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A collection of data and insight

into the universe of Amazon Kara and Amazon Brawl


Our world, Dalame

Dalame in the old Elf-Language means Everything of Dala
or World of Dala; Dala referring to the Goddess,
It is home to all known life and was -strictly speakingcreated twice. Most of its surface is covered by water. There
are several islands in these oceans, the biggest one being
home to most of Dalame's population; among these are the
major tribes or races (called nations once). It has a rich
underground cave system as well. Aside from the main island,
most of the world is still unexplored and holds many
Since everything was created from a single source, Mirandala,
most life on Dalame was created in a fine balance, including
many symbioses and natural habitats.

The Cleansing
The Cleansing refers to the second creation of the world, or rather its inhabitants. For unknown
reasons the first generation of inhabitants had a series of conflicts and war, which left the world
inhabitable for the most part; it was necessary to have a total makeover to ensure a second
generation can live on Dalame. There is not much information available about the time before the
Cleansing, so a lot mysteries still remain. It is not known what lead to the war of the first generation
or what kind of weapons were used. The Cleansing as such remains a mystery for the most part as
well. There are only a few things known:
1. Mirandala deemed the world had no future in this state,
2. the old inhabitants of the world disappeared and were replaced with a new generation, greatly
3. the new generation of inhabitants was designed in Mirandala's image.
After the world was created anew, 5 crystal-shards were distributed among the new inhabitants.
One was given to the Elfs, one to the Grieka, one to the Daemons, one to the Parasites and one was
hidden in the Wildlife. These shards were believed to hold the power of Mirandala and should keep
balance among the new tribes, to ensure no war would break out ever again.

Our Goddess, Mirandala

Origin and history:
Not much is known about the origins of Mirandala. There are some theories going around, mostly by
people who apparantly saw visions of her in their dreams, but none of them have any concrete
Some speculate that she is a timeless entity, omnipotent and without equal, while others think she
might have been a normal organism once and came to her powers at a later date. Especially the Elfs
were holder of the latter theory, claiming it would explain why she has kept her appearance even
after gaining godlike powers. But with the disappearance of the Elfs, neither theory has been
investigated further, so this matter is clouded in mystery still.

The only known information about Mirandala's appearance comes from
testimonies given by people who saw visions of her in their dreams. But
because all of these testimonies match each other, it was concluded
that these descriptions actually match her real appearance.
She is a beautiful woman with long rosy silk hair; she isn't covering any
parts of her body with clothes. Most of the time she appears
illuminated or semi-transparent - which makes it difficult to make out
exact features.
As she created Life anew with the Cleansing, all organisms were
designed with her body in mind (with some small differences). This was
to emphasize their connection and love to each other, which was the
most important message Mirandala wanted to convey to her children.
Each and every living being on Dalame was obligated to present their
body as such. The original intention got lost over the years, so now
different interpretations of this message go around. Some believe no
part of the body should be covered, while others believed every part of
the body except the face could be covered if so desired. Nowadays
every race agreed on the consensus that at least the breasts and
crotch should be exposed; but most of them leave hands and feet
uncovered as well.

The inhabitants of Dalame

A lot of lifeforms - in fact most of them live a secluded life somewhere on Dalame. They have
different kind of lifestyles, different levels of intelligence and different understandings of
coexistence. Some live in huts and small villages, some live in caves and some others live in forests.
Nevertheless, because of the Cleansing, they all share some common features. Every being
resembles the body of Mirandala in some form, featuring a feminine design and corresponding
genitalia. Mirandala made sure to enforce certain rules with this design as well, which makes it
possible to categorize all organisms in some way.

