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[G.R. No. 133695. February 28, 2001.]

MAURICIO Y PEREZ, accused-appellant.

DANIEL MAURICIO y Perez, accused-appellant, will elude the gallows because of a

simple, although vital, omission in the Information charging him with rape. To the
uninitiated in the workings of the justice system, this seeming leniency to a felon
who raped his 11-year old daughter is a blatant outrage. But for those who are
abreast with the law, the imposition of a lower penalty in this case is consistent
with due process. The rule that saves Mauricio today from the capital punishment is
not a mere technicality but a safeguard of one of the fundamental rights
guaranteed by the Constitution.
Jonalyn Mauricio was born on 16 June 1986 to Daniel Mauricio and his common-law
wife Emedelyn Geotina. But they separated when Jonalyn was only three (3) years
old. She and her father lived in Shaw Boulevard with her paternal grandparents
Alfonso and Ely Mauricio, while her mother and brothers resided in Pasay City. The
grandparents owned a boarding house, a modest eatery and a commercial space
which they leased out as a barber shop. Since Daniel Mauricio did not have a stable
income and was always out drinking, her grandparents supported Jonalyn and sent
her to school. Jonalyn would sleep with her grandparents in the room above the
eatery, while Daniel stayed in the other building where the apartments and the
barber shop were located. Later, Daniel took in a live-in partner and occupied one
(1) room in the third oor with her, while the other room was occupied by his
brother Reynaldo.
One evening in 1995 when Jonalyn was fast asleep in her room, she was awakened
when she felt someone taking o her shorts and panty. It was her father, who then
removed his own pants and underwear. Daniel then whispered to Jonalyn his bestial
intentions, "Maglaro tayo." He appeared to Jonalyn to be high on drugs. She had
seen her father take drugs before and knew what it did to him. He then went on top
of her as she was lying face down and inserted his penis into her vagina. "Taas-baba
'yung ari niya sa akin, sir," 1 she would later testify in court. After the painful ordeal
that evening, Daniel wiped o the sap of his dastardly act, and then left without
uttering a word. Jonalyn, in shock, went to a corner and cried until she fell asleep.
Jonalyn lived out this harrowing scene over and over again. She could not recall how
many times her father raped her, nor the exact dates. Sometimes, he would just

fondle her breasts. At one time, her father raped her when she fell asleep in her
uncle's room after playing video games on his computer. Another time, Daniel
abused her when she baby-sat her half-sister at the request of his current live-in
partner. As Jonalyn would later testify, " Basta pag natutulog ako sa restaurant, he
always touched me, sir." 2 When asked how he did it, " Hinahawakan po niya ang ari
niya tapos pinapasok po niya sa vagina ko, sir." 3
Sometime in 1996 Jonalyn and her grandparents transferred to Welfareville Village
in Pasig City. Her grandfather Alfonso eked out a living by selling ice to neighbors
while her grandmother Ely worked as a manicurist doing home service for clients.
As usual, Daniel was jobless and seldom sober, and continued to rape his own
daughter. Jonalyn recalled one incident where she was asleep in the sofa when
Daniel inserted his nger into her vagina and mashed her breasts. She also recalled
another incident, which occurred sometime in July 1997, when her grandparents
were out of the house. Her father Daniel laid behind her, spread her legs and
inserted his penis inside her organ. All this time Jonalyn did not say a word to
anyone about her father's lechery.
On 16 August 1997 Daniel committed his last act of inhumanity which prompted
Jonalyn to nally to break her silence. Daniel arrived home from work at about 7:00
o'clock in the morning, apparently in his usual state of drunkenness. Only Jonalyn
was in the house; she was washing dishes. Daniel suddenly grabbed her by the
waist and carried her to her bed. She struggled and was able to escape Daniel
momentarily, but he succeeded in grabbing her again and threw her down her bed.
Daniel told her, "Maybe, your lolo is molesting you." Fortunately, Daniel returned to
his senses and apologized to his daughter saying, "Pasensya ka na anak, may
problema lang ako sa trabaho ." He then told her not to tell anybody about the
But his apparent repentance and pleas not to squeal on him came too late. Jonalyn,
no longer able to tolerate the physical and mental torment, rushed to the house of
her neighbor and classmate Myrna Marcelo. With the help of another neighbor, she
called Bantay Bata 163. The person on the other end of the line identified himself as
Elmer Chavez. She then initially narrated her ordeal to him.

