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1. How long does a bicycle with an acceleration
of 0.8 m/s2 take to go from 4 m/s to 12 m/s?
A. 6.4 s
B. 10 s
C. 15 s
D. 26 s
2. The mass of air in a room 3 m x 5 m x 20 m is
known to be 350 kg. Find its density in kg/m3.
A. 1.167
B. 1.176
C. 1.617
D. 1.716
3. A 10-kg block is raised vertically 3 meters.
What is the change in potential energy?
A. 320 J
B. 350 kg-m2/s2
C. 294 J
D. 350 N-m
4. Two steel balls of masses 500 kg and 50 kg,
respectively are placed with their centers 0.5
m apart. The two balls attract with a force of
A. 6.67 x 1010 N
B. 6.67 x 107 N
C. 6.67 x 10 N
D. 6.67 x 103 N
5. A car has an acceleration of 1.2 m/s2. If its
initial velocity is 10 m/s, the distance the car
covers in the first 5 sec after the acceleration
begin is
A. 15 m
B. 25 m
C. 35 m
D. 65 m
6. To raise a 20 kg steel beam to a height of 10
m on a bridge being built requires work of
A. 2000 J
B. 1000 J
C. 1960 J
D. 9800 J
7. After a stone dropped from a cliff has fallen
20.4 m, the stone's velocity is
A. 10 m/s
B. 20 m/s
C. 196 m/s
D. 392 m/s

diameter of 1000 mm. Compute for the pull

exerted on the string by the stone if it got
loose leaving at a velocity of 25 m/sec.
A. 120 N
B. 100 N
C. 150 N
D. 135 N
12. A cyclist on a circular track of radius r = 800
feet is travelling at 27 fps. His speed in the
tangential direction increases at the rate of 3
fps2. What is the cyclists total acceleration?
A. 2.8 fps2
B. 3.1 fps2
C. 3.8 fps
D. 4.2 fps2
13. The velocity of an automobile starting from
rest is given by ds/dt = 90t/(t + 10) ft/s.
Determine its acceleration after an interval of
10 seconds (in ft/s2).
A. 2.10
B. 1.71
C. 2.25
D. 2.75
14. A ball is thrown vertically upward at 19.6 m/s.
The ball comes to a momentary stop in
A. 0.5 s
B. 1.0 s
C. 1.5 s
D. 2.0 s
15. Assume the three force vectors intersect at a
single point. F1 = i + 3j + 4k; F 2 = 2i + 7j k;
F3 = i + 4j + 2k. What is the magnitude of
the of the resultant force vector, R?
A. 15
B. 13.23
C. 14.73
D. 16.16
16. A force that gives a 2.0 kg object an
acceleration of 1.6 m/s2 would give an 8.0 kg
object an acceleration of
A. 0.2 m/s2
B. 0.4 m/s2
C. 1.6 m/s
D. 6.4 m/s2

8. The weight of a mass of 10 kg at a location

where g = 9.77 m/s2 is:
A. 79.7 N
B. 77.9 N
C. 97.7 N
D. 977 N

17. A car with its brakes applied has an

acceleration of 1.2 m/s2. If its initial velocity
is 10 m/s, the distance the car covers in the
first 5 s after the acceleration begin is
A. 15 m
B. 25 m
C. 35 m
D. 65 m

9. What is the magnitude of the resultant force

of the two forces 200 N at 20 and 400 N at
A. 332.5 N
B. 323.5 N
C. 313.5 N
D. 233.5 N

18. A 60 kg skater pushes a 50 kg skater, who

moves away at 2 m/s. As a result, the first
skater moves backward at
A. 0.6 m/s
B. 2.0 m/s
C. 1.7 m/s
D. 2.4 m/s

10. If a particle position is given by the expression

x(t) = 3.5t3 5.4t meters, what is the
acceleration of the particle after t = 5
A. 1.02
B. 102
C. 3.4
D. 18.1

19. A 250 N box hangs from a rope. If the box is

pushed with a horizontal force of 145 N, the
angle between the rope and the vertical is
A. 30
B. 45
C. 60
D. 75

