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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. 175170

September 5, 2012


II), Petitioner,
In labor cases, strict adherence with the technical rules is not required. 1 This
literal policy, however, should still conform with the rudiments of equitable
principles of law. For instance, belated submission of evidence may only be
allowed if the delay is adequately justified and the evidence is clearly
material to establish the party's cause.2
By this Petition for Review on Certiorari,3 petitioner Misamis Oriental II Electric
Service Cooperative (MORESCO II) assails the Decision 4 dated July 26, 2005 of
the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 84991, which reversed and set
aside the Resolutions dated February 27, 2004 5 and April 26, 20046 of the
National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), and thereby reinstated the
Labor Arbiters Decision7 dated September 30, 2003 pronouncing respondent
Virgilio M. Cagalawan (Cagalawan) to have been constructively dismissed
from employment. Also assailed is the CA Resolution 8 dated September 6,
2006 which denied MORESCO IIs Motion for Reconsideration and granted
Cagalawans Partial Motion for Reconsideration.
Factual Antecedents
On September 1, 1993, MORESCO II, a rural electric cooperative, hired
Cagalawan as a Disconnection Lineman on a probationary basis. On March 1,
1994 Cagalawan was appointed to the same post this time on a permanent
basis.9 On July 17, 2001, he was designated as Acting Head of the
disconnection crew in Area III sub-office of MORESCO II in Balingasag, Misamis
Oriental (Balingasag sub-office).10 In a Memorandum11 dated May 9, 2002,
MORESCO II General Manager Amado B. Ke-e (Ke-e) transferred Cagalawan to
Area I sub-office in Gingoog City, Misamis Oriental (Gingoog sub-office) as a
member of the disconnection crew. Said memorandum stated that the
transfer was done "in the exigency of the service."
In a letter12 dated May 15, 2002, Cagalawan assailed his transfer claiming he
was effectively demoted from his position as head of the disconnection crew
to a mere member thereof. He also averred that his transfer to the Gingoog
sub-office is inconvenient and prejudicial to him as it would entail additional
travel expenses to and from work. He likewise sought clarification on what
kind of exigency exists as to justify his transfer and why he was the one
chosen to be transferred.

In a Memorandum13 dated May 16, 2002, Ke-e explained that Cagalawans

transfer was not a demotion since he was holding the position of
Disconnection Head only by mere designation and not by appointment. Ke-e
did not, however, state the basis of the transfer but instead advised
Cagalawan to just comply with the order and not to question managements
legitimate prerogative to reassign him.
In reply, Cagalawan claimed that he was transferred because he executed an
Affidavit14 in support of his co-employee Jessie Rances, who filed an illegal
dismissal case against MORESCO II.15 He emphasized though that his action
was not an act of disloyalty to MORESCO II, contrary to what was being
accused of him. Nonetheless, Cagalawan still reported for work at Gingoog
sub-office on May 27, 2002 but reserved his right to contest the legality of
such transfer.16
Meanwhile and in view of Cagalawans transfer, Ke-e issued an
order17 recalling the formers previous designation as Acting Head of the
disconnection crew of the Balingasag sub-office.
Cagalawan eventually stopped reporting for work. On July 1, 2002, he filed a
Complaint for constructive dismissal before the Arbitration branch of the
NLRC against MORESCO II and its officers, Ke-e and Danilo Subrado
(Subrado), in their capacities as General Manager and Board Chairman,
Proceedings before the Labor Arbiter
When the Labor Arbiter, in an Order18 dated September 13, 2002, directed the
parties to submit their respective verified position papers, only Cagalawan
complied.19 He alleged that his transfer was unnecessary and was made only
in retaliation for his having executed an affidavit in favor of a co-worker and
against MORESCO II. In support of his contention, Cagalawan submitted a
certification20 executed by the Head of the disconnection crew of the Gingoog
sub-office, Teodoro Ortiz (Ortiz), attesting that the said sub-office was not
undermanned. In fact, when Cagalawan stopped working, no other employee
was transferred or hired in his stead, a proof that there were enough
disconnection crew members in Gingoog sub-office who can very well handle
the assigned tasks. Moreover, Cagalawan claimed that his transfer
constituted a demotion from his position as Acting Head of the disconnection
crew which he had occupied for almost 10 months. As such, he should be
considered regular in that position and entitled to its corresponding salary.
Cagalawan further alleged that his transfer from Balingasag to Gingoog suboffice was tantamount to illegal constructive dismissal for being prejudicial
and inconvenient as he had to spend an additional amount of P197.0021 a
day, leaving him nothing of his salary. He therefore had no choice but to stop
Aside from reinstatement and backwages, Cagalawan sought to recover
damages and attorneys fees because to him, his transfer was effected in a
wanton, fraudulent, oppressive or malevolent manner. Apart from MORESCO
II, he averred that Ke-e and Subrado should also be held personally liable for
damages since the two were guilty of bad faith in effecting his transfer. He
believed that Subrado had a hand in his arbitrary transfer considering that he
is the son-in-law of Subrados opponent in the recent election for directorship

