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praise for

“Superforecasting is a rare book that will make you smarter and wiser.
One of the giants of behavioral science reveals how to improve at
predicting the future.”
— A D A M G R A N T,
New York Times bestselling author of Give and Take

“Good judgment and good forecasting are rare, but they turn out
to be made of teachable skills. By forcing forecasters to compete,
Tetlock discovered what the skills are and how they work, and this
book teaches the ability to any interested reader.”
— S T E WA R T BR A ND ,
president, The Long Now Foundation

“Philip Tetlock is renowned for demonstrating that most experts

are no better than ‘dart-throwing monkeys’ at predicting elections,
wars, economic collapses, and other events. In his brilliant new
book, Tetlock offers a much more hopeful message, based once again
on his own groundbreaking research. He shows that certain people
can forecast events with accuracy much better than chance—and
so, perhaps, can the rest of us, if we emulate the critical thinking
of these ‘superforecasters.’ The self-empowerment genre doesn’t get
any smarter and more sophisticated than this.”
— J O HN H O RG A N ,
director, Center for Science Writings, Stevens Institute of Technology

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“Superforecasting is the rare book that is both scholarly and engag-
ing. The lessons are scientific, compelling, and enormously prac­
tical. Anyone who is in the forecasting business—and that’s all of
us—should drop what they are doing and read it.”
head, Global Financial Strategies, Credit Suisse

“There isn’t a social scientist in the world I admire more than Phil
— T IM H A R F O R D ,
author of The Undercover Economist

“From the Oracle of Delphi to medieval astrologers to modern over-

confident experts, forecasters have been either deluded or fraudu-
lent. For the first time, Superforecasting reveals the secret of making
honest, reliable, effective, useful judgments about the future.”
— A A RO N BRO W N ,
chief risk officer, AQR Capital Management, and
author of The Poker Face of Wall Street

“Socrates had the insight in ‘know thyself,’ Kahneman delivered the

science in Thinking, Fast and Slow, and now Tetlock has something
we can all apply in Superforecasting.”
global head, UBS Group Research

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Copyright © 2015 by Philip Tetlock Consulting, Inc., and Connaught Street, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Published in the United States by Crown Publishers,
an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group,
a division of Penguin Random House LLC, New York.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-­in-­Publication Data

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ISBN 978‑0‑8041‑3669‑3
eISBN 978‑0‑8041‑3670‑9

Printed in the United States of America

Illustrations by Joe LeMonnier

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First Edition

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An Optimistic Skeptic

e are all forecasters. When we think about changing jobs, get-
ting married, buying a home, making an investment, launch-
ing a product, or retiring, we decide based on how we expect the
future will unfold. These expectations are forecasts. Often we do our
own forecasting. But when big events happen—­markets crash, wars
loom, leaders tremble—­we turn to the experts, those in the know.
We look to people like Tom Friedman.
If you are a White House staffer, you might find him in the
Oval Office with the president of the United States, talking about
the Middle East. If you are a Fortune 500 CEO, you might spot him
in Davos, chatting in the lounge with hedge fund billionaires and
Saudi princes. And if you don’t frequent the White House or swanky
Swiss hotels, you can read his New York Times columns and bestsell-
ing books that tell you what’s happening now, why, and what will
come next.1 Millions do.
Like Tom Friedman, Bill Flack forecasts global events. But there
is a lot less demand for his insights.
For years, Bill worked for the US Department of Agriculture in
Arizona—­“part pick-­and-­shovel work, part spreadsheet”—­but now
he lives in Kearney, Nebraska. Bill is a native Cornhusker. He grew
up in Madison, Nebraska, a farm town where his parents owned and
published the Madison Star-­Mail, a newspaper with lots of stories
about local sports and county fairs. He was a good student in high
school and he went on to get a bachelor of science degree from the
University of Nebraska. From there, he went to the University of

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2 su pe r for e c a s t i ng

Arizona. He was aiming for a PhD in math, but he realized it was

beyond his abilities—­“I had my nose rubbed in my limitations” is
how he puts it—­and he dropped out. It wasn’t wasted time, however.
Classes in ornithology made Bill an avid bird-­watcher, and because
Arizona is a great place to see birds, he did fieldwork part-­time for
scientists, then got a job with the Department of Agriculture and
stayed for a while.
Bill is fifty-­five and retired, although he says if someone offered
him a job he would consider it. So he has free time. And he spends
some of it forecasting.
Bill has answered roughly three hundred questions like “Will
Russia officially annex additional Ukrainian territory in the next
three months?” and “In the next year, will any country withdraw
from the eurozone?” They are questions that matter. And they’re
difficult. Corporations, banks, embassies, and intelligence agencies
struggle to answer such questions all the time. “Will North Korea
detonate a nuclear device before the end of this year?” “How many
additional countries will report cases of the Ebola virus in the next
eight months?” “Will India or Brazil become a permanent member of
the UN Security Council in the next two years?” Some of the ques-
tions are downright obscure, at least for most of us. “Will NATO
invite new countries to join the Membership Action Plan (MAP)
in the next nine months?” “Will the Kurdistan Regional Govern-
ment hold a referendum on national independence this year?” “If
a non-­Chinese telecommunications firm wins a contract to provide
Internet services in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone in the next two
years, will Chinese citizens have access to Facebook and/or Twitter?”
When Bill first sees one of these questions, he may have no clue how
to answer it. “What on earth is the Shanghai Free Trade Zone?” he
may think. But he does his homework. He gathers facts, balances
clashing arguments, and settles on an answer.
No one bases decisions on Bill Flack’s forecasts, or asks Bill to