The common rules:

Every organism is either female, or futanari
Futanari in this context means every girl of that race has both a vagina and a penis to give and to
receive genetic information through coitus. Reproduction within this race is therefore doable in
every combination and every individual is capable of bearing children. Each race decides on its own
how this is handled and who reproduces, often through different cultural values or rituals.
The specific physical attributes vary, but usually the male genitalia can be hidden within the body
and may be used depending on the situation.
Female organisms on the other hand only have genitalia to receive genetic information and aren't
capable of impregnating other organisms without tools or other aids. Because these methods are
special by nature, they will be covered in the corresponding entry for the race.
All Children are born out of eggs
While the duration of the pregnancy differs from race to race, the birth functions the same way for
every one of them. The new born child grows as an egg inside her mother's womb and is released
once it has reached a certain volume. The process of laying
the egg is both highly stressful and pleasurable, making it
an act of utmost sexual tension for the mother. It is
believed Mirandala made both the process of intercourse
as well as the birth as such as pleasant as possible to make
sure the population grows.
Once the egg is released out of her mothers womb, it
continues to grow under the care of her mother(s) until the
child emerges.
Right from the moment of birth the child is fully-grown,
capable of speech (depending on the race), having an
average level of intelligence and being able to reproduce.
She doesn't grow any further throughout her life and doesn't show any signs of aging until death.
It is near impossible to kill
Mirandala was very keen on creating a peaceful civilization and she made sure killing other organisms
would be very difficult.
There are many ways to hurt other organisms, but with normal means it is impossible to take a life.
Wounds done by blunt or sharp weapons, like the ones used by the Amazons and Grieka, heal almost
immediately after being inflicted, resulting in some blood-loss and pain but no fatal injuries. They
aren't used to kill, but rather to enforce the will of the wielder by inflicting pain.
Organisms therefore only die once they have reached a certain age and Mirandala wills it - or some
kind of unnatural power was involved.
This leads to some other points:
The majority of organisms on Dalame are herbivore.
There are some species that live off other creatures, but they aren't carnivores in the traditional
sense. Instead of eating their victim's flesh, they consume the products of their body, like semen,
sweat, urine or in rare cases blood.
To settle disputes, instead of trying to kill each other, individuals or races instead fight sexual
The goal is to embarass and shame the opponent through sexual activity in such a way they lose their
will to fight, retreating from the conflict and admitting defeat.

The 5 nations of Dalame

As mentioned earlier, most of Dalame is still unexplored and not all information is availabe at the
moment. There are some expeditions going on to solve the mysteries still dwelling in nature.
The 5 once big nations have seen a few developments over the past years and some changed in such a
way they couldn't even be called nations anymore. Still, at the time of the Cleansing, the following 5
tribes were considered to be the main population of Dalame and received the blessing of Mirandala.

The Amazons
female, herbivore
Population: ~100.000
The Amazons were the only major tribe which wasn't given a crystalshard. Why this is the case is reason for much speculation; the only
thing not being in dispute is the fact that the Amazons got some kind
of special treatment. There are several theories going around why this
might the case. The most popular theory, which is mostly believed by
the Amazons, argues that the Amazons are a chosen tribe. Their task is
to keep the balance if one of the other nations tried to gain control
over more than one crystal-shard or nation.
Amazons grow to a height of 1,60m to 1,80m and probably resemble
Mirandala the closest. Their body is usually muscular and fit.
Special traits and cultural values:
The Amazons live in small huts or caves, often banding together in villages. They are ruled by an
Elder, the wisest and most intelligent Amazon. The current Elder has lived for so long pretty much
all Amazons accepted her existence as such and don't question it.
Amazons like to work out and build their bodies to perfection, mainly due to the legend passed down
about them being a special race. They want to be ready once the situation demands it. They are
capable of producing metallic weapons; their intelligence is average.
Method of reproduction:

