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The marketing mix is the set of marketing tools the firm uses to pursue its marketing
objectives in the target market.Marketing-mix decisions must be made for influencing the
trade channels as well as the final consumers.
McCarthy classified these tools into four broad groups that he called the four Ps of
marketing: product, price, place and promotion.
Product means set of tangible and intangible attributes which may include packaging,
color, price, quality and
brand plus the sellers services and reputation. A product may be a place, service, good or
LS & CO. is basically divided into 3 sub brands i.e. Levis, Dockers and Levis Strauss
Signature. All the three brands are providing different quality products.
Invented in 1873, Levi's jeans are the original, authentic jeans. They are the most
successful, widely recognized and often imitated clothing products in the history of
apparel. Levi's jeans have captured the attention, imagination and loyalty of generations
of diverse individuals.
The Levis brand continues to define jeans wear with widest range of products available
from quintessential classics, such as the famous Levi's501 Original jean to favorite fits
and styles in our Red Tab and Levi's Premium collections.
LEVIS earns remarkable revenues throughout the year because its products are
considered to be the worlds largest quality products.

Launched in 1986 in the United States, Dockers brand products and marketing played a
major role in the creation of a new apparel category for Men's pants and the shift to
casual clothing in the workplace.
Dockers Khakis quickly became the No. 1 khaki pant brand in the United States .
In 1988, the brand launched Dockers for Women, a feminine interpretation of Dockers
brand apparel. The line offers fashionable tops, dress and casual pants and a full range
of accessories designed to fit a variety of different body types and sizes. Today, the
Docker brand has expanded to more than 50 countries in every region of the world with a
complete assortment of stylish and innovative products including a full line of tops,
footwear, outerwear and accessories for a broad range of consumers


The Levi Strauss Signature brand was launched in 2003 exclusively for consumers who
shop in the mass channel. The brand gives value-conscious consumers access to highquality, affordable and fashionable jeans wear from a company and name they trust.
The Levi Strauss Signature brand includes a collection of denim and non-denim pants,
shirts, skirts and jackets for men, women and children all designed with the high quality.
Products are usually considered to be the No.1 factor contributing towards building
goodwill of a firm. A product should be unique, durable, reliable, comfortable and
economical. Following are some of the basic attributes of LEVIS products: Variety

Levis products today are perceived by many as a symbol of youth, freedom, confidence,
individualism, independence & comfort.
Levis jeans have been present at nearly every pivotal moment in history and culture for
the past 150 years.
Levis jeans and other products are comfortable enough to be worn even at the times of
protest, war, cultural revolution, relative peace and pure fun.
The two figures on the patch of Levis jeans with whips in hand pulling in opposite
directions, yet the jeans remain intact; symbolize the strength and durability of the Patent
It can be simply defined as:
The currency value charged to a Client by the company for a product or service.
Is one of the most important elements of the marketing mix, as it is the only mix, which
generates a turnover for the organization. The remaining 3p's are the variable cost for the
organization. It costs to produce and design a product, it costs to distribute a product and
costs to promote it.
List Price:
All products are sold at listed price, which are settled by the Levis Company (Singapore).
There is no discount to offer.
Credit Sales:
Products are only sold for cash or on credit cards

Payment Period & Credit Terms are settled by the company.

Price Determination:
During the determination of the price company not considered the competitors, but the
standard that is used is considered
Levis price is influenced by the following factors:Cost of the product
Affordable for the target market
Demand of the product
Uniqueness and innovative features of the products
Placement objectives:-.
To equalize the demand and supply of products at all places.
To provide desired products at proper place.
To fulfill the requirements of every locality according to the taste of the people.
To increase the brand equity by reaching every corner of the world.
Channels:Channels of Distribution:
LEVIS distributes JEANS by the Channel Members that is through retailer and
Levis Strategy for Choosing channels is according to Product: Mostly Levis is limited to
his wholesalers, because the unit value is high and cost related issues occur.
Location:As mentioned earlier the Levi's brand of products are sold in 49 countries, Dockers
brand in 31 countries and our Levi Strauss Signature brand in 4 countries:

Promotion objectives:
o To inform, persuade and remind the potential customers about its products
o Increase awareness and build primary demand
o To build strong brand equity.
o Build Companys image as innovator.
o To create bonds between public and Levi Strauss by helping the people.
o To create the importance of its products
Sales promotion:For the promotion of sales Levi Strauss & Co. adopt a very effective but comprehensive
strategy. Levis pays attention to the publicity of its products. The major source of
promotion of Levis is done by creating public relations. The sales promotion of LEVIS
targets the end consumers. Since the Levis JEANS are in growth stage in Pakistan,
therefore, the promotional strategy is based on persuading of prospective buyers.
Levis uses the following promotional strategies to promote its product.
Personal selling
Personal selling by the representative of the organization takes place face to face with
final consumers.
Mass Selling
Levis does mass selling to inform a bulk of persons by advertising.
Advertising:The type of advertising used by LEVIS.

Competitive advertising
The advertisement given by the LEVIS stresses on the demand of the product and
enhancement of its features.
Institutional advertising
Levis uses institutional advertising to promote companys image by saying.
Many Copy the Red Tab No One can copy the Original
Advertising mediums:The advertising media used by the company are: Television
Fashion Magazines , Newspapers
Bill boards ,banners etc
Television & Radio:
Advertisements of Levi Strauss & Co. are very innovative and eye-catching. Buyers are
attracted towards the product. The advertisements are placed at the international level.
Fashion Magazines & Newspapers:
For fashion magazines and newspapers LS&Co. is a target due to its grand brand equity
,it has become a benchmark for all the others to follow. The newspaper gives a coverage
to the social events in which LS &Co takes part with great interest. Whereas fashion
magazines are always dealing with the gorgeous models working with
LEVIS and the unique outfits of the models
Internet.:Levis provides up-to-date information to their customers through electronic media i.e.
from their website

Billboards & banners:Billboards and banners are also used for the advertisement purpose.
Other marketing strategies, like the position of the product, created increased
differentiation and contributing to the companies marketing to the companies market
power are:In 1930s, the company survived In 1930s, the company survived the Great Depression
due to due to increased interest in Western culture.
Jeans were positioned as being worn by cowboys
Levis jeans were issued to employs in the defense industry (including veterans) during
World War II.
Post World War II, veterans that went to college wore Levi on campuses, increasing
-WWII veterans were regarded as heroes.
-Jeans were shown to be suitable for casual wear, rather than work
During the Baby Boom era, Levis targets younger consumers and positions product as
-Early movie stars wore Levis jeans an example of celebrity endorsements jeans.
Consumer demand shifts from durability of jeans to fashion of jeans
Culturally, jeans became symbol of youth and rebellion
-In 1960s, student protesters wore jeans as a uniform
-In 1970s, company sells bell bottom jeans
The firm positioned its products with changing and changing demands, keeping
existing customers and capturing new markets.
With the rise of competitors and decrease in brand image, Levi Strauss & Co. makes
use of edgy advertisements.

Brand Loyalty Many of Levis ads stress brand loyalty to maintain existing customers.
The word original is used many times. Some TV ads are set in the late 1800s, stressing
the historic value of stressing the historic value of the company.
Brand Image At the same time, Levis ads stress the youthfulness of their brand of
jeans. The 501 product line and the Red Tab collections offer jeans that appeal to younger
consumers competing with the high-end jean competitors. Television advertisements are
more innovative and target younger crowds.

Conclusion:Levis gives everyone the opportunity to craft experiences and opportunities by building
confidence through durable clothing. Its Tag lines such as , Have you ever had a bad
time in Levi's? , Quality never goes out of style. Levis. Original jeans. Original
people inspires people from all walks of life with a pioneering spirit. Levis target
audiences by developing an optimized brand and communications platform specially
targeted to the Urban demographic.

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