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Resolution No.

Promulgation: 21 February 2012
The Commission on Elections (Commission), by virtue of the powers vested in it
by the Constitution, the Omnibus Election Code, Republic Act No. 7941 otherwise
known as The Party-List System Act, and other election laws, RESOLVED to
promulgate, as it hereby RESOLVES to prescribe the following RULES AND
SEC. 1. Registration requirement Only organized groups duly registered with
the Commission, and which have manifested their desire to participate in the
party-list election, may participate in the Party-List System of Representation in
the House of Representatives.
SEC. 2. Who may file petition for registration. Organized groups not yet
registered with the Commission on Elections may file a petition for registration
under the party-list system. An organized group already registered need not to
register anew. However, it shall file with the Commission a manifestation of intent
to participate in the party-list election pursuant to Rule 3 hereof.
Party-list groups delisted may file anew a verified petition for
registration, Provided however: That party-list groups delisted shall be ineligible
to file a petition for registration in the election immediately following its delisting.

SEC. 3. Who may participate. The following organized groups may participate
in the party-list election:
a. Sectoral party an organized group of citizens whose principal advocacy
pertains to the special interests and concerns of the following sectors:
Labor; Peasant; Urban Poor; Indigenous Cultural Communities; Elderly;
Handicapped; Women; Youth; Overseas Workers; Fisherfolk; Veterans;
and Professionals;
b. Sectoral organization a group of qualified voters bound together by
similar physical attributes or characteristics, or by employment, interests
or concerns;
c. Political Party an organized group of qualified voters pursuing the same
ideology, political ideas and principles for the general conduct of the
It is a national party when its constituency is spread over the geographical
territory of at least a majority of the regions. It is a regional party when
its constituency is spread over the geographical territory of at least
majority of the cities and provinces comprising the region.
d. Coalition an aggrupation of duly-registered national, regional. Sectoral
parties or organizations for political and/or election purposes.
SEC. 4 Where to file petition for registration. The verified petition for
registration by any of the abovementioned organized groups, signed by their
President/Chairman or, in his absence, their Secretary-General, shall be filed with
the Office of the Clerk of the Commission, Commission on Elections, Manila, in
twelve (12) legible copies. Petitions filed by mail, telegram or facsimile shall not
be accepted.
In case two separate petitions are filed for the same organized group, one signed
by the President/Chairman and the other by the Secretary-General, both petitions
shall be dismissed.
SEC. 5. When to file petition for registration. Petitions for registration shall
be filed not later than the last working day of March of the year immediately
preceding the next regular national and local elections during regular working
SEC. 6. Petition for Registration, Contents. The petition for registration shall
be verified and shall state the following: a) name and acronym of the petitioner,
with the acronym not exceeding twenty (20) characters; b) nature of the
organization: whether it is a sectoral party, sectoral organization, political party

or coalition; c) the sector or sectors which it seeks to represent; d) the name and
address of its President/Chairman or, in his absence, the Secretary-General, who
will represent the party in the petition; e) petitioners principal headquarters and
postal office address; f) names, positions, and addresses of its elected officers;
g) petitioners intention or desire to participate in the party-list election; h) names
and addresses of its chapter offices; i) that all of its officers and members are
made aware of the petition and have given their consent thereto; j) the list of
documents attached to the petition; k) names, addresses and representatives of
sectoral parties or organizations affiliated with the petitioner, which affiliates need
not be registered with the Commission, but have given their consent thereto; l)
that it is not a religious sect or denomination, organization or association
organized for religious purposes; m) that it shall not advocate violence or
unlawful means to achieve its goals; n) that it is not an adjunct or a project
organized or an entity funded or assisted by the government; o) that it is not a
foreign party or organization; p) that it does not receive support for partisan
political purposes from any foreign government, foreign political party,
foundation, organization, whether directly or indirectly, or through it officers or
members, or indirectly through third parties; q) the period of existence of
petitioner, which shall be at least one (1) year at the time the petition is filed;
and r) that it commits to comply with the laws, rules and regulations relating to
The President/Chairman or, in his absence, the Secretary-General representing
the party shall affix his signature on the verification portion of the petition stating
under oath that he is one of the officers of the petitioner duly authorized to verify
the petition; that he has caused the preparation and filing of the petition; and
that he read and understood the contents of the petition and acknowledge the
same to be true and correct based on his personal knowledge.
SEC. 7. Documents to support petition for registration. The following
documents shall support petitions for registration:
a. Constitution and by-laws as an organization seeking registration under the
party-list system of representation;
b. Platform or program of government;
c. List of all its officers and members (national, regional, provincial,
city/municipal) particularly showing that the majority of its membership
and officers belong to the marginalized and underrepresented sector/s it
seeks to represent;
d. Manifestation of intent to participate in the next immediately succeeding
national and local elections, and list of at least five (5) nominees;

e. Articles of Incorporation, by-laws and Certificate of Registration issued by

the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), if registered therewith.

Track record summary showing that it represents and seeks to uplift the
marginalized and underrepresented sector/s it seeks to represent;

g. Coalition agreement, if any, and the detailed list of affiliates comprising

the coalition, including the signed coalition agreement;
h. Sworn proof/s of existence in the areas where the organization is claiming
representation; and

Other information required by the Commission.

A filing fee of Ten Thousand Pesos (P 10,000.00), and a legal research fee of One
Hundred Pesos (P 100.00) shall be charged for each petition.
SEC. 8. Receiving and recording of petitions for registration. Upon receipt
of the requirements provided for in Section 6 and 7 hereof, the Office of the Clerk
of the Commission shall receive and acknowledge receipt of the petition for
registration by stamping every copy of each petition with the date and time of its
receipt, and the signature of the personnel who actually received the same.
Petitions shall be docketed and a docket number shall be assigned thereto. As
soon as the petition is docketed, the Office of the Clerk of the Commission shall
furnish the Law Department with a copy of the petition.
SEC. 9. Procedure for Registration. Upon docketing the petition for
registration, the Office of the Clerk of the Commission shall determine if the
petition is in due form, and if all information required is complete. Within seven
(7) days from receipt of the petitions for registration for registration, it shall
submit the petitions received together with its findings and recommendations to
the Commission.
Upon receipt of the petition from the Office of the Clerk of the Commission, the
Commission shall require the petitioner to publish at his expense in two (2)
national newspapers of general circulation duly accredited by the Commission on
Elections the following;
a. The petition;
b. Manifestation of intent to participate
c. List of nominees and certificate of nomination; and

d. Order of the Commission requiring the publication with the date of the
hearing of the petition.
The Commission, after due notice and hearing, shall resolve the petition within
fifteen (15) days from the date it was submitted for resolution but not later than
the last working day of September of the year immediately preceding the next
regular national and local elections, inclusive of resolutions of motions for
reconsideration elevated to the Commission en banc.
SEC. 1. Opposition to a petition for registration; Where to file. A verified
opposition to a petition for registration may be filed with the Office of the Clerk of
the Commission, Commission on Elections in Manila, by any interested party on
any of the grounds mentioned in Section 2 hereof.
SEC. 2. Grounds for opposition to a petition for registration. The
Commission may deny due course to the petition motu proprio or upon verified
opposition of any interested party, after due notice and hearing, on any of the
following grounds:
a. It is a religious sec or denomination, organization or association organized
for religious purposes;
b. It advocates violence or unlawful means to achieve its goal;
c. That it is adjunct of, or a project or an entity funded or assisted by, the
d. It is a foreign party or organization;
e. It is receiving support from any foreign government, foreign political
party, foundation, organization, whether directly or indirectly or through
its officers or members or indirectly through third parties for partisan
election purposes;

It violates or fails to comply with laws, rules or regulations relating to


g. If it has made untruthful statements in its Petition;

h. It has ceased to exist for a period of at least one (1) year;


It fails to participate in the last two (2) preceding elections or fails to

obtain at least two per centum (2%) of the votes cast under the party-list
system in the two (2) preceding elections for the constituency in which it
has registered; or


The petition has been filed to put the election process in mockery or
disrepute, or to cause confusion among the voters by the similarity of
names or registered parties, or by other circumstances or acts which
clearly demonstrate that the petitioner has no bona fide intention to
represent the sector for which the petition has been filed and thus prevent
a faithful determination of the true will of the electorate.

SEC. 3. Removal and/or cancellation of registration; Grounds. The

Commission may motu proprio or upon a verified complaint of any interested
party, remove or cancel, after due notice and hearing, the registration of any
party-list group organization or coalition on any of the grounds mentioned in
Section 2 of this Rule. Any party whose registration has been removed or
cancelled shall not be allowed to participate in the party-list system, or from
being proclaimed if the evidence is strong.
SEC. 4. When to file; Where to file. Verified complaint may be filed at anytime
during office hours with the Office of the Clerk of the Commission.
SEC. 5. Filing Fees A filing fee of Ten Thousand Pesos (P 10,000.00), and a legal
research fees on One Hundred Pesos (P 100.00) shall be charged for each
SEC. 1. Who shall file manifestation of intent to participate. Any party-list
group previously registered under the party-list system of representation, which
intends to participate in the next regular national and local elections, shall file
with the Commission a manifestation of intent to participate in the party-list
SEC. 2. Where to file manifestation of intent to participate. The
manifestation of intent to participate by any of the above-mentioned organized
groups or parties shall be filed with the office of the Clerk of the Commission,
Commission on Elections, Manila, in twelve (12) legible copies.
The manifestation shall be signed by the President/Chairman or, in his absence,
the Secretary-General of the party or group.

