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Additional Guidelines

Tatweer Buildings Company

Riyadh School Development Program (RSDP)

Riyadh Region,
R 111

Contractors Schedule Guidelines

Rev 0

Revision 0 - 17 Feb 2015


Additional Guidelines

Tatweer Buildings Company

Table of Contents
Executive Summary ......................................................................................... i
.......................................................................................................................... ii
1.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... ii
1.2 FORMAT ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2.1 Software .................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2.2 Critical Path Method (CPM) .................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.3 Program Components ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.2.4 Activity Description and Set-up ............................................................................................................... 4
1.2.5 Duration ................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.6 Imposed dates ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.7 Numbering ............................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.8 Activity Riding .......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.9 Program Layout and Sequence of Activities............................................................................................ 4
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) ...................................................................................................... 4
Activity Coding ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Activity Numbering ............................................................................................................................... 6
Resource and Cost Loading ................................................................................................................ 6
Calendars ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Resource Loading ................................................................................................................................ 7
Cost Loading ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Format .................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 PROGRAMME SUBMISSIONS ..................................................................................................................... 7
1.3.1 Preliminary Program................................................................................................................................ 7
1.3.2 Narrative .................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3.3 Baseline Program .................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.4 Progress Program ................................................................................................................................... 9
1.3.5 Look Ahead Program ............................................................................................................................ 10
1.3.6 Recovery Program ................................................................................................................................ 10
1.3.7 Extension of Time Program ................................................................................................................... 10
1.3.8 Variation Requests ................................................................................................................................ 11
1.4 REVISION AND UPDATE............................................................................................................................ 11
1.5 REVIEW ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
1.5.1 General .................................................................................................................................................. 11
1.5.2 Review Comments ................................................................................................................................ 12
1.5.3 1.5.3 Supporting Document ................................................................................................................... 12

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Additional Guidelines

Tatweer Buildings Company

Executive Summary
The purpose of the Contractor Guidelines is to establish the critical processes required to develop and maintain an integrated
logic driven Program Master Schedule (PMS) baseline and working Critical Path Method (CPM) based schedule. The PMS
provides the basis for communicating, analyzing and executing the Program Plan. The updating of the schedule will allow for
measuring, analyzing and reporting schedule i.e. Variances and trends performance. The processes are developed to ensure
data integrity and integrations within the Enterprise Program Management System (EPMS) applications and other sources.
This document is to define the development of the PMS from the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Project Initiation,
Planning and Implementation stages of the assets. The processes for Baseline Schedule Management and Program Master




Tatweer Building Company


Planning and Development


Critical Path Method


Program Master Schedule


Work Breakdown Structure


Construction Manager


Projects Control


General Contractor


Consultant Supervision


Time Impact Analysis


Variation Order




Cut off Date


Cut off Business


Earned Value Management

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Additional Guidelines




Tatweer Buildings Company

The Programs (and Program documents) described herein are for the following purposes:
To define the GCs (General Contractor) baseline plan (including logic and use of man-hours identified by discipline subsections) for completing the works.
To report progress in completion of the works and support Earned Value Management and invoicing.
To evaluate Contractors progress payments due to the GC through the usage of Earned Value Management(EVM).
To evaluate any changes to the GCs baseline plan and subsequent updated plans including recovery plans to meet original
baseline dates.
To identify all milestones that represent major deliverables by the GC.
To assess the impact of proposed variations.
To identify and coordinate all interfaces with other GCs, and minimize the potential for delays caused by or to other GCs.
To identify the responsibilities activities of all parties for activities in the Program.
To manage the execution of the work in a manner that allows all deliveries in accordance with Contract requirements.
To serve as a communication tool between the Employer and the CS, the CS and the GC and the GC and its sub-GCs.

The GC is encouraged to use the Program to establish an understanding with all parties of the assumptions regarding the
works and constraints and opportunities that are possible within the plan. As the works progress, the GC and the CS
(Consultant Supervision) will use the Program documents to assess impacts and to formulate the best methods to complete
the works on, or ahead of the contractual completion dates. The Program documents will also be used by the CS in the
evaluation of the GCs monthly progress payment requests through the use of Earned Value Management including submittal
to the Employer for final review and approval.

