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We the undersigned, as Freemen & Freewomen, do not recognize the authority of

The World Health Organization (WHO) to mandate general forced vaccinations.
Our bodies are sovereign territory and subject to our exclusive self-determination.
Any attempted violation of this trust must be construed as a breach of said basic
right. We are thus holding our elected Governments accountable in this defense
with an issuance of notice: a preemptive Class Action Lawsuit to be served in the
event our inalienable rights to choose are forsaken.
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION checklist for influenza pandemic preparedness
planning: Section 1.5.1 Legal and ethical issues -

'During a pandemic, it may be necessary to overrule existing legislation or

(individual) human rights. Examples are the enforcement of quarantine
(overruling individual freedom of movement), use of privately owned buildings for
hospitals, off-license use of drugs, compulsory vaccination or implementation of
emergency shifts in essential services. These decisions need a legal framework to ensure
transparent assessment and justification of the measures that are being considered, and
to ensure coherence with international legislation (International Health Regulations).

There is no forensic evidence showing the H1N1 virus as the direct cause of death in
those who have died after contracting the virus (144 to date). The majority of deaths are
caused by pre-existing complications and auto-immune deficiencies. Countries with low
quality of health have the greatest number of fatal cases. Based on the Center for
Disease Control's own guidelines H1N1 related symptoms are virtually
indistinguishable from those of the common seasonal flu, and severity is comparable to
mild seasonal flu,

'The symptoms of this new H1N1 flu virus in people are similar to the symptoms of
seasonal flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches,
headache, chills and fatigue. A significant number of people who have been infected
with this new H1N1 virus also have reported diarrhea and vomiting. The high risk
groups for novel H1N1 flu are not known at this time but it's possible that they may be
the same as for seasonal influenza. People at higher risk of serious complications from
seasonal flu include people age 65 years and older, children younger than 5 years old,
pregnant women, people of any age with chronic medical conditions (such as asthma,
diabetes, or heart disease), and people who are immunosuppressed (e.g., taking
immunosuppressive medications, infected with HIV).'

GlaxoSmithKline are the major Pharmaceutical developers behind the H5N1 Avian Flu
vaccine. Given the fact the new H1N1 strain is an Avian/Swine/Human hybrid it is
likely this component will be used as part of the 3 shot regime,

'GSK's proprietary adjuvant is called ASO4. It contains alum and MPL. MPL stands for
monophosphoryl lipid A. The U.S. Army's proprietary (unlicensed) adjuvant developed
prior to the first Gulf War for use in a second generation anthrax vaccine was called Tri-
Mix or Triple Mix. Tri-Mix contained MPL (monophosphoryl lipid A) and squalene.
After the war, Army scientists considered MPL to be too toxic, so they began working
with Chiron Corporation of Emeryville, CA to develop an adjuvant that contained
squalene and water only ... on the assumption that adjuvant toxicity with Tri-Mix was
due to MPL. This assumption also proved incorrect. There are more than two dozen
animal studies that generated data demonstrating squalene's ability to induce
autoimmunity; and there is disputed evidence that nanodoses of squalene in anthrax
vaccine sickened countless military personnel who received squalene-tainted vaccine
during AVIP. MPL was also a component of the Ribi Adjuvant System. The Ribi
Adjuvant System, or RAS, is a derivative of Tri-Mix, which is approved for use in
animals only. There is no existing data showing whether MPL elicits an immune
response specific to it. If MPL is immunogenic, it raises the possibility of a dangerous
"cross reaction." The human body is full of lipids. Antibodies and immune cells
responding to MPL might also respond to other lipids in the body, thus breaking
tolerance for endogenous lipids (those native to the human body) and initiating
autoimmunity.' Gary Matsumoto - Journalist/Author of Vaccine A

The risk of a widespread outbreak of Gulf War Syndrome amongst the general
population is inevitable - assuming the same H5N1 squaline adjuvant is utilized on
H1N1 (Adjuvants are pharmacological or immunological agents that modify the effect
of other agents). Further the vaccine administered produces little antibody response.
Therefore it requires 12 times the normal dose in order to be 'effective'. Such a gamble
where our lives are concerned is non-negotiable.

Pharmaceutical Companies (Baxter International, Novartis among others) stand to reap

a huge windfall during such a crisis. We are not willing to wager our safety for Industry
profits under any conditions,

'The swine flu outbreak is going to benefit one of the most prolific and successful
venture capital firms in the United States: Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers. Share
prices have already risen for two of eight public traded companies in the firm's portfolio
of Pandemic and Bio Defense investments. BioCryst, up more than 26 percent, to $2.21
per share, and Novavax, maker of viral vaccines, escalated 75 percent to $1.42 per share
on the first announcement of the swine flu outbreak in Mexico.'

The lack of sufficient testing on this experimental vaccine raises many concerns. There
is no criteria on its efficacy or valid statistics to speak of,

'Novavax uses genetic information and "recombinant, virus-like particle technology" to

rapidly engineer a vaccine. Its technology has only been through Phase II clinical trials
but might be released prematurely. Novavax's CEO, Rahul Singhvi announced Friday,
"There is an emergency authorization avenue that is available that would allow us to use
the vaccine in an emergency without further testing." The Division-E provisions would
protect the company from all liability.'

H1N1 is an entirely unique strain, never seen before with all the hallmarks of a
laboratory-produced designer virus,

'Author of Emerging Viruses: AIDS And Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional?,

Horowitz says the swine-bird-human flu strain, reported to be found first in Mexico in
late-March 2009, could have only come from Dr James S. Robertson and his colleagues
in association with the US Centre for Disease Control and vaccine manufacturer
Novavax, Inc, which was ready to profit from the release he says. Nobody else takes
H5N1 Asian-flu infected chickens, takes them to Europe, extracts their DNA, combines
their proteins with H1N1 viruses from the 1918 Spanish flu isolate, additionally mixes
in some swine-flu genes from pigs, then reverse engineers them to infect humans, he
During the 1976 Swine scare the Swine Flu vaccine itself killed hundreds & sickened
countless others,

'Only young Lewis (19-year-old Pvt. David Lewis of Ashley Falls, Mass) died from the
swine flu itself in 1976. But as the critics are quick to point out, hundreds of Americans
were killed or seriously injured by the inoculation the government gave them to stave
off the virus.'

The United Nations which overseas the WHO has been implicated in the promotion of
live viruses & eugenics-type sterilization programs throughout the past, based on
verifiable data. We will not be their guinea-pigs any more. We unanimously uphold this
decision. The onus then is on the WHO to prove its own safety record. Any reports or
rebuttals issued by them are subject to an independent investigation by council of our

National Security Council Document 20506: Implications of Worldwide Population

Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests -
This 1974 memorandum drafted by Henry Kissinger led directly to the unleashing of
experimental vaccines on the unsuspecting public. It sighted countries as targets for
"initial population reduction experimentation to be implemented around the year 2000".
They identified India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil,
Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia & Columbia for study. 3 million
Filipinos ages 12-48 were given a test vaccine that ruined their health. North American
Black & Native American Women were each given the same vaccine resulting in
sterility rates of 25% & 35% respectively. The directive came from the WHO and was
directly tied to Kissinger's report.

It followed a 1972 report (Bulletin #47) issued by the World Health Organization which
referred to an immune virus requested which would selectively destroy the Human T
Cell System, to be distributed in conjunction with a Nationwide vaccination program "to
observe the results". This coincided precisely with the extensive Small Pox vaccination
program in central Africa - shortly preceding the outbreak of Aids in Africa, America &
elsewhere. The determining factor most common in Aids victims is the breakdown of
the T Cell System in the body. Another coincidence.

In the event that mandatory vaccinations are legislated under conditions of a

supposed/genuine Pandemic we are calling for independent research of the vaccines -
by a team of licensed health care professionals of our choosing, before delivering them
to the distribution centers. All vaccines will be tested for contamination & safety.
Ongoing monitoring of those vaccinated will be kept in an up-to-date data system. If the
WHO or their distributors are discovered to be willfully spreading a toxic product they
will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law. We will mandate a public
investigation to root out those responsible & justice will be served. In this respect we
will also hold our own Governments fully accountable.
We, the undersigned, stand united in support of this Petition.

LIST OF VACCINE FILLERS: Officially administered by design with every vaccine

provided to the public -

In addition to the viral and bacterial RNA or DNA that is part of the vaccines, here are
the fillers:
aluminum hydroxide
aluminum phosphate
ammonium sulfate
amphotericin B
animal tissues: pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain,
dog kidney, monkey kidney,
chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg
calf (bovine) serum
fetal bovine serum
human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)
hydrolized gelatin
monosodium glutamate (MSG)
neomycin sulfate
phenol red indicator
phenoxyethanol (antifreeze)
potassium diphosphate
potassium monophosphate
polymyxin B
polysorbate 20
polysorbate 80
porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolysate of casein
residual MRC5 proteins
thimerosal (mercury)
VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells
washed sheep red blood cells

*This data is available via:

These additives are given without public knowledge or consent. Merck, the monster
pharmaceutical giant in the US produces the vast majority of vaccine supplies & are
protected from prosecution by Federal Statutes imposed under the former Bush

Analysis of vaccine fillers:

1) ALUMINUM (two variants) - directly linked to Alzheimer's Disease

2) AMMONIUM SULFATE - an inorganic chemical compound used a fertilizer and

"protein purifier"; known to cause kidney & liver damage, gastrointestinal disfunctions

3) AMPHOTERICIN B - an "antifungal disinfectant", damages the urinary tract,

bowels, heart functions

4) RE-CYCLED ANIMAL TISSUE (multiple) - the building blocks of Mad Cow


5) FORMALDEHYDE - used as "a preservative & disinfectant", known to cause

cancer, chronic bronchitis, eye irritation when exposed to the body's immune system

6) MSG - now known to cause cancer in humans, also linked to obesity

7) PHENOL - a highly toxic disinfectant dye, attributed to liver, kidney, heart &
respiratory damage

8) PHENOXYETHANOL (ANTIFREEZE) - proven to have extreme neurotoxic side


9) THIMEROSAL (MERCURY) - a neurotoxin linked to psychological, neurological &

immunological problems. Nervous system damage, kidney disease, birth defects, dental
problems, mood swings, mental changes, hallucinations, memory loss, nerve damage
and inability to concentrate can occur. Symptoms also include tremors, loss of dermal
sensitivity, slurred speech and, in rare cases, even death and paralysis. This additive
alone was the catalyst for another recent Class Action Lawsuit organized by mothers of
children born with Autism & the many related behavioral disorders associated with it.
Autism is now occurring at levels never seen before in history, 1 in 67. The average
used to be 1 in 20,000.
Sherri Tenpenny: Swine Flu Vaccine Update The Truth About the Flu Shot
Sherri Tenpenny, DO

What’s in the regular flu shot?

* Egg proteins: including avian contaminant viruses

* Gelatin: can cause allergic reactions and anaphylaxis are usually associated with sensitivity to egg
or gelatin
* Polysorbate 80 (Tween80™): can cause severe allergic reactions, including

anaphylaxis. Also associated with inferility in female mice.

* Formaldehyde: known carcinogen

* Triton X100: a strong detergent
* Sucrose: table sugar
* Resin: known to cause allergic reactions
* Gentamycin: an antibiotic
* Thimerosal: mercury is still in multidose flu shot vials

Do flu shots work?

Not in babies: In a review of more than 51 studies involving more than 294,000 children it was found
there was "no evidence that injecting children 6-24 months of age with a flu shotwas any more effective
than placebo. In children over 2 yrs, it was only effective 33% of the time in preventing the flu.

Reference: "Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy children." The Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews. 2 (2008).

Not in children with asthma: A study 800 children with asthma, where one half were vaccinated and the
other half did not receive the influenza vaccine. The two groups were compared with respect to clinic
visits, emergency department (ED) visits, and hospitalizations for asthma. CONCLUSION: This study
failed to provide evidence that the influenza vaccine prevents pediatric asthma exacerbations.

Reference: "Effectiveness of influenza vaccine for the prevention of asthma exacerbations." Christly,
C. et al. Arch Dis Child. 2004 Aug;89(8):734-5.

Not in children with asthma (2): "The inactivated flu vaccine, Flumist, does not prevent influenza-
related hospitalizations in children, especially the ones with asthma…In fact, children who get the flu
vaccine are more at risk for hospitalization than children who do not get the vaccine."

Reference: The American Thoracic Society’s 105th International Conference, May 15-20, 2009, San

Not in adults: In a review of 48 reports including more than 66,000 adults, "Vaccination of healthy
adults only reduced risk of influenza by 6% and reduced the number of missed work days by less than
one day (0.16) days. It did not change the number of people needing to go to hospital or take time off
Reference: "Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults." The Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews. 1 (2006).

Not in the Elderly: In a review of 64 studies in 98 flu seasons, For elderly living in nursing homes, flu
shots were non-significant for preventing the flu. For elderly living in the community, vaccines were not
(significantly) effective against influenza, ILI or pneumonia.

Reference: "Vaccines for preventing influenza in the elderly." The Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews.3 (2006).

What about the new Swine Flu shot?

Some of the new H1N1 (swine flu) vaccines are going to be made by Novartis. These shots will
probably be made in PER.C6 cells (human retina cells) and contain MF59, a potentially debilitating
adjuvant. MF-59 is an oil-based adjuvant primarily composed of squalene.

All rats injected with squalene (oil) adjuvants developed a disease that left them crippled, dragging
their paralyzed hindquarters across their cages. Injected squalene can cause severe arthritis (3 on scale of
4) and severe immune responses, such as autoimmune arthritis and lupus.
Ref: (1): Kenney, RT. Edleman, R. "Survey of human-use adjuvants." Expert Review of
Vaccines. 2 (2003) p171.
Ref: (2): Matsumoto, Gary. Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing Our
Soldiers and Why GI’s Are Only the First Victims of this Vaccine. New York: Basic Books. p54.

