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BallStat and BallScore are two separate programs with two different purposes.

BallStat is used to accumulate stats and create reports. All you need to get started with BallStat is to
create your league. Teams and players will be added when you export your scoresheets from BallScore. You will
need to score your games with BallScore then export your scoresheets into BallStat ( see BallScore below ). Once
the first scoresheet is imported you will be able to create an unlimited number of reports using the Custom Report
Maker in BallStat.
If you are not using BallScore you can enter games manually with BallStat. To setup your league follow this

Create a league (File/Create new league)

Add your teams (Add/Team)
Add your players (Add/Player)
Add your games (Database/Games/Enter player game stats)

BallScore is used to score your game. You can score your game live using a laptop computer or copy your
paper scorebook into BallScore at home. The whole game as it is scored ( both teams ) is known as a scorebook.
You can save a whole scorebook in the form of a sbk file to disk at anytime. This would allow you to reload the
scorebook to finish scoring a game or to simply review a previously scored game. Each teams portion of the
scorebook is known as a scoresheet. When a game is over you export each scoresheet ( or just your scoresheet if
you don't want to track the other team ) into the BallStat database using the Direct Export method. For maximum
stat generation it is recommended that you export both scoresheets.

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Getting Started with BallStat/BallScore

Below is all the information you need to get started using BallStat/BallScore. More information can be found in the
main BallStat help file. It is highly recommended that you follow the steps below to set both programs up properly.
Setting up your league in BallStat
Configuring BallScore
Scoring a game with BallScore
Exporting scoresheets from BallScore to Ballstat
Creating reports with Ballstat
If you are not using BallScore you can enter games manually with BallStat. To setup your league follow this order:

Create a league (File/Create new league)

Add your teams (Add/Team)
Add your players (Add/Player)
Add your games (Database/Games/Enter player game stats)

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Setting up your league in BallStat

Setting up your league in BallStat is an important first step before scoring any games with BallScore. The
database you create will hold all of the statistics that will be created when you score a game with BallScore. To
create your league database follow the steps below.

Run the Create League Wizard

Select File/Create new league from the main Ballstat menu. Each screen and the entries you need to make are
explained below.
Note: If you've never created a league in BallStat before the Wizard will start automatically the first time you
run BallStat.
Enter League Name
Enter a name for your league up to 30 characters long. Avoid using special characters such as slashes and quotes.
This name will be used to create certain file names which cannot contain illegal characters. If you are doing a MLB
replay you can click the Major League Baseball Replay button then enter the year of your replay. Click Next
when finished.

Select Game Length

Select the normal length of a game in your league. This setting will be used to calculate certain pitching statistics
such as ERA and Base Runners allowed per # of innings. Click Next when finished.

Enter Divisions
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Enter the names of any divisions within your league using up to 30 characters per division. For MLB replays you
may click one of the MLB buttons to have BallStat enter the divisions for you. Note that you only need one league
to hold both the AL and NL teams. Simply enter all the divisions you will need for both leagues.

Select League Path

The path you enter here is where your league database will be stored on your hard disk. Click Browse to select an
existing folder or enter your own folder path. If the path does not exist then BallStat will create it. A default folder
will be supplied for you based on the name of your league. You can modify this path if you like. Click Next
when finished. Click Yes if you are asked to create the folder.
It is recommended that you store your league in the BallStat folder located in your documents folder. This
will make backing up and restoring a snap.
For example,
Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\BallStat\Your League
Windows Vista - C:\User\Owner\Documents\BallStat\Your League
Finish and Save League
All the information you entered on the previous screens will be listed here. To change any of this information click
the Back button. If all the information is correct then click Finish. When you are asked to set the default paths
for reports to your new league it is recommended that you click Yes.

Click Ok to exit BallStat. BallStat should re-start automatically with your new league database loaded and ready to
go. If you are using BallScore to score your games then DO NOT use BallStat to create teams and players. Teams
and players will be added to the database automatically when you export your scoresheets from BallScore to
BallStat. Do not create any reports in Ballstat until you have imported at least 1 game from BallScore. Team and
player data are needed to correctly configure reports and there is no data available yet.
Important Tip: In case you ever want to rebuild your league using the BallScore scorebook batch mode an empty
backup of your league will be created automatically. To rebuild later, simply restore your empty backup before
batching your scorebooks. BallStat supports unlimited backup files.
The next step is to configure BallScore to work in conjunction with BallStat. To configure BallScore click here.

If you are going to use BallStat to enter data manually then you need to add your teams &
players in BallStat first. Do not use the links below if you are using BallScore to score your
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Add Teams
Add Players
Add Games

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Configuring BallScore
To make sure BallScore and BallStat work together correctly you will
need to make some configurations within BallScore. To configure
BallScore select File/BallScore properties
from the main menu. Below are the tabs you will need to click to
configure BallScore to work properly with Ballstat. Click each tab,
make the required entries or selections then click Ok.

This tab is where you tell BallScore which BallStat league to use when importing season stats and exporting
scoresheets to BallStat. If you have already created a league in Ballstat then that league will be used by default.
If you want to use a different league or a league has not yet been set, then click the Select League button and
browse to the league file (LGE extension) you wish to use. The Secondary league is for the rare occasion where
you need to export each team to separate leagues. You can usually leave this selection blank.
If you have created any new databases in BallStat then select the database you want to use. Regular Season is
the default. Click the Enable AutoDetect box so BallScore can load your season stats for teams that have
already been exported to BallStat.
Check the Use direct export to BallStat for scoresheets button if you want to export your scoresheets directly
into the BallStat database instead of using the BallStat import wizard.

Direct Export is the recommended method and the default method.

is also recommended that you keep all the Data check
options checked. This will catch most scoring errors before
the scoresheet is exported.

If you want to rebuild an entire league, to a new BallStat

database, then check the Export all scorebooks in
export folder. The folder you selected under the
Folder tab for storing your scorebooks will be used.
When this button is checked, ALL scorebooks will be
processed whether they have already been marked as
exported or not. Normally a warning is displayed if you
try to export the same scorebook twice. The warning will
not be displayed if this box is checked.

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The settings on this tab determine where BallScore will look to find certain file
Scorebook files - This will be the default folder where BallScore will load scorebooks from and save scorebooks
Exported Scoresheets - This is the folder where BallScore will save exported scoresheets to (SBX files) if you
are not using Direct Export.
Team Rosters - BallScore will save all created rosters into this folder.
Reports - This is where BallScore will save all reports generated when exporting scoresheets.
It is recommended, though not required, that you set all these folders to point to the appropriate folders in
current league folder. You can do this by clicking the Set all folders to league defaults button. This way BallStat
and BallScore with always look in the same folder to find each file type.

Select the normal number of innings of a game in your league. Select the normal number of batters in a lineup for
your league. If your league uses a variable number of players in a starting lineup then select what you think will be
the maximum number of players that a lineup will ever contain.
Most of the other tabs are just personal preferences you can use to control how BallScore works. Click through the
other tabs and make any changes you wish. Click Ok when all of the above have been set or selected.
You are now ready to score your first game with BallScore.

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Scoring a game with BallScore

Starting a new game
If you want to use Direct Export
(recommended) then make sure it is turned on. AutoDetect must
also be turned on. These two properties can be turned on, if
needed, by clicking the Properties button then the
AutoDetect/Export tab. The name of your export league should
also show on this screen. If not, click the league button and
select the league you created in BallStat. Make sure the correct
database within the BallStat league is also selected. Regular
Season is the default.

Click the Game Setup button on the BallScore

startup screen. Click Yes to discard the current default scorebook. The Roster & Lineup Manager
(RLM) will appear. This is where you create or load rosters and lineups. If the startup screen is not
showing you can make it appear by selecting File/Startup menu.
You can also start a new game by selecting File/New from the main menu.

Creating a roster
Add all players at once:


Click the Create New Roster button.

Enter a team name. Do not use illegal characters such as slashes, quotes or other punctuation marks.
Enter all your players.
Click Save Roster.
The Save Roster dialog box appears so you can assign a filename for this team. Type a filename for your team
making sure it ends with the .ros extension ( Ex: My Team.ros ). Click Save.

This function will only create the roster, it will not load it into BallScore. After closing this screen use the Load
Roster button on the RLM screen to load your roster into BallScore.
One player at a time:
1) Press ALT+M and enter the name of the team you are going to
create. Do not use illegal characters such as slashes, quotes or other
punctuation marks.
2) Press ALT+Y or click the Add player button to add your first player. Fill out all requested
information for the player then press the Add button.
3) The Save Roster dialog box appears so you can assign a filename for this team. Type a filename for your team
making sure it ends with the .ros extension ( Ex: My Team.ros ). Click Save.
4) Repeat step 2 until all your players have been added to the roster.
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Click here for other methods of creating rosters using as-played lineups.

Creating a lineup

Select the first spot in the batting order.

Select the player you wish to bat in this spot.

Select the position the player will play in the field.

Click Place selected player.

Repeat for the remaining batting spots until your lineup is finished. Click Save lineup to save this lineup for future
games if needed.
If you are using a DH for the pitcher then scroll to the very last spot in the
lineup (right above the ^^^^^^^ line) and insert the pitcher.
Starting with the 2nd game for this team you can choose to create a new
lineup or click Load lineup, select a previous lineup and modify it if needed.

Setting the defense

Once your lineup is finished you will need to set the defense. Click OK. Click the green button and you are done
with this team.
Note: After you set the initial starting defense with the RLM then you must use the D button to set the defense for
the rest of the game. The RLM has nothing to do with setting a defense after the initial defense has been set.
Repeat the above steps for the other team and you're ready to start the game.

Scoring the game

The cursor - Most of the time the cursor is controlled by BallScore and you should not move it. When
scoring any event the cursor should be on the current batter. If the cursor is not on the current batter
you will see several warnings. If you try to score an event with either cursor on the wrong batter the
event will fail and a Failed Event screen will appear. Scoring an event with the cursor on the wrong cell can
result in an incorrect scorebook. If you have to move the cursor to make a correction or assign a credit be sure to
move it back before scoring the next event or the next event will fail. Both cursors must be on the correct
Always score the batter first. Once the batter reaches first base safely be then becomes a runner.
Follow the logical sequence of each event when scoring and don't start scoring until the play is over. .
Don't edit cells if you don't have to - Use the backspace key or the Undo button to the right to undo
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scoring errors that are noticed right away. You can undo a scoresheet as far back as you need.
Start scoring each event with one of three buttons (or key presses):
The batter reached first base safely. Use this button or press A. Below are all the pre-defined options you will
have when pressing A.

The batter was out at first base on a batted ball. Use this button or press O. Below are all the pre-defined
options you will have when pressing O.

A play was made on a runner without batter involvement. Use this button or press R. Use this button to
manually advance a batter after he becomes a runner. Below are all the pre-defined options you will have when
pressing R.

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There are many other scoring buttons on the toolbar that allow you to skip starting with one of the 3 buttons above
such as the
button which will score a single directly. To see what event a button will perform, hold the mouse
cursor over the button for a second to display the tooltip.
Other keys you will use
A ball. If you are not tracking pitches then you can set the number of balls for a base on balls to 1
(File/BallScore Properties). Use this button or press B.
A strike. If you are not tracking pitches then you can set the number of strikes for a strikeout to 1
(File/BallScore Properties). Use this button or press S.

A foul ball. Use this button or press F.

Click this button or press P to insert a new pitcher.
Click this button or press G to insert a new batter or re-enter a player.
Click this button or press J to insert a pinch hitter.
Click this button or press W to insert a pinch runner.

BallScore will normally credit RBI's automatically. If you find you do need to credit an RBI manually use this
button or press I. To decrement the RBI's in a cell use Shift+I.
Markers & Assignments. Use this button or press M to display a multi-purpose menu that will allow you to
manage the offense, defense and make different types of substitutions after the game starts. You can also mark
runs as unearned and assign errors with this button.

After the third out the scorebook will automatically flip to the other team at the correct cell to be scored next.
To flip the scorebook manually use this button, the = key or the tab key.
Whenever runners need to be advanced the Runner Advancement screen will appear. Place the runners then click
Whenever putouts or assists need to be assigned the Putout, Assists and Error Sequence screen will appear. Assign
putouts, assists or errors as needed then click Ok.
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When you need to change the defense press D for the Set Defense screen. Sometimes this screen will appear
When the game is over press N. Assign the winning & losing pitchers, a save (if any) and any blown saves. When
finished click Done and your scoresheets are ready for exporting.

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Ending a Game

BallScore will detect the end of a game and offer you a chance to use the Game Over dialog. To end a
game yourself press N or select File/End game from the main menu.
BallScore will parse both scoresheets and check for empty slot errors. If any empty slot errors are found then select
Yes to have BallScore automatically fix all empty slot errors.
The Game Over dialog is used to set the winning pitcher, losing pitcher, saves, blown saves or holds. You can also
use this screen to set umpires, game location and game conditions. This screen can be used anytime during a game
but is normally used when the game is over.
Check the appropriate pitchers for each team for any of the above stats.
Complete games, shutouts and team shutouts are tracked automatically by
Click Done when all choices are set. The scorebook will be automatically saved if you previously saved the
scorebook. If not you will be prompted for a file name to save the scorebook as.

Page 13

Exporting scoresheets from BallScore to Ballstat

There are 3 ways to export your BallScore data into BallStat.

By exporting the current game scoresheets directly to the BallStat database
By batch processing all scorebooks in the scorebook folder (Rebuild league).
By exporting each scoresheet to an SBX file then importing the SBX file into BallStat using the Import Wizard.
The recommended method is #1 above. Use method #2 to rebuild a league from your scorebooks. The third method
can be used if multiple teams are using BallScore to score their games. Each team then sends their SBX file to a
central location (by email for example) for processing. In this case a team can use the first 2 methods to keep local
stats and the 3rd method for centralized league stats. Each method is explained below.

Direct Export is the recommended method and the default method.

Exporting the current game scoresheets directly into the BallStat database

Before exporting occurs BallScore will check the scoresheets for errors and give you the chance to fix them. You can
also check all scorebooks in the scorebook folder for errors without actually exporting by selecting File/Scorebook
functions/Create error log without exporting from the main menu.
When using this method make sure your game is over and has been ended properly (press N to end a game). You
will also need to be sure that the Use direct export box is checked on the Export properties screen (File/BallScore
properties/Export tab).
Select CTRL+V to export the visiting team or CTRL+H to export the home team or click the appropriate button on
the toolbar:
Red for the visiting team
Blue for the home team
Once a scoresheet is exported you will receive a warning if you try to export the same scoresheet again.
The Ready to Export screen will appear listing the BallStat league the stats will be exported to and the
database that will be used to hold the stats. Make sure all this information is correct. You will also be notified if
this team already exists or the team needs to be created by the large button at the bottom right of the screen.
There will be 3 drop down boxes at the upper left of the screen. These boxes are explained
Export team - This box will display the team that will receive the exported stats.
If there is a red Add icon to the left then this team does not exist in the BallStat database and will be
created. All the players listed to the right will also be created and added to this team.
If there is a green Update icon to the left then this team already exists in the BallStat database. All the
players listed to the right in green will have their stats updated and all the players listed to the right in red will be
If you know the team you want to export to exists but the team shows a
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red Add icon then drop down the box and select the team you want to use.
After selecting a new team all the player icons will be refreshed. The only
time you should ever need to do this is when the existing BallStat team and
the current BallScore team have different spellings of the team name. For
example, the BallStat team was created as the Lancaster Bombers and the
BallScore team is the Lancaster B's. BallScore uses the spelling of the team
names to match data automatically but you can select the team manually here if you ever need to for the above

Select the above teams opponent - Select the opponent that the export team is playing.
If a red Add icon appears to the left then the opponent does not exist in the BallStat opponent list and will
be created. Note that the BallStat opponent list is separate from the BallStat team list so even if your opponent's
team has already been exported you still must export the opponent here to add it to the opponent list.
If there is a green Update icon to the left then this opponent already exists in the BallStat opponent list.
If you know the opponent you want to use already exists but the opponent
shows a red Add icon then drop down the box and select the appropriate
opponent. The only reason to ever do this is if the BallStat opponent list
spelling is different than the BallScore opponent's spelling.

Select the location of this game - This is the location where the game was played.


If a red Add icon appears to the left then the location does not exist in the BallStat location list and will be

If there is a green Update icon to the left then this location already exists in the BallStat location list.
If you know the location you want to use already exists but the location
shows a red Add icon then drop down the box and select the appropriate
location . The only reason to ever do this is if the BallStat location list
spelling is different than the BallScore location spelling.

When all your selections are correct then click the button below that appears according to your situation to export
your scoresheet.
A geen Update this team button means the team already exists in BallStat and
the stats for the current game will be added to the BallStat database.

A Red Create this team button means the team does not exist in the
BallStat database and will be created.

Once data has been exported the first time for a team you are ready to create reports in BallStat.

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Batch processing all scorebooks in the scorebook folder

There are 2 reasons for batch processing all the scorebooks in the scorebook folder. Both are explained below. You
must make sure that there are no scorebooks in the scorebook folder from other leagues when batch
processing the scorebook folder!
A) You are not sure which scorebooks have already been exported.
If you want to export all scorebooks in the scorebook folder that have not already been exported you must first go
to the Export properties screen (File/BallScore properties/Export tab). Make sure that the Export all
scorebooks in the export folder box is UNCHECKED. BallScore will load every scorebook, one at a time, and
export only those scorebooks that have NOT already been exported.
B) You want to rebuild your league.
If you want to rebuild your entire league from scratch using your saved scorebooks then you need to do
the following:

Create a NEW league in BallStat using the Create New League Wizard or restore an empty backup to your
current league if one was created. Exit BallStat.
Change the AutoDetect paths in BallScore to point to your newly created league (File/BallScore
properties/AutoDetect tab) if you created a new league.

Make sure that the Export all scorebooks in the export folder (rebuild league) box is CHECKED.
Select File/Export scorebook folder from the main BallScore menu.
BallScore will export each scorebook (both teams), one at a time, until all scorebooks in the scorebook folder
have been exported. You will be prompted for team abbreviations, divisions and ballpark names whenever a teams
first scorebook is processed. BallScore will ignore whether a scorebook has been marked as already exported and
will export ALL the scorebooks in the scorebook folder.

Exporting each scoresheet to an SBX file

This method can be used if multiple users are using BallScore and need to send the exported scoresheets to
a central location for compiling.
In BallScore:
1) Uncheck the Use direct export box on the Export properties screen (File/BallScore properties/Export tab).
2) Select CTRL+V to export the visiting team or CTRL+H to export the home team.
3) Enter a filename when prompted or use the default filename that is supplied.
An SBX file will be created that can then be imported into BallStat.
In BallStat:
1) Select Database/Games/Import game from the main menu.
2) Select the scoresheet you wish to import. You will be warned if the scoresheet has already been imported into
3) Select, fill-in or match-up all the requested information on the Import Wizard screen. Click Finish when you are
sure all the information is correct. Add any new data (such as players, teams, etc) by clicking the Click here to
add ... button. BallStat will attempt to match existing data automatically whenever possible.
Once data has been imported the first time for a team you are ready to create reports.

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Page 17

Creating reports with Ballstat

Custom Report Maker

Once you have imported data into BallStat you can create reports. Do not attempt to create a report before any
data has been imported. To properly create a report BallStat has to attach the report to a team index which will not
exist until the team has been created.
Use the Custom Report Maker (CRM) to create all the reports you will likely ever need. The CRM eliminates the
need to manually create reports for each team, division or league. To start the CRM select Reports/Custom
Report Maker from the main menu. The CRM contains 7 different tabs to allow the selection of reports and the
formatting of all the reports that will be created. If you select to create all the reports available and have a large
number of teams in your league then it may take a minute or two for report creation. Generally, you only have to
create the reports once since all reports will display the most recent data each time they are opened.
All reports will use the stats in the database that you select. If you check the Merge all databases box then
BallStat will combine the stats from all databases for all reports.
The CRM will create the following report types:

These reports will show player totals for the season. You can create team, division, league, division set and leader

These reports will display player totals for a team only. However, you can create complex reports such as how a
player performed in day games, night games, batting right handed & left handed, against each opposing pitcher,
against each opposing team, at every ballpark, etc.

Game reports will show team totals for the season or in each game. You can create reports for team totals, division
totals, league totals & division sets. You will also use game reports to create league standings.

You can create leader reports for each team, each division or the entire league. Use any stat supported by BallScore
with up to the top 50 players for each stat.

You can delete all reports and start over by clicking the Options tab. It is also a good idea to make sure the
Always overwrite existing reports button is checked.

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You can set how your reports will appear with the Format tab.

Click the Create reports button on the General tab to actually create the reports.

To select all the reports on a screen click the Check all button. To de-select all reports on a screen click the
Uncheck all button. To create a single report type click the Uncheck all report types button then check just the
report you want to create.
After the reports have been created you can open them with the
BallStat toolbar.

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buttons on the

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Entering a manual game with BallStat

There are 2 ways to keep score, using BallStat or using

Use BallStat if you want to copy the totalled stats out of your scorebook and manually enter them into BallStat. This
is the method most programs have been using for years.
BallScore is an electronic version of your paper scorebook. You keep score with BallScore just like you would keep
score with a paper scorebook. When your done scoring a game with BallScore you export each scoresheet to your
disk in a format that BallStat can read. Then you run BallStat and import the scoresheet containing all the stats from
the game using the Match up Wizard. BallScore has the advantage of calculating all the stats for you including
advanced fielding and situation stats.
Note: BallScore now has a Direct Export method of exporting stats to BallStat which is the recommended
If you are not familiar with how to score a game then you may want to use the BallStat

How to enter stats with BallStat is described below.

If you are not using BallScore you can enter games manually with BallStat. To setup your league follow this order:

Create a league (File/Create new league)

Add your teams (Add/Team)
Add your players (Add/Player)
Add your games (Database/Games/Enter player game stats)

> Select Database/Games/Enter player game stats from the main menu.
> Select the team you want to enter stats for. The Setup dialog appears.
> The new score keeping system in BallStat uses a convenient dialog box with tabs at the top to easily change
between screens. The setup screen should be filled in before continuing on to the other screens. After completing
the setup screen you may tab freely between all 11 screens. All screens that can be tabbed to are described below.
> Enter all game stats from your scorebook or other source. Use the Summary screen often to check the validity of
your data.
> After all data has been entered and you are sure it is correct click the Ok button at the bottom of the screen. All
stats will then be entered into the BallStat database you selected. Clicking Cancel will leave the game entry process
and you will lose all data entered.

The Setup screen

PURPOSE : To select all game variables and opposing pitchers
Fill out all relevant data on the setup screen before tabbing to the other screens. If you want to track batting stats
against each pitcher in your league be sure to select all the opposing pitchers who pitched in the game. You can
add opposing pitchers using the Add new pitcher button.
Most information on the setup screen is optional but omitting data will restrict the type of reports you can use later
on. It is best to fill in or select as much information that you can.
Select or create a lineup if you want to be able to see how a batter does at each batting position as your season
progresses. You can also add locations and opponents by clicking the appropriate buttons. Make sure you have the
correct database selected so the game stats will be saved to the correct database.
Batting screen
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Purpose: To enter all player batting statistics including batting stats against each opposing pitcher.
Enter all game batting stats for each player using the << >> or Select buttons to move from player to player. If
you selected opposing pitchers on the setup screen then use the Next button to move to the next opposing pitcher.
You do not have to track all the different stats provided, only the ones that interest you. However the more stats
you do track the more complex reports that can be created. Be careful to note whether you are entering At Bats or
Plate Appearances ( the first stat box). If you make illegal entries you will be warned when attempting to tab to
another screen.
If you created a starting lineup on the setup screen the Order button will appear at the bottom of the screen. Use
this button to select the next player in the batting order. This button will also insert the correct batting order
position in the BOP box.
Pitching screen
Purpose: To enter all player pitching statistics.
Enter all game pitching stats for each player using the << >> or Select buttons to move from player to player. You
do not have to track all the different stats provided, only the ones that interest you. However the more stats you
do track the more complex reports that can be created.If you make illegal entries you will be warned when
attempting to tab to another screen.
Note: You must track Opponents At Bats (OAB) to have BallStat correctly figure Opponents Batting Average and
Total Batters Faced, otherwise these stats will be estimated.
Pitching Order is the order in which the pitcher entered the game. The starting pitcher would be 0, the next pitcher
1 and so forth. This allows the pitchers to be shown in the correct order when displaying box scores.

Fielding screen
Purpose: To enter all player fielding statistics. If you choose to track advanced fielding stats then this screen will
not accept entries but will display the totals of the advanced fielding screen.
Enter all game fielding stats for each player using the << >> or Select buttons to move from player to player. You
do not have to track all the different stats provided, only the ones that interest you.
Advanced Fielding screen
Purpose: To enter all advanced fielding statistics. If you choose to not track advanced fielding stats (on the
options screen) then this screen will be disabled and will not accept any entries.
Enter all game advanced fielding stats for each player using the << >> or Select buttons to move from player to
player. You do not have to track all the different stats provided, only the ones that interest you.

User screen
Purpose: To enter user-defined statistics.
Enter all game user-defined stats for each player using the << >> or Select buttons to move from player to player.
You do not have to track all the different stats provided, only the ones that interest you.

Situation screen
Purpose: To enter situation statistics.
Enter all game situation stats for each player using the << >> or Select buttons to move from player to player. You
do not have to track all the different stats provided, only the ones that interest you.

Summary screen
Page 22

Purpose: To display the player individual and team total statistics of the stats entered with the above 6 screens.
This screen should be used frequently to verify that all statistics are entered correctly.
Select the summary report you wish to view from the drop down box at the top of the screen. Use this screen to
verify the data you have entered. These screens are updated every time you click the Summary tab so the data
shown is always current.
Check the Compress records box to show a players total batting stats instead of his stats versus each individual
pitcher. If you are not tracking stats against opposing pitchers then this box is not needed.

Comments screen
Purpose: To enter any comments about the game. Any comments entered here will be saved when the game stats
are saved.
Enter as many comments about the game as you wish. When finished just tab to another
Line score screen
Purpose: To enter the inning by inning score of the game plus the total runs, hits and errors by both teams.
Enter all runs scored in the game into the correct innings. Make sure the total runs equal the sum of all innings
for both teams. Total runs and hits will be filled in automatically from the data you have entered on the batting
and pitching screens.
Options screen
Purpose: To set options that are used to configure the way data entry behaves.
Keep cursor on current field
Check this box to keep the cursor in the same stat filed when changing players. If this box is not checked the cursor
will return to the first stat field every time you change players.
Use standard fielding statistics
Check this box if you do not want to track advanced fielding stats. If this box is checked then the advanced fielding
screen will not allow any data entries.
Use floating keypad Checking this box will make a floating keypad appear below the current stat box. This
keypad will allow you to use your mouse instead of the keyboard for data entry.
Check conflicts before changing players
Check this box to have Ballstat check for invalid data entries when switching screens or players.

