Marketing Plan For Britannia

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Marketing plan for Britannia

Executive Summary:
Britannia Biscuits was set up in 1892, in a very plain and ordinary house in Kolkata with the initial
investments of Rs. 295. By 1978, Britannia biscuits had crossed 60% of the shares of the firm,
followed by renaming the company to Britannia Industries Limited(BIL) and in 1983 it crossed Rs
100 crores revenue margin. Then as we know, in 1992 it celebrated its Platinum Jubilee. "Eat
Healthy, Think Better" was revealed in 1997. It was gaining the status of 'quality and value' and in
1999, the "Britannia Khao, World Cup Jao" promotion made the consumers even more aware
then before which helped them even more prominent in the market. In the 21st century it came
out as India's largest and most famous brand of biscuit.
Now Britannia is no more just another ordinary biscuit but it is one of the most renowned and well
known biscuit in the world. From a small fairy tale it reached new standards and from a small
investment it has got a high margin of profit which has been very positive for the company
investors. They have a variety of biscuits even considering the health and economy to the lifestyle oriented types.


Business Sector And Geographical Market.
Britannia Industries Limited is a public food industry, with its headquarters located in Banglore,
well-known for its Britannia and Tiger biscuits. It now has around 300 stores spread, owned by
Danone and Kalabakan Investments in India. As we know, they deal in Biscuits, Rusk, Diary
products, Bread and Cakes.
The company, in 2007 formed a Joint Venture with Khimji Ramdas Group to expand and sell
biscuits to the Middle East countries, as it's the most respected business and the key district
players in selling biscuits. It now provides a large range of commodities under the brand 'Nutro',
which is the primary brand name in Middle East.

PEST Analysis
Political Factors:
The Food regulations were put into practice at the State & Central level.
Severe TAX rules had been started.
Several other Government Regulations were put into action.

Economic Factors:
The Gross Domestic Products started rising at 8-9%
A raise in the disposable returns took place.

Rupee Appreciation was a great concern.

Social Factors:
70% inhabitants are lower than 35 years of age.
Good knowledge among the individuals of various things.
Technological Factors:
Process improvement and Product Innovation played a great role.
Innovative techniques were thought to be adopted.

Competitors - Parle Glucose also known as Parle-G (G for Genius) is manufactured in India by
the Parle Products which is one of the oldest brand names and the biggest selling biscuits in
Market Share - Parle-G has a market share of 70% in the biscuit industry in India followed by
Britannia, Tiger with 17-18%, and Sunfeast of 8-9% share.
Sales/Profit Trend - More than 50% of the company's turnover is estimated at around Rs 20
billion. It has started expanding to areas such as Western Europe, USA, UK, UAE and Canada.
Target Market - Parle has a target market which is focused in India, consisting of people of all
category groups such as children, teenagers, family members and even old aged people as it is
a popular biscuit eaten during Tea-time snack.

Swot Analysis
Widely Distributed network and accepted by all age groups.
Innovative products like-Little Hearts, 50-50 Chakkar, and Nice Time.
Celebrity endorsements - Sachin Tendulkar, Aamir Khan.
The Brand Slogan of Britannia "Eat Healthy Think Better" is the key asset of the firm.
It is available in various different forms of packages.
The variety of products is an added advantage as they not only focus on assorted biscuits but
also cakes, breads, Rusk and diary products.
Faces stiff competition from their rival Parle and Nestle on the basis of Price and Distribution

The industry and technology requires high investments.

As too many different types of brands enter the market, they might loose focus.
Even though the prices are affordable, they might not be easily available to the lower income
People are willing to try newer variants and hence it satisfies the taste buds by its newer variants.
It generates employment opportunities.
As consumers are very concerned about their health, it helps them to strengthen brands
NutriChoice, Milk Bikis, and Tiger biscuits.
Competition increases.
This helps to enhance mergers.
They might sometimes be unable to utilize all the resources efficiently.
They may provide poor quality of biscuits for more profits.
As there are a number of biscuits in the existing market, they have large number of challengers.
Consumer demands may alter impulsively.
Government might come up with new restrictions without notices.


Marketing Strategy include anything from facts, events, procedures, values and personalities.
Britannia nearly sells all their products all over India and even exports it other few countries.
Their market rate kept growing every year in the Indian market. Therefore, BIL has implemented
a Diversification strategy, so that it becomes the market leader in the food and biscuits industry.
But they made sure that when they diversify, they make similar kinds of products such as
cheese, diary products and even more bakery items. So the company can realize their marketing
strategies by underlining the opportunities in the market. There are a various different strategies
they adopted.

