Derivatives and Risk Management JP Morgan Report

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Derivatives and Risk Management Made Simple

December 2013

We would like to thank J.P. Morgan for their help in producing and sponsoring this guide.

Note: This guide is for information only. It is not investment or legal advice. In particular, this outline does not address in
detail developing regulatory requirements with respect to derivatives: readers should seek their own professional advice
on these matters.
Published by the National Association of Pension Funds Limited 2013
First published: December 2013

1. Derivatives and Risk Management

2. Derivatives

3. Market risk

4. Market risk methodologies

5. Counterparty risk


6. Counterparty risk methodologies


7. Managing the exposure


8. Summary


Derivatives and Risk Management made simple

1. Derivatives and Risk Management

Over the last 10 years, UK pension funds have increased their usage of derivatives, either directly or through fund
managers, as they focus on managing the risks associated with their liabilities. The 2012 NAPF Annual Survey results
showed that 57% of members schemes are using derivatives.
As derivative strategies have become more commonplace, risk regulation has tightened. A number of EU and OECD
directives and guidelines have been issued requiring all counterparties with derivative contracts to report the details
of them to a trade repository. The regulatory trend towards greater data transparency and governance is also growing.
After the financial crisis, the European Commission proposed a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT), which would be set at a
minimum of 0.01% for derivatives transactions. NAPF member pension schemes estimate their potential cost at around
EUR 35 million.1
However, the responsibility still remains with pension trustees to adopt appropriate derivative risk management
processes for their pension schemes. This makes it even more important that pension trustees understand the risks
inherent in their schemes investments.
This guide has been designed for UK pension funds to introduce:

Exchange-traded and over-the-counter derivative instruments their uses and relative benefits

Market and counterparty credit risks

Risk methodologies how to calculate, interpret and apply them
The risk methodologies include ESMAs guidelines for UCITS funds in Europe, which could be used to supplement the
high level guidance provided by Article 14(1) of the European Directive on the Activities and Supervision of Institutions
for Occupational Retirement Provision 2003/41/EC and The Pensions Act 2004 in the UK.
This guide does not address in any detail the implications of the evolving regulatory landscape and pension fund
trustees should ensure they obtain detailed independent legal advice to ensure their continuing compliance with
these requirements.

Controlling uncertainty
A UK defined benefit pension fund is subject to variations in the value of its assets due to market movement. At the
same time, the present value of its future liabilities is subject to change caused by fluctuation in the discount rate used
in the liability valuation process (changes in GBP yield rates required at each time horizon).
A fund can manage part or all of its interest rate risk by matching assets to liabilities using practices that:

Match liability cash flows using zero coupon bonds

Match the average duration of assets and liabilities
Use derivatives to create an immunisation overlay (hedge)

Full immunisation requires the future value of assets to equal the future value of liabilities at the time the payment is
required. The use of zero coupon bonds, where the bond maturity matches the payment date, theoretically provides a
good process. However, the supply and credit rating diversification of suitable bond maturity dates is unlikely to perfectly
match the required payment dates. These concerns are compounded by corporate sponsors desire to minimise their
funding payments through the use of investment price growth, whereby a pound of future liability is funded with less
than a pound invested today, and the subsequent need to take investment risk, to achieve value growth.
Using a derivatives overlay is one way of managing risk exposures arising between assets and liabilities. Derivatives are
often used to hedge unrewarded risks in the pension scheme (such as interest rates) providing schemes with greater
flexibility around asset allocation. For example, a pension scheme could hedge the interest rate risk associated with
its liabilities with a derivative allowing it to allocate its cash into assets which have limited interest rate sensitivity
such as equities or alternative assets; however, this introduces other risks such as liquidity and counterparty risk (see
Counterparty Risk Methodologies on page 14).

Derivatives and Risk Management made simple

2. Derivatives
Derivatives are specific types of instruments that derive their value over time from the performance of an underlying
asset: eg equities, bonds, commodities.
A derivative is traded between two parties who are referred to as the counterparties. These counterparties are
subject to a pre-agreed set of terms and conditions that determine their rights and obligations.
Derivatives can be traded on or off an exchange and are known as:


Exchange-Traded Derivatives (ETDs): Standardised contracts traded on a recognised exchange, with the
counterparties being the holder and the exchange. The contract terms are non-negotiable and their prices
are publicly available.