The next day; she went to the house of her classmate Anna Patricia at Jose Fabella
St., New Correctional Compound, Mandaluyong. There she met Elmer Chavez, the
Bantay Bata staer who answered her call, and Bella Zabala, a Bantay Bata social
worker. She was interviewed by Zabala about the molestation. The two then
accompanied Jonalyn to the PNP Crime Laboratory at Camp Crame for medical
The examination revealed that Jonalyn had "elastic, eshy-type hymen with
shallow healed laceration at 1 o'clock position . . . the vaginal canal narrow with
prominent rugosities," and concluded that "subject is in non-virgin state physically."

Jonalyn was brought to the ABS-CBN oce in Quezon City for another interview.
She was asked if she was willing to le charges for rape against her father even if it

would result in him getting the death penalty, and Jonalyn answered in the
armative. Then accompanied by Coleen Samar, another Bantay Bata staer,
Jonalyn went to the Mandaluyong Police Station to give her statement to the police.
On 8 September 1997 two (2) Informations were led by the City Prosecutor's
Oce of Mandaluyong City, one alleging that in August 1997, or prior thereto, with
force and intimidation, the accused Daniel Mauricio willfully and feloniously had
carnal knowledge of Jonalyn Mauricio y Geotina, a girl eleven (11) years of age. The
other Information alleged that on or about 16 August 1997 Daniel Mauricio, with
lewd designs and by means of force and intimidation, willfully and feloniously
attempted to have carnal knowledge of his daughter Jonalyn Mauricio Y Geotina, a
girl eleven (11) years of age, thus commencing the commission of rape directly by
overt acts but did not produce the crime by reason of cause or causes other than his
own spontaneous desistance, i.e., she was able to flee from the accused.
The prosecution presented as witnesses Ma. Luisa Capili of the Mandaluyong Police
Station Women's Desk who took the statement of the victim, Jonalyn's grandfather
Alfonso Mauricio, Jonalyn Mauricio herself, Coleen Samar, Elmer Chavez and Dr.
Dennis D. Belin, the medico-legal ocer of the PNP Crime Laboratory who
examined Jonalyn.
Dr. Belin found a laceration in Jonalyn's hymen in the 1:00 o'clock position and
concluded that she was in a non-virgin state. The doctor determined the degree of
resistance of Jonalyn's vagina by introducing his nger into her organ and found her
resistance to be strong, which meant that "the subject had limited sexual
experience." The width of the vaginal canal, which he found to be narrow, indicated
that the subject had had limited sexual experience, or not more than three (3)
times. He also opined that the "sexual experience" could have been caused by a
nger or any instrument other than the male sex organ. He further stated that only
one (1) laceration was found but that it was possible for a single laceration to
manifest even when there were several intercourse. He concluded that based on the
condition of the wound it was inicted at least two (2) weeks before the
examination. He also said that the laceration might have been caused by other
"stressful activities" since the laceration was less shallow and had less parameters
than one normally caused by rape.
Daniel Mauricio denied he raped Jonalyn. He claimed that in their old house in Shaw
Boulevard, Jonalyn slept in the sala where the waitresses of the eatery also slept.
Thus, according to him, it was impossible for him to have committed rape because
the waitresses were always in the sala at night. He insisted that he could not
possibly have raped Jonalyn in his brother Reynaldo's room because Reynaldo
always came home from work at 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon, and that it was very
unlikely that his live-in partner would ask Jonalyn to baby-sit for her because the
two (2) were not in good terms. According to Daniel, Jonalyn was jealous of his livein partner and wanted her own parents to reconcile.