Manifestations filed by mail, telegram or facsimile shall not be accepted.

b. Second copy, to the Commission en banc through the Chairman;

A sample of the manifestation to participate is attached as Annex A.

c. Third copy, to the Law Department;

SEC. 3. When to file manifestation of intent to participate. Manifestation of

intent to participate in the party-list election shall be filed not later than the last
working day of April of the year immediately preceding the next regular national
and local elections during regular working hours.

d. Fourth copy, to the Election Records and Statistics Department; and

For purposes of the May 13, 2013 national and local elections, the last day for the
filing of manifestation of intent to participate shall be on May 31, 2012 in
accordance with Comelec Resolution No. 9359, promulgated February 8, 2012.
SEC. 4. Contents of manifestation of intent to participate. The
manifestation of intent to participate shall be under oath and state the following:
a) name, acronym and nature of the filer, whether a sectoral party, sectoral
organization, political party or coalition; b) the date of its registration with the
Commission; c) that at no time has it ceased to exist for a period of one (1) year
from the time of its registration; d) that it did not fail to participate in the last
two (2) preceding elections or did not fail to obtain at least two per centum (2%)
of the votes cast under the party-list system in the two (2) preceding elections
for the constituency in which it has registered; and e) its desire to participate in
the party-list election.

e. Fifth copy, to the Comelec Secretary; and


A copy for the Chairman and each Commissioner.

SEC. 7. Petition to deny due course to a manifestation of intent to

participate. A verified petition seeking to deny due course to a manifestation of
intent to participate may be filed with the Office of the Clerk of the Commission,
Commission on Elections in Manila, by any interested party within five (5) days
from the date of publication of the manifestation of intent to participate on any of
the grounds mentioned in Section 2 of Rule 2 for previously registered party-list
For groups seeking registration, the last day for filing of petition to deny due
course to a manifestation of intent to participate shall be filed by any interested
party not later than last working day of May of the year immediately preceding
the elections. For purposes of the May 13, 2013 national and local elections, the
petition shall be filed not later than May 31, 2012.

The manifestation of intent to participate shall be accompanied by a list of at

least five (5) nominees in the form prescribed by the Commission as Annex B.


SEC. 5. Receiving and recording of manifestation of intent to

participate. Upon receipt of the requirements provided for in Section 4 hereof,
the Clerk of the Commission shall receive and acknowledge receipt of the
manifestation of intent to participate by stamping every copy of each
manifestation with the date and time of its receipt, and the signature of the
personnel who actually received the same. A copy of each manifestation shall be
forwarded to the Law Department for the preparation of the certified list of
parties participating in the party-list election.

SEC. 1. Qualifications of nominees. A party-list nominee must be:

1. A natural-born citizen of the Philippines;

No manifestation of intent to participate shall be accepted beyond the period

stated in Section 3 herein.
SEC. 6. Distribution of copies. The copies of the manifestation of intent to
participate shall be distributed by the Clerk of the Commission, as follows:
a. First copy, to be retained by the Clerk of the Commission;

2. A registered voter;
3. A resident of the Philippines for a period of not less than one (1) year
immediately preceding election day;
4. Able to read and write;
5. A bona fide member of the party he seeks to represent for at least ninety
days preceding election day;
6. At least twenty-five (25) year of age;

7. A Filipino citizen who belongs to the marginalized and underrepresented

sector which his sectoral party, organization, political party or coalition
seeks to represent; and
8. Able to contribute to the formulation and enactment of appropriate
legislation that will benefit the nation as a whole.
In case of the youth sector, he must be at least twenty-five (25) but not
more than thirty (30) years of age on the day of the election. Any youth
sectoral representative who attains the age of thirty (30) during his term
shall be allowed to continue in office until the expiration of his term.
The party-list group and the nominees must submit documentary evidence
in consonance with the Constitution, R.A. 7941 and other laws to duly
prove that the nominees truly belong to the marginalized and
underrepresented sector/s, the sectoral party, organization, political party
or coalition they seek to represent, which may include but not limited to
the following:
a. Track record of the party-list group/organization showing active
participation of the nominee/s in the undertakings of the party-list
group/organization for the advancement of the marginalized and
underrepresented sector/s, the sectoral party, organization,
political party or coalition they seek to represent;
b. Proofs that the nominee/s truly adheres to the advocacies of the
party-list group/organizations (prior declarations, speeches, written
articles, and such other positive actions on the part of the
nominee/s showing his/her adherence to the advocacies of the
party-list group/organizations);
c. Certification that the nominee/s is/are a bona fide member of the
party-list group/ organization for at least ninety (90) days prior to
the election; and
d. In case of a part-list group/organization seeking representation of
the marginalized and underrepresented sector/s, proof that the
nominee/s is not only an advocate of the party-list/organization but
is/are also a bona fide member/s of said marginalized and
underrepresented sector.
SEC. 2. Change of affiliation; Effect. Any selected party-list representative
who changes his political party or sectoral affiliation during his term of office shall
forfeit his seat; Provided, that if he changes his political or sectoral affiliation

within six (6) months before an election, he shall not be eligible for nomination as
party-list representative under his new party or organization.
SEC. 3. Effects of acceptance of nomination. Nominees holding appointive or
elective offices may continue to hold office even after acceptance of their
nomination, and the one-year prohibition from being hired or rehired in a public
office after their party-list organizations fail to secure the needed votes to qualify
them for a seat in the House of Representatives, shall not apply to them.
Incumbent sectoral representatives in the House of Representatives who are
nominated in the party-list system shall not be considered resigned.
SEC. 4. Withdrawal of nomination or acceptance of
nomination. Withdrawal of nominations or acceptance of nominations shall be in
writing and under oath, and filed with the Law Department of the Commission in
Manila before the close of polls.
A nominee who withdraws his acceptance to the nomination shall not be eligible
for nomination by other parties.
SEC. 5. Nomination of Party-List representatives. A person may be
nominated in one (1) list only. Only persons who have given their consent in
writing may be named in the list. The list shall not include any candidate for any
elective office or a person who has lost his bid for an elective office in the
immediately preceding election. No change of names or alteration of the order of
nominees shall be allowed after the same shall have been submitted to the
COMELEC except in cases where the nominee dies, or withdraws in writing his
nomination, becomes incapacitated in which case the name of the substitute
nominee shall be placed last in the list.
SEC. 6. Vacancy. In case of vacancy in the seats reserved for party-list
representatives, the vacancy shall be automatically filled by the next
representative from the list of nominees in the order submitted to the COMELEC
by the same party, organization, or coalition, who shall serve for the unexpired
term. If the list is exhausted, the party, organization coalition concerned shall
submit additional nominees.
SEC. 7. Term sharing of nominees. Filing of vacancy as a result of term
sharing agreement among nominees of winning party-list groups/organizations
shall not be allowed.
SEC. 8. Publication. The Education and Information Department shall cause the
immediate publication of the list of nominees in two (2) national newspaper of
general circulation.

SEC. 1. Petition to deny due course and/or cancellation; Grounds. A
verified petition seeking to deny due course the nomination of nominees of partylist groups may be filed by any person exclusively on the ground that a material
misrepresentation has been committed in the qualification of the nominees.
SEC. 2. Petition for disqualification, Ground; - A verified petition seeking the
disqualification of nominees of party-list groups may be filed by any person when
the nominee has been declared by final decision of a competent court guilty of, or
found by the Commission of having:
a. Given money or other material consideration to influence, induce or
corrupt the voters or public officials performing electoral functions;
b. Committed acts of terrorism to enhance his candidacy;
c. Spent in the campaign an amount in excess of that allowed by law;
d. Solicited, received or made any contribution prohibited under
Section 89, 95, 96, 97 and 104 of the Omnibus Election Code; or
e. Violated any of Sections 83, 86 and 261, paragraphs d, e, k, v, and cc,
sub-paragraph 6 of the Omnibus Election Code.
SEC. 3. Where to file petitions. The petitions herein mentioned shall be filed
with the Office of the Clerk of the Commission, Commission on Elections in
Intramuros, Manila;
Petition for disqualification filed with office other than with the Office of the Clerk
of the Commission shall not be accepted.
SEC. 4. When to file petitions. Petitions for denial / cancellation /
disqualification of party-list nominees shall be filed as follows:
a. Petition to deny due course or cancellation of nomination of party-list
nominees shall be filed within five (5) days after the publication of the list
of nominees; and
b. Petition for disqualification of party-list nominees shall be filed at any day
not later than the date of proclamation.
SEC. 5. Procedure in filing petitions. For purposes of the preceding sections,
the following procedure shall be observed:

1. A verified petition to disqualify a party-list nominee shall be filed in ten

(10) legible copies, personally or through a duly authorized
representative, by any person or voting age, or duly registered political
party, organization or coalition of political parties, or party-list groups or
2. Petitioner shall, before the filing of the petition, furnish a copy of the
petition through personal service, to the respondent. In case personal
service is not feasible, or the respondent refuses to receive the petition or
the respondents whereabouts cannot be ascertained, the petitioner shall
execute an affidavit stating the reasons or circumstances therefore;
3. The proof of service or the affidavit shall be attached to the petition to be
filed with the Office of the Clerk of the Commission;
4. Upon payment of the filing fee of Php 10,000.00 and the legal research
fee of Php 100.00, the Office of the Clerk of the Commission shall docket
the petition and assign to it a docket number, which must be consecutive
according to the order of receipt, and must bear the year and prefixed as
Additional filing and legal research fees shall be charged if there are more
than one (1) respondent at Php 10,000.00 and Php 100.00 for each
5. Upon proper filing and docketing of the petition, the Office of the Clerk of
the Commission shall, within three (3) calendar days, issue summons with
notice of hearing through personal or telegram, facsimile or through the
fastest means of communication, to the respondent and notice of hearing
to the petitioner;
6. Within three (3) calendar days from receipt of summons, the respondent
shall, personally or through his authorized representative, file his verified
answer (not a Motion to Dismiss) to the petition, at the Office of the Clerk
of the Commission, in twelve (12) legible copies, with proof of personal
service of Answer upon the petitioner;
Grounds for Motion to Dismiss may be raised as an Affirmative Defense.
7. The proceeding shall be summary in nature. In lieu of oral testimonies,
the parties shall submit the affidavits of their witnesses and other
documentary evidence together with their position papers or memoranda;