in the electric cooperative. In fact, Subrado even asked a certain Cleopatra

Moreno Manuel to file a baseless complaint against him as borne out by the
declaration of Bob Abao in an affidavit.22
In view of MORESCO IIs failure to file a position paper, Cagalawan filed a
Motion23 for the issuance of an order to declare the case submitted for
decision. This was granted in an Order24 dated March 14, 2003.
On September 30, 2003, the Labor Arbiter rendered a Decision 25 declaring
that Cagalawans transfer constituted illegal constructive dismissal. Aside
from finding merit in Cagalawans uncontroverted allegation that the transfer
became grossly inconvenient for him, the Labor Arbiter found no sufficient
reason for his transfer and that the same was calculated to rid him of his
employment, impelled by a vindictive motive after he executed an Affidavit in
favor of a colleague and against MORESCO II.
Thus, the Labor Arbiter ordered Cagalawans reinstatement to the position of
Collector and awarded him backwages from the date of his transfer on May
16, 2002 up to his actual reinstatement. However, the Labor Arbiter denied
his prayer for regularization as head of the disconnection crew since the
period of six months which he claimed as sufficient to acquire regular status
applies only to probationary employment. Hence, the fact that he was acting
as head of the disconnection crew for 10 months did not entitle him to such
position on a permanent basis. Moreover, the decision to promote him to the
said position should only come from the management.
With respect to damages, the Labor Arbiter found Ke-e to have acted
capriciously in effecting the transfer, hence, he awarded moral and
exemplary damages to Cagalawan. Attorneys fees was likewise adjudged in
his favor.
The dispositive portion of the Decision reads:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is rendered declaring the
transfer of complainant as tantamount to constructive dismissal and ordering
respondents to reinstate complainant to his position as collector in
Balingasag, Misamis Oriental without loss of seniority rights and to pay
complainant the following:
1. Backwages

- P 189,096.00

2. Exemplary damages

- P 10,000.00

3. Moral damages

- P 20,000.00

4. Attorney's fee 10%

- P 21,909.60


P 241,005.60

Proceedings before the National Labor Relations Commission
MORESCO II and Cagalawan both appealed the Labor Arbiters Decision.
In its Memorandum on Appeal,27 MORESCO II invoked the liberal application of
the rules and prayed for the NLRC to admit its evidence on appeal. MORESCO