The trial court 5 sustained the prosecution evidence, found Daniel Mauricio guilty of
rape and sentenced him to death. He was also found guilty of attempted rape in the

other case, and sentenced to seventeen (17) years, four (4) months, and one (1)
day to twenty (20) years of reclusion temporal maximum. He was further ordered
to pay complaining witness Jonalyn Mauricio P50,000.00 as moral damages and
P30,000.00 as exemplary damages.
We sustain the conviction of Daniel Mauricio for rape. His barefaced, uncorroborated
denials cannot prevail over the positive testimony of his victim. When a rape
victim's testimony is straightforward and candid, unshaken by rigid crossexamination and unawed by inconsistencies or contradictions in its material
points, the same must be given full faith and credit. 6 Thus the trial court observed
of the testimony of Jonalyn
She gave a very straight-forward and spontaneous account of her horrible
experience she encountered from the hands of her father but sometimes
interrupted by her sobbing and by the tears dropping from her eyes
probably reminding her of the dark and sad episode in the early chapter of
her life authored by no less than her father . . .

To the mind of this Court these feelings of anger and emotional outbursts of
the victim is (sic) but a normal and ordinary behavior of a human being
against a satyr whose beastliness was the cause of her loss of virginity at a
tender age especially so if he is the person who brought her to this world.

We nd no reason to reverse the trial court. Factual ndings of trial courts,

particularly the assessment of the credibility of witnesses, are accorded much
weight and the highest respect on appeal. Trial courts have the opportunity to
observe rst hand the demeanor and conduct of witnesses and examine other
proofs as well, thus they are better situated to form accurate impressions and
conclusions. 7 The emotion and tears displayed by the victim convinced the trial
court of the genuineness of her testimony. Indeed, it is very dicult if not
impossible to feign such a convincing demeanor. We nd it hard to imagine how a
girl of tender age could give so vivid a depiction of such acts of bestiality if such acts
were not inicted on her. The revelation of an innocent child whose chastity was
abused deserves full credit. 8
The credibility of Jonalyn is not diminished by the fact that it took her two (2) years
from the time she was rst violated to come forth and break her silence. In People
v. Narido we said that considering that the complainant was a child of tender years,
eectively under the control of the appellant, it was not dicult to understand why
even after she was abused she stayed on and did not complain. Indeed, a daughter
raped by her very own father must have been overwhelmed by fear and confusion
as to why the very person that gave life to her could be capable of such a detestable
Neither is Jonalyn's credibility aected by her failure to recall the exact dates of the
commission of the oense. Such lapse is a minor matter and can be expected when
a witness is recounting the details of a humiliating experience which are painful and

dicult to recall in open court and in the presence of other people. 9 The failure of
complainant to remember some details of the crime, instead of suggesting
prevarication, precisely indicates spontaneity and is to be expected from a witness
who is of tender age and unaccustomed to court proceedings. 10
Coupled with the strong corroborative testimony of the medico-legal ocer who
veried that the victim had prior sexual experience, Jonalyn's testimony is sucient
to overthrow the presumption of innocence in favor of accused-appellant.
We reject the contention of accused-appellant that it was impossible for him to have
committed the crime because Jonalyn was always accompanied by the waitresses in
the eatery. It is well-nigh impossible for one person to be accompanied by some
other person every single second of his life. Even the most congenial person has his
moments of privacy. Besides, it is an established principle that lust has no regard for
time and place. For, rape can be committed even in the most unlikely places, such
as a park, a roadside, school premises, or an occupied room. 11
It cannot be said that accused-appellant was deprived of due process when the
Information led against him for Rape failed to state the exact date of the
commission of the oense. Date is not an essential element of the crime of rape, for
the gravamen of the oense is carnal knowledge of the woman. 12 Thus, the precise
date need not be alleged in the Information. Sec. 11, Rule 110, of the Rules on
Criminal Procedure states
Time of the commission of the oense . It is not
necessary to state in the complaint or information the precise time at which
the oense was committed except when time is a material ingredient of the
oense, but the act may be alleged to have been committed at any time as
near to the actual date at which the oense was committed as the
information or complaint will permit.