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An Optimistic Skeptic 3

share his thoughts on CNN. He has never been invited to Davos to

sit on a panel with Tom Friedman. And that’s unfortunate. Because
Bill Flack is a remarkable forecaster. We know that because each one
of Bill’s predictions has been dated, recorded, and assessed for accu-
racy by independent scientific observers. His track record is excellent.
Bill is not alone. There are thousands of others answering the
same questions. All are volunteers. Most aren’t as good as Bill, but
about 2% are. They include engineers and lawyers, artists and scien-
tists, Wall Streeters and Main Streeters, professors and students. We
will meet many of them, including a mathematician, a filmmaker,
and some retirees eager to share their underused talents. I call them
superforecasters because that is what they are. Reliable evidence proves
it. Explaining why they’re so good, and how others can learn to do
what they do, is my goal in this book.
How our low-­profile superforecasters compare with cerebral ce-
lebrities like Tom Friedman is an intriguing question, but it can’t be
answered because the accuracy of Friedman’s forecasting has never
been rigorously tested. Of course Friedman’s fans and critics have
opinions one way or the other—­“he nailed the Arab Spring” or “he
screwed up on the 2003 invasion of Iraq” or “he was prescient on
NATO expansion.” But there are no hard facts about Tom Fried-
man’s track record, just endless opinions—­and opinions on opin-
ions.2 And that is business as usual. Every day, the news media deliver
forecasts without reporting, or even asking, how good the forecast-
ers who made the forecasts really are. Every day, corporations and
governments pay for forecasts that may be prescient or worthless or
something in between. And every day, all of us—­leaders of nations,
corporate executives, investors, and voters—­make critical decisions
on the basis of forecasts whose quality is unknown. Baseball man-
agers wouldn’t dream of getting out the checkbook to hire a player
without consulting performance statistics. Even fans expect to see
player stats on scoreboards and TV screens. And yet when it comes

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4 su pe r for e c a s t i ng

to the forecasters who help us make decisions that matter far more
than any baseball game, we’re content to be ignorant.3
In that light, relying on Bill Flack’s forecasts looks quite reason-
able. Indeed, relying on the forecasts of many readers of this book
may prove quite reasonable, for it turns out that forecasting is not a
“you have it or you don’t” talent. It is a skill that can be cultivated.
This book will show you how.


I want to spoil the joke, so I’ll give away the punch line: the average
expert was roughly as accurate as a dart-­throwing chimpanzee.
You’ve probably heard that one before. It’s famous—­in some cir-
cles, infamous. It has popped up in the New York Times, the Wall
Street Journal, the Financial Times, the Economist, and other outlets
around the world. It goes like this: A researcher gathered a big group
of experts—­academics, pundits, and the like—­to make thousands
of predictions about the economy, stocks, elections, wars, and other
issues of the day. Time passed, and when the researcher checked the
accuracy of the predictions, he found that the average expert did
about as well as random guessing. Except that’s not the punch line
because “random guessing” isn’t funny. The punch line is about a
dart-­throwing chimpanzee. Because chimpanzees are funny.
I am that researcher and for a while I didn’t mind the joke. My
study was the most comprehensive assessment of expert judgment in
the scientific literature. It was a long slog that took about twenty years,
from 1984 to 2004, and the results were far richer and more construc-
tive than the punch line suggested. But I didn’t mind the joke because
it raised awareness of my research (and, yes, scientists savor their fif-
teen minutes of fame too). And I myself had used the old “dart-­
throwing chimp” metaphor, so I couldn’t complain too loudly.

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An Optimistic Skeptic 5

I also didn’t mind because the joke makes a valid point. Open
any newspaper, watch any TV news show, and you find experts who
forecast what’s coming. Some are cautious. More are bold and confi-
dent. A handful claim to be Olympian visionaries able to see decades
into the future. With few exceptions, they are not in front of the
cameras because they possess any proven skill at forecasting. Accu-
racy is seldom even mentioned. Old forecasts are like old news—­soon
forgotten—­and pundits are almost never asked to reconcile what
they said with what actually happened. The one undeniable talent
that talking heads have is their skill at telling a compelling story with
conviction, and that is enough. Many have become wealthy peddling
forecasting of untested value to corporate executives, government of-
ficials, and ordinary people who would never think of swallowing
medicine of unknown efficacy and safety but who routinely pay for
forecasts that are as dubious as elixirs sold from the back of a wagon.
These people—­and their customers—­deserve a nudge in the ribs. I
was happy to see my research used to give it to them.
But I realized that as word of my work spread, its apparent mean-
ing was mutating. What my research had shown was that the average
expert had done little better than guessing on many of the political
and economic questions I had posed. “Many” does not equal all. It
was easiest to beat chance on the shortest-­range questions that only
required looking one year out, and accuracy fell off the further out ex-
perts tried to forecast—­approaching the dart-­throwing-­chimpanzee
level three to five years out. That was an important finding. It tells
us something about the limits of expertise in a complex world—­and
the limits on what it might be possible for even superforecasters to
achieve. But as in the children’s game of “telephone,” in which a
phrase is whispered to one child who passes it on to another, and
so on, and everyone is shocked at the end to discover how much it
has changed, the actual message was garbled in the constant retell-
ing and the subtleties were lost entirely. The message became “all