Page 23

Adding teams
If you are going to use BallScore to score your games then teams will be added when importing your first
game into BallStat, do not use the method below. This method should only be used if you are not using

BallStat supports an unlimited number of teams in each league.

To add a team to your league if scoring with BallStat then follow the steps below:
1. Select Add/Team from the main menu.
2. Enter a name for your team in the space provided.
3. Enter a 3 letter abbreviation for your team in the space provided.
4. Enter the name of your home field in the space provided.
5. If you entered divisions when creating your league select the division from the drop down box.
6. Click Save
Your team has been saved to disk. You can choose to add more teams or exit. You are now ready to add players to
your team.

Page 24

Adding players

If you are going to use BallScore to score your games then players will be added when importing your first
game into BallStat, do not use the method below. This method should only be used if you are not using

BallStat supports an unlimited number of players for each team.

To add a player to your team when scoring with BallStat follow the steps below.
1. Select Add/Player from the main menu.
2. Select the team you wish to add the player to.
3. Enter the players first and last name in the spaces provided.
4. Select the position this player usually plays. Be sure to check the pitcher box if this player may ever pitch in a
5. Fill in any other information you would like to keep track of. The only required information is a players first and last
6. Click Save.
The player has been saved to disk. You can elect to add more players or exit. You are now ready to enter games
using BallStat.

Page 25

Set league officers

Type in the names and addresses of your league officers. Click Save to save the information to disk. You can
actually store any information you want in this area.

Page 26

Set user-defined fields

You may define up to 10 different fields to contain player information. Type the name of the field in one of the
blank spaces. Click Save to save the defined fields to disk. An example would be to type Fathers
name in field #1 and save to disk. When you add players to your team you will now be able to save the name of
each players father.

Page 27

Set user-defined stats

Define up to 24 accumulative stats and 12 derivative stats. You type the stat title for any new stats you want
to create here. For example if you want to track how many ground ball chances and how many fly ball chances a
fielder has, name one of the fields GBF for ground balls fielded and one of the fields FBF for fly balls fielded. When
you enter game stats the new stats will be located under User Stats. Click Save to save your new stats.
NOTE: If you define a derivative stat you will need 2 accumulative stats to calculate the derivative stat. The
derivative stat field will show you which 2 accumulative fields to use.
An accumulative statistic would be Home Runs (HR) and At-Bats (AB) for example. Each time you hit a Home Run
or was credited with an At-Bat, your total would increase. A derivative statistic is a statistic derived from 2 or
more accumulative statistics. For example, the statistic Home Runs per AtBat (HRAB) is derived from taking the accumulative statistics Home Runs and dividing it into At-Bats. Boxes A-X are
accumulative and boxes AA-LL are derivative. Note that the first derivative box is labeled AA=A/B. Using the
example above, the A box would have
"HR", the B box would have "AB" in it and the AA box would have "HRAB". Use these if you find there are statistics
you would like to track that are not included in the program.

Page 28

Add New Database

To add a new database select Edit/League from the main BallStat menu. Click the Add new database button.
You can save your stats to 10 different databases. BallStat comes with a Regular Season database and you can
define up to 9 more. Simply type the name of your new database in one of the 9 remaining spaces. The stats for all
10 databases can be edited anytime after you add stats to them. Click Save to save the names of your new
databases to disk.
Note that databases may also be added while importing a BallScore scoresheet
NOTE: Once you save stats to a database, do NOT give the database another name unless it is similar to the old
name or has the same meaning!
Below are some suggestions for database

Page 29

Opening an existing league

To open an existing league that is stored on your hard

1. Select File/Open league from the main menu.
2. Browse to the folder where the league files ( .lge ) are stored.
3. Select the league file ( .lge ) and click OK.
4. Exit the program then re-start to correctly initialize all variables (BallStat may re-start automatically).
Until you open another league the league you selected will be automatically opened each time you start
the program.

Page 30

Importing a game to BallStat

If you are using the Direct Export method in BallScore then this function should not be used. This function
should only be used if you are exporting SBX files from BallScore.

The First Game

The first game you import into BallStat is very important. You will use this game to setup your teams and players.
This is the recommended procedure for adding players because it will assure that your BallScore rosters and your
Ballstat rosters will contain the same players with the same spelling of names. This also will make importing future
games much quicker as match ups will be automatically found for each player.
To import a BallScore scoresheet into BallStat follow these steps:

Start BallStat.
Select Games/Import game into BallStat from the main menu.
Browse to the folder that contains your scoresheets.
Select your scoresheet and click the Import button.
The Import Wizard appears.

Green, Red and Yellow Signs

The Match up Wizard will take you step by step through the matching process. Matching data is needed to assure
that the data being imported is going to the right place. BallStat will try to find a correct match for you for certain
types of data such as teams, players, umpires, etc.

If BallStat finds a perfect match the Green go sign will appear.

A Red Stop Sign means no match could be found and you will have to select the matching data
yourself or add new data.

A Yellow Yield Sign means that a selection needs to be made instead of a match.
Game Variables
Set the 4 game variables then press Next.
Select the database you want the stats imported to then press Next. If the database you want does not exist
click the Click here to add a database not on the above list button.
Select the team from the list that matches the team shown then press Next. If the team you want does not exist in
the list then click the Click here to add a team not on the above list button.
Match each player that appears with a player from the list, clicking Next after each selection. If the player you
want does not exist in the list then click the Click here to add a player not on the above list button.
Select the location from the list that matches the location shown then press Next. If the location you want does
not exist in the list then click the Click here to add a location not on the above list button.
Match each umpire that appears with an umpire from the list, clicking Next after each selection. If the umpire you
want does not exist in the list then click the Click here to add a umpire not on the above list button.
Select the sky condition from the list that matches the sky condition shown then press Next. If the sky condition
Page 31

you want does not exist in the list then click the Click here to add a sky condition not on the above list button.
Select the wind condition from the list that matches the wind condition shown then press Next. If the wind
condition you want does not exist in the list then click the Click here to add a wind condition not on the above
list button.
Select the opponent from the list that matches the opponent shown then press Next. If the opponent you want
does not exist in the list then click the Click here to add a opponent not on the above list button.
Opposing pitchers
Match each pitcher that appears with a pitcher from the list, clicking Next after each selection. If the pitcher you
want does not exist in the list then click the Click here to add an opposing pitcher not on the above list button.
If you don't want to track stats against each individual pitcher but want to track batter stats against LHP and RHP
then select either _Right Handed Pitchers or _Left Handed Pitchers.
Select the lineup from the list that matches the lineup shown then press Next. If the lineup you want does not exist
in the list then click the Click here to add a lineup not on the above list button.
This is the last entry when importing stats. You can click the Back button to go back towards the beginning if you
need to make any changes. When you are sure all data is matched up properly click Finish. All data from this game
will be added to the database you selected.
After you enter a few games you may want to change a BallStat property that will speed up the import process.
Select File/BallStat properties from the main menu. Click the General tab if needed then place a check in the box
that reads Bypass green lights when importing games from BallScore. Starting with the next scoresheet that
you import, the import wizard will only stop at red lights and yellow lights to ask for an entry.

Page 32

Re-Importing a BallScore scoresheet

Always create a league backup before using this function
If you have a scoresheet that was already exported from BallScore but you need to replace it with an updated
scoresheet then follow the instructions in the order below.
1) Delete the original scoresheet from BallStat (Edit/Delete/Games from the main menu). Do not purge the
deleted game yet!
2) Start BallScore, load the scorebook you want to re-export, make any needed changes then export the scoresheet
3) Select Database/Maintain database from the main BallStat menu.
4) Select the team and the deleted scoresheet you want to replace by clicking the appropriate button.
5) Select the game you re-exported from BallScore by clicking the appropriate button. This game will typically have
the same date as the deleted scoresheet.
6) Click the Move game button.
You can now safely purge the deleted game by clicking the Purge deleted games from team button then
selecting the team you want to purge.
Unless the game you moved was the last game played for the team, you will also need to re-calculate player
1) Click the Check tab.
2) Click Re-calculate streaks for team then select the team.

Page 33

Clone Reports

If you ever create a single custom report and want to create the same report for every team in the league then
select Reports/Team report cloner from the main menu.
1) Open the report you would like to clone.
2) Enter a title that will be shared by all the reports then select whether you want each teams name before or after
the title.
3) Click the Clone reports button to create the reports.

Page 34

Creating Custom Total Reports

Follow the steps below to create a custom total report. Note that you must have imported at least one game before
creating custom reports.

Click the Stock Total Report button on the toolbar or select View/Create a custom total report from a Stock
Total report from the main menu.

Select the type of report you wish to create then click Ok.

Select the team you wish this report to reflect.


Select the database you want to pull the statistics from.


If you want to create a league report that shows all players in the league then check the League report box. If
you want to pull the statistics from all databases then check the Merge all databases box. You can also choose to
have the file names for web pages and text files created automatically.

Page 35

Enter a title for this report or use the default title. You can also enter comments for the report which will appear
right beneath the title. The title and comments can be changed later if you wish. Click Ok when finished.

The report will appear on the screen. Don't worry if there are no statistics showing yet, they will appear when you
open the report as a Custom Total report.

You can add stats, delete stats, sort and do other functions by holding the cursor over a stat and left-clicking the
mouse. All these actions can also be performed at a later time whenever the report is re-opened as a custom report
by clicking the Custom Total button.

You can save the report as a Custom Total report by clicking the Save button

on the toolbar or by closing the report by clicking the X

in the upper right corner of the screen and clicking Yes when prompted to Save.

Page 36

Whenever you wish to display this report you can open it by clicking the Custom Total button

on the toolbar or selecting View/Player total reports - custom from the main menu then selecting the report. You
only need to create a custom report once, it will always reflect the most recent data imported each time it is

Whenever a Custom Report is opened you can change it's properties by selecting File/Report properties from
the main menu or by clicking the
Report Properties icon.

Page 37

Text Reports

Any BallStat report that is currently displayed on the screen can be made into a text report (ASCII). Click the text
report button above or select Reports/Text report/Create text report or File/Save as text report from the
main menu. A file name for the text report will be created automatically. If you selected a text editor to use with
BallStat properties/Paths then that editor will be used to display the text report. Otherwise, your system default
editor will be used which is normally NotePad.

Page 38

Text Queue

If you have a need to combine multiple text reports into one large text report then use this function. You can create
an unlimited number of profiles with each profile combining up to 200 reports each.
To use the Text Queue select Reports/Text Queue from the main menu.
1) Click the Create new profile button and enter a name for the new profile. This name will also be used to create
the file name for the profile so only use letters and numbers, no special characters.
2) Add reports to the profile by clicking the Add Total, Add Individual or Add Game buttons.
3) Click the Ok button to run the queue and create the profile report. All reports in the profile will be contained in
one large text report. If you have many reports to add then consider breaking them up into multiple profiles. Each
profile can contain up to 200 reports.
You can also Clear the queue, Remove a report from the queue and rearrange the reports with the Up and Down
The queue will remain open so you can create multiple profile reports without leaving the queue. Click the
Cancel button when you are done creating reports.

Page 39

HTML Reports

Any BallStat report that is currently displayed on the screen can be made into a HTML format report. Click the
HTML report button above or select File/Save as
HTML from the main menu. A file name for the HTML report will be created automatically. If you selected a browser
to use with BallStat properties/Paths then that browser will be used to display the HTML report. Otherwise, your
system default browser will be used.
Note: Some versions of the Netscape browser may not work within BallStat. You can still leave Netscape as your
default browser but use Internet Explorer to display BallStat HTML reports by selecting Internet Explorer under
BallStat properties/Paths.

Page 40

Creating Series Reports

To create a report with a series of games:


Click the SI button on the toolbar then select the report you would like to create. Click Ok.
Select the team and database to load for this report. Click Ok.
Select Reports/Create a series report from the main menu or click the Series Report button on the toolbar.
Hold down the CTRL key and left click the games you want to include in this report.
Click the appropriate Modifier for the report type you are creating.
None - Click if you selected a random series of games.
Opponent - Click if you selected consecutive games against the same team.
Home stand - Click if you selected a series of consecutive home games.
Road trip - Click if you selected a series of away games.
Notice the Comment field will change depending on the modifier you have selected. You may edit this field after
you are done making all your selections. The dates shown will always be the first and last games you have

6. Click Finish when you are sure you have selected the games you want.
Note that you must use simple batting, pitching and fielding reports when creating Series Reports since the
original macro that was attached to the report will be lost.
Don't forget to save your report!

Page 41

Recap Reports

Recap reports give a brief synopsis of a game including the date, teams, linescore, winning and losing pitchers and
a few other stats. An example recap is shown below. You can create several different types of recaps such as:

A single game recap.

All game recaps for a single team.
All game recaps for every team in the league.
Daily recaps which is all games played on a specific date.

You can select which stats to display and which database to use by selecting File/BallStat properties/Recaps
from the main menu.
To create recaps select Reports/Recaps from the main menu.
Note: There are a few requirements for creating recaps:
1) You must track stats for every team in your league.
2) You must assign a 3 letter abbreviation for every team in your league.
3) The above abbreviation must be the same as the one in the Opponents List.

Page 42

Team Highs/Lows Reports

Team Highs/Lows reports display a teams high & low game stat totals for the season. You can create team
Highs/Lows reports for a single team or for every team in the league.
You can select which highs & lows to include (batting, pitching & fielding) and which database to use by selecting
File/BallStat properties/High&Low from the main menu.
To create highs & lows select Reports/Highs & Lows from the main menu.
An example report is shown

Page 43

Team Individual Highs/Lows Reports

Team Individual Highs/Lows reports display the highest and lowest individual player season performance for a
number of stats. You can create team individual Highs/Lows reports for a single team or for every team in the
You can select which individual highs & lows to include (batting, pitching & fielding) and which database to use by
selecting File/BallStat properties/High&Low from the main menu.
To create individual highs & lows select Reports/Highs & Lows from the main menu.
An example report is shown

Page 44

Division Set Reports

Note that the Custom Report Maker can create Division Set reports automatically.
Division Set reports allow you to create a text report from a standard BallStat report but broken down by
divisions. This is like having 2 or more reports in one. For example, you have 2 divisions - North and South. You
can create a
standard BallStat report that includes all the players in the North division and one that contains all the players in the
South division. However, you can't create a report that contains players from both divisions AND separates the
players by division. With Division Set reports it is possible to create a text report that does separate the 2 divisions.
To create a DS report you must first create a division set.
1) Open the report you would like to make into a DS report then select Reports/Report properties from the main
2) Click the AutoLoad tab then click the Create a division set button.
3) Select all the divisions you want to include in the report.
4) Enter a title then click Save.
Now you have to attach the division set you just created to the report.
1) Click the Load division set radio button then click the button to the right.
2) Select the division set you just created then click Ok.
3) Click the Ok button at the bottom and save the report.
The saved report will now always be opened as a division set report. In the above example you would see
divisions listed in the report but not separated when the report is first opened. Select Reports/Create a division
set report from the main menu. BallStat will then generate a text version of the report but with both divisions listed
separately. If the report does not have a DS attached you will be told it is not a DS report.
You can have the text version of a DS report created automatically each time the report is opened with
File/BallStat properties/Defaults tab.
The division set you created above can be attached to any Total (CT) or Game (CG) report you like. A DS only
needs to be created once. This is also a great solution for creating standings reports which include all the league
divisions on one report.

Page 45

Individual Report Wizard

Note: Many individual reports can now be created automatically by the Custom Report
Use the Report Wizard to create pre-defined reports for any single player. The Wizard makes creating these reports
fast and easy.
To use the Report Wizard you must have already loaded your individual data into memory by opening any
individual report. Follow the simple steps below to create any of the useful Wizard reports.
1. Start the Wizard by clicking the Wizard button on the tool bar or by selecting Reports\Individual Report
Wizard from the main menu.
2. Select the player you wish to make a Wizard report for and click the Next button.
3. Select the type of report you want to create and click the Next button.
4. Enter a title for the report or simply use the suggested title. You can also check the Use last name only box to
use only the players last name in the title. After you have decided on a title click the Finish button and your
report will be created automatically.
The finished report will now appear on the screen. The report has not yet been saved to disk so you can make any
changes you like such as a different title or adding and deleting stats. Click the Save button to save the report. The
report will now appear with all the other individual reports. From now on you can open the report and the
correct data will display. Please note that the correct macro was recorded automatically, saved to disk and
attached to the report. If you ever create the exact same report for the exact same player later you will be asked if
you want to overwrite the previous macro. Click Yes.

Page 46

Hit Locations (displaying in BallStat)

The hit locations dialog will show a graphic baseball field with the locations of all players batted balls for the
season. You have to use BallScore to score a game and enter the hit locations for this feature to be active.
To access the hit location chart select Window/Hit locations from the main menu or click the Hit Locations icon on
the bottom toolbar.
Hit Locations are only tracked if you are scoring your games with BallScore. Click on the player you want to
view. Check the Show entire team box to view all hit locations for the entire team. You can also select the
Type, Situation, Opposing team, Opposing pitcher and Locations of the hit locations. Select the Dots button if
you have
too many hit locations to show. This will make the chart more readable. The Print button will print a spray chart for
every player on the team.

Page 47

Inserting stats in a report

There are 2 ways to insert a statistic in a BallStat report:


Select Reports/Format/Fields from the main menu then either Insert field AFTER or Insert field BEFORE.
Select the type of stat you want to insert (Batting,Pitching,etc).
Select the current stat you want to insert the new stat before or after and click Ok.
Select the stat you want to insert and click OK.


Move the mouse cursor over the stat where you want to insert the new stat.
Click the left mouse button and select either Insert AFTER this field or Insert BEFORE this field.
Select the type of stat you want to insert (Batting,Pitching,etc).
Select the stat you want to insert and click OK.

Page 48

Deleting stats from reports

1) Select Reports\Format\Fields\Delete field from the main menu.

2) Select the field you want to delete and click OK.
-or1) Move the mouse cursor over the stat you wish to delete.
2) Click the left mouse button and select Delete field.

Page 49

Changing a stats field width

1) Select Reports\Format\Fields\Set field width from the main menu.

2) Select the stat that you want to change the width of and click OK.
3) Enter the new width and click OK.
-or1) Move the mouse curser over the stat for which you want to change the width.
2) Click the left mouse button and select Increase field width by or Decrease field width by.
3) Select a number from 1 to 9.
You may also select Reports\Format\Fields\Decrease all fields by 1 to decrease the field size of all stats in the
report or select Reports\Format\Fields\Increase all fields by 1 to increase the field size of all stats in the

Page 50

Changing the sort order of a report

You can change the sort order of the currently displayed report by clicking on the stat title you want to sort with
then clicking Sort. You can choose the stat to sort with by selecting Macros/Sort from the main menu. You can
switch between ascending and descending order by clicking the sort button on the toolbar or by selecting
For permanent sorting for each report use Report properties/Report Macro/Sort Properties

Page 51

Report Logos

About logos
You can display and print most of the more popular image formats on any report as a logo. The logo will
always be displayed in the upper left corner of a report. The logo can be made larger or smaller and the rest of
report will be re-formatted automatically. Each report can contain its own logo and the full path to each logo file
will be remembered by the program. Reports that contain a logo will still be shown on the screen exactly as they
will appear when printed.
Adding logos
Open the report you wish to add a logo to then select Report/Format/Add
logo from the main menu. Use the file box to browse to the image file you want, select it, then click OK. The
logo will then appear in the upper left corner in its default size. Some of the supported image formats are
BMP,JPG,GIF,PCX,TIFF,TLA plus more. Note: When creating HTML reports from a standard report the logo will
always be created as a JPG, the most popular internet format.
Removing logos
Select Report/Format/Remove logo from the main menu and the logo will be removed from the report.
Sizing logos
To increase the size of your logo select Report/Format/Increase logo size from the main menu.
To decrease the size of your logo select Report/Format/Decrease logo size from the main menu.
You can also position the mouse cursor over the logo until the cursor changes into the shape of a mouse. Then
left click to increase the size or right click to decrease the size of the logo. To restore the logo to its original size
select Report/Format/Default logo size from the main menu.

Page 52

Report titles and comments

To change the title in a report

1) Select Reports\Format\Tiles & Comments from the main menu.
2) Type in new report title and click OK.
-or1) Move the mouse cursor over the report title and click the right mouse button.
2) Select Change report title.
3) Type in the new report title and click OK.

To change the comments in a report

1) Select Reports\Format\Tiles & Comments from the main menu.
2) Type in new comment and click OK.
-or1) Move the mouse cursor over the report title and click the right mouse button.
2) Select Change comment #1 or Change comment #2.
3) Type in the new comment and click OK.

Page 53

Changing report fonts

The fonts you use on the screen will be also be used on printed reports. BallStat can use any font that is supported
by your system.
1) Select Reports\Format\Fonts from the main menu.
2) Select your font function:

change the font, font style and font size for the title font select Select title font.
change the font, font style and font size for the stat font select Select stat font.
reduce the stat and title fonts 1 point size select Reduce both fonts.
enlarge the stat and title fonts 1 point size select Enlarge both fonts.
enlarge the title font 1 point size select Enlarge title font.
reduce the title font 1 point size select Reduce title font.
increase the stat font 1 point size select Enlarge stat font.
reduce the stat font 1 point size select Reduce title font.

-orMove the mouse cursor over the report title and click the right mouse button to change the title font attributes.
Move the mouse anywhere else on the report and click the right mouse button to change the stat font attributes.
To size fonts across the width of a page, display the ruler by selecting Reports\Format\Toggle ruler.

Page 54

Changing screen and paper colors

The colors you use on the screen will be also be used on printed reports if you are using a color printer. BallStat
can use any colors that are supported by your system.
To change colors in a report:
1) Select Reports\Format\Colors from the main menu.
2) Select the part of the report that you wish to change.
3) From the color dialog box select the color you want and press enter.
-or1) Move the mouse cursor over the part of the report that you want to change the color for and click the right
mouse button.
2) Select either the background color or the foreground color to change.
3) From the color dialog box select the color you want and press enter.

If you choose to change the Page background color all other colors on the report will be set to the background
color. So if you use this function always use it BEFORE changing any other parts of the report.

Page 55

Changing Report borders

1) Select Reports\Format\Border types from the main menu.

2) Select the border type to use.
-or1) Move the mouse cursor over the report title and click the right mouse button.
2) Select the border type to use.

Page 56

Changing report margins

To change the top-bottom margins on a report

1) Select Reports\Format\Margins from the main menu.
2) Select the margin width to use.
-or1) Move the mouse cursor over the report title and click the right mouse button.
2) Select the margin width to use.
Note: When using borders in a report you must set all margins to at least .50 inches.

To change the left-right margins on a report

1) Select Reports\Format\Margins from the main menu.
2) Select the margin width to use.
-or1) Move the mouse cursor over the report title and click the right mouse button.
2) Select the margin width to use.

Page 57

Report schemes
Note: Schemes have been replaced by Themes in v11. Select BallScore Properties/Themes in order to
use this new feature.
Schemes are a reports colors, fonts, borders and margins. You can save an unlimited number of schemes to
your hard disk to be loaded later.
To save a scheme to disk
1) Set your colors, fonts, border and margins to any setting you like.
2) Select Reports\Format\Save display scheme from the main menu.
3) Type in a name for your scheme and press enter.

To load a scheme from disk

1) Select Reports\Format\Load display scheme from the main menu.
2) Select the scheme you would like to use.

Page 58

Printing reports

To print the current report select File/Print report from the main menu or click the printer icon on the toolbar. If
you want any border that is selected to print on the entire page regardless of the report size check the Expand
border to whole page box. To set landscape or portrait printing click the Page setup button then the General tab.
All BallStat reports will print about the same as you see them on the screen.

Page 59

Printer Queue

Using the printer queue

1. Select File\Printer queue... from the main menu.
2. Select a report to add to the queue with one of the three Add.. buttons on the right. You can also clear the
entire queue by clicking the Clear queue button. To clear a single report, select the report in the list box and click
Remove report from queue.
3. When you are sure all the reports you want to process are in the queue, click the Run queue button. Note that
this button will be grayed out if the proper data is not already loaded into memory.
Please note that to run a large queue with a printer you must be using some kind of spooling program. Windows
default will use its own spooler unless you manually disabled it. Depending on which printer you are using the printer
may also use its own spooler. Some printers will process the spool much more efficiently than others. Go to Print
Manager to change your spooling settings. You should also make sure that you have enough hard disk space to
store the spool as Ballstat quickly creates each report and sends it to the spooler.

Page 60

Report General Properties

Select the type of border you would like for the report.
Margins Select the top/bottom and right/left margins for screen and printer reports. If you are using a
border then both margins should be at least 1/4 inch.
Check the Title or Stat box to have related text appear with a shadow.
Check Portrait to have a printed report appear with the long length of the paper up and down. Checking Landscape
will print the report with the long length of the paper going right and left.
Check the appropriate box to display a status line at the bottom of the report, display all stat totals at the bottom
of the report or to display a legend at the bottom of the report. A legend will give a brief description of each stat in
the report.
Paper width
Select the longest length of the paper you plan to print with. The 3 most common sizes are already provided ( 8.5,
11 ,14 ). For other sizes select Custom then enter the correct size.
Select a scheme ( a set of borders, fonts and colors) to use with the report. All new reports will use the Default
BallStat scheme.

Page 61

Report Path Properties

HTML and Text paths are now created automatically by BallStat.

Bitmap path
Enter a complete path to the filename of a bitmap that you want to appear in the report. Click the Browse button to
select a filename from the Select Bitmap dialog box. Bitmaps must have the .bmp extension. You must check the
Use the path below button in order for the bitmap to appear in the report. Use the slider control to change the size
of a bitmap once it is inserted in a report. Click the Original size button to return the bitmap to its original state.

Page 62

Report HTML Properties

Note: Although you may still use these HTML settings it is recommended that you use the new Suite reports which
offer many more features and a much improved look.
Select the type of HTML report you wish to create. There are 2 types to select from - Tables
and Preformatted. Pre-formatted reports generally load much faster then table reports when a user accesses your
page from the web. Table reports will encase your data in separate cells making them easier to read. Most stat
services on the web use preformatted reports.
Border This setting will determine the width of the border surrounding the table. The higher the number the
wider the border.
Cell spacing This setting will determine how close the cells in the table will be. The higher the number the
farther apart the cells will be.
Cell padding This setting will determine how much padding will be around the text within each cell. The higher
the number the more padding that is supplied. If the text in a report seems cramped then increase this number.
Title size This setting will determine how large the title text in a report will be. The higher the number the
larger the title text.
Check the appropriate box to create the report part with either bold or italic text. Set the spacing box to determine
how many spaces will be inserted between each stat column in the report.
Horizontal rule placement
Check the appropriate box to insert a horizontal rule at the specified location in the report. These settings affect
both type of reports.
Click the Text button to set the color of all text in the report. Click the Background button to set the background
color of the web page. These settings affect both type of reports.
Copy buttons
Click the appropriate button the copy the current report property to all reports.