Federal health officials are starting to recommend that most Americans get three flu shots this fall: one
regular flu shot and two doses of the vaccine made against the new swine flu strain. School children who
have never had a flu shot are targeted for four shots in the fall - twice for seasonal flu, twice for pandemic
swine flu. (July 15, 2009 news)

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has been talking to school superintendents around the country,
urging them to make plans to use buildings for mass vaccinations and for vaccinating kids first. (CBS
News, June 12, 2009.)

Is Mandatory Vaccination Possible?

1946: US Public Health Service was established and Executive Order (EO) 9708 was signed, listing the
communicable diseases where quarantines could be used. 1946 and 2003, cholera, diphtheria, TB,
typhoid, smallpox, yellow fever, & viral hemorrhagic fevers were added.

April 4, 2003: EO 13295 added SARS to the list.

April 1, 2005: EO 13295 added "Influenza caused by novel or re-emergent influenza viruses that are
causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic." EO 13295 also: The president gave the Sec. of HHS
the power to quarantine, his or her discretion. Sec of HHS has the power to arrange for the "apprehension
and examination of persons reasonably thought to be infected." A cough or a fever could put a person at
risk for being quarantined for an extended period of time without recourse.

January 28, 2003: Project BioShield was introduced during Bush’s State of the Union Address. This
created permanent and indefinite funding authority to develop "medical countermeasures."

The NIH was given authority to speed approval of drugs and vaccines. Emergency approval of a "fast
tracked" drug and vaccine can be given without the regular course of safety testing.

December 17, 2006: Division E: The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREPA) was
added as an addendum to Defense Appropriations Bill HR 2863 at 11:20p on Saturday night, long after
House Committee members

had signed off on the bill and gone home for the holidays.

Section (b)(1) states: The Sec of HHS can make a determination that a "disease, health condition or
threat" constitutes a public health emergency. He or she may then recommend "the manufacture, testing,
development, administration, or use of one or more covered counter measures…" A covered
countermeasure defined as a "pandemic product, vaccine or drug."

Division E also provides complete liability protection for all drugs, vaccines or biological products
deemed a "covered countermeasure" and used for an outbreak of any kind. In July, 2009, complete
liability protection was extened to drug companies that included any product used for any public health
emergency declared by Sec of HHS.

Pharma is now protected from all accountability, unless "criminal intent to do harm" can be proven by
the injured party. They are protected from liability even if they know the drug will be harmful.

"By 1853, Parliament began passing laws to make the untested vaccine compulsory throughout the
British Empire. Other countries of Europe followed suit. Once the economic implications of compulsory
vaccinations were realized, few dared to disagree. Then, as now, the media were controlled by the vaccine
manufacturers and the government, who stood to make huge money from the sale of these spurious
vaccines."... Tim O'Shea, D.C.

What can you do?

These are just a few suggestions; please come up with more of your own! Add to this list and spread
the word.

Give this information to everyone you know and love.

* Contact local first responders (EMTs, Paramedics, Fireman, etc). Tell them what is will be in the
flu shots and that *they* will be the first ones to get it.
* Contact local police and discuss concerns about mandatory vaccination. You go to church and to
the grocery store with these folks and their kids play with your kids. They are not "scary" people. Take
them coffee and a treat to get in the door.
* Contact local city council members about your liberties. You need their support to maintain your
right to refuse.
* Write a small article for LOCAL, community newspapers. Watch for samples on
* Have at least 3 weeks of food and water at your house and be prepared to voluntarily self-
quarantine of given no other options.
* Stock up on Vitamin D3 (3000 IU per person), Vitamin A, Vitamin C, etc and homeopathics for the
* Check out and A pdf of their
oath for easy printing is on I am sharing this with local military recruitment office,
reservists and retired military people we know.
* Connect with other activist organizations – those who support 2nd amendment issues, the
environmental and animal rights. Help spread the word about their passion and get them involved with

You can't do it all, but you can do something!

* As stated years ago by Margaret Mead, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed
citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has."

For more information go to or


COAST TO COAST AM with George Noory

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny shared concerns regarding the upcoming Swine Flu shot, which may be made
mandatory in schools. Self-quarantine will hopefully be an option for those who don't wish to take the
vaccination, she said. The recent hysteria over the Healthcare Bill is really a cover-up/distraction for
issues around the vaccine, she suggested.
First hour guest, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny shared concerns regarding the upcoming Swine Flu shot, which
may be made mandatory in schools.

Self-quarantine will hopefully be an option for those who don't wish to take the vaccination, she said. The
recent hysteria over the Healthcare Bill is really a cover-up/distraction for issues around the vaccine, she


What about the new Swine Flu shot?

A new report from a WHO advisory group predicts that global production of vaccine for the novel H1N1
influenza virus could be as much as 4.9 billon doses a year, far higher than previous estimates. The report
says that vaccine makers are expected to produce about 780 million doses of seasonal flu vaccine for the
northern hemisphere's 2008-09 flu season for the

June 12 Announcement: The new H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine is going to be made by Novartis. It will
probably be made in PER.C6 cells (human retina cells) and contain MF59, a potentially debilitating
adjuvant. MF-59 is an oil-based adjuvant primarily composed of squalene, Tween 80 and Span85. All oil
adjuvants injected into rats were found toxic. All rats developed an MS-like disease that left them
crippled, dragging their paralyzed hindquarters across their cages.

Squalene caused severe arthritis (3 on scale of 4). Squalene in humans at 10-20 ppb (parts per billion)
lead to severe immune responses, such as autoimmune arthritis and lupus. Reference: Kenney, RT.
Edleman, R. "Survey of human-use adjuvants." Expert Review of Vaccines. 2 (2003) p171. Reference:
Matsumoto, Gary. Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing Our Soldiers and Why
GI’s Are Only the First Victims of this Vaccine. New York: Basic Books. p54.

Federal health officials will probably recommend that most Americans get three flu shots this fall: one
regular flu shot and two doses of any vaccine made against the new swine flu strain. Reference:
Washington Post, Wednesday, May 6, 2009

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is talking to school superintendents around the country, urging them to
spend the summer planning what to do if the government decides it needs their buildings for mass
vaccinations and vaccinating kids first. Reference: CBS News, June 12, 2009.

Is Mandatory Vaccination Possible?

1946: US Public Health Service was established and EO 9708 (Executive Order) was signed, listing the
communicable diseases where quarantines could be used. 1946 and 2003, cholera, diphtheria, TB,
typhoid, smallpox, yellow fever, & viral hemorrhagic fevers were added.

April 4, 2003: EO 13295 added SARS to the list.

April 1, 2005: EO 13295 added "Influenza caused by novel or re-emergent influenza viruses that are
causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic." EO 13295 also: The president gave the Sec. of HHS
the power to quarantine, his or her discretion. Sec of HHS has the power to arrange for the "apprehension
and examination of persons reasonably thought to be infected." A cough or a fever could put a person at
risk for being quarantined for an extended period of time without recourse.

January 28, 2003: Project BioShield was introduced during Bush’s State of the Union Address. This
created permanent and indefinite funding authority to develop "medical countermeasures."

The NIH was given authority to speed approval of drugs and vaccines. Emergency approval of a "fast
tracked" drug and vaccine can be given without the regular course of safety testing.
December 17, 2006: Division E: The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act was added as an
addendum to Defense Appropriations Bill HR 2863 at 11:20p on Saturday night, long after House
Committee members

had signed off on the bill and gone home for the holidays. Section (b)(1) states:

The Sec of HHS can make a determination that a "disease, health condition or threat" constitutes a public
health emergency. He or she may then recommend "the manufacture, testing, development,
administration, or use of one or more covered counter measures…" A covered countermeasure defined as
a "pandemic product, vaccine or drug."

Division E also provides complete liability protection for all drugs, vaccines or biological products
deemed a "covered countermeasure" and used for an outbreak of any kind.

Complete liability protection has been given to drug companies for any product used for any public health
emergency declared by Sec of HHS.

Pharma is now protected from all accountability, unless "criminal intent to do harm" can be proven by the
injured party. They are protected from liability even if they know the drug will be harmful.

"By 1853, Parliament began passing laws to make the untested vaccine compulsory throughout the British
Empire. Other countries of Europe followed suit. Once the economic implications of compulsory
vaccinations were realized, few dared to disagree. Then, as now, the media were controlled by the vaccine
manufacturers and the government, who stood to make huge money from the sale of these spurious
vaccines."... Tim O'Shea, D.C.

What can I do?

These are just a few suggestions; please come up with more of your own! Add to this list and spread the

* Give this information to everyone you know and love.

* Contact local first responders (EMTs, Paramedics, Fireman, etc). Tell them what is will be in the flu
shots and that *they* will be the first ones to get it.
* Contact local police and discuss concerns about mandatory vaccination. You go to church and to the
grocery store with these folks and their kids play with your kids. They are not "scary" people. Take them
coffee and a treat to get in the door... ☺
* Contact local city council members about your liberties. You need their support to maintain your right
to refuse.
* Write a small article for LOCAL, community newspapers. Watch for samples on
* Have at least 3 weeks of food and water at your house and be prepared to voluntarily self-quarantine of
given no other options.
* Stock up on Vitamin D3 (3000 IU per person), Vitamin A, Vitamin C, etc and homeopathics for the flu
* Check out and A pdf of their oath
for easy printing is on I am sharing this with local military recruitment office,
reservists and retired military people we know.
* Connect with other activist organizations – those who support 2nd amendment issues, the
environmental and animal rights. Help spread the word about their passion and get them involved with

You can't do it all, but you can do something!

* As stated years ago by Margaret Mead, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed
citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has."

For more information go to or







Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO

September 4, 2009

Much concern has been generated over the upcoming new swine flu H1N1 vaccines that are being rushed
to market. Clinical trials will be short – less than three weeks – and the potential for the addition of toxic
oil-in-water adjuvants to be added at the last minute to stretch the vaccine supply is disconcerting.
However, the problems with flu shots go beyond current concerns. The new manufacturing process for flu
shots, called cell-line technologies, are little understood and have the potential for serious, long term

Manufacturing the “regular,” annual flu shot

Each year, between January and March, an FDA advisory panel selects the three influenza strains
expected to be in circulation during the upcoming flu season. Admitting that the process is an “educated
guess,” the CDC sends the selected seed virus to the FDA for approval prior. Seed virus is then distributed
to manufacturers for production.

The annual flu shot contains three viral strains: two type influenza A viruses and one type influenza B.
Most commonly, two of the viruses are the same viruses included in the preceding year’s shot. The third
virus is typically a new strain in circulation. This is the purported reason for giving the shot each year.
The new strain is modified through a laboratory process called reassortment to ensure that it can readily
grow in eggs. Once the modification is complete, all three viruses proceed through tricky manufacturing
steps to create what goes in that vial.

The cumbersome flu shot production process utilizes up to 500,000 fertilized chicken eggs per day for up
to eight months. Hundreds of millions of fertilized eggs become “mini-incubators” for cultured viruses.
When the chick embryos are 11-days old, the amniotic membrane (the egg white) is manually injected
with a drop of viral-containing solution. Several days later, the gooey viral suspension is centrifuged to
remove as much chicken blood and tissue from the solution as possible. Residual egg protein remains
within the final vaccine solution and is the reason why persons with an egg allergy are advised against
receiving the flu shot.

The entire process, from viral selection to viral harvest, can take up to nine months.[1] With the potential
for a pandemic and the Director General of the WHO, Margaret Chan, requesting up to 4.9 billion of flu
shots to vaccinate the world,[2] the slow lead time and labor-intensive production process cannot meet the
demand for massive quantities of pandemic flu vaccine.

Enter Cell Line Technology

Cell line technologies, the use of cells and tissues for growing viruses found in vaccines, have been used
since the 1950s. Examples include calf lymph for smallpox vaccines; African green monkey cells
(AGMK cells) for polio vaccines and mouse brain cells for the Japanese encephalitis vaccine. In the
1960s, cells from aborted human fetal tissue, called MRC-5 and WI-38 cells, were developed and are still
used for the manufacture of rubella chickenpox, hepatitis A and shingles vaccines.

Since the early 2000s, dozens of human and animal tissues have been investigated for use in viral
vaccines, especially for the production of influenza shots. Batches of vaccine can be produced in less than
six weeks instead of just one crop per year with eggs, a particularly useful methodology for ramping up
production of flu shots.While many of the new cell lines are still considered experimental, cell line
techniques have attracted all the major players in the vaccine and biotech industry.

Prior to 2007, cell lines were little used for flu shots, primarily for logistical reasons: Flu shots made from
cells instead of eggs required a complete retooling of existing production facilities. None of the
manufacturers were willing to invest the hundreds of millions of dollars and the five to seven years to
construct new vaccine plants. But when the threat of the bird flu pandemic was hyped in 2006, the
government opened is coffers and spilled billions of dollars into the pockets of the drug companies,
giving them the capital to build new flu shot production facilities. By 2012, the first cell line factory will
be completed in North Carolina. Vaccine giant, Novartis, will then have the capacity to produce 150
million flu shots per year, making it the number one commercial production plant for influenza vaccines
and the adjuvant MF-59, in the world.

Cell Cultures: The Next Frontier in Vaccine Production

Several cell lines are currently under investigation. Novartis’ EU-approved flu shot, Optaflu, was
produced using a cell line called Madin-Darby (MDCK), cells extracted from the kidneys of a female
cocker spaniel. Dutch giant, Solvay Pharmaceuticals, has been working with MDCK cells since the early

Another independent company, Protein Sciences Corporation, has been working on a patented influenza
vaccine produced from caterpillar eggs. This vaccine strategy, known commercially as FluBlok, isolates a
purified concentration of (H) antigen on the surface of an influenza virus and inserts the antigen into a
second virus called a baculovirus. The (H)-containing baculovirus is then inserted into insect cells
growing in culture. Several clinical trials involving the bug-created vaccine have shown that the antigens
elicit a strong antibody response in humans.[3] The vaccine, no doubt, contains snips of insect DNA. This
technology is being tested in Europe and is not yet approved for use in the US.

