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16 Kalas, Gupta Yoginis, 16 Kalas of the Moon, 16 Siddhis

and Attainments; Punya

16 Kalas, Gupta Yoginis, 16 Kalas of the Moon, 16 Siddhis and
Attainments; Punya of 7 births.
The 16 Kalas are the eleven senses (mind plus the ten
sense organs) and the five gross elements - all born of the five
supreme elements. These supreme elements are born of ahangkara and
that in turn is born of mahat. (Sri Ramakrishna mastered them.)
About Gupta Yoginis, this is serious Classical Tantric
stuff. They are from a Yogini Cult in Orissa, India. Most texts
recognize 64 Yoginis but some others state there were 69 of them in 8
categories. Gupta Yoginis is only one of the group of 8. Examples of
the others are Guptatara Yogini, Sampradaya Yogini, Kulatirna Yogini,
etc. To find out more, type " 64 Yoginis " or " 69 Yoginis " into a
search engine.
Regarding 16 Kalas of the Moon :
According to the Indian sashtras like Lalitopakhyanam,
Tantrarajatantra, Dakshinamurti Samhita, Vasistha Samhita, Kamakala
Vilasam and Bhairava Yamalam; the following is the spiritual and
cosmic significance of the phases of the moon.
The Moon has 16 kalas, or phases. Out of these 15 are visible to us
and the 16th is beyond our visibility. The 16 kalas are: 1.Amrita,
2.Manada, 3.Poosha, 4.Tusthi, 5.Pusthi, 6.Rati, 7.Dhruti, 8.Sasichini,
9.Chandrika, 10.Kanta, 11.Jyostna, 12.Shree, 13.Preeti, 14.Angada,
15.Poorna and 16.Poornamruta.
These 16 kalas are ruled by the 16 Nitya Devis. They are called
Shodasa Nityas. They are: 1.Maha Tripura Sundari, 2.Kameswari,
3.Bhagamalini, 4.Nityaklinna, 5.Bherunda, 6.Vanhivasini, 7.Maha
Vajreswari, 8.Shivadooti (Roudri), 9.Twarita, 10.Kulasundari,
11.Nitya, 12.Neelapataka, 13.Vijaya, 14.Sarvamangala, 15.Jwalamalini
and 16.Chidroopa (Chitra).
Out of these, the first one, Maha Tripura Sundari is the
Devi Para Shakti herself, and hence the kala ruled by her is not
visible to the normal mortals. Hence we see only the other 15 kalas or

phases ruled by the other nityas. In the Sri Chakra these 15 nityas
are present in the innermost circle, and the Devi is in the central
These 15 Nityas rule the famous 15 letters Devi mantra
known as Panchadasakshari Mantra: Ka E Aie La Hreem Ha Sa Ka Ha La
Hreem Sa Ka La Hreem
These 15 Nityas in the form of the 15 Tithis (Phases) have
two aspects each - Prakashamsa, which rules the day portion of the
Tithi, and Vimarshamsa, which rules the night part of the Tithi. At
night they collect the divine nectar and during the day they release it.
About 16 siddhis & attainments, we begin with 8 major siddhis as in
Sri Sivananada's Kundalini Yoga..
Eight Major Siddhis
An accomplished, Purnayogi in the path of Kundalini Yoga is in
possession of eight major Siddhis, viz., Anima, Mahima, Laghima,
Garima, Prapti, Prakamya, Vasitvam and Ishitvam. (By Sri Sivananda)
Minor Siddhis
The Yogi acquires the following minor Siddhis also:
1. Freedom from hunger and thirst.
2. Freedom from the effects of heat and cold.
3. Freedom from Raga-Dvesha.
4. Doora Darshan, clairvoyance or Dooradrishti.
5. Doora Sravan, clairaudience or Doora Sruti and Doora Pravachana.
6. Mano-Jaya, control of mind.
7. Kama Rupa: The Yogi can take any form he likes.
8. Parakaya Pravesha: He can enter into another body, can animate a
dead body and enter into it by transferring his soul.
( Note : From the book titled " Kundalini Yoga " by Sri Swami
Sivananda, there should be 26 Minor Siddhis published.)
About Punya of 7 births
Punya means : Holy; virtuous; auspicious. " 1) Good or righteous. Thus
the wearer of 16 mukhi will have 7 rebirths where he/she will be a
righteous, pious person with good qualities thereby arresting the

influx of karma for 7 lifetimes without retribution. With performing

Punya Activities, the jiva lives in happiness or bliss.

kalaka kastr rajani kara bimbam jalamayam

kalbhi karprair marakatakaraam nibiitam.
atas tvadbhogena pratidinamidam riktakuharam
vidhirbhyo bhyo nibiayati nna tava kite (SL # 94)
The moon is the Vanity Chest for Devi to keep toilet articles, which as they are used
are replenished by Brahma. The fragments of camphor in the watery moon are the
digits of the moon. As Devi uses the camphor (digits), Brahma keeps replenishing
the Vanity Chest. Waning moon is exhausting the vanity chest by Devi and waxing is
replenishing the chest by Brahma.
Amavasya (new moon) goes with Kali while Sodasi goes with Purnima (Full moon).
Full moon of Sodasi is full knowledge; Kali's new moon is transcendence of all
knowledge; thus, Kali and Sodasi complement each other. (Kali and Sodasi are
names of Devi.)
It is Kadi Mantra or Vidya because the first letter is K or Ka;
Hadi Mantra starts with Ha or H.
The fifteen syllables refer to the 15 digits of the moon.
The 16th syllable is Goddess Herself.
The names of the tithis (digits) are
1. Prathama (new moon),
2. Dvitiya,
3. Tritiya,
4. Chaturthi,
5. Panchami,
6. Shashthi,
7. Saptami,
8. Ashtami,
9. Navami,
10. Dashami,
11. Ekadashi,
12. Dvadashi,
13. Trayodashi,
14. Chaturdashi, and lastly either
15. Purnima (full moon) or 15. Amavasya (new moon).
The sixteen-petal lotus represents the 16 tithis or digits of the moon on the bright

and the dark side.

AmAvAsyA = (amA = together + Vas = to dwell) = The night of the new moon when
the sun and the moon dwell together.
The 16 Tithis are under the rule of 16 Nitya Devis or Sodasa Nityas (So + dasa = 6
plus 10):
1.Maha Tripura Sundari,
7.Maha Vajresvari,
8.Shivadooti (Roudri),
15.Jwalamalini and
16.Chidroopa (Chitra).
Maha Tripura Sundari (Devi) is Maha Sakti, the ruler of all and therefore is not visible
to the eye.
Purnima Moon contains all Nityas conferring the splendor and brightness to the
Moon. As the moon wanes, one Nitya leaves the moon for the sun and so on until all
Nityas have left for the sun and the moon disappears completely on Amavasya, the
new Moon day. The Nityas one by one return to the Moon and make it wax again
and shine brighter and brighter.
The first one to leave the moon is Kamesvari and the last one Chitra; the first one to
arrive at the moon is Chitra and the last one Kamesvari.

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