Page 63

Report Links Properties

To insert an HTML link or plain text in a report enter the text in one of the 5 available boxes then select where you
would like the link to appear in the report. If you wish you can then click the Copy button to copy the link to all
reports. To include a link to check the box at the bottom.

Page 64

Report AutoLoad Properties

Note: The use of AutoLoad is now required as the manual method of loading data has been removed.
Use AutoLoad to automatically load the specified data into memory each time a report is opened. Note that each
time a report using AutoLoad is opened, all memory is cleared before the new data type is loaded into memory.
Load type
Select the type of data you wish to load with this report. If you select to load a single team or a whole division then
click the appropriate button to select the team or division. To load more than one team but not all teams in a league
you must select the teams one at a time with the Load command from the main menu using the append option.
Database to load
Select which database you wish this report to load or select to merge all databases together.

Page 65

Report Colors Properties

Click the appropriate button to select the color you wish to use for the specified portion of the report. To set all
backgrounds in a report to the same color click the button at the bottom.

Page 66

Report Macro/Sort Properties

Macros are instructions to manipulate data that is already in memory. Macros are executed before the report is
actually displayed. Most Individual and game reports that come with BallStat already have a macro attached to the
report. Do not change this macro!
Select whether to use a macro with this report or not. If you choose to use a macro then click the button and
select the macro to use. You will only need to attach a new macro to a report if you created the macro yourself.
Sort key
Select the stat you wish to sort this report with by clicking the appropriate button. You must also select whether to
sort the report in ascending or descending order. If you do not wish to sort the report at all then uncheck the Use a
sort key for this report button. Note that any sort selected here will override any sort element contained within a
macro as this sort function will be executed last.

Page 67

Report Qualify Properties

If you only want selected players to appear in a report according to specific qualifications then select the
qualification to use. There are 3 batting, 5 pitching and 1 fielding qualifiers you can choose from. If you need a
qualification not included here you will need to include it as part of a macro.

Page 68

Creating a new Leader Report

Note: Leader Reports can now be made automatically with the Custom Report Maker.

To create a new leader report select Leader/Create a new leader report from the main menu.
Steps to setup your new report:

Add or select a data set

Note: If the data set you want already appears in the list then simply select it, you won't need to add it again.
A data set is a file you create that will contain all the stats for a report including each stats qualifier, the columns
across each row, the sorting order of each stat and the number of players to include for each stat. You can create
as many data sets as you like, however, you can use the same data set in multiple reports. One set may contain
batting, another may contain pitching and so on. You'll probably find you will only need 3 or 4 data sets no matter
how many reports you create. When saved to disk a data set has to have a .dat extension.
Adding a data set
To add a new data set click the Add new data set button. Select the stats you want to add to the data set by
clicking the appropriate stat button ( Batting, Pitching, etc). Once a stat is added to the Current stats box you
can double-click it to change the attributes for that stat. You must choose a setting in the Insert box to determine
where your stat will be inserted in the list (Before the highlighted stat, after the highlighted stat or at the end of the
Select how many columns you want in each row and how many players you want to appear for each stat (1-50). If
you only want to include a players first name initial check the Use players first initial only box.
Selecting the player data to load (AutoLoad)
Click the AutoLoad tab to associate a team, division or entire league with this report. If you choose a single team or
a single division then you must also click the appropriate button to select the team or division. Select the database
you wish to use or select to merge all databases.
Other Properties
You can click any of the remaining tabs to set any other report properties that you wish. Remember you can always
come back and change any properties later by opening the report and selecting Leader/Setup leader
report from the main menu. For more information on the other tabs see Report Properties.
Finishing setup
When you are finished making any changes click the Ok button at the bottom. You will be prompted for a filename
for your data set if you are creating a new one. Use a descriptive filename in case you want to use the data set for
other reports. If you selected a data set instead of creating a new one then no prompt will appear.

Customize your leader report

Change the report title and comments to reflect the actual content of the report. You can also change the spacing
between each column and the spacing between a stat and its value by selecting Leaders/Adjust
columns from the main menu. Buttons also appear on the toolbar for this purpose. If you want a teams 3 letter
abbreviation to appear after each platers name use Leaders/Toggle team abbreviation from the main menu.
When you are done making changes to your report you must save it to disk. Select Leader/Save leader
report from the main menu. You will be prompted to enter a filename for the report. Use a descriptive name making
sure the report ends with the .ldr extension.
The next time you want to open a report use Leaders/Open leader report from the main menu or click the file
folder icon on the bottom toolbar.
Page 69

Setup Leader Report

Note: Leader Reports can now be made automatically with the Custom Report Maker.
Leader report setup is accessed from the Report Properties dialog by clicking the Leaders tab or by selecting
Leaders/Setup leader report from the main menu.

The function of each button on the Leader Setup screen:

Report Select the leaders report that you want to display from this box. The first time you use BallStat this
box will be empty, click the New button to create a leaders report.
Select stat
Before you select a stat you have to decide where you want to insert it. Click on an existing stat in the Current
stats box to highlight it. Now in the Insert box select either Before, After or End. Select the stat you want to
include in the leader report by clicking either the Batting, Pitching, Fielding or User button. Select the stat to
include and click Ok. You can then set the attributes for the inserted stat.
Current stats
This box shows all the stats that are currently included in the selected leader report. Double-click any stat to set
the attributes for that stat.
Columns Use this box to set the number of columns you want to display across the screen on the leader report.
The smaller the font the more columns you will be able to use.
Players Select the number of players you want to include in the leader report. You can display up to the top
50 players in any leader report.
Use players first initial only
Check this box if you want to display a players fist initial only instead of their full first name.
If you select Before, a new stat will be inserted before the stat highlighted in the Current stats box.
If you select After, a new stat will be inserted after the stat in the Current stats box.
If you select End, a new stat will be inserted at the end of the report.
Click this button to start a new leader report from scratch.
Click this button to accept any changes you made.
Click this button to exit without saving any changes.
Most leader report functions can be selected by clicking the right mouse button anywhere on the report.

Page 70

Leader Report Stat Attributes

Double click a stat on the Leader Report Setup screen to set each stats attributes.
Sort order
Which button you select here will determine how the selected stat will be sorted on the leader report.
Select Ascending to list the lowest value first. Select Descending to list the highest value first. Descending is the
default and should be used for most stats.
Here you can determine which players to include for the selected stat. First you must select which stat you are
going to use as the qualifying key. Note that usually the key will be the same as the selected stat itself so this is
the default.
If you want to change the key select the stat by clicking either the Bat, Pit,Fld or User button. Then select the
stat from the resulting display box. You can now make an entry for Minimum to qualify. The default here is 1.
Here are 2 examples, one for AB (At bats) and one for BA (Batting average):
At bats - For at bats you would most likely want to qualify with at bats as the key. So you actually wouldn't have
to change anything unless you want to raise the minimum number of at bats to qualify. If you set the minimum to
50, only players with at least 50 at bats would be eligible to be included in the leader report.
Batting average - Batting average would be slightly different. You probably don't want to use BA as the key
although you could. You most likely would want to use AB as the key so click the Bat button and select AB At
Bats. Say you only want players with at least 10 AB bats in the report so you enter 10 under Minimum to
qualify. Now when you display the leader report only players with 10 or more AB will be eligible to be included
under the Batting Average Stat.
Click this button to save any changes you made for the selected stats attributes.
Click this button to delete the selected stat from the leader report.

Page 71

Adjusting column and stat spacing

To adjust the spacing between a players name and his stat or the spacing between category columns follow the
steps below.
Select Reports\Leader reports\Adjust column and stat spacing on leader report from the main menu.
Do one of the
Click the + or - buttons under Set column spacing to set the spacing between columns.
Click the + or - buttons under Set stat spacing to set the spacing between the players name and his stat.
Click the Def button to return to the default settings.
-orClick the right mouse button anywhere on the report.
Select one of the following:
+ Column spacing to increase the space between columns.
- Column spacing to decrease the space between columns.
+ Stat spacing to increase the space between names and stats.
- Column spacing to decrease the space between names and stats.
Most leader report functions can be selected by clicking the right mouse button anywhere on the report.

Page 72

Team abbreviations on leader reports

Select Reports\Leaders\Toggle team abbreviation from the main menu to show or hide what team each player
is on.
Most leader report functions can be selected by clicking the right mouse button anywhere on the leader report.

Page 73

Boxscore Setup

For more detailed Box scores which include stats for both teams, use BallScore Box scores by clicking the
button on the bottom toolbar in BallStat.
Box score setup can be accessed from the Report Properties dialog by clicking the Box score tab or by selecting
Reports/Boxscore reports/Boxscore Setup from the main menu.
Function of the box score setup buttons:
Spacing between stats Select a number from 1 to 9. The higher the number the more space between each stat
on the box score report. If you find that two or more stats are too close together, select the next highest number.
Batting stats
Place a check in front of each batting stat you want to include in the box score report. Please note that Batting
average (BA) will always show on the report as each players current BA, so use this stat only for the last game
Pitching stats
Place a check in front of each pitching stat you want to include in the box score report. Please note that Earned
run average (ERA) will always show on the report as each pitchers current ERA, so use this stat only for the last
game entered.
Use players first initial only
Check this box if you want to use each players first initial instead of their full first name.
Include umpires
Check this box if you entered the names of the umpires and you want them to show on the box score report.
After making changes to setup click Ok for your changes to take effect. Click Cancel to abort any changes you may
have made.

Page 74

Selecting a boxscore (BallStat manual entry)

For more detailed Box scores which include stats for both teams, use BallScore Box scores.

For BallScore boxscores:

1. Select Reports/Boxscore reports/BallScore boxscore from the main menu.
2. Select the team you want the box score for.
3. Select the box score you want to view.

For BallStat boxscores:

1. Select Reports/Boxscore reports/Select box score from the main menu.
2. Select the team you want the box score for.
3. Select the box score you want to view.

Click the right mouse button anywhere on the box score report.
Select another box score.
Select the team you want the box score for.
Select the box score you want to view.

Click this button on the toolbar.

Page 75

Working with records

When each players or teams stats are loaded into memory they are referred to as records. A record could be
a players total stats for the season, his stats for one game or a teams stats for one game. Records can be
manipulated to show or hide them (Include\Exclude\Qualify), arrange them in a particular order (Sorting) or combine
like records together (Compressing). This process of manipulating records is done through the use of macros.

Page 76

Including and Excluding records

Before you can include and exclude records you must already have your data
loaded into memory by opening an individual (CI) or game (CG) report. You use these 2 functions when working
with individual and game data. Both functions can be accessed from the
Macros/Sort menu on the main menu bar.
Including records - Including records is the process of showing a record that was previously hidden. Before
including data in a report you must first Exclude all records. This will give you a blank report. You can now include
just the data you want in your report.
Excluding records - Excluding records is the process of hiding a record that is currently being shown in the report.
Before excluding data in a report you must first Include all records. You can now exclude just the data you want
from the report.
Generally these 2 functions should not be mixed, use one or the other for each report. For example, suppose you
want only records in the report for home games played during the day. You have 2 ways of going about doing
Using Include - First exclude all records. Now include just home games using the include records menu. Then
include just day games from the include records menu. Mission accomplished, your report now contains only player
records for home games played during the day.
Exclude - Firs
t include all
records. Now
exclude just
games using t
he exclude
records menu.
Then exclude
just night
games using t
he exclude
records menu.
Again your mi
ssion is
using this
method produ
ces the exact
same report
as method 1.
Note that after using include or exclude you will usually use the compression function to finish your report. By
combining include, exclude, compress and qualify, you will be able to create an unlimited number of complex reports.

Page 77

Sorting records
Note: Using a sort element in a macro is no longer needed. A sort key for each report can now be set using
th Report Properties dialog.
Sorting records is the process of arranging your data by a sort key. You can sort any stat included in the program,
including personal and user-defined data, in either ascending (a-z) or descending (z-a) order. The status bar at the
bottom of the screen will always show the order that your data will be sorted in when you perform your next sort.
The sort order and the sort key can both be selected from the sort menu located on the main menu bar. You may
also sort by moving your mouse over the stat you want to use as a key, left click, then select sort.
To sort by a certain stat
1) Select Macros/Sort from the main menu.
2) Select the stat type you want to sort by (Batting,Pitching,etc).
3) Select the stat you want to sort by (BA,R,H,etc) and click OK.
-or1) Move the mouse cursor over the stat title on the report that you want to sort by.
2) Left click the mouse and select Sort.

Page 78

Compressing records
Compressing records is the process of combining like records according to a key you select. You compress
records by selecting Compress records from the sort menu located on the main menu bar. The key you will
select to compress the records on will strictly depend on the type of report you are trying to create. You will
usually use
compression when working with individual and game records that are loaded in memory. Compression is where the r
eal power of BallStat shines.
To compress records in memory
1. Select Macros\Sort\Compress from the main menu.
2. Select the key you want to compress the records on.
After compressing data you will usually need to sort the records and make sure the appropriate stat title is in
report. After compressing data some stat titles will not be appropriate to have in your report. You will almost always
want to sort the resulting report by player name after compressing data. Below are tips for meeting these
stat title...

Most nonnumerical



Most nonnumerical

Starting lineup


Most nonnumerical s


Batting order



Place of game


Time of game


Surface type
Most nonnumerical
starter (R/L) stats
pitchers arm

R\L pitcher
All player


Most nonnumerical

Most nonnumerical
Most nonnumerical s
Most nonnumerical s
Most nonnumerical s

Game location



Titles that
will be

Most nonnumerical s
Most nonnumerical

Page 79

Qualifying records
Qualifying records is the process of hiding records based on input you give to the program. Usually this is done
you supplying a minimum or maximum number to the program. A simple example would be to qualify by a minimum of 1 a
t bat. This would hide all records that did not have at least 1 at bat. You may also supply a maximum so you can
derive a complete range of records to qualify. If you supply 10 at bats as a minimum and 55 at bats as a maximum
the program will hide all records below 10 at bats and all records above 55 at bats. You can qualify on any
stat included with the program including personal and user-defined data. The stat you want to qualify with can be
selected from the Macro/Qualify menu located on the main menu bar. You may also qualify by moving your mouse
over the stat you want to use as a key, left click, then select Qualify.

Page 80

Creating macros

A Macro is a report that also remembers all the functions you used to create that report. Once you learn to create
your own macros you will see what a time-saver they can be. To create a macro you simply turn the macro recorder
on then use the include, exclude, qualify, compress or sort functions to create the report you like. When
finished, turn the recorder off and give the macro a name. A recorded macro can be attached to a report and will be
executed every time the report is opened.
Macros are where the power of BallStat lies. It is through the use of macros that you are able to create the complex
reports that no other stat management program offers. BallStat comes with some macros that are ready to use.
Load your individuals into memory by selecting a total, an individual or game report.
Starting the macro recorder
Load your data into memory and select Macro\Turn macro record on from the menu bar. Use the include,
exclude, qualify, compress and sort functions to create the complex report that you want. When you are done
creating the report select Macro\Turn macro record off and give your macro a title.
If you want the macro title and the stat headings to be used whenever you run this macro, check the Save
report title and stat headings with this macro box. If this box is checked then the macro will be a Display
macro or a complete report. If you do not check this box the macro will be a Time saving macro. Time saving
macros do not replace the report title and stat headings when run. Use time saving macros with functions that
filter reports such as qualifying by 1 at bat or 1 inning pitched.
Editing Macro Titles
Once a macro has been created you can change the title of the macro. Note that you cannot change the
properties of an existing macro, just the title. To change the properties of an individual macro you can use the
Macro Editor.

Select Macros from the main menu.

Select the type of macro you want to change the title for. (Totals,Individuals,Games)
Double-click the macro title you want to change.
Enter the new title and click Ok.

You can delete a macro with Edit\Delete\Undelete from the main menu. To change the properties of a macro you
must record the macro again or for individual macros, use the Macro Editor.

Page 81

Macro Editor

Macro/Edit macro
Use the macro editor to change an existing macro or to create a new
Note: This feature is intended for advanced users. Do not edit a macro that came with BallStat unless you know
exactly what you are doing. Changing an existing macro incorrectly can render a report that it is attached to
A macro consists of one or more elements that together manipulate data in memory to fit the requirements
of an advanced report. For more information about the different elements available see Working with records. There
are 16 different types of elements available for your use:
Sort - This element will sort the records in memory using any stat as a key.
Include - This element will make all records currently in memory active.
Exclude - This element will make all records currently in memory inactive.
Compress - This element will combine all like records on a key that you choose.
The below elements will exclude specific records ( make inactive ) according to minimum and maximum parameters
that you supply.

advanced fielding

The below elements will exclude specific records according to the situation you choose.


Last # of games - This element will only include records that occurred in the last number of games that you select.

Each line in the editor can contain one macro element. Any of the buttons on the right side of the editor that you
click will always use the currently highlighted element. The buttons included with the macro editor and their
functions are described below.
Load - This button will load an existing macro into the editor so you can add, remove or change elements.
Create new - Click this button to start building a new macro from scratch.
Save - This button will save any changes you have made to a macro that was loaded into the editor with the Load
Save As - This button will save the elements that are currently in the editor as a new macro.
Edit element - Click this button to make changes to the currently highlighted element.
New element - Click this button to insert a new element into the editor. The new element will be inserted before
Page 82

the currently highlighted element. To insert the new element as the last element in the editor, check the Insert at
end box before clicking this button.
Delete element - This button will remove the currently highlighted element from the editor.

Page 83

Custom Game Comment Macros

CG Macros can be inserted into the comments fields of any CG report. A comment field can contain only one
macro at a time. When a report is opened that contains a CG macro, the macro will calculate the appropriate text
and automatically insert it into the comment field. The current macros available are listed below.

This will always show the current date when the report is opened.
This will always show the database associated with the report.
This will show various team records of the team associated with the report in the below format.
[Record: 15-12] [Home: 10-7] [Road: 5-5] [vs R: 13-9] [vs L: 2-3]


This will show various stats for the team associated with the report in the below format.
[BA: .240] [SLG: .353] [OBP: .321] [ERA: 4.05]


This will always show the name of your league.

Page 84

Deleting Reports
To delete a report you no longer want to display in the report
1) Select Edit/Delete-Undelete/The report type you want to delete
2) Select the report then click Change.
3) Click Done when finished.

Page 85

Building a Complete Website with WebBuilder

BallStat now has the ability to build a complete website for all your team and players by simply selecting a
item. All league pages, team pages and players pages will be linked for easy access to the data you want to view.
Even if you don't want or need a website this is still a great way to view all your league stats on your local hard
Before you build your website there are a few options you must set. Select Reports/Web Reports/WebBuilder
preferences ... from the main menu. On the preferences screen you can set the following options Website builder path Your selection here will tell BallStat where to store the created web pages on your hard
disk. It is recommended that you use a folder that is dedicated to just these web pages so uploading to the internet
can be simplified to
uploading the entire folder. Please note that large leagues can contain over 2000 separate files and can approach
100 MB in size.
Default database to use when building database This selection is very important as you are telling BallStat
which database to pull the stats from. BallStat will only build a website from one database at a time. If you need
to use more than one database then create each one separately then link them together with a page you create.
Optional team reports
Select the reports you want to include in your website for team stats. The main team page will always be created
and contains links to all the players on the roster. The more reports you include the larger the website will be. If you
select to use any of the listed optional team reports a link to each report will appear on the team's main page.
Optional player report A main page will always be created for each player listing a game by game line for his
batting, pitching and fielding stats. If you select to use any of the listed optional player reports a link to each
report will appear on the players main page.
General options
Underscore all hyperlinks Check this option if you want all click able links to be underlined. If you don't use this
option you can still click player and team names to go to another page but they won't be underlined.
Break between tables Checking this box will slightly separate the tables on all the main pages that contain
batting, pitching and fielding stats.
Use divisional standings If you check this box then BallStat will create separate standings for each division in your
league and put them all on the main league page (leaguemain.htm). A link to each division will be provided at the top
right of the main league page. Separate division batting, pitching and fielding stats will also be created for each
team. If this box is left unchecked then every team in your league will be lumped into the standings regardless of an
assigned division.
Leader Reports WebBuilder contains a Leader Report Page that can list as many leader reports as you like.
Create your leader reports the normal way (run the CRM once) then select the ones you want by clicking the
Add leader report button. You can add text headers to separate different types of leaders reports by clicking
the Add text button. When you run WebBuilder the Leader Page and all the selected leader reports will be
created and linked.
To create your website select Reports/Web Reports/Build website for entire
league from the main menu. There are other options on the Web menu to just build individual components of a
website if that is all you need. For instance, if you just want to view stats for a single team then build that team's
player pages and the team's main page. Colors and fonts can be selected with the Suite Properties as all pages will
be created using the current properties. Creation time varies and can take up to 5 minutes for very large leagues. As
a general rule the more players in your league, the longer it will take to create the website. The number of teams
won't affect creation time much unless there are a lot of players on each roster.
Important! All links are created automatically from team names and player names. The main league page will
always be named leaguemain.htm. If you change a player or team name then the next time you create a website
the new
Page 86

names will be used to create the appropriate web pages.

Page 87

HTML Queue

The HTML Queue is a fast and easy way to create a web site for all your statistical reports. The web site you
create will contain a contents page with links to every report in the queue. You can add up to 200 different reports
to the queue. You can control how the web site will look with the Suite Options and Suite Creation Options.
Use BallStat Properties/HTML tab to turn on the Suite options and set the contents page title. For a better
overall appearance it is recommended that you use the Suite options.
To have BallStat upload your pages to your server as soon as they are created use BallStat Properties/FTP
tab. Your server must support FTP in order to use the FTP uploading functions. BallStat does not supply a server,
you must aquire your own server to upload.
The contents page will be created line by line starting with the first entry in the queue. The report title will appear
as the first line of the contents page.

Adding reports to the HTML Queue

After you create your BallStat reports you can add them to the queue.
To Add a report to the queue:
1. Click any of the 3 Add ... report buttons and select the report you wish to add. Click Ok.
2. The report will appear in the queue list. Use the Up and Down buttons to move the report anywhere in the list.
To remove a report simply highlight the report then click the Remove report from queue button. you can also
clear the entire queue by clicking the Clear queue button. Leader reports are added the same way only you use the
leader window and the associated buttons. Note the report list shows the report titles but the leader list shows the
actual filename the leader report was saved to.
Adding text to the queue
Besides adding reports to the queue you may also enter text. Each text line on the contents page can include up to
255 characters of text. The text may in itself include any HTML code you wish. A text line can be useful for adding
descriptions of the different types of reports to the contents page.
To add text to the queue:
1. Click the Add text button.
2. Enter the text you wish to add then click Ok.
3. Use the Up and Down buttons to move the text entry anywhere in the queue list.
To edit existing text, highlight the entry in the list then click the Edit text button. Text entries will appear with +++
before the entry in the list.
Running the queue
Once all your reports and text are added to the queue you can create the web site by click the Run queue button.
A progress bar will appear at the bottom of the screen along with an information dialog that lets you know what the
queue is currently processing. If you set BallStat to automatically publish your reports as soon as they are created
the dialog will also notify you which report is being published. The contents page is created while the queue is
running and will also be published if you selected the publishing option.
After the queue is done you can view the contents page offline by clicking the View contents button on the toolbar.
If all your pages were uploaded to your server then all you need to do is provide a link to your contents page to
make all your reports available.

Page 88

HTML Suite Properties

With HTML Suite Properties you can control how Suite Reports will appear. You can choose colors and fonts for
different parts of the report and save all of them together as a scheme. You can save an unlimited number of
different schemes. All reports will display with the same properties for a uniform look. Turn Suite Properties on by
using BallStat Properties and clicking the HTML tab.
Page properties
Click the Page Bkgrd button to select the color of the report background. Click the Border color button to select
the color of the border that will surround the created report. Cell spacing determines the distance between each
stat cell in a report. Cell padding determines the distance between the stat text and the wall of its cell. Border
size determines the width of the border that surrounds the actual report.
Click the button for the part of the report you want to change the font for. Select the font then click ok. You can
ignore the style and size buttons in the font dialog as they are not used with HTML reports. The button will show
you the currently selected font. Right beside the font button you can select the size of the font. The values range
from 0 to 9 with a normal size being a 2 or 3.
Colors and attributes
Click any button to the left of a color bar to set the color for that part of the report. You can also choose wether
the font for that part of the report will appear as bold or italic by checking the appropriate box.
You can add comments to all your reports by clicking the Comments button. Comments added here will appear on
all reports in addition to the regular comments you may use on standard BallStat reports. You can also set the font,
font size, color and attributes for the comment lines. Comments lines can contain any legal HTML code such as links
besides regular text.
After you are done with all your settings you can click the Save scheme button to keep your settings for later use.
You will be asked to supply a name for the scheme which will then be displayed in the scheme list box. To share
schemes with other people use the Import and Export scheme buttons.

Page 89

HTML Creation Options

Note that these options will only take affect if the Use HTML Suite settings box is checked under HTML Options.
Creation options allow you some control over the way your HTML files, including the contents page, will be created.
Each option is explained below:
Underline links on contents page
By default, the links on the content page to each report are not underlined to give a less crowded appearance.
Check this box if you want all links to be underlined.
Clicking a link on the contents page opens the link in a new window
Normally when you click a link the new page replaces the current page in your browser. You must then use the Back
button in your browser to return to the contents page. You may find it easier to navigate if a link opens in a new
window when you click on it. Using this method allows the contents page to be available all the time. Check this box
if you want a link to open in a new window when clicked.
Adjust contents page to the width of the browser window
The contents page will normally appear as wide as the longest link or text that it contains. To force the contents
page to always be at least as wide as the browser window check this box. This often makes the content page more
pleasing to the eye.
Adjust all stat reports to the width of the browser window
All stat reports will normally appear as wide as the longest stat line or text that it contains. To force each stat
report page to always be at least as wide as the browser window check this box. This often makes the stat report
more pleasing to the eye.
Center all stat titles and comments
Stat report title and comment alignment be normally be whatever setting you chose when you created the report.
To force all titles and comments to be centered check this box. This will often give reports a more uniform
Center stats on Suite reports
Normally stats are left aligned or right aligned depending on the stat field. Check this box to force all stats to be
centered in their columns. This will not affect certain fields like names that should always be left aligned.
Include report comments
Check this box to include report comments in the HTML version of the report. These are the report comments you
normally would see when viewing the report within BallStat.
Include Suite comments
Check this box to include Suite comments in each report . These are the comments you set from the Suite
Properties dialog.
Show cell and table borders
Normally an HTML table, which Ballstat uses to make suite reports, will only show the border around the table. Check
this box to also show the borders around each cell within the table. This option can give your reports a totally
different, often more pleasing, appearance.