Over-the-Counter Derivatives (OTCs): Bespoke contracts traded off-exchange with specific terms and
conditions determined and agreed by the buyer and seller (counterparties). As a result OTC derivatives are
more illiquid, eg forward contracts and swaps.

Pension schemes were freed by the Finance Act of 1990 to use derivatives without concern about the tax implications.
The Act clarified the tax for derivative use. At the time of writing this guide, OTC assets are not explicitly included as
valid assets for Local Government Pension Schemes and relevant pension fund trustees should consider obtaining legal
advice as to their admissibility.

Commonly used derivatives and their uses

The most common types of derivatives are options, futures, forwards, swaps and swaptions.
Exchange-traded options are standardised contracts whereby one party has a right to purchase something at a preagreed strike price at some point in the future. The right, however, is not an obligation as the buyer can allow the
contract to expire and walk away. The cost of buying an option is the sellers premium which the buyer must pay to
obtain the option right. There are two types of option contracts that can be either bought or sold:

Call A buyer of a call option has the right but not the obligation to buy the asset at the strike price (price
paid) at a future date. A seller has the obligation to sell the asset at the strike price if the buyer exercises the

Put A buyer of a put option has the right, but not the obligation, to sell the asset at the strike price at a
future date. A seller has the obligation to repurchase the asset at the strike price if the buyer exercises the

Futures are exchange-traded standard contracts for a pre-determined asset to be delivered at a pre-agreed point in the
future at a price agreed today. The buyer makes margin payments reflecting the value of the transaction. The buyer is
said to have gone long and the seller to have gone short. Counterparties can exit a commitment by taking an equal but
offsetting position with the exchange, so that the net position is nil and the only delivery will be a cash flow for profit or
loss. Futures coverage includes currencies, bonds, agricultural and other commodities such as gold. An example would
be to buy 10 EUR/USD December contracts each with a nominal of EUR 125,000 to gain future delivery of EUR 1.25
million at a pre-agreed exchange rate.

Forwards are non-standardised contracts between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a specified future time at
a price agreed today. For example, pension funds commonly use foreign exchange forwards to reduce FX risk when
overseas currency positions are required at known future dates. As the contracts are bespoke they can be for nonstandardised amounts and dates, eg delivery of EUR 23,967 against payment of USD 32,372 on 16 January 2014.
Swaps are agreements to exchange one series of future cash flows for another. Although the underlying reference
assets can be different, eg equity or interest rate, the value of the underlying asset will characteristically be taken from
a publicly available price source. For example, under an equity swap the amount that is paid or received will be the
difference between the equity price at the start and end date of the contract.
These are non-standard contracts giving the owner the right but not the obligation to enter into an underlying swap.
The most common swaptions traded are those dependent on interest rates which allow funds to create bespoke
protection. Contracts can be preconfigured to provide both upside and downside protection if an event occurs. For
example, a party can purchase a swaption to protect itself from the 10-year interest rate swap rate going below 1% in
3 months time.

Derivatives and Risk Management made simple

3. Market risk
Market risk refers to the sensitivity of an asset or portfolio to overall market price movements such as interest rates,
inflation, equities, currency and property. Pension funds are heavily exposed to interest and inflation rate risks as
these determine the present value of the schemes liabilities; typically these risks are referred to as unrewarded risks
as these are intrinsic to the liabilities. While market risk cannot be completely removed by diversification, it can be
reduced by hedging. The use of interest and inflation rate swaps can produce offsetting positions whereby the risks are
Pension funds can access interest rate and inflation hedges through liability-driven investment funds (LDI) or by using
derivatives directly. Typically derivatives contracts also carry collateral requirements to manage counterparty exposure
(see Counterparty Risk on page 13).