The position paper or memorandum of each party shall contain the

a. A Statement of the Case, which is a clear and concise statement of
the nature of the action, a summary of the documentary evidence,
and other matters necessary to an understanding of the
b. A Statement of the Issues, which is a clear and concise statement
of the issues;
c. The Argument, which is a clear and concise presentation of the
argument in support of each issue; and
d. The Relief, which is a specification of the judgment which the party
seeks to obtain. Issues raised in the pleadings that are not included
in the memorandum shall be deemed waived or abandoned. The
Commission may consider the memorandum alone in deciding or
resolving the petition, as said memorandum is a summation of the
parties pleadings and documentary evidence
SEC. 6. Motu proprio cases. The Commission may, at any time before
proclamation, motu proprio disqualify any nominee whose nomination is contrary
to Section 5, Rule 4 of this Resolution.
Upon receipt of the list of nominees, the Law Department shall, within three (3)
days from the last day of filing of the list of nominees, forward to the Commission
en banc through the Office of the Commission Secretary, the list of nominees for
purposes of publication.
Thereafter, the Law Department shall, within the soonest time possible, submit its
study and recommendation to the Commission en banc through the Office of the
Commission Secretary whether or not the conditions imposed in Section 5, Rule 4
have been met.
The Commission Secretary shall upon receipt thereof, immediately calendar for
deliberation the list of nominees together with the study and recommendation of
the Law Department with notice to all members of the Commission.
Within five (5) days from the date of the deliberation, the Commission shall
resolve all matters relative to the list of nominees submitted to it.
The Resolution disqualifying the nomination of party-list nominees shall be
published in two (2) newspapers of general circulation.

SEC. 7. Promulgation. The promulgation of a Decision or Resolution of the

Commission or a Division shall be made by delivering a copy thereof to the Clerk
of the Commission, notice of which shall be served upon the parties or their
attorneys personally, or by registered mail, telegram, fax or thru the fastest
means of communication.
SEC. 8. Effects of petition if unresolved before completion of canvass. If
the petition, for reasons beyond the control of the Commission, cannot be
decided before the completion of the canvass, the votes cast for the party-list
group or organization shall be included in the counting and, in the canvassing;
however, if the evidence is strong, the proclamation of the nominee shall be
suspended notwithstanding the fact that his group or organization received the
winning number of votes in such election.
SEC. 1. Suspension of the Comelec Rules of Procedure. In the interest of
justice and in order to attain speedy disposition of cases, application of the
Comelec Rules of Procedure or any portion thereof inconsistent herewith is
hereby suspended.
SEC. 2. Motion for Reconsideration. A motion to reconsider a Decision,
Resolution, Order or Ruling of a Division shall be filed with three (3) days from
receipt thereof. Such motion, if not pro forma, suspends the execution for
implementation of the Decision, Resolution, Order or Ruling.
Within twenty-four (24) hours from the filing thereof, the Clerk of the
Commission shall notify the Presiding Commissioner. The latter within two (2) day
thereafter certify the case to the Commission en banc.
The office of the Clerk of the Commission shall calendar the Motion for
Reconsideration for the resolution of the Commission en banc within three (3)
days from certification thereof.
SEC. 3. Filing fee for Motion for Reconsideration. There shall be a payment
of filing fee of Php 1,000.00 for every Motion for Reconsideration filed before the
Office of the Clerk of the Commission.
Additional filing fees shall be charged if there are more than one (1) respondent
at Php 1,000.00 for each respondent-nominee.
SEC. 4. Availability of records to the public. Copies of Petitions and/or
Manifestations filed under these Rules shall be available to the public upon prior

compliance with existing Comelec rules and regulations and payment of fees that
the Commission may require.
SEC. 5. Effectivity. This Resolution shall take effect seven (7) days after its
publication in two (2) daily newspapers of general circulation in the Philippines.
The Education and Information Department of the Commission shall cause the
publication of this Resolution in two (2) daily newspapers of general circulation in
the Philippines.
SEC. 6. Dissemination. The Education and Information Department of the
Commission shall furnish copies of this Resolution to all field officials of the
Commission, the President/Chairman or in his absence, the Secretary-General of
all parties, organization or coalitions registered under the party-list system of

Resolution No. 9406

Promulgation: 18 April 2012
WHEREAS, Article IX-C, Section 2(4) of the 1987 Constitution empowers the
Commission on Elections (Commission) to deputize the Armed Forces of the
Philippines (AFP), with the concurrence of the President, for the exclusive purpose
of ensuring free, orderly, honest, peaceful and credible elections;
WHEREAS, Article XVI, Section 5(3) of the 1987 Constitution provides that the
members of the AFP shall be insulated from partisan politics and prohibits all
members thereof from engaging, directly or indirectly, in any partisan political
activity, except to vote;
WHEREAS, in line with the above constitutional provisions, the deputation should
be such that the AFP can perform its duties and functions as deputy of the
Commission and at the same time be insulated from partisan political activity;
WHEREAS, there is a need to clearly define the role of the AFP during the
conduct of the May 12, 2012 special barangay and SK elections in Barangay
Lipat-on, Calatrava, Negros Occidental, Barangays Bialaan and Patong, Bayang,
Lanao del Sur, and Barangay Tulay,
Madamba, Lanao del Sur;
NOW, THEREFORE, the Commission on Elections, by virtue of the powers vested
in it by the Constitution, the Omnibus Election Code and other related election
laws, hasRESOLVED, as it hereby RESOLVES, as follows:
SECTION 1. Coverage of deputation. The AFP is hereby deputized to ensure
free, honest, orderly, peaceful and credible conduct of the May 12, 2012 special
barangay and SK elections in Barangay Lipat-on, Calatrava, Negros Occidental,
Barangays Bialaan and Patong, Bayang, Lanao del Sur, and Barangay Tulay,
Madamba, Lanao del Sur.

SEC. 2. Duties and functions of the AFP as deputy of the Commission.

The AFP shall:
1. Provide security to polling places, polling centers/voting centers, counting
centers, and such other places or
buildings, including election paraphernalia, equipment, forms and supplies,
that will be used by the Commission;
2. Provide security to the personnel of the Commission and its deputies and
other persons performing election-related
3. Deploy, at the least time possible, troops for election duty in coordination
with the Regional Election Directors and the Provincial Election Supervisors
in the said province;
4. Make available, at the least time possible, land, air and water-craft assets,
communication systems and other equipment, in connection with the
delivery and retrieval of election equipment, documents, supplies, forms
and paraphernalia;
5. Look into the existence of any armed group organized to commit, or which
is committing or attempting to commit, acts of terrorism, or threats to
intimidate or coerce any person to vote for or against a candidate, and to
suppress or prevent
said acts of terrorism or threats;
6. Assist the Commission in implementing more effectively election laws
and/or rules and regulations, particularly the laws governing prohibition
against military, policemen and provincial guards acting as bodyguards or
security guards for the candidates, the use of armored vehicles and air or
water-craft, and the prohibition on bearing, carrying or transporting
firearms and other deadly weapons in public places;
7. Provide security escorts to candidate/s only in the absence of PNP and
other law enforcement agency personnel, subject to the conditions and
restrictions on the Resolution imposing the gun ban;
8. Conduct a periodic assessment of the peace and order conditions in critical
areas and recommend measures which may be adopted by the
Commission in the interest of free, orderly, honest, peaceful and credible
9. Comply with and/or implement directives or resolutions which the
Commission may issue or promulgate from time to time; and

10. Notwithstanding the deputation, the AFP shall continue with the conduct of
all Internal Security Operations or its own functions and responsibilities.
SEC. 3. Precedence of COMELEC Orders. Orders issued by the Commission
in connection with the May 12, 2012 special barangay and SK elections shall take
precedence over and above the orders and directives issued by any other office
or agency of the Government, except the Supreme Court and those issued in
habeas corpus cases.
SEC. 4. Effectivity. This Resolution shall take effect after its publication in at
least two (2) daily newspapers of general circulation in the Philippines.
SEC. 5. Dissemination. The Executive Director shall furnish copies of this
Resolution to the Secretary of the Department of National Defense, Chief of Staff
of the AFP, the Regional Election Directors, Provincial Election Supervisors and
Election Officers concerned. The Executive Director shall coordinate with the
above-named department and offices for effective implementation hereof.
The Education and Information Department shall cause the publication of this
Resolution in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation in the Philippines,
and disseminate this resolution for the information of the public.

a) Commission shall refer either to the Commission en banc or to any of its two
Divisions, unless otherwise indicated.