Page 90

HTML Image Properties

Image Properties allow you to control where a logo appears on an HTML report and to a lesser extent, how
it appears. The options available to you are listed below.
Select where you want the image to appear on the report. Left is the default.
Border Width
The value here determines how wide a border will appear around the image ( in pixels ). Select 0 for no border.
Horizontal and Vertical spacing This value determines how much empty space will surround the image ( again
in pixels ). If either of these values is set to zero then adjoining text will appear too close to the image. A value of
3 works well with images.
JPEG Output Quality
This allows you to choose between quality and compression for any images that are created for the internet. JPG is
the most popular format for internet images. The higher the quality, the larger the file size of the image (100% = no
compression, best quality). If you select a higher compression (towards 0 on the slide bar. 0% = maximum
compression,worst quality) the quality is worse but the file size is also smaller (much smaller in some cases). You
can try different settings to see what setting works best for you. The default setting is 75%.

Page 91

HTML Examples
HTML Queue Examples
To add the examples below use the Add Text button on the HTML Queue screen. Simply copy the example you want
then change the text and/or link to what you need.
To add a link:
<a href="">BallStat</a>
To add a button:
<input type="button" value="" name="B4" onClick="location.href=''">
To add a blank row with a horizontal rule:

Page 92

Rules for editing data

Read and learn these 2 simple rules for editing all data that has already been saved to disk. It may save you a lot
of time and frustration.
1. If you made a mistake with a players stats when you entered and saved the game to disk, always edit the
individual at-bat to make changes.
The players season totals and the teams game totals will then be updated automatically to reflect the changes you
just made.
Player stats include the following:
Batting stats
Pitching stats
Fielding stats
User stats
Opposing pitcher
2. If you made a mistake with a game variable when you entered and saved the game to disk, always make changes
with Edit\Game. All player individuals will then be updated automatically. Game variables include the following:
y Day\Night
By following the above rules you will be assured that the Total and Individual statistics will always

Page 93

Editing Individual Player Data

Editing data the correct way

Data imported from BallScore is stored on an at-bat basis. When you edit data for a player you must be sure to edit
the correct at-bat whenever possible to ensure the database is correct to calculate different statistics. Below are
the steps you need to correctly edit a player's data in BallStat.
By editing data at the at-bat level, player season totals and team game totals will be updated
There are 3 ways to edit a players data within BallStat:

Selecting Edit/Player personals, stat totals and individuals from the main menu.


Clicking the Edit player individuals button on the EasyStart menu.


Clicking the EDIT button on the toolbar.

The preferred methods (and easiest) are numbers 2 and 3 which will be followed
After clicking the button above, select the team you want to edit.

Select the player to edit

Select the at-bat to edit
Page 94

Consider the Edit Player screen to be divided into 2 sections as below:

You will only want to edit the data on the bottom half of the screen by clicking the appropriate button. The data on
the top half of the screen is common to every player who played in this game. To change any data on the top half
of the screen you would want to edit the Game (Edit/Game from the main menu), not the player. This way the
data on the top half of the screen will be changed automatically for every player who played in the game.

Page 95

Edit league

League data may be edited at anytime after you have created your league. However there are few things you have
to be careful of when editing league data.
Changing database names - You may change the names of all your databases or create new ones after your
league has been created. Do not change a database name unless the new name is similar to the old name or has the
same meaning.
Changing user-defined stat names - If you change the name of a stat you had defined before, you will more
than likely have to change each players totals for that stat to zero unless the new stat title has the exact meaning
as the old one. You also have to make sure any new stat will not interfere with a derivative stat you are currently
Changing game length - If you change the length of you games, the program will automatically use the new
length to figure certain stats. You may have to reload any data in memory in order for the changes to take affect.
Be sure to Save your changes to disk before exiting.

Page 96

Edit team
If you are using Direct Export with BallScore you must make sure this team name matches the team name
of your BallScore roster.
You may change any of your team attributes anytime after your team has been created.
Select team - Click to select another team to edit.
Prev - Click to edit the previous team in your league.
Next - Click to edit the next team in your league
Edit players - Click to edit the players on this team.
Delete\Undelete - Click to delete or undelete this team. You will have to reload any data in memory for the
change to take affect.
Set team coaches - Click to edit your manager and coaches personal information.
Comments - Click to save any comments about this team. Windows notepad will open to a pre-set file name.
Type any comments you have and save the comments to disk. DO NOT change the pre-set file name. Use Save,
not Save as.
Save - Save any changes to disk.
Cancel - Leave this screen without saving any changes you made.

Page 97

Edit player
It is recommended that you only change a players name on a BallScore roster. That way the players name
in BallStat will also be changed. BallStat names and BallScore names must match in order to ensure the
proper importing of player data. If you are not using BallScore then use this screen to make any name
You can change any player information at anytime. You will have to reload any data that is currently in memory
for the changes to take affect. Any changes made to a players personal information will be made to all databases.
Changes made to statistics will of course only be made to the database you are currently working with.
Select player - Click to select another player to edit.
Prev - Click to edit the previous player on your roster.
Next - Click to edit the next player on your roster
Database - Click to change the current database. The current database is always shown on the screen.
Delete\Undelete - Click to delete or undelete this player. You will have to reload any data in memory for the
change to take affect. Remember that you will only delete\undelete this player from the current database!
User-defined data - Click to modify any user-defined data you may have.
Edit games for current player - Click to edit any individual game stats this player may have.
Batting - Use to edit this players current stat batting totals.
Pitching - Use to edit this players current stat pitching totals.
Fielding - Use to edit this players current stat fielding totals.
User - Use to edit this players current stat user-defined totals.
Streaks - Use to edit this players current stat streak totals.
Status - If this player was traded from your team and you no longer want the player to show up on reports then
change the players status to Traded.
Save - Save any changes to disk.
Cancel - Leave this screen without saving any changes you made.

Page 98

Edit Batting Stats

CAUTION: Make sure you know the 2 rules of editing data before saving any changes to disk.
The batting stats located here are generated automatically when you enter your games. You can change or even
reset these stats but you must be careful. Once you edit these stats the original stat settings will be lost.
Save - Click the Save button to save your changes to disk.
Cancel - Click the Cancel button to abort any changes you made. Note: this will not cancel any changes you
made before pressing the Save button
Select - Use this button to select another player.
Database - Use this button to change to a different database. If you select a different database the players
stats for the new database will be shown.
>> - Selects the next player on the roster.
<< - Selects the previous player on the roster

Page 99

Edit Pitching Stats

CAUTION: Make sure you know the 2 rules of editing data before saving any changes to disk.
The pitching stats located here are generated automatically when you enter your games. You can change or even
reset these stats but you must be careful. Once you edit these stats the original stat settings will be lost.
When entering partial innings use a 0 for no partial innings, a 1 for one third inning and a 2 for two thirds of
an innings. No other numbers are allowed.
Save - Click the Save button to save your changes to disk.
Cancel - Click the Cancel button to abort any changes you made. Note: this will not cancel any changes you
made before pressing the Save button
Select - Use this button to select another player.
Database - Use this button to change to a different database. If you select a different database the players
stats for the new database will be shown.
>> - Selects the next player on the roster.
<< - Selects the previous player on the roster

Page 100

Edit Fielding Stats

CAUTION: Make sure you know the 2 rules of editing data before saving any changes to disk.
The fielding stats located here are generated automatically when you enter your games. You can change or even
reset these stats but you must be careful. Once you edit these stats the original stat settings will be lost.
Save - Click the Save button to save your changes to disk.
Cancel - Click the Cancel button to abort any changes you made. Note: this will not cancel any changes you
made before pressing the Save button
Select - Use this button to select another player.
Database - Use this button to change to a different database. If you select a different database the players
stats for the new database will be shown.
Advanced - Use this button to enter advanced fielding statistics.
>> - Selects the next player on the roster.
<< - Selects the previous player on the roster

Page 101

Edit User-Defined Stats

CAUTION: Make sure you know the 2 rules of editing data before saving any changes to disk.
The user-defined stats located here are generated automatically when you enter your games. You can change or
even reset these stats but you must be careful. Once you edit these stats the original stat settings will be lost.
However, there is another way to find a players totals. Simply load your teams individuals into memory and compress
on All player records and you now have each players totals for that database.
Save - Click the Save button to save your changes to disk.
Cancel - Click the Cancel button to abort any changes you made. Note: this will not cancel any changes you
made before pressing the Save button
Select - Use this button to select another player.
Database - Use this button to change to a different database. If you select a different database the players
stats for the new database will be shown.
>> - Selects the next player on the roster.

<< - Selects the previous player on the roster.

Page 102

Edit Streaks

All the streaks located here are automatically calculated by the program. You can edit these streaks to fit your own
needs if you like, but they may be changed when you enter your next game. If you don't have a need to track these
streaks then simply don't use them in your reports.

Page 103

Edit individuals

Make sure you know the 2 rules of editing data before saving any changes to disk.
Please note:
Normally you will use this screen to change data entry errors that occurred when entering your game stats such as
batting, pitching, fielding and user. If you made a mistake with a game variable such as home/away, day/night etc,
you should edit the game so all player records will be updated at once. To edit the game select
Edit\Games from the main menu.
Save - Click to save any changes to disk.
Cancel - Click to exit without saving any changes.
Select another game - Click to select another individual to edit for the current player.
Batting - Click to edit the players batting stats for the current game.
Pitching - Click to edit the players pitching stats for the current game.
Fielding - Click to edit the players fielding stats for the current game.
User - Click to edit the players user-defined stats for the current game.
If you change the database the stats were originally saved to, you will be prompted for a yes or no answer. You
should normally answer Yes to this prompt.

Page 104

Edit game

CAUTION: Make sure you know the 2 rules of editing data before saving any changes to disk.
Once a game has been saved to disk you can change game variables and stats here. Make sure you read the
above rules before changing any game data. You would not normally change a games stats here, although you
could. You most likely would come here to change a games variables, umpires, line score or conditions. After making
any changes you must click the Save button to save your changes to disk. Clicking the Cancel button will exit the
screen without saving any changes you may have made.

Page 105

Macro Editor

Use the macro editor to change an existing macro or to create a new

Note: This feature is intended for advanced users. Do not edit a macro that came with BallStat unless you know
exactly what you are doing. Changing an existing macro incorrectly can render a report that it is attached to
A macro consists of one or more elements that together manipulate data in memory to fit the requirements
of an advanced report. For more information about the different elements available see Working with records. There
are 16 different types of elements available for your use:
Sort - This element will sort the records in memory using any stat as a key.
Include - This element will make all records currently in memory active.
Exclude - This element will make all records currently in memory inactive.
Compress - This element will combine all like records on a key that you choose.
The below elements will exclude specific records ( make inactive ) according to minimum and maximum parameters
that you supply.

advanced fielding

The below elements will exclude specific records according to the situation you choose.


Last # of games - This element will only include records that occurred in the last number of games that you

Each line in the editor can contain one macro element. Any of the buttons on the right side of the editor that you
click will always use the currently highlighted element. The buttons included with the macro editor and their
functions are described below.
Load - This button will load an existing macro into the editor so you can add, remove or change elements.
Create new - Click this button to start building a new macro from scratch.
Save - This button will save any changes you have made to a macro that was loaded into the editor with the
Load button.
Save As - This button will save the elements that are currently in the editor as a new macro.
Edit element - Click this button to make changes to the currently highlighted element.
New element - Click this button to insert a new element into the editor. The new element will be inserted before
the currently highlighted element. To insert the new element as the last element in the editor, check the Insert at
end box before clicking this button.
Page 106

Delete element - This button will remove the currently highlighted element from the editor.

Page 107

Maintain Database/Purge Records

Always create a league backup before purging games!
Purge deleted games from team
1. Click the Purge deleted games from team button. Do not purge any games if you have a deleted game you
want to replace. Once games are purged they cannot be replaced.
2. Select the team to purge then click Ok.
This function will permanently remove deleted games from your hard disk. A league backup is recommended before
purging data.
Purge deleted players from team
1. Click the Purge deleted players from team button.
2. Select the team to purge then click Ok.
This function will permanently remove deleted players from your hard disk. A league backup is recommended before
purging data.

Page 108

Maintain Database/Change Records

It is recommended that you make a league backup before using any of the functions
Merge 2 players into 1
Use this function if you accidently created the same player twice (with different spellings) with BallScore and the
player was imported twice into the BallStat database. Click all 3 buttons in order.
1. Select the team which contains both players.
2. Select the player you want to keep.
3. Select the player you want to remove .
4. Click the Merge button.
All the player at bats from the remove player will be assigned to the keep player. All the totals from the remove
player will be added to the keep player. The remove player will be deleted then purged from the team. Once this
function is complete the removed player cannot be recovered.

Change database associated with a game

1. Click the Select team button and select the team that contains the game to change.
2. Click the Select game button and choose the game to change.
3. Click the Select database button and choose the new database for the game.
4. Click the Process button.
All player individuals, total and game records will be changed to the new
Update games played for a team
Select the team to update. This function will read all individual files for the selected team and update the Games
Played for each player.
Transfer estimated Innings Played to actual Innings Played
BallScore now tracks Innings Played using the MLB method. The MLB method credits a fielder with onethird inning played for each out recorded while he was on the field playing defense. The old method used an
estimated formula where a player got credit for an inning played even if no outs were recorded while he was in the
This function can be used to transfer innings played under the old method to innings played under the new
method. Part of the innings played will still be estimated but this function can be useful if you're already in the
middle of a season. Note that a pitcher's innings played will be totally correct even after the transfer simply
because it will be the same as his innings pitched.
Rebuild Total database from Individual database
Select the team to rebuild. This function will use every players individual files to create a new total file for each
player. Always do a league backup before using this function.

Page 109

Maintain Database/Add Records

Add player individuals to game
Use this function to add an individual record to a database. This function is only needed if you missed a player while
entering games manually with BallStat. A blank record will be created for the selected player. After the record is
created you can edit the stats for the individual record.

Page 110

Maintain Database/Checking Records

Check for duplicate pitching individuals
Previous versions of BallScore allowed a player to be included in the lineup more than once. This would import
duplicate individual records for pitchers in certain situations. This function will scan all databases for the selected
team and detect duplicate records. You will be prompted with details about the records and whether you want to
delete one of the records.
Automatically fix duplicates for entire league without prompting
Check this box to automatically scan the entire league for duplicates and fix them without prompting.
Re-Calculate streaks for a team This button will rebuild all batting and pitching steaks for a single team. It uses
the individual database to update the total database. Use this function after deleting a game from BallStat and reexporting the game from BallScore.

Page 111

Maintain Database/Backup and Restore

Backup files are created in standard zip format and can be opened outside of BallStat if needed. This makes it
easy to transfer entire leagues from one computer to another.
To backup a league:

Select Database/Backup current league from the main menu.

Click the Backup button.
Browse to the folder or drive you wish to store your backup file on.
Enter a filename for this backup and click Save.
To restore a league:

1. Select Database/Restore current league from the main menu.

2. Click the Restore button.
3. Browse to the location of the backup file you wish to restore and select it. Click Open.
To transfer a league from one computer to another:

BallStat must be installed on both computers.

Make a league backup on the current computer.
Transfer the backup file to the new computer and unzip the file.
Run BallStat on the new computer and select File/Open league from the main menu.
Browse to the .lge file located where you unzipped the backup file and select it.
Click Open, close BallStat then re-start BallStat (BallStat may re-start automatically).

Page 112

Maintain Database/League Id's

Assigning League Id's (LI) are included in versions 9.09.12 and later. The League ID System (LIDS) is needed
combine stats for players who have played for more than one team during a season. However, they are used only for
league stat and league leader reports as they are not needed for team reports. Starting with leagues created with
9.09.12 and later LI's are created automatically and there is nothing you have to do except turn the LIDS on
(Maintain database/League Id's tab).
Note: You must have a league currently open to assign League
Versions earlier than 9.09.12
If you created a league with an earlier version of BallStat then you should use the Assign League Id's function if
needed. Using this function will create a unique Id for every player in the league. If a player has already played for
more than one team he will have 2 different Id's assigned to him ( 1 for each team ). You will have to edit one of his
Id's so that both Id's are the same. Note what the 2 Id's are then see how to edit a players Id below.
Note: Do not use the League Id System without indexing an old league or one player will receive the entire leagues
stats because every player has an Id of 0 and all the zeros will be combined!
Editing a player League Id Note: Depending on the version of BallStat you are using, BallStat may find all
players that need editing automatically. If you let BallStat search it will make all the edits for you and there is
nothing else you have to do.
To edit a players LI select Edit/Player personals from the main menu and select the team and player you wish to
edit. Click the Edit Id button then enter the Id that is different from the one already displayed. Click Ok.
Example: Joe Smith played for 2 different teams during the season. After assigning League Id's you note that
has an Id of 34 for one team and 157 for the other team. If you choose to edit the team with the Id of 34 then you
would change it to 157. Joe now has an Id of 157 for both teams so his stats for both teams will be combined for
league stat and league leader reports.
Versions 9.09.12 or later If you created a league with version 9.09.12 or later then League Id's are handled
automatically so there is nothing you have to do except turn the LIDS on if needed (Maintain database/League
Id's tab). .
Assigning League Id's
You can assign League Id's by clicking the Assign League ID's button. This process will only take a few seconds for
a medium sized league.
Note: You can not control what team will display for a player who has had his stats combined. It will however
be one of the teams he has played for.

Page 113

Transferring Players
BallStat makes it easy to transfer a player to another team in the league. Simply follow these

Click the Select player to transfer button.

Select the team the player is currently on.
Select the player to transfer.
Click the Select new team button.
Select the team you want to transfer the player to.
Click Transfer player.

The transferred players stats will remain with the old team but the players status will be changed to Traded. The
players stats on the new team will be all zeros and the players status will be Active.

Page 114

BallStat General Properties

Check a box to use a property or uncheck a box if you do not want to use a particular property. All general
properties are described below.
Use sound effects
Check this box to enable sound effects when using BallStat.
Show Welcome Screen
Checking this box will display the Welcome dialog box each time you start Ballstat.
Hide team earned runs Check this box if you plan on tracking Team Earned Runs. This stat is not usually tracked
except by the most serious statisticians.
Prompt for exit
Uncheck this box to exit BallStat without being prompted first.
Use lower case positions
Check this box to use lower case letters when listing positions played in box score reports.
Use ROE for OBP Check this box to include Reached On Error when calculating On Base Percentage. Although
MLB rules do not allow this some coaches prefer to include ROE. BallStat does not recommend checking this box
at any level of play.
Prompt when saving edits to disk
Check this box to be prompted before saving data to disk.
Use Plate Appearances when entering manual games
Check this box to enter PA instead of AB when entering games manually using BallStat. If this box is checked
BallStat will calculate AB automatically. If this box is left unchecked then you enter the AB and BallStat will calculate
Estimate Total Batters Faced
Check this box to have BallStat estimate TBF. If you are tracking AB against each pitcher then uncheck this box as
TBF will then be calculated automatically.
Use standard fielding titles Check this box to display standard fielding and situation titles ( ex: AB as
opposed to AB-PH). You may have to uncheck this box when creating reports that use advanced fielding or
situation stats.
Use standard fielding stats instead of advanced fielding stats
When entering games with BallStat you can choose which fielding stats you wish to use.
Disable date checking
This function is no longer used.
Use default team to enter games Check this box to always use the default team when entering games. This
box should only be checked if you are tracking stats for one team.
Use flat toolbars
Check this box to display all toolbars as flat icons.
Prompt for changes made to a report when saving Check this box to be prompted for saving
changes to reports. If this box is unchecked report changes will automatically be saved.
Bypass green light when importing games from BallScore
When checked, BallStat will only stop at red lights during the importing of scoresheets
Show the EasyStart menu every time you start BallStat
Uncheck this box to hide the EasyStart menu when BallStat starts.
Page 115

When opening leader reports always use the default team (OBSOLETE)
Check this box if you don't want to be asked which team to use when opening leader reports.
Always use the current database when using leader reports (OBSOLETE)
Check this box if you don't want to be asked which database to use when opening leader reports.
When opening box scores, always use the default team
Check this box if you don't want to be asked which team to use when opening box score reports.
Always create default web and text paths when creating new reports (OBSOLETE) Check this box and
BallStat will create text and web filenames based on the report name when you create a new report.
Show only fixed fonts when using BallStat editor
Check this box if you use the editor for box score and other stat reports. This will assure that columns line up.
Use the BallStat editor for all text reports
If you uncheck this box then BallStat will use the editor you set under the Report Properties Path tab.
Use RTF format for text reports
Check this box to allow full formatting of text reports with the BallStat editor.
Use @ symbol for opponents on reports
Check this box for an easy way to show whether a game was at home or away
Show score on W-L columns on game reports
Use (W 3-2) instead of just (W) if checked
Disable automatic reboot
If this box is unchecked then you'll have to start BallStat manually after creating or opening a new league.
Use Kc for third called strikes
Checked = Kc , unchecked = KL
Use smart cursor for dialog selection box
Checking this will place the cursor to the selection part of the screen after clicking the ok button
Show Recap requirements
If checked then the requirements needed to create recap reports will be shown each time you choose to create
When importing players match on name only
When checked, jersey numbers are not part of the matching process. This is not used when using Direct Import.
Show menu icons
When checked, BallStat will display icons on certain menu items for a quicker visual.
Save lineup with first 8 players only
When checked, only the first eight players will be used when saving lineups. Otherwise all players will be used.
Use smaller version of run differential
This setting determines how the Run Differential stat is calculated.
Turn off file I/O notification messages Check this box only if you know any file I/O messages you are
receiving are not affecting the operation of BallStat. This box is normally checked.
Use high resolution graphics Check this box only if you are using Windows XP or Windows Vista. These 2
systems support better graphics by using alpha blended icons.
Use actual linescore to determine recap linescore
You may need to check this box if you have games that end early or innings that end before there are 3 outs (ex,
10 run rule, 9 batters maximum per inning, etc).

Page 116

BallStat Path Properties

Path to text editor

Enter the full path and filename of the text editor you want to use when displaying ASCII text reports. The default is
Windows Notepad. Click the Browse button to select a filename from Windows Explorer.
Path to web browser Enter the full path and filename of the web browser you want to use when displaying HTML
reports. Click the Browse button to select a filename from Windows Explorer.
The path BallStat was installed in and the path to your currently opened league will be shown at the bottom of this

Page 117

BallStat Default Properties

Default team to load

Click the button to select the team you want to use automatically when accessing certain features in BallStat.
When loading data always...
You have 3 choice when loading the default data into memory.
1. Always use the current database only.
2. Always merge all databases.
3. Be prompted for which databases to load.
Note that the above two options are not used for most BallStat functions anymore.
Default start time Set the usual starting time for your teams games. The setting here will be used as the default
each time you enter a new game using BallStat.
Repeat stat header
Select the number of lines in a report before the stat header is repeated. This option allows you to see the headers
even when scrolling down a large report.
Spacing for text reports
This option allows you to add extra spaces between the stat columns on text reports.
Create and display division set text reports .... Checking this option will allow BallStat to create DS text
reports whenever a DS report is opened. If this option is unchecked you will have to click the DS button on the
toolbar to get the DS version of the report.
Close BallStat division set report ....
Checking this option will automatically close the BallStat report whenever a DS text report is created.

Page 118

BallStat Functions Properties

With Ballstat functions you can set up to 20 different BallStat functions that can be accessed with the click of a
button. You will probably want to select functions that are not readily available from the main menu or toolbar. You
can access the selected functions at anytime by clicking the function button on the toolbar.
Showing/Hiding the function bar
Select File/Hide-Show/Function bar from the main menu.
-orClick the function bar button on the tool bar.
Adding functions to the function bar
1. Show the function bar by clicking the function bar button on the tool bar.
2. Click the Setup button.
3. Select the functions you want to place on the function bar by dropping down each box and selecting your
4. Click the Ok button when done. Your selections will now be available on the function bar.
Note: The above method can also be done from the properties screen by clicking the Functions tab.
Using a function on the function bar
Simply click the button that contains the function you want to use. Functions that are used in macros will still be
remembered when accessed from the function bar.
Tip: Place functions that are used frequently or difficult to access on the function bar. There are over 100 program
functions to choose from.

Page 119

BallStat Precision Properties

Set how many decimal places you want to display in reports for all the specified stats.
For example:
BA - Batting Average
Entering a 1 would display an average as .
Entering a 2 would display an average as .32
Entering a 3 would display an average as .324
Entering a 4 would display an average as .3247
Entering a 5 would display an average as .32474

Page 120

BallStat Misc Properties

Modem settings
Select the communications port that your modem is connected to. Also select whether you have a tone or pulse
telephone line.
HTML fonts
Check a box then click the Set button to use a particular font when creating HTML reports. You can select 4
different fonts for the 4 different portions of a report. These settings will be overridden if you have chosen to use
Suite Properties for your web reports.
Selection box style Determines how BallStat selection boxes will look. Selection boxes are the dialogs that
allow you to select teams, players, games etc.

Page 121

Ballstat HTML Properties

Use HTML Suite settings for all web reports

Check this box to use HTML Suite settings for all your web reports. If this box is left unchecked then each report will
use the original HTML properties that you set for each individual report.
Whenever you run the HTML queue a contents page is automatically created listing a link to every report in the
queue. For fast uploading to your web server it is a good idea to store all your HTML reports and the contents page
in the same folder on your hard drive.
Title of contents page
Enter the title you wish to appear at the top of the contents page. This title can also include HTML code such as
line breaks ( <BR> ) to place text on more than one line or links
( <a href="">BallStat</a> ).
Server directory
Enter the web server directory where the HTML reports will be uploaded to. You must enter the full path. This
setting will be used to create the links on the contents page. Note that this setting is optional. If you are going to
upload all your reports to the same directory (recommended) on your server then you can leave this field blank.
Example :

Page 122

BallStat Folders Properties

With this option you can specify where BallStat will look first for the following file types:
Imported scoresheets - SBX files exported by BallScore. These files are not used when using Direct Export in
BallScore Reports - This is the folder where BallScore will save the boxscore, composite and situational reports
that it generates during an export.
Images - Use this folder to store any image files you use in a report.
Web pages - This is the folder where the HTML Queue will save all the reports that are created by the queue
including the contents page.
WebBuilder pages - THis is the folder where WebBuilder will save all the pages it creates including
Type in the path for each item or click the Select folder button to browse to the folder you want. The path you
enter for Imported scoresheets and BallScore Reports will also be used by BallScore.