Example Interest rate swap

Ordinarily when interest rates rise, the discount rate used in calculating the net present value (NPV) of liabilities rises,
so the NPV of those liabilities is reduced and the funds funding ratio is improved. However, the opposite is also true of
a decrease in rates, whereby the NPV of liabilities increases and the pension schemes funding deteriorates.
Swaps can involve a scheme swapping either a fixed or variable rate payment.
In the following example, Scheme A wishes to reduce its exposure to interest rate sensitivity and has entered into an
interest rate swap contract whereby it has agreed to pay a variable rate of interest on a nominal amount in exchange
for a fixed rate of interest on the same nominal. With such a position, the value of both scheme assets and liabilities is
either positively or negatively affected. The net position is that the funding status remains unmoved and thereby the
position is hedged.
Scheme A swaps a variable rate payment in exchange for a fixed one. There are two legs to the contract, one fixed and
one floating (see diagram below).
Out: Makes Variable Payments


In: Receives Fixed Payments

Under normal circumstances the present value of the future payments under each leg of the swap would be a similar
amount on initiation; but over time market movement is likely to vary from expectation. However, if set up correctly
the net position of the funding status will remain unmoved and thereby the position is hedged.

Effect on payments

Effect on assets
Effect on liabilities
(value of position)

Net position
(Assets: Liabilities)


Rates up

Scheme A still receives

Swap value decreases
NPV liabilities are
the same fixed amount,
but now pays more as
variable payment

Lose: Win
Funding ratio
is the same

Scheme A posts

Rates down

Scheme A still receives

Swap value increases
NPV liabilities are
the same fixed amount,
but now pays less as
variable payment.

Win: Lose
Funding ratio
is the same

Scheme A

Example Inflation rate swap

Inflation is one of the main risks that pension schemes are exposed to as typically schemes liabilities may be linked to
inflation. Therefore, high inflation has a negative impact on the NPV of a scheme as liability values are higher and may
create additional funding requests for the corporate sponsor. Inflation rate swaps can be used to reduce inflation risk.
Similar to an interest rate swap there are two flows and payments are made between the two counterparties.
In this example, Scheme A swaps a variable rate payment for a fixed one, with changes in the variable payment
dependent upon changes in an inflation rate calculated on a nominal amount. In this example, the scheme funding
status (net ratio of assets to liabilities) will remain unaffected and thereby the position is hedged.

Effect on payments

Effect on assets
Effect on liabilities
(value of position)

Net position
(Assets: Liabilities)


Inflation up

Scheme A still pays

Swap value increases
NPV liabilities are
the same fixed amount,
but now receives more as
variable payment

Win: Lose
Funding ratio
is the same

Scheme A

Inflation down

Scheme A still pays

Swap value decreases
NPV liabilities are
the same fixed amount,
but now receives less as
variable payment.

Lose: Win
Funding ratio
is the same

Scheme A

Currently, the deepest market for inflation swaps references the Retail Price Index (RPI). Certain pension schemes
liabilities may reference the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Schemes should consider the trade-off between liquidity and
basis risk (the difference between RPI and CPI) when looking to hedge inflation risk.

Derivatives and Risk Management made simple

4. Market risk methodologies

When establishing a derivatives overlay, it is essential for pension schemes to measure their exposure to market risk
and leverage. In this section, we review some of the main market risk and leverage methodologies, their application,
interpretation and benefits.

Commitment approach
The commitment approach is a standard methodology used to calculate the gross notional exposure and global
exposure (net leverage/gearing) arising from a portfolios derivatives. The commitment approach is referenced in
detail in the guidelines issued by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) for UCITS funds on 28 July
2010. These guidelines build on standard market methodologies and practices to calculate the underlying exposure
of derivative instruments and a measurement of global exposure. They are a valuable reference source for UCITS and
non-UCITS practitioners.
The commitment approach is a measure of leverage and does not fully reflect the market risk arising from derivatives.
Other measures including qualitative assessment should also be performed to ensure the schemes market risk is
adequately identified.
Gross notional exposure:
This metric represents the absolute value of the sum of the values of individual derivative instruments. Gross notional
exposure reports usually show the split between long and short derivative values as well as the gross absolute value.
The calculation of exposure is based on an exact conversion of the financial derivative into the market value of an
equivalent position in the underlying asset of that derivative. For example, for an Equity Futures contract the notional
exposure is equal to the following:
Number of contracts * notional contract size * market price of underlying equity share.
Global exposure:
The global exposure is the absolute value of the notional exposure of each individual derivative after applying any
hedging and netting benefits of longs and shorts. It is a metric reflecting the net leverage and provides a better
understanding of the net derivative exposure arising from derivatives in the portfolio compared to the gross notional
exposure metric.