A third type of cell line, called PER.C6 cells, is derived from retinal cells of aborted fetal tissues. The
fetal cells are transformed by infecting them with an adenovirus, turning them into “immortalized” cells
and the capability to replicate endlessly. By their very nature, these cells are neoplastic (cancer-causing);
researchers refer to them as “oncogenic” cells. If tumors are formed when the cells are injected into
experimental animals, the cell lines are beyond oncogenic; they are tumorigenic.

A serious concern about whole, live PER.C6 cells is that they are capable of causing tumors when
transplanted into the skin of mice. The FDA requires a filtration method to be used during vaccine
production that is designed to removes all cells before the final product is packaged. Even though several
studies have been conducted to assure vaccine developers that PER.C6 cells do not cause cancer and do
not contain stray tumor causing viruses,[4] the risk of the cells making their way into the final vaccine
products remain.

The risks of residual retinal DNA and stray viral contaminants from the animal tissues getting into flu
shots are real. DNA snips are classified as either “infectious” or “oncogenic” by researchers who worry
that the stray DNA is being incorporated into the recipient’s DNA, even thought FDA regulations insist
on the “importance of minimizing the risk of oncogenesis in vaccine recipients.” Manufacturers have
been instructed to ensure the final vaccine contains less than 1 million residual animal cells and the
amount of stray DNA is less than 10 ng. per vaccine.[5] These regulations admit that animal DNA is
injected into human babies and adults with every shot.

[NWV Poll: According to Fox News, 50% of US health care workers will refuse H1N1 vaccine. What
will you do?]

Is every lot tested for purity and these parameters? No. Spot-checked lots are sent to the FDA and the
FDA trusts the word of vaccine manufacturers that these standards have been met.

Tumorigenic Cells: The Risks Are Known

Since 1998, the FDA and its subdivision, the Centers for Biological Evaluation and Research (CBER),
have been drafting regulations to allow use of both oncogenic and tumorigenic cell lines to be used in
vaccine production. The FDA is fully aware that the new cell lines, especially the PER.C6 cells, have
substantial risks, including the risk of potentially deadly adventitious [stray, outside] viruses making their
way into shots. For example, the FDA acknowledges that the SV 40 virus (simian virus 40 from monkey
kidney cells) was in the early polio vaccines and acknowledges the risks:

“The experience in the early 1960s with SV40 contamination of poliovirus and adenovirus vaccines
and the continuing questions regarding whether SV40 could be responsible for some human neoplasms
[cancers] underscores the importance of keeping viral vaccines free of adventitious agents [viral

This is particularly important when there is a theoretical potential for contamination of a vaccine with
viruses that might be associated with neoplasia [cancer]…It is unclear whether cell substrates have a
greater or lower risk [of contamination] than other types of cells…However, if their growth in tissue
culture is not well controlled, there may be additional opportunities for contamination…”[6]

And it gets worse.

The same FDA memo goes on to say:

“In addition to the possibility of contamination of cell substrates with adventitious viruses…the use of
immortalized, neoplastic human cells to develop [vaccines] raises theoretical concerns with regard to
possible contamination with TSE/BSE agents.”[7]

TSE is Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy, a condition that includes a group of rare degenerative
brain disorders characterized by tiny holes in the brain tissues, giving a “spongy” appearance when
viewed under a microscope. When this condition occurs in cows, it is called Bovine Spongiform
Encephalopathy, commonly known as “mad cow disease.” In a study published in 2004, researchers
found that any cell line could potentially support the propagation of TSE agents.[8]

Clearly, CBER is aware and disquieted over the carcinogenic potential of animal cells in vaccines because
they require manufacturers to take “every available precautionary step” to eliminate the suspicious cells
from the vaccine final product. The FDA also admits concerns about cancer-causing possibility from all
types of cell lines. The question begging to be answered is, knowing the potential risks of using cell lines
to create vaccines, why is research using cell line technologies allowed to be used at all?

Despite substantial evidence—and even admissions of concern—the FDA appears to be flagrantly

ignoring the potential for harm caused by this new cell line technology. The U.S. government have poured
billions of dollars into flu shot development and is recklessly approving the use of cell lines for products
that have a questionable necessary pandemic vaccine. Let the buyer beware.

1, “WHO manual on animal influenza diagnosis and surveillance,” World Health Organization, 1
September 2004.
2, Reuters May 19, 2009.
3, “Influenza Vaccines under development,” Protein Sciences Corporation.
4, Ledwith, BJ, et al. “Tumorigenicity assessments of Per.C6 cells and of an Ad5-vectored HIV-1 vaccine
produced on this continuous cell line.” Dev Biol (Basel). 2006;123:251-63; discussion 265-6.
5, FDA: Use of MDCK Cells for Manufacture of Inactivated Influenza vaccines.
6, "Designer Cells as Substrates for the Manufacture of Viral Vaccines,” FDA.
7, FDA. Ibid MDCK cells
8, Vorberg, I., Raines, A., Story, B., Priola, S. A. “Susceptibility of common fibroblast cell lines to
transmissible spongiform encephalopathy agents,” Journal of Infectious Diseases189 (2004): 431–439.
PMID: 14745700.

© 2009 - Sherri Tenpenny - All Rights Reserve

Sherri J. Tenpenny, D.O., is regarded as one of the country’s most knowledgeable and outspoken
physicians on the negative impact vaccines can have on health. This article includes excerpts from her
new book, Saying No to Vaccines: A Resource Guide for All Ages. In addition to concerns about
childhood vaccinations, the book addresses vaccination issues facing adults, international travelers,
healthcare workers, nursing home residents, adoptions, college students, and those in the military. A 75-
minute DVD is included that discusses the history of mandatory vaccination, concerns about the HPV
cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil and other information not included in the book. For more information on
her many other books, DVDs, audio CDs, articles, and other materials, visit and Learn more about her medical clinic at

Dr. Tenpenny is a regular columnist for Her new book and DVD "Saying No to
Vaccines" and FOWL! are available through this site. Other tapes and materials are available



E-Mail: [email protected]

How Independent Are Vaccine Defenders?

Sharyl Attkisson Investigates Vaccine Advocates Taking Funding From The Companies Whose Vaccines
They Endorse

CBS) For years some parents and scientists have raised concerns about vaccine safety, including a
possible link to autism and ADD. Many independent experts have sided with government officials
and other scientists who say there's no possible connection. But how "independent" are they? CBS
News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson shares here's what she found.

They're some of the most trusted voices in the defense of vaccine safety: the American Academy of
Pediatrics, Every Child By Two, and pediatrician Dr. Paul Offit.

But CBS News has found these three have something more in common - strong financial ties to the
industry whose products they promote and defend.

The vaccine industry gives millions to the Academy of Pediatrics for conferences, grants, medical
education classes and even helped build their headquarters. The totals are kept secret, but public
documents reveal bits and pieces.
# A $342,000 payment from Wyeth, maker of the pneumococcal vaccine - which makes $2 billion a
year in sales.

# A $433,000 contribution from Merck, the same year the academy endorsed Merck's HPV vaccine
- which made $1.5 billion a year in sales.

# Another top donor: Sanofi Aventis, maker of 17 vaccines and a new five-in-one combo shot just
added to the childhood vaccine schedule last month.

Every Child By Two, a group that promotes early immunization for all children, admits the group
takes money from the vaccine industry, too - but wouldn't tell us how much.

A spokesman told CBS News: "There are simply no conflicts to be unearthed." But guess who's
listed as the group's treasurers? Officials from Wyeth and a paid advisor to big pharmaceutical

Then there's Paul Offit, perhaps the most widely-quoted defender of vaccine safety.

He's gone so far as to say babies can tolerate "10,000 vaccines at once."

This is how Offit described himself in a previous interview: "I'm the chief of infectious disease at
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and a professor of pediatrics at Penn's medical school," he said.

Offit was not willing to be interviewed on this subject but like others in this CBS News
investigation, he has strong industry ties. In fact, he's a vaccine industry insider.

Offit holds in a $1.5 million dollar research chair at Children's Hospital, funded by Merck. He
holds the patent on an anti-diarrhea vaccine he developed with Merck, Rotateq, which has
prevented thousands of hospitalizations.

And future royalties for the vaccine were just sold for $182 million cash. Dr. Offit's share of vaccine
profits? Unknown.

Read more about this story at Couric & Co. Blog

There's nothing illegal about the financial relationships, but to critics, they pose a serious risk for
conflicts of interest. As one member of Congress put it, money from the pharmaceutical industry
can shape the practices of those who hold themselves out to be "independent."

The American Academy of Pediatrics, Every Child By Two and Dr. Offit would not agree to
interviews, but all told us they're up front about the money they receive, and it doesn't sway their

Today's immunization schedule now calls for kids to get 55 doses of vaccines by age 6.

Ideally, it makes for a healthier society. But critics worry that industry ties could impact the advice
given to the public about all those vaccines.

Unscientific Scientists

The scientific community overstates the benefits of vaccination and understates the risks. And of
course they do, vaccination is their baby. Yet they don't seem to have the insight to understand that
there is a conflict of interest...

...They have confused actual "hard science" with "things that most scientists think", as there seems
to be a denial of the fact that scientific consensus has quite often been, and most assuredly still is in
many places, wrong...
Chris Mooney, Sheril Kirshenbaum, Lori Kozlowski, Rosie Mestel, Thomas Maugh, David Gorski,
Virginia Hughes, Science Journalists, The Dying of the LA Times and an Angry Autism Mom
Six years ago next week my youngest son got his 18 month vaccinations, DTaP, Hep B, Polio,
Pneumo and Hib and then regressed into autism. Almost a year later I started this blog for the
simple purpose of keeping a public daily journal while my son went through treatment on which
there was not a lot of public information. I thought that others could read about what our
experience was in evaluating whether or not it might be useful for their child.

But what began as a mother's journal has turned into a reaction to and an act of rebellion against
the widespread corruption of the institutions whose stated purposes are to protect the safety, health
and rights of individuals, to guide them in good decision making and to get to the truth of a matter
and inform the public so that they can make wise choices; and the dishonorable behavior of many
who man those institutions.

Because once upon a time I was a trusting consumer of the science and medical industries, and even
a participant in them. I followed what I believed was their earnest advice, because I believed that
they were working in my best interest, that they were working in the best interest of my children,
and that they were upholding the basic standards of their professions that would protect them from
gross error in their rendering their opinions.

I vaccinated my children as I was told to do.

I was very, very wrong to blindly trust those sources. Following their advice turned out to be as wise
as taking a sledge hammer to my son and my family.

After my son's regression, I was told by all the supposedly reputable, vetted sources that I looked to
that my son's regression could not have been caused by his vaccines. But that just didn't seem right
to me, so I started reading. Vaccine package inserts, a few studies, AAP/CDC web sites, a few media
accounts and I had a question that I could not find an answer to. That question was:

"If the Hepatitis B vaccine is known to cause Gillian-Barre, an autoimmune disorder where in
the the immune system attacks the central nervous system, then why can't it cause autism, an
autoimmune disorder where in the immune system attacks the central nervous system?"

So I printed out the vaccine package insert, highlighted the relevant parts and took it to my
pediatrician, who didn't read it and didn't answer my question. But he did tell me to go ask the
American Academy of Pediatrics. Which I quickly learned, does not answer vaccine/autism
questions from parents.

And then I read Evidence of Harm and saw what a horrid sausage factory the medical research
industry can be. And then I got online and started asking more questions. I quickly learned what a
house of cards vaccine safety research was, that there was no safety test for the chemical cocktail
that my son got on September 18th, 2003 (still looking if anyone knows of one), that there is no
comparison study between children who are given the CDC vaccine schedule and those who are not,
that vaccines are not tested against a true placebo, that children with my son's medical histories are
not included in vaccine safety research hence that research cannot be applied to them, that vast
conflicts of interest (both declared and undeclared) exist in those making health recommendations
and overseeing product safety, that many of those same conflicted people claim that there is no
connection between vaccines and autism even though the research required to make that statement
has never been done, that these institutions regularly made contradictory, nonsensical, unscientific
and easily disprovable statements for which they are never called out and that the media doesn't
talk about any of this.

I learned that I had been robbed of informed consent.

And then I learned that there was no way for me to hold accountable any of the institutions or
individuals who had participated in robbing me of informed consent. Pretty much my only recourse
was to write to them and just have to deal with being ignored.
So I started writing about it.

And as I wrote about it, I was determined not to become like the people I was criticizing. Not to
ignore my critics, not to overstate my case, not to treat people whose opinion (or personality) I
didn't like as if they didn't count, to correct myself when I was wrong and to give everyone a fair
shake and a hundred chances to correct their mistakes. To be earnest even to those who were not.
To engage in civil discourse, even when I was really angry about something. To give people the
benefit of the doubt that they earnestly want to get to the truth of the matter. All this is the hopes of
allowing every chance for an actual coming together of "us" and "them" to figure out how peoples
opinions differ so vastly on the vaccine/autism connection and in how to treat these kids.

I have not always succeeded in living up to that standard, but on the whole I don't think I have
done too bad.

Along the way I have had the pleasure of engaging with earnest people who really took seriously
whatever role they had in this debate. They understood that their opinions and actions had
consiquences. They took criticism and had the ability to check themselves, because they understood
that children's lives were at stake, so they had to be sure they were getting it as right as they could.

And then there are people like Chris Mooney, Sheril Kirshenbaum, Lori Kozlowski, Rosie Mestel,
Thomas Maugh, David Gorski and Virginia Hughes.

About three weeks ago a friend sent me and article entitled "Bringing science back into America's
sphere" by Lori Kozlowski in the LA Times. It made me really angry. Angry that the LA Times was
printing such a frivolous article about a subject so important that greatly impacts the health and
lives of almost every child on this planet, angry that Chris Mooney seemed to have no insight into
the fact that the public's 'rejection of science' as described by him may have something to do with
the vast corruption in the science industries and the public health agencies who regulate them,
angry that the second most contentious issue in medicine (behind abortion) was treated as if its
outcome was a forgone conclusion, and angry that tens thousands of parents and even well
respected, well reasoned, seasoned medical professionals were treated as if they were neanderthals
for believing that vaccines might have an association to autism. Angry that the LA Times was
hosing this shallow and irresponsible discussion between these two obviously very young writers.

