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Netquote Inc. v. Byrd Doc.




Civil Action No. 07-cv-00630-DME-MEH

NETQUOTE, INC., a Colorado corporation,



BRANDON BYRD, an internet user making use of the IP Addresses and, and

MOSTCHOICE.COM, INC., a Georgia corporation,




Plaintiff NetQuote, Inc. (“NetQuote”), through counsel, respectfully submits its Surreply

to the Motion to Exclude Expert Testimony (the “Daubert Motion”) filed by Defendants, Inc. and Brandon Byrd (collectively, “MostChoice”).


Neither the Expert Witness Report of Mark Zyla (“Zyla”), submitted by MostChoice in

support of its Daubert Motion,1 nor his deposition testimony provide any basis for excluding the

expert opinions of Stephen A. Duree (“Duree”). Rather, Zyla offers merely a critique of Duree’s

methodology and alternative damages calculation. Such a challenge does not go to the

On October 1, 2007, Duree issued his Report on NetQuote’s Damages Resulting from Byrd/MostChoice
Submission of Malicious Applications to NetQuote and the Related Effects on NetQuote and its Business (“Duree
Report”). On December 14, 2007, MostChoice filed its Daubert Motion. On January 22, 2008, after receiving two
extensions of the deadline for disclosing its expert, MostChoice produced its Expert Witness Report (the “Zyla
Report”). On January 23, 2008, MostChoice submitted the Zyla Report to the Court, and on February 4, 2008, the
Court gave NetQuote leave to file this sur-reply.
admissibility of Duree’s opinions under Daubert. It creates a “battle of expert witnesses”for the

jury to decide and, accordingly, MostChoice’s Daubert Motion should be denied.


A. Use of the Quist Report

1. Zyla’s Testimony Demonstrates that Duree’s Use of the Quist Report Was

Zyla and MostChoice generally take issue with Duree’s use of the Quist Report in his

analysis. (Zyla Report, filed January 23, 2008 Docket No. 191.) Although Zyla raises three

issues with how Duree used the Quist Report, discussed below, he does not have any criticism

for the Quist Report itself or question its fundamental reliability for determining the financial

statement value of NetQuote’s customer relationships. Indeed, Zyla testified that:

• Quist is a reputable valuation firm, (id., Zyla Tr. at 124:10-12, excerpts attached
as Exhibit 1)2;
• He has no criticism of the Quist Report, (Zyla Tr. at 153:23-25);
• The analysis in the Quist Report was incorporated into and carried forward on
NetQuote’s audited financial statements, (id., Zyla Tr. at 123:18-22), the accuracy
of which management and third parties (such as investors and lenders) are entitled
to rely upon, (id., Zyla Tr. at 147:13-148:24);
• Quist would have conducted procedures and analysis to validate the data and
assumptions used to reach its valuation conclusions (id., Zyla Tr. at 89:2-25);
• Pricewaterhouse Coopers, which audited NetQuote’s financial statements, is a
reputable auditor, (id., Zyla Tr. at 123:13-15), and would have vigorously tested
the Quist Report’s conclusions, (id., Zyla Tr. at 117:3-118:21, 119:10-17);
• The Quist Report provides reliable evidence for the value of NetQuote’s customer
relationships. (id., Zyla Tr. at 123:13-15).
Thus, the testimony of MostChoice’s own expert further demonstrates that Duree’s

reliance on the Quist Report as part of his analysis was justified. See In re Sulfuric Acid

Excerpts of Mr. Zyla’s testimony attached hereto are from the rough draft of the deposition transcript, as a final
transcript is not yet available.

Antitrust Litig., 235 F.R.D. 646, 653 (N.D. Ill. 2006); see also Bauman v. Centex Corp., 611 F.2d

1115, 1120 (5th Cir. 1980) B.J. Tidwell Indus., Inc. v. Diversified Home Prods., 2007 WL

3118300 at *2 (W.D. Tex. Oct. 19, 2007).

2. Zyla’s Specific Criticisms of Duree’s Analysis Do Not Go to Admissibility.

Zyla also raises three specific issues with how Duree used of the Quist Report, none of

which provide a basis for exclusion. First, he contends that Duree used financial statement

values for customer relationships, which are based on a “market participant”assumption, without

consideration of the value of the customer relationships to NetQuote itself. (Zyla Report at 2.)

Zyla conceded, however, that concern would be alleviated either if (1) NetQuote assigned the

same value to its customer relationships as a market participant, or (2) if Duree explicitly had

considered the hypothetical difference between the values. (Ex. 1, Zyla Tr. at 99:18-100:8.)