Leverage = Absolute exposure value of un-hedged* derivative positions
Net Asset Value (NAV) of portfolio
* Based on pre-defined hedging/netting logic


Global exposure can be calculated by carrying out the following seven steps:
Step 1
Select all derivative instruments within the fund.
Step 2
Calculate the commitment of each derivative instrument.
Step 3
Apply netting and/or hedging logic to reduce commitment value.
Step 4
Absolute the value of any derivative instrument not used in the netting/hedging.
Step 5
For any derivative used within the netting/hedging; absolute any uncovered values that remain.
Step 6
Add the values from steps 4 and 5.
Step 7
Divide the results from step 6 by the total portfolio value to represent the global exposure as a percentage.
The above global exposure calculation is based on a harmonised definition agreed by ESMA across the EU member
states and published within circular CESR/10-788 (Guidelines on Risk Measurement and the Calculation of Global
Exposure and Counterparty Risk for UCITS) issued in July 2010.
When calculating global exposure using the commitment approach, netting and hedging arrangements can be taken
into account to reduce global exposure. Under CESR 10-788 netting and hedging arrangements are defined as follows:

Netting is the combinations of trades on financial derivative instruments and/or security positions which
refer to the same underlying asset, irrespective of the contracts due date. Trades on financial derivative
instruments and/or security positions are concluded with the sole aim of eliminating the risks linked to
positions taken through the other financial derivative instruments and/or security.

Hedging refers to combinations of trades on financial derivative instruments and/or security positions which
do not necessarily refer to the same underlying asset. Trades on these instruments/positions are concluded
with the sole aim of offsetting risks linked to positions taken through other instruments/positions.

Derivatives and Risk Management made simple

Value-at-Risk (VaR) is a commonly used measure of risk. As a single metric, it provides a single consolidated view
which incorporates the schemes exposure to risk sensitivities. ESMA recommends that UCITS funds with more complex
investment strategies use the Value-at-Risk approach as a complement to the commitment approach.
Definition: VaR calculates an expected loss amount that may not be exceeded at a specified confidence interval over a
given holding period, assuming normal market conditions.
Interpretation: The higher the portfolios VaR, the greater its expected loss and exposure to market risks.
Benefit: VaR is a composite risk measure that incorporates interest rate, FX, credit, inflation, equity risks etc. into one
figure. VaR gives a consolidated view of different risks in a portfolio.
Pension schemes VaR typically considers both assets and liabilities. VaR can be calculated using either historical or
market-implied data.
VaR methodologies common approaches
There are three commonly used methodologies to calculate VaR each is valid in its own right but not all measures are
appropriate for a given portfolio. Validity depends on where the assets are held, processing power and price. Whilst
common assets such as equities and bonds tend to be linear in their outcomes, this is not necessarily the case for all
derivatives; eg an option may give protection if the underlying asset price goes down but not up (or vice versa), so the
payoff profile is skewed one way or another. A normal distribution of outcomes is therefore not always valid where
derivatives are held.

This approach calculates VaR typically assuming returns are normally distributed

Estimates VaR direct from the standard deviation of the portfolio returns

Easy to calculate and understand
Historical simulation:

This approach calculates VaR from a distribution of historical returns

Can only reflect asset sensitivities to events captured in the time horizon used

Easy to calculate and understand
Monte Carlo simulation:

This approach calculates VaR from a distribution constructed from random outcomes

Can be difficult to explain as it uses sensitivities to re-price assets via a model

Computer-intensive as normally thousands of scenarios are run with each constituent asset requiring
repricing per each scenario

Accommodates assets with non-linear pay-offs.