Thus, the allegation in the Information that accused-appellant committed the crime
"sometime in August 1997, or prior thereto," does not violate his right to due
process and is sufficient to sustain a finding of guilt for the crime charged.
Even counsel for the defense does not controvert the factual ndings of the court. In
the appellant's brief, counsel prayed "that the judgment of conviction against
accused-appellant Daniel Mauricio . . . be MODIFIED wherein the death penalty that
was meted out on him should be REDUCED to RECLUSION PERPETUA . . . ." The
Solicitor General, in his Manifestation and Motion in Lieu of Brief, made a
recommendation to the same effect.
In this regard we agree with accused-appellant and the Solicitor General. As
mentioned earlier, we cannot sustain the imposition of the death penalty. The law
under which he was prosecuted is Art. 335 of The Revised Penal Code in relation to
RA 7610. 13 Article 335 as amended by Sec. 11 of RA 7659, or the Death Penalty
Law, provides:

When and how rape is committed. . . . The death

penalty shall also be imposed if the crime of rape is committed with any of
the following attendant circumstances:
When the victim is under eighteen (18) years of age and the oender
is a parent, ascendant, step-parent, guardian, relative by consanguinity or
anity within the third civil degree, or the common-law spouse of the parent
of the victim . . .

I n People v . Ramos 14 this provision was interpreted to mean that for death to be
imposable the concurrence of the minority of the victim and her relationship to the
oender being a special qualifying circumstance should be specically alleged in the
Information. In the case at bar, although the Information did properly allege the
complainant's minority, it failed to specify the relationship between the
complainant and accused-appellant. It is not enough that the relationship was
subsequently proved during the trial. Both relationship and minority must be
alleged in the Information to qualify the crime as punishable by death. To hold
otherwise would lead to a denial of accused-appellant's constitutional right to be
informed of the nature and the cause of the accusation against him. 15 Thus, for this
oversight, accused-appellant can only be convicted of simple rape, punishable by
reclusion perpetua.

We likewise agree with the Solicitor General, in the other case, that the evidence on
record cannot sustain a conviction for attempted rape. The Revised Penal Code
defines an attempted felony thus
Consummated, Frustrated, and Attempted Felonies .
Consummated felonies, as well as those which are frustrated and
attempted, are punishable . . .
There is an attempt when the oender commences the commission of a
felony directly by overt acts, and does not perform all the acts of execution
which should produce the felony by reason of some cause or accident other
than his own spontaneous desistance.

"Overt acts" has been dened as some physical activity or deed, indicating the
intention to commit a particular crime, more than a mere planning or preparation,
which if carried to its complete termination following its natural course, without
being frustrated by external obstacles nor by the voluntary desistance of the
perpetrator, will logically and necessarily ripen into a concrete offense. 16
Jonalyn testied that in the morning of 16 August 1997 when the supposed
attempted rape took place, Daniel grabbed her by the waist and carried her to the
room while she was resisting. She further testied that she was able to run but
Daniel got hold of her again and threw her on her bed. Daniel then told her "Maybe
(your) lolo is molesting (you)," and "Pasensya ka na anak may problema lang ako sa
Applying the above denition to the facts of the case, it would be stretching the
imagination to construe Daniel's act of throwing Jonalyn to her bed as an overt act
that will "logically and necessarily ripen" into rape. The external act must have a