Since Amazons lack a penis or other means to give their genetic

information to each other, they have to use some aid. Mirandala gave
them the knowledge and capability to use a certain plant to do this.
It's called Bara (which in the old Elf-language means bridge) and
consists of several long, dark-green leaves which grow on the ground.
Their main function is to absorb and store fluids, usually water, and extract their nutrition over
time. If they are exposed to a lot of fluids and can't store all of it, they release everything that is
over their storage-capability. The released fluids are a mixture of the original fluid as well as parts
of the plant, making it viscous.
If the original fluid happened to include genetic data, this new fluid will have it as well.
The mixed parts and slimey characteristics give it similar properties as sperm from other races,
making it possible for the Amazons to impregnate each other with it.
There are several rituals and cultural customs connected with the use of this plant. If an Amazon

wants to have a child with another Amazon, she will ask her to share a leave. To make sure the Bara
releases a nice slime capable of impregnation, it will be exposed to the body fluids of both partners.
This is usually done by putting it between their vaginas so it can absorb their vaginal juices. To
enhance the pleasure and amount of fluids both Amazons will rub the leave between their genitals
for an extended period of time until it is filled and releases the viscous slime over both vaginas. This
can result in one or both partners getting pregnant.
Of course, there are several variations and different positions to use the Bara leave, but this is by
far the most popular one. But there are a few things to take into consideration with this method;
since genetic information of both partners is getting mixed at random inside the leave, it is possible
for the child to have genetic information of both her mothers - or to be a clone of one of the
mothers. Different experiments with the amount of fluid or mixing other types in (like urine, sweat
or blood) didn't seem to have much impact on the result.
It is considered tradition to mainly use the vaginal juices for this ritual.

The Grieka
futanari, herbivore
Population: ~80.000
The Grieka are the second-biggest tribe after the Amazons
and share a lot of their history. Because of their many
similarities both in appearance and cultural values, many believe
the Grieka and Amazons were one race before the Cleansing
and got divided afterwards. However, not much information
exists to back up this claim. In fact, the Grieka uphold a great
rivalry towards the Amazons, always trying to prove themselves
superior and having disputes and sexual combats here and
Grieka grow up to a height of 1,70m to 2,00m. Their bodies
looks rather similar to the Amazons, albeit a bit more muscular.
They can grow a penis for reproduction.
Special traits and cultural values:
The Grieka are a race of warriors; this reflects into their daily life and culural values as well. Since
the moment of birth Grieka are trained to wield a weapon and undergo hard manual training to be
champions of sexual combat; both to defend themselves against other races if the need arises or to
choose a sexual partner among their tribespeople.
The strength of each Grieka defines her position in the hierarchy, the weakest being frowned upon
or even expelled, while the strongest ones are highly respected women.
Each year a tournament is held to choose the mightiest warrior among them to be crowned Queen.
The Queen is then until the next queen is chosen the only ruler of the tribe and her word is
absolute. To represent her status, she is given the task of protecting the crystal-shard the tribe
was given by Mirandala.
Just like the Amazons, the Grieka are capable of producing metallic weapons; their intelligence is
average, as well.

Method of reproduction:
Since all Grieka possess both a vagina and a penis, it is in principle possible for each Grieka to get
pregnant or to impregnate others. But to ensure a specific genetic pool and cultural standard, it is
forbidden to have sex with just anyone. If a Grieka decides to have a child, she is to present herself
with her desired partner before the Queen. Only the mightiest and strong-willed may reproduce
and the Queen is the one who decides who will have the right to do so. Under the surveillance of the
Queen they have to fight a sexual combat. In the course of this combat the Queen judges who will
be the one to bear the child and who is the one to give her semen. The outcome of the combat is
secondary. When she has reached a conclusion, the two girls who presented themselves may then
proceed to reproduce in the manner the Queen ordered. In some cases the Queen might forbid both
of them to reproduce or enforce her right to impregnate one or both of them herself instead.