Complementary metrics
Theres also a combination of complementary VaR and non-VaR metrics which can give a more indepth understanding
of a situation.

Active VaR:

Definition: For a pension scheme this is the difference between the assets and liabilities. If a scheme is
perfectly immunised active VaR will be nil.

Interpretation: The higher the active VaR of a portfolio, the greater the schemes exposure to market risks.

Benefit: Active VaR on a discrete time horizon basis indicates where changes are required to the investment
policy or the assets held.


Conditional VaR (CVaR):

Definition: This averages all the expected losses greater than VaR, also known as expected shortfall or tail loss.

Interpretation: If VaR is calculated at a 99% confidence level, CVaR averages the worst 1% expected losses.

Benefit: In one comparable metric, this indicates the wider exposure not contained in VaR. This is very useful
where there is a high exposure to derivatives as the distribution may be highly skewed.

Marginal VaR (MVaR):

Definition: This is a measure of the change in VaR at the aggregation level when an instruments position is
increased by one percent or unit.

Interpretation: It helps optimise the risk/return profile of a portfolio.

Benefit: An indicator of which assets or sectors provide the most or least level of exposure. As such it can
assist in identifying any possible corrective changes required.

Partial VaR (PVaR):

Definition: A measure of the change in VaR at the aggregation level when an instruments position is
completely removed.

Interpretation: This helps clients understand the contribution to aggregated VaR.

Benefit: Since assets influence each other (covariance), removing an individual asset can have a
disproportionate change in the level of risk. This identifies key contributors.
Other metrics that can be used to complement VaR metrics include sensitivity or scenario-based analysis:


Definition: A measure of sensitivity to a 1bp (basis point) change in interest rates. This can be shown for
scheme assets, liabilities, and also the difference between the two which is known as active PV01. The
outcomes may be positive or negative reflecting the percentage change in scheme value for say a 1bp or a
50bp rise or fall in interest rates.

Interpretation: The higher the PV01, the greater the sensitivity to a change in interest rates. An immunisation
policy would attempt to have a zero active PV01.

Benefit: This metric is used by strategists to indicate immunisation completeness. It can also help in detailing
at which point rebalancing of assets and hedges may be required.


Definition: A measure of sensitivity to a 1bp change in inflation. This can be shown for scheme assets, liabilities,
and also the difference between the two which is known as active IE01. The outcomes may be positive or
negative reflecting the percentage change in the schemes value for say a 1bp or a 50bp rise or fall in inflation.

Interpretation: The higher the IE01, the greater is the sensitivity to a change in inflation. An immunisation
policy would attempt to have a zero active IE01.

Benefit: This metric indicates immunisation completeness and can assist in detailing at which time rebalancing
of assets and hedges may be required.
Reporting example 1 Active summary (assets less liabilities):
Scheme immunisation targeting compares assets to liabilities. Perfect immunisation is where future asset value is the
same as future liability at each pensioner payment point. An active position occurs when the values dont perfectly
match, thereby the closer any active metric is to zero, the more effective the immunisation policy.


Derivatives and Risk Management made simple

The following example shows an imperfectly immunised scheme, with an active VaR at 4.52% and a confidence level of 99%.
Scheme immunisation summary
Number of positions

253 Asset duration

NAV assets

719,253,123 Active duration

NAV liabilities

756,456,915 Active PV01%

Active VaR 99% (MC monthly)

4.52% Active IE01%


This means:

There is a one percent chance that the schemes assets could lose more than 4.52% value greater than the
liabilities over a 1 month period

Active PV01 is positive, so the schemes asset value would change 0.16% greater than that of liabilities for a
1bp change in interest rates, thereby assets are more sensitive to interest rate changes than liabilities

As active IE01 is positive, for a 1bp point change in inflation the asset value would change 0.09% more than
the liabilities. Therefore, the assets are more sensitive to changes in inflation than the liabilities
Reporting example 2 Immunisation effectiveness:
A common immunisation policy is to match the durations of assets and liabilities at each time period when liability
payment is expected. The following chart shows active duration over the schemes time horizon. If the scheme is
perfectly immunised, the assets would fund the liabilities in each time period. However in this example imperfect
immunisation exists. This chart shows the risk points and exactly where rebalancing action is required. A duration
mismatch will also be reflected in PV01 (interest rate sensitivity) and IE01 (inflation rate sensitivity) active positions at
each time point. Similar tables can be constructed for larger shifts (eg 10bp, 50bp and 100bp).