At anytime throughout the course of the works, the CS reserves the right to or additional activities (or recovery Programs) to
be added to the Program to clearly define the GCs plan and intentions regarding the execution of the works. In each
instance, such activities or changes shall be made by the GC at no cost or delay to the Employer.

The services provided by the CS, the existence of Programs, networks or any other charts or services prepared or performed
by the CS, shall in no way relieve the GC of the responsibility for complying with all of the requirements of the Contract,
including, but not limited to, the responsibility for completing the works within the period for completion of the works and the
responsibility of planning, scheduling and coordinating the works, including work by third parties. The GC is required to
comply with all Program requirements specified herein and any modifications which the CS determines to be reasonable and
necessary during the contract execution, without any time or cost impact to the Employer.

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RSDP Program Management Plan

The Programs (and Program documents) shall be formally submitted to the CS (Consultant Supervision) in a timely manner
as required by this section, the general conditions and the supplementary/particular conditions. Failure to submit the Program
and Program documents on-time and in an acceptable format, with the required content to the CS, may result in withholding
of payments or other remedies.
The GC shall have seven days to prepare program and re-submittals. All Programs shall be submitted in the following
manner: five color paper copies and one electronic copy on CD/DVD of each Program in Oracle Primavera P6 Professional
Project Management tool (.xer), Primavera Layout Files (.plf) and Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) formats and the narrative in Microsoft
Word (.doc) and Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) formats. Courtesy copies delivered via-email will be encouraged but will not replace
the formal transmittal of the submittal.




Unless otherwise specified, all Programs shall be produced and submitted utilizing the Windows-based Oracle
Primavera P6 Project Management tool. All submissions shall be in the version of Primavera directed by the
Employer (currently P6 Version 8.2, although the GC may be required to migrate to a newer version during the
execution of the works).


Critical Path Method (CPM)

All Programs shall comply the Critical Path Method (CPM) using retained logic for the planning, scheduling and
reporting of the work to be performed under this Contract Agreement. The CPM schedule will be an activity driven
schedule not driven by resources. The calculation of lags will be on Actual Dates. The Duration Type will be Fixed
Duration & Units / Fixed Duration & Units/Time.


Program Components

The preliminary, baseline and progress Programs shall include, but not be limited to:


Narrative Summary


Explanatory Notes

Acronyms / Abbreviations

Grouping Strategy

Scheduling Methodology

Milestone Details

All critical, milestone and completion dates defined in the Contract Agreement, including dates of contract
award, Notice To Commence (NTC) or Site Handover, overall completion and completion of each phase.


Critical procurement and submittal activities.


Others activities that interface with the GCs works, including work by the Employer and Employers
consultants, and other similar activities.


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All required design reviews.

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Activity Description and Set-up

The description of work by activity and activity coding shall contain the specific type of work(s) to be done and the
physical area of the work(s) to which the activity pertains. Activity boundaries shall be easily measurable and
descriptions shall be clear and concise. Activity descriptions shall not be prefaced with Begin or Complete. The
beginning and end of each activity shall be readily verifiable and physical progress shall be quantifiable.



With the exception of Level of Effort (LOE) and Long Lead Material Items activities, activity durations over 21
working days shall be kept to a minimum. Exceptions to this shall be permitted only if accepted in writing by the CS.
The duration of activities shall be in working days.


Imposed dates

Imposed completion dates for events other than milestone dates or completion dates are generally not permitted
and shall be agreed upon with the CS. Artificial constraints (imposed start dates, finish dates and in general any
other constraint permitted by the software) are generally not permitted except for use in TBC interface dates and
similar. TBC interface dates shall have an early start/finish and late start/finish range. All TBC dates shall be related
to the GCs works with predecessor and successor logic such that float is correctly calculated on TBC interface



Activity numbering shall be sequenced to allow inclusion of new activities between existing activities while still
maintaining a similarity of numbering for like activities. Numbering by area, level, etc., is encouraged to assist in
analysis. The numbering may be alpha-numeric to allow easier identification of areas, etc. Renumbering or
renaming of existing activities is expressly not allowed.


Activity Riding

Activities shall not ride the data date. Where activities have failed to commence and are not logically linked to any
uncompleted activities a forecast start date shall be applied and where such a forecast date is beyond the next
reporting period, an explanation should be provided in the accompanying narrative. Similarly compression of
remaining or un-started activities is also not permitted unless approved by the CS.