And that anger apparently began to push me over some line somewhere, because today, three weeks
later, I just don't care about giving myopic, immature, biased and unprincipled "science writers"
the benefit of the doubt or a hundred more chances any more.

I wrote to Lori Kozlowski, Chris Mooney and Sheril Kirshenbaum (with whom Chris wrote his
book, Unscientific America: How Scientific Illiteracy Threatens Our Future) and posed the basic
questions, 'Might not the expanding chasm between the scientific community and the American
public be the fault of the corrupt science industries who have destroyed public trust? Might the
public be walking away from you because you have treated them... us... so damn badly? When a
community like yours (Mr. Mooney identifies himself both with Skeptic Brand Science and the
larger science and science journalism industries) dismisses, devalues, insults, misinforms, lies to, lies
about, steals from and poisons the public, why are you surprised when they walk away from you?
Where is your responsibility in this?'

I asked them to do some self-evaluation. Demanded really.

I emailed the letter to Lori Kozlowski, posted it on my blog and Age of Autism (which Chris
disparaged in his interview) also ran it. The overwhelming response from my community of autism
parents, "us" if you will, can be sampled in the comments sections following the piece and can be
roughly characterized as, "What Ginger said".

Some of those I wrote to responded, some did not.

The response from "them" to my challenge that their dismissals, their insults, their lack of insight
into themselves, their inability to self-correct and refusal to examine and address "our" concerns
might be the problem, was to dismiss me, insult me, demonstrate an extreme lack of insight into
themselves, display an inability to self-correct and to refuse to examine and address my concerns.

They responded to my accusations of failing to live up to the standards of their chosen industries,
by failing to live up the standards of their chosen industries.

I called them biased, and to prove me wrong, they showed me their bias.

The picture I have had in my head as I have read the emails that have gone back and forth between
these "science writers" and me is of a snake chomping down on its own tail. But not in the circle of
life or ourosbors symbolism kinda way. More like what would actually happen if a snake in the real
world decided to make a meal of himself. Suicide by ignorance. And oddly, responding to the
woman shouting to them that they are eating themselves by eating themselves faster and with more

Because what these individuals are doing is neither science nor journalism, and in the process they
are destroying the professions of science and journalism.

And when I pointed this very phenomenon to one "science writer", David Gorski, MD, PhD, he still
didn't get it. Or refused to get it. Or got it but still chose to dismiss me, insult me, avoid my
questions, etc... etc...

Then yesterday I was contacted by Virginia Hughes, another young "science writer" who wanted to
know if I would post her survey on my blog so that she could get the input of my community for a
ethics report that she had been commissioned to do for Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory to inform
the direction of their genetic autism research.

Well that really got to me.

Because the young Ms. Hughes had interviewed me two years ago at length for a piece she
published in Nature Medicine, that... well... was not reflective of the actual content of the debate or
information I offered her, portrayed parents and dangerous whack jobs and didn't exactly fully vet
the information she was offered by those who claim that vaccines don't cause autism. She let her
readers know that poor scientists like Paul Offit were in danger for their lives from conspiracy
theorists parents like me who believe that vaccines are associated with autism that she reported
were known as "The Mercurys". (A moniker she apparently made up because not even Mom's
Against Mercury had ever heard that nick name before. It didn't sick.) And although she can't even
write an objective article about autism causation and treatment research, she is being asked to
contribute to the direction of autism causation and treatment research.


And because Ms. Hughes, who 'gushes about a hodgepodge of mostly scientific ideas on the ever-
rockin' ScienceBlogs network' and is apparently BFF's with "band chick" Sheril Kirshenbaum (for
whom "scientist" is just "one of [her] many hats at the moment" and who wants to be an astronaut
when she grow up) and Chris Mooney, who conveys all the subtly in his arguments (liberals good,
conservatives bad, smart liberals smart, smart conservatives stupid) of... well... a 31 year old,
unmarried guy with no children who is impressed with how clever he is.

And because these three very young, inexperienced and immature people are being published, and
asked to serve on panels and invited to speak on life and death issues for children... for my
children... by a science/journalism industry who seems to me to have lost its mind. Or is it that a
corrupt industry can't find any grown ups to put forth these silly, biased, partisan arguments any

Smart does not equal wise, and foolish people in positions of influence are a recipe for disaster.

As I watch Chris Mooney claim to be a "journalist" and give a speech to the American Institute of
Biological Sciences where in he shows a slide of Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey calling them
"Dumb and Dumber", I want to scream, "Where are the grown ups who are supposed to be
overseeing these people! Parents of children with regressive autism are insult worthy to this guy,
and he is being put in front of a microphone to talk to scientists about his book about how
mainstream America, where the autism rate is now 1 in 100, is rejecting the message of people like
him?! Is this whole thing one big practical joke?"

So I have just decided to give up. By all means Mainstream Science Journalism Industrial Complex,
go ahead and put tweeners who dismiss half of the country, and insult and ignore people who say
things they deem unworthy right out in front as your standard bearers. Continue to ignore your
critics, and cash your Pharma checks and enjoy giving awards to one another as you become less
relevant to people's lives and your news outlets fail. I am going to just pass you the salt and watch
you devour yourselves.

But what I am not willing to do is let people remain under the impression that you are earnest,
unbiased, professionals, leaving no stone unturned in the pursuit of the truth and in service to the
public, if I can do any little thing about it.

So I am going to share with my readers all of the emails that I have been exchanging with these
"science writers" for the last three weeks so that they can see for themselves that said writers
cannot or will not evaluate information that does not fit into their paradigms, that they cannot or
will not do any self-evaluation to see if they are on the wrong path, they cannot or will not simply
answer the questions of a random angry autism mom and that when they pose as objective and
thoughtful scientists or journalists, they are a perpetrating a fraud.

The responses I have gotten have been varied. David Gorski says that I don't count, Sheril
Kirshenbaum thinks whatever David Gorski thinks, Chris Mooney apparently doesn't think any
thing at all as he has never responded. Lori Kozlowski thanks me for my interest and encourages
me to up her profile and readership by posting my thoughts on the new thread that the LAT has set
up for commenters, complete with medical industry ads. Rosie Mestel, Lori's editor, wants me to
not be so hard on Lori, poor thing, and does not want to address the implication that she may have
made a really bad call in assigning this material as she did.

Then there is Thomas H. Maugh II who thinks I am, "Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!"

For those of you who have read this far, and intend to read the whole thing, please take note of what
you will not see in the responses that I got from these "science journalists" who are posing to be
accurate, objective reporters on autism

You will not see the phrase, "that is a good point, let me think about that". No where will you read,
"yes our community might have a blind spot there, we need to work on that". No one responded,
"you are right, we have never even covered that part of the debate, can you point me toward your
source on that?" Not even a, "well I can see why you are all worked up about this and you could be
right there, but we are so overwhelmed we just don't have the resources to look into that right

Because those of you who still believe that what you read from these sources is well thought out,
thoroughly investigated and crafted by earnest, wise, honest professionals working hard to
overcome the biases and corruption that are inherent in any kind of writing, and understand the
dead seriousness and life or death consequences of the words they will be putting down on paper,
just might be wrong.

And that is important, because at issue is not your picks for fantasy football. At issue is the life and
health of your child.

These writers combined reach hundreds of thousands of people. Millions even. On a good day I
have about 500 visitors. All the power I have in the world to fight this are my words typed from my
living room as I run back and forth from my computer to my mischievous and danger prone son
with autism, but I am spending it all here. So for the few of you who will read this, please encourage
those you love to think critically about the messages they are getting. To ask hard questions of those
making medical and scientific pronouncements and when those pronouncements don't hold up to
scrutiny, to vote with their feet and walk away.

Because morality, honor and wisdom in scientific journalism is dying. The corruption is drowning
out the voices of the few in the industry that are speaking out against the nonsense, and the death
continues because it is propped up by those who won't walk away from the individuals who are
killing it. Editors and media owners have no motivation to check their writers as the bias of their
writers are bring in Industry Dollars (even while their readership dwindles because they are not
getting the hint). The only check in this system any more is the American Public.

In the last few years I have become interested in the anatomy of corruption. The actual process by
which institutions (and individuals) destroy themselves or betray their own mandate. It can be
likened to the process of death by cancer.

I read once that it is estimated that 90% of the public has "cancer" at any given time. Generally
speaking "cancer" happens when a cell divides incorrectly, which happens a lot. Fortunately a
healthy immune system will spot the errant cells and destroy them before they cause harm, so most
people are not threatened by these errors.

But when the immune system ceases to recognize and address these errors, two malignant cells
become four, which become eight which eventually kill the host.

The LA Times is dying. They filed for bankruptcy in December and have laid off people this year.
And of course they are. When a reader writes passionately to them that they have handled a very
important issue, very poorly, and they respond with dismissals, insults and see it as an opportunity
to capitalize on controversy rather than doing their journalistic duty, it is ample proof that their
immune system is dead and the cancer is running amok in the body.

As I publish this piece and the correspondence between these individuals and myself, it is in the full
expectation that the reaction that I will get will be dismissals, insults... blah, blah, blah... ad
infinitum... the snake continuing to eat itself. But in the event that anyone decides to take a look in
the mirror, makes a move to end the cycle of self destruction and actually begins to try to answer
my questions or take a hard look at themselves to how they are contributing to the demise of their
own work and the alienation of the public, I will certainly call attention to it.

So public, decide for yourself. Are these the people that you want to be taking medical and scientific
advice from on how to keep your children safe?:

The initial article:

"Bringing science back into America's sphere" by Lori Kozlowski

Read More :

FK said it best in one of his last speeches! That threat still remains. However now, we have new enemies
that want to unjustly subject us to a FORCED VACCINE that could potentially kill us! Please do yourself
and your family a favor......INVESTIGATE this, do research, and let everyone that'll listen know what's
going on! May GOD be with us all!

Canadian Doctor: H1N1 Vaccination a Eugenics Weapon for Mass Extermination

Canadian doctor Ghislaine Lanctôt, author of the Medical Mafia, I have a passion: unlimited health.

In order to realize this dream, I went to medical school.

For many years, I was convinced that I was on the right track. Reality, however, was something else
altogether. Thoughts emotions and feelings, these invisible and untouchable antagonists invariably
frustrated me in my scientific work.

I then turned to other avenues, to alternative medicines and natural therapies, which offered other
solutions for overall health. I set out in search of them to many countries and discovered the benefits that
they had to offer.

But people continue to suffer and die all the same. Why?

* Why is our state of health constantly deteriorating?

* Why does our medical system cost so much?
* Why is it maintained when everone is so dissatisfied with it?
* Whom does it profit?

Not knowing where to go next, I turned inward.

Unlimited health was waiting for me there! The debate surrounding the reform our health system goes on
interminably. Our health suffers while costs keep escalating. It is a catastrophe. Governments are
overwhelmed and spend an inordinate amount of effort and money putting out the fires. Grasping for
straws, some are promoting privatisation!

The Medical Mafia enables "patients" to find out what it really means to be healthy and how to become
the decision maker of tomorrow's ideal system of health. It proposes people to reform, not a political
brand that simply maintains the industry-insurance-doctors-bureaucrats' vested interests and privileges.

This exciting and controversial book by Dr. Ghislaine Lanctôt answers the questions:

* How does the health system really work?

* Who are the members of the Medical Mafia?
* Who really pulls the strings?
* How patients are exploited?
* What vital information is and has been suppressed?
* Why health care systems are actually sickness systems.
* Why socialized medicine is a monopoly for financiers and whose price includes an almost total loss
of freedom of choice.
* How doctors have become powerless drug industry salespersons.
* Why proposed health care reform is a ploy!
* How did we get into such a mess when in fact each of us has the ultimate say over our health and the
inherent costs of maintaining it?

And, it addresses solutions:

* How we can escape "alive" and regain unlimited health and wealth?
* How to take back our power over our lives and as such over our health?
* What we can do to set up affordable health services that serve us rather than the pharmaceutical
• We alone possess the means to regain our health and find prosperity!

Download The Medical Mafia at this link:

The publication of the Medical Mafia caused quite a stir. On its way to becoming a best seller it landed its
author before the Medical Board.
After a drawn out hearing, which saw most of her witnesses set aside, not surprisingly, the verdict was
unequivocal - "Guilty" for having dared to speak out. The medical establishment takes a very dim view of
any member who dares to speak out, all this under the guise of protecting the public. Free speech is
replaced by the party line....

Ghislaine Lanctôt was banned for life from practicing medicine. And if that wasn't enough, she was to
pay for the expenses the establishment had incurred in bringing her to trial.

Her reaction to that, as reported in one newspaper, was also unequivocal: "Over my dead body!"

The trial is recounted in "The Trial of The Medical Mafia" by Joachim Schafer.

The Medical Mafia: The superb expose of the medical system by the Canadian doctor, Ghislaine Lanctôt,
who also shows how and why "alternative" methods are far more effective.

Download her book The Medical Mafia at this link:

Canadian Doctor: H1N1 Vaccination a Eugenics Weapon for Mass Extermination

Canadian doctor Ghislaine Lanctôt, author of the Medical Mafia, has underscored the lawsuit recently
filed by Austrian journalist Jane Bürgermeister against the WHO, the UN, and several high ranking
government and corporate officials. Bürgermeister has documented how an international corporate
criminal syndicate plans to unleash a deadly flu virus and institute a forced vaccination program.

“I am emerging from a long silence on the subject of vaccination, because I feel that, this time, the stakes
involved are huge. The consequences may spread much further than anticipated,” writes Lanctôt, who
believes the A(H1N1) virus will be used in a pandemic concocted and orchestrated by the WHO, an
international organization that serves military, political and industrial interests.

Lanctôt warns that the elite and their minions will introduce a compulsory vaccination that will contain a
deadly virus and this will be used specifically as a eugenics weapon for “massive and targeted reduction
of the world population.” Moreover, a pandemic will also be used to further establish martial law and a
police state, according to Lanctôt, and activate concentration camps “built to accommodate the
rebellious” and eventually transfer power from all nations to a single United Nations government and thus
fulfill the sinister plans of the New World Order.

