Observation Protocol 4

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TS, 2009-2010

Department of Language Teaching Methodology

Observation and Analytic Protocol


Trainee teacher: Tanja Ivanovska 860182

Observation Date: 23 October 2009
Time: Start: 14:20 End: 15:00
School: 138 SOU Professor Vasil Zlatarski
Mentor Teacher: Svetlana Petkova
Section A: Basic descriptive information <include details about teacher, grade level, details about
This is 4th grade and this their second English class for today and they are ready to work.
The teacher is very relaxed; although the students are young and energetic there is no need to raise her
voice to any of them. The students as a whole are very enthusiastic to take part in the activities and
each one of them wants to stand out of the others, the noise in the classroom came from their
eagerness to participate and state their ideas.
All of them are happy and excited because the observers are present in their class and they want to
improve in front of us. The teacher is trying to be active in the class. Some of them have good
knowledge and speak fluently English for their age.
Todays unit is First, Second Twentieth.
Section B: Teaching and learning procedures
Procedure (contents and participation
structure, instructional time, etc.)
The teacher is explaining what will work
today, she is writing the name of the topic
and students are coping from the table.
Teaching and learning activities
This class they have listening comprehension
and the teacher is using a tape recorder.
Students are listening and then repeating the
Next exercise is reading; students are active
and every student participates on this
The last task Is about the cardinal numbers;
students are pronouncing and writing
cardinal numbers on the blackboard.
When the class is finished the teacher is
asking if there something unclear about the

Analysis, Evaluation, Recommendation

Teacher is very patient with this little

children, she understand their needs right on
the spot. She repeats many times every single
issue that she wants to teach, because
children this age learn only through
The listening comprehension improves
pronunciation as well as helps students learn
new words and I think that by giving
synonyms in Bulgarian they easily will
remember every single world.

With this homework they will found

what is hard to them to understand

TS, 2009-2010

things that have been working in the class.

She gives them homework.

from this class and with writing the

homework its a good way to learn the
same thing that before presents
difficulty for them.

Section C: Overall ratings of the lesson <include summaries of the objectives and contents of the
For this lesson teacher is using tape recorder. Students are listening and then repeating the
words. The teacher asks if they find unfamiliar words. Also the teacher is repeating some words that
are harder for pronunciation and she is asking them to do the same in order to pronounce them better.
The teacher is writing words from the book on the blackboard and she is translating the words
from English to Bulgarian. Now the students should read the text loud one bye one, sentence by
sentence and then they are translating the sentence into Bulgarian. When the students dont know the
answer to the asked question or reply incorrectly the teacher corrects them by repeating the right
answer. Sometimes if the mistake is more common she needs to repeat a phrase or a word several
times and get the children to repeat it themselves.
I can see on their faces enjoinment when they are reading.
Next thing they are learning is cardinal numbers and every student is writing one cardinal number
on the blackboard; they learn what these numbers mean, how to spell and pronounce them. Most of
the time they are speaking in their target language, but when they want to ask that they dont
understand they are speaking in Bulgarian.
Section D: Overall assessment of the quality of the lesson <is this a good lesson, why?>
I believe that this lesson can be said to be very good because all of the students were active.
The students as a whole are very enthusiastic to take part in the activities and each one of them wants
to stand out of the others So, it can be said that our presence in class contributed to their willingness to
listen carefully to the teacher and take parts in all of the activities done in class. The teacher stimulates
them with her patient and wants her students to learn everything which is said in class.
Section E: Recommendation <how can the efficacy of the lesson be improved?>
The efficacy of the lesson was on a very high level. Mrs. Petkova is a very experienced
teacher, her lessons are very organized and I learn lots of new things and
teaching techniques that I can use in my practice with my classes. This students
use the target language according to their level.

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