Program Layout and Sequence of Activities

The Program Layout shall be consistent with the project conditions and milestones set forth in the Contract
Documents. Works required to complete each milestone shall be easily identifiable in all GCs Programs. In general,
it is desired to have the works needed to meet the Contract Agreement milestones be detailed activities that
summarize, or roll-up to provide plan and status information reported for the milestone.
The summarized overall Program shall allow reporting of physical progress, revenue and manpower loading for the
entire works. The CSs intent is to use the GCs Program for milestones to summarize activities in the TBCs Master
Program (Capability Building) for all projects.

1.2.10 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

The WBS is a program / project management tool used to identify a program / projects discrete work elements and
collate them into an organized framework to support the management and execution of work and define overall
The WBS for the Tatweer Building Project (TBC was developed in a format to support three primary objectives:

Managing the execution of program works associated with the development of the

School Development

programs as TBC expands its portfolio.

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RSDP Program Management Plan

Developing a framework for an effective and integrated project controls solution including schedule, cost,
for contractor BOQ/ needs Pricing to be verified, earned value, risk, safety, and quality in order to measure
project / contract performance.

Managing the full life cycle of an asset from project inception through decommissioning/ removal.

To support the three primary objectives as noted above, an asset-based WBS was developed and adopted which
also allows performance measurement and capitalization of all project / asset costs over the entire lifecycle of the
project / asset.
Additionally, a fully developed WBS methodology / structure forms the foundation of project delivery and asset
management in a consistent and uniform manner which can be leveraged to support TBC from an organizational
stand point.
WBS codes and contract numbering are two distinct systems. The WBS codes have been generated on the basis
of an asset-based approach. Contract numbers will be provided for contracts that make up the level of effort in
order to deliver the project / asset.
There may be several contracts assigned to one project / asset; as such, the correlation between WBS code and
contract numbering is no longer applicable.
Planning & Development (P&D) Program Controls shall maintain the controlled master copy of the WBS at all
times, and shall be responsible to track, report, analyze, and make recommendations against program/ project
data against the WBS.
The WBS forms the backbone of all program/ project data and is required for integrated reporting; as such, strict
oversight and control shall be maintained and enforced by P&D Program Controls. This policy has been
developed in conjunction with industry best practices and historical experience on the Tatweer Building Project
The Employer has developed the overall Program WBS and associated organization; to maintain the consistency
for all projects related to TBC, the GC shall be required to organize the Preliminary Program, Baseline Program,
and all other Programs consistent with this format in Oracle Primavera P6 Professional Project Management tool
as provided in the Program WBS structure below. No deviation shall be accepted unless otherwise approved by
the CS and the Employer.






Regions (R)


SD PROGRAM (School Development Program)














Task(s), Sub-Task(s), Activities


Sub-Task(s), Activities


The project level is Level IV, with the Construction Contract located within a Control Account at Level V. The GC
shall be required to organize all Program, cost, and resource information within the Preliminary and Baseline
Program in an elemental format utilizing the ASTM E 1557 09 Standard Classification for Building Elements and

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RSDP Program Management Plan

Related Site work UNIFORMAT II, with Levels VIII and lower assigned to the GC to organize by task, sub-task,
and activity as required. Program WBS Level VI & VII shall be organized by Work Packages and Elements pursuant
to the standards set forth in Section 2 UNIFORMAT II Organization and Cost Estimating; this shall take
precedence relative to format and/or any discrepancies identified unless otherwise directed by the CS and
Each element, task, sub-task and/or activity in the Baseline Program shall have a WBS field encoded to it.
The GCs is required to follow proposed WBS shall be submitted for review and approval by the CS. The GC shall
receive written approval by the CS prior to modifying the approved WBS in any manner. Any modified WBS is
subject to review and approval by the CS prior to implementation.
For purposes of consistency, the Employer will provide a blank .xer file (the backup file for P6 Version 8.2 or higher)
to the GC; this blank file will contain predefined fields for the EPS/WBS structure, codes, calendars, etc. in the
format required by the Employer for incorporation into the EPMS. No deviation from the format contained in the
blank Program provided by the Employer will be accepted without prior consent from the Employer. The purpose of
providing this blank Program template for the GCs use is to provide consistency in the information format that will
readily allow its incorporation into the EPMS. A draft blank .xer file will be distributed initially and a finalized version
will be distributed at the time of award of the Contract.