In her book The Medical Mafia, Lanctôt writes about the ineffectiveness and dangers of vaccination.
“Because of my professional status, my words weighed significantly in the public eye. The Medical
Board’s reaction was immediate and strong. Its leaders demanded that I resign as a physician. I answered
that I would do so as long as they could prove that what I had written was false. The Medical Board
replied with a call for my expulsion,” she writes. “As I witnessed the disproportionate reaction of the
Medical Board, I realized that, for the health establishment, the subject of vaccination was taboo.
Unknowingly, I had opened a Pandora’s box. I discovered that, despite official claims, vaccines have
nothing to do with public health. Underneath the governmental stamp of approval, there are deep military,
political and industrial interests.”

During her trial in 1995, Lanctôt used an episode from the March 11th, 1979, 60 Minutes TV show
covering the massive vaccination program foisted on the American public supposedly in response to the
1976 swine flu outbreak. It was later established by the CDC that the virus originated out of Fort Dix in
New Jersey. “The Fort Dix outbreak may have been a zoonotic anomaly caused by introduction of an
animal virus into a stressed population in close contact in crowded facilities during a cold winter,” note
Joel C. Gaydos, Franklin H. Top, Jr, Richard A. Hodder, and Philip K. Russell.

It was also characterized “a rare example of an influenza virus with documented human to human
transmission,” according to Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore. The virus is
“thought to be a direct descendant of the virus that caused the pandemic of 1918,” explained Richard
Krause, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the time.

“Public health experts, fearing a possible replay of the 1918 pandemic, engaged in an intense debate
about how to respond. Eventually they launched a nationwide vaccination campaign, which was
announced by President Gerald Ford in March. By the end of the year, 48 million people had been
vaccinated,” write Robert Roos and Lisa Schnirring of the Center for Infectious Disease Research &
Policy. “But the feared pandemic never materialized.”

Instead, numerous people came down with Guillian-Barre syndrome, a paralyzing neurologic illness, after
receiving the government-hyped vaccination.

More than 33 years later, according to Dr. Russell Blaylock, a board certified neurosurgeon, “we are
hearing the same cries of alarm from a similar lineup of virology experts. The pharmaceutical companies
are busy designing a vaccine for the swine flu in hope that this administration will make the vaccine
mandatory before another vaccine-related disaster can ruin their party…. Like SARS and bird flu before
it, this swine flu scare is a lot of nonsense. Just take your high dose vitamin D3 (5000 IU a day), eat a
healthy diet and take a few immune boosting supplements (such as beta-1, 3/1, 6 glucan) and you will not
have to worry about this flu.”

According to a source known to former NSA official Wayne Madsen, “A top scientist for the United
Nations, who has examined the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in Africa, as well as HIV/AIDS
victims, concluded that H1N1 possesses certain transmission “vectors” that suggest that the new flu strain
has been genetically-manufactured as a military biological warfare weapon.
In April, Army criminal investigators were looking into the possibility that disease samples went missing
from biolabs at Fort Detrick. “Chad Jones, spokesman for Fort Meade, said CID is investigating the
possibility of missing virus samples from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious
Diseases,” the Frederick News Post reported. “Obviously, in light of the current swine flu scare, and the
new strain’s possible synthetic origin, the fact that virus samples may have gone missing from the same
Army research lab from which the 2001 anthrax strain was released is extremely disturbing,” Paul Joseph
Watson wrote at the time.

Jane Bürgermeister “charges that the entire ’swine flu’ pandemic business is premised on a massive lie
that there is no natural virus out there that poses a threat to the population,” writes Barbara Minton for
Natural Health News. “She presents evidence leading to the belief that the bird flu and swine flu viruses
have, in fact, been bioengineered in laboratories using funding supplied by the WHO and other
government agencies, among others. This ’swine flu’ is a hybrid of part swine flu, part human flu and part
bird flu, something that can only come from laboratories according to many experts.”

Minton continues:

Using the “swine flu” as a pretext, the defendants [in Bürgermeister's lawsuit] have preplanned the mass
murder of the U.S. population by means of forced vaccination. They have installed an extensive network
of FEMA concentration camps and identified mass grave sites, and they have been involved in devising
and implementing a scheme to hand power over the U.S. to an international crime syndicate that uses the
UN and WHO as a front for illegal racketeering influenced organized crime activities, in violation of the
laws that govern treason.

Obama’s Bilderberg Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius — and Bilderberg member
— wants to make it easy for kids to get their toxin-laden eugenicist “swine flu” vaccine this fall.
“Schoolchildren may be first in line for swine flu vaccine this fall — and might even be able to get the
shot right at school,” the Associated Press reported on June 16.

As we noted last month, the government appears to be planning a mandatory flu vaccination program. In
a recent article on the unfolding economic collapse, Rep. Ron Paul warns that the hysterically hyped
H1N1 flu “pandemic” may result in the government requiring mandatory flu vaccinations. “Nearly $8
billion will be spent to address a ‘potential pandemic flu’ which could result in mandatory vaccinations
for no discernible reason other than to enrich the pharmaceutical companies that make the vaccine,”
writes Paul.

Considering the track record of the global elite, the government-mandated vaccination program now in
the works — as Ghislaine Lanctôt and Jane Bürgermeister warn — will serve the eugenicist plan to
depopulate the planet. A contrived pandemic will also set the final stage for the implementation of martial
law and a high-tech surveillance and police state grid.

Safe Alternatives to Vaccines

Colloidal Silver - super natural antibiotic, aids in prevention of Morgellans Disease,

counters barium damage from chem-trails

Organic Oil of Oregano - counters harmful bacteria

Organic Coconut Oil - natural detoxifier, anti fungal agent
Noni Juice - amazing product, life giver, restores the Pineal Gland neutralized by
exposure to Fluoride

Elderberry Juice - similar benefits to Noni juice

Amlodipine - anti-viral, anti-Anthrax

Colostrom - counters Hermoragic Fever/Flu

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar - reduces high blood pressure, restores alkaline balance in

Organic Probiotic Yogurt - rebuilds bacteria lost in process of cleansing

Organic Garlic - anti fungal agent

Comfry - nature's best restorative for cuts, liesons, rashes & sub cutaneous infections

Tea Tree Oil - topical, add drop to your Tom's Fluoride free toothpaste to eradicate
bacterial build-up in mouth, also good for the hair

Star Anise - natural anti viral protection

Culevit - cancer fighter/natural treatment alternative to chemotherapy, best used in

conjunction with Noni Juice

Astaxanthin - miracle antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrient/

king of the carotenoids

4 THIEVES VINEGAR: home remedy (Natural antiseptic/anti-fungal/anti-bacterial


COMBINE INGREDIENTS- Lavender, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Rue & Peppermint

ADD- Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Marinate mixture in glass jar for 6 weeks, then strain contents. Voila.


ADD- pinch Cayenne Pepper 1 ounce Bees Wax or lard
BLEND in hot water, apply contents on sore area topically

Water Filter Info

The Vaccine Resistance Campaign has received a strong endorsement from

Professionals throughout the Medical Industry. Some of our supporters:

Dr. William R.Deagle MD, ABFP, AAPM, SSPM, ACOEM, CIME, ACO -,
Injunction Against Forced Vaccinations

Dr. Andrew Moulden PhD, B.A, M.A. Creator of, Leader of Class
Action Suit Against Vaccine Manufacturers

Dr. Mayer Eisenstein MD, JD, MPH, Author of 'Don't Vaccinate Before You Educate!'

Dr. Barbara Minton, Natural Health Editor of 'Natural News'

Joyce Riley, host of The Power Hour/Genesis Network

David Icke/David

Dr. Daniel Ellis - Minnesota

Paula Jackson - Registered Nurse

Cindy Czocher - Registered Nurse

Mary R. Brown - Pediatric Nurse

We also proudly carry the signatures of current & former Armed Service Members and
countless other patriots throughout the world community who have joined together in
support of this campaign.

This petition is a rally cry to all those in favor of exercising our inherent right to self-
determination. Please join our brave campaign which will ultimately enable us to
challenge our elected Governments to defend our inherent right to choose. Thank you
UPDATE: The evidence is mounting to suggest we have on our hands a mutating virus
in Swine that was specifically designed to resist any vaccine put on the market. Further
the catalyst to spur on the infection may very well be the new vaccine about to be
distributed & forced on the general public. What does this mean for us? A very short
time frame in which to get our resistance campaign in high gear.

TAG TEAM APPROACH: We can't expect the World Health Organization to recognize
the validity of this Petition alone. Similarly our elected Governments & Courts routinely
refute online Petitions. That is why I believe we have to adopt an alternate approach to
ensure our voices are heard - Traditional hand-to-hand signed Petitions verifiable in any
Court of Law. We need to work collectively to achieve our goal on schedule. Is this
asking too much? I hope not. Can everyone paste a clean copy (copies) of the Petition
and get it out there. You'll also require a tally sheet for multiple signatures. Just copy &
paste via the links provided below. It should be pretty straightforward. There are many
locations in which to get this Petition seen & signed: coffee rooms, cafeterias, bulletin
boards, events, all around the office, libraries, churches, synagogues, school campuses,
hospitals, gyms, bookstores, fence posts. Please make certain you are present during the
signings to discourage pranksters and be consistent by keeping track of the numbers
tallied. We'll have to decide on a central depot to receive all these forms once we have
the numbers accumulated. Totals will be re-circulated back to you to serve to your
respective Representatives. In the end we can answer all the typical naysayers, cynics &
inevitable Government bureaucracy with an overwhelming resounding response from
every country around the world. An event to rival the climax of 'Mr.Smith Goes To
Washington' in which Petitions flooding in from ordinary citizens changed history. I do
believe we can truly change history with an historic show of proactive peaceful force.



YOU, THANK YOU ALL!!! Joel/founder VRM




"We can do this the easy way or we can this the hard way but it's going to have to get
done." - Glenn Ivey/Prince George's County State's Attorney/Maryland,USA on new
mandatory Vaccination Legislation imposed on Gr.5 - Gr.10 students to have Chicken
Pox & Hep B Vaccines

"When we give government the power to make medical decisions for us, we, in essence,
accept that the state owns our bodies." U.S. Representative Ron Paul

'There is no pandemic potential unless mass vaccinations are carried out to weaponize
the flu under the guise of protecting the population. There are reasonable grounds for
believing that the mandatory vaccines will be purposely contaminated with diseases that
are specifically designed to cause death.' Natural News/Journalist Files Charges against
WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder

Interview with Jane Burgermeister - Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for
Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder


1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should
be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of
any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of
constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the
elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and
enlightened decision.

This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the
experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and
purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all
inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health
or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

NUREMBERG CODE: LAW #10 excerpts

2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society,
unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in

3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal

experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem
under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.

5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that

death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the
experimental physicians also serve as subjects.


Here's a quote from the petition:

'There is no pandemic potential unless mass vaccinations are carried out to weaponize
the flu under the guise of protecting the population. There are reasonable grounds for
believing that the mandatory vaccines will be purposely contaminated with diseases that
are specifically designed to cause death.' Natural News/Journalist Files Charges against
WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder

How to Avoid Vaccination

When you are asked/ordered to received a vaccination say the following:

I am happy to accept the vaccination as long as the Dr and Health Minister will
sign an affidavit stating they will bear liability for any ill health, deterioration of
health or death associated with the vaccination AND that they declare the
vaccination to be perfectly safe and will have absolutely no ill effect on 100% of the
population that accept the vaccination. Unless the respondents sign affidavits
prepared by me for them within 72 hours of me presenting it to them, it shall be
taken as their admission and agreement that:

1. the vaccinations are NOT known to be 100% safe and that one must accept
them under their own liability and risk and that some, possibly many may die,
attain ill health or have chronic disease as a result of the vaccination.

2. there may be another agenda behind forcing vaccinations upon the population
and that certain parties may be aiming for genocide of the people.

3. there are no laws that compel anyone from accepting any vaccination and that
all are taken with the assumed/presumed agreement/acceptance/consent of the

4. there is no law that compels a forced agreement or contract.

5. people at an individual level, reserve the right to accept or reject an offer to be

vaccinated and parents reserve the right to accept or reject the offer to vaccinate
their children.


Draft a copy of an Affidavit addressing each point as outlined above.

Send the above letter along with the affidavit by registered mail to the health
minister and one to the doctor. Keep photocopies of everything including the
registration certificate for yourself.
IF the Health Minister and Doctor refuse to sign affidavits stating they will bear
liability for any ill health, deterioration of health or death associated with the
vaccination AND that they declare the vaccination to be perfectly safe and will
have absolutely no ill effect on 100% of the population that accept the vaccination,
then BY LAW their silence is seen as agreement and thus confirmation of the 5
points that have been outlined.


Welcome to The Shot Heard Round The World Website

The Jig Is Up!

You know the information is reaching a critical mass when people start writing rap
songs about it!

We’re starting to feel downright embarrassed for many of you. The jig is Up! The
Cat’s out of the bag! We all know, and it’s time you did too.

If you ignore this and choose to remain in a state of ignorance, consider it political
suicide because it is impossible for the ignorant to continue representing the
informed. We do understand that a few of you are truly making a stand and asking
the hard questions. We extend an honest thank you for that.

Do The Right Thing...

For those of you who would like to count yourself among the righteous on Earth
but are sincerely in a state of confusion over this matter, may we link you to this
casual letter sent to health care workers throughout the US.
It has plenty of details to get you started on your researching journey.

Please make it a quick journey as there isn’t much time to save your career.

Again the letter that explains it all is here. While you go read that letter, I will
attempt to cut the head right off of the snake. Please excuse me and my vernacular.

I bid you peace in your exploratory journey.