Resolution No. 8804

Date: 22 March 2010
Rule I
Preliminary Provisions
Section 1. Title of the Rules - These rules shall be known and called as the
Comelec Rules of Procedure on Disputes in an Automated Election System.
Section 2. Applicability. - These Rules shall apply to election disputes under
the Automated Election System (AES) using the Precinct Count Optical Scan
(PCOS) and shall cover pre-proclamation controversies and election protests.
Section 3. Objective. - The objective of these Rules is to afford accessible and
effective remedy to address complaints on the conduct of elections relative to the
use of PCOS AES in order to make the election process credible and the results
thereof acceptable to the people.
Section 3. Application of the Rules of Court and other related rules. - The
Commission on Elections (COMELEC) Rules of Procedure, the Rules of Court, and
the Rules on Electronic Evidence shall apply by analogy, or in a suppletory
character, and whenever necessary, practicable, and convenient.
Section 4. Suspension of the Rules. - In the interest of justice and in order to
obtain speedy disposition of all matters pending before it, these Rules or any
portion thereof, may be suspended by the COMELEC.
Rule 2
Definition of Terms
Section 1. Meaning of Words - Whenever used in these Rules, the following
words or terms shall mean:

b) Automated Election System or AES refers to an election system using

appropriate technology, in voting, counting, consolidating, canvassing,
transmission of election results, and other electoral processes.
c) Precinct Count Optical Scan, or PCOS, means a technology wherein an
optical ballot scanner, into which optical scan paper ballots marked by hand by
the voter are inserted to be counted, is located in every precinct;
d) Official ballot refers to the paper ballot with the pre-printed names of all
candidates and with ovals corresponding to each of the names printed. The ovals
are the spaces where voters express their choice through marking or shading
using a marking pen.
e) Picture Image of the Ballot refers to the image of the ballot captured by the
PCOS machine at the time the voter feeds his/her ballots, which image is later
stored in a memory or removable data storage device attached to the PCOS
f) Election Returns refers to the document showing the date of the election, the
province, city, municipality and the precinct in which it is held, and the votes in
figures for each candidate in a precinct or clustered precincts.
g) Electronic Election Returns refers to the copy of the election return in
electronic form generated by the PCOS machine that is electronically transmitted
to the Municipal or City Board of Canvassers for the official canvass, to the
COMELEC Back-Up Server, and to the Server for the dominant majority and
dominant minority parties, the citizens' arm authorized by the COMELEC to
conduct a parallel count, and the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkasters sa Pilipinas or
h) Printed Election Returns refers to the copy of the election returns printed by
the PCOS machine on a paper, and authenticated by the manual signatures and
thumbmarks of the members of the Board of Election Inspectors (BEI).
i) Electronic Transmission refers to the act of conveying data in electronic form
from one location' to the other.
j) Canvass Proceedings refers to the proceedings that involve the consolidation
of precinct election results at the municipal, city of district level; district election
results at the municipal or city level; municipal or city election results at the
provincial level; and provincial election results at the national level, be it the

COMELEC or Congress. It also include the formal proclamation of the election

winners at the various canvass levels.
k) Consolidation Machine refers to the machine used at the canvass
proceedings to consolidate precinct results, municipal and city results, provincial
results, as the case may be, for purposes of getting the total votes of all
candidates at a particular canvass level.
l) Statement of Votes by Precinct, Municipality, City, District, Province, or
Overseas Absentee Voting (OAV) Station refers to a document in electronic
and in printed form generated by the canvassing or consolidating machines or
computers during the canvass proceedings. This document records the votes
obtained by candidates in each precinct, municipality, city, district, province, or
OAV Station, as the case may be.
m) City/municipal/district/provincial certificate of canvass refers to a
document in electronic and in printed form containing the total votes in figures
obtained by each candidate in a city/municipality/district/ province, as the case
may be, the electronic form of which is the official canvass result in the
aforementioned jurisdictions and is the one electronically transmitted to a higher
canvass level.
n) Certificate of Canvass and Proclamation refers to the official document in
printed form that contains the name of all candidates who obtain the highest,
number of votes in a particular constituency and certifies to said candidates'
proclamation as winners
o) Data Storage Device refers to the device where electronic documents are
stored and from which said data may be obtained when necessary to verify the
accuracy and correctness of election data. It includes the back-up storage device
in which authentic electronic copies of said data are also stored.
p) Audit Log refers to the document that contains the list of all activities
performed by the PCOS machines from the time that it was powered-on, until the
time when closed.
q) Electronic document refers to information or the representation of
information, data, figures, symbols or other modes of written expression,
described or however represented, by which a fact may be proved and affirmed,
which is received, recorded, transmitted, stored processed, retrieved or produced
electronically. It includes digitally signed documents and any print-out or output,
readable by sight or other means, which accurately reflects the electronic

For purposes of these Rules, electronic documents refer to either the picture
image of the ballots and electronic copies of the election returns, of statements of
votes, of certificates of canvass, and of the other electronic data relative to the
processing done by the PCOS machines and the various consolidation machines.
Rule 3
Coverage of Pre-Proclamation Controversies
Section 1. Pre-Proclamation Controversy. A pre-proclamation controversy
refers to the proceedings of the board of canvassers which may be raised by any
candidate or by any registered political party or coalition of political parties, or by
any accredited and participating party list group, before the board or directly with
the Commission. It covers only two issues:
a. Illegal composition of the Board of Canvassers (BOC);
b. Illegal proceedings of the BOC.
The basis of the canvass shall be electronically transmitted results.
Section 2. Jurisdiction of the Commission in Pre-Proclamation
Controversies. - COMELEC has exclusive jurisdiction in pre-proclamation
controversies arising from national, regional or local elections.
A pre-proclamation controversy may be raised by any candidate or by any
registered political party, organization, or coalition of political parties before the
BOC, or directly with the Commission.
Issues affecting the composition or proceedings of the Boards may be initiated by
filing a verified petition before the Board or directly with the Commission.
If the petition is filed directly with the Board, its decision may be appealed to the
Commission within three (3) days from issuance thereof. However, if commenced
directly with the Commission, the verified petition shall be filed immediately when
the board begins to act illegally, or at the time of the appointment of the member
of the board whose capacity to sit as such is objected to.
Section. 3. Rights of Political Parties and Candidates Before the Board of
Canvassers in Pre-Proclamation Cases. a) All registered political parties, organizations, or coalitions of political parties,
and accredited citizens' arms, and candidates, have the right to be present and to

be represented by counsel during the canvass of election returns, or certificates

of canvass.
b) Only one counsel may argue for each registered political party, organization, or
coalition of political parties, accredited citizens' arm or candidate.
c) No dilatory action shall be allowed by the BOC. It may impose time limits for
oral arguments.
d) All registered political parties, organizations, or coalitions of political parties,
and candidates, are entitled to obtain a copy of the Statement of Votes per
precinct and a copy of the certificate of canvass duly authenticated by the BOC.
Rule 4
Illegal Composition or Proceedings of the Board of Canvassers
Section 1. Illegal Composition of the Board of Canvassers. - There is illegal
composition of the BOC when, among other similar circumstances, any of the
members do not possess legal qualifications and appointments. The information
technology capable person required to assist the BOC by Republic Act No. 9369
shall be included as among those whose lack of qualifications may be questioned.
Section 2 - Illegal Proceedings of the Board of Canvassers. - There is
illegal proceedings of the BOC when the canvassing is a sham or mere ceremony,
the results of which are pre-determined and manipulated as when any of the
following circumstances are present:
a) precipitate canvassing;
b) terrorism;
c) lack of sufficient notice to the members of the BOC's;
d) Improper venue
Section 3. Where and flow Commenced. - Questions affecting the
composition or proceedings of the BOC may be initiated in the BOC or directly
with the Commission, with a verified petition, clearly stating the specific ground/s
for the illegality of the composition and/or proceedings of the board.
Section 4. When to File Petition. - The petition questioning the illegality, or
the composition and/or proceedings of the BOC shall be filed immediately when
the BOC begins to act as such, or at the time of the appointment of the member
whose capacity to sit as such is objected to, if it comes after the canvassing of
the Board, or immediately when the proceedings become illegal.
Section 5. Procedures for Petition on the Ground of Illegal Composition
and Proceedings of the Board of Canvassers.

a) In case the petition is filed before the BOC:

a.1) Upon receipt of the verified petition, the BOC shall immediately announce
the fact of the filing of said petition and the ground/s raised therein.
a.2) The BOC shall immediately deliberate on the petition, and within a period of
twenty-four (24) hours, make a prompt resolution thereon, which resolution shall
be reduced into writing.
a.3) Should the BOC decide in favor of the petition, it shall immediately inform
the Commission of its resolution. Thereafter, the Commission shall make the
appropriate action thereon.
a.4) In no case shall the receipt by the BOC of the electronically transmitted
precinct, municipal, city, or provincial results, be suspended by the filing of said
a.5) The petitioner may appeal an adverse resolution by the BOC to the
COMELEC, by notifying the BOC of his or her intent to appeal, through a verbal,
and a written and verified Notice of Appeal. The notice on the BOC shall not
suspend the formal proclamation of the official results of the election, until the
final resolution of the appeal.
a.6) Within forty-eight (48) hours from such notice to the BOC, the petitioner
shall submit before the Board a Memorandum on Appeal stating the reasons why
the resolution being questioned is erroneous and should be reversed.
a.7) Upon receipt by the BOC of the petitioner's memorandum on appeal, the
Board shall forward the entire records of the petition at the expense of the
a.8) Upon receipt of the records herein referred to, the petition shall be docketed
by the Clerk of Commission and submitted to the COMELEC en banc for
consideration and decision.
a.9) Within five (5) days therefrom the COMELEC en banc shall render its decision
on the appeal.
b) If filed directly with the Commission, the petition shall be heard by the
COMELEC en banc under the following procedures. Upon receipt of the petition by
the COMELEC, the Clerk of the Commission shall docket the same and forthwith
send summons to the BOC concerned with an order directing it to submit,
through the fastest verifiable means available, its answer within forty-eight (48)
The COMELEC en banc shall resolve the petition within fire (5) days from the
filing of the answer, or upon the expiration of the period to file the same.
Section 6. Illegal Proceedings Discovered after Proclamation. - If the
illegality of the proceedings of the BOC is discovered after the official
proclamation of the supposed results, a verified petition to annul the
proclamation may be filed before the COMELEC within ten (10) days after the day
of proclamation. Upon receipt of the verified petition, the Clerk of the

Commission shall have the same docketed and forthwith issue summons to the
parties to be affected by the petition, with a directive for the latter to file their
answer within five (5) days from receipt. Thereafter the case shall be deemed
submitted for resolution, which shall not be later than seven (7) days from
receipt of the answer.
Rule 5
Canvass on Manually Prepared Election Returns
Section 1. Canvass of Manually Prepared Election Returns. - If by reason of
the implementation of a continuity plan, election returns and/or certificate of
canvass are manually prepared and transported to the BOC for canvass, said
continuity plan together with the General Instructions for the Board of Canvassers
shall primarily apply, supplemented whenever applicable, by the regular
COMELEC Rules of Procedure and these rules.
Rule 6
Election Protest
Section 1. Jurisdiction o f the Commission on Elections. - The Commission
on Elections, through any of its two Divisions, shall have exclusive original
jurisdiction over all election protests involving elective regional (the autonomous
regions), provincial, and city officials.
Section 2. Election protest. - A petition contesting the elections or returns of
an elective regional, provincial, or city official shall be filed with the Commission
by any candidate who was voted for in the same office and who Commission by
any candidate who was voted for in the same office and who received the second
or third highest number of votes or, in a multi-slot position, was among the next
four candidates following the last ranked winner duly proclaimed, as reflected in
the official results of the election contained in the Statement of Votes. The party
filing the protest shall be designated as the protestant; the adverse party shall be
known as the protestee.
Section 3. How Initiated. - An election protest or petition for quo warranto
shall be filed directly with the Commission in ten (10) legible copies plus such
number of copies corresponding to the number of protestees, within a nonextendible period of ten days following the date of proclamation.
Each contest shall refer exclusively to one office but contests for offices of the
Sangguniang Pampook, Sangguniang Panlalawigan or Sangguniang Panglungsod
may be consolidated in one case.

