Central Bank; Authority to regulate




Commissioner of Customs vs. Eastern Sea Trading

no-dollar imports.The Central Bank has authority to regulate no-dollar imports, because its broad
powers, under the charter, to maintain monetary stability and to preserve the international value of the
currency, under section 2 of Republic Act No. 265, in relation to section 14 of said Actauthorizing the

bank to issue such rules and regulations as it may consider necessary for the effective discharge of the
responsibilities and the exercise of the powers assigned to the Monetary Board and to the Central
Bankconnote the authority to regulate no-dollar imports, owing to the influence and effect that the
same may and do have upon the stability of the peso and its international value.

Same; Issuance of import licenses not vested exclusively upon Import Control Commission.The
authority to issue import licenses was not vested exclusively upon the Import Control Commission,
because Executive Order No. 328 provided for export or import licenses from the Central Bank of the
Philippines or the Import Control Administration or Commission. The latter was created only to
perform the task of implementing certain objectives of the Monetary Board and the Central Bank, which
otherwise had to be undertaken by these two (2) agencies. Upon the abolition of said Commission, the
duty to provide means and ways for the accomplishment of said objectives had merely to be discharged
directly by the Monetary Board and the Central Bank, even if the aforementioned Executive Order had
been silent thereon.

Constitutional law; Executive agreement; Concurrence of Senate not required.While the concurrence
of the Senate is required by the Constitution in the making of treaties (Constitution of the Phil., Article
VII, Section 10 *7+, executive agreements may be validly entered into without such concurrence.

PETITION for review of a judgment of the Court of Tax Appeals.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

Solicitor General for petitioners.

Valentin Gutierrez for respondent.


Petition for review of a judgment of the Court of Tax Appeals reversing a decision of the Commissioner
of Customs.

Respondent Eastern Sea Trading was the consignee of several shipments of onion and garlic which
arrived at the Port of Manila from August 25 to September 7, 1954. Some shipments came from Japan
and others from Hong


VOL. 3, OCTOBER 31, 1961


Commissioner of Customs vs. Eastern Sea Trading

Kong. Inasmuch as none of the shipments had the certificate required by Central Bank Circulars Nos. 44
and 45 for the release thereof, the goods thus imported were seized and subjected to forfeiture
proceedings for alleged violations of section 1363 (f) of the Revised Administrative Code, in relation to
the aforementioned circulars of the Central Bank. In due course, the Collector of Customs of Manila
rendered a decision on September 4, 1956, declaring said goods forfeited to the Government andthe
goods having been, in the meantime, released to the consignees on surety bonds, filed by the same, as
principal, and the Alto Surety & Insurance Co., Inc., as surety, in compliance with orders of the Court of
First Instance of Manila, in Civil Cases Nos. 23942 and 23852 thereofdirecting that the amounts of said
bonds be paid, by said principal and surety, jointly and severally, to the Bureau of Customs, within thirty
(30) days from notice.

On appeal taken by the consignee, said decision was affirmed by the Commissioner of Customs on
December 27, 1956. Subsequently, the consignee sought a review of the decision of said two (2) officers
by the Court of Tax Appeals, which reversed the decision of the Commissioner of Customs and ordered
that the aforementioned bonds be cancelled and withdrawn. Hence, the present petition of the
Commissioner of Customs for review of the decision of the Court of Tax Appeals.

The latter is based upon the following premises, namely: that the Central Bank has no authority to
regulate transactions not involving foreign exchange; that the shipments in question are in the nature of
no-dollar imports; that, as such, the aforementioned shipments do not involve foreign exchange; that,
insofar as a Central Bank license and a certificate authorizing the importation or release of the goods
under consideration are required by Central Bank Circulars Nos. 44 and 45, the latter are null and void;
and that the seizure and forfeiture of the goods imported from Japan cannot be justified under
Executive Order No. 328,1 not only because the same seeks to implement an executive


1 Dated June 22, 1950. It provides, inter alia, that from and after said date, no commodity may be
exported to or im-




Commissioner of Customs vs. Eastern Sea Trading

agreement2extending the effectivity of our Trade3 and Financial Agreements4 with Japanwhich


ported from Occupied Japan without an export or import license from the Central Bank of the
Philippines or the Import Control Administration, and that the annual exports and imports to the

Philippines and from Occupied Japan, as contained in the Trade Plan shall be allocated and the licenses
therefor shall be issued only to bona fide Philippine exporters and importers, subject to the provisions of
section 9 of said Executive Order and to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Import
Control Administration and the Central Bank of the Philippines.

2 According to a communication dated April 24, 1957 of the then Acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs
(Exhibit F), Japan was subrogated into the rights, obligations and interests of the SCAP and Japan on
March 19, 1952, and since then the agreements have been extended mutatis mutandis 18 times, the
current one to expire at the end of April, 1957.