direct and necessary connection with the crime that the accused intended to
commit. Whether Daniel indeed intended to commit the crime of rape cannot be
seen merely from this particular act. Thus, Daniel should be acquitted of the charge
of attempted rape.
The award of P50,000.00 for moral damages is sustained it being discretionary on
the part of the court, and may be awarded without need of independent proof. 17
Furthermore, as the trial court failed to award the civil indemnity ex delicto, we
award additional P50,000.00 as civil indemnity to the complaint the same being
mandatory. 18
As to the award of P30,000.00 exemplary damages, we note that the Revised Rules
of Criminal Procedure, which took eect on 1 December 2000, requires that
aggravating circumstances, in order to be appreciated, be stated in the information.
The pertinent provision of the new Rule 110 states
Cause of the accusation. The acts or omissions
complained of as constituting the oense and the qualifying and aggravating
circumstances must be stated in ordinary and concise language and not
necessarily in the language used in the statute but in terms sucient to
enable a person of common understanding to know what oense is being
charged as well as its qualifying and aggravating circumstances and for the
court to pronounce judgment (emphasis supplied).

The use of the word "must" indicates that the requirement is mandatory, therefore
failure to comply with Sec. 4, Rule 110, means that generic aggravating
circumstances, although proven at the trial, cannot be appreciated against the
accused if such circumstances are not stated in the information. It is a cardinal rule
that rules of criminal procedure are given retroactive application insofar as they
benet the accused. Since the aggravating circumstance of relationship can no
longer be appreciated against the accused in this case, there is no more legal basis
for the award of exemplary damages.

WHEREFORE, the Decision in Crim. Case No. 35-H-MD rendered by the Regional
Trial Court of Mandaluyong, Br. 214, is MODIFIED. Accused-appellant DANIEL
MAURICIO Y PEREZ is found GUILTY of the crime of Rape under Art. 335 of The
Revised Penal Code and sentenced to reclusion perpetua instead of death. He is
further ordered to pay Jonalyn Mauricio P50,000.00 for civil indemnity ex delicto
and P50,000.00 for moral damages. The award of P30,000.00 for exemplary
damages is deleted.
In Crim. Case No. 35-H-MD for Attempted Rape, the Decision of the trial court
nding accused-appellant Daniel Mauricio y Perez guilty is REVERSED and SET
ASIDE; consequently, he is ACQUITTED of the crime charged.

Davide, Jr., C.J ., Melo, Puno, Vitug, Kapunan, Mendoza, Panganiban, Quisumbing,

Pardo, Buena, Gonzaga-Reyes, Ynares-Santiago, De Leon, Jr .

Gutierrez, JJ ., concur.

and Sandoval-


TSN, 12 November 1997, p. 11.


TSN, 13 November 1997, p. 6.




Medico-Legal Report prepared by Dr. Dennis Belin, Medico-Legal Ocer, Philippine

National Police Crime Laboratory Service, 16 August 1997.


Decision penned by Judge Edwin D. Sorongon, RTC-Br. 214, Mandaluyong City.


People v. Caratay, G.R. No. 119418, 5 October 1999, 316 SCRA 251.


People v. Ramos , G.R. Nos. 131261-62, 10 August 1999, 312 SCRA 137.


People v. Victor, G.R. 127903, 9 July 1998, 292 SCRA 186.


People v . Narido, G.R. No. 132058, 1 October 1999, 316 SCRA 131; People v .
Bugarin, G.R. Nos. 110817-22, 13 June 1997, 273 SCRA 384.


People v. Bugarin, id.


People v. Vergel, G.R. No. 128813, 4 October 1999, 316 SCRA 199.


People v. Bugayong, G.R. No. 126518, 2 December 1998, 299 SCRA 528; People
v. Narido, see Note 9.


"An Act Providing for Stronger Deterrence and Special Protection Against Child
Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination, Providing Penalties for its Violation, and for
Other Purposes."


G.R. No. 129439, 25 September 1998, 296 SCRA 559.


People v. Narido, see Note 9.


Luis B. Reyes, Revised Penal Code, 14th Ed.


People v. Prades , G.R. No. 227569, 30 July 1998, 293 SCRA 411.



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