1.2.11 Activity Coding

In addition to and separate from the WBS, each activity shall be coded to show, at a minimum:

The Phase of work (design, procurement, installation etc.). This coding structure will be provided in the
blank Program template provided by the Employer.


The Party responsible for the work (GC, SubGC, CS, Employer, External Agency, etc.). This coding
structure will be provided in the blank Program template provided by the Employer.


The physical location of the work (area, level, etc.). This coding structure will be provided in the blank
Program template provided by the Employer.


Identification of interface and contractual milestones. This coding structure will be provided in the blank
Program template provided by the Employer.

1.2.12 Activity Numbering

The GC shall propose, prior to the submission of the Baseline Program, an activity numbering scheme that helps
identify activities by location and responsibility (including any sub-GC). A proposed structure will be included in the
blank Program template provided by the Employer. Renumbering of existing activities will not be allowed.

1.2.13 Resource and Cost Loading

Each Activity shall be loaded with an Activity Budgeted Cost if applicable and resources to be confirmed at a later
date with the CS. The GC shall submit his proposed resource and cost dictionaries. A proposed cost and resource
dictionary will be provided in the blank Program template provided by the Employer.

1.2.14 Calendars
Make sure that all activities utilize the appropriate calendar. Only use pre-setup and approved global calendars.
The calendars in the TBC schedules are as follows:

Global Calender 7days/wk

Saudi Arabia 6 days /wk

Holidays Ramadan, Eid Al Adha and Saudi National day.

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1.2.15 Resource Loading

The activities shall be resource loaded as agreed with the CS. Resources shall include manpower, equipment and
material availability, as appropriate. Histograms of Resource requirements shall be produced with any limitations on
resource availability indicated. Resource leveling of resources that are found to be over or under utilized as
indicated in the produced Histograms shall be carried out at the request of the CS.

1.2.16 Cost Loading

The activities shall be Cost loaded as agreed with the CS. as appropriate. Histograms of Cost requirements shall be
produced with any limitations on resource availability indicated. Resource leveling of resources that are found to be
over or under utilized as indicated in the produced Histograms shall be carried out at the request of the CS.

1.2.17 Format
The baseline and progress Programs shall be submitted as color plotted time-scaled Gantt charts with sufficient
calendar and spacing to allow activity description information and bars to be easily read as agreed with the CS. For
each submitted Program, a color plotted time-scaled Gantt chart of just critical path activities shall be submitted.
The provided layout, as described above, shall be used for all time-scaled logic diagram submittals throughout the
duration of the project. The size shall be ISO A4 or A3 at the CSs discretion.
The progress Program shall be submitted in an additional bar (Gantt) chart format that displays the previous
months progress Program as a target Program for comparison use. The previous progress Program shall use the
baseline Program as the target Program. The target bars shall be of smaller size, of different color and below the
current Programs bars. The page size shall be ISO A4 or A3 at the CSs discretion.
The preliminary, baseline and progress Programs shall also be submitted in a bar (Gantt) chart format, as described
above, but shall contain only critical path activities. In the event that the GCs Program has more than 25% of the
activities as critical path or near critical path, the GC shall submit an additional bar chart Program containing both
the critical path and near critical path (as subsequently defined) activities.


The following outlines the Programs and Program documents required to be submitted by the GC.


Preliminary Program

The Preliminary Program shall be submitted within 15 days after handing over of physical site execution of the
Contract Agreement.
The Preliminary Program shall cover the entire duration of Contract; however, works to be executed during the first
15 days shall be fully detailed and cost loaded (cost to be loaded as a single Activity Budgeted Cost, as detailed
later in this document) and resource loaded. With the exception of level of effort activities, individual activities
Program and during the first 30 days should not have durations greater than 21 working days; where the GC
believes an activity needs to exceed this limit it should be noted along with a rationale in the accompanying
This Program is to be used for progress monitoring while the Baseline Program for the entire contract is developed,
and shall be developed and organized consistent with the requirements for the Baseline Program, unless otherwise
directed by the CS.