An Open Letter to David Rockefeller

Dear David,

I sincerely hope this message finds you in a state of calm reflection. Please forgive
the snake comment but you must admit you've been behaving in a perfectly
serpentine manner.
Let's consider this a simple message from us to you that it's “Game Over”. Sure,
there will be some residual after effects from the overwhelming momentum of your
dark plans (not all yours we realize but you represent them so well). Your skeletal
system is still in place loaded with people in key positions attempting to put a
stranglehold on the future at your directive.

In fact, it's somewhat amusing to imagine some of those on our distinguished guest
list invited to attend this 9/11 event immediately scrambling to call their lawyers
upon receipt of our certified letter. And what's even more amusing is the advice
most of their lawyers probably forwarded on -"Hold your tongue lest you
incriminate yourself." These are people who clearly don’t get it. They don’t
concern us. Their days as public servant are nearly over.

They will be replaced with the fresh energetic loving dynamism of kind, intelligent
souls who truly envision a bright future for the next generation. They will not
impede the progress of the human spirit or the will of the mother who wants only
the best for her child. Mothers and fathers have sacrificed their children far too
long behind a long string of maniacal lies. Whether they were sacrificed in one of
your falsely conjured wars or through your family’s allopathic medical model of
slash, burn, and poison---an absurdly ineffective model, by the way, which has
astoundingly found its way into nearly every village on earth. Even you must find
it a bit bewildering how people have so easily traded the natural healing gifts that
God so graciously bestowed for free in exchange for your costly and deleterious
medical applications that have only served to weaken and deprive them.

Yes, mankind has been painfully foolish in following your many destructive
directives. We understand whose bidding you do. One only need look at the fruits
of your work to understand that. Your usurious banking cabal has virtually
enslaved mankind in a kind of mental trap as many have yet to wake up to the
reality that there is no debt to the World Bank. How can anyone be in debt by
exchanging labor and tangible goods for pieces of paper that are backed by
nothing??? They can’t, as the paper represents a fictitious notion, a sort of
conjured fantasy cooked up by your comrades in crime whose greed knows no
limit. Others could sit on top of the world too, David, if they could convince enough
people that they all had to trade their labor and goods first for a fist full of
symbolic pieces of paper. That’s an easy one. And then to charge interest on top of
it all! That’s just rich! Please forgive the pun. It’s becoming all too clear why God
forbade usury or interest. Painfully clear.

But now you’ve pushed it too far. You really ought to drop that Kissinger fella you
hang out with. He’s a bad influence on you. Certainly, he’s the one that pushed this
Swine Flu Genocidal plan forward. You probably even warned him that it was too
much, too fast. You guys are getting old and even if you have one of those young
Falun Gong hearts pumping away in your chest you are still eager to see your
plans of massive de-population seen to the end. Given the circumstances, it’s
understandable your lack of restraint.

Acutally, if you could thank Kissinger for us that would be great because it seems
that this final lack of self-restraint and all-out abandon to wipe out humanity has
finally pulled us together in a common fight like nothing on earth has ever done
before. Many of us who have been fighting for the truth for years and have taken
the abuse being labelled as crazy or paranoid or conspiracy theorists are, for the
first time, seeing a 90% acceptance rate in the belief that you all are conspiring to
kill us. Yes, David. It’s really that serious. You didn’t plan for that contingency.
Some of us have been saying for quite awhile now, “Don’t be concerned about the
sleepers. They will wake up right at the last minute when we need it. This will lull
the globalists into a false sense of arrogant complacency.” It seems our instinct is
playing out on the world stage at this very moment.

So, come David. Put away your FEMA concentration camps, er, I mean quarantine
camps. You are not going to exterminate us. Put away the HAARP. You know, that
big weather machine mind-control technology gizmo that cost who knows how
many billions of our exchanged energy labor input. You can put away the
chemtrails. You don’t need those anymore. Put away the little nano microchip that
Hitachi created. You aren’t going to turn us all into cyborgs. Put away the blue
beam project. Honestly. Projecting holographic images of a fake alien invasion to
terrify the masses into your hands? Or of the second coming of Christ to steer
them into some false religious doctrine? I guess we gotta give you guys credit for
your audacious creativity. While you’re at it, go ahead and tell Monsanto to do
away with the terminator seed plans. That’s all over.

David, really? Control all food on earth??? And then follow it up with this
ridiculous Codex Alimentarius which is supposed to frighten people out of growing
backyard gardens? What in the world do you have to gain from such a ridiculous

Well, I guess it’s just as well that you are so insulated that you don’t realize how
many people are quickly waking up to the fact that they, as sovereign souls under
our Collective Creator, have absolutely no obligation to follow these codes and
statutes that sap so much human energy in creating and likewise fighting. It’s just
another game. A game of absurd rules put down on paper by corrupted cowardly
souls behind closed doors and then delivered to the people as “LAW”.

When you step out of the charade and see it from an objective viewpoint as more
and more are doing, it seems so pathetic to watch the others genuinely pleading
and begging with their legislators to not pass a certain bill never realizing that the
bill, even if enacted, is as flimsy as the piece of paper it’s written on as it doesn’t
even apply to them in the first place! If they would just see through the whole
charade they wouldn’t waste their energies and it would all dissolve away. You
know that too, don’t you, David. You’re terrified people will find it out. That’s why
you label people who are intent on reclaiming their freedom as terrorists.

I suppose, freedom is a terrifying prospect for one intent on oppression. There’s a

great online book that people are reading from Johnny Liberty called The Global
Sovereign’s Handbook. It explains a lot of this. It’s one of those books that is
cracking people’s minds wide open and showing them a viable blueprint for how
we can live without tyranny and oppression in peace and freedom under God. The
original intent of the United States is a brilliant one. Human as the Sovereign. You
ought to give it a quick read just to keep up with the competition, if nothing else.
I mean David, can we just agree that this power trip has just gone beyond
ridiculous? Real men don’t want to overpower others. They are secure in their
consistent ability to stand as a man, side by side, equal with other men. They feel
no consistent threat from others as they are secure in their own skin. They feel no
need to surround themselves with mountains of wasteful technology. It is only
those that put out aggression that receive it all back and so feel they must build a
fortress around themselves. You know... karma.

Have you thought of your own progeny in any of this?? Apparently, not. Well, let
me do that for you. Believe it or not, I genuinely care about the new little babies
born into the Rockefeller family. I don’t want them shot up with poisons as an
oppressed being, nor do I want them to be forced to follow the very unhappy
family legacy of serving as oppressor. I want them to live happily and freely with
the rest of us.

Things are being broken back down into wonderfully simple solutions. For
example, people are re-learning the art of building houses simply with their hands
and the natural resources found locally whether it be stone, clay, sand or wood
right on the land. No mortgage, eco-friendly, and a soulful experience building
your own nest with your own hands. David, I bet there's a little Rockefeller out
there somewhere who would like nothing more than to romp around in the mud
and help his parents build a house, maybe even just a fun playhouse for him.
Something he could look at and feel proud of. Something that would comfort him.
Something built with love in the spirit of fun in connection with nature.

People are also re-learning the connection between clean natural living and
abundant vibrant health. It’s so easy. In addition, people are putting their hands
back to the earth to grow their own food. I guess we ought to thank Monsanto for
pushing us to the brink where growing our own food locally and organically is the
only sensible solution. Always was. We just forgot ourselves for a minute. We're on
our way back. Oh, David. It is the most precious thing to watch a child plant a seed
and the delight they take in it as it grows. Maybe you have seen this for yourself. I
hope so.

And how about the fact that people are even beginning to realize that defecating in
their drinking water is just plain stupid. I would love to know what genius thought
that up? Even animals don’t do that. People are realizing that if we just stop
polluting, the earth has its own self-cleaning system. When we stop polluting in a
lake, miraculously, the fish start to come back to life. We don’t even need to do
anything! The earth so generously serves US!! David, we just need to break it back
down to basics and stop the pollution allowing nature’s divine wisdom to take her
peaceful course. We have clean technology if you would just stop suppressing it
and killing off all the inventors of it, please.

No wonder Kissinger can sell you the whole earth-is-over-populated-and-there-

aren’t-enough-resources-to-sustain-us-all story. Have you stopped to see the way
you are living? The resources that support you could support an entire nation!
You’re absolutely right that something needs to change. You’re just looking in the
wrong direction. Tell yourself a lie long enough and you will start to believe it.
Did you know that you could fit 2 billion people in Australia and give them an acre
a piece? Assuming people live in families and wouldn't need to sprawl out one
person per acre, you could literally fit the entire world's population quite
comfortably in Australia, with no overcrowding. How's that for taking a new look
at things? See, David I guess that's the point. it's all in the way you look at it. Well,
certainly you know that or you wouldn't have made sure you had all the media in
your hip pocket to spin your careful version of reality out to the rest of humanity.

And as the dead sea scrolls describe the same horrors depicted in Revelations, they
also ask “Will you change it?” Pity that no one ever talks about that, instead
remaining focused on the potential horrors. Perhaps that is by design? Is that one
of those important pieces that was cut out of the Bible? Maybe it’s locked away in
the basement of the Vatcian somewhere? Locked away so people never realize their
true power? Yes, we have the power under God’s Will to steer this gorgeous planet
in virtually any direction we want.

It’s time we begin choosing life over death. The devil has played with us all for far
too long. That includes you, David. Consider rejecting him this time and pass a
new legacy to your progeny. That would be one of those fantastic stories of
redemption retold for the next millennium, eh, David? Maybe there is a horrific
end to this world to come, but who says it has to happen now? Only God knows
when that day will come so let’s quit trying to play these silly self-fulfilling
prophecies. Some people are running headlong into your plans because somehow
they see that as a key to entering heaven. I think it is a simple self-loathing that
sends them headlong into your folly. When they re-awaken to the possiblities of all
they can contribute under a new cooperative system, that self-loathing will drop
away. It is a temporary loathing, appropriate for a human who has allowed
themselves to be enslaved by your system. They will shake it off quickly as soon as
they step into the new system --- a system which is more of an un-system really. A
new paradigm of the expression of creative freedoms in harmony with All that Is.

Don’t you think it would be prudent to take a careful examination of your long life
at this point? Wouldn’t it be really wonderful if you could exit off of this earth on
the good foot? You have the power to do that. If you agree with your friend
Kissinger - that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac---then you should jump all over
this opportunity because you have the power to send the devil packing with a
quickness. We’re sending him packing anyway, but you could join us and send him
off just that much sooner, thus saving your soul in the process. We are a forgiving
people. We have to be. We have all played a role in this collective mess. It’s a new
day. We are turning over a new leaf and forging forward to compost the old
broken system of oppressor / oppressed to plant a new future in the rich fertility of
symbiotic cooperation. We are not to compete with nature or God's laws but to
cooperate within those rules. There is a balanced place for technology as well. We
are the stewards of this Earth and we are taking it back into our custody to
manage it intelligently, lovingly under Creator in the same spirit of Freedom and
Diversity that was originally intended in the land you call home. This is the Real
New World Order mankind has been building up to so thank you for that perfectly
suited phrase.
So I have taken a chance, a gamble if you will, in the hopes that maybe an open
letter would touch your soul, your heart, show you the sense in adopting a new
approach much like an open letter addressed to Vladimir Putin in a best selling
book called “Who Are We?” by Vladimir Megré. The letter urged Putin to put a
plan into place that would make Russia the richest, cleanest, happiest, healthiest
land in the world. ( I include a copy of the letter to Putin here.) Putin wisely put the
plan into place less than 2 years after the letter was published.

I see no reason why this plan can’t be duplicated the whole earth over. Everyone
should be allotted a full 3 acres of land for free to build their own little corner of
paradise on earth sustaining themselves with wise permaculture practices growing
food forests that cooperate with nature allowing nature to sustain us rather than
working so foolishly hard to manipulate it into diseased contorted versions of itself.
People have taken discarded scrubs of desert and created lush oases of paradise
with smart permaculture management so don’t argue the “not enough arable
land” argument.

There is to be no taxation of the land, nor is anything produced, sold or bartered

from the land to be taxed. Humans have a right to basic needs of life and this plan
affords that without anyone having to spend anything. Many have already set
themselves free and have begun co-creating a beautiful world with their own
hands. There is a surge of eco-villages cropping up all over the world. Recall that
the Russians averted tragedy during their economic collapse of the 90's by turning
to the land that feeds them. They grew their own food and now 70% of all food
eaten in Russia is organically grown on small family garden plots. Ahhhh. The
thought of it.

America will do the same when you pull the economic rug out from under them.
Americans are super resourceful people. They will create their own local script to
barter and exchange with each other. They will pull together and reconnect and re-
engage with real life again. No more ‘tell lie vision’ to confuse them. It will
probably be one of the best things that happens as everyone will realize they never
needed your symbolic pieces of paper in the first place. And when they read that
Global Sovereign’s Handbook and realize that they have been jumping through
hoops for nothing, the transition from dependence to independence will happen in
the blink of an eye and then we will quickly mature into the interdependence stage
of symbiotic cooperation.

We are not going to give you that civil war you may have been hoping for. Perhaps
tickets were already being sold for the ultimate snuff film to be viewed live from all
the CCTV cameras posted in major cities throughout the world. Yes, I imagine a
perverted few had already reserved their front row seat to see it live on the big
screen safe and secure in one of your D. U. M. B.’s (deep underground military
base, in case you can’t keep up with all of your acryonyms). Perhaps the ticket
includes buttered popcorn?? I’m sorry to make fun. It’s just all so foreign to me---
this bizarre bloodlust. Perhaps I would have done the same thing had I been born
into your circumstances so I am foolish to point fingers. I am grateful to God I was
born into a simple humble life surrounded with all I needed and a mountain of
love. This is what I wish for every new child born into this world as does any
caring, sentient soul.
And finally, you may ask yourself who I am. Does it matter? I am no one and I am
everyone all at the same time. And now I am off to contribute to the solutions by
helping to make reparations in a land that my country sadly helped to destroy. We
must forgive ourselves and move on in constructive creativity. I hope to take a nifty
invention called the Waterboxx which enables one to reforest the desert without
any irrigation system or any maintenance. See the genius we humans have? I hope
to inspire the people to reforest their desert with food forests for the next
generation to enjoy. See, David, I need everyone to remain alive, move into vibrant
health and begin helping in the regeneration of life on our gorgeous gift of an
earth. If you were smart, truly smart, you’d see that too and pass down the
greatest gift to your progeny by clearing the Rockefeller name and immediately
switching your plans from plans of destruction to plans of rejuvenation. Forgive us
our debts and we will forgive you, yours. Deal? I bid you peace in your deep




You may wish to sign this petition; they are wanting to get a billion signatures
worldwide; let's help reach that goal!
You can read about it in this email and at this link: ml
Or just go directly to the signing page here:
universal-declaration-of-resistan ce-to-mandatory-vaccinations
where you can read the declaration first and add your own comments.