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6 su pe r for e c a s t i ng

expert forecasts are useless,” which is nonsense. Some variations were

even cruder—­like “experts know no more than chimpanzees.” My
research had become a backstop reference for nihilists who see the
future as inherently unpredictable and know-­nothing populists who
insist on preceding “expert” with “so-­called.”
So I tired of the joke. My research did not support these more
extreme conclusions, nor did I feel any affinity for them. Today, that
is all the more true.
There is plenty of room to stake out reasonable positions between
the debunkers and the defenders of experts and their forecasts. On
the one hand, the debunkers have a point. There are shady peddlers
of questionable insights in the forecasting marketplace. There are
also limits to foresight that may just not be surmountable. Our desire
to reach into the future will always exceed our grasp. But debunk-
ers go too far when they dismiss all forecasting as a fool’s errand.
I believe it is possible to see into the future, at least in some situa-
tions and to some extent, and that any intelligent, open-­minded, and
hardworking person can cultivate the requisite skills.
Call me an “optimistic skeptic.”

To understand the “skeptic” half of that label, consider a young Tu-
nisian man pushing a wooden handcart loaded with fruits and veg-
etables down a dusty road to a market in the Tunisian town of Sidi
Bouzid. When the man was three, his father died. He supports his
family by borrowing money to fill his cart, hoping to earn enough
selling the produce to pay off the debt and have a little left over. It’s
the same grind every day. But this morning, the police approach the
man and say they’re going to take his scales because he has violated
some regulation. He knows it’s a lie. They’re shaking him down. But

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An Optimistic Skeptic 7

he has no money. A policewoman slaps him and insults his dead fa-
ther. They take his scales and his cart. The man goes to a town office
to complain. He is told the official is busy in a meeting. Humiliated,
furious, powerless, the man leaves.
He returns with fuel. Outside the town office he douses himself,
lights a match, and burns.
Only the conclusion of this story is unusual. There are countless
poor street vendors in Tunisia and across the Arab world. Police cor-
ruption is rife, and humiliations like those inflicted on this man are
a daily occurrence. They matter to no one aside from the police and
their victims.
But this particular humiliation, on December 17, 2010, caused
Mohamed Bouazizi, aged twenty-­six, to set himself on fire, and
Bouazizi’s self-­immolation sparked protests. The police responded
with typical brutality. The protests spread. Hoping to assuage the
public, the dictator of Tunisia, President Zine el-­Abidine Ben Ali,
visited Bouazizi in the hospital.
Bouazizi died on January 4, 2011. The unrest grew. On January
14, Ben Ali fled to a cushy exile in Saudi Arabia, ending his twenty-­
three-­year kleptocracy.
The Arab world watched, stunned. Then protests erupted in
Egypt, Libya, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, and Bahrain. After three de-
cades in power, the Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak was driven
from office. Elsewhere, protests swelled into rebellions, rebellions into
civil wars. This was the Arab Spring—­and it started with one poor
man, no different from countless others, being harassed by police, as
so many have been, before and since, with no apparent ripple effects.
It is one thing to look backward and sketch a narrative arc, as I
did here, connecting Mohamed Bouazizi to all the events that flowed
out of his lonely protest. Tom Friedman, like many elite pundits, is
skilled at that sort of reconstruction, particularly in the Middle East,
which he knows so well, having made his name in journalism as a

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8 su pe r for e c a s t i ng

New York Times correspondent in Lebanon. But could even Tom

Friedman, if he had been present that fatal morning, have peered
into the future and foreseen the self-­immolation, the unrest, the top-
pling of the Tunisian dictator, and all that followed? Of course not.
No one could. Maybe, given how much Friedman knew about the
region, he would have mused that poverty and unemployment were
high, the number of desperate young people was growing, corrup-
tion was rampant, repression was relentless, and therefore Tunisia
and other Arab countries were powder kegs waiting to blow. But
an observer could have drawn exactly the same conclusion the year
before. And the year before that. Indeed, you could have said that
about Tunisia, Egypt, and several other countries for decades. They
may have been powder kegs but they never blew—­until Decem-
ber 17, 2010, when the police pushed that one poor man too far.
In 1972 the American meteorologist Edward Lorenz wrote
a paper with an arresting title: “Predictability: Does the Flap of a
Butterfly’s Wings in Brazil Set Off a Tornado in Texas?” A decade
earlier, Lorenz had discovered by accident that tiny data entry varia-
tions in computer simulations of weather patterns—­like replacing
0.506127 with 0.506—­could produce dramatically different long-­
term forecasts. It was an insight that would inspire “chaos theory”: in
nonlinear systems like the atmosphere, even small changes in initial
conditions can mushroom to enormous proportions. So, in principle,
a lone butterfly in Brazil could flap its wings and set off a tornado in
Texas—­even though swarms of other Brazilian butterflies could flap
frantically their whole lives and never cause a noticeable gust a few
miles away. Of course Lorenz didn’t mean that the butterfly “causes”
the tornado in the same sense that I cause a wineglass to break when
I hit it with a hammer. He meant that if that particular butterfly
hadn’t flapped its wings at that moment, the unfathomably complex
network of atmospheric actions and reactions would have behaved
differently, and the tornado might never have formed—­just as the