II denied that Cagalawans transfer was done in retaliation for executing an

affidavit in favor of a co-worker. MORESCO II explained that the transfer was
in response to the request of the area manager in Gingoog sub-office for
additional personnel in his assigned area. To substantiate this, it submitted a
letter28 dated May 8, 2002 from Gingoog sub-office Area Manager, Engr. Ronel
B. Canada (Engr. Canada), addressed to Ke-e. In said letter, Engr. Canada
requested for two additional disconnection linemen in order to attain the
collection quota allocated in his area. MORESCO II then averred that as
against this letter of Engr. Canada who is a managerial employee, the
certification issued by Ortiz should be considered as incompetent since the
latter is a mere disconnection crew.
Moreover, Cagalawans claim of additional expenses brought about by his
transfer, specifically for meal and transportation, deserves no appreciation at
all since he would still incur these expenses regardless of his place of
assignment and also considering that he was provided with a rented
motorcycle with fuel and oil allowance.
Also, MORESCO II intimated that it has no intention of removing Cagalawan
from its employ especially since his father-in-law was its previous Board
Member. In fact, it was Cagalawan himself who committed an act of
insubordination when he abandoned his job.
In his Reply29 to MORESCO IIs Memorandum of Appeal, Cagalawan averred
that the latter cannot present any evidence for the first time on appeal
without giving any valid reason for its failure to submit its evidence before
the Labor Arbiter as provided under the NLRC rules. Further, the evidence
sought to be presented by MORESCO II is not newly discovered evidence as
to warrant its admission on appeal. In particular, he claimed that the May 8,
2002 letter of Engr. Canada should have been submitted at the earliest
opportunity, that is, before the Labor Arbiter. MORESCO IIs failure to present
the same at such time thus raises suspicion that the document was merely
fabricated for the purpose of appeal. Moreover, Cagalawan claimed that if
there was indeed a request from the Area Manager of Gingoog sub-office for
additional personnel as required by the exigency of the service, such reason
should have been mentioned in Ke-es May 16, 2002 Memorandum. In this
way, the transfer would appear to have a reasonable basis at the outset.
However, no such mention was made precisely because the transfer was
without any valid reason.
Anent Cagalawans partial appeal,30 he prayed that the decision be modified
in that he should be reinstated as Disconnection Lineman and not as
The NLRC, through a Resolution31 dated February 27, 2004, set aside and
vacated the Decision of the Labor Arbiter and dismissed Cagalawans
complaint against MORESCO II. The NLRC admitted MORESCO IIs evidence
even if submitted only on appeal in the interest of substantial justice. It then
found said evidence credible in showing that Cagalawans transfer to Gingoog
sub-office was required in the exigency of the cooperatives business interest.
It also ruled that the transfer did not entail a demotion in rank and diminution
of pay as to constitute constructive dismissal and thus upheld the right of
MORESCO II to transfer Cagalawan in the exercise of its sound business

Cagalawan filed a Motion for Reconsideration 32 but the same was denied by
the NLRC in a Resolution33 dated April 26, 2004.
Proceedings before the Court of Appeals
Cagalawan thus filed a Petition for Certiorari 34 with the CA. In a
Decision35 dated July 26, 2005, the CA found the NLRC to have gravely
abused its discretion in admitting MORESCO IIs evidence, citing Section 3,
Rule V of the NLRC Rules of Procedure36 which prohibits the parties from
making new allegations or cause of action not included in the complaint or
position paper, affidavits and other documents. It held that what MORESCO II
presented on appeal was not just an additional evidence but its entire
evidence after the Labor Arbiter rendered a Decision adverse to it. To the CA,
MORESCO IIs belated submission of evidence despite the opportunities given
it cannot be countenanced as such practice "defeats speedy administration of
justice" and "smacks of unfairness."
The dispositive portion of the CA Decision reads:
IN VIEW THEREOF, the petition is GRANTED. The Decision of the Labor
Arbiter is reinstated with the modification that if reinstatement of petitioner is
not feasible, he should be paid separation pay in accordance with law.
MORESCO II filed a Motion for Reconsideration 38 insisting that it may present
evidence for the first time on appeal as the NLRC is not precluded from
admitting the same because technical rules are not binding in labor cases.
Besides, of paramount importance is the opportunity of the other party to
rebut or comment on the appeal, which in this case, was afforded to
Cagalawan, for his part, filed a Partial Motion for Reconsideration, 39 seeking
modification of the Decision by ordering his reinstatement to the position of
Disconnection Lineman instead of Collector.
In a Resolution40 dated September 6, 2006, the CA maintained its ruling that
MORESCO IIs unexplained failure to present evidence or submit a position
paper before the Labor Arbiter for almost 12 months from receipt of
Cagalawans position paper is intolerable and cannot be permitted. Hence, it
denied its Motion for Reconsideration. With respect to Cagalawans motion,
the same was granted by the CA, viz:
Anent petitioners Partial Motion for Reconsideration, We find the same
meritorious. The records of this case reveal that prior to his constructive
dismissal, petitioner was a Disconnection Lineman, not a Collector, assigned
at Balingasag, Misamis Oriental. Hence, We modify the dispositive portion of
Our July 26, 2005 Decision, to read:
IN VIEW THEREOF, the petition is GRANTED. The Decision of the Labor Arbiter
is reinstated with modification that petitioner be reinstated to his position as
Disconnection Lineman in Balingasag, Misamis Oriental with further
modification that if reinstatement of petitioner is not feasible, he should be
paid separation pay in accordance with law. 41(Emphasis in the original.)