Page 123

BallStat FTP Properties

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a way to upload files from your computer to a server on the internet. In order to use
this function you must have space on an internet server that supports FTP. Most large companies such as AOL and
Yahoo do support FTP. You have to supply BallStat with the information that it needs to publish files to your
server. When you publish your files you will be able to see the progress by looking at the message box and the
progress bar.
Select File/BallStat properties from the main menu then click the FTP tab.
Fill in the following fields:
Server domain to publish to
Enter the name of the server you are going to upload your files to. Enter just the domain name ( or IP address ). Do
not enter any prefixes ( http://, ftp://, www, etc) or suffixes ( /, sub directories).
For example in the following URL, /myfiles/ , you would enter only.
Server subdirectory to publish to
Enter the name of any sub directory you would like to publish your files in. Enter just the sub directory.
For example in the following URL, myfiles/stats / , you would enter myfiles/stats only.
Do not include any forward slashes (/) except to separate more than one sub directory. If you wanted to publish the
files to the myfiles directory you would only need to enter myfiles.
User name and password
Enter the user name and password that you would normally use to access your account.
Note for AOL users:
You must be logged into your AOL account to publish with BallStat. This is something that AOL
AOL Setup:

Sub Dir: EX: Stats or Files/Stats ( don't use any '/' characters except to separate more than one sub directory.
Password: [email protected]
Lowercase: Check box

Upload all files to the above server

Check this box to publish your HTML Queue files to your server every time you run the queue. If you encounter any
errors while running the queue check your FTP setup for wrong entries. Remember that your server must support the
File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
Always publish filenames in lowercase
Some servers require that filenames always be in lowercase. If you find that after you publish your files, the links on
the content page don't work, check this box then run the queue again.

Page 124

BallStat Recap & High/Low Properties

Include in recap reports

Select the stats you want to include in all recap reports.
Include in High&Low reports
Select the types of stats you want to include in all High&low and Individual Highs reports.
Recap database
Select the database to pull the recap stats from. Select ALL DATABASES to merge the stats if you have more than
one database.
High&Low database
Select the database to pull the recap stats from. Select ALL DATABASES to merge the stats if you have more than
one database.
Individual highs database
Select the database to pull the recap stats from. Select ALL DATABASES to merge the stats if you have more than
one database.
Note that all 3 databases above will usually be set to the same database
Minimum PA per team game to qualify ....
Select the plate appearances per team game played that a player must average to be included in the derived stats
(BA,SLG,etc) on individual highs reports.

Page 125

Batting Stats

4 CS2
2 SB
4 SB

*Calculated by program

At bats
At bats as a pinch hitter
At bats from left side of plate
At bats from right side of plate
At bats per base on balls
At bats per double*
At bats per hits*
At bats per home run*
At bats per strikeout*
At bats per triple*
At bats with men in scoring position
Base on balls to strikeout ratio*
Base on balls
Batting average from left side of plate*
Batting average from right side of plate*
Batting average with men in scoring position*
Batting average*
Batting average as a pinch hitter*
Batting order position
Catchers interference
Caught stealing home plate
Caught stealing second base
Caught stealing third base
Caught stealing
Current hitting steak*
Extra base hits*
Fly ball outs
Games played
Ground ball outs
Grounded into double plays
Hit by pitch
Hits as a pinch hitter Hits from
left side of plate Hits from right
side of plate Hits with men in
scoring position Hits
Home runs as a pinch hitter Home
runs from left side of plate
Home runs from right side of plate
Home runs with men in scoring position
Home runs Intentional
base on balls Left on
Longest hitting streak*
On base percentage*
Plate appearances*
Reached on error
Runners left in scoring position
Runners moved up Runs batted in as
a pinch hitter Runs batted in from left
side of plate Runs batted in from right
side of plate
Runs batted in with men in scoring position
Runs batted in
Runs scored
Sacrifice flies
Sacrifice hits
Slugging percentage*
Steals of second base
Steals of home plate
Steals of third base
Page 126




Stolen base percentage for steals of home plate*

Stolen base percentage for steals of second base*
Stolen base percentage for steals of third base*
Stolen base percentage*
Stolen bases
Strikeouts Thrown out
running bases Times
picked off
Total average*
Total bases*

Additional Batting Stats


Strikeouts looking
Called strikeouts
Two run homeruns
Three run homeruns
Bases loaded homeruns
Total pitches a batter seen
Pitches per Plate Appearances Times
reached base on a Fielders Choice Times
left on base

Page 127

Pitching Stats
3B H
L Sv
O/9 BB
/9 H/9
3B/9 HR
/9 HB/9
RS% Sv
% BR/9

*Calculated by program

Innings pitched
Runs allowed
Earned runs allowed
Hits allowed
Doubles allowed
Triples allowed
Home runs allowed
Base on balls allowed
Hit batters
Wild pitches
Balks allowed
Complete games
Shutouts Games
Games finished
Opponents at bats
Opponents runs batted in
Total batters faced*
Quality starts* Number
of pitches Blown saves
Number of balls thrown
Number of strikes thrown
Runners picked of base
Steals allowed
Ground ball outs
Fly ball outs
Double plays induced
Inherited runners Inherited
runners scored Intentional
base on balls
Singles allowed Current
winning streak* Longest
winning streak* Current
losing streak* Longest
losing streak* Highest
strikeout total* Highest
base on balls total* Highest
hit total*
Sacrifice hits allowed
Sacrifice flies allowed Runners thrown out
stealing while pitching Earned run
Winning percentage*
Opponents batting average*
Strikeouts per game*
Base on balls per game*
Hits per game*
Doubles per game*
Triples per game*
Home runs per game*
Hit batters per game*
Base on balls to strikeout ratio*
Percentage of inherited runners that scored*
Save percentage*
Base runners per game*
Power / Control*

Additional Pitching Stats

Page 128



First Pitch Strikes

Pitches per Innings Pitched
Pitchers per Total Batters Faced
First Pitch Strike Percentage

Page 129

Fielding Stats

*Calculated by program

Note: The below regular fielding stats use an estimated method of calculating Innings Played. Advanced
stats use the MLB method of calculating Innings played. A fielder is credited with one-third inning played for each
out that was recorded while he was on the field. With this method each positions total Innings Played will equal the
team's total Innings Pitched.
All the below statistics can be entered manually or calculated from the totals of the advanced fielding statistics
expect Innings Played.

Innings played (estimated method)

Put outs
Fielding errors
Throwing errors
Total errors Passed
balls Runners
RTO OS thrown out
B G/P G Opponents stolen bases
/C G/1B Games played at pitcher
G/2B G/ Games played at catcher
3B G/S
Games played at first base
Games played at second base
G/CF G/ Games played at third base
Games played at shortstop
F G/DH Games played in left field
G/EX G Games played in center field
/PR G/P Games played in right field
H DPI F Games played as short field
LD% RT Games played as designated hitter
Games played as extra
Games used as pinch runner
Games used as pinch hitter
Double plays involved with
Fielding percentage*
Runners thrown out percentage*
Range factor (estimated)
Additional Fielding Stats

Actual Innings Played - No Short Fielder stats included

Page 130

Situation Stats
Below are the stats that are tracked for Total reports and Game reports. All stats are tracked for Individual
reports. With Individual reports you can calculate complex stats such as BA with bases loaded, 2 out and a full
BallScore tracks the following situation batting stats:
for the following situations:
Men in scoring position
Men in scoring position with 2 out
Men in scoring position with less than 2 out
Bases empty
Bases full
Runners on base
Man on third
Against right-handed pitchers
Against left-handed pitchers
Leading off inning
Hitting first pitch
With 2 strikes
Pinch hitting
BallScore tracks the following situation pitching stats:
for the following situations:
Bases empty
Bases full
Runners on base
Against right-handed batters
Against left-handed batters
Men in scoring position

Page 131

Advanced Fielding Statistics

Note: Advanced fielding stats use the MLB method of calculating Innings played. A fielder is credited with onethird inning played for each out that was recorded while he was on the field. With this method each positions total
Innings Played will equal the team's total Innings Pitched.
Both methods can be selected for reports using Advanced fielding stats. The estimated stats (eIP,eRF) will always
begin with a lowercase e. Estimated Innings Played will generally give a player credit for an inning played as long as
he was on the field sometime during an inning even if an out was not recorded.
All the fielding statistics below are available for each player at each position.

Innings played (MLB method)

Innings played (estimated)
Put outs
Fielding errors
Throwing errors
Total errors Passed
balls Runners
RTO OS thrown out
B DPI F Opponents stolen bases
LD% RT Double plays involved with
Fielding percentage*
Runners thrown out percentage*
Range factor (MLB method)
Range factor (estimated)

Page 132

Team ERA

This stat, ERNC, is included for professional statisticians who abide by the relatively unknown rule 10.18
(i) concerning team earned runs. If you are not interested in tracking this stat then simply leave this field blank.
Otherwise enter the pitchers earned runs that are NOT to be charged to the team. Note that this field must be less
than or equal to the ER field.
Rule 10.18 (i)
When pitchers are changed during an inning, the relief pitcher shall not have the benefit of previous chances for
outs not accepted in determining earned runs.
NOTE: It is the intent of this rule to charge relief pitchers with earned runs for which they are solely responsible.
In some instances, runs charged as earned against the relief pitcher can be charged as unearned against the team.
(1) With two out, P1 walks A. B reaches base on an error. P2 relieves P1. C hits home run, scoring three runs.
Charge two unearned runs to P1, one earned run to P2.
(2) With two out, P1 walks A and B and is relieved by P2. C reaches base on an error. D hits home run, scoring
four runs. Charge two unearned runs to P1, two unearned runs to P2.
(3) With none out, P1 walks A. B reaches base on an error. P2 relieves P1. C hits home run, scoring three runs. D
and E strike out. F reaches base on an error. G hits home run, scoring two runs. Charge two runs, one earned,
to P1. Charge three runs, one earned, to P2.

Page 133

EasyStart Menu

The EasyStart menu appears every time you start BallStat. This menu contains a few of the most commonly
used features of BallStat.
To permanently remove the EasyStart menu:

Select File/BallStat properties from the main menu.

Click the General tab if needed.
Uncheck the box that reads Show the EasyStart menu every time you start BallStat.
Click Save.

The menu will not appear at start-up until you check this box again.
To temporarily remove the EasyStart menu:
Click the appropriate button on the toolbar
-orSelect File/Hide/EasyStart menu from the main menu

Page 134

Favorites Window

Use the favorite list so all your most frequently used reports are only one click away. You can add any total ,
individual or game report to the favorite list. The report title will appear in the button with the appropriate color
appearing to the left of the button as a visual aid to quickly identify which type of report the button contains. The
visibility state of the favorite list (hidden/shown) will be remembered by the program.
To open the favorites window select File/Show/Favorites from the main menu.
-orClick the favorites button on the tool bar.
To close the favorites window select File/Hide/Favorites from the main menu.
-orClick the favorites button on the tool bar.
-orClick the X in the upper right hand corner of the Favorites window.
Adding reports
To add a report to the favorites window select Window/Add to favorite list from the main menu. Note that using
this method the report will be placed in the first available spot. To select a specific button to place a report on use
the method below.
-orRight click on the button you wish to add the report to and select Add report to this button.
Deleting reports
Right click on the button you wish to delete the report from and select Delete report from this button.
Clearing all reports
To clear all reports from the favorites list select Window/Clear favorites list from the main menu
Changing pages
Each league can save up to 150 favorite reports of which 15 can be shown at one time. To change to a different
page click the Prev or Next buttons

Page 135

Deleting a league
To delete a league created by BallStat, use Windows Explorer to delete the folder the league is contained in. Be
sure to exit BallStat first. When you open BallStat the next time the Create New League wizard will open. You can
create a new league or cancel the wizard and use File/Open to open a previously created league.
If BallStat hangs due to deleting a league without exiting BallStat first then press ctrl-alt-del and end the BallStat
task. Use Windows Explorer to delete the following file:
Use Windows search function to find this file on your system.
This file may show on your system without the cnf extension and may simply appear as BallStat. After restarting BallStat all BallStat Properties will be reset to their defaults so you will have to change them back if you

Page 136

Search for player

Select Database/Search for players from the main menu.
Use the search function to find a single player in your league. You can also use this function to find all inactive
players in your league.
Enter a full or partial last name then click Search. All matches will be listed in alphabetical order. To list all players in
the league, leave the last name blank then click Search. To list non active players in the league check the List non
active players only box, leave the last name blank then click Search.

Page 137

Adding Comments to a Cell

Every cell is capable of holding a comment of up to 255 characters. To add a comment press C, enter your text then
press Enter. A black triangle will appear in the lower left corner of any cell that contains a comment.

Page 138

AutoDetect/Displaying Season Stats in BallScore

Team match
In order to display season stats in the data display windows you must have AutoDetect
turned on. Whenever you open a roster in BallScore, AutoDetect will try to locate a team with
the same name in the currently specified BallStat database. If a match is found then the
indicator on right side of the scoresheet will disappear.
There can be 2 reasons why this No Match indicator appears:
1) The BallScore team has never been exported to BallStat before. In this case the team and all the players will be
created when you export the scoresheet to BallStat (if you are using Direct Export).
2) You have changed the spelling of the team name in either BallStat or on the BallScore roster. Both spellings must
be the same. Edit one or the other so both team names are the same. After editing the team name you may have to
save the scorebook then re-load it back into BallScore. AutoDetect will then find a match and your season stats will
now display.

Accessing Season Stats

In addition to displaying season stats in the data display windows there are a few other ways to access more
advanced season stats.
1) From the Stats menu item on the main menu. From here you can select to view the teams Complete Teams
Batting History or the teams Batting History vs Current Opponent. With either report you can double-click a
players name to view the results of every plate appearance the player has for the entire season or against the
current opponent.
2) From within the RLM you can:
a) Click the Team Batting button to display the entire teams season batting stats.
b) Select a player on the roster then click the Pitching History button to view every game the selected player
pitched in.
c) Click the Batting History vs Current Opponent to view every players plate appearances against the current
3) From within the Insert New Pitcher dialog you can select a player then click the Pitching History button to view
the players pitching stats for every game he pitched in.

Page 139

Balancing the Scoresheets

BallScore automatically checks each scoresheet after every event to make sure they are
balanced. You can apply a sticky note to the right side of the scoresheet that will always show
the current balance state of both scoresheets. If you are not using sticky notes then press
Ctrl+B at anytime to see the current balance state of the current scoresheet.
95% of all out of balance scoresheets result from an improper amount of men left on base. Be especially careful
when an inning ends on a fielders choice with the bases loaded. You must have 3 men LOB in this situation. If your
scoresheet goes out of balance in this situation then see this topic on how to fix the situation..
BallScore uses the Major League Baseball method of balancing a scoresheet. Depending on your leagues rules it
may be impossible to balance a scoresheet properly using the MLB rules.

Page 140

When the same player comes to the plate for the second time in the SAME inning your team has batted-around. You
will need to shift all future innings to the right one column so you can score your players for the second time in the
When a bat-around occurs:
1. Select Inning/Insert inning for bat-around then select the inning you are currently batting in.
All innings will shift right allowing you 2 columns for the current inning. If you make a mistake inserting a bat
around you can reset the innings by selecting Innings/Reset innings from the main BallScore menu.
1. Click the inning header number on the scoresheet for the inning in which you want to insert the bat-around.

Page 141

Cell Toggles
Use cell toggles to quickly change certain scoring events. Place the cursor on the cell to toggle then click the
appropriate button below. Remember to move the cursor back to the current batter after you toggle!

This button will toggle the side of the plate the batter is batting from. The batter is represented by a black dot near
home plate. BallScore will usually take care of the plate side automatically but this button provides a manual way of
changing the plate side.

This button will toggle the earned run/unearned run maker on a cell. If the cell already contains a run scored then
the unearned run state will place a black cross-hair on the orange scoring diamond. If a run has not scored you can
still mark a cell as unearned it case the run does score later. The cell will be marked with an orange triangle in the
upper left corner of the cell.

This button will toggle between a regular Base on Balls and an Intentional Base on Balls.

This button will toggle between a swinging strikeout and a called third strike.

Page 142

Data Display Windows

BallScore has 2 data display windows located directly above the scoresheet. In the middle of the data display
windows is the runners on base window. This window also serves as a warning when the cursor is not on the correct
batter to be scored next. To the left of the data display windows, BallScore displays the current count and outs.
There are 7 different data sets you can display in the data display windows and 2 different data sets for the
count/outs windows. To rotate through the different sets you click on the window you wish to change. If your
mouse has a middle button you can click it and select the data display you want from a menu. All the different sets
are explained below.
Note: For season stats to display you must be using AutoDetect.

Data Display Window

Batter - Combined stats (season and game)
This will display the current batters season stats updated to include his current game batting stats.

Pitcher - Combined stats (season and game)

This will display the current pitchers season stats updated to include his current game pitching stats.

Pitcher (game only)

This will display the current pitchers game pitching stats only.

Batter (game only)

This will display the current batters game batting stats only.

This will display the current games linescore up to the 10th inning. The linescore can also be shown at the bottom of
the scoresheet by pressing the 5 key.

Team batting - Combined stats (season and game)

This will display the current teams season batting stats updated to include their current game batting stats.

Team pitching - Combined stats (season and game)

This will display the current teams season pitching stats updated to include their current game pitching stats.

Count/Outs Window
Full Count This will display the balls & strikes on the current batter and the balls & strikes totals for the
entire game. The current outs in the inning is also displayed

Page 143

Runners on Base/Mini Count

This will display the names of the runners on base, the count for the current batter and the outs in the current

Page 144

Fly ball & Ground ball outs

If you want BallScore to automatically track fly ball & ground ball outs for both the batter and pitcher then this
option must be turned on with File/BallScore properties/General/Automatically track FB & GB. You can also
choose to show or hide the FB/GB markers on the scoresheet. Note that line drives do not credit either a FB out or a
GB out.
Use the buttons below to manually toggle the state of a cell for fly ball & ground ball

Credit batter with a fly ball out.

Credit batter with a ground ball out.
Credit pitcher with a fly ball out.
Credit pitcher with a ground ball out.
Clear all batter FB/GB credits.
Clear all pitcher FB/GB credits.

Page 145

Setting Hit Locations in BallScore in BallScore

To enable Hit Locations you must check the Allow right mouse clicks to set hit locations under BallScore
Properties/General tab.
To set the hit location for a cell:
With a mouse
Place the mouse cursor at the correct location in the cell and right click. Hit locations can be set at anytime
regardless of which cell the cell cursor is currently located on.
When you right
The default is a line drive (Blue) Hold the shift key down
to designate a fly ball (Red) Hold the ctrl key down to
designate a ground ball (Green)
If you don't want to separate the 3 types of hits then use line drive all the time (no keys down).
To delete a hit location, place the cell cursor on the correct cell and press delete. To delete all hit locations select
Special/Delete all hit locations from the main menu.
Without a mouse
Press Z on the keyboard. Use the arrow keys to move the cross hairs to the correct hit location. Press enter to
accept while holding down the shift or ctrl key if needed. Press esc to abort without setting a hit location..

Page 146

Inserting a New Batter

A New Batter is a non-starting player who is coming to bat for the first time but has already played defensively.
Note that this is different from a pinch hitter whose first appearance in a game was as a batter.
A new batter can be inserted in one of 2 ways.
1) Place the batter with the RLM. Select the batter to insert, the slot to insert him in then double-click the position
he has already played defensively. This will place the required new batter marker in the appropriate cell on the
2) If you don't want to use the RLM then press the G key. Select the slot you wish to place him in then press Enter.
It is recommended that you use the default slot that is selected when the screen first appears. This will place
him in the lineup and mark the cell with a new batter marker. You don't need the RLM with this method.
Note that the new batter should have already been placed defensively with the D key.

Page 147

Inserting A New Pitcher

You do not need to use the RLM when inserting a pitcher or making a double switch.

Always insert a new pitcher with the P key (or the NP icon on the toolbar) after making sure the cursor is on the cell
where you wish to insert him. Every cell from the current cursor position to the end of the scoresheet will be filled
with the new pitcher information. After insertion, a New Pitcher Marker (a solid red line) will be placed at the top of
the cell. This line tells BallScore where to start assigning pitching stats to the new pitcher. Every pitcher inserted
into a game will be added to the Pitching List which BallScore maintains to assign pitching stats.
Methods for pitcher insertion
#1 Non-DH Insertion
Select the pitcher from the roster list then select where the pitcher will bat in the batting order. Click Ok or press
the Enter key to insert the pitcher in the game. A New Pitcher Marker will be inserted in the current batter cell
and the pitcher will be placed defensively. A New Batter Marker will be placed in the correct cell where the pitcher
will bat. The pitcher will appear in the batting portion of the boxscore. You do not need to use the RLM when
inserting a pitcher.
#2 Using a DH for the pitcher
Select the pitcher from the roster list then select DOES NOT BAT. Click Ok or press the Enter key to insert the
pitcher in the game. A New Pitcher Marker will be inserted in the current batter cell and the pitcher will be placed
defensively. The pitcher will be inserted at the bottom of the lineup (BOP #20) and will not appear in the batting
portion of the boxscore. You do not need to use the RLM when inserting a pitcher.
Double Switches
When making a double switch always insert the new defensive player first by clicking the Double Switch button or
by pressing Alt+I on the keyboard. Select the player to insert defensively, where he will bat in the batting order
and the position he will play in the field. Click Ok or press Enter on the keyboard. A New Batter Marker will be
placed in the cell where the defensive replacement will bat. Now you can insert the pitcher using method #1
above. You do not need to use the RLM when making double switches.
Running low on slots
If you find you are running low on the allotted 8 slots for a batting order position and you know the new pitcher
will not bat then you can insert him as if you were using a DH. This way a batting slot will not be used and the
pitcher will be placed in BOP #20. However, the new pitcher will not appear in the batting portion of boxscore.
Page 148

Pitchers will always appear in the pitching portion of a boxscore no matter which method you choose.
Wrong pitcher inserted
If at any point in the game you find you inserted the wrong pitcher then follow the steps below.
1) Check that the correct number of New Pitcher Markers appear on the scoresheet and they are in the correct
2) Select Edit/Edit pitching list from the main menu. You may have to flip the scoresheet to access the correct
Pitching List. Examine the list and make any changes that are necessary. Do not leave any blank lines before the
last pitcher as they have to be consecutive. You can also clear the list and start over.
3) Select Edit/Re-calculate pitching cells from the main menu then check the boxscore to make sure the correct
pitchers are listed.

Page 149

Inserting a Pinch Hitter

Always insert a pinch hitter with the J key. You do not need to use the RLM when inserting a pinch hitter.

With the cursor on the cell where you want to insert a pinch hitter press J. Select the player you want to insert as
the pinch hitter from the list and the slot where you want to insert him. Note that empty slots between players are
not allowed so you should use the default slot whenever possible. After pressing Enter the new player will be
inserted into the lineup and marked as a pinch hitter. BallScore keeps separate stats for pinch hitting only if you use
the J key or its associated icon on the toolbar.
Key points about pinch hitters
A player should only be inserted as a pinch hitter in his first at bat and only if he did not yet play defense. If a
player has already played in the field before he comes to bat for the first time he should be inserted as a new
batter (G key).
If the pinch hitter stays in the game then you need to place him defensively with the D key. Only his first at bat
will be marked as pinch hitting and you don't need to insert him into the game again.

Page 150

Inserting a Pinch Runner

A pinch runner should always be inserted by pressing the W key. You do not need to use the RLM when inserting a
pinch runner.

Pinch runners are handled a little differently based on whether or not they will stay in the game. Either way
you must select the player the pinch runner is running for on the pinch runner screen. Note that you do not
have to move the cursor to do this, leave it on the current batter.
Stays in game
If a pinch runner will stay in the game and replace the player they ran for then the pinch runner should be placed in
the next available slot. A new batter marker will have to be placed in an available cell if the pinch runner eventually
comes to bat.
Does not stay in game or is a courtesy runner
If a pinch runner does not stay in the game or is a courtesy runner then the pinch runner should be placed in slot 8.
A courtesy runner can be placed in the same slot any number of times. For example, if John runs for Pete 3 different
times in a game, John can be inserted into slot 8 all 3 times. A player should only appear in a lineup one time but
BallScore keeps track of pinch runners on a cell by cell basis so the stats will come out right.

Page 151

New Batter Markers

New Batter Markers (NBM) are used by BallScore to separate stats for players who bat in the same batting order
position (BOP). If a BOP only has one player batting in it for the entire game then a NBM is not needed. BallScore
usually places NBM's for you but sometimes you'll have to do it manually. NBM's can be inserted manually from the
main Edit menu.
Below are some examples of how to use New Batter

In the above example Garcia will be assigned the first 3 plate appearances. The NBM then tells BallScore to
start assigning any PA's after the NBM to Raines.

The above example is a little more complicated. Friend gets the first 2 AB's. Fondy gets the pinch hit AB in the
6th. Swanson gets the empty cell in the 7th so he didn't bat. Smith gets the pinch hit AB in the 8th. Douglas would
get the rest of the AB's if there are any.
BallScore also can us Double and Triple New Batter Markers. A DNBM will ignore a player in a slot and a TNBM will
ignore 2 players. Below are some examples of these 2 markers.

Above we have Brooks getting the first 2 AB's. Ackers gets the empty cell in the 5th so he didn't bat. Kluszewski
gets the pinch hit AB in the 6th. Shanchez gets the empty cell in the 7th because he didn't bat. Amor didn't bat
either but we can't use a regular NMB in the 8th or he will get the AB. We use a DNBM which will skip Armor
completely and give the AB in the 8th to Lynch. Freeman would get any other AB's in the game (if any).
Triple New Batter Markers work the same way only they skip 2 players instead of the one in the above example.

Page 152

New Pitcher Markers

New Pitcher Markers (NPM) are red lines that appear across the top of a cell whenever a new pitcher is inserted into
a game. These markers tell BallScore which pitcher to assign stats to. The markers are used with the Pitching List
which BallScore maintains internally. An error will be generated when exporting if the number of pitchers in the
pitching list do not match the number of new pitcher markers. NPM's can be toggled on and off manually with the
Edit/Toggle new pitcher command.
For information on adjusting the pitching list see Inserting a new

Page 153

Opening a Scorebook

To open an existing scorebook select File/Open from the main menu and browse to the scorebook you wish to
open. Scorebooks will always end with the .sbk extension. BallScore will always look in the folder that is selected
under File/BallScore Properties/Folders first.