The Elfs
futanari (?), herbivore
Population: 0
Pretty much all information on the Elfs was lost a long time ago. Only a few things are still known
about this race: in the past, they coexisted with the other major nations and were known for their
great intelligence, wisdom and desire for tinkering; among other inventions, they were the ones who
found a way to produce metallic weapons and gave this knowledge to the Amazons and Grieka. Their
portfolio of inventions probably wasn't limited to weaponry, but most of it has been lost by now.
Their flourishing nation one day came to a sudden end when a terrible accident happened. A giant
explosion buried most of their glorious city, killed every living Elf and even the majority of their
neighbours, the Parasites. How this happened is a mystery and will most likely be forever unknown.
As a result, the crystal-shard they were given was buried somewhere in the rubble as well.
There are a few scribbles and pictures left of the Elfs among the other
tribes, so it's possible to make a few guesses about their appearance. It
seems like their basic appearance is similar to that of the Amazons and
Grieka. Comparing it to other races depicted in the same scribbles, it seems
they grow to a height of about 1,60m to 1,70m, making them the same
height or a bit smaller than Amazons. They have long ears. Some pictures
depict them as futanari, but it is unknown whether this is their natural
state or they had the ability to create artificial penises.
Special traits and cultural values:
It seemed like the Elfs were a very harmonic race; they were never
depicted as violent or doing mischief. They valued their intelligence above
all, making them appear arrogant from time to time.
Unfortunately it is not known how their tribe was governed or how they lived their daily lives.
Method of reproduction:
Pictures were found depicting Elfs using machines or other tools for sexual pleasure, but whether
these had a different purpose as well is still a mystery.

The Daemons
futanari, herbivore
Population: ~20.000
The Daemons are a very laid-back race. They don't like to meddle in
the affairs of other races and keep their lifestyle simple. Most of
them view work as an unnecessary distraction from the joys of life.
Because of this they don't have any kind of written heritage,
either. There are only a few tales which are passed on from
generation to generation, but those aren't able to draw an actual
picture of their history. It doesn't help that the majority of
Daemons is very simple-minded and has an intelligence inferior to
most of the other races.
From the verbally passed down tales there are only a few pieces of
information noteworthy:
the Daemons started out as a pretty small race with limited
numbers. Even as the world began anew after the Cleansing and
everything was turned upside-down, their will to live free of worry
was unbroken and their motto of life. They obviously didn't like the task of guarding the crystalshard either; but after careful consideration they decided going against their Goddess would be
more work than guarding the crystal-shard, so they reluctantly accepted.
The fact that the Daemons of several generations ago were a lot smarter is always left out in these
tales, but nevertheless an observation made by the other races.
Despite their lazy lifestyles Daemons are slender and look fit. They grow to a height of around
1,70m to 1,90m and have three distinct traits not found in any other of the major races: horns, wings
and a tail.
Daemons like to wear black accessories to accomodate their horns and wings. Like the Grieka they
can grow a penis for reproduction.
Special traits and cultural values:
Because of their laid-back lifestyle the cultural and historical values of the race suffered as well.
Nowadays there isn't much being taught or passed on. The Daemons just live their life without any
ambition, driven by short-sighted goals.
They spend most of their time eating, playing or having sex. There is no social structure or
government to speak of.
Method of reproduction:
Having sex and reproducing is a one of the most enjoyed free-time activities of the Daemons. They
like to have sex with just about everyone in all kinds of combinations without any restraint. Because
of this, the Daemons experienced a great growth in population over the past few generations, but
many also believe this is the cause for the dwindling average level of intelligence of the race. Since
there is no cultural value attached to sex or some kind of regulation placed upon the choice of
partner, a lot of unnecessary traits are passed on.