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An Optimistic Skeptic 9

Arab Spring might never have happened, at least not when and as it
did, if the police had just let Mohamed Bouazizi sell his fruits and
vegetables that morning in 2010.
Edward Lorenz shifted scientific opinion toward the view that
there are hard limits on predictability, a deeply philosophical ques-
tion.4 For centuries, scientists had supposed that growing knowl-
edge must lead to greater predictability because reality was like a
clock—­an awesomely big and complicated clock but still a clock—­
and the more scientists learned about its innards, how the gears
grind together, how the weights and springs function, the better they
could capture its operations with deterministic equations and predict
what it would do. In 1814 the French mathematician and astronomer
Pierre-­Simon Laplace took this dream to its logical extreme:

We may regard the present state of the universe as the effect

of its past and the cause of its future. An intellect which at a
certain moment would know all forces that set nature in mo-
tion, and all positions of all items of which nature is composed,
if this intellect were also vast enough to submit these data to
analysis, it would embrace in a single formula the movements
of the greatest bodies of the universe and those of the tiniest
atom; for such an intellect nothing would be uncertain and the
future just like the past would be present before its eyes.

Laplace called his imaginary entity a “demon.” If it knew every-

thing about the present, Laplace thought, it could predict everything
about the future. It would be omniscient.5
Lorenz poured cold rainwater on that dream. If the clock sym-
bolizes perfect Laplacean predictability, its opposite is the Lorenzian
cloud. High school science tells us that clouds form when water
vapor coalesces around dust particles. This sounds simple but ex-
actly how a particular cloud develops—­the shape it takes—­depends

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10 su pe r for e c a s t i ng

on complex feedback interactions among droplets. To capture these

interactions, computer modelers need equations that are highly sen-
sitive to tiny butterfly-­effect errors in data collection. So even if we
learn all that is knowable about how clouds form, we will not be able
to predict the shape a particular cloud will take. We can only wait
and see. In one of history’s great ironies, scientists today know vastly
more than their colleagues a century ago, and possess vastly more
data-­crunching power, but they are much less confident in the pros-
pects for perfect predictability.
This is a big reason for the “skeptic” half of my “optimistic skep-
tic” stance. We live in a world where the actions of one nearly pow-
erless man can have ripple effects around the world—­ripples that
affect us all to varying degrees. A woman living in a Kansas City
suburb may think Tunisia is another planet, and her life has no con-
nection to it, but if she were married to an air force navigator who
flies out of the nearby Whiteman Air Force Base, she might be sur-
prised to learn that one obscure Tunisian’s actions led to protests,
that led to riots, that led to the toppling of a dictator, that led to
protests in Libya, that led to a civil war, that led to the 2012 NATO
intervention, that led to her husband dodging antiaircraft fire over
Tripoli. That’s an easily traceable connection. Often the connections
are harder to spot, but they are all around us, in things like the price
we pay at the gas station or the layoffs down the street. In a world
where a butterfly in Brazil can make the difference between just an-
other sunny day in Texas and a tornado tearing through a town, it’s
misguided to think anyone can see very far into the future.6

But it is one thing to recognize the limits on predictability, and quite
another to dismiss all prediction as an exercise in futility.

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An Optimistic Skeptic 11

Crank up the microscope on a day in the life of that woman

living in a Kansas City suburb: At 6:30 in the morning, she drops
papers into a briefcase, gets in her car, drives her usual route to work,
and parks downtown. As she does every weekday morning, she walks
past the statues of lions and into the Greek-­inspired office building
of the Kansas City Life Insurance Company. At her desk, she works
on spreadsheets for a while, participates in a conference call at 10:30,
spends a few minutes browsing on the Amazon website, and answers
e-­mails until 11:50. Then she walks to a little Italian restaurant to
have lunch with her sister.
This woman’s life is influenced by many unpredictable factors—­
from the lottery ticket in her purse to the Arab Spring that results in
her husband flying missions over Libya to the fact that the price of
gas just went up five cents a gallon because there was a coup in some
country she’s never heard of—­but there is as much or more that is
quite predictable. Why did she leave home at 6:30? She didn’t want
to get stuck in rush hour. Or to put that another way, she predicted
that traffic would be much heavier later—­and she was almost cer-
tainly right because rush hour is highly predictable. When she drove,
she anticipated other drivers’ behavior constantly: they will stop at
the intersection when the light is red; they will stay in their lanes
and signal before turning. She expected the people who said they
would join the 10:30 conference call to do so, and she was right.
She arranged to meet her sister at noon at the restaurant because the
restaurant’s posted hours indicated it would open then, and posted
hours are a reliable guide.
We make mundane predictions like these routinely, while others
just as routinely make predictions that shape our lives. When the
woman turned her computer on, she increased electricity consump-
tion in Kansas City by a bit, as every other worker bee did that morn-
ing, and collectively they caused a demand surge, as they do every
nonholiday weekday morning around that time. But that didn’t cause