Section 4. Modes of service and filing. - Service and filing of pleadings,

including the initiatory petition and other papers, shall be done personally. Except
with respect to papers emanating from the Commission, a resort to other modes
of service must be accompanied by a written explanation why the service or filing
was not done personally. A violation of this Rule shall be a cause to consider the
pleading or paper as not filed.
Section 5. Petition must be verified and accompanied by a certificate of
non-forum shopping. - An election protest shall be verified by an affidavit
stating that the affiant has read the petition and that the allegations therein are
true and correct of affiant's own knowledge or based on authentic records. A
verification based on "information and belief" or upon the "knowledge,
information and belief" is not a sufficient verification.
The protestant shall personally sign the certificate of non-forum shopping which
must be annexed to the election protest. An unverified petition or one with
insufficient verification or unaccompanied by a certificate of non-forum shopping
shall be dismissed outright and shall not suspend the running of the reglementary
period to file an election protest.
Section 6. Pendency of pre-proclamation controversy. - The pendency of a
pre-proclamation controversy involving the validity of the proclamation as defined
by law shall suspend the running of the period to file an election protest.
Section 7. Contents of the protest or petition. - An election protest or
petition for quo warranto shall specifically state the following facts:
a) The position involved
b) That the protestant was a candidate who has duly filed a certificate of
candidacy and has been voted for the same office.
c) The date of proclamation; and
d) The number of votes credited to the parties per proclamation.
An election protest shall also state:
e) The total number of precincts of the region, province or city concerned;
f ) The protested precincts and votes of the parties in the protested precincts per
the Statement of Votes By Precinct or, if the votes of the parties are not specified,
an explanation why the votes are not specified;
g) A detailed specification of the acts or omissions complained of showing the
electoral frauds, anomalies or irregularities in the protested precincts.
Section 8. Docketing and Raffle of Protest. - The Director of the Election
Contest and Adjudication Department (ECAD) shall immediately docket the
Protest and raffle the case to either the First or Second Division of the

Section 9. Summary dismissal of election contest. - The Commission shall

summarily dismiss, motu proprio, an election protest and counter-protest on the
following grounds:
a) The Commission has no jurisdiction over the subject matter;
b) The protest is insufficient in form and content as required in Section 7 hereof;
c) The petition is filed beyond the period prescribed in these rules;
d) The filing fee is not paid within the period for filing the election protest or
petition for quo warranto; and
e) In case of protest where a cash deposit is required, the cash deposit is not
paid within fifteen (15) days from the filing of the protest.
Rule 7
Section 1. Summons. - Within three (3) days from the filing of the protests, the
Clerk of the Commission or the Division concerned shall issue the corresponding
summons to the protestee or respondent, together with a copy of the protest,
requiring the filing of an ansnrer within a non-extendible period of five days from

Rule 8
Answer and Counter-Protest
Section 1. Verified answer; counter-protest. - Within five days from receipt
of the summons and a copy of the protest the protestee shall file an answer in
ten (10) legible copies, with proof of service of a copy upon the protestant. The
answer shall be verified and may set forth admissions and denials, special and
affirmative defenses and a compulsory counterclaim. The protestee may
incorporate a counter-protest in the answer.
The counter-protest shall specify the counter-protested precincts and any votes
of the parties therein per the Statement of Votes, or if not so specified, an
explanation why the votes are not specified, and a detailed specification of the
acts or omissions complained of showing the electoral frauds, anomalies or
irregularities in the counter-protested precincts.
Section 2. Answer to counterclaim or counter-protest. - The protestant
shall answer the counterclaim or counter-protest within a non-extendible period
of five days from notice.

Section 2. Service of summons. - The summons shall be served immediately

upon its issuance by handing a copy to the protestee or respondent in person or,
in case of refusal of the protestee or respondent to receive and sign for it, by
tendering the same. If, for justifiable causes, the protestee or respondent cannot
be served in person as provided above, service may be effected by leaving copies
of the summons at:
a) The residence of protestee or respondent, as stated in the certificate of
candidacy he filed, with some person of suitable age and discretion residing
therein, or
b) The office or regular place of business of protestee or respondent with some
competent person in charge thereof.

Section 3. Allegations in the answer. (a) Specific denial. --- A protestee must specify each material allegation of fact
the truth of which is not admitted and, whenever practicable, shall set forth the
substance of the matters relied upon in support of the denial. The protestee shall
specify so much of the averments that are true and material and shall deny the

Section 3. By whom served. - The summons shall be served by a bailiff of the

Commission or Division or upon request of the Commission or Division, by the
Sheriff of any Court in the place where the parties to be served reside or for
special reasons, by a person especially authorized by the Commission or Division.

Section 4. Effect of failure to plead. a) Defenses and objections not pleaded. --- Defenses and objections not pleaded
are deemed waived. However, when it appears from the pleadings or the
evidence on record that the Commission has no jurisdiction over the subject
matter, that there is another action pending between the same parties for the
same cause, or that the action is barred by a prior judgment, or the statute of
limitations, the Commission shall dismiss the claim.

Section 4. Return. - When the service has been completed by personal service,
the server shall give notice thereof, by registered mail, to the protestant or his
counsel and shall return the summons to the Clerk of the Commission who issued
it, accompanied with the proof of service.
Section 5. Proof of Service. - Proof of service of summons shall be made in the
manner provided for in the Revised Rules of Court of the Philippines.

(b) Allegations not specifically denied deemed admitted. --- Material averment in
the protest other than the amount of unliquidated damages and issues as to the
recount or appreciation of ballots, shall be deemed admitted when not specifically

b) Compulsory counterclaim or cross-claim not set-up barred. --- A compulsory

counterclaim, or a cross-claim not set up shall be barred.

c) Effect of failure to answer. --- In an election protest that does not involve
ballot recount, if the protestee fails to file an answer within the time allowed, the
Commission shall, upon motion of the protestant with notice to the protestee,
and upon proof of such failure, require the protestant to submit evidenceex parte.
d) However, in the case of election protests involving ballot recount or
examination, or verification or re-tabulation of the election returns, the
Commission shall order such recount of ballots or re-tabulation of election
returns. The Commission shall proceed to render judgment based on the results
of the recount or re-tabulation of election returns. During the recount or retabulation of election returns, only the protestant, or his representative, may
participate. The protestee or his duly authorized representative has the right to
be present and observe the proceedings without the right to register his comment
on the ballots and election returns.
Section 5. How to compute time. - In computing any period of time prescribed
or allowed by these Rules, or by order of the Commission, or by any applicable
statute, the day of the act or the event from which the designated period of time
begins to run is to be excluded and the date of performance included. If the last
day of the period, as thus computed, falls on a Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal
holiday on the place where the Commission sits, the time shall not run until the
next working day.
Section 6. Amendments; limitations. - After the expiration of the period for
the filing of the election protest or counter-protest, substantial amendments that
broaden the scope of the action, or introduce an additional cause or causes of
action may be allowed only upon leave of the Commission. Such leave may be
refused if it appears that the motion was made with intent to delay. Any
amendment in matters of form, such as a defect in the designation of the parties
and other clearly clerical or typographical errors, may be summarily corrected by
the Commission at any stage of the proceedings, at its initiative or on motion,
provided no prejudice is caused thereby to the adverse party.
Rule 9
Section 1. Motions must be in writing. - Except those made in open session
during the course of the proceedings, all motions shall be in writing.
A motion shall state the order sought to be obtained and the grounds upon which
it is based.
Section 2. Proof of service necessary. - No written motion shall be acted
upon by the Commission without proof of service on the adverse party.