MORESCO II thus filed this petition raising the following issues:

(1) Was the respondent constructively dismissed by the petitioner?
(2) Did the Court of Appeals err in reversing the NLRC? 42
MORESCO II insists that Cagalawans transfer was necessary in order to attain
the collection quota of the Gingoog sub-office. It contests the credibility of
Ortizs certification which stated that there was no need for additional
personnel in the Gingoog sub-office. According to it, Ortiz is not a managerial
employee but merely a disconnection crew who is not competent to make
declarations in relation to MORESCO IIs business needs. It likewise refutes
Cagalawans claim of incurring additional expenses due to his transfer which
caused him inconvenience. In sum, it claims that Cagalawan was not
constructively dismissed but instead had voluntarily abandoned his job.
MORESCO II avers that the CAs ruling is not in accordance with jurisprudence
on the matter of admitting evidence on appeal in labor cases. It submits that
the NLRC is correct in accepting its evidence submitted for the first time on
appeal in line with the basic precepts of equity and fairness. The NLRC also
correctly ruled in its favor after properly appreciating its evidence which had
been rebutted and contradicted by Cagalawan.
Our Ruling
The petition has no merit.
MORESCO IIs belated submission of
evidence cannot be permitted.
Labor tribunals, such as the NLRC, are not precluded from receiving evidence
submitted on appeal as technical rules are not binding in cases submitted
before them.43 However, any delay in the submission of evidence should be
adequately explained and should adequately prove the allegations sought to
be proven.44
In the present case, MORESCO II did not cite any reason why it had failed to
file its position paper or present its cause before the Labor Arbiter despite
sufficient notice and time given to do so. Only after an adverse decision was
rendered did it present its defense and rebut the evidence of Cagalawan by
alleging that his transfer was made in response to the letter-request of the
area manager of the Gingoog sub-office asking for additional personnel to
meet its collection quota. To our mind, however, the belated submission of
the said letter-request without any valid explanation casts doubt on its
credibility, specially so when the same is not a newly discovered evidence.
For one, the letter-request was dated May 8, 2002 or a day before the
memorandum for Cagalawans transfer was issued. MORESCO II could have
easily presented the letter in the proceedings before the Labor Arbiter for
serious examination. Why it was not presented at the earliest opportunity is a
serious question which lends credence to Cagalawans theory that it may
have just been fabricated for the purpose of appeal.
It should also be recalled that after Cagalawan received the memorandum for
his transfer to the Gingoog sub-office, he immediately questioned the basis
thereof through a letter addressed to Ke-e. If at that time there was already a
letter-request from the Gingoog area manager, Ke-e could have easily