5. Counterparty risk
In addition to market risk, derivatives carry counterparty credit risk. Counterparty risk arises when one of the parties
defaults, resulting in a replacement risk for the non-defaulting party. Replacement risk can be broken down into:

Mark-to-market exposure: The close out process may result in realised mark-to-market exposure on the
underlying contract

Liquidity risk: Sourcing sufficient liquidity in the market (notional/maturity) to replace the required position
that has been closed out following the counterpartys default

Operational risk: Managing the close-out of a portfolio of positions, notifying the counterparty that an
event of default has occurred, replacing the transactions in the market, accurately margining transactions,
managing any on-going valuation disputes, meeting required intra-day settlements

Legal risk: Enforceability of netting/collateral enforcement arrangements

Collateral risk: Collateral posted may be ten-year government bonds. However, on default there may be
a requirement to reinvest cash into new assets. Theres also the risk that the haircuts on the collateral are
insufficient or that the collateral is too closely correlated with the risk of the counterparty (eg systemically
important bank posting its governments bond)

Settlement risk: The intra-day exposure to a counterparty, arising from transfers of cash flows under a
derivative transaction or returns of collateral amounts following payments under a derivative contract (eg
cross-currency swaps, option purchases, etc.)

As the use of derivatives has grown, systems and methodologies to monitor and mitigate counterparty risk have become
more sophisticated. Regulators have also been enhancing the accounting standards (eg IFRS 13) and capital frameworks
to capture counterparty risk (Basel II, Basel III, Solvency II).


Derivatives and Risk Management made simple

6. Counterparty risk methodologies

Quantifying the exposure
In this section, we explore the current approaches that market counterparties are using to monitor and manage
derivatives exposure. These approaches primarily focus on the mark-to-market component of replacement risk.
Derivative contracts are dynamic in nature and can therefore give rise to either an asset or a liability for a counterparty
(depending on market movements). The following metrics can be used to monitor and measure counterparty exposure:

Notional of contracts
Current mark-to-market
Expected exposure
Stressed future potential exposure

Notional of contracts: As a metric, this provides information around the total size of a product with a counterparty.
Unlike bonds and loans, the notional of a derivative does not reflect the actual risk. Furthermore, it is not straightforward
as to how best to net positions where long and short positions are entered into with different maturities, coupon
details, options, etc.
Summary Notional Exposure by OTC Counterparty

Short Notional

Long Notional

Gross Notional














Grand Total







Current mark-to-market: This is a snapshot of the current exposure to a counterparty typically adjusted to reflect
any netting (eg ISDA agreements) and collateral arrangements. This provides more information than the notional
amount of derivatives in question. However, it is still limited in its information, particularly when the forward mark-tomarket is expected to change (eg based on the shape of the interest rate yield curve). This metric can be enhanced by
incorporating a sense of the potential future exposure using a specific percentage of the notional of each transaction
(add-on factor) based on a grid for each underlying asset class and maturity. An example of this can be found in the
Basel II banking capital rules.2

 lease refer to paragraph 92(i) of Annex 4 of the document International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards June 2006


Step 1
credit risk

Step 2

Method 1
Positive mark-to-market value
of contracts

Less negative
value of contracts

Method 2
Positive mark-to-market value
of contracts + potential future

Subject to
confirmation of
netting agreements

Step 3
Less collateral held
(Initial and variation

Note: Steps 2 and 3 are optional and subject to the conditions being met with regards to enforceable
netting arrangements being in place and eligibility of collateral.
Counterparty credit risk = (Current net exposure + Potential future exposure) - collateral

Current Mark-to-Market OTC Counterparty Exposure


Market Value

Market Value











Grand Total

Positive Net Collateral Held

Market Value
(After Netting)

Net of
Collateral OTC











Potential Future Exposure (PFE) is calculated by multiplying the notional values of the contracts with a fixed percentage
which is based on the PFE Add-on Factor.
PFE Add-on Factor is based on the asset class and on the remaining maturity of the contract.