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12 su pe r for e c a s t i ng

problems because electricity producers anticipate these surges and

vary their output accordingly. When the woman went to Amazon,
the website highlighted certain products it thought she would like, a
forecast derived from her past purchases and browsing and that of
millions of others. We constantly encounter predictive operations like
that on the Internet—­Google personalizes search results by putting
what it thinks you will find most interesting on top—­but they oper-
ate so smoothly we rarely notice. And then there’s the woman’s work-
place. The Kansas City Life Insurance Company is in the business of
forecasting disability and death, and it does a good job. That doesn’t
mean it knows precisely when I will die, but it does have a good idea
of how long someone of my age and profile—­sex, income, lifestyle—­is
likely to live. Kansas City Life was founded in 1895. If its actuaries
weren’t good forecasters, it would have gone bankrupt long ago.
So much of our reality is this predictable, or more so. I just
Googled tomorrow’s sunrise and sunset times for Kansas City, Mis-
souri, and got them down to the minute. Those forecasts are reliable,
whether they are for tomorrow, the day after, or fifty years from now.
The same is true of tides, eclipses, and phases of the moon. All can
be predicted from clocklike scientific laws with enough precision to
satisfy Laplace’s forecasting demon.
Of course each of these pockets of predictability can be abruptly
punctured. A good restaurant is very likely to open its doors when it
says it will, but it may not, for any number of reasons, from a man-
ager sleeping late, to fire, bankruptcy, pandemic, nuclear war, or a
physics experiment accidentally creating a black hole that sucks up
the solar system. The same is true of anything else. Even those fifty-­
year sunrise and sunset forecasts could be off somewhat if, some-
time in the next fifty years, a massive space rock bumps Earth off
its orbit around the sun. There are no certainties in life—­not even
death and taxes if we assign a nonzero probability to the invention
of technologies that let us upload the contents of our brains into

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An Optimistic Skeptic 13

a cloud-­computing network and the emergence of a future society

so public-­spirited and prosperous that the state can be funded with
charitable donations.
So is reality clocklike or cloud-­like? Is the future predictable or
not? These are false dichotomies, the first of many we will encounter.
We live in a world of clocks and clouds and a vast jumble of other
metaphors. Unpredictability and predictability coexist uneasily in
the intricately interlocking systems that make up our bodies, our
societies, and the cosmos. How predictable something is depends on
what we are trying to predict, how far into the future, and under
what circumstances.
Look at Edward Lorenz’s field. Weather forecasts are typically
quite reliable, under most conditions, looking a few days ahead,
but they become increasingly less accurate three, four, and five
days out. Much beyond a week, we might as well consult that dart-­
throwing chimpanzee. So we can’t say that weather is predictable
or not, only that weather is predictable to some extent under some
circumstances—­and we must be very careful when we try to be more
precise than that. Take something as seemingly simple as the relation-
ship between time and predictability: it is generally true that the fur-
ther we try to look into the future, the harder it is to see. But there can
be prolonged exceptions to the rule. Predicting the continuation of a
long bull market in stocks can prove profitable for many years—­until
it suddenly proves to be your undoing. And predicting that dinosaurs
would continue to preside at the top of the food chain was a safe bet
for tens of millions of years—­until an asteroid set off a cataclysm
that opened up ecological niches for a tiny mammal that eventually
evolved into a species that tries to predict the future. Laws of physics
aside, there are no universal constants, so separating the predictable
from the unpredictable is difficult work. There’s no way around it.
Meteorologists know that better than anyone. They make large
numbers of forecasts and routinely check their accuracy—­which is

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14 su pe r for e c a s t i ng

why we know that one-­and two-­day forecasts are typically quite ac-
curate while eight-­day forecasts are not. With these analyses, meteo-
rologists are able to sharpen their understanding of how weather works
and tweak their models. Then they try again. Forecast, measure, re-
vise. Repeat. It’s a never-­ending process of incremental improvement
that explains why weather forecasts are good and slowly getting better.
There may be limits to such improvements, however, because weather
is the textbook illustration of nonlinearity. The further out the fore-
caster tries to look, the more opportunity there is for chaos to flap its
butterfly wings and blow away expectations. Big leaps in computing
power and continued refinement of forecasting models may nudge the
limits a little further into the future but those advances gradually get
harder and the payoffs shrink toward zero. How good can it get? No
one knows. But knowing the current limits is itself a success.
In so many other high-­stakes endeavors, forecasters are groping
in the dark. They have no idea how good their forecasts are in the
short, medium, or long term—­and no idea how good their forecasts
could become. At best, they have vague hunches. That’s because the
forecast-­measure-­revise procedure operates only within the rarefied
confines of high-­tech forecasting, such as the work of macroecono-
mists at central banks or marketing and financial professionals in
big companies or opinion poll analysts like Nate Silver.7 More often
forecasts are made and then . . . nothing. Accuracy is seldom deter-
mined after the fact and is almost never done with sufficient regular-
ity and rigor that conclusions can be drawn. The reason? Mostly it’s a
demand-­side problem: The consumers of forecasting—­governments,
business, and the public—­don’t demand evidence of accuracy. So
there is no measurement. Which means no revision. And without
revision, there can be no improvement. Imagine a world in which
people love to run, but they have no idea how fast the average person
runs, or how fast the best could run, because runners have never
agreed to basic ground rules—­stay on the track, begin the race when