Page 154

Player Re-Entry
A player who was removed from a game can be re-entered just like any other new player.
Note: To re-enter a player you must use the New Batter icon on the toolbar, select Lineup/Insert new
batter from the main menu or press G. You cannot use the RLM to reenter a player as it will remove him from his previous slot.
1) If the player plays on defense be sure to use D to place him defensively.
2) A player can be entered into the lineup multiple times as long as proper new batter markers are used just like
inserting any other new player.
3) Do not leave blank slots between players.
For example, you have 2 players who you are alternating in the lineup - Jones and Smith. Jones is the starter so
Smith would be entered into the lineup as either a pinch hitter, pinch runner or new batter. If Jones later replaces
Smith he would be entered the same way but should not be a pinch hitter since he already played in the game once.
In the 4th batting order position we

You can ignore any duplicate error entries in this case.

The above would be legal since there are no blank slots between players. When BallScore parses the scorebook it
will combine all of Jones stats and all of Smiths stats. They will also appear only once in the boxscore. Just
remember to check all new batter markers so BallScore can assign stats correctly. As always, be sure to use the D
key to place them defensively each time they re-enter the game.

Page 155

Printing a Scoresheet

To print a scoresheet select File/Print from the main menu. This will print the scoresheet for the team that is
currently shown on the screen. The scoresheet will be adjusted to fit on one page.
You can select some printing options with File/BallScore Properties/General tab. If your printed scorebook is too
small then try changing the magnification setting to 100%.

Page 156

Printing Rosters & Lineups in BallScore


To print your current roster to a text file select File/Startup menu from the main menu. Click the Create Roster
button then click the Load Roster button. Select the team roster you wish to print. Once the roster is displayed
click the Print roster to text file button. If you have not selected a text editor to use then the roster will appear in
notepad where you can print it.

Lineups To print the current starting lineup to a text file, load your lineup into the RLM. When you are finished
with the RLM exit to the main scoresheet. Select File/Print starting lineup sheet from the main menu. If you
have not selected a text editor to use then the starting lineup will appear in notepad where you can print it.

Page 157

Saving a Scorebook

To save the current scoresheet select File/Save from the main menu, click the Save button on the toolbar or press
V on the keyboard.
You can have BallScore save a scorebook at regular intervals with File/BallScore Properties/General tab.
When you save a scorebook for the first time you will see the screen below giving you details on the file
requirements for saving a scorebook. It is highly recommended that you let BallScore create the file name for the
saved scorebook. Do not save a scorebook until both rosters have been selected and the Game Date has been set.

Page 158

Scoring a Strikeout
There are 2 ways to score a strikeout in BallScore, the standard method and the generic
Standard Method
To record a strike press the S key or click the
button on the toolbar. When the
set number of strikes has been reached the Strikeout dialog will appear. Select the
type of strikeout and press Enter or click the Ok button. You will then be
presented with the Putout, Assist & Error screen to record any putout, assists or
errors on the play. A putout for the catcher is the default. If a runner was thrown
out trying to steal second on the strikeout then check the Runner caught
stealing box. The runner will be credited with a Caught Stealing and the team will
be credited with a doubleplay.
Generic Method
To record a generic strikeout click the
button on the toolbar or press the [
key. No other prompts will be presented and the catcher will be credited with a

Page 159

Scoring a Base on Balls

There are 2 ways to score a base on balls in BallScore, the standard method and the generic
Standard Method
To record a ball press the B key or click the
reached the following prompt will appear.

button on the toolbar. When the set number of balls has been

Click No or press Enter for a normal base on balls. Click Yes for an intentional base on balls. The batter will be
placed on first and any forced runners will advance 1 base.
Generic Method
Click the
button on the toolbar to score a base on balls without any prompts. Do not use this option is you are
recording all pitches. The batter will be placed on first and any forced runners will advance 1 base.

Page 160

Scoring a fielders choice

There are 38 pre-defined fielder choice plays that you can score in BallScore. If the exact FC you need is not listed
then select the closest one and change the putout and/or assists when prompted. When using a pre-defined FC you
must score 1 putout only.
To select a pre-defined FC:
Click the FC button on the toolbar -

then select the appropriate FC.

If the Advance Runners screen and Putouts, Assists & Error screens are filled with the appropriate selections you
can just tap Enter.
You can also press the O key and click the FC buttons on the Safe at first screen.

Page 161

Scoring a doubleplay
There are 90 pre-defined doubleplays that you can score in BallScore. If the exact DP you need is not listed then
select the closest one and change the putout and/or assists when prompted. When using a pre-defined DP you must
score 2 putouts only.
To select a pre-defined DP:
Click one of the 3 DP types on the toolbar -

then select the appropriate DP.

GDP - Ground ball DP

LDP - Line drive DP
FDP - Flyout/Tagout DP
If the Advance Runners screen and Putouts, Assists & Error screens are filled with the appropriate selections you
can just tap Enter.
You can also press the O key and click one of the 3 DP buttons on the Out at first screen.

Page 162

Scoring a tripleplay
To score a tripleplay always press the SPACEBAR. Select the original putout then enter all 3 putouts and any
assists on the Putouts, Assists & Error screen.

Page 163

Scoring Errors & Fixes

Every time you export a scoresheet whether you are using Direct Export or not, BallScore will first check for
some common scoring errors before the scoresheet is exported. This will give you the opportunity to fix them
before continuing with the export. It is recommended you check all the error options listed under the
File/BallScore properties/AutoDetect tab. Below are the errors BallScore will check for and possible solutions.
A NULL Cell is a cell in which the stats for the cell are not assigned to the correct player. A NULL Cell
almost always caused by a mis-placed or wrong type New Batter Marker. A scoresheet with a NULL Cell
cannot be exported until the error is fixed. Check all NBM's to make sure the right amount and right
type are in place. A Null Cell indicator will appear in the affected cell. If more than one Null Cell indicator
appears for the same batting order position start correcting with the left most cell. You cannot turn NULL Cell error
checking off.
Wins & Loses
BallScore will issue a warning if a win and a loss are not assigned to any players. The obvious solution here is
press N and select the winning and losing pitchers. BallScore will still report this error in a tie game. In this case just
ignore the error and continue with the export.
Balanced Scoresheets
BallScore will issue a warning if either scoresheet is out of balance. 95% of all out of
scoresheets result from an improper amount of men left on base. Be especially careful when an
inning ends on a fielders choice with the bases loaded. You must have 3 men LOB in this
situation. If your scoresheet goes out of balance in this situation then edit the cell for the last
batter and check the box for 3 LOB's.
You can also set the men left on base for an inning by clicking the RHL indicator
at the bottom of the inning you wish to change.

Extra, unsued New Batter Marker

This error usually results from more NBM's than there are
occupied slots. Check the scoresheet for the team and
batting order position that are reported and take any
necessary corrective action. This will be either adding or removing a NBM as the case may be.
Mis-matched New Pitcher Markers
BallScore will issue a warning if the number of pitchers in the pitching list (Edit/Edit pitching list) does not match
the number of NPM's on the scoresheet. The number of NPM's should always be one less than the number of pitchers
in the pitching list. If the pitching list is wrong then correct it then select Edit/Re-calculate pitching cells.
Cross Check Statistics
BallScore will perform a number of checks for statistical integrity and report any errors it finds. If an error is
reported then scan the 3 BallScore reports to find out why. It will be rare to see this kind of error. The most common
cause would be the incorrect editing of a cell.
Pitching List Errors
BallScore will issue a warning if the same pitcher is listed twice or there
is a blank selection between pitchers in the list. To correct see the
solution for NPM's above. A warning will also be issued if the first pitcher
in the pitching list does not have any innings pitched.
Page 164

Empty Lineup Spots

BallScore will issue a warning if an empty lineup spot is detected.
example, you have 9 batters but no one is batting in the 6th spot an error will
be reported. The correction here is to insert the correct player into the
lineup. This is an error that should always be fixed.

Duplicate Lineup Entries

BallScore will issue a warning if the same player is detected
than once in the lineup. Note that this is not always an error as reentry is handled by BallScore. BallScore will usually just combine the
2 entries into one for stat and boxscore purposes. However, this may
not always be the case as you may have inserted the same player
into 2 different lineup spots which is illegal by any leagues rules. Note
the player reported and take any action necessary.
New Batter Marker in 1st Inning
BallScore will issue a warning anytime a NBM is found in
the first inning. Note that this may not be an error is a
starting player was removed before he came to bat for the
first time. If this is the case then just ignore the error and
continue with the export.
Pitcher not in lineup
BallScore will issue a warning if one of the pitchers in the pitching list is not listed
in the actual lineup. Although most of the pitchers stats will still exported to
BallStat the stats you assign on the End Game screen will not. This includes Wins,
Losses, Saves and Blown Saves. Use the RLM to place the pitcher at the bottom of
the lineup in batting order position #20.

Page 165

Swapping Teams
If you ever need to swap the home and visiting teams after a game has been setup then select Special/SWAP
TEAMS from the main BallScore menu.

Page 166

Undo Last Action

Click the Undo button on the toolbar or press the Backspace key to undo the last action or actions entered on the
scoresheet. Select the point you want to undo from then click the Undo button. All events above the selected
action will be undone.
Caution: Changes you made to a sheet by editing a cell could be changed back by the undo function if you undo
past the point when the edit was made. Never edit a cell unless you have no other choice.

Page 167

BallScore Reports
BallScore contains 3 reports that can be displayed anytime during a game. Each time a report is opened it will show
the current game data. All 3 reports can be found on the Report menu. The 3 HTML versions can also be created
from the Report menu.
Box score (press the 1 key)
This is a standard box score showing both teams current batting and pitching statistics.
Composite (press the 2 key)
This is a more detailed statistical report that shows most standard batting and pitching stats for both teams.
Situations (press the 3 key)
This report shows all the situational batting and pitching stats for both teams.
When exporting a scoresheet all 3 reports are generated new and saved to disk in the folder specified
with File/BallScore Properties/Folders tab.
On some systems ( Win2000 and WinXP ) you may have to tell BallScore where to find the program to use
viewing reports. Select Edit/External viewer from the main menu and browse to the file ( .exe ) you want to use
for viewing reports. For Win9x the default is NotePad ( notepad.exe ). You may use any text editor that accepts
text files.

Page 168

Warnings & Indicators

When scoring a game with BallScore there are warnings and indicators displayed on the right side of the scoresheet.
Below are descriptions of each warning/indicator that can appear.
See also: Scoring errors & fixes
You can turn each warning/indicator on or off by selecting File/BallScore properties then clicking the Fonts/Cell

Location - This warning appears if you have not yet selected a location for the current game.

Balance - One of these 3 warnings will appear depending on whether the Home scoresheet, the Visiting scoresheet
or both scoresheets are out of balance. Correct the situation causing the scoresheet to be out of balance and this
warning will go away.

Stats - This warning will display one of the following conditions that could cause problems when exporting
scoresheets. Correct the displayed condition before exporting.

DUP Entry Double entry in lineup.

Empty Slot Illegal Empty slot in lineup.
PO != IP Total putouts do not equal total third innings pitched.
NBM in first A New Batter Marker appears in the first inning.

Team - This warning means that BallScore could not find a matching team in the BallStat
database. This can be caused by AutoDetect being turned off or the current team has never been exported to
BallStat for the first time.

Cursor - This warning means the cursor is not on the correct cell that should be scored next.
Place the cursor on the correct cell and this waning will disappear.

Defense - This warning will appear if a player appears at more than one defensive position at the
same time. The warning will also show what cell contains the first occurrence of the error (Inning:Batter).
To correct the defense when this error appears press X. Place the cursor on the last cell that contains the correct
defense then click Copy. Place the cursor on the offending cell then click Paste.

Scorebook Not Saved - This icon will be displayed until you save the scorebook for the first time.
You should save your scorebook after the game date and both lineups have been set. This will allow BallScore to
generate a default filename.

Starting Defense Not Set - This icon indicates that you have not yet set your starting defense.
Page 169

You should be prompted to set the starting defense after your lineup has been set and you leave the RLM. Not
setting the starting defense properly can lead to export stats errors and pitching list errors.

Page 170

Setting The Defense

Initial Defense
BallScore handles setting a defense 2 ways. The initial defense is set by the starting lineup you create with the
Roster & Lineup Manager (RLM). All 640 cells (32 innings x 20 batting spots) will be filled with the defense specified
by the RLM. When leaving the RLM the first time you will be asked to set the defense. Once set, the RLM has
nothing to do with setting the defense for the rest of the game. Positions selected in the RLM for subs once a
game starts will not affect the defensive lineup in the field. For the remainder of the game use the D key. This will
ensure that all fielding stats will be correct.
Setting the defense once a game starts
Once the starting lineup has been set and a game has started, the defense in the field will always be managed with
the D key. To make defensive changes press D then select the new player at the position he will play in the field,
then press ENTER. Make sure the Fill to end of scoresheet box is checked (this is the default). You can make
defensive changes at anytime during a game with this key. Every cell from the current cursor location to the end of
the scoresheet will be filled with the new defense.
BallScore will use each cell to calculate defensive fielding stats. To edit a single cell that has already been scored
you also use the D key. Uncheck the Fill to end of scoresheet box so only the current cell will be changed.

Page 171

Setting the Starting Defense with the RLM

When you first start scoring a game you must set your initial defense. After your initial defense has been set
you should use the normal method of setting your defense -by pressing D. Sometimes you will know your
defensive positions before the game starts and other times you will be scoring on the fly. There are 3 ways to
set your
defense with the RLM and each is described below. These 3 buttons, identified by color, will cover all the situations
that arise. These buttons will set the known defensive players on every cell on the opposing teams scoresheet.

The Green button This is the most common situation where you know the starting lineups and
defensive positions of all the players before the game begins. After setting your lineup with the RLM and
clicking Accept and exit, click
the green button when the Set defense screen appears. All the cells on the opposing teams scoresheet will be set
with the correct defense and this screen will not appear again. Use the D key to make any defensive changes for
the rest of the game. Note that the Click to set defense button in the RLM will be disabled after clicking this

The Red button Use the red button only when you have made a substitution before the entire starting
lineup is set. When you click this button the starting defense will not be set and this screen will not be
shown again. The reason
the defense will not be set is because the substitution will overwrite the starters defensive settings. Use the normal
method of setting your defense, by pressing D, for the rest of the game.

The Yellow button

The yellow button is used when you are scoring on the fly. You can click this button after each player is
entered as long as you have not made a substitution. Defensive stats will only be correct for the players
that have already been set on defense. Once all players are in the starting lineup then use the Green button above.
Once a substitution has been made, click the Red button then use the normal method of setting your defense, by
pressing D, for the rest of the game.

Page 172

Roster and Lineup Manager (RLM)

About the RLM

Using the RLM to setup a game
Setting the game date
Setting game conditions
Setting game umpires
Creating a roster
Loading a roster
Creating and loading lineups
Setting the lineup defensively
Editing, removing and deleting players
Start the RLM at anytime by pressing Ctrl+J, selecting Lineup/Lineup manager from the main menu or by clicking


Do NOT use the RLM to insert new pitchers, pinch hitters, pinch runners or re-entered players.

To start scoring a new game with BallScore:

If you clicked the Game Setup button when first starting BallScore you can skip the 4 steps below and start setting
up your teams using the RLM.

Select File/New from the main menu then click Yes to clear both scoresheets.
Press Ctrl+J or click the RLM button to use the Roster and Lineup Manager to setup the visiting team.
Flip the scorebook and use the RLM to setup the home team.
Play ball!

Before scoring games with BallScore you must setup your rosters and lineups. The Roster and Lineup Manager
(RLM) allows you to set game dates, umpires, conditions, load and save rosters and lineups, delete and edit players,
set defenses and manage all aspects of your game lineup - before and during the game.
Game setup now consists of using the RLM for each team. You can add each batter to the lineup as they come to
the plate or enter the entire lineup before the game starts (recommended). It is also a good idea to set the minimum
number of batters in a lineup using the preferences dialog (Edit/Preferences
from main menu). This will help make sure the cursor returns to the top of the lineup at the right time. You will be
able to enter more than the minimum number of batters in a lineup but not less.
The Number of batters in this lineup box should be set to the correct value as soon as possible. When creating a
new lineup from scratch this value will be the same as the minimum number of batters in a lineup (see above).
To start the RLM press Ctrl+J or click the RLM button on the scoresheet or toolbar.

Using the RLM to setup a game

Setting the game date (Alt+D)
Setting dates with BallStat/BallScore is now easier than ever. A date consists of the day, month and year. The day
of the week will be changed automatically as you change any of the other three items. To set the game date with
the RLM press ALT+D.
How to set the date with your mouse:
1) Click on the down arrow in the date control and a calendar will appear.
2) If the correct month and year are already displayed simply click on the correct day.
3) To go to the previous month click the left arrow button or use the up arrow on the keyboard.
Page 173


To go to the next month click on the right arrow button or use the down arrow on the keyboard.
Use the up, down, right and left arrows on the keyboard to change the day of the month.
To select the month click on the month and select from the list that appears.
To select the year click on the year and enter the correct year or use the up and down arrows.

How to set the date with the keyboard:

1) Use the right and left arrow keys to rotate between the day, month and year.
2) Use the up and down arrow keys to increase or decrease the values of the highlighted item.
3) When an item is highlighted you can also simply enter its value using the keyboard.
You can select any date from the year 1752 to the year 9999.
Setting game conditions (Alt+8 or Set conditions button)

For sky and wind conditions type in your condition or select a condition from the list.
Enter the current game time temperature.
Use the drop down lists to set the start time of the game.
When the game is over use the drop down list to set the elapsed time of the game.
Enter the official attendance.

Click Done when all your conditions have been selected.

Setting game umpires (Alt+9 or Set umpires button)
You can type in the name of each umpire or select a previously entered umpire from the list. Note that the first
umpire in each list is blank if you need to reset an umpire to a blank line. Click Done when you have finished
selecting all your umpires.

If you have not created your roster yet then follow these steps:
Add all players at once:

Click the Create New Roster button.

Enter a team name. Do not use illegal characters such as slashes, quotes or punctuation marks.
Enter all your players.
Click Save Roster.
The Save Roster dialog box appears so you can assign a filename for this team. Type a filename for your team
making sure it ends with the .ros extension ( Ex: My Team.ros ). Click Save.

This function will only create the roster not load it into BallScore. After closing this screen use the Load Roster
button on the RLM screen to load your roster into BallScore.
One player at a
1) Press ALT+M and enter the name of the team you are going to create. Do not use illegal characters such as
slashes, quotes or punctuation marks.
2) Press ALT+Y or click the Add player button to add your first player. Fill out all requested information for the
player then press the Add button.
3) The Save Roster dialog box appears so you can assign a filename for this team. Type a filename for your team
making sure it ends with the .ros extension ( Ex: My Team.ros ). Click Save.
4) Repeat step 2 until all your players have been added to the roster.
If your roster already exists:
1) Press Alt+X or click the Load Roster button. Browse to the folder that contains your roster then select the
roster you want. Click Open. All the players on the roster you selected will appear in the players list. BallScore will
also recognize and open rosters from .
Creating a lineup
Creating a lineup is as simple as selecting each player, his fielding position, then inserting him in the correct spot in
the lineup. For players who bat but are not starting in the field use the EX position. If you have created lineups
Page 174

before than you can load a lineup by pressing Alt+N or clicking the Load Lineup button. To remove a player from
the lineup select the player in the lineup then press Alt+R or click the Remove selected player button. To create
a new lineup follow the steps below.
1) Press Alt+P then use the arrow keys to select the player you want.
2) Press Alt+S then use the arrow keys to select the position the player will play.
3) Press Alt+L then use the arrow keys to select the spot in the lineup to insert the selected player.
4) Press Alt+E or click the Place selected player button to insert the player in the lineup.
5) Repeat until all players are inserted into the lineup.
Sometimes it is quicker to load a previous lineup, then remove unwanted players and insert new ones. You will
notified if you try to place the same player in the lineup more than once. You can save the current lineup for future
use by pressing Alt+I or clicking the Save lineup button. You will also be notified if the exact same lineup was
already saved.
If you are using a mouse you can double click any of the 3 lists to insert the selected player at the selected position
into the selected spot in the lineup.
When finished press Alt+O or click the Ok button.

Other functions of the RLM

Editing players (Alt+D)
Use the RLM to edit a players information by selecting the player in the players list and pressing Alt+D or clicking
the Edit selected player button. Make your changes then click Save.
Removing players from the lineup (Alt+R)
To remove a player from the current lineup select the player in the lineup and press Alt+R or click the Remove
selected player button.
Deleting players from the roster (Alt+A)
To remove a player from the current roster select the player in the player list and press Alt+A or click the Delete
selected player button. The next player to be added to the roster will be inserted into the deleted players spot.
Changing the displayed position in the lineup
The lineup will usually display each players starting position in the field for the entire game. You can manually
change the position displayed by selecting the player in the lineup to change then clicking the Change displayed
position only button. This does NOT affect a players current position, just the position you want displayed on the

Page 175

Modify/Replace player in lineup

Modifying/Replacing a player in the lineup is to be used for correcting a lineup which contains the wrong player. This
function will simply change the name of the player in the selected spot of the batting order. All batting stats will
then be credited to the new player. You must make any required defensive changes with the X key.
Do not use this screen to insert a new batter.
Do not use this screen to insert a pinch-hitter.
Do not use this screen to set a starting player into the lineup.
This screen does not make defensive changes, use the D key or X key.

Page 176

Inserting players with On The Fly

When scoring OTF you insert players into the lineup by pressing Shift+L. This will insert the player at the batting
order position where the cursor is located. The player will always be inserted into the first slot. If a roster is already
loaded then select the player (and his position if known) and click Ok. If you are starting with an empty roster then
follow these steps:
1. Select the first empty spot on the roster then click Edit player.
2. Enter the player information you know then click Save.
3. Enter a file name for your roster making sure it ends with the .ros extension and click Save ( this step will not be
needed if your roster has already been saved ).
4. Make sure the correct player is selected (and his position if known) then click Ok.
The player will now appear in the lineup. All previous and current stats will now be credited correctly to this
player. Defensive stats will also be credited if his position was selected.
Please read the below notes for this function:
1. Do not use this function to insert players after the entire lineup has been set.
2. If a players position is not known when you insert him then you must eventually insert the player again with his
position. Use the same method as above, the correct player will already be selected.
3. Once a player is inserted with his position all batting and fielding stats will be credited to the correct player.

Page 177

Starting Pitcher

Select the starting pitcher for this game then click Ok. This screen should only be used if you are scoring on the
fly. Do not use this screen if you have already set your starting lineup with the RLM. When scoring on the fly this
screen will ensure that the starting pitcher is properly added to the pitching list.

Page 178

Importing Rosters from a Text File in BallScore in BallScore

BallScore supports importing rosters from a comma delimited text file. You can import up to 5 different fields
which can be in any order:
First Name
Last Name
Additionally, the very first line of the text file can contain just the name of the team. A sample text file is
shown below. Each field must be separated with a comma.
Lancaster Lightning
For bats and throws you can use upper or lowercase. For switch hitters you can use B,S,b,s.
You can access the import feature from the Create Roster screen which is located on the startup screen or from
within the RLM. Click the Select file and get first text line button to select the file you wish to import. The first
line from the text file will be shown on screen. If this line shows a team name then check the First line of file
contains a team name box then select the file again.
Click each field box and select the field that matches the order the data is shown in the First stat text line box.
When finished click the Import button. Save your roster from the Create Roster screen.

Page 179

Common Outs

Common Outs Screen

This screen allows you select the most common plays that will occur during a game. Press the first letter of the
button on the right for the play you want ( G- Groundout, P- Pop out, etc ). Use the arrow keys to scroll up or
down to the play you want. Press Enter when you have made your selection. You PO and A's will already be filled in
when you get to the PAE screen ( see below ). If the exact play you need is not on the list then select the closest
one. You can make any needed changes when you get to the PAE screen.

For even quicker scoring of common outs press the space bar, the letter representing the type of out, then the
position number of the fielder who made the play. BallScore will assume PO's and A's and if you agree press Enter.

Page 180

Putout, Assists & Errors

If an out was made on a play ( including strikeouts ) you will have to fill out the PAE screen to assign put
assists or errors. Many times the selections you want will already be filled in and all you have to do is press
Enter. The left column is where you select either a PO, A or E. The right column is who gets assigned the PO, A or
E. Up to
10 PO, A or E can be assigned for each play. Press the first letter or number of your action or fielder to make a
selection. For example to quickly make selections for the double play : ground to short to second to first (643) the
key sequence would be:
After scoring the batter you will have to score or place any runners on base. This is done with the
Advancement Screen. Remember that a batter does not become a runner until he has been scored and reached base
When the third out of an inning is made the scorebook will automatically switch to the other team.

Page 181

Advancing Runners

Runner Advancement Screen (RAS)

Anytime a play occurs that requires the disposition of base runners the RAS screen will appear. Many times a default
placement of runners will be made by BallScore and all you will have to do is press Enter. Select where each runner
ended up on the play. If any runner was put out then the Putout Assist & Error screen will appear when you press
Note that the batter is not placed using this screen, only runners who were on base before the ball was
batted. Once the runners are placed and you click Ok then the batter can be placed or putout using this screen. To
re-start the RAS manually press R.

Page 182

Double - Switches
Click here for information on making a double switch

Page 183

Common scoring mistakes with BallScore

Cursor not on current batter when scoring an event
By far the most common mistake when using BallScore is not having the cursor on the current batter when scoring
an event. Most of the time BallScore will move the cursor automatically without the user having to do anything. In
some cases such as marking a cell unearned or crediting a missed RBI the cursor will have to be moved to the cell
you want to change. Always be sure to move the cursor back to the current batter after making changes!
Example: Batter #1 singles and the cursor advances to Batter #2. Batter #1 steals second. DO NOT move the
cursor to Batter#1 to record the steal, it should remain on Batter #2. Just like Lou and Bud, BallScore always knows
who is on what base.
Be sure to turn on the Cell Alarm feature on the BallScore Properties screen under the Cell/Fonts tab!
Not inserting a New Batter maker where one is needed
If stats are being credited to a wrong player then more than likely the cause is a New Batter Marker (NBM). A NBM is
a red line that appears on the left side of a cell. NBM's are used to credit stats to multiple players in the same
batting order position. The first player will get all stats up until the first NBM is encountered. The player in the
second slot will get all stats up until the 2nd NBM is encountered and so on. NBM are usually inserted for you but not
always. Make sure you check that NBM's are inserted where they should be.
Example: Even if the player in slot 2 never bats a NBM must be inserted if there is a player in slot 3 who does bat.
NBM's may be inserted in empty cells for this reason. To toggle a NBM on and off select Edit/Toggle New Batter
Marker from the main menu.
Defense or pitching not correct on certain cells
If fielding stats or some pitching stats are being credited to the wrong player then more than likely the cause is not
checking the Fill to end of scoresheet box when making defensive replacements. If this box is not checked then
any changes will only affect the cell the cursor is on. Normally this box will be checked for you but not always. Not
checking this box can also affect some pitching stats.
Scoring on the fly and never setting the defense
When scoring on the fly you must set the defense before the first batter comes to bat for the second time or before
the first sub is inserted in the game. Failure to do so may skew the pitching stats for some cells. If your pitchers
seem to be out of order or one pitcher gets all the stats then this is the cause. It is recommended that you create
lineups before the game begins whenever possible.
After inserting a player in the lineup when scoring on the fly you can set his defense by pressing CTRL+T then A
then A then ENTER.