Interest Rates

FX and Gold


Precious Metals
Except Gold


One year or less






Over one year to

five years






Over five years






Future Credit Risk Table based on PFE Add-on Factor outlined in the Basel Accord.


Derivatives and Risk Management made simple

Current Mark-to-Market OTC Counterparty Exposure





Positive Net
Market Value
(After Netting +
Potential Future






























Grand Total


Net of Collateral OTC

Counterparty Exposure
(With Potential Future

Expected exposure: This represents the expected positive mark-to-market profile of a swap or portfolio of transactions
reflecting any netting and collateral arrangements at different points in the future. Expected exposure is typically
calculated as the average of potential mark-to-market paths which are in-the-money (out-of-the-money paths are set
at 0 for the purposes of computing the average). The paths can be generated using a Monte-Carlo simulation using
implied market volatilities and correlation parameters.
The chart below illustrates the exposure on a 5 year Swap as a % of Notional.
As an example, if interest rates were to reduce by 0.5% at the end of year 1, then in the event of a default the replacement
cost for the counterparty receiving the fixed rate will be equal to the following:
0.5% (rate change) * 4 (years) = 2% of Notional

Stressed future potential exposure: This is typically a high percentile of the distribution of potential in-the-money
paths for the portfolio of derivatives. This metric is sometimes referred to as a peak exposure measure. The paths used
in this calculation can be generated using a Monte Carlo simulation in a similar way to the expected exposure and then
further enhanced by using stressed parameters (eg worst case historic volatilities/correlation parameters). Examples of
high percentiles used for measuring the exposure include 95%, 97.5%, 99% or 99.5%.


7. Managing the exposure

Risk limits
Counterparty risk can be managed by constructing risk limits for each counterparty based on:

Counterparty rating, market capitalisation, country of incorporation

Maturity bucket (1 day, 1 week, 30 days, 1 year out to 50 years)

Exposure metrics outlined above (including and excluding the benefit of collateral and risk mitigation

Product type (equities, FX, interest rate, inflation, etc.)
Gross Notional Not to Exceed 30%
Gross Notional

% Gross Notional














Grand Total



Counterparty Not Less Than A+

Moody Rating

S&P Rating















Collateral arrangements and collateral management:

Collateral has historically been used to facilitate trade between two parties by providing security against the possibility
of default of a counterparty. The main intention of using collateral has been to manage counterparty credit exposure
created by bilateral trading. Over the last decade, OTC derivative exposure has been more formally managed via Credit
Support Annexes (CSAs) under International Swap and Derivatives Association Master Agreements (ISDAs) setting out
collateral arrangements. Active management of counterparty risk by market participants, particularly buy-side firms,
has resulted in larger amounts of collateral being demanded and more frequent movements between counterparties.
Credit support agreements (CSAs) are typically used for derivative transactions as a way of reducing the mark-to-market
exposure to a counterparty. Under a CSA the counterparties agree to collateralise the net mark-to-market exposure of the
portfolio with a defined pool of eligible assets (eg cash, government bonds). The collateral is transferred to the other party
when the portfolio of transactions under the respective CSA is a net negative amount for the transferring party.