Section 3. No hearings on motions. - Motions shall not be set for hearing

unless the Commission directs otherwise. Oral argument in support thereof shall
be allowed only upon the discretion of the Commission. The adverse party may
file opposition five days from receipt of the motion, upon the expiration of which
such motion is deemed submitted for resolution. The Commission shall resolve
the motion within five days.
Rule 10
Prohibited Pleadings
Section 1. Prohibited pleadings and motions. - The following pleadings,
motions or petitions shall not be allowed:
a) Motion to dismiss except on the ground of lack of jurisdiction over the subject
b) Motion for a bill of particulars;
c) Demurrer to evidence;
d) Motion for new trial, or for reconsideration of a judgment, or for reopening of
e) Petition for relief from judgment;
f) Motion for extension of time to file pleadings, affidavits or other papers;
g) Memoranda, except when required by the Commission in an Order;
h) Motion to declare the protestee or respondent in default;
i) Dilatory motion for postponement;
j) Motion to inhibit the Commissioner/s except on clearly valid grounds;
k) Reply or rejoinder; and
l) Third-party complaint.
Section 2. Grounds to dismiss must be set up in the answer. - All grounds
to dismiss an election protest must be set-up or pleaded as affirmative or special
defenses. Defenses not raised are deemed waived. The Commission may, in its
discretion, hold a preliminary hearing on the grounds so pleaded.
Rule 11
Filing fees and cash deposits
Section 1. Filing fees. - No protest, counter-protest shall be accepted for filing
without the payment of a filing fee in the amount of Ten Thousand Pesos
(P10,000.00) for each interest.
If claims for damages and attorney's fees are set forth in a protest or counterprotest, additional filing fees shall be paid in accordance with the schedule
provided for in Rule 141 of the Rules of Court, as amended.
Section 2. Cash Deposit. - (a) In addition to the fees prescribed in the
preceding section, the protestant on an election protest requiring recount of

ballots or re-tabulation of election returns, or which may require the bringing to

the Commission of copies of other election documents, printed or electronic, as
well as the machines or devices to which electronic election documents are stored
or may be processed, shall make a cash deposit with the Commission in the
following amounts:
1. One Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P1,500.00) for each precinct involved
in the protest or counter-protest; provided that, in no case shall the
deposit be less than Twenty-Five Thousand Pesos (P25,000.00) to be paid
upon the filing of the election protest (counter-protest);
2. If the amount to be deposited does not exceed One Hundred Thousand
Pesos (P100,000.00), the same shall be paid in full within ten days after
the filing of the protest; and
3. If the deposit exceeds One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00), a
cash deposit in the amount of One Hundred Thousand Pesos
(P100,000.00) shall be made within ten days after the filing of the protest.
The balance shall be paid in such installments as may be required by the
Commission with at least five days advance notice to the party required to make
the deposit.
The cash deposit shall be applied by the Commission to the payment of
compensation of Recount Committees as provided under Section 3, Rule 17 of
these Rules and of all expenses incidental to the recount but not limited to
supplies and miscellaneous expenses of the recount committee. When the
Commission determines that the circumstances so demand, as when the deposit
has been depleted, it may require additional cash deposits. Any unused cash
deposit shall be returned to the party making the same after complete
termination of the protest or counter-protest.
The same amount of cash deposit shall be required from the protestee (counterprotestant), should continuation of recount be ordered. Once required, the
protestee (counter-protestant) shall pay the cash deposit within a non-extendible
period of three days from receipt of the corresponding order.
(b) Failure to make the cash deposits required within the prescribed time limit
shall result in the automatic dismissal of the protest, or counter-protest.
(c) The Division Clerk of the Commission or Overall Chairman of the Recount
Committee shall liquidate any cash advance granted to him/her for the purchase
of supplies within a non-extendible period of thirty (30) days from date of
termination of the recount.

Rule 12
Production and Custody of Ballot Boxes, Election Documents,
Data Storage Devices, and Machines Used in the Elections
Section 1. Issuance of precautionary protection order. - Where the
allegations in a protest so warrant, and simultaneously with the issuance of
summons, the Commission shall order the municipal treasurer and election
officer, and the responsible personnel and custodian to take immediate steps or
measures to safeguard the integrity of all the ballot boxes, lists of voters with
voting records, books of voters and other documents or paraphernalia used in the
election, as well as data storage devices containing electronic data evidencing the
conduct and the results of elections in the contested precincts.
Section 2. When ballot boxes and election documents are brought before
the Commission. - Within forty-eight hours from receipt of the answer with
counter-protest, if any, and whenever the allegations in a protest or counterprotest so warrant and when it finds the same necessary, the Commission shall
order the ballot boxes with their keys, lists of voters with voting, records, books
of voters, the electronic data storage devices, and other documents,
paraphernalia, or equipments relative to the precincts involved in the protest or
counter-protest, to be brought before it.
The Commission shall notify the parties of the date and time for the retrieval
from their respective custodians of the ballot boxes, other election documents,
data storage devices, equipments. The parties may send representatives to
witness the activity. The absence, however, of a representative of a party shall
not be reason to postpone or delay the bringing of the ballot boxes, election
documents, and data storage devices, into the custody of the Commission.
The Commission, in its discretion, may seek the assistance of the Philippine
National Police or the Armed Forces of the Philippines in ensuring the safe
delivery of the ballot boxes and election paraphernalia into the custody of the
Where any of the ballot boxes, ballots, election returns, election documents or
paraphernalia mentioned in the first paragraph above are also involved in election
contests before other fora, such as the Presidential Electoral Tribunal, the Senate
Electoral Tribunal, the House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal, which, under
COMELEC Resolution No. 2812 dated 17 October 1995, have preferential right
over the custody and recount of ballots involved in simultaneous protests, the
Commission shall make the appropriate coordination and request with the
tribunal involved as to temporary prior custody of ballot boxes and recount of
ballots and other documents and storage devices, or the synchronization of such
recount of ballots. The expenses necessary and incidental to the bringing of the

ballot boxes, election documents, and devices shall be shouldered and promptly
paid by the protestant and the counter-protestant, if any, in proportion to the
precincts involved. The expenses necessary and incidental to the return of the
ballot boxes, election documents, and storage devices to their original custodians
or the proper tribunal after the termination of the case shall be shared
proportionately by the protestant and protestee based on the number of precincts
respectively contested by them.
Rule 13
Preliminary Conference
Section 1. Preliminary conference; mandatory. - Within three days after the
filing of the last responsive pleading allowed by these rules, or the expiration of
the same period without any responsive pleading having been filed, the
Commission shall conduct a mandatory preliminary conference among the parties
to consider:
a) The simplification of issues;
b) The necessity or desirability of amendments to the pleadings;
c) The possibility of obtaining stipulations or admission of facts and of documents
to avoid unnecessary proof;
d) The limitation of the number of witnesses;
e) The nature of the testimonies of the witnesses and whether they relate to
evidence aliunde, the ballots or otherwise;
f) The withdrawal of certain protested or counter-protested precincts (especially
those where the ballot boxes or ballots are unavailable or are missing and cannot
be located or destroyed due to natural disasters or calamities);
g) The number of recount committees to be constituted;
h) The procedure to be followed in case the election protest or counter-protest
seeks, wholly or partially, the examination, verification or re-tabulation of election
returns; and
i) Such other matters as may aid in the prompt disposition of the case.
Section 2. Notice through counsel. - The notice of preliminary conference
shall be served on the counsel or on the party who has no counsel. Notice to
counsel is notice to the party, as counsel is charged with the duty to notify the
party represented.
Section 3. Appearances of parties. - It shall be the duty of the parties and
counsel to appear before the Commission in person at the preliminary
Section 4. Preliminary conference brief. - The parties shall file with the
Commission and serve on the adverse party, in such manner as shall ensure their

receipt at least one day before the date of the preliminary conference, their
respective briefs which shall contain the following:
a) A summary of admitted facts and proposed stipulation of facts;
b) The issues to be tried or resolved;
c) The pre-marked documents or exhibits to be presented , stating their purpose;
d) A manifestation of their having availed or their intention to avail themselves of
discovery procedures or referral to commissioners;
e) The number and names of the witnesses, their addresses, and the substance
of their respective testimonies. The testimonies of the witnesses shall be by
affidavits in question and answer form as their direct testimonies, subject to oral
cross examination;
f) A manifestation of withdrawal of certain protested or counter-protested
precincts, if such is the case;
g) The proposed number of recount committees and names of their
representative, and their alternates; and
h) In case the election protest or counter-protest seeks the examination,
verification or re-tabulation of election returns, the procedure to be followed.
Section 5. Failure to file brief. - Failure to file the brief or to comply with its
required contents shall have the same effect as failure to appear at the
preliminary conference.
Section 6. Effect of failure to appear. - The failure of the protestant or
counsel to appear at the preliminary conference shall be cause for
dismissal, motu proprio, of the protest or counter-protest. The failure of the
protestee or counsel to appear at the preliminary conference gives the
Commission the discretion to allow the protestant to present evidence ex
parte and render judgment based on the evidence presented:
Section 7. Preliminary conference order. - Within three days following the
date of the preliminary conference, the Commission shall issue an order
summarizing the matters taken up and stipulations or agreements reached during
the conference. The Commission shall specify in the preliminary conference order
when the recount of ballots will commence, which shall be within five days from
the termination of the preliminary conference.
Rule 14
Section 1. Subpoena Ad Testificandum or Subpoena Duces Tecum. Subpoena ad testificandum or subpoena duces tecum may be issued by the
Division motu propio, or upon request of the parties in any case.

Section 2. Form and Contents. - A subpoena shall be signed by the Clerk of

the Commission concerned. It shall state the name of the Division issuing it and
the title of the action; it shall be directed to the person whose attendance is
required, and in the case of a subpoena duces tecum, it shall also contain a
reasonable description of the books, documents or things demanded which may
appear prima facie relevant.
Rule 15
Recount of Ballots
Section 1. Start of recount. - The recount of ballots shall commence on the
date specified in the preliminary conference order, unless rescheduled by Order of
the Division.
Section 2. Recount committee; under the supervision of the
Commission. - There shall be constituted such number of recount committees as
may be necessary. The list of the recount committees shall be submitted by the
Division Clerk of the Commission, through the Director IV, Electoral Contests
Adjudication Department, to the Presiding Commissioner of either the First or
Second Division. Each recount committee shall be composed of a Recount
Coordinator/Chairman who shall be a lawyer of the Commission, recorder, clerk,
typist and ballot box custodian and one representative each from the protestant
and the protestee. The Commission shall designate the Recount
Coordinators/Chairman from among its personnel. The parties shall also
designate their respective alternative representatives.
The recount committee shall conduct the recount in the Commission's premises
or at such other places as may be designated by the Commission, but in every
case under its strict supervision. The members of the Recount Committee shall
discharge their duties with the highest degree of integrity, conducting the
proceedings with the same dignity and discipline as if undertaken by the
Commission itself. They shall exercise extraordinary diligence and take
precautionary measures to prevent the loss, disappearance or impairment of the
integrity of the ballots and the other election documents, whether electronic or
printed, and other election paraphernalia.
Section 3. Compensation of the members of the Recount Committee. The Commission shall fix the compensation of the members of the Committee
including the fees for supplies and materials at One Thousand Five Hundred Pesos
(1,500) per clustered precinct and shall be distributed as follows:







Ballot Box








The amount of P6.00 shall also be allocated for storage of the election
paraphernalia and P50.00 for the honoraria of the warehouse handlers. The
Representatives of the parties shall be directly compensated by their respective
principals or by parties themselves.
Section 4. Continuous Recount. - Once commenced, the recount shall
continue from day to day as far as practicable until terminated.
a) Period for Recount. --- recount shall be conducted from 8:30 o'clock in the
morning to 12:00 noon and from 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon from
Monday to Friday, except on non-working holidays. The members of the Recount
Committee may take a fifteen-minute break in each session.
b) Recount to continue even if a party representative is absent or late. --- The
recount of ballots shall not be delayed or postponed by reason of the absence or
tardiness of a party representative as long as the Recount Coordinator and one
party representative are present. The Commission may at any time designate
another Recount Coordinator if the regular Recount Coordinator fails for any
reason to report.
c) If the representative of the protestee is absent or late. ---If the representative
of the protestee is absent or late for thirty minutes and no alternate appears as a
substitute, the recount shall, nevertheless, commence; the protestee shall be
deemed to have waived the right to appear and to object to the ballots in the
precinct or precincts scheduled for recount on that particular day.
d) If the representative of protestant or counter-protestant, or of both parties fail
to appear. --- If the representative of the protestant, or of both parties and
alternates fail to appear for no justifiable reason within one hour after fixed hours
from the start of the recount, the ballot boxes scheduled for that day, and the
corresponding keys in the possession of the chairperson, shall be returned to the
ballot box custodian of the Commission and shall no longer be recounted; it is
understood that the parties waive their right to recount the same, and the
Recount Coordinator concerned shall state such facts in the corresponding
Recount report.

Section 5. Prohibited access. - During the recount of ballots, no person other

than the Commission, the clerk of the Commission, the Recount Coordinators and
the members of the recount committees, the parties and their duly authorized
representatives, shall have access to the recount area.
Section 6. Conduct of the Recount. - The recount of the votes on the ballots
shall be done manually and visually and according to the procedures hereunder:
a) At the preliminary conference the date and the place of the recount and the
number of the recount committees shall be set.
b) At the appointed place and day, the recount committee/s shall convene.
c) At the same place and day, the ballot boxes containing the ballots from the
protested precincts, the data storage device used in said precincts, as well as the
machine or any device that can be used to authenticate or assure the
genuineness of the ballots shall be brought to the venue of the recount.
d) The different recount committees will be provided with an adequate
workspace, with tables and chairs that would enable them to perform the recount
in an efficient and transparent manner.
e) The recount committee, upon the request in writing of parties, will then
randomly pick the precinct from which they would do the recount.
f) Before opening the ballot box, the recount committee shall note its condition as
well as that of the locks or locking mechanism and record the condition in the
recount report. From its observation, the recount committee must also make a
determination as to whether the integrity of the ballot box has been preserved.
g) The ballot box shall then be opened and the ballots shall be taken out. The
"valid" ballots shall first be counted, without regard to the votes obtained by the
parties. This will be followed by the counting of the torn, unused and stray
ballots, as classified at the poling place.
h) The votes appearing in election returns copy for the ballot box shall then be
recorded in the minutes.
i) Prior to the actual conduct of the recount of the votes the recount committee
must authenticate each and every ballot to make sure that they were the same
ballots that were cast and fed to the PCOS machine during the elections. The
authentication shall be through the use of the PCOS machine actually used during
the elections in the subject precinct, or by another device certified by the
Commission as one that can perform the desired authentication requirement
through the use of bar code and ultra-violet ray code detection mechanism.

j) Only when the recount committee, through the recount coordinator, determines
that the integrity of the ballots has been preserved, will the recount proceed.
k) Upon such determination, the recount committee shall then look at the ballot
and count the votes as registered in each and every one of them for the
contested position.
l) In looking at the shades or marks used to register votes, the recount
committee shall bear in mind that the will of the voters reflected as votes in the
ballots shall as much as possible be given effect, setting aside any technicalities.
Furthermore, the votes thereon are presumed to have been made by the voter
and shall be considered as such unless reasons exist that will justify their
rejection. However, marks or shades which are less than 50% of the oval shall
not be considered as valid votes. Any issue as to whether a certain mark or shade
is within the threshold shall he determined by feeding the ballot on the PCOS
machine, and not by human determination.
m) The rules on appreciation of ballots under Section 211 of the Omnibus
Election Code shall apply suppletorily when appropriate.
n) There shall be a tally sheet, of at least 5 copies, plus additional copies
depending on the number of additional parties, that will be used for the tallying
of the votes as they are counted, through the use of the tara or sticks.
o) After all the ballots from one ballot box have been counted, the recount
committee shall secure the contested ballots and complete the recount report for
said precinct. Thereafter, it shall proceed to recount the votes on the ballots from
the next precinct.
p) In case of multiple recount committees, the recount shall be done
q) In the event that the recount committee determines that the integrity of the
ballots and the ballot box were not preserved, as when there is proof of
tampering or substitution, it shall proceed to instruct the printing of the picture
image of the ballots of the subject precinct stored in the data storage device for
the same precinct. The commission shall provide a non-partisan technical person
who shall conduct the necessary authentication process to ensure that the data
or image stored is genuine and not a substitute. It is only upon such
determination that the printed picture image can be used for the recount.

Section 7. Preparation and submission of recount report. - The committee

shall prepare and submit to the Commission a recount report per precinct stating
the following:
a) The precinct number;
b) The date, place and time of recount;
c) The condition and serial numbers of the following:
c. 1) Ballot boxes;
c.2) Locks;
c.3) Data storage device
d) The votes of the parties per physical count of the paper ballots;
e) The votes of the parties per ballot-box copy of the election returns;
f) The number of ballots questioned by the parties indicating there-in the exhibit
g) The number of torn, unused and stray ballots;
h) The entries in the Minutes of Voting and Counting, particularly:
h.1) The number of registered voters;
h.2) The number of voters who actually voted;
h.3) The number of official ballots together with their serial numbers used in the
h.4) The number of ballots actually used indicating the serial numbers of the
ballots; and
h.5) The unused ballots together with their serial numbers.
The recount forms shall be made available prior to the recount. The per-precinct
recount report shall be signed and certified to by the recount coordinator and the
representatives of the parties, and shall form part of the records of the case. The
tally sheet used for the recount shall be attached to the report.
In addition to the per-precinct recount report, the recount committee shall also
prepare and submit to the court, within seven (7) days from the termination of
the recount, a committee report summarizing the data, votes, questions on the
ballots, significant observations made in the recount of ballots from each of the
protested precincts and, later from the counter-protested precincts, and
comments and objections in case of disagreement between committee members.
Each party furnished with a copy of the committee report may submit their
comments thereon within a non-extendible period of seven days from notice.
Section 8. Inquiry as to security markings and vital information relative
to ballots and election documents. - When a recount of ballots is ordered,
and for the guidance of the members of the Recount Committees, the
Commission shall give advice and instructions to the committee on the security
markings on the ballots and election documents. The commission shall likewise
designate a technical person who shall assist the Recount Committee in
authenticating electronic documents if needed, as well as in transforming the
same to a form that can make them observable to the Committee.

Rule 17
Photocopying of Ballots
Section 1. Photocopying simultaneous with recount. - On motion of a party,
the Commission may allow the photocopying or reproduction of paper ballots and
election documents, upon such terms and conditions as it may impose. The
photocopying or reproduction, if allowed, must start at the commencement of
recount and, as far as practicable, must be completed simultaneously with the
termination of recount.
Section 2. Where conducted; parties to provide own photocopying
units. - Photocopying shall be done within the premises of the COMELEC, or at or
near the area where the recount is conducted, and shall be under the supervision
of the Clerk of the Commission. The party concerned shall provide an efficient
photocopying unit and shall bear all expenses relative thereto.
Rule 18
Presentation of Evidence
Section 1. Presentation and reception of evidence; order of hearing. - The
reception of evidence on all matters or issues raised in the protest and counterprotests shall be presented and offered in a hearing upon completion of (a) the
recount of ballots, or re-tabulation of election documents, or (b) the technical
examination, if warranted.
Reception of evidence shall be made in accordance with the following order of
a) The protestant shall present evidence in support of the protest;
b) The protestee shall then adduce evidence in support of the defense,
counterclaim or counter-protest, if any;
c) The parties may then respectively offer rebutting evidence only, unless the
Commission for good reasons, in the furtherance of justice, permits them to offer
evidence upon their original case; and
d) No sur-rebuttal evidence shall be allowed.
In offering testimonial evidence, the party shall require the proposed witness to
execute an affidavit which shall be considered as the direct testimony, subject to
the right of the adverse party to object to its inadmissible portions and to orally
cross-examine the witness.
The affidavit shall be based on personal knowledge, shall set forth facts as would
be admissible in evidence, and shall show affirmatively that the affiant is
competent to testify on the matters stated therein. The affidavit shall be in
question and answer form. The affidavit shall be submitted to the Commission
and served on the adverse party at least three days before the hearing. Failure to

submit the affidavit of a witness within the specified time shall constitute a waiver
of the party's right to present testimonial evidence.
The one-day-cross-examination-of-witness rule, that is, a witness has to be fully
cross-examined in one day only shall be strictly adhered to. The Commission, at
its discretion, may extend the cross-examination for justifiable reasons.
The recount reports, as well as the objected and claimed ballots referred to
therein, shall automatically form part of records of the Commission and may be
adopted by the parties as their evidence.

b.2) The data and information supplied by the members of the Boards of Election
Inspectors in the accountable forms are true and correct; and
b.3) The allocation, packing and distribution of election documents or
paraphernalia were properly and timely done.
c) On appreciation of ballots:
c.1) A ballot with appropriate security markings is valid;
c.2) The ballot reflects the intent of the voter;
c.3) The ballot is properly accomplished;
c.4) A voter personally prepared one ballot, except in the case of assistors; and
c.5) The exercise of one's right to vote was voluntary and free.