Segmentation - They believed in the best quality of products for the consumers as they are
health conscious and so they fulfil this need of the consumers.
Targeting - The Company focussed on building a good relationship with the customers as they
are they play the most important part in the sale of products. Not only did they keep up to the old
customer's expectation, but they also try to make new customers as their retention plays a major
role for the growth of their business.

Positioning - While manufacturing new products, they don't fail to remember their competitor's
way of fighting against them, instead they pay even more attention to each and every step they
take towards success as they want to be ahead of them and succeed.
Growth Strategy - Even though Britannia biscuits started off by selling their products in India,
they slowly expanded and started to export it to other parts of the world. By doing so, they
adapted to the different cultures of those countries and made plans for those neighbouring areas
and researched and analyzed which product has more demand than the others and ways to
improve their sales.
Promoting their brands is a very essential idea for their marketing strategy as it helps understand
the consumers the variety of benefits they get while purchasing the product. They should
advertise and publicize their message clearly stating the facts.
Based on the marketing strategies, we understand that building a brand is an important part of
the company. They understand how to increase sales and profits in a short span of time while
continuing to promote its variety of brands to create loyal consumers.


Britannia have a large variety of products to choose from, not only do they manufacture Biscuits,
but they also make different types of Diary items, Breads and Rusk. They launch products which
in gets good returns for the company through building a good brand and quality products which
are supplied across different countries.
The main streamline of Britannia products include:
Biscuits such as:
Marie Gold
Milk Bikis
Time Pass
NutriChoice also available for Diabetic people.
Dairy Delights include few products like:
Dahi (Yoghurt)

Bread types have:
Assorted Breads

Britannia had started selling products in India, but now it has expanded overseas to places like
Middle East and Sri Lanka.
They have even started to export their goods to places such as:
Saudi Arabia

Britannia has adopted the Market Penetration Method of pricing. It focuses on the quality of the
products keeping in mind the pricing strategy. This helps improve and generate large sale
volume for their products. It aims at maximizing the market share and to produce new product
lines. A few examples are:
Vegetarian Cakes are available at Rs. 15/- for a 75 gm pack.
Nutrichoice Health Starter Kit is for Rs 100.
Britannia Tiger Banana packed with IRON ZOR priced at Rs.2, Rs.4 and Rs.10.
To attract the consumers of Britannia, they very innovatively came up with ideas to promote their
brand in numerous different ways, and now they have leveraged India's two most successful
passions of all times:
Nearly every Indian's dream was to be present at a stadium while India is playing cricket, during
the World Cup, so Britannia created the 'Britannia Khao, World Cup Jao' contest in 1999. They

made it very simple for their target market to enter this contest, which was to purchase more
products to win a scratch and win lucky card and winning an all expenses paid trip to England to
watch the World Cup Match. They held it again in 2002-2003 held in South Africa which
successfully set a unique trend of their own. They even came up with another creative promotion
of 'Britannia Khao, Cricketer Ban Jao' that was fuelled by the need of every Indian to be a part of
the passion called Cricket followed by a promotion called 'Britannia Lagaan Match' in 2001 that
revolved around a movie called Lagaan was based on a cricket match. This promotion gave the
consumers a chance to interact with the film stars and also get to pay cricket with them. The
match had over 40,000 spectators and made the headlines of leading newspapers and news
channels and was found to be the most unbeaten promotional act of that year. So we understand
that sports and the sporting events are the key promotional tools of Britannia.


Company's current position/success
Britannia Company releases on November 10th, 2010 that BIL obtained sales of Rs 10,948 MM
with growth of 27.5% which shows an increase.
The company also releases that they received sales worth of Rs 9,128 MM during the year end,
with a growth of 24.8% followed by a boost of 20% in the volume.
Now that we have an in-depth view of the company's profile, marketing strategy and marketing
mix, it shows the different methods used to adapt to promote and publicize their products across
India and other countries. Based on the information researched, we find that they focus on
consumer needs to a very large extent. This is shown by the fact that, since consumers are more
health conscious nowadays, they have introduced NutriChoice Diabetic Biscuits. It is also proven
by their tagline, "Eat Healthy, Think Better". In conclusion, we see that how a small sized
company has grown to be one of the largest biscuit selling brands across India and many other
countries world-wide.

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