A narrative shall accompany the Preliminary Program, and subsequent Monthly Reports that describes the key
aspects of the submitted Programs. The narrative shall describe what is to be delivered by the GC at each of the
agreed interim milestone dates. The Preliminary Program narrative shall define the primary aspects of the GCs plan
for conducting the works including, but not limited to:

1. The logic used in the Program, list of constraints and their justification, any suspended work and any
additional information as requested by the CS.

2. Critical submittals, review periods and long lead items.

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The critical path, as defined.

An overall float analysis.
Any interface concerns with third parties (input by other parties to be identified).
Productivity and other assumptions made to determine activity durations and/or lags.
Risks that could impact the Program (per activity and/or WBS level). It is assumed that all internal risks are
controlled by the GC in such a way the he will meet his contractual completion dates. Risks will be produced
and maintained in a Risk Register in a format which will be provided by the CS. The CS may require specific
mitigation measures to address risks detailed in the Risk Register and may also require this process be
repeated throughout the execution of the Contract as part of a comprehensive Risk Management Process.

8. Cost
9. Man Hours (Resources Details)

Critical Path

In addition to preparing the Preliminary Program according to the above requirements, the Program shall also be
sorted by critical path and presented as such. This is a time- scaled Gantt chart showing only the current critical and
near critical paths of the works (activities with total float of less than one day).
For this program and all other programs, the critical path is defined as the driving sequence of activities leading to
the completion of the project and/or intermediate contract milestones. Near critical paths are those paths not driving
the completion of the project or intermediate contract milestones, but whose float values are within one month or
less of the aforementioned driving critical path(s)


Baseline Program

The Baseline Program is a detailed Program that includes a narrative, cost curve and man-loading curve developed
using the critical path method (CPM). It represents the GCs execution plan for the work from the date of award
onward. Once the Baseline Program is accepted by the CS, it shall not be revised, changed or modified without the
CSs consent. With the exception of level of effort and long lead procurement activities, individual activities should
not have durations greater than 21 working days; where the GC believes an activity needs to exceed this limit it
should be noted along with a rationale in the accompanying narrative. Such deviations shall require approval by the
The Baseline Program shall be submitted within 60 calendar days from the date of execution of the Contract


A narrative shall accompany the Baseline Program that describes the key aspects of the submitted Program. The
narrative requirements will match those detailed in Section 1.3.2. Above.

Critical Path

In addition to preparing the Baseline Program according to the above requirements, the Program shall also be
sorted by critical path derived by the Baseline Program and presented as such. This Program shall show the critical
path derived from the Baseline Program. This is a time-scaled network logic diagram showing only the current
critical and near critical path(s) of the works along with its current progress. Resource Loading Curve

Manpower, Equipment and Cost loading curves shall be developed as part of the Baseline Program. For manpower,
the curves shall show overall manpower required for the works and what disciplines make up the overall manpower.

Detailed Program

On award of any subcontract associated with Cost, the GC shall obtain or produce a Program covering the Sum of
works, incorporate it into the Baseline Program and submit it for approval.
The Program for Sum work shall comply with all requirements of the Baseline Program including but not limited to
duration limits, WBS and coding.
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Progress Program

The first update to the approved Baseline Program forms the first progress Program. Subsequent progress
Programs shall be submitted on a monthly basis presenting the update for the previously issued progress Program.
The progress Program shall also be used to:

confirm the physical percent complete requested by the GC in progress payment applications;


Analyze delays and impacts using Time Impact Analysis (TIA) and determine whether a recovery Program
is required from the GC.

The progress Programs shall conform to all requirements of the Baseline Program.
For all progress Program submittals, the GC shall submit a printed list of all Program logic changes along with the
reason for each change, as produced by Claim Digger included in Oracle Primavera P6 Professional Project
Management tool. This list is an integral part of the Program submittal. This list shall be generated from the
scheduling software and be the same logic included on the submitted CD/DVD. The Employer shall accept this list
as part of its overall progress Program submittal review and acceptance process. Additionally, the progress
Program submission shall contain the updated manpower loading curve.

The progress Program shall be updated and submitted once a month.