Section 2. Offer of evidence. - The Commission shall consider no evidence that

has not been formally offered. Formal offer of documentary evidence shall be
done in writing after the last day of hearing allowed for each party. The opposing
party shall be required to immediately interpose his written objections thereto
within five (5) from receipt of formal offer. The Commission shall rule on the offer
of evidence not later than five (5) days from receipt of the Comment to the
formal offer.

Section 7. Submission of memoranda. - The Commission may allow the

parties to submit their respective memoranda within a non-extendible period of
ten days from receipt of the written ruling of the Commission. No supplemental,
reply or rebuttal memorandum shall be allowed.

Section 3. Reception of evidence continuous. - Reception of evidence, once

commenced, shall continue from day to day as far as practicable until terminated.

Section 1. Rendition of Decision. - The Commission shall decide the election

contest within thirty days from the date it is submitted for decision.
An election protest is deemed submitted for decision after completion of the
reception of the evidence or, if the parties were allowed to submit memoranda,
upon submission of such memoranda or the expiration of the period for the filing,
whichever is earlier. In an election protest, the winner shall be the candidate who
obtained the plurality of the valid votes cast.

Section 4. Adjournments and postponements. - No motion for postponement

shall be allowed, except for clearly meritorious reasons, in no case to exceed
three times. The filing of dilatory pleadings or motions shall constitute direct
contempt of Commission and shall be punished accordingly.
Section 5. Burden of proof. - Burden of proof is the duty of a party to present
evidence of the facts in issue, necessary to establish one's claim or defense.
Section 6. Disputable presumptions. - The following presumptions are
considered as facts, unless contradicted and overcome by other evidence:
a) On the election procedure:
a.1) The election of candidates was held on the date and time set and in the
polling place determined by the Commission on Elections;
a.2) The Boards of Election Inspectors were duly constituted and organized;
a.3) Political parties and candidates were duly represented by poll watchers;
a.4) Poll watchers were able to perform their function; and
a.5) The Minutes of Voting and Counting contains all the incidents that transpired
before the Board of Election Inspectors.
b) On election paraphernalia:
b.1) Ballots and election returns that bear the security markings and features
prescribed by the Commission on Elections are genuine;

Rule 19

Section 2. Procedure in making Decisions. - The conclusions of the

Commission in any case submitted to it for decision shall be reached in
consultation before the case is assigned by raffle to a Member for the writing of
the opinion. A certification to this effect signed by the Chairman or Presiding
Commissioner shall be incorporated in the decision. Any member who took no
part, or dissented, or abstained from a decision or resolution must state the
reason therefor.
Every decision shall express therein clearly and distinctly the facts and the law on
which it is based. In its decision the Commission shall be guided by the principle
that every ballot is presumed to be valid unless there is clear and good reason to
justify its rejection and that the object of the election is to obtain the true
expression of the voters.
Section 3. Several judgments. - In a protest against several protestees, the
Commission may, when a several judgment is proper, render judgment against
one or more of them, leaving the protest to proceed against the others.

Section 4. When extended Opinion Reserved. - When in a given resolution or

decision the writing of an extended opinion is reserved, the extended opinion
shall be released within fifteen (15) days after the promulgation of the resolution.
Section 5. Period to File Motion for Reconsideration When Extended
Opinion is Reserved. - If an extended opinion is reserved in a decision, the
period to file a petition for certiorari with the Supreme Court or to file a motion
for reconsideration shall begin to run only from the date the aggrieved party
received a copy of the extended opinion.
Section 6. Promulgation. - The promulgation of a decision of the Commission
shall be made on a date previously fixed, of which notice shall be served in
advance upon the parties or their counsels personally, or by registered mail, or by
telegram, or any verifiable speedy means.
Section 7. Procedure if Opinion is Equally Divided. - When the Commission
en banc is equally divided in opinion, or the necessary majority cannot be had,
the case shall be reheard, and if on rehearing no decision is reached, the protest
or the counter-protest shall be deemed dismissed if originally commenced in the
Commission; in appealed cases, judgment or order appealed from shall stand
affirmed; and in all incidental matters, the petition or motion shall be denied
Section 8. Duty to certify to the President. - In election protests, if the
decision shall be that none of the parties has been legally elected, the
Commission shall certify such decision to the President of the Philippines.
Section 9. Duty to Notify Other Agencies of the Government. - As soon as
a decision in an election protest becomes final and executory, notices thereof
shall be sent to the President, the Secretary of Local Government, the Chairman
of the Commission on Audit, and the Secretary of the Sangguniang Pampook in
the case of regional officials, the Secretary of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan in
the case of provincial officials, and the Secretary of the Sangguniang
Panglungsod in the case of city officials.
Section 10. Finality of Decisions or Resolutions. - Unless a motion for
reconsideration is seasonably filed, a decision or resolution of a Division shall
become final and executory after the lapse of five (5) days following its
Rule 20
Motions for Reconsideration

Section 1. Grounds of Motion for Reconsideration. - A motion for

reconsideration may be filed on the grounds that the evidence is insufficient to
justify the decision, order or ruling; or that the said decision, is contrary to law.
Section 2. Period for Filing Motions for Reconsideration. - A motion to
reconsider a decision shall be filed within five (5) days from the promulgation
thereof. Such motion, if not pro forma, suspends the execution or
implementation, of the decision, resolution, order or ruling.
Section 3. Form and Contents of Motion for Reconsideration. - The motion
shall be verified and shall point out specifically the findings or conclusions of the
decision, resolution, order or ruling which are not supported by the evidence or
which are contrary to law, making express reference to the testimonial or
documentary evidence or the provisions of law alleged to be contrary to such
findings or conclusions.
Section 4. Effect of Motion for Reconsideration for Period to File Petition
for Certiorari to the Supreme Court. - A motion to reconsider a decision,
resolution, when not pro-forma, suspends the running of the period to elevate
the matter to the Supreme Court.
Section 5. How motion for Reconsideration Disposed of. - Upon the filing of
a motion to reconsider a decision, resolution, order or ruling of a Division, the
ECAD Clerk concerned shall, within twenty-four (24) hours from the filing thereof,
notify the Presiding Commissioner. The latter shall within two (2) days thereafter
certify the case to the Commission en banc.
Section 6. Duty of ECAD Director to Calendar Motion for Resolution. - The
ECAD Director concerned shall calendar the motion for reconsideration for the
resolution of the Commission en banc within ten days from the certification
Section 7. Period to Decide by the Commission En Banc. - The motion for
reconsideration shall be decided within fifteen (15) days from the date the case
or matter is deemed submitted for decision, unless otherwise provided by law.
Section 8. Finality of Decision. - The decision of the Commission shall become
final and executory five days after its promulgation and receipt of notice by the

Rule 21
Electronic Evidence
Section 1. Original of an electronic document or data. - An electronic
document or data shall be regarded as the equivalent of an original document
under the Best Evidence Rule if it is a printout or output readable by site or other
means, shown to reflect the data accurately.
Section 2. Copies as equivalent of the originals. - When a document is in
two or more copies executed at or about the same time with identical contents,
or is a counterpart produced by the same impression as the original, or from the
same matrix, or by mechanical or electronic re-recording, or by chemical
reproduction, or by other equivalent techniques which is accurately reproduces
the original, such copies or duplicates shall be regarded as the equivalent of the
Notwithstanding the foregoing, copies or duplicates shall not be admissible to the
same extent as the original if:
a) A genuine question is raised as to the authenticity of the original; or
b) In the circumstances it would be unjust or inequitable to admit a copy in lieu
of the original.
Section 3. Affidavit of evidence. - All matters relating to the admissibility and
evidentiary weight of an electronic document may be established by an affidavit
stating facts of direct personal knowledge of the affiant or based on authentic
records. The affidavit must affirmatively show the competence of the affiant to
testify on the matters contained therein. The affiant shall be made to affirm the
contents of the affidavit in open session and may be cross-examined as a matter
of right by the adverse party.
Section 4. Transmittal of Decisions and Orders. - The Clerk of the
Commission shall transmit the Commission decision and orders through the
fastest means available and through the official fax line to the BOC, and other
concerned parties, which shall verify the same and comply with the decision or
Rule 22
Authentication of Electronic Documents and Data

Section 1. Burden of proving authenticity. - The person seeking to introduce

an electronic document in an election protest has the burden of proving its
Section 2. Manner of authentication. - Before any electronic document or
data offered as authentic is received in evidence, its authenticity must be proved
by any of the following means:
a) By evidence that it had been digitally signed by the person purported to have
signed the same;
b) By evidence that other appropriate security procedures or devices for
authentication of electronic documents were applied to the document; or
c) By other evidence showing its integrity and reliability to the satisfaction of the
Rule 23
Costs, Damages and Attorney's Fees
Section 1. Costs; when allowed. - Costs shall be allowed to the prevailing
party as a matter of course. The Commission shall have the power, for special
reasons, to apportion the costs, as may be equitable. The Commission may
render judgment for costs if a protest, or a counter protest is found to be
frivolous, double or treble costs may be imposed on the protestant or the
Section 2. Damages and attorney's fees. - In all election contests, the
Commission may adjudicate damages and attorney's fees, as it may deem just
and as established by the evidence, if the aggrieved party has included such
claims in the pleadings.
Rule 24
Section 1. Effectivity. - These Rules shall be published in two (2) daily
newspapers of general circulation and shall take effect on the seventh day
following its publication.
Approved this 22nd day of March, 2010, Manila, Philippines.

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