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An Optimistic Skeptic 15

the gun is fired, end it after a specified distance—­and there are no

independent race officials and timekeepers measuring results. How
likely is it that running times are improving in this world? Not very.
Are the best runners running as fast as human beings are physically
capable? Again, probably not.
“I have been struck by how important measurement is to im-
proving the human condition,” Bill Gates wrote. “You can achieve
incredible progress if you set a clear goal and find a measure that will
drive progress toward that goal. . . . This may seem basic, but it is
amazing how often it is not done and how hard it is to get right.”8 He
is right about what it takes to drive progress, and it is surprising how
rarely it’s done in forecasting. Even that simple first step—­setting a
clear goal—­hasn’t been taken.
You might think the goal of forecasting is to foresee the future
accurately, but that’s often not the goal, or at least not the sole goal.
Sometimes forecasts are meant to entertain. Think of CNBC’s Jim
Cramer with his “booyah!” shtick, or John McLaughlin, the host
of The McLaughlin Group, bellowing at his panelists to predict the
likelihood of an event “on a scale from zero to ten, with zero repre-
senting zero possibility and ten representing complete metaphysical
certitude!” Sometimes forecasts are used to advance political agen-
das and galvanize action—­as activists hope to do when they warn
of looming horrors unless we change our ways. There is also dress-­
to-­impress forecasting—­which is what banks deliver when they pay
a famous pundit to tell wealthy clients about the global economy in
2050. And some forecasts are meant to comfort—­by assuring the
audience that their beliefs are correct and the future will unfold as
expected. Partisans are fond of these forecasts. They are the cogni-
tive equivalent of slipping into a warm bath.
This jumble of goals is seldom acknowledged, which makes it
difficult to even start working toward measurement and progress. It’s
a messy situation, which doesn’t seem to be getting better.

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16 su pe r for e c a s t i ng

And yet this stagnation is a big reason why I am an optimistic

skeptic. We know that in so much of what people want to predict—­
poli­tics, economics, finance, business, technology, daily life—­predict­
ability exists, to some degree, in some circumstances. But there is so
much else we do not know. For scientists, not knowing is exciting. It’s
an opportunity to discover; the more that is unknown, the greater the
opportunity. Thanks to the frankly quite amazing lack of rigor in so
many forecasting domains, this opportunity is huge. And to seize it,
all we have to do is set a clear goal—­accuracy!—­and get serious about
I’ve been doing that for much of my career. The research that
produced the dart-­throwing-­chimpanzee result was phase one. Phase
two started in the summer of 2011, when my research (and life)
partner Barbara Mellers and I launched the Good Judgment Project
and invited volunteers to sign up and forecast the future. Bill Flack
responded. So did a couple of thousand others that first year, and
thousands more in the four years that followed. Cumulatively, more
than twenty thousand intellectually curious laypeople tried to figure
out if protests in Russia would spread, the price of gold would plum-
met, the Nikkei would close above 9,500, war would erupt on the
Korean peninsula, and many other questions about complex, chal-
lenging global issues. By varying the experimental conditions, we
could gauge which factors improved foresight, by how much, over
which time frames, and how good forecasts could become if best
practices were layered on each other. Laid out like that, it sounds
simple. It wasn’t. It was a demanding program that took the talents
and hard work of a multidisciplinary team based at the University of
California, Berkeley, and the University of Pennsylvania.
Big as it was, the Good Judgment Project (GJP) was only part of
a much larger research effort sponsored by the Intelligence Advanced
Research Projects Activity (IARPA). Don’t be put off by the bland
name. IARPA is an agency within the intelligence community that

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An Optimistic Skeptic 17

reports to the director of National Intelligence and its job is to sup-

port daring research that promises to make American intelligence
better at what it does. And a big part of what American intelligence
does is forecast global political and economic trends. By one rough
estimate, the United States has twenty thousand intelligence analysts
assessing everything from minute puzzles to major events such as
the likelihood of an Israeli sneak attack on Iranian nuclear facili-
ties or the departure of Greece from the eurozone.9 How good is all
this forecasting? That is not easily answered because the intelligence
community, like so many major producers of forecasting, has never
been keen on spending money to figure that out. There are various
reasons for that reluctance, some more respectable than others, but
we’ll get into that later. What matters is that this forecasting is criti-
cal to national security and yet little can be said with any confidence
about how good it is, or even whether it’s as good as a multibillion-­
dollar operation with twenty thousand people should be. To change
that, IARPA created a forecasting tournament in which five scien-
tific teams led by top researchers in the field would compete to gen-
erate accurate forecasts on the sorts of tough questions intelligence
analysts deal with every day. The Good Judgment Project was one
of those five teams. Each team would effectively be its own research
project, free to improvise whatever methods it thought would work,
but required to submit forecasts at 9 a.m. eastern standard time
every day from September 2011 to June 2015. By requiring teams
to forecast the same questions at the same time, the tournament cre-
ated a level playing field—­and a rich trove of data about what works,
how well, and when. Over four years, IARPA posed nearly five hun-
dred questions about world affairs. Time frames were shorter than in
my earlier research, with the vast majority of forecasts extending out
more than one month and less than one year. In all, we gathered over
one million individual judgments about the future.
In year 1, GJP beat the official control group by 60%. In year 2,