The Parasites
female, carnivore
Population: a few hundred
The Parasites are a perfect example of the very fine-tuned
symbioses created by Mirandala. While the Parasites appear very
similar to other tribespeople like Amazons or Grieka, their body
functions very differently. Strictly speaking, every Parasite consists
of two bodies, sharing a conscience and mind. One body which is the
one people usually see looks very much like a normal female. The
other body usually not visible is a shapeless mass of cells,
responsible for taking care of the metabolism of both bodies. This
body doesn't exist on the physical plain of existence, but rather in
another dimension; it can use the female body or surfaces near her to
temporaly enter the physical plain.
Because of this very unique physique the Parasites were considered
an odd case by other races. Nobody really understood how they
worked and so most of the other races avoided contact with the
Parasites or were very hostile. The Parasites naturally began living a
secluded life.
The only race which was very open to the idea of mutual contact and benefits were their neighbours,
the Elfs. Unfortunately, this relationship didn't last very long; it was broken very abruptly when the
big explosion happened and killed all Elfs and most of the Parasites.
The Parasites never really recovered from this loss and instead continued their isolated life.
Without any contact to the other races, the family-ties within in the race gained importance, as did
the hostility against the other races, especially against the now non-existent Elfs, who were
responsible for their great loss.
The female body of Parasites usually grows to a height of 1,60m to 1,70m. They always have blond
The shapeless body isn't bound by most physical laws and can vary greatly in size and form.
Depending on the genetic information of the corresponding female body, the shapeless body has a
different surface-color. Parasites closely related to one another have similar colors, while Parasites
of different families have different colors.
While most other races see the shapeless body as something ugly, for the female body there is
nothing more beautiful. To emphasize their love and connection, the female body often wears
accessories, jewelry and ribbons in the same color her shapeless body has.
Special traits and cultural values:
If the shapeless body enters the physical plain, it usually does so in a form which mostly benefits
the current situation; this can be as various tools, accessories, furniture or even imitating other liveforms. For sexual combat, the most common form is that of tentacles. It gives the shapeless body
ideal means of attacking as well as humiliating her opponent. As most other races despise the
appearance of the parasites and their shapeless body, getting assaulted by tentacles is often enough
to break their will to fight.

Parasites are carnivores; in order to survive they regularly need to ingest body fluids of other
organisms into their own. As they have decided to live a secluded life, friendly contact or exchange
with other races is impossible; meaning a forceful extraction of these fluids is necessary.
Every so often, a party of parasites will therefore set out and scout the surrounding area; if they
happen to find a lost girl of another race or maybe a small group, they will assault them and extract
as much fluid as possible before leaving them again. This is usually done with the help of their
tentacles it can go deep into the orifices of their victims and make sure no drop is wasted. If their
victims happens to be a futanari, the tentacles may change form to milk the penis as well. Most of
the time, the parasites will settle for vaginal fluids and sperm, but something they take urine and
saliva as well. The extracted fluids are then stored inside the tentacles and transported back to
their hide-out.
Once back home, the fluids are shared with the other parasites. While some simply secrete the
fluids out of their tentacles again, others like to make the feeding a special event. Shaping their
tentacle into the form of a penis and attaching it to their body, they engage in a roleplay, where the
task is to extract the fluids out of them again. While this may seem just like an amusement to pass
time, it serves a lot of purposes. For those parasites who stayed home it is a good training; if they
go hunting themselves one day, they know how to use their body and tentacles to extract fluids
effectively. For those who are playing victim it's a good chance to strengthen their resistance to
sexual assaults, making it a worthwhile activity for all involved.
All decisions regarding the hunt and the life of the parasites are made by a small council, consisting
of the 5 oldest parasites.
Method of reproduction:
As parasites are carnivore and their food-supply limited, it was decided some time ago by the council
that reproduction should be limited; to ensure all parasites alive may have enough to eat and not
As such, there may only be one birth every month. The small council decides who may bear a child
and who may not.
The process of reproduction may occur in several different ways . While parasites are female, the
shapeless body allows them to produce sperm-like fluids to impregnate others. Either as tentacles or
in the form of a penis if so desired the shapeless body functions as a sexual organ. But instead of
extracting fluids, it secretes them, carrying the genetic information of the parasite.

The Wildlife
female/futanari, carnivore/herbivore
Population: unknown
It is impossible to account for all life on Dalame. Most of the wildlife is still undiscovered and from
what is known today, their appearances, lifestyles, method of reproduction and cultural values are as
different as can be. Until further investigations have taken place, an assessment is impossible.

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