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Vocational Training for Undergraduate (Engineering & Management) Students 2015 -16 at

Technical Training Centre, Diesel Locomotive Works, Varanasi-221004


Technical Training Centre (TTC), Diesel Locomotive Works (DLW), Varanasi will conduct Vocational Training for
the Undergraduates of Engineering and Managements Studies. The duration of the internship shall not be more
than 8 weeks.


The application forms shall be available at TTC/DLW from 8th April 2015 based on the request letter in original
from respective College / Institution on first come first serve basis.


Facilities of internships will be offered to only those candidates who are still studying at Undergraduate level in
Technical / Management areas and not to those who have passed the final examination and have left the


No fee would be charged from trainees.


No remuneration in the form of stipend, salary or allowances of any kind will be paid to the trainees by the DLW
administration. No passes or PTOs will be issued to them.


The trainees will have to conform to all General rules and regulations of discipline and conduct at the DLW


The application of the student seeking internship should be sent along with a No objection Certificate from the
Institute where the student is pursuing the studies. Any loss or damage to equipment and fittings that may be
caused by the trainee during the course of training in workshop etc., should be indemnified by the
Parent/Guardian of the student.


The trainees will not be treated as employees of the DLW and as such will not be entitled to any compensation or
damages from the DLW for any injury to them or to their property etc.


The trainees will be under the administrative control and discipline of the head of the TTC/ DLW, Varanasi.

10. On successful completion of internship, the trainees will have to submit a report giving their feedback including
ideas / suggestion for innovation etc. A certificate will be issued to them by TTC/DLW, Varanasi only after
submission of the report (preferably in soft copy).
11. TTC/DLW may instruct an intern to terminate the programme at any time, as deemed fit, without assigning any
reason. The decision of the TTC/DLW shall be final in this regard. Also an intern can leave the programme, if
he/she desires, giving prior notice of seven (07) working days to the controlling officer. No certificate shall be
awarded to such an intern.
12. The internship course shall not confer any claim / right for any employment in any office / establishment under the
administrative control of the Ministry of Railways / PSUs.
13. A declaration incorporating the relevant points from the above will be taken by TTC/DLW as per the format
attached in Annexure-1.
14. Duly filled and signed application forms shall be accepted by TTC along with:
a. No objection Certificate issued by Institution duly indicating the required training duration & date should be
addressed to Principal, Technical Training Centre , DLW, Varanasi-221004.
b. Declaration by the Student and Parent/Guardian in format attached Annexure-1.
c. Three recent stamp size photographs of the candidate shall be pasted on the application form.
15. The training is imparted mainly in Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics and Civil engineering including Information
Technology & Under graduate management studies. The available seats are as follows:

Mechanical Engg.
Electrical, Electronics, Communication Engg.
Civil Engg., IT, Under graduate management studies etc.

No. of seats

The normal training period shall be 4 to 6 weeks, which may be extended up to 8 weeks on special request from
institute and with approval of Principal, TTC, DLW, Varanasi. The duration of the internship shall not be more
than 8 weeks.
16. At the time of form submission, acknowledgment receipt shall be provided to student.
17. The wards of Railway employees should be verified by Training In-charge - TTC. A self attested copy of current
pass declaration form of the Railway employee is required with the application form.

18. Vocational trainees shall abide by all the statutory norms of Quality, Environment, Health and Safety
Management Systems. In case of any accident or resultant casualties whatsoever during the training period,
DLW cannot be held responsible under any circumstances. No trainee shall be allowed inside the workshop
without Safety Shoes, Helmets and PPEs.
19. Photography in premises is strictly prohibited.
20. The TTC/DLW administrations decision regarding enlisting the students for training will be final and binding. Any
subsequent correspondence from students or Engineering College will not be entertained.
21. The trainees have to make their own arrangement for boarding and lodging.
22. Training Schedule and duration is conditional and subjective. TTC/DLW Administration may prepone, postpone,
curtail and/or cancel the training on administrative grounds. All rights on the subject are reserved by TTC/DLW
23. Registration no., training duration and training area mentioned in the application form shall be specified by
TTC/DLW office. It should not be filled by the candidate.
24. No trainee shall be allowed inside the training area or TTC campus except the time allotted in the Admit form /
gate pass.
25. For further enquiries on the subject, Sri Upendra Kr. Rangappa /Trg. In-charge of TTC can be contacted on
following number from Monday to Friday between 09.30 AM to 13.00 PM.
Telephone no. 0542-2642625.
TTC, DLW, Varanasi

Annexure I


With reference to the offer for internship vide letter No. .................................................. dated.........................,
I hereby undertake the following: i)

I will be doing internship from DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY at Diesel Locomotive Works (DLW),


I am not entitled to any remuneration in the form of stipend, salary or allowances of any kind by the
DLW. I am also not entitled to any pass or PTO from Indian Railways.

iii) I would abide by all General rules and regulations of discipline and conduct at the DLW, Varanasi.
iv) I am liable to compensate to the DLW for any loss or damage to equipment and fittings that may be
caused during the course of training in workshops etc.

I would not be treated as employee of Indian Railways and as such will not be entitled to any
compensation or damage from the DLW for any injury to me or to my property etc.

vi) I agree to be under the administrative control and discipline of the Technical Training Centre, DLW,
vii) I will not claim any advantage for employment in Indian Railways in future on the basis of the

Name: ..................................................
Institute: ...............................................
Course: ................................................

Declaration by the Guardian / Parent

( Name of the Guardian / Parent
) undertakes to indemnify DLW, Varanasi for any loss or damage to
equipment and fittings that may be caused by Mr/Ms (
Name of the Trainee
) during his/her
internship with Indian Railways.

(Authorised Signatory)
Name of the Guardian / Parent:.
Relation with Trainee (Son/Daughter/Other Please Specify)........................
Address of the Guardian / Parent:.
Contact No. (Mobile / Landline).....................................................................
E-mail (if any)................................................................................................

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