referred to or specified this in his subsequent memorandum of May 16, 2002

which served as his response to Cagalawans queries about the transfer.
However, the said memorandum was silent in this respect. Nevertheless,
Cagalawan, for his part, faithfully complied with the transfer order but with
the reservation to contest its validity precisely because he was not
adequately informed of its real basis.
The rule is that it is within the ambit of the employers prerogative to transfer
an employee for valid reasons and according to the requirement of its
business, provided that the transfer does not result in demotion in rank or
diminution of salary, benefits and other privileges. 45 This Court has always
considered the managements prerogative to transfer its employees in
pursuit of its legitimate interests. But this prerogative should be exercised
without grave abuse of discretion and with due regard to the basic elements
of justice and fair play, such that if there is a showing that the transfer was
unnecessary or inconvenient and prejudicial to the employee, it cannot be
Here, while we find that the transfer of Cagalawan neither entails any
demotion in rank since he did not have tenurial security over the position of
head of the disconnection crew, nor result to diminution in pay as this was
not sufficiently proven by him, MORESCO IIs evidence is nevertheless not
enough to show that said transfer was required by the exigency of the
electric cooperatives business interest. Simply stated, the evidence sought
to be admitted by MORESCO II is not substantial to prove that there was a
genuine business urgency that necessitated the transfer.
Notably, the only evidence adduced by MORESCO II to support the legitimacy
of the transfer was the letter-request of Engr. Canada. However, this piece of
evidence cannot in itself sufficiently establish that the Gingoog sub-office was
indeed suffering from losses due to collection deficiency so as to justify the
assignment of additional personnel in the area. Engr. Canadas letter is
nothing more than a mere request for additional personnel to augment the
number of disconnection crew assigned in the area. While it mentioned that
the areas collection efficiency should be improved and that there is a
shortage of personnel therein, it is, standing alone, self-serving and thus
cannot be considered as competent evidence to prove the accuracy of the
allegations therein. MORESCO II could have at least presented financial
documents or any other concrete documentary evidence showing that the
collection quota of the Gingoog sub-office has not been met or could not be
reached. It should have also submitted such other documents which would
show the lack of sufficient personnel in the area. Unfortunately, the area
managers letter provides no more than bare allegations which deserve not
even the slightest credit.
When there is doubt between the evidence submitted by the employer and
that submitted by the employee, the scales of justice must be tilted in favor
of the employee.47 This is consistent with the rule that an employers cause
could only succeed on the strength of its own evidence and not on the
weakness of the employees evidence.48 Thus, MORESCO II cannot rely on the
weakness of Ortizs certification in order to give more credit to its own
evidence. Self-serving and unsubstantiated declarations are not sufficient
where the quantum of evidence required to establish a fact is substantial
evidence, described as more than a mere scintilla. 49 "The evidence must be

real and substantial, and not merely apparent." 50 MORESCO II has miserably
failed to discharge the onus of proving the validity of Cagalawans transfer.
Clearly, not only was the delay in the submission of MORESCO IIs evidence
not explained, there was also failure on its part to sufficiently support its
allegation that the transfer of Cagalawan was for a legitimate purpose. This
being the case, MORESCO IIs plea that its evidence be admitted in the
interest of justice does not deserve any merit.
Ke-e and Subrado, as corporate officers,
could not be held personally liable for
Cagalawans monetary awards.
In the Decision of the Labor Arbiter, the manager of MORESCO II was held to
have acted in an arbitrary manner in effecting Cagalawans transfer such that
moral and exemplary damages were awarded in the latters favor. However,
the said Decision did not touch on the issue of bad faith on the part of
MORESCO IIs officers, namely, Ke-e and Subrado. Consequently, no
pronouncement was made as to whether the two are also personally liable for
Cagalawans money claims arising from his constructive dismissal.
Still, we hold that Ke-e and Subrado cannot be held personally liable for
Cagalawans money claims.
"Bad faith does not simply connote bad judgment or negligence; it imputes a
dishonest purpose or some moral obliquity and conscious doing of a wrong; a
breach of sworn duty through some motive or intent or ill will; it partakes of
the nature of fraud."51 Here, although we agree with the Labor Arbiter that Kee acted in an arbitrary manner in effecting Cagalawans transfer, the same,
absent any showing of some dishonest or wrongful purpose, does not amount
to bad faith.
Suffice it to say that bad faith must be established clearly and convincingly as
the same is never presumed.52Similarly, no bad faith can be presumed from
the fact that Subrado was the opponent of Cagalawans father-in-law in the
election for directorship in the cooperative. Cagalawan's claim that this was
one of the reasons why he was transferred is a mere allegation without proof.
Neither does Subrado 's alleged instruction to file a complaint against
Cagalawan bolster the Iatter's claim that the former had malicious intention
against him. As the Chairman of the Board of Directors of MORESCO II,
Subrado has the duty and obligation to act upon complaints of its clients. On
the contrary, the Court finds that Subrado had no participation whatsoever in
Cagalawan's illegal dismissal; hence. the imputation of bad faith against him
is untenable.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The Decision dated July 26, 2005 or
the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 84991 and its Resolution dated
September 6, 2006, are AFFIRMED.
Associate Justice

Associate Justice
Associate Justice


Associate Justice

Associate Justice
I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in
consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the
Court's Division.
Associate Justice
I certify that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached .in
consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the
Court's Division.
Chief Justice


Spic N Span Services Corporation v. Paje, G.R. No. 174084, August 25,
2010, 629 SCRA 261, 268-269.