11. A boy tied a 80 grams stone to a string which

he rotated to form a circular motion with a

20. Three forces, 20KN, 30KN and 40KN are in

equilibrium. Find the largest angle they make
with each other.
A. 104.48
B. 105.58
C. 106.69
D. 107.96
21. A load of 100 kN is hung from the middle of a
rope, which is stretched between two rigid
walls 30m apart. Due to the load, the rope
sags 4m in the middle. Determine the tension
on the rope.
A. 165 kN
B. 173 kN
C. 194 kN
D. 149 kN
22. A 250 lb block is initially at rest on a flat
surface that is inclined at 30 degree. If the
coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.30 and the
coefficient of static friction is 0.40, find the
force required to start the block moving up
the plane.
A. 190 lb
B. 212 lb
C. 125 lb
D. 75 lb
23. What is the acceleration of the body that
increases in velocity from 20m/s to 40 m/s in
3 seconds?
A. 5 m/s2
B. .67 m/s2
C. 7 m/s2
D. 8 m/s2
24. How far does an automobile move while its
speed increases uniformly from 15 kph to 45
kph in 20 seconds.
A. 185m
B. 167m
C. 200m
D. 172m
25. A train passing point A at a speed of 72 kph
accelerates at 0.75 m/s2 from one minute
along a straight path then decelerates at 1.0
m/s2. How far in km from point A will it be 2
minutes after passing point A.
A. 3.6 km
B. 4.65 km
C. 6.49 km
D. 7.30 km
26. Using a powerful air gun, a steel ball
vertically upward with a velocity of 80
per second, followed by another shot
seconds. Find the initial velocity of the
ball in order to meet the first ball 150
from the ground.
A. 65.3 m/sec
B. 45.1 m/sec
C. 56.2 m/sec
D. 61.3 m/sec

is shot
after 5

27. A projectile leaves a velocity of 50 m/s at an

angle of 30 degree with the horizontal. Find
the max. height that it could reach.
A. 31.86 m
B. 31.28 m
C. 30.63 m
D. 30.12 m
28. A ball is dropped from a building 100 m high.
If the mass of the ball is 10 gm after what
time will the ball strike the earth?

A. 4.52 s
C. 5.61 s

B. 4.42 s
D. 2.45 s

29. A tennis ball moving horizontally to the left at

40 m/s hits a racket and rebounds horizontally
to the right at 30 m/s. If the mass of the ball is
100 grams, find the impulse of the force (in
kg-m/s) exerted in the ball by the racket.
A. 1
B. 1
C. 7
D. 12
30. From a speed of 20 mph a train accelerated
at a rate of 0.395 m/s2. How many seconds
will it take the train to travel 1 km during the
A. 55.8 sec
B. 57.6 sec
C. 52.1 sec
D. 59.3 sec
31. From a speed of 30 kph at point A, a car
accelerated uniformly. After 18 minutes it
reached point B, 21 km from A. Find the
acceleration in m/s2.
A. 0.0804
B. 0.0206
C. 0.0633
D. 0.0467
32. A 10 g block slides with a velocity of 20 cm/s
on a smooth level surface and makes a
collision with a 30 g block moving in the
opposite direction with a velocity of 10 cm/s.
If the collision is perfectly elastic, what is the
velocity of the 30 g block after the collision?
A. 15 cm/s
B. 10 cm/s
C. 25 cm/s
D. 5 cm/s
33. A ball is thrown from a tower 30 m high
above the ground with a velocity of 300 m/s
directed at 20from the horizontal. How long
will the ball hit the ground?
A. 24.2 sec
B. 21.2 sec
C. 23.2 sec
D. 22.2 sec
34. A projectile is fired at an angle of 20 with the
horizontal at the top of a 30 m high building.
The muzzle velocity is 300 m/s. What is the
total time of flight?
A. 32.6 sec
B. 25.7 sec
C. 21.2 sec
D. 18.5 sec
35. From a speed of 75 kph, a car decelerates at
the rate of 500 m/min2 along a straight path.
How far, in meters, will it travel in 45 sec?
A. 795
B. 791
C. 797
D. 793
36. Determine the outside diameter of a hollow
steel tube that will carry a tensile load of 500
kN at a stress of 140 MPa. Assume the wail
thickness to be one-tenth of the outside
A. 123mm
B. 113mm
C. 103mm
D. 93mm

37. A force of 10 N is applied to one end of a 10

inches diameter circular rod. Calculate the
A. 0.20 kPa
B. 0.05 kPa
C. O.10 kPa
D. 0.15 kPa

38. A 900 N weight hangs on a vertical rope. A

man pushes this weight horizontally until the
rope makes an angle of 40 with the vertical.
What is the tension in the rope?
A. 834.64 N
B. 917.13 N
C. 1,174.87 N
D. 1 ,285.69 N

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