Note from Jean: I've signed this petition on July 15 and have included the
following comment:

"It is unconscionable to impose a mass vaccination campaign for H1N1. Let those
who don't believe in the alleged protection provided by vaccines be their own
judges as to what is good for their own health and the health of their children. The
sanctity of our body is the most important of all human rights and cannot be
breached or threatened, no matter what so-called medical authorities may believe.
I'm about to network a compilation of H1N1/mass vaccination related information
to the 3200+ subscribers of the Earth Rainbow Network e-list and have included
the text and related information from this whole petition. This compilation, to be
entitled "Turning Tide of History #28: The Medical Priesthood of Doom", will be
archived in the next few days at
Many thanks to those who have put this together. Let us raise a global ruckus and
derail this most stupid and perfidious attempt to contaminate all humanity with
this pointless cocktail of dangerous snake oil!"

Of course I recommend you all go HERE to sign it. Only a little over 10,000 people
had signed it and their goal is 1 million signatures. You may also wish to read the
article Barbara Minton wrote last June 24 about this petition at ml

From: ce-to-


Sign the Universal Declaration of Resistance to Mandatory Vaccination

Barbara Minton
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Vaccine against the “swine flu” will be ready in July. It has been developed in half
the time it used to take to develop flu vaccines due to Baxter International’s
patented technology. This means about 13 weeks from drawing board to injection
instead of the usual 26. Never mind time for testing to see if it is safe. You
remember Baxter, don’t you? It is the company that in February delivered
seasonal flu vaccine to 18 countries that was laced with live “bird flu” virus.

With the declaration earlier this month by the World Health Organization (WHO)
that the “swine flu” has reached pandemic Level 6 (they had to change the
definition of level 6 to make this determination work), a whole series of
bureaucratic prerogatives have been triggered, and local, state, national, and
international agencies have been further empowered. In the U.S., all laws and
conditions are now in place to see to it that you are forced to be injected with the
new “swine flu” vaccine, whether you want to be or not. In the U.S., the
government is now able to mandate universal mass vaccinations at gunpoint.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, there will be no exemptions. “A

certain amount of human wastage” is expected.

The new vaccine is made with squalene oil as an adjuvant. According to Dr. Viera
Scheibner, micropaleontologist and world renowned researcher in the field of
vaccine effectiveness and danger, squalene “contributed to the cascade reactions
known as Gulf War Syndrome. GIs developed arthritis, fibromyalgia,
lymphadenopathy, photosensitive rashes, malar rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic
headaches, abnormal body hair loss, non-healing skin lesions, aphthous ulcers,
dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric
problems, anti-thyroid effects, anemia, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate,
systemic lupus arythmatosus, multiple sclerosis, deadly Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis (ALS), Raynaud’s Syndrome with paroxysms of lack of blood in fingers
and toes, Sjogren’s Syndrome with blurred vision, chronic diarrhea, night sweats,
and low grade fever.”

Sign the Universal Declaration of Resistance to Mandatory Vaccination


In 2002, a U.S. federal judge ruled that there was good cause to believe squalene to
be harmful. He ordered the Pentagon to stop endorsing its use.

In 1976, during another flu scare and government insistence on flu shots, only one
person died from the actual flu, while hundreds of Americans died for the vaccine,
according to information chronicled by Paul Mickle of the Trentonian.

So far, the deaths of 87 people in the U.S. have been attributed to “swine flu”.
However, most or all of these deaths are likely the result of pre-existing conditions
or compromised immune systems, according to journalist Jane Burgermeister in
her charges against the WHO, United Nations, and Baxter International. Yet in the
face of this almost non-existent risk, the WHO has just declared the first full
fledged flu pandemic of the century, urging countries to shore up defenses against
the virus they characterize as “not stoppable”. Each year, the usual seasonal flu
kills up to 500,000 people and infects up to five million people worldwide,
according to the Centers for Disease Control.

Is all this hype for the purpose of making Baxter shareholders rich by turning the
population of the U.S. into lab rats? Or is it something more sinister? Could the
vaccine mandated for the U.S. population also contain live flu virus? Whatever the
answer to these questions is, there is a way to avoid being herded into nearby
schools that are standing by to be turned into shot clinics.

Here is the link to the Universal Declaration of Resistance to Mandatory

Vaccination website:…

There you can sign a petition targeted for the World Health Organization stating
you do not recognize the authority of the WHO to mandate general forced
vaccinations. With this petition you are able to stake a claim to the sovereignty of
your body and stand up for exclusive self-determination. The petition holds elected
governments accountable in this defense by issuing a notice of preemptive Class
Action Lawsuit to be served in the event the inalienable rights of the people are
forsaken. The petition is sponsored by the Vaccine Resistance Movement

WHO ‘recommends’ global mandatory vaccination, Canada prepares

August 29, 2009 update –

We wish to clarify what is meant by “mandatory” in this story. Under the

International Health Regulations, when the WHO has declared an “international
health emergency” — which is what happened with the declaration of a ‘pandemic’
— then the core response mechanisms of the IHR become binding on all member
states, meaning essentially it invokes each nation’s pandemic plan. Although core
response is now mandatory for member states, this only means that they are
obligated to vaccinate their entire populations, but how that will be done, or even if
it will be done, remains to be seen.

In Canada and the United States individual provinces and states will decide how to
achieve the highest level of vaccination. This does not mean they will make it
mandatory or use physical force, but it may mean a heavy dose of propaganda,
along with various forms of social and economic coercion. Just how it will all play
out depends very much on the individual province or state, and elsewhere on the
individual country.

Why are health ministers in places like British Columbia, Australia and Greece
telling the public that ’swine flu’ is just ordinary H1N1 type A seasonal flu, while at
the same time they are preparing to vaccinate their entire populations against
H5N1 avian flu using untested vaccines that contain live avian flu?

Why are pandemic plans being laid to combat a more serious second wave of
’swine flu’ when it is already clear that such an outbreak is not happening in the
southern hemisphere, where the flu season is already under way? Both Australia
and Argentina report a normal flu season with no mutation of the ’swine flu’ virus.

If the world is really so concerned about a ’swine flu pandemic’ this fall, why has
the World Health Organization stopped counting cases?

These are just some of the many questions being asked in the growing controversy
over the safety of ‘pandemic flu’ vaccinations that health officials everywhere are
planning for the entire global population.
Disclaimer: We have extensively researched this subject because it is so
controversial and there is so little clear and accurate information available. We
were also inspired to look into the subject because of the wide gap between public
concern and media presentation, with most concerns about vaccine safety being
unaddressed by public health bodies and the media. We have done our best to sort
out all the conflicting information available, but do not claim that the results of
this research have revealed the complete truth. We encourage you to check the
links below and do your own research.

WHO launches global vaccination program

The World Health Organization has issued a binding ‘recommendation’ to all

member countries requiring them to institute mandatory vaccination programs.
Under an existing multilateral agreement this formally invokes each state’s
pandemic plan and puts coordination under control of WHO. For some European
states the pandemic plan includes setting aside government as normal and ruling
the country by a special council under control of the EU and WHO. France has
already announced that it will effect a move to military rule beginning in
The global pandemic vaccination program will begin somewhere around the end of
September and last about two months. Many countries are in the process of
acquiring from Baxter, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline and other pharmaceutical
companies enough doses of vaccine to vaccinate their entire population twice. They
remain quiet about mandatory vaccination, simply saying they will make
vaccination ‘available’ to all on a priority basis. But Greece and Switzerland have
already announced that their programs will be mandatory and enforced by the
military. There are unconfirmed reports that Norway and Israel have done the
same. The United States is preparing for military ‘assisted’ mandatory vaccination
but has not explicitly declared its intentions to the public.

Vaccine safety concerns

There is huge controversy brewing over the lack of testing of these vaccines, whose
development has been fast-tracked. Czechoslovakia is not moving ahead with
vaccine purchases from Baxter because Baxter cannot guarantee their safety. In
Austria police are investigating Baxter on bioterrorism charges. There is concern
about reports that the vaccine (referred to in a Novartis patent as “novel pandemic
flu”) is developed by infecting green monkeys, and that the U.S. military helped
with its development. Physicians and vaccine experts have expressed grave concern
about toxic substances that are already known to be in these vaccines, such as
mercury, squalene, mycoplasm and live H5N1 avian flu.

Many are deeply troubled by the implications of mandatory (or effectively

mandatory) vaccination, especially given the known dangers of the vaccines. There
have been official statements that vaccination will be ‘available’ first to certain
‘most vulnerable’ groups — health care workers, followed by children under two
or three and pregnant women, and then those with chronic health problems
(including obesity). These segments of the population are also the most likely to
suffer harm from vaccination. Some statements have been released generally
prioritizing everyone under 18 and over 65.

Most countries are acquiring enough vaccine to vaccinate their populations twice.
Vaccination is reported to consist of two separate injections about a month apart
— one for regular seasonal flu and one for ’swine flu’ (both of which are actually
the same H1N1 type A seasonal influenza). It appears that the first treatment will
be traditional seasonal flu vaccine, while the second will be some kind of “novel”
flu vaccine containing different adjuvants (which are the main safety concern).


Canada has said that it may need to “verify eligibility” for vaccination.

“Planners need to develop methods of identifying the numbers for each

population subgroup and how best to confirm inclusion in a particular subgroup at
the level of the immunization clinic.” (Canadian pandemic plan)

Greece has said that everyone will be required to register. So clearly there may be
some kind of identification and/or registration in Canada and possibly the issuance
of vaccination certificates, the non-possession of which some are concerned could
be used to deny various services — such as health insurance, day care, or
employment — and thus effectively force people to accept vaccination.

Economic and social disruption

There is speculation that at least for the duration of the global vaccination
program there could be widespread chaos and disruption, which would
undoubtedly have an economic impact. Sick or quarantined people may not be
able to work, people may refuse to go to work for their own protection, and travel
may be seriously restricted, especially internationally. Some news stories have been
encouraging small businesses to make contingency plans. We already saw some
examples of air travel interruptions in April and May. It is not clear whether travel
restrictions, such as highway check points, might apply within countries. There
have also been hints from Sweden that the Internet may be shut down during the
vaccination program.

New Brunswick’s pandemic plan anticipates “disruption of essential services.”

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, has said that
“depending on the severity of the outbreak, community mitigation could involve
more systematic means of social distancing, including limits on large gatherings
and, if necessary and appropriate, temporary school or workplace closures.”

The disruption of business as usual will likely force people to make do with less, to
do more things for themselves, to obtain more goods and services locally, and to
spend more time at home — all things that perhaps we should be doing anyway,
for our health, for the environment, and for a better society.

The Canadian plan

The Canadian pandemic plan calls for vaccination of the entire population over a
period of (ideally) two months. Vaccinations would be administered through
workplace, school and community mass-immunization clinics.

Canada has ordered just over 50 million doses of H1N1 vaccine under its ten-year
sole-supplier contract with GlaxoSmithKline.

To put things in perspective, about 4,000 to 8,000 people can die annually in
Canada from seasonal influenza. This assumes the current level of protection. If we
did have a pandemic (of which there is currently no evidence), according to the
Public Health Agency of Canada website, a moderately severe pandemic without
any protection could kill between 11,000 and 58,000 Canadians — or 3 to 7 times
as many as a normal flu year. But that is an overstatement, because we would
actually have anti-virals and vaccines the same as now.

“What is the expected impact of an influenza pandemic in Canada? Just as we

do not know when the next pandemic will strike, we cannot predict how severe it
will be. That will depend on the influenza strain that emerges, how easily it
spreads, which groups of people are affected, and how effectively we respond.
Assuming a moderately severe pandemic, and in the absence of a pandemic vaccine
and antivirals, it is estimated that between 15 and 35 percent of Canadians could
become ill, 34,000 to 138,000 individuals may need to be hospitalized; and between
11,000 and 58,000 deaths could occur.”

A poll carried out for the Public Health Agency of Canada indicates that only 60
per cent of Canadians would choose to take pandemic flu shots. Why is the ’swine
flu pandemic’ so controversial? Why are so many people vowing they will not be
vaccinated? We will talk more about this in a second story about the safety of the
H1N1/H5N1 vaccine.

CVNews related links:


• It is Official: WHO Recommends Mandatory Injections to Almost Two Hundred



• Canada’s H1N1 decision: policy or politics?

Waiting for that ‘second wave’ of influenza
• Canada to order 50.4 million H1N1 vaccine doses
• Swine flu shots will be available to all in N.B.
• The Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan for the Health Sector
• Preparing for the Pandemic Vaccine Response
• New Component Added to Canada’s Pandemic Preparedness Plan


• Swine flu vaccines for everyone

Gov’t calls for inoculation of entire population in September as action plan for
pandemic unveiled


• Swiss Health Minister asked to account for plans to use army for forced mass
• Erste Impfspritzen in der Schweiz eingetroffen


• France Considers Mandatory Flu Vaccinations
• WHO takes control of French military in readiness for forced mass vaccination
with toxic jabs from September

United States

• Swine Flu Vaccine: Will We Have A Choice?
• U.S. plans for autumn swine flu vaccination campaign
• State takes extra steps to battle flu in fall


• Wake Up, America: Forced vaccinations, quarantine camps, health care

interrogations and mandatory “decontaminations”
• Thirty-Six MA Senators Voted for Sweeping Legislation Without Reading the Bill
• Mass evacuation bus (Massachusetts)


• Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to
Commit Mass Murder
• A Universal Declaration of Resistance to Mandatory Vaccinations
• Refuse and Resist Mandatory Flu Vaccines – Sign petition!