3 The Trade Agreement, dated May 18, 1950, provides, inter alia, for the adoption of a trade plan, on an
annual basis, between the Philippines and Occupied Japan; that, subject to exceptions, all trade shall be
conducted in accordance with the Financial Agreement between the two countries, and through
specified channels; that subject to exchange, import and export control restrictions, both countries
would permit the importation from and exportation to each other of the commodities specified in the
trade plan, within specified limits; that consultations would be held for necessary modifications of the
trade plan; that a machinery would be established to ensure accurate and up-to-date information
regarding the operation of the agreement and to insure the implementation of the trade plan; and that
the parties would do everything feasible to ensure compliance with the export-import control, exchange
control and such other controls pertaining to international trade as may be in force in their respective
territories from time to time. The agreement, likewise, specifies the method of revision or cancellation
thereof, the procedure for the review of the trading position between the parties and the time of its
effectivity (upon exchange of formal ratification, pending which, it shall take effect upon signature by
authorized representatives as modus vivendi between the parties).

4 The Financial Agreement, dated May 18, 1950, provides, inter alia, that all transactions covered by the
Trade Agreement shall be invoiced in U.S.A. dollars and shall be entered into the account of each party
to be maintained in the books of the principal financial agent banks designated by each party; that
debits and credits shall be offset against each other in said accounts and payments shall be made on the
net balance only;


VOL. 3, OCTOBER 31, 1961


Commissioner of Customs vs. Eastern Sea Trading

agreement), it believed, is of dubious validity, but, also, because there is no governmental agency
authorized to issue the import license required by the aforementioned executive order.

The authority of the Central Bank to regulate no-dollar imports and the validity of the aforementioned
Circulars Nos. 44, and 45 have already been passed upon and repeatedly upheld by this Court (Pascual
vs. Commissioner of Customs, L-10979 [June 30, 1959]; Acting Commissioner of Customs vs. Leuterio, L9142 [October 17, 1959] Commissioner of Customs vs. Pascual, L-9836 [November 18, 1959];
Commissioner of Customs vs. Serree Investment Co., L-12007 [May 16, 1960]; Commissioner of Customs
vs. Serree Investment Co., L-14274 [November 29, 1960]), for the reason that the broad powers of the
Central Bank, under its charter, to maintain our monetary stability and to preserve the international
value of our currency, under section 2 of Republic Act No. 265, in relation to section 14 of said Act
authorizing the bank to issue such rules and regulations as it may consider necessary for the effective
discharge of the responsibilities and the exercise of the powers assigned to the Monetary Board and to
the Central Bankconnote the authority to regulate no-dollar imports, owing to the influence and effect
that the same may and do have upon the stability of our peso and its international value.

The Court of Tax Appeals entertained doubts on the legality of the executive agreement sought to be
implemented by Executive Order No. 328, owing to the fact that our Senate had not concurred in the
making of said executive agreement. The concurrence of said House of Congress is required by our
fundamental law in the making of treaties (Constitution of the Philippines, Article VII, Section 10 [7]),
which are, however, distinct and different from executive agreements, which may be validly en-


that the Agreement may be revised in the manner therein stated; that the representatives of both
parties may negotiate and conclude of the agreement; and that the same shall be effective upon

exchange of formal ratification, pending which it shall take effect upon signature of the agreement as a
modus vivendi between the parties.




Commissioner of Customs vs. Eastern Sea Trading

tered into without such concurrence.

Treaties are formal documents which require ratification with the approval of two thirds of the Senate.
Executive agreements become binding through executive action without the need of a vote by the
Senate or by Congress.

x x x the right of the Executive to enter into binding agreements without the necessity of subsequent
Congressional approval has been confirmed by long usage. From the earliest days of our history we have
entered into executive agreements covering such subjects as commercial and consular relations, mostfavored-nation rights, patent rights, trademark and copyright protection, postal and navigation
arrangements and the settlement of claims. The validity of these has never been seriously questioned by
our courts.

Agreements with respect to the registration of trade-marks have been concluded by the Executive with
various countries under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1881 (21 Stat. 502). Postal conventions
regulating the reciprocal treatment of mail matters, money orders, parcel post, etc., have been
concluded by the Postmaster General with various countries under authorization by Congress beginning
with the Act of February 20, 1792 (1 Stat. 232, 239). Ten executive agreements were concluded by the
President pursuant to the McKinley Tariff Act of 1890 (26 Stat. 567, 612), and nine such agreements
were entered into under the Dingley Tariff Act 1897 (30 Stat. 151, 203, 214). A very much larger number
of agreements, along the lines of the one with Rumania previously referred to, providing for mostfavored-nation treatment in customs and related matters have been entered into since the passage of
the Tariff Act of 1922, not by direction of the Act but in harmony with it.