Derivatives and Risk Management made simple

Collateral arrangements mitigate credit risk by transforming it into legal and operational risk, subject to:

Legal enforceability of collateral arrangements

Operational capabilities to margin derivative portfolios daily, subject to minimum transfer amounts,
thresholds, etc.
Liquidity risk arising on ability to meet daily margin calls
Collateral replacement risk following a close out event

Regulations such as Dodd-Frank, EMIR, IOSCO, MiFID /MIFIR and Basel III are designed to create (amongst other
things) greater transparency and appropriate capitalisation of derivative instruments. They will also bring greater
complexity in collateral processes as OTC clearing brokers are introduced, collateral eligibility becomes more granular
and segregation of collateral is considered across both cleared and non-cleared instruments. Even where mandatory
clearing is not applicable, reporting and risk mitigation requirements may apply. For many participants, increased costs
are also a key concern, which in turn is placing greater focus on the collateral management process. A key focus across
all organisations is to employ efficient processes that identify and deploy the cheapest assets to deliver as collateral.

Active management
OTC derivatives can move dynamically within volatile markets, creating the potential for pre-defined risk limits to be
breached following sizeable market movements. To address this, active management of counterparty risk may be
necessary by:

Re-couponing/resetting the mark-to-market of the derivative

Unwinding positions based on certain market movements
Transfer of positions from over-threshold names to third parties (novation) where risk limits are being
Hedging the exposure using credit derivatives with a third party
Incorporating a credit support annex (CSA) with daily settlements, thresholds, minimum transfer amounts,
independent amounts

Given the bilateral nature of derivatives contracts in many of the cases above, consent from the over-threshold
counterparty may be required to effect these actions.

Further areas of risk analysis around derivatives

Additional considerations for counterparty risk management include:

Liquidity implications on portfolio allocations of using derivative transactions and different eligible assets in
collateral agreements

Transfer pricing of the cost of credit and liquidity risk in derivative contracts into strategic asset allocations

Hedging tools for derivative exposure

Valuation implications of derivatives of collateral arrangements, clearing, credit and capital


8. Summary
In summary, pension trustees continue to have considerable scope regarding how they monitor and manage their
pension schemes risk. At the same time, derivative and portfolio structuring are becoming increasingly complex
which in turn requires more sophisticated risk management and reporting. This makes it even more important for
pension schemes to properly understand, monitor and manage their risk exposures.
Whilst VaR remains an important metric for measuring market risk exposure, there are limitations with this measure.
Regulators are increasingly recommending a broader range of risk metrics to evaluate risk exposure. Ultimately, each
pension scheme needs to adopt the best combination of risk metrics for its unique asset/liability, funding and risk

Key considerations associated with applying derivatives

1) Identifying the right overlay strategy
Derivatives can be used for risk reduction and efficient portfolio management. The key starting point is to
establish an appropriate overlay strategy defining its objectives, the associated cost and benefits as well as
key risks.

2) Establishing robust operational procedures for managing an overlay strategy
Pension schemes need to ensure appropriate and robust processes are in place when using derivatives
overlays, which should include amongst other aspects:

(i) Creating an appropriate governance and internal risk reporting framework

(ii) Pricing, executing and booking the transactions
(iii) Measuring and reporting risk arising from the derivatives overlay and its effect on the pension schemes
strategic asset and liability portfolios and liquidity profile
(iv) Managing the operational aspects of the derivatives (eg collateral transfers)
(v) Monitoring of additional risks (eg counterparty risk limits)
(vi) Complying with regulatory requirements (eg potential future EMIR clearing implications)

3) Identifying risk limitations
There is a wide range of trade-offs involved in risk-managing a pension scheme as in practice it is not possible
to perfectly manage a risk. Derivatives provide a tool for managing risks and achieving certain financial
objectives; however, as with any risk management decision, they may convert a first order risk (eg interest
rate risk) into other second order risks (eg liquidity risk, rebalancing risk, counterparty risk etc). When using
derivatives, appropriate analysis of these limitations needs to be carried out.


Derivatives and Risk Management made simple



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The National Association of Pension Funds Limited 2013
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The publisher (The National Association of Pension Funds Ltd) or sponsoring company cannot accept responsibility for
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ISBN: 978-1-907612-23-7

The National Association of Pension Funds Limited

Cheapside House
138 Cheapside
London EC2V 6AE
Phone: 020 7601 1700
Fax: 020 7601 1799
Email: [email protected]
December 2013

This guide is for information only and is not advice about investment.

Securing the future of pensions

Price 35.00
NAPF member price 18.00

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