Page 184

Scoring on the Fly

When you start scoring a game right before it starts you will need to know how to score the game on the fly. There
are a few different ways to score on the fly with the most common way described below. Since you won't have time
to set up both lineups before the game starts you will need to use the On The Fly (OTF) functions. The OTF
functions are described below, be sure to note any special instructions.
The game starts with the visitors batting. You can actually start scoring plays before anyone is entered into the
lineup so score the play first and attend to the lineup when you have time. Stats of course cannot be assigned
to correct players until the lineup is complete but BallScore will take care of this automatically as you go along. If
you already have a roster for the home or visiting team then load those rosters first. If no roster exists then follow
the directions below. Be sure to read the General notes at the bottom of this page.
The 3 OTF scoring functions:
Clear both scoresheets
Press Ctrl+N then click Yes to clear both scoresheets. You will be starting with empty rosters for both teams. If
you have a roster to load ( Ctrl+Z )for both teams then you won't need this function, simply load both rosters. If
you have a roster for one team then use this function first then load the roster.
Setting starting pitchers
As soon as you know the starting pitcher for a team press Shift+P. If a roster is already loaded then select the
pitcher and click Ok. If you are starting with an empty roster then follow these steps:
1. Select the first empty spot on the roster then click Edit player.
2. Enter the player information you know then click Save.
3. Enter a file name for your roster making sure it ends with the .ros extension and click Save ( this step will not be
needed if your roster has already been saved ).
4. Make sure the correct pitcher is selected then click Ok.
The starting pitcher will now be set and all current and previous pitching stats will now be credited to him. He
also be set defensively on the opposing teams scoresheet. The pitcher will not be inserted into the lineup, use the
Insert player in lineup function below.
Note:Do not use this function to insert any pitcher other than the starting pitcher. If you need to insert another
pitcher press P on the keyboard.
Insert player in lineup
When scoring OTF you insert players into the lineup by pressing Shift+L. This will insert the player at the batting
order position where the cursor is located. The player will always be inserted into the first slot. If a roster is already
loaded then select the player (and his position if known) and click Ok. If you are starting with an empty roster then
follow these steps:
1. Select the first empty spot on the roster then click Edit player.
2. Enter the player information you know then click Save.
3. Enter a file name for your roster making sure it ends with the .ros extension and click Save ( this step will not be
needed if your roster has already been saved ).
4. Make sure the correct player is selected (and his position if known) then click Ok.
The player will now appear in the lineup. All previous and current stats will now be credited correctly to this
player. Defensive stats will also be credited if his position was selected.
Please read the below notes for this function:
1. Do not use this function to insert players after the entire lineup has been set.
2. If a players position is not known when you insert him then you must eventually insert the player again with his
position. Use the same method as above, the correct player will already be selected.
3. Once a player is inserted with his position all batting and fielding stats will be credited to the correct player.
General notes for OTF scoring
Page 185

1. The game date, conditions and umpires can be set at anytime by pressing Ctrl+J.
2. Although you could use the RLM for OTF scoring is best to use it only to set the date, conditions, umpires and
number of batters in the lineup until after the entire lineup is set.
3. After both lineups are set you can use the usual scoring functions of BallScore including the RLM.
4. Take care to note the last batter in the lineup. You must set the number of players in the lineup using the RLM
before the last batter is scored.
5. The 2 OTF scoring functions above are designed to handle all stat assignments for you. If using the RLM for OTF
scoring you will have to set the defenses yourself.

Page 186

Assigning Errors Manually

Usually errors are assigned with the PAE screen but there are situations where you'll have to assign them
To assign an error manually press the E key, select the situation that the error applies to then press Enter. You can
usually leave the cursor on the current batter when assigning an error. If you are going to assign an error for a
situation where a runner scored you may have to move the cursor to the cell in which the runner actually scored. Be
sure to move the cursor back after assigning the error.

Page 187

BallScore General Properties

General options
Display Undo Action Checking this box will remind you which action is being undone when you click the Undo
button. When unchecked the undo will occur without notification.
Use Players First Initial in Reports
Check this box to include all players first name initial in reports.
Use Runner Advancement Description
Check this box to have BallScore place descriptions for how a runner advanced to each base in all cells. To comply
with MLB rules you should keep this box checked.
AutoDetect End of Game When checked, this will allow BallScore to automatically detect when a game is over.
For this to work properly you must set Normal Game Length below.
Hide extra defensive player
Check this box if you are using 9 man defenses. This will hide the 10th man on the Set Defense dialog.
Show batter side of plate marker
Uncheck this box if you are not interested in left/right batter/pitcher splits.
Automatically track FB & GB for pitcher and batter
When this box is checked BallScore will track flyball and groundball outs for both the batter and pitcher.
Show FB & GB in scoring cells Check this box to display the FB and GB in the scoring cells. Note that you can
still track them automatically even if they are not displayed.
Disable grid lines in list boxes Checking this box will to turn off grid lines in all list boxes. When using
Windows XP with a manifest file you will notice the grid lines don't scroll properly when using the arrow buttons
on the scollbars. Paging will also not work properly. This is a bug in the Microsoft Common Control file which they
have yet to address. If this bothers any users they can simply turn the grid lines off. Note that grid lines could
always be turned off with BallStat by selecting Properties/Misc tab.
Another alternative is to leave the grid lines on and turn off smooth scrolling with Windows XP
(Start/Control Panel/Display Icon/Appearance tab/Effects Button/Uncheck [Use the following transition ...]).
Spaces to pad name
This setting determines how many extra spaces will be inserted between a players name and his stats in a boxscore.
Use final disposition of batter for ROB stats
Check this box to use where the batter ended up on base to determine the Runners on Base stat.
Show game time
Check this box to show the game timer each time BallScore starts.
Use function keys F1 thru F9 as QuickOuts keys Normally the function keys are not used in BallScore.
Check this box to use the function keys as a quick way of scoring outs.
Use called third strike instead of looking
The default is to use KL when a batter strikes out looking. You can change this to Kc by checking this box.
Exclude pitch count from boxscore
If you do not wish to have each pitchers pitch count show on the boxscore then check this box.
Page 188

Exclude weather conditions from boxscore

If you do not wish to show weather conditions on the boxscore then check this box.
Disable sound
Check this box to turn all BallScore sounds off.
Do not show runner screen if third out was already made Check this box to have BallScore flip to the other
team without showing the runner placement screen if the third out was already made.
Disable ratings
Right now this box should always be checked.
Turn off file I/O notification messages Check this box only if you know any file I/O messages you are
receiving are not affecting the operation of BallStat. This box is normally checked.
Use high resolution buttons
Check this box if you are using Windows XP or Windows Vista.
Prompt for date when starting a new game
If you want BallScore to ask for the game date at the start of each new game then check this box..
Disable automatic restart
Check this button if BallStat has trouble restarting after creating, opening or restoring a league.
Use alternate defense screen
Checking this box will result in a smaller, more compact Set Defense screen.
Flip scorebook automatically after 3rd out
If for some reason you don't want BallScore to flip the scorebook automatically then check this box.
Show fielding totals in ratings window Check this box to have BallScore total the team and infield ratings
and show them on the ratings windows. This assumes you are using fielding ratings.
Use 4 tier name matching when exporting This box should normally be checked for compatibility with
older versions of BallScore. If you are starting a new league then you can uncheck this box for more strict
name matching.
Show each cells pitch count
Check this box to show the exact number of pitches thrown to each batter.
Show splash screen at startup
Uncheck this box if BallScore is conflicting with your video card at startup.
Use large font for scoreboard
Check this box if the font on the movable scoreboard (Y key) is too small.
Allow right mouse clicks to set hit locations
This box is unchecked by default. If you want to track hit locations then check this box. This will disable selecting a
cell with a right mouse click and displaying a popup menu of commonly used BallScore functions.
Show flip reminder after PH insertion Check this box to show a reminder to insert new players on defense
after inserting a pinch hitter in the last half inning.
Check for illegal advancements Checking this box will let BallScore check for errors on the Advance Runners
screen such as 2 runners on the same base.

Printing Options
Use thin markers
Checking this box will produce New Batter and New Pitcher markers that are half the size of normal markers.
Page 189

Change this setting if your scoresheets are not filling the entire paper when printing. The default setting is 100%. If
your printed scoresheet is only using half the paper then try a setting of 200%. You may need to use a trial and
error method until you locate the correct setting for your printer. You can select any setting from 1% to 500%.
Innings for blank scoresheets
Select the number of innings to print when printing blank scoresheets

Autosave scorebook options

Do not use Autosave - You will be responsible for saving the scorebook.
Save after each play - After each event the scorebook automatically saves.
Save every time the scorebooks flips - Every time the scorebook flips to the other team it will be automatically

Page 190

BallScore Folder Properties

Select the default folders to store:

It is recommended that you set all folders to the league default when starting a new
Scorebook files - This folder serves several purposes. It is where BallScore will look to open and save scorebook
files. It also contains all the scorebooks (SBK files) that will be used when rebuilding a league or batch exporting
scorebooks. Only save scorebooks in this folder that belong to the league that BallScore is currently exporting to.
Imported scoresheets - SBX files exported by BallScore. These files are not used when using Direct Export in
Team Rosters - This is where BallScore will look to load and save rosters.
BallScore Reports - This is the folder where BallScore will save the boxscore, composite and situational reports
that it generates during an export.
Click the Select folder button and browse to the folder you want. The paths you select for Exported scoresheets
and BallScore Reports will also be used by BallStat.

Page 191

BallScore Inning/Count Properties

Balls & Strike Properties

Strikes for Strikeouts
Select how many strikes are needed before a strikeout occurs. The default is 3. If you are not interested in tracking
balls and strikes then you may want to set this value to 1.
Balls For Walk Select how many balls are needed before a walk occurs. The default is 4. If you are not
interested in tracking balls and strikes then you may want to set this value to 1.
Use Colored Balls and Strikes Check this box to use colored coded balls and strikes. If this box if unchecked
then all balls and strikes will show as gray blocks. When using colored strikes all strikes will be dark blue unless the
very first pitch was a strike in which case they will all be light blue.
Use Small Balls and Strike Scoring Blocks Check this box to make the balls and strikes blocks appear
smaller. This will free up more cell space for scoring descriptions.
Prompt For Intentional Base On Balls Check this box to be prompted if a walk is intentional or not. If this box is
unchecked you will have to edit the cell to change a walk to an intentional walk.
Pitch Threshold If your pitchers are limited to a certain number of pitches per game then enter that limit
here. You'll also have to enable the sticky note for pitch counts under Properties/Fonts-Cells.

Innings to Display Properties

Innings to display
Select how many innings you want to display on the scoresheet beyond the current inning. Setting this number to a
scoresheet. This number may have to be increased if you have a large number of bat-arounds.
Normal Game Length
Select the normal length of a game in your league. This setting will be used to calculate certain stats in BallScore
Normal number of batters in lineup Select the usual number of batters in a lineup in your league. This setting
will determine when the cursor returns to the top of the lineup.

Page 192

BallScore Editor Properties

Use BallStat/BallScore Editor for Reports

Check this box to use BallScores built-in editor for all reports. If this box is left unchecked then you may have to tell
BallScore which editor to use by selecting Edit/External viewer from the main menu.
Use RTF Box scores
If you want your Box scores created in Rich Text Format then check this box. RTF allows you to changes colors,
fonts and other attributes of your text. You must use an RTF compliant editor to use this feature. WordPad is one
such editor as is BallScores own built-in editor.
Use Bold Headers in RTF Box scores
Checking this box will use a bold font for certain headers in box score reports when using the RTF option above.
Maximize editor when opened Check this box to have the BallScore editor open in full screen mode. You
may also click the Browse button and browse the executable (.exe) file you want to use.
Path to alternate editor
Type in the path to an alternate editor to use when displaying BallScore reports.
Use Windows default text viewer
If this box is checked then BallScore will use the text viewer that is associated with text files on your system.

Page 193

BallScore Colors Properties

Color Schemes
Color Schemes have been replaced with Themes. While you can still set certain colors here it is recommended that
you start using themes instead.
Web page colors
Select the font color and background color for any web page created with BallScore. Note that web pages built with
BallStat have many more options available through the HTML Queue & WebBuilder.

Page 194

BallScore Fonts/Cells Properties

There are 4 different fonts you can change with BallScore. Click the appropriate button to change the font you
Player name font
This is the name of all players shown on the scoresheet.
Play description font
This is the play description shown at the top of a cell: 1B,2B,BB,63, etc.
Runner description font
This is the description of how a runner advances around the bases: SB,CS,WP,PB,etc.
Inning header/footer font
This sets the font for the inning number and R-H-LOB text at the bottom of each inning.

Cell options
Scoring cell width - The width of each scoring cell in pixels
Lineup cell width - The width of the player name slots on the scoresheet
When changing the scoring cell width you will more than likely have to select a different font size.
This chart will show you how many cells will show at different resolutions using the Normal Lineup cell
If using the Narrow Lineup cell width then add 1
If using the Wide Lineup cell width then subtract 1 inning. If using
the Extra Wide Lineup cell width then subtract 2 innings. If using
the Super Wide Lineup cell width then subtract 3 innings.
800x600 resolution
Cell size
--------78 pixels = 7 innings X 4 players
72 pixels = 8 innings X 5 players
66 pixels = 9 innings X 5 players
60 pixels = 10 innings X 6 players
54 pixels = 11 innings X 7 players
48 pixels = 13 innings X 7 players
42 pixels = 16 innings X 9 players
Cell size
--------78 pixels =
72 pixels =
66 pixels =
60 pixels =
54 pixels =
48 pixels =
42 pixels =




7 players
7 players
8 players
9 players
10 players
11 players
13 players

Lineup cell width

----------------- Narrow = 2 X
Scoring cell width
Normal = 3 X Scoring cell width
Page 195

Wide = 4 X Scoring cell width Extra

Wide = 5 X Scoring cell width Super
Wide = 6 X Scoring cell width
Select Super Wide to display all 8 batting slots with jersey and

Note: Whenever a new setting is selected it won't show until the next time you start BallScore

Sticky Notes
You can choose to view certain sticky notes on the right side of the scoresheet that show alarms or other
information you may need. Each sticky note is described below.
Cell Alarm System
This sticky note should always be turned on to alert you that the cursor in not on the next batter to be scored. The
Use Cell Alarm System above should also be turned on.
See Warnings & Indicators
Batters faced
Use this sticky note if you use a Batters Faced limit with your starting pitcher.
Balance Information
This sticky note should always be turned on to alert you as soon as either scoresheet goes out of balance. This will
allow you to find the problem right away and correct it. Use the backspace key to undo the last play and try
another way of scoring the play.
See Warnings & Indicators
Pitch Count
This sticky note will allow you to easily view the starting pitchers pitch count. A pitch count threshold can also be
set on the Innings/Count tab. This note is usually green but will turn yellow when a pitch count is within 10
pitches of the threshold. When the pitch count reaches the threshold this note will turn red.
No Team Match
See Warnings & Indicators
Failed stat check
See Warnings & Indicators
No Location Set
See Warnings & Indicators
Defensive duplicate warning
See Warnings & Indicators

Troubleshooting Mode This mode allows you to quickly scan the scoresheet for common scoring mistakes.
Each cell will show the following information while this mode is turned on.
Putouts recorded in cell (lower left corner) Third innings
credited to pitcher (lower right corner) Pitcher (first 4
letters of last name in the middle of the cell)
Green Border (for all innings with an End of Inning marker)
The above information allows you to troubleshoot stat errors and pitching list

Page 196

BallScore TableTop Game Properties

BallScore contains some functions to make life easier for table top game players. Each function and its purpose are
listed below.
Retrosheet rosters ( .ros )
BallScore can open these rosters just like a BallScore roster. BallScore will automatically recognize the Retrosheet
format, you don't have to do anything special. Note however, if you later save the roster it will be saved in BallScore
format so use a backup copy of your Retrosheet roster to open.
The information used here was obtained free of charge from and is copyrighted by Retrosheet. Interested parties
may contact Retrosheet at 20 Sunset Rd., Newark, DE 19711.
Be sure to visit
Create LUF roster and lineups (*.luf)
This function can be a real time saver for replayers using BallScore to track their stats. LUF files are the creation of
many people dedicated to creating the actual lineups used for every team in every year. Be sure to visit Gary
Leven's site at
1. After clicking this button you have to browse to the desired .luf file and open it.
2. Select the team you want to create a roster for.
3. Enter a file name for your new roster.
Your roster and complete lineups are now available in the
Create TRECS rosters (trecs.*)
TRECS files are files containing all the MLB teams for a specific year. This file is usually linked to a players.* file
which contains up to 26 players for each team. The players.* file must reside in the same folder as the trecs.* file.
1. Browse to the trecs.* file you wish to open.
2. Select the team you want to create a roster for.
3. Enter a filename for your new roster.
TRECS files have the added benefit of containing each players card data. This data can be showed in BallScore as
you score your game.
Import carded player to the current roster
This function allows you to import any player from any players.* file into the current roster. The players card data
will also be imported allowing you to view the players card while scoring.
1. Browse to the players.* file you wish to open, then open it.
2. Select the player to import.
3. Click the Add to roster button.
You can also Delete a player from the roster or Select a new players.* file to open.
Import card data to a current player
This function allows you to import card data for players on your roster who currently don't have a card.

Browse to the players.* file you wish to open, then open it.
Select the player on the left with the card data you wish to use
Select the player on the right who will receive the card data.
Click the Add card to player button.

Note that players on your roster who already have card data will have an (X) beside their name. You can also
Delete a player from the roster or Select a new players.* file to open.
Import LUF lineups into the current roster
Page 197

This function will place lineups from the selected team that you choose into the current roster. This function works
on a name match basis so all positions in the lineup may not be filled.
1. Browse to the desired .luf file and open it.
2. Select the team that contains the lineups you want.
Import player attributes from another roster
This function allows you to draw player attributes ( handedness and jersey ) from another roster and place them
into the current roster. This function works on a name match basis so all attributes may not be imported.
1. Browse to the .ros file that contains the attributes and open it.
Merge another roster into current roster
Use this function to combine all the players from 2 different rosters. The roster you select will be merged into the
current roster. This function works on a name match basis so be sure to check for duplicate players when done.
1. Browse to the .ros file that contains the players to merge and open it.
Always convert rosters to lower case when importing
Check this button to convert all imported names to lower case ( PETE HABEL to Pete Habel)

Page 198

BallScore AutoDetect/Export Properties

If you are going to use the Direct Export method of exporting stats to BallStat (recommended) then you
must use the following settings:
1) Enable AutoDetect must be CHECKED
2) Use Direct Export to BallStat must be CHECKED
3) A primary BallStat league MUST be specified
These settings are explained below.
Enable AutoDetect





AutoDetect allows BallScore to load stats from a BallStat database that you specify. It does this by checking for
player and team matches and warns you if matches are not found.
Team matches - Every time you open a roster or load a previously saved scorebook, BallScore will attempt to find a
match using the team name in BallScore and the team name in the specified BallStat database. If a match is found
the Stats box above the scoresheet will be green. This Stats box will remain red is no match was found.
Player matches - Use the Roster & Lineup Manager (RLM) to check for player matches. If the warning box below
the roster list in the RLM is green, then matches have been found for every player on the BallScore roster. If it is red
then one or more players do not have a match and those players will have an asterisk beside their names. These
players will always be added to the BallStat roster as new players when exporting the scoresheet (if you are using
Direct Export).
Use Direct Export to Ballstat for scoresheets





Direct Export allows you to have BallScore manage all the tasks of creating teams, players and most other data.
When using this method you never have to use BallStat to do these tasks. Also, with this method the matching of
data in BallStat becomes obsolete as SBX files are no longer used.
Primary league to export stats to

(MUST be


Select the league you created in BallStat where you want to save all data exported by BallScore. This is the league
where AutoDetect will look for teams and player stats and where Direct Export will save teams, players and many
other types of data.
Secondary league to export stats to


no selection is recommended)

Only select a league here if you need to export each scoresheet to a different BallStat league. This is rare and it is
recommended that no selection be made here.
Data check options




Check all the items you want BallScore to check BEFORE exporting the scoresheet. This allows you to make
corrections directly to the scoresheet then try the export again. This will greatly reduce the need to make edits in
BallStat. It is recommended that you check all the items listed here.
Batch Export Options

(UNCHECKED is recommended unless rebuilding a league from scratch)

Normally this box should be unchecked so BallScore can check whether or not a scoresheet was already exported. If
you attempt to export a previously exported scoresheet you will be warned. If this box is checked then you will NOT
be warned. Check this box when you want to re-build a league from scratch. The sorting method can be left on
Alphabetically for almost all user systems

Page 199

BallScore Themes Properties

To access a theme select File/BallScore properties from the main menu then click the Themes tab or click the
themes button on the toolbar

Themes allow you to set each scorebook to any color you'd like. Each team can have a theme attached to its roster
so the selected theme is loaded every time the roster is opened. Each theme can also have its own cursor, text
color, lineup colors and cell colors.
To select a theme click the Select themes drop down box and select the icon you wish to use for your theme

Once a theme is selected you can change any of the theme colors except for the icon.

You can select the active and warning cursors to use with the selected theme by dropping down the cursor boxes.

You can select a font for the visiting team and the away team but not for each individual theme.

Page 200

You can select which icon warning set to use with each theme.

Any changes you make to a theme are saved automatically when you exit
You change associate a theme with a roster when the RLM is open by clicking the Attach theme button. The
currently displayed theme with be attached to the roster. The same theme can be attached to any number of
rosters. Any roster without an attached theme will use the current home or visitor theme.
You can also create your own themes by selecting an empty icon slot (Select Icon) from the Select theme drop
down box. Browse for an icon you'd wish to use then change your colors. Your changes will again be saved when
you exit BallScore
Button Styles
Sometimes the buttons used with Windows are hard to read, especially when looking for the underlined shortcut
key. BallScore allows you to select from 12 different button styles, 3 sizes and from 3 different fonts for the buttons
used in BallScore. The buttons can be changed by clicking the Button Style button or by clicking the Style button
in the RLM.

Page 201

Keyboard Short-Cuts

Batter reached first base safely
Ball Add comments to a
cell Set current defense
Assign an error to a play
Foul ball
Set lineup name and position
Rotate Stat View window
Increase RBI count for current cell ( hold shift to decrease )
Insert pinch hitter
Show pitch count screen
Show complete roster/action buttons
Assign markers to current cell
Enter game over information
Batter out at first base
Insert new pitcher Edit cell information (do not
use to score a cell) Advance runner options
Toggle batters plate side (R-L)
Save scorebook
Insert pinch runner
Assign/Edit/Copy/Paste defensive positions ( 1 cell at a time )
Score by innings display Draw hit location (arrows to move,
enter to end) Box score report
Composite report
Situation report
Flip scorebook
Generic strikeout (no prompts)
Generic strikeout (no prompts)
Cancel dialog
Flip scorebook
Clear hit
Return to 1st cell
Go to last cell
Quick scoring for common outs

Add player to roster
Balance scorebook check
Ctrl+A Clear batter FB and GB credits
Ctrl+B Redraw all windows
Ctrl+C Edit pitchers list Credit batter
Ctrl+D with ground ball out Credit batter
Ctrl+E with flyball out Export home team
Ctrl+F Toggle prompt for intentional base on balls
Ctrl+G Lineup & Roster Manager
Ctrl+H Load lineup New setup
for game Open new
Ctrl+J scorebook
Ctrl+L Set BallScore Preferences
Ctrl+N Toggle QuickScore window
Ctrl+O Toggle runner base path
Ctrl+P description Print scorebook
Ctrl+Q Display team functions menu
Ctrl+R Mark cell run as unearned
Ctrl+S Export visiting team
Ctrl+T Save roster

Page 202


Ctrl+Y Ctrl+Z Ctrl+0 Ctrl+1 Ctrl+2 Ctrl+3 Ctrl+8 Ctrl+9

Clear scorebook Save scorebook with a

different filename Load roster
Clear out assignment for cell ( affects display only )
Assign 1st out to cell ( affects display only )
Assign 2nd out to cell ( affects display only )
Assign 3rd out to cell ( affects display only )
Display Game Timer options
Set current cell to next cell to be scored
Shift+B Deduct one ball from cell
Shift+C Clear pitcher FB and GB credits
Shift+D Set default folders
Shift+F Credit pitcher with ground ball out
Shift+G Credit pitcher with flyball out
Shift+I Deduct one RBI from cell
Shift+K Toggle between K and KL
the fly Lineup Entry
Shift+M Modify/Replace player in lineup
Shift+P On the fly Starting Pitcher Select
Shift+Q Set scorebook colors
Shift+S Deduct one strike from cell
Toggle between BB and IBBShift+W Shift+
1 Open box score and scroll to end
A0 A
1 A2
A3 A
4 A5
A6 A
7 A8
A9 A

safe at first
Batter safe at first
Single, batter out trying to stretch into a double
Home run
Single + 2nd on error
Single + 3rd on error
Single + Scores on error
Reached 2nd on error (2 base error)
Reached 3rd on error (3 base error)
Catchers interference
Bunt single
Batter safe on a dropped Sac Fly
Defensive interference
Fielders choice
Ground rule double
Hit By Pitch
Infield single
Inside the park home run
Reached on error
Sacrifice hit
Double, batter out trying to stretch into a triple
Pre-defined Fielders Choice

Batter out at first

Batter out at first
Batted ball out
Sacrifice hit
Infield fly rule
Line Drive doubleplays
FlyOut/Tag Out doubleplays
Illegal actions
Offensive interference
A0 O
Spectator interference
Sacrifice fly
Ground Ball doubleplays
Generic strikeout (no prompts)

Page 203

Advance/Putout runners
Advance/Putout runners
Manual advance
2 R3
Steals second
R4 R
Steals third
5 R6
Steals home
R7 R
Caught stealing second
Caught stealing third
Caught stealing home
Passed ball
Fielders choice
Obstruction Wild
pitch Advanced on
Defensive interference
Picked-off base
Insert new batter in lineup Insert
new pitcher into game
Insert pinch runner
Insert pinch hitter Set
defensive alignment
Assign error
Assign run as unearned (toggle)
Assign caught stealing to safe runner at second
Assign caught stealing to safe runner at third
Assign caught stealing to safe runner at home
Function Keys
F1 F
13 Ground out to
2 F3
pitcher X2 Foul out to
F4 F
5 F6
u3 Unassisted ground out to first
F7 F
43 Ground out to second
8 F9
53 Ground out to third
63 Ground out to short
F7 Fly out to left
F8 Fly out to center
F9 Fly out to right
Go to menu bar
Sacrifice hit
Set defense
Space bar keys
(Spacebar to activate)
Fly out/Tag out doubleplays
Ground ball doubleplays
Line drive outs
Sac Fly
Foul outs
Line drive doubleplays

Page 204


A scorebook is the equivalent to the paper scoresheet you use to score a game. The scorebook has 2
pages, the Home side and the Visitors side. A scorebook consists of rows (Batters) and columns


A scoresheet is a file that is exported from BallScore. You will have to export each teams scoresheet
individually. You can then import a scoresheet (.sbx) into Ballstat.