Anabe v. Asian Construction (ASIAKONSTRUKT) G.R. No. 183233, December

23, 2009, 609 SCRA 213, 219.

Rollo, pp. 8-16.

CA rollo, pp. 133-141; penned by Associate Justice Arturo G. Tayag and

concurred in by Associate Justices Rodrigo F. Lim, Jr. and Normandie B. Pizarro.

Id. at 24-30; penned by Commissioner Jovito C. Cagaanan and concurred in

by Presiding Commissioner Salic B. Dumarpa and Commissioner Proculo T.

Id. at 32-34.

Id. at 75-79; penned by Labor Arbiter Henry F. Te.

Id. at 216-220; penned by Associate Justice Rodrigo F. Lim, Jr. and concurred
in by Associate Justices Teresita Dy-Liacco Flores and Mario V. Lopez.

Id. at 90-91.


Id. at 52.


Id. at 62.


Id. at 63.


Id. at 64.


Id. at 61.


Id. at 65.


Id. at 66.


Id. at 67.


Id., unpaginated (in between pp. 34 and 35).


Id. at 35-47.


Id. at 69.


Id. at 68.


Id. at 59 and 70.


Id. at 71-72.


Id. at 73.


Id. at 75-79.


Id. at 79.


Id. at 80-89.


Id at 93.


Id. at 95-101.


Rollo, pp. 61-69.


CA rollo, pp. 24-30.


Id. at 106-111.


Id. at 32-34.


Id. at 2-22.


Id. at 133-141.


SECTION 3. Submission of Position Papers/Memorandum. Should the

parties fail to agree upon an amicable settlement, either in whole or in part,
during the conferences, the Labor Arbiter shall issue an order stating therein
the matters taken up and agreed upon during the conferences and directing
the parties to simultaneously file their respective verified position papers.
These verified position papers shall cover only those claims and causes of
action raised in the complaint excluding those that may have been amicably
settled, and shall be accompanied by all supporting documents including the
affidavits of their respective witnesses which shall take the place of the
latters direct testimony. The parties shall thereafter not be allowed to allege

facts, or present evidence to prove facts, not referred to and any cause or
causes of action not included in the complaint or position papers, affidavits
and other documents. Unless otherwise requested in writing by both parties,
the Labor Arbiter shall direct both parties to submit simultaneously their
position papers/ memorandum with the supporting documents and affidavits
within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of the last conference, with
proof of having furnished each other with copies thereof.

CA rollo, p. 140.


Id. at 201-205.


Id. at 197-200.


Id. at 216-219.


Id. at 219.


Rollo, p. 210.


Iran v. National Labor Relations Commission, 352 Phil. 261, 274 (1998).


Anabe v. Asian Construction (ASIAKONSTRUKT), supra note 2; Angeles v.

Fernandez, G.R. No. 160213, January 30, 2007, 513 SCRA 378, 384; Tanjuan v.
Philippine Postal Savings Bank, Inc., 457 Phil. 993, 1004-1005 (2003); AG & P
United Rank & File Association v. National Labor Relations Commission, 332
Phil. 937, 943 (1996).

Genuino Ice Company, Inc. v. Magpantay, 526 Phil. 170, 188 (2006).


Yuco Chemical Industries, Inc. v. Ministry of Labor and Employment, 264

Phil 338, 341 (1990).

Travelaire and Tours Corp. v. National Labor Relations Commission, 355 Phil.
932, 937-938 (1998).

Functional, Inc. v. Granfil, G.R. No. 176377, November 16, 2011.


Coastal Safeway Marine Services, Inc. v. Esguerra, G.R. No. 185352, August
10, 2011, 655 SCRA 300, 309.

Jebsens Maritime Inc. v. Undag, G.R. No. 191491, December 14, 2011.


Andrade v. Court of Appeals, 423 Phil. 30, 43 (2001).


Harpoon Marine Services, Inc. v. Francisco, G.R. No. 167751, March 2, 2011,
644 SCRA 394, 409.

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