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18 su pe r for e c a s t i ng

we beat the control group by 78%. GJP also beat its university-­
affiliated competitors, including the University of Michigan and
MIT, by hefty margins, from 30% to 70%, and even outperformed
professional intelligence analysts with access to classified data. After
two years, GJP was doing so much better than its academic competi-
tors that IARPA dropped the other teams.10
I’ll delve into details later, but let’s note two key conclusions that
emerge from this research. One, foresight is real. Some people—­
people like Bill Flack—­have it in spades. They aren’t gurus or oracles
with the power to peer decades into the future, but they do have a
real, measurable skill at judging how high-­stakes events are likely to
unfold three months, six months, a year, or a year and a half in ad-
vance. The other conclusion is what makes these superforecasters so
good. It’s not really who they are. It is what they do. Foresight isn’t a
mysterious gift bestowed at birth. It is the product of particular ways
of thinking, of gathering information, of updating beliefs. These
habits of thought can be learned and cultivated by any intelligent,
thoughtful, determined person. It may not even be all that hard to
get started. One result that particularly surprised me was the effect
of a tutorial covering some basic concepts that we’ll explore in this
book and are summarized in the Ten Commandments appendix. It
took only about sixty minutes to read and yet it improved accuracy
by roughly 10% through the entire tournament year. Yes, 10% may
sound modest, but it was achieved at so little cost. And never forget
that even modest improvements in foresight maintained over time
add up. I spoke about that with Aaron Brown, an author, a Wall
Street veteran, and the chief risk manager at AQR Capital Manage-
ment, a hedge fund with over $100 billion in assets. “It’s so hard to
see because it’s not dramatic,” he said, but if it is sustained “it’s the
difference between a consistent winner who’s making a living, or the
guy who’s going broke all the time.”11 A world-­class poker player we
will meet soon could not agree more. The difference between heavy-

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An Optimistic Skeptic 19

weights and amateurs, she said, is that the heavyweights know the
difference between a 60 ⁄40 bet and a 40 ⁄ 60 bet.
And yet, if it’s possible to improve foresight simply by measur-
ing, and if the rewards of improved foresight are substantial, why
isn’t measuring standard practice? A big part of the answer to that
question lies in the psychology that convinces us we know things
we really don’t—­things like whether Tom Friedman is an accurate
forecaster or not. I’ll explore this psychology in chapter 2. For cen-
turies, it hobbled progress in medicine. When physicians finally ac-
cepted that their experience and perceptions were not reliable means
of determining whether a treatment works, they turned to scientific
testing—­and medicine finally started to make rapid advances. The
same revolution needs to happen in forecasting.
It won’t be easy. Chapter 3 examines what it takes to test fore-
casting as rigorously as modern medicine tests treatments. It’s a big-
ger challenge than it may appear. In the late 1980s I worked out a
methodology and conducted what was, at the time, the biggest test of
expert political forecasting accuracy ever. One result, delivered many
years later, was the punch line that now makes me squirm. But an-
other discovery of that research didn’t receive nearly as much atten-
tion even though it was far more important: one group of experts
had modest but real foresight. What made the difference between the
experts with foresight and those who were so hopeless they dragged
the average down to the level of a dart-­throwing chimp? It wasn’t
some mystical gift or access to information others didn’t have. Nor
was it any particular set of beliefs. Indeed, within a quite wide range
of views, what they thought didn’t matter. It was how they thought.
Inspired in part by that insight, IARPA created its unprece-
dented forecasting tournament. Chapter 4 is the story of how that
happened—­and the discovery of superforecasters. Why are they so
good? That question runs through chapters 5 through 9. When you
meet them it’s hard not to be struck by how smart they are, so you

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20 su pe r for e c a s t i ng

might suspect it’s intelligence that makes all the difference. It’s not.
They’re also remarkably numerate. Like Bill Flack, many have ad-
vanced degrees in mathematics and science. So is the secret arcane
math? No. Even superforecasters who are card-­carrying mathemati-
cians rarely use much math. They also tend to be newsjunkies who
stay on top of the latest developments and regularly update their fore-
casts, so you might be tempted to attribute their success to spending
endless hours on the job. Yet that too would be a mistake.
Superforecasting does require minimum levels of intelligence,
numeracy, and knowledge of the world, but anyone who reads seri-
ous books about psychological research probably has those prereq-
uisites. So what is it that elevates forecasting to superforecasting? As
with the experts who had real foresight in my earlier research, what
matters most is how the forecaster thinks. I’ll describe this in detail,
but broadly speaking, superforecasting demands thinking that is
open-­minded, careful, curious, and—­above all—­self-­critical. It also
demands focus. The kind of thinking that produces superior judg-
ment does not come effortlessly. Only the determined can deliver it
reasonably consistently, which is why our analyses have consistently
found commitment to self-­improvement to be the strongest predictor
of performance.
In the final chapters, I’ll resolve an apparent contradiction be-
tween the demands of good judgment and effective leadership,
respond to what I think are the two strongest challenges to my re-
search, and conclude—­appropriately for a book about forecasting—­
with a consideration of what comes next.