The cursor is a shown as a dark blue rectangle around the perimeter of the current cell to be scored.
The cell with the cursor will be the next cell to be scored. If you must edit a cell that was already
scored then move the cursor to the correct cell and press Q on the keyboard. Use the up and down
arrows to move the cursor from batter to batter. Use the right and left arrows to move the cursor
from inning to inning.


A cell is a single scoring block at the intersection of a batter and an inning on a

scoresheet. There are 32 cells across and 16 cells down. A cell is where each play in a game is
scored. A cell can only be scored if a players name is present for that row. Once a cell is scored you
will have to Edit the cell to make any changes. A red line at the top of a cell indicates that a new
pitcher was inserted into the game at that cell. A red line at the left of a cell indicates that a new
batter was inserted into the batting order at that cell.


Batters are shown on the left side of the scoresheet. Up to 8 players can be inserted for each row of
cells or up to 8 players can be inserted into each spot in the batting order.


Innings are shown at the top of the scoresheet along with the total hits, runs and men left on base.


A roster is a list of players for a certain team. You can create and save any number of rosters.
Rosters can also be imported from BallStat. You can also delete, add or edit a roster at any time.


A lineup is the specific batting order a team uses to start a game. You can create and save as many
different lineups for each team as you like. Lineups can also be imported from BallStat.


When you save a scorebook to disk all the scoring cells, both rosters, both lineups and other
information is saved. You can re-open a scorebook later and edit it if you need to make changes or
you can continue scoring a game right where you left off.


The defense is the team that is currently in the field playing defense. When the Home team is
batting the Visiting teams defense will be displayed and vise versa.

End of inning The end of an inning is reached immediately after the third out of an inning is made. The scoresheet
will flip automatically to the other team. The end of an inning is marked on the scoresheet with a
diagonal red line through the lower right corner of the cell of the last batter in the inning.
Next batter

After a cell is scored the cursor is automatically advanced to the next cell in the batting order.

New Batter

If a player was inserted into the defense after the game started and comes to bat for the first time
later then insert him as a new batter, not a pinch hitter.

Pinch hitter

If a player comes to bat for another player and it is his first appearance in the game then insert him
as a pinch hitter. You will have to also place him defensively if he stays in the game when the inning
is over and the scoresheet flips.


After a game is over you can export the game to BallStat. This eliminates having to manually enter
your stats into BallStat. BallStat uses a simple match up Wizard to import games so player names in
BallStat and BallScore do not have to be identical.


Exported scoresheets will always end with the .sbx extension.


Saved scorebooks will always end with the .sbk extension.


Each spot in the batting order contains 8 slots. The starting player will be in slot 1 and
slots 2-8 will be empty at the start of the game. The first substitute for a player will be inserted into
slot 2, right below the starter he is replacing.
Page 205

Support Screens
Support screens are windows that show data and statistics related to the current game. All support screens can be
toggled on and off using the View option from the main menu. Below are descriptions of each support screen.
Scoreboard (Y) The scoreboard will show the current score by innings plus both teams total runs, hits and
errors. This screen is updated in real time.
Lineup/Roster (L) This screen will show the team at bat's whole roster and lineup. If a player is grayed
on the roster then he was already used in the game. This allows you to see which players are available on the
bench at a glance. Various options are also available at the bottom of this screen for adding players and
inserting players into the game.
QuickScore (Ctrl+Q) QuickScore allows you to easily score a game using point and click. This will come in
handy when scoring a game on paper then copying the paper book into BallScore at home. Most scoring functions
and cursor movements are available on the QuickScore screen.
Pitch Count (K)
This screen allows you to see exactly how many pitches, balls and strikes each pitcher has thrown. This screen is
updated in real time.
QuickDefense (X)
This screen allows to set your defense one cell at a time. When using QuickDefense a cells defense will always be
overwritten when the Set Cell button is clicked. Note that defensive settings are usually set using the Set
Defense screen. QuickDefense will be used mostly if you need to do some quick editing after a game or for viewing
the current defense during a game.

Page 206

Setting Dates
Setting dates with BallStat/BallScore is now easier than ever. A date consists of the day, month and year. The day
of the week will be changed automatically as you change any of the other three items.
How to set the date with your mouse:

Click on the down arrow in the date control and a calendar will appear.
If the correct month and year are already displayed simply click on the correct day.
To go to the previous month click the left arrow button or use the up arrow on the keyboard.
To go to the next month click on the right arrow button or use the down arrow on the keyboard.
Use the up, down, right and left arrows on the keyboard to change the day of the month.
To select the month click on the month and select from the list that appears.
To select the year click on the year and enter the correct year or use the up and down arrows.

How to set the date with the keyboard:

1) Use the right and left arrow keys to rotate between the day, month and year.
2) Use the up and down arrow keys to increase or decrease the values of the highlighted item.
3) When an item is highlighted you can also simply enter its value using the keyboard.
You can select any date from the year 1752 to the year 9999.

Page 207

Set Conditions

For sky and wind conditions type in your condition or select a condition from the list.
Enter the current game time temperature.
Use the drop down lists to set the start time of the game.
When the game is over use the drop down list to set the elapsed time of the game.
Enter the official attendance.

Click Done when all your conditions have been selected.

Page 208

Set Umpires
You can type in the name of each umpire or select a previously entered umpire from the list. Note that the
first umpire in each list is blank if you need to reset an umpire to a blank line. Click Done when you have
finished selecting all your umpires.

Page 209

BallScore toolbars allow you one-click access to many scoring functions. To see what a toolbar button does, hold
the mouse over the button for a second and a message will appear showing you the function of that button.
You can add, delete or rearrange buttons on a toolbar by double-clicking any empty space on the toolbar or
selecting Edit/Customize ... from the main menu. A dialog will appear with your current toolbar setup on the
right and any unused buttons on the left.
Toolbar setup dialog
To remove a button
Double-click a button that is currently active on the right side or highlight the button then click Remove.
To add a button
Double-click a button that is currently in-active from the left side or highlight the button then click Add.
To move a button
Highlight the button you want to move on the right side. Use the Move up and Move down buttons to reposition the button.

Page 210

Edit Cell

Note: Editing a cell should only be used when the Undo button does not achieve the desired result. If you make
a mistake and catch it right away then you should always use the Undo button instead of editing the cell.
Note: Editing a cell does not change the outs in an inning nor does it change the runners on base
Once a cell on the scoresheet has been scored you must use the Edit Cell function to make any changes. To edit a
cell, place the cursor on the cell you want to edit then click the Q-Edit button on the toolbar or select
Edit/Current cell from the main menu. To undo the last action entered on the scoresheet see the Undo function.
All variables and actions associated with the cell can be changed. Note that changes will affect the current cell
only. Depending on what you want the scoresheet to look like you may have to edit adjacent cells also. For
example, on a passed ball one cell will show the runner advancing on the passed ball but another cell will actually
credit the catcher with the passed ball.
Many of the variables contained in a cell will be used to calculate statistics when the scoresheet is parsed. These
variables are set automatically by BallScore while you are keeping score but you can always make changes when

Select the correct scoring play from the Action List. Press the Use Selected Action button. The
correct description will automatically be placed in the First cell description unless you select Set Manually.
Use Set Manually if the player was putout at first base. With this selection you will have to enter the description
yourself. For example, the player was out at first - short to first. You would enter 63 as the First cell description.
Use the Action function to change hits to errors or errors to hits.
Note: After changing the Action for a cell you must make sure you also change any assists, Put outs or errors that
need to be changed. Click the Fielding tab to change assists, Put outs or errors.
Changing cell descriptions
Enter the correct description for each base this runner reached. Remember that these are just descriptions and do
not affect statistics in any way.

The credits entered here will be used for calculating defensive statistics. The order in which the numbers are
entered does not matter.
Simply enter any assists, Put outs or errors that occurred during the scoring of this cell in the appropriate boxes.
For example, on a double play - short to second to first. Enter 64 in the Assist box to credit the shortstop and
second baseman with assists. Enter 43 in the Putout box to credit the second baseman and first baseman with a
Note: If you make any changes here be sure to make any needed changes to the cell descriptions also.

Outs recorded on this play

The selection here will be used to determine how many third innings to credit the opposing pitcher with.
Outs when batter came to plate
Select the number of outs in the inning when the batter in this cell first came to the plate. The selection is used
when calculating certain situational batting statistics.
Assign out to cell
This selection will display the appropriate out in the upper left corner of this cell.

Page 211

To change which base the runner in this cell is on

Click the appropriate button in the Runner placement box.
To set how many runners were on base when the player in this cell came to bat
Check the appropriate boxes - First, Second or third.

To credit the player in this cell with a stolen base

Check the appropriate boxes in the SB box.
To credit the player in this cell with a caught stealing
Check the box representing the base the player was putout at.
To credit the player in this cell with having advanced on a passed ball
Check the bases that the player in this cell advanced due to a passed ball.
To credit the player in this cell with having advanced on a wild pitch
Check the bases that the player in this cell advanced due to a wild pitch.
Note: The passed balls and wild pitches boxes are used to show runner advancement. The opposing defense
will not automatically be credited with a PB or WP when these boxes are checked.

To set the count when the current result for this cell took place Select the number of balls, strikes and fouls on
the batter right before the action took place. For example, Joe hit a single with the count full - Set the balls to 3,
the strikes to 2 and the total pitches to 6. The only time the ball count should be 4 is when the cell action was a
base on balls or a hit by pitch.
Note: On any hit ball the total pitches should be one more than the balls, strikes and fouls added together.
BallScore will automatically count the hit ball as a strike when parsing the scoresheet.

Opposing Pitchers
Select the pitcher who was pitching when the action for this cell took place.
Charge Run To
Select the pitcher that should be charged with the run that scored in this cell. If the player in this cell did not score
then the selection here is ignored.
Inherited Runner
If the runner in this cell was on base when a new pitcher came into the game then check this box and select the
new pitcher. If the player in this cell is not on base or a new pitcher did not come into the game then this selection
is ignored.
Successful Pickoff
Check this box if the player in this cell was picked off base by the opposing pitcher.
Pick Off Attempts
Enter the number of times the opposing pitcher tried to pick the player in this cell off base.
Steals Allowed
Enter the number of stolen bases the player in this cell should be credited with.
Wild Pitches
Enter the number of wild pitches the opposing pitcher is to be credited with in this cell.
Check the appropriate box if you want a marker or credit to appear in the current cell. Most markers and credits
are placed in a cell automatically by BallScore and usually do not need to be changed. If you believe a marker or
credit was incorrectly placed in a cell then uncheck that markers box and click Ok.

Click the Reset button to set all cell variables to zero. Normally this button should never be used as resetting all cell
Page 212

variables can cause incorrect stats and game settings such as the outs in the current inning.

Page 213

Re-painting all BallScore screens

If you find a portion of the screen has hot been updated you can re-draw all currently displayed screens by
pressing Ctrl-D.

Page 214

Function Keys
The function keys in BallScore now provide a way to quickly score the most common outs. Below are the
events associated with each key. Note that this feature has to be turned on by clicking the General tab from the
BallScore properties dialog.
F1 F
2 F3
F4 F
5 F6
F7 F
8 F9

13 Ground out to
pitcher X2 Foul out to
u3 Unassisted ground out to first
43 Ground out to second
53 Ground out to third
63 Ground out to short
F7 Fly out to left
F8 Fly out to center
F9 Fly out to right Go to menu bar (Standard
Windows function) Sacrifice hit
Set defense

Pressing these keys will ALWAYS score the play as above whether men are on base or not. Do not use these keys if
you know you are going to have to change the above putouts or assists.

Page 215

Copyright 1995-2009
James Habel Software
All Rights Reserved
Email: [email protected]
Technical Support Forum

Page 216

End inning before 3rd out

Select Special/End inning before 3rd out
Use this function if your league has rules that require an inning to end before the 3rd out is made. Pitchers will
only get credit for the number of outs that have already been made in the inning. An End Of Inning Marker will be
placed on the cell of the last batter who was actually scored. The scorebook will then flip to the other team.

Page 217

Set Current Outs

Select Special/Change Runners, Outs or Reset
With this function you can tell BallScore how many outs there are in the current inning. There are actually
no reasons to do this other then to end the inning early.

Page 218

Game Timer
BallScore has a built-in timer that you can use to keep official game times. This option has to be enabled with
File/BallScore properties/General/Show game timer. When the first pitch is thrown select Special/Game
timer/Start. When the last out is made select Special/Game timer/Stop. Stopping the timer during a game is the
same as pausing as the timer does not reset when stopped. You can start the timer again with the Start command.
To reset the timer to all zeros select Special/Game timer/Reset.
The timer is displayed above the lineup on the scoresheet.

Page 219

Move all cells up or down

This function can be used if you find you missed scoring a play during the game. The cells to be moved always
start at the current cursor location. This function does not move the players in the lineup, just the scoring cells.
Move all cells down one
This selection will place a blank cell at the cursor location and move all other cells one cell towards the end of the
Move all cells up one
This function will move all cells up one towards the cursor location. The cell the cursor is on will be replaced by the
cell below it.

Page 220

Delete All Hit Locations

This function will delete (clear) every hit location on the current scoresheet. You can't undo this action so be
careful that this is want you really want to do.

Page 221

International Tiebreaker Rule

The cursor should be placed in the cell immediately to the right of the player who made the last out of the
previous inning as shown below.The cursor will turn red. If a new pitcher is starting the inning then insert the
pitcher before placing the runner on 2nd. If you need to insert a new pitcher do it now by pressing the P key.

To access the International Tiebreaker rule select Special/Insert player on 2nd for ITB from the main BallScore

Select the player who will be placed on 2nd then press


Now place the cursor back to the next batter and you're ready to score the next play.

Page 222

Announced Base on Balls

Menu - Special/Announced base on balls
This function will walk the current batter without a pitch being thrown. The batter will be placed on first base and
the pitch count remains unchanged.

Page 223

Free Batting Slots

Only use this function for the last batting order position in the lineup.
This function will allow the user to select players in the 9th BOP who didn't bat, to be removed and placed at the
bottom of the lineup. The purpose of this function is to free up slots for players who did bat or will be coming to bat.
You can do this manually with the RLM but it will be much faster with this function. You will need to adjust the
NBM's for the BOP you have selected. If you remove 2 adjacent players then use the function again to remove
the blank slot as blank slots between players will assign the stats to - a blank player who doesn't exist.
1) Select the player(s) to remove by placing a check mark beside their names.
2) Click the Remove all checked players button.

Page 224

MaxPreps Export File

BallScore now supports exporting game stats to be used for the web site. This prevents you
from having to enter all your stats at MaxPrep manually.
MaxPrep uses a players jersey number to identify each player. The jersey number you use in BallScore has to match
exactly the jersey number you use at
Make sure you have ended a game before exporting to make sure all wins, losses, saves, complete games
shutouts have been assigned to the correct players. When you are ready to export select File/Create a MaxPreps
export file from the main menu.
Check all the stats you wish to export then click the Create export file button. It is recommended that you use the
default filename that is supplied by BallScore to make sure each game is saved to its own file. If you play the same
team on the same day then place a 2 in the second games filename right before the .txt file name extension. After
pressing Save the export file will be created. The default folder that will be used to save the export file will be your
league's Exported Scorebooks folder. You may however change this folder to whatever folder you'd like.

Page 225

Rebuild League
About rebuilding a league
A new feature of v10.0 is the ability to rebuild a league from scratch using your saved scorebooks (SBK
There are a couple of reasons why you might want to rebuild your
You noticed errors in some of your scorebooks that have already been exported to BallStat. You can correct the
errors then rebuild your entire league from the beginning.
A new stat has been added to BallScore since your season began. You can rebuild your league from scratch to
take advantage of any new stats.
Your BallStat database has been corrupted and can no longer be accessed. Rebuilding your league will put the
database in its original, or better, state.
You were using a previous version of BallStat and want to use your current league with v10.0.
You can also check all your scorebooks for common errors before exporting by selecting File/Scorebook
functions/Create error log from the main menu. A log will be created noting any errors that need to be corrected
before actually exporting your scorebook folder. To see a list of errors that BallScore will check for and possible
solutions, see Scoring Errors & Fixes.

Rebuilding your league

To rebuild your entire league from scratch using your saved scorebooks you need to do the
Make sure all your scorebook files are in the correct folder. This folder can be selected with File/BallScore
properties/Folders tab. Only scorebooks in this folder will be processed.
Create an error log and fix any scorebooks that contain errors (File/Scorebook functions/Create error log). To
see a list of errors that BallScore will check for and possible solutions, see Scoring Errors & Fixes.
Create a NEW league in BallStat using the Create New League Wizard or restore an empty backup to your current
league if one was created. Exit BallStat.
Change the AutoDetect paths in BallScore to point to your newly created league (File/BallScore
properties/AutoDetect tab) if you created a new league.
Make sure that the Export all scorebooks in the export folder (rebuild league) box is CHECKED.
Select File/Export scorebook folder from the main BallScore menu.
BallScore will export each scorebook (both teams), one at a time, until all scorebooks in the scorebook folder have
been exported. You will be prompted for team abbreviations, divisions and ballpark names whenever a teams first
scorebook is processed. BallScore will ignore whether a scorebook has been marked as already exported and will
export ALL the scorebooks in the scorebook folder. For large leagues it may take some time to process all the
scorebooks. On average, BallScore will process 1 scorebook every second. After checking and correcting any
scorebook errors, you can shorten the rebuild time by turning off all error checks while doing the actual exporting of
Once your new league is created you can use the Custom Report Maker in BallStat to re-create all your reports.

Page 226

Using v11.0 with an Existing League

Compatibility Issues
Version 11 is 100% compatible with v10. Simply install the v11 upgrade overtop of your v10 installation. No
other changes are necessary.
Versions 9.0 and earlier are no longer supported. You must upgrade to version 11 (free

Page 227

Relocated DLL Error

If you receive a dialog box with the above error when starting either BallStat or BallScore then you will need
download a fix from Microsoft. This is a problem with the Windows XP operating system, not BallStat or BallScore. It
may also affect other programs. Click the link below to go to the Microsoft website that contains the fix. You should
only need to download the fix in step 3 which only takes a few seconds to install. After installing the patch both
BallStat abd BallScore should run normally.

Page 228

Frequently Asked Questions

After exporting a game from BallScore why are my game stats doubled in the boxscore?
The cursor doesn't seem to be scrolling the scoresheet correctly.
How can I display more columns and rows on my screen in BallScore?
How can I assign a Strikeout or Base on Balls without pressing S 3 times or B 4 times?
What is the proper way to set a defense?
How can I assign an error to a cell where a runner scored?
Why do I get an Empty Slot error when exporting a scoresheet?
How do I score a runner picked off a base by the pitcher?
I inserted a wrong pitcher but did not notice it until the game was over, can I change this?
How can I get BallScore to correctly advance to the top of the lineup and score more than 9 batters?
Why does the RLM remove my player from his original slot when I re-enter him?
I have the cursor on the correct cell but the event I'm scoring still fails. Why?
I have the cursor on the correct cell but I can't edit the defense with the D key. Why?

When qualifying a leader report for advanced positional fielding stats (FLD% & RF), players are shown that shouldn't qualify.
I accidently placed a runner on the wrong base. Can I change which base the runner is on?
Can I change the number of outs in the current inning?

After exporting a game from BallScore why are my game stats doubled in the boxscore?
Every time a boxscore is opened in BallScore the game stats are added to the season totals in BallStat. Once you
export the game then the current game stats are already accounted for in the BallStat database. After a game is
exported, view the boxscore in BallStat, not BallScore. The BallStat boxscore will always be correct. To view the
boxscore in BallStat select Reports/Boxscore reports/BallScore reports from the main BallStat menu. Select the
team then the game you wish to view. Also note that the BallStat boxscore can be edited to include any game
notes since this boxscore will retain any changes. You cannot edit the boxscore in BallScore since it will be regenerated each time the boxscore is opened.
The cursor doesn't seem to be scrolling the scoresheet correctly.
To reset the scoresheet scrolling press the Home key then use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the correct
cell to be scored next. If this cell is not the next batter to be scored then press CTRL+9 to make the cell active.

How can I display more columns and rows on my screen in BallScore?

Select File/BallScore properties from the main BallScore menu. Click the Fonts/Cells tab. Under Scoring cell
width in pixels select a smaller width then the one you are currently using. The smaller the width the more rows
and columns will be displayed on the screen. If you select a smaller cell width you may also have to select a smaller
font. Exit BallScore and restart to see the effects of the new width.

How can I assign a Strikeout or Base on Balls without pressing S 3 times or B 4 times?
Select File/BallScore properties from the main BallScore menu. Click the Innings/Count tab. If you are not
tracking the number of pitches set Strikes to 1 and BallS to 1.

What is the proper way to set a defense?

Page 229

The starting defense is set by using the Roster & Lineup Manager. The starting defense has also been set in every
cell on the scoresheet. Once a game starts the RLM has nothing to do with setting a teams defense. You have to
use the D key to change a teams defense after a game starts.
Press D to make a defensive change. You will usually do this at the beginning of an inning but not always. The Set
Defense dialog box will appear. Make any changes that are needed. You can hold down the Alt key and press the
number of the position you want to change to go directly to that drop down list. When all changes have been made
press Enter. Every cell from the current cell to the end of the scoresheet will be set to the new defense.
Sometimes the Set Defense dialog box will appear automatically such as when you insert a new pitcher. In this case
you can usually just press Enter as the new pitcher will have already been inserted for you.

How can I assign an error to a cell where a runner scored?

In order to assign an error that caused a runner to score you have to place the cursor on the cell of the player who
scored. This will enable the correct option to choose when you press E. When you place the cursor back on the
next batter it will remain yellow. Just score the next play anyway and the cursor will reset to the correct color.

Why do I get an Empty Slot error when exporting a scoresheet?

More than likely you have a pinch runner inserted into the 8th slot of a batting order position. If the pinch
never batted in the game then you can ignore this error. If the pinch runner later came to bat then use the RLM to
move him into the first empty slot of the same batting order position and make sure a New Batter Marker is inserted
in the cell after the one where he was inserted as a pinch runner.

How do I score a runner picked off a base by the pitcher?

1) Press R then K.
2) Select the runner out on the Advancement screen, click Ok.
3) Assign putouts and assists, click Ok.

I inserted a wrong pitcher but did not notice it until the game was over, can I change this?
Edit the Pitching List:

Select Edit/Edit pitching list from the main menu.

Clear the list then select the correct pitching order. Click Ok.
Make sure all New Pitcher Markers are correct
Select Edit/Re-calculate pitching cells from the main menu.

How can I get BallScore to correctly advance to the top of the lineup and score more than 9 batters?

Select File/BallScore properties from the main menu.

Click the Innings/Count tab.
Set the Normal numbers of batters in the lineup to 16.
Exit BallScore then restart.

Now when you use the RLM to set your lineup make sure the Number of Batters box is set to the actual number of
batters in the lineup.

Why does the RLM remove my player from his original slot when I re-enter him?
To re-enter a player you must use the New Batter icon on the toolbar, select Lineup/Insert new batter from the
main menu or press G. You cannot use the RLM to re-enter a player as it will remove him from his previous slot.

Page 230

I have the cursor on the correct cell but the event I'm scoring still fails. Why?
The cursors for both teams must be on the correct cells. Even though you are scoring an event for the home team,
BallScore may have to store data in a cell on the visiting scoresheet.

I have the cursor on the correct cell but I can't edit the defense with the D key. Why?
To edit the defense for a cell that has already been scored you must use the X key.
When qualifying a leader report for advanced positional fielding stats (FLD% & RF), players are shown that
shouldn't qualify.
When qualifying with advanced positional fielding stats, always use the FLD% as the qualifier for that
Example, if using the RF (2B) stat use the FLD% (2B) stat as the qualifier. The MLB standards for qualifying are:
Pitchers - 1 IP for each team game played so use P1.0
Catchers - 1/2 of team games played so use P0.5
All Fielders - 2/3 of team games played so use P0.667
I accidently placed a runner on the wrong base. Can I change which base the runner is on?
Yes, place the cursor on the runner to move then select Special/Change runners from the main BallScore menu.
Can I change the number of outs in the current inning?
Yes, select Special/Change runners from the main BallScore menu.

Page 231

Version 9.09.13
Exporting scoresheets from BallScore to
Edit cell
BallStat General Properties
Version 10.17.21
Keyboard Shortcuts
International Tiebreakers
Ending a game
BallStat General Properties
BallStat Recap & High/Low PropertiesBallStat Recap & High/Low Properties
Batting Stats
Pitching Stats
Fielding Stats
BallScore General Properties
Building a Complete Website with WebBuilder
Printing Rosters & Lineups in BallScore
Roster and Lineup Manager
MaxPreps Export File
Text Queue
Version 11.06.11
95% of the topics have been updated.

Page 232

BallScore could not find this team in the specified BallStat database. If AutoDetect is set to the correct league then
this is a new team. If you suspect this team was already created then you may have edited the team name since
the last export. The team name must match the team name in the BallStat database. All current teams in the
BallStat database are listed so you can check for mis-matched spellings. If this is the case then click No, edit the
team name to match the name in BallStat then export again.

Page 233

BallScore has detected that this scorebook was already exported into the BallStat database. If you export it again
the same game will show up twice in BallStat. Click No to abort the export.

Page 234

BallScore has detected that no export league has been set for the AutoDetect property. Click Ok then go to
BallScore properties and click the AutoDetect tab. Browse to the league you want to export your game to. If you
have not yet created a league in BallStat then exit BallScore, create a new league in BallStat, then start BallScore

Page 235

BallScore has detected that the league set for the AutoDetect property does not exist. Go to BallStat properties,
click the AutoDetect tab then browse to another league or create a new league in BallStat then select the new
league with AutoDetect. If you have not yet created a league in BallStat then exit BallScore, create a new league in
BallStat, then start BallScore again.

Page 236

BallScore has found that this team already exists in the BallStat database. Click Yes to export the stats. Any new
players added to the BallScore roster during this game will also be added to the BallStat roster. You can check which
players will be added by opening the RLM. Players with an * beside their names are new players not yet added to

Page 237

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