Evidence of pandemic

• Argentina experts: No mutations in swine flu virus, and regular flu remains more
• Pandemic in Perspective
• Health minister reassures parents over swine flu
• WHO will stop using term ’swine flu’; scientists worry about name confusion

Worst-case scenarios

• Military to Deploy on U.S. Soil to “Assist” with Pandemic Outbreak
• Refusing vaccination labels you a “criminal”, so says WHO

Sign the Universal Declaration of Resistance to Mandatory Vaccination

Vaccine against the “swine flu” will be ready in July. It has been developed in half
the time it used to take to develop flu vaccines due to Baxter International’s
patented technology. This means about 13 weeks from drawing board to injection
instead of the usual 26. Never mind time for testing to see if it is safe. You
remember Baxter, don’t you? It is the company that in February delivered
seasonal flu vaccine to 18 countries that was laced with live “bird flu” virus.

With the declaration earlier this month by the World Health Organization (WHO)
that the “swine flu” has reached pandemic Level 6 (they had to change the
definition of level 6 to make this determination work), a whole series of
bureaucratic prerogatives have been triggered, and local, state, national, and
international agencies have been further empowered. In the U.S., all laws and
conditions are now in place to see to it that you are forced to be injected with the
new “swine flu” vaccine, whether you want to be or not. In the U.S., the
government is now able to mandate universal mass vaccinations at gunpoint.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, there will be no exemptions. “A

certain amount of human wastage” is expected.

The new vaccine is made with squalene oil as an adjuvant. According to Dr. Viera
Scheibner, micropaleontologist and world renowned researcher in the field of
vaccine effectiveness and danger, squalene “contributed to the cascade reactions
known as Gulf War Syndrome. GIs developed arthritis, fibromyalgia,
lymphadenopathy, photosensitive rashes, malar rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic
headaches, abnormal body hair loss, non-healing skin lesions, aphthous ulcers,
dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric
problems, anti-thyroid effects, anemia, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate,
systemic lupus arythmatosus, multiple sclerosis, deadly Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis (ALS), Raynaud’s Syndrome with paroxysms of lack of blood in fingers
and toes, Sjogren’s Syndrome with blurred vision, chronic diarrhea, night sweats,
and low grade fever.”


Sign the Universal Declaration of Resistance to Mandatory Vaccination


In 2002, a U.S. federal judge ruled that there was good cause to believe squalene to
be harmful. He ordered the Pentagon to stop endorsing its use.

In 1976, during another flu scare and government insistence on flu shots, only one
person died from the actual flu, while hundreds of Americans died for the vaccine,
according to information chronicled by Paul Mickle of the Trentonian.

So far, the deaths of 87 people in the U.S. have been attributed to “swine flu”.
However, most or all of these deaths are likely the result of pre-existing conditions
or compromised immune systems, according to journalist Jane Burgermeister in
her charges against the WHO, United Nations, and Baxter International. Yet in the
face of this almost non-existent risk, the WHO has just declared the first full
fledged flu pandemic of the century, urging countries to shore up defenses against
the virus they characterize as “not stoppable”. Each year, the usual seasonal flu
kills up to 500,000 people and infects up to five million people worldwide,
according to the Centers for Disease Control.

Is all this hype for the purpose of making Baxter shareholders rich by turning the
population of the U.S. into lab rats? Or is it something more sinister? Could the
vaccine mandated for the U.S. population also contain live flu virus? Whatever the
answer to these questions is, there is a way to avoid being herded into nearby
schools that are standing by to be turned into shot clinics.

Here is the link to the Universal Declaration of Resistance to Mandatory

Vaccination website:…

There you can sign a petition targeted for the World Health Organization stating
you do not recognize the authority of the WHO to mandate general forced
vaccinations. With this petition you are able to stake a claim to the sovereignty of
your body and stand up for exclusive self-determination. The petition holds elected
governments accountable in this defense by issuing a notice of preemptive Class
Action Lawsuit to be served in the event the inalienable rights of the people are
forsaken. The petition is sponsored by the Vaccine Resistance Movement.
"My father may not approve, but I am no longer his disciple, I am a master now,
an idea transcended into life. And so this is my new path, which is a lot like the old
one - only mine. To stay on that path I need to work harder, explore new rituals,
evolve. Am I evil? Am I good? I'm done asking those questions, I dont have the
answers - does anyone?"
-Dexter Morgan


(Faint hearts and shrinking violets need not apply)

By David Icke

I have known throughout the years that I have been warning about the global
fascist agenda that what we are about to see was inevitable.

It was obvious that, despite the awakening of so many in the last decade, most
people would need to see, touch, smell, hear and taste the fascism before they even
began to accept that it was real.

This mass-reluctance to see the signs and act upon them was always going to
condemn the population to some levels of the Orwellian control-system before it is
eventually dismantled. I stress that it will be dismantled, but not before it has gone
a lot further yet.

The question was never whether we would avoid the police/military state. I never
had any illusions about that. The question was, and is, how deeply we will allow
ourselves to be controlled by this evil and that can be answered by two other

When are enough people going to give their total focus to bringing it to an end and
when are the gofer administrators, dark suits and uniforms going to break ranks
for the sake of their own families as well as the rest of us?
Well, we're about to find out.

The 'swine flu' vaccine is a line in the sand that will give us a serious fix on where
we are in terms of awareness and backbone. If we meekly acquiesce to this most
blatant attempt to gain access en masse to our bodies then frankly we deserve what
we get.

No one can say they weren't warned, nor that they didn't have access to
information exposing what was happening. Anyone who says they didn't know
enough to say 'no' to the vaccine is lying to themselves, or looking the other way.

Even some elements of the mainstream media are highlighting the potential
dangers despite the myopic perspective from which they view the world.

I have been making the point for years that we are at a fork in the road and we
can't sit here gazing at the map anymore, refusing to make a decision. The swine
flu vaccine is that decision.
Making the choice to seek freedom and expanded awareness will have its
challenges, for sure, but the consequences of choosing ignorance and acquiescence
are potentially catastrophic for those who do so.

Something very big is about to go down. I can't say exactly when, but we are
talking months, not years. It has all been planned a very long time and it has been
put together piece by piece while the population was watching the game, the game
show or the soap, and dismissing those warning about what was to come as
'conspiracy nuts'.

You can always see the big picture in its component parts and I have kept a close
eye on a council building in the last few weeks called the Westridge Centre, just
down the road from me on the Isle of Wight in England.

Builders have been working there through the summer converting the top floor
with a strict deadline of July to finish the work and they were told they could not
miss that deadline under any circumstances.

They became suspicious when different groups of builders were brought in to do

different phases and this meant that no single group knew what they were actually
building. In the final stages, the local builders were replaced by men in unmarked
white vans, according to people who work in the building.

It was clear from putting the dots together that this was something to do with the
'swine flu pandemic' that the crazies plan to engineer in the next few months.

I asked the council under the Freedom of Information Act what was going on at
Westridge and what was being created there. A few days ago came the reply and it
was no surprise whatsoever, just confirmation of what by now is obvious:

Dear Mr Icke


REFERENCE: IW09/8/24953

Thank you for your request for information dated 17th August 2009 which, as you
are requesting information under The Freedom of Information Act, has been
passed to me as the Departmental Information Guardian for the Strategic Asset
Management Service.

I can confirm that the works being undertaken at the upper floor of the Westridge
Centre are to enable proper utilisation of the accommodation for Council office use
and as a Disaster Recovery Centre. The works have included creating better open
plan accommodation, plus the installation of a lift and accessible toilets in order to
comply with the Disability Discrimination Act.
What a coincidence that they should choose this time to establish a 'Disaster
Recovery Centre' with a strict deadline for completion, but, of course, it is not a
coincidence at all. A similar centre had been established in every county of the UK.
Sources at the Isle of Wight's only airport with a tarmac runway are also reporting
a sudden increase in military activity going too and fro in helicopters.

This may be just a small island off the south coast of England, but its very size
allows you to see things that would be lost in a major town or city. What we are
experiencing here is a smaller version of what is happening covertly everywhere -
Europe, America, Canada, and so on. It is the microcosm of the macrocosm.

The H1N1 virus is called 'swine flu', but it is a laboratory-created combination of

swine flu, bird flu and seasonal flu designed to justify a global programme of mass
vaccinations that will inoculate a strengthened version of the virus with the intent
of culling the population, short and long term.

Researchers say that the flu strain can be traced to the work of Dr Jeffrey
Taubenberger and a team of geneticists and microbiologists at the US Army
Institute of Pathology at Ft. Detrick, Maryland, who used supercomputers to map,
or 'reverse-engineer', the flu strain that killed tens of millions in 1918.

It is claimed that this virus was then given to the drug giant, Novartis, in Basel,
Switzerland, which was once a component part of the Nazi pharmaceutical cartel, I
G Farben. It was Farben that ran the concentration camp at Auschwitz and the
company was fundamental to the Nazi war machine.

If it is 'swine flu', why are pigs not affected in any way? We were led to believe that
it broke out in Mexico on a pig farm, but, apart from the idiotic Egyptian
government ordering an immediate mass culling of pigs, the porkies have never got
a mention since. If it is not swine flu, which it isn't, how could it have emerged
from a pig farm in Mexico?

The United Nations food agency said there was no justification for culling pigs or
limiting their movements as there was no evidence the virus affected pigs or made
their meat dangerous. Yes, because it is nothing to do with pigs - it has been made
in a laboratory.

Oh yeah? So where are the pigs?

The UK government has estimated that some 65,000 people will die in this country
from 'swine flu' this winter. How can they make such estimation when the
symptoms of 'swine flu' have been extremely mild for most people and the
numbers have been falling rapidly in the late summer despite efforts to fix the
figures to present a false picture?
The number of people claimed to have been infected with 'swine flu' has been
massively inflated by false diagnosis and that is why the World Heath
Organization said that it should be diagnosed by symptoms and not by testing.

As a result, we have had children dying from meningitis that was diagnosed as
'swine flu' and others suffering from diseases like pneumonia that they were told
without testing was 'swine flu' by untrained, unqualified members of the public
working at swine flu 'call centres' ludicrously set up by the British government.
Some of those diagnosing over the phone are as young as 16.

The call centres, by the way, were being organised long before 'swine flu' emerged
in Mexico in April. Like I say, all of this has been planned way in advance.

The authorities have been telling us what is planned ever since the laboratory-
created 'swine flu' was released in Mexico. Government and medical
representatives in Britain, France, the United States and elsewhere warned very
early on that the H1N1 strain 'could strengthen' in the Autumn/Fall and that is
precisely what they plan to make it do.

They want to have access to every human body on the planet to inject a range of
poisons, immune-system destroyers and almost certainly nanotechnology
microchips, and at the moment they are not going to achieve that.

There is far too much scepticism among the public about both the need for the
H1N1 vaccine and its safety. As things stand, there is going to be an enormous
number of people who refuse to be vaccinated or have their children vaccinated.

A poll of British doctors found that half of them were not going to have the vaccine
and another poll suggested that 30 per cent of nurses were taking a similar stand.

This is all thanks to a gathering awakening to the reality of the world we are
experiencing and the fantastic efforts of so many to spread the truth about 'swine
flu' and the vaccine on the Internet.

In short, the elite families behind the swine flu conspiracy, notably the Rothschilds
and the Rockefellers, are not going to get what they want as things are at present.
They know that and so the plan is to change 'as things are'.

These deeply sick people plan to increase the strength of the 'swine flu' virus to
impose their self-fulfilling 'prophecy' about casualties and dramatically increase
the fear that is designed to break the resistance of the population to accepting the
vaccine for themselves and their families.

The World Health Organization, a Rothschild-Rockefeller creation, has insisted

that the vaccine contain live 'swine flu' virus, and it is highly likely that this will
spread the disease through the very vaccinations that are supposed - supposed - to
protect people from it.
This can be done by direct inoculation of the virus and through a phenomenon
known as 'shedding' when the virus passes through the vaccine recipient via faeces,
urine, saliva and mucous membranes and onto other people. Oral polio vaccine
was withdrawn in the US because of this very problem, but it is still used in so-
called developing countries.

Live oral polio vaccination can give people polio in the form of a disease called
vaccine-associated paralytic polio, and live polio virus has been found in the faeces
of babies for up to six weeks after vaccination.

Quite a thought when you consider that children are being given around 25
vaccinations and combinations by the age of two. Anyone fancy changing a nappy?

Genetic material from the measles virus has been found in urine up to two weeks
after vaccination; live rubella virus has been discovered in the nose and throat for
up to 28 days after the vaccine was injected and can be passed on through breast
milk; vaccine-induced chickenpox has been shown to replicate in the lung and can
be passed on through various means; FluMist vaccine sprayed into the nose
contains live influenza viruses and it has been proved that they can be passed on by
a recipient to other people.

They say that non-vaccinated children are a danger to the vaccinated, but we can
see that, in fact, the opposite is the case.

Given this background, what more effective way can there be than to circulate a
strengthened 'swine flu' virus than by a mass vaccination programme? This, it is
clear, is what they plan to do - plus much more besides. They have other means of
circulating the virus, too.

The World Health Organization announced in July:

'In view of the anticipated limited vaccine availability at global level and the
potential need to protect against "drifted" strains of virus, it is recommended that
promoting production and use of vaccines such as those that are formulated with
oil-in-water adjuvants and live attenuated influenza vaccines is important.'

This statement was merely taken from a script written a long time ago and
delivered on cue.

The term 'attenuated' means that the virus is reduced in strength, but that does
not stop it infecting the vaccine recipient or being spread among the population.
The 'oil-in-water adjuvants' are officially used to increase the effects of a vaccine
by stimulating a bigger response from the immune system.

An adjuvant being used in the 'swine flu' vaccine is called squalene and this has the
potential to increase the impact of the 'attenuated' live 'swine flu' virus and cause
havoc in many other ways. Dr Joseph Mercola at explains the effect
of squalene:