But maybe you think this is all hopelessly outdated. After all, we
live in an era of dazzlingly powerful computers, incomprehensible

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An Optimistic Skeptic 21

algorithms, and Big Data. At its core, the forecasting I study involves
subjective judgment: it is people thinking and deciding, nothing
more. Isn’t the time for such sloppy guesswork drawing to a close?
In 1954, a brilliant psychologist, Paul Meehl wrote a small book
that caused a big stir.12 It reviewed twenty studies showing that well-­
informed experts predicting outcomes—­whether a student would
succeed in college or a parolee would be sent back to prison—­were
not as accurate as simple algorithms that added up objective indica-
tors like ability test scores and records of past conduct. Meehl’s claim
upset many experts, but subsequent research—­now more than two
hundred studies—­has shown that in most cases statistical algorithms
beat subjective judgment, and in the handful of studies where they
don’t, they usually tie. Given that algorithms are quick and cheap,
unlike subjective judgment, a tie supports using the algorithm. The
point is now indisputable: when you have a well-­validated statistical
algorithm, use it.
This insight was never a threat to the reign of subjective judg-
ment because we so rarely have well-­validated algorithms for the
problem at hand. It was just impractical for math to displace plain
old thinking—­in 1954 and even today.
But spectacular advances in information technology suggest we
are approaching a historical discontinuity in humanity’s relation-
ship with machines. In 1997 IBM’s Deep Blue beat chess champion
Garry Kasparov. Now, commercially available chess programs can
beat any human. In 2011 IBM’s Watson beat Jeopardy! champions
Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter. That was a vastly tougher computing
challenge, but Watson’s engineers did it. Today, it’s no longer impos-
sible to imagine a forecasting competition in which a supercomputer
trounces superforecasters and superpundits alike. After that hap-
pens, there will still be human forecasters, but like human Jeopardy!
contestants, we will only watch them for entertainment.
So I spoke to Watson’s chief engineer, David Ferrucci. I was sure

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22 su pe r for e c a s t i ng

that Watson could easily field a question about the present or past
like “Which two Russian leaders traded jobs in the last ten years?”
But I was curious about his views on how long it will take for Wat-
son or one of its digital descendants to field questions like “Will two
top Russian leaders trade jobs in the next ten years?”
In 1965 the polymath Herbert Simon thought we were only
twenty years away from a world in which machines could do “any
work a man can do,” which is the sort of naively optimistic thing
people said back then, and one reason why Ferrucci—­ who has
worked in artificial intelligence for thirty years—­is more cautious
today.13 Computing is making enormous strides, Ferrucci noted. The
ability to spot patterns is growing spectacularly. And machine learn-
ing, in combination with burgeoning human-­machine interactions
that feed the learning process, promises far more fundamental ad-
vances to come. “It’s going to be one of these exponential curves that
we’re kind of at the bottom of now,” Ferrucci said.
But there is a vast difference between “Which two Russian lead-
ers traded jobs?” and “Will two Russian leaders trade jobs again?”
The former is a historical fact. The computer can look it up. The
latter requires the computer to make an informed guess about the
intentions of Vladimir Putin, the character of Dmitri Medvedev,
and the causal dynamics of Russian politics, and then integrate that
information into a judgment call. People do that sort of thing all
the time, but that doesn’t make it easy. It means the human brain is
wondrous—­because the task is staggeringly hard. Even with com-
puters making galloping advances, the sort of forecasting that su-
perforecasters do is a long way off. And Ferrucci isn’t sure we will
ever see a human under glass at the Smithsonian with a sign saying
“subjective judgment.”
Machines may get better at “mimicking human meaning,” and
thereby better at predicting human behavior, but “there’s a difference
between mimicking and reflecting meaning and originating mean-

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An Optimistic Skeptic 23

ing,” Ferrucci said. That’s a space human judgment will always oc-
In forecasting, as in other fields, we will continue to see human
judgment being displaced—­ to the consternation of white-­ collar
workers—­but we will also see more and more syntheses, like “free-
style chess,” in which humans with computers compete as teams,
the human drawing on the computer’s indisputable strengths but
also occasionally overriding the computer. The result is a combina-
tion that can (sometimes) beat both humans and machines. To re-
frame the man-­versus-­machine dichotomy, combinations of Garry
­Kasparov and Deep Blue may prove more robust than pure-­human
or pure-­machine approaches.
What Ferrucci does see becoming obsolete is the guru model
that makes so many policy debates so puerile: “I’ll counter your Paul
Krugman polemic with my Niall Ferguson counterpolemic, and
rebut your Tom Friedman op-­ed with my Bret Stephens blog.” Fer-
rucci sees light at the end of this long dark tunnel: “I think it’s going
to get stranger and stranger” for people to listen to the advice of
experts whose views are informed only by their subjective judgment.
Human thought is beset by psychological pitfalls, a fact that has only
become widely recognized in the last decade or two. “So what I want
is that human expert paired with a computer to overcome the human
cognitive limitations and biases.”14
If Ferrucci is right—­I suspect he is—­we will need to blend
computer-­based forecasting and subjective judgment in the future.
So it’s time we got serious about both.

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