International agreements involving political issues or changes of national policy and those involving
international arrangements of a permanent character usually take the form of treaties. But international
agreements embodying adjustments of detail carrying out well-established national policies and
traditions and those involving arrangements of a more or less temporary nature usually take the form of
executive agreements.

Furthermore, the United States Supreme Court has expressly recognized the validity and
constitutionality of executive agreements entered into without Senate approval. (39 Columbia Law
Review, pp. 753-754) (See, also, U.S. vs. CurtisWright Export Corporation, 299 U.S. 304, 81 L. ed. 255;
U.S. vs. Belmont, 301 U.S. 324, 81 L. ed. 1134; U.S. vs. Pink, 315 U.S. 203, 86 L. ed. 796; Ozanic vs. U.S.,
188 F. 2d. 288; Yale Law Journal, Vol. 15, pp. 1905-1906; California Law Review, Vol.


VOL. 3, OCTOBER 31, 1961


Commissioner of Customs vs. Eastern Sea Trading

25, pp. 670-675; Hyde on International Law [Revised Edition], Vol. 2, pp. 1405, 1416-1418; Willoughby
on the U.S. Constitutional Law, Vol. I [2d ed.], pp. 537-540; Moore, International Law Digest, Vol. V, pp.
210-218; Hackworth, International Law Digest, Vol. V, pp. 390-407). (Italics supplied.)

In this connection, Francis B. Sayre, former U.S. High Commissioner to the Philippines, said in his work
on The Constitutionality of Trade Agreement Acts:

Agreements concluded by the President which fall short of treaties are commonly referred to as
executive agreements and are no less common in our scheme of government than are the more formal
instrumentstreaties and conventions. They sometimes take the form of exchanges of notes and at
other times that of more formal documents denominated agreements or protocols. The point where
ordinary correspondence between this and other governments ends and agreementswhether
denominated executive agreements or exchanges of notes or otherwisebegin, may sometimes be
difficult of ready ascertainment. It would be useless to undertake to discuss here the large variety of
executive agreements as such, concluded from time to time. Hundreds of executive agreements, other
than those entered into under the trade-agreements act, have been negotiated with foreign
governments. x x x It would seem to be sufficient, in order to show that the trade agreements under the
act of 1934 are not anomalous in character, that they are not treaties, and that they have abundant
precedent in our history, to refer to certain classes of agreements heretofore entered into by the
Executive without the approval of the Senate. They cover such subjects as the inspection of vessels,
navigation dues, income tax on shipping profits, the admission of civil aircraft, customs matters, and
commercial relations generally, international claims, postal matters, the registration of trademarks and
copyrights, etcetera. Some of them were concluded not by specific congressional authorization but in
conformity with policies declared in acts of Congress with respect to the general subject matter, such as
tariff acts; while still others, particularly those with respect of the settlement of claims against foreign
governments, were concluded independently of any legislation. (39 Columbia Law Review, pp. 651,

The validity of the executive agreement in question is thus patent. In fact, the so-called Parity Rights
provided for in the Ordinance Appended to our Constitution were, prior thereto, the subject of an

executive agreement, made without the concurrence of two-thirds (2/3) of the Senate of the United

Lastly, the lower court held that it would be unreason




Commissioner of Customs vs. Eastern Sea Trading

able to require from respondent-appellee an import license when the Import Control Commission was
no longer in existence and, hence, there was, said court believed, no agency authorized to issue the
aforementioned license. This conclusion is untenable, for the authority to issue the aforementioned
licenses was not vested exclusively upon the Import Control Commission or Administration. Executive
Order No. 328 provided for export or import licenses from the Central Bank of the Philippines or the
Import Control Administration or Commission. Indeed, the latter was created only to perform the task
of implementing certain objectives of the Monetary Board and the Central Bank, which otherwise had to
be undertaken by these two (2) agencies. Upon the abolition of said Commission, the duty to provide
means and ways for the accomplishment of said objectives had merely to be discharged directly by the
Monetary Board and the Central Bank, even if the aforementioned Executive Order had been silent

WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is hereby reversed and another one shall be entered affirming
that of the Commissioner of Customs, with costs against respondent-appellee, Eastern Sea Trading. It is
so ordered.

Bengzon, C.J., Padilla, Bautista Angelo, Labrador, Reyes, J.B.L., Paredes, Dizon and De Leon, JJ.,

Barrera, J., took no part

Decision reversed [Commissioner of Customs vs. Eastern Sea Trading, 3 SCRA 351(1961)]

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