Submission (Month Ending Update): The update period will include progress between the morning of the
1st day of the month through the end of the last day of the month and be electronically submitted by
COB(Cutt of Bussiness) 7 calendar days after the Data Date. The Data Date will therefore be the 1st day
of the following month regardless of whether it is a work day or not. The intent of this submission is to
provide a full progress update consistent with provisions, and below.

Progress Programs shall be submitted monthly to the CS, or more often if required.


The GC shall submit a monthly narrative for each monthly period beginning on the 1st and extending through the last
day of the month. These submissions are required to be stand-alone documents and shall not require their
corresponding progress Programs to be attached in order to understand the narrative. The narrative, along with all
required corresponding reports, will be electronically submitted by COD (Cut of Date) 7 calendar days after the data
date (or first work day thereafter) of each month for the previous months update.
The narrative shall address the following, without limitation:

Planned and actual progress in the reporting period.


Critical path progress and concerns.


Potential delays.


Submittal status (focus on critical submittals and concerns).


Revenue to-date; Earned Value and associated performance metrics as directed by the CS.


Variances. The GC shall provide a written narrative to include the cause(s) of all Program variance(s) related
to a forecasted delay in any contractual milestone completion or activity dates.


Potential Risks and corresponding Mitigation Strategies.

Critical Path

In addition to preparing the progress Program according to the above requirements, the Program shall also be
sorted by critical path derived first by the Baseline Program and subsequently, from the current progress Program.

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This is a time-scaled network logic diagram showing only the current critical and near critical paths of the works
along with its current progress.

Resource Loading Curves

The resource loading curves shall be updated in accordance with the progress Program to show the actual
resources deployed compared to the Baseline Program.


Look Ahead Program

The GC shall prepare, for presentation at weekly progress meetings, a detailed Look Ahead Program showing
specific activities scheduled for the three (3) weeks from the preparation date and also showing activities in the
previous week. In addition, a 90-day rolling window Program shall be updated and presented weekly during
progress meetings highlighting milestones, submittals and critical path activities.


Recovery Program

Should any conditions exist, such that certain activities shown on the GCs progress Program fall behind schedule
to the extent that any of the mandatory critical dates or milestone completion dates are at risk of being delayed, the
GC shall be required, at no cost to the Employer, to prepare and submit to the CS a supplementary recovery
Program(s). The recovery Program shall be in a form and detail appropriate to the need and to explain and display
to the CS how the GC intends to reschedule those activities to regain compliance with the last previously approved
progress Program, without EOT (Extension of Time).
The Program shall be accompanied by a narrative describing what steps the GC proposes to recover slippage.
Timeliness will be critical when submitting the Recovery Programs; therefore, all Recovery Programs will be
submitted no later than two weeks after it is discovered that any contractual milestone is delayed. Failure to comply
may result in partial withholding of that months application for payment, until such Program is provided to the
satisfaction of the CS. The GC will re-submit said recovery Program(s) until they are approved by the CS.
After the CS determines that a recovery Program is required, the GC shall prepare and submit for approval to the
CS, the recovery Program. The recovery Program shall represent the GCs best judgment regarding how the GCs
work shall be re-organized such that the work may return to the accepted progress Program; this plan will expressly
be understood so that there is no additional cost to the Employer until such time that entitlement for compensation is
established regarding delays claimed by the GC in association with such plan. The recovery Program shall be
prepared at a similar level of detail as the progress Program and shall be based on the accepted progress Program.
No later than five days prior to the expiration of the recovery Program, the CS and GC shall meet to determine
whether the GC has regained compliance with the approved progress Program. At the direction of the CS, one of
the following will occur:
If, in the opinion of the CS, the GC is still behind schedule, the GC shall prepare another recovery Program, at the
GCs expense, to take effect for a maximum of one additional month from the start of the new recovery Program or
as agreed upon with the CS.
If, in the opinion of the CS, the GC has sufficiently regained compliance with the progress Program, the use of the
progress Program shall be resumed.


Extension of Time Program

In the event that conditions exist such that the GC believes there are grounds for an extension of time for any
contractual milestone, the GC shall submit as part of his application a Program showing how the works have been
impacted by delay events. The Program will be used to demonstrate entitlement and shall be the progressed
Program in place at the time of the occurrence of the delay event; the method of calculation shall be Time Impact
Analysis (TIA). Submission of the TIA does not imply entitlement; all TIAs will be evaluated for entitlement and may
be rejected if they are found to be unsubstantiated in the opinion of the CS.

