Thermostat Theory of Project Control

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Table of Content
1.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................................2
1.1 The Cybernetic/Thermostat Control Model...........................................................................3
1.2 Types of cybernetic control systems......................................................................................4
1.3 Information requirements for cybernetic controllers.............................................................7
2.0 Critique of the Cybernetic/Thermostat Model.....................................................................8
3.0 Conclusion................................................................................................................................9

1.0 Introduction
Project control is the last element in the implementation cycle planning-monitoring-controlling.
Information is collected about system performance, compared with the desired (or planned)
level, and action taken if actual and desired performance differ enough that the controller
(manager) wishes to decrease the difference. Reporting performance, comparing the differences
between desired and actual performance levels, and accounting for why such differences exist
are all parts of the control process. In essence control is the act of reducing the difference
between plan and reality. Control is focused on the three elements of project-performance, cost
and time. The project manager is constantly concerned with these three aspects of the project. Is
the project delivering what it promised to deliver or more? Is it making delivery at or below the
promised cost? Is it making delivery at or before the promised time? It is strangely easy to lose
sight of these fundamental targets, especially in large projects with a wealth of detail and a great
number of subprojects. Large projects develop their own momentum and tend to get out of hand,
going their own way independent of the wishes of the project manager and the intent of the
1.1 The Cybernetic/Thermostat Control Model
Cybernetic or steering control is by far the most common type of control system. The key feature
of cybernetic control is its automatic operation. The diagrammatic model of a cybernetic control
system in figure 1 shows that a system is operating with inputs being subjected to a process that
transforms them into outputs. It is this system that we wish to control. In order to do so, we must
monitor the system output. This function is performed by sensors that measure one or more
aspects of the output, presumably those aspects one wishes to control. Measurements taken by a

sensor are transmitted to the comparator, which compares them with a set of predetermined
standards. The difference between actual and standard is sent to the decision maker, which
determines whether or not the difference is of sufficient size to deserve correction. If the
difference is large enough to warrant action, a signal is sent to the effectors, which acts on the
process or on the inputs to produce outputs that conform more closely to the standard.





Figure 1: A cybernetic control system

A cybernetic control system that acts to reduce deviations from standard is called a negative
feedback loop. If the system output moves away from the standard in one direction, the control
mechanism acts to move it in the opposite direction. The speed or force with which the control
operates is, in general, proportional to the size of the deviation from the standard. The precise
way in which the deviation is corrected depends on the nature of the operating system and the
design of the controller.

1.2 Types of cybernetic control systems

Cybernetic controls come in three varieties, or orders, differing in the sophistication with which
standards are set. Figure 1 show a simple, first order control system, a goal seeking device. The
standard is set and there is no provision made for altering it except by intervention from the
outside. The common thermostat is a time-worn example of a first-order controller. One sets the
standard temperature and the heating and air-conditioning systems operate to maintain it.


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- Preprogrammed
mak Responses

Figure 2: A second-order feedback system- preprogrammed goal changer

Figure 2 show a second-order control system. This device can alter the system standards
according to some predetermined set of rules or program. The complexity of second-order

systems can vary widely. The addition of a clock to a thermostat to allow it to maintain different
standards during day and night makes the thermostat a second-order controller. An interactive
computer program may alter its responses according to a complex set of pre-programmed rules,
but it is still only a second-order system. Many industrial projects involve second-order
controllers for example, robot installations, flexible manufacturing systems, and automated
record keeping or inventory systems.




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Figure 3: A third-order feedback system reflective goal changer