Second, Zyla contends that Duree did not consider whether a customer that existed as of

the date of the Quist Report should have been assigned a shorter life because of the passage of

time between the Quist Report and Duree’s analysis. (Ex. 1, Zyla Tr. at 106:1-8.) Zyla

concedes that this criticism does not apply to customers who joined NetQuote after the date of

the Quist Report, and testified that he didn’t have an opinion on the impact this criticism may

have on the analysis. (Id., Zyla Tr. at 107:11-25.)

Third, Zyla contends that the seven year decay period used in the Duree Report is not

based on any quantitative analysis. Notwithstanding Zyla’s contention, MostChoice has still

offered no evidence that a seven-year decay factor was inappropriate so as to render Duree’s

entire methodology unreliable. Indeed, Zyla testified that he had no opinion on what an

appropriate decay period might be and testified as to the procedures that he would expect Quist,

as a reputable valuation firm, to have applied in quantifying the decay period. (Id., Zyla Tr. at

114:19-24; 109:20-111:3.)

Most fundamentally, it is for the jury to determine the appropriateness of Duree’s use of

these assumptions. Both the reasonableness of assumptions underlying an expert’s damages

analysis and another expert’s criticisms are matters for the jury to consider in weighing evidence.

Humetrix, Inc. v. Gemplus, U.S.A., 268 F.3d 910, 919 (9th Cir. 2001); see also Weinstein’s

Federal Evidence § 7-205[3] (noting that “experts often disagree”and the court’s Daubert

analysis does not “extend to an analysis of which, among two competing and contradictory

expert opinions, is the more reliable or helpful”). Accordingly, Zyla’s criticism provides no

basis on which to exclude Duree’s opinions.

B. Zyla’s Criticisms of Duree’s Causation Analysis Provide No Basis for Exclusion

Zyla next criticizes Duree’s analysis for supposedly assuming causation as to the 159 lost

accounts. Significantly, Zyla testified that he has no opinion on whether any of the individual

affected accounts actually terminated their relationship with NetQuote as a result of

MostChoice’s conduct. (Ex. 1, Zyla Tr. at 129:21-23.) Zyla also testified that, although he may

have analyzed it differently, he would have considered the same data relied upon by Duree in his

analysis. (Id., Zyla Tr. at 140:18-142:5.) Thus, at most, Zyla’s opinions go to the weight of

Duree’s opinions, but not their admissibility. Crow v. Marchand, 506 F.3d 13, 18 (1st Cir. 2007)

(holding that objections to the factual underpinnings of the expert’s investigation go to the

weight but not admissibility of proffered expert testimony); Humetrix, Inc., 268 F.3d at 919.

C. Zyla’s Criticism of Duree’s Valuation Methodology Provide No Basis for Exclusion

Finally, Zyla takes issue with Duree’s assumption in the quantification phase that certain

costs should be excluded in calculating the value of the lost customer relationships. Duree

calculated the present value of the revenue stream of NetQuote’s existing customer relationships

before related costs in arriving at a multiplier that was applied to each customer’s average

monthly revenue to calculate the value of the customer’s relationship. (Ex. A-22 to Daubert

Motion, Duree Report at SD0019.) Duree excluded costs in this calculation because there was

no evidence that NetQuote would experience cost savings as a result of losing these customers.

(Id.) While Zyla disagreed with this assumption, Zyla could not identify any cost saving that

NetQuote realized as a result of losing customers and conceded that there may be circumstances

where he would conclude it was appropriate to exclude these costs. (Id., Zyla Tr. at 134:4-11,

136:2-6.) Ultimately, it is for the jury to determine whether Duree or Zyla applied a better

analysis. Humetrix, Inc., 268 F.3d at 920.


For the reasons set forth above and in NetQuote’s Response, the Daubert Motion should

be denied.

Dated: February 22, 2008

Respectfully submitted,

s/ Heather Carson Perkins

David W. Stark Daniel D. Williams
Heather Carson Perkins Teresa Taylor Tate
3200 Wells Fargo Center 1900 Fifteenth Street
1700 Lincoln Street Boulder, Colorado 80302
Denver, Colorado 80203 Tel: (303) 447-7700 / Fax: (303) 447-7800
Tel: (303) 607-3500 / Fax: (303) 607-3600 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]


I certify that on this 22nd day of February, 2008, I electronically filed the accompanying


TESTIMONY with the Clerk of Court using the CM/ECF system, which will send notification

of such filing to the following counsel of record:

Ryan L. Isenberg, Esq.

7000 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Bldg 15, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30328
[email protected]

s/ Veronica Thomas

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