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RSDP Program Management Plan

Where entitlement is claimed as a result of a change of scope to the works, the GC shall produce a Program
fragment that demonstrates the impact of the change against the schedule in effect at the time of the change.
As part of the TIA submission, the GC shall include a Mitigation Plan which eliminates or reduces the effect of the
delay to the greatest extent commercially practical, including associated costs for such a Mitigation Plan.
As part of its TIA submission, the GC must demonstrate that there are no concurrent delays caused by the GC, or
by any other cause which would render the extension of time non-compensable (e.g. force majeure impacts). This
analysis is a condition precedent to compensation for the delays included in the TIA, subject to the other terms and
conditions of the Agreement.


Variation Requests

The GC shall provide a detailed Program in accordance with the Baseline Program requirements with each variation
request. The submitted Program shall detail the impact of the variation on any impacted project milestone, interface
point, and overall completion date, as well as detailing the plan for executing the work proposed by the variation
(V.O). The variation activities shall not be incorporated into the Progress Program submission until the variation
request has been approved by the Employer.



During the course of the works and issuance of the progress Programs, updating to reflect actual progress shall not
be considered revisions to the Program. Such updating shall include revisions to activity remaining durations,
original durations and certain sequences on a monthly basis. Included in the progress Program updates shall be
activities and changes that have already been reviewed and approved by the CS such as the effect of accepted
Employer changes, the agreed duration of delays caused by acts of God, or other conditions or events which have
affected the progress of the works. The progress Programs, when formally submitted, shall display current progress
as well as displaying the forecast or projected works completion.
Should the GC, after the CSs approval of the Baseline Program and any progress Programs, desire to change the
Program logic, the GC shall submit in writing its requested revisions to the CS. The request shall include a written
narrative of the reasons for the activity and logic changes, a description of the logic for rescheduling the work and
the methods of maintaining adherence to critical and milestone dates.
Additionally, for changes affecting sequences of the works, the GC shall provide a time-scaled logic diagram that
compares the original sequence of work to the requested revised sequence of work, or a Gantt chart depiction that
uses as a target the original baseline such that changes are readily observable. The GC shall submit the requested
revision in a timely manner such that the CS may review the requested submittal in the same time frame and
manner as required for other Program submittals. Upon the CSs approval of the request, the GC shall include the
revision in the next progress Program submission. If the GC does not receive approved changes from the CS, that
will not relieve him of preparing the next months updates with the best available information.
Neither the updating or revision of the GCs progress Program, nor the submittal, updating, change or revision of
any Program (or Program document) for the CSs review and approval shall have the effect of amending or
modifying, in any way, the period for completion of the Contract Agreement works, any completion date, or
agreement milestone dates or of modifying or limiting in any way GCs obligations under the Contract Agreement. At
a minimum, the GCs progress Program logic shall be updated at the end of each major phase of work.




All Program documents shall be formally reviewed as required by the CS and returned to the GC with the required
acceptance or action(s) as noted. The CS shall be allowed 14 days for initial submission review and seven days for

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RSDP Program Management Plan

re-submittal reviews of the Preliminary Program and Progress Programs and 21 days initial submission review and
14 days for re-submittal reviews of the Baseline Program.


Review Comments

The CS may use the word accepted, not accepted, or variations thereof in conveying its review comments to the
GC regarding review comments on Program (and Program document) submittals. Any time the word accepted or
similar wording is used, such wording shall have no different meaning than similar wording such as No Exceptions



Supporting Document

Appendices included in this SOP:


Appendix 1 Baseline Review Check List

Appendix 2 - WBS Request Change Form

Appendix 3 - Form PC-1 - Request for Planning Code

Appendix 4 - Form WBS-1 - Request for WBS Code

Appendix 5 - Form WBS-2 - Request to Modify WBS

Appendix 6 Uniformat ASTM Form WBS

Appendix 7- Sample Uniformat WBS Structure

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TBC-RSDP Project
Management Plan



CMP is a Guide only and does not replace or override Project Contract Documents.

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