A third-order control system (Figure 3) can change its goals without specific preprogramming. It
can reflect on system performance and decide to act in ways that are not contained in its
instructions. Third-order systems have reflective consciousness and, thus, must contain humans.
Note that a second-order controller can be programmed to recognize patterns and to react to
patterns in specific ways. Such systems are said to learn. Third-order systems can learn
without explicit preprogramming and therefore can alter their actions on the basis of thought or
whim. An advantage of third-order controllers is that they can deal with the unforeseen and
unexpected. A disadvantage is that, because they contain human elements, they may lack
predictability and reliability. Third order systems are of great interest to the PM for reasons we
now discuss.
1.3 Information requirements for cybernetic controllers
In order to establish total control over a system, a controller must be able to take a counter-action
for every action the system can take. This implies that the PM\controller is aware of the systems
full capabilities. For complex systems, particularly those containing a human element, this is
simply not possible. Thus we need a strategy to aid the PM in developing a control system. One
such strategy is to use a cost\benefit approach to control to control those aspects of the system
for which the expected benefits of control are greater than the expected costs. We are reminded
of a firm that manufactured saw blades. It set up a project to reduce scrap losses for the high-cost
steel from which the blades were made. At the end of the one year project, the firm had
completed the project cost $ 9700, savings $4240. (Of course, if the savings were to be
repeated for several years, the rate of return on the project would be acceptable. The president of
the firm, however, thought that the savings would decline and disappear when the project ended.)

Relatively few elements of a project (as opposed to the elements of a system that operates more
or less continuously) are subject to automatic control. An examination of the details of an action
plan will reveal which of the projects tasks are largely mechanistic and represent continuous
types of systems. If such systems exist, and if they operate across a sufficient time period to
justify the initial expense of creating an automatic control, then a cybernetic controller is useful.
Given the decisions about what to control, the information requirements of a cybernetic
controller are easy to describe, if not to meet. First, the PM must decide precisely what
characteristics of an output (interim output or final output) are to be controlled. Second,
standards must be set for each characteristic. Third, sensors must be acquired that will measure
those characteristics at the desired level of precision. Fourth, these measurements must be
transformed into a signal that can be compared to a standard signal. Fifth, the difference between
the two is sent to the decision maker, which detects it, if it is sufficiently large, and sixth,
transmits a signal to the effectors that causes the operating system to react in a way that will
counteract the deviation from standard. If the control system is designed to allow the effectors to
take one or more of several actions, an additional piece of information is needed. There must be
built-in criteria that instruct the effectors on which action(s) to take.
Knowledge of cybernetic control is important because all control systems are merely variants,
extensions or non-automatic modifications of such controls. Because most projects have
relatively few mechanistic elements that can be subjected to classic cybernetic controls, this
concept of control is best applied to tracking the system and automatically notifying the project
manager when things threaten to get out of control.

2.0 Critique of the Cybernetic/Thermostat Model

Besides the thermostat model, there is another theory of control, the scientific experimentation
model of control of Shewhart (Shewhart and Deming 1939) which addresses learning and
improvement. Here, the question was originally about an experiment for quality improvement,
where the validity of a specific hypothesis is checked. Then, according to the outcome of the
experiment, the improvement method is possibly amended.
Reflecting on the three steps of control: specification, production, and judgment of quality, these
three steps must go in a circle instead of in a straight line. It may be helpful to think of the three
steps in the mass production process as steps in the scientific method. In this sense, specification,
production, and inspection correspond respectively to making a hypothesis, carrying out an
experiment, and testing the hypothesis. These three steps constitute a dynamic scientific process
of acquiring knowledge. However, this can be generalized: all operations can be treated as
hypothesis testing, rather than those specified as experiments in advance. Then every operation
must be specified, i.e. the hypothesis made explicit this is exactly what is done in the Toyota
Production System (Spear & Bowen 1999). In this way, the root causes for problems can be
found, and performance improved.
The scientific experiment model of control reveals a fatal shortcoming of the thermostat model,
which addresses returning to the standard performance using the resources at hand, but with
different intensity. The thermostat model does not address finding reasons for deviations, and
eliminating those root causes. The scientific experimentation model focuses on finding causes of
deviations and acting on those causes, instead of only changing the performance level for
achieving a predetermined goal in case of a deviation as postulated in the thermostat model.

Thus, the scientific experimentation model adds the aspect of learning to control while the
thermostat model does not.
3.0 Conclusion
The thermostat model recognizes that there is a process to be controlled, a unit for performance
measurement, a standard of performance and a controlling unit (thermostat control). The model
is underpinned on the principle that possible variance between the standard and the measured
value is used for correcting the process so that the standard can be reached and assumes that the
process is of continuous flow type, the performance of which is measured at aggregate terms.
However, there is lack of the learning function in the thermostat model: it is easier, speedier and
more illuminating to directly consider deviations in task execution and to learn about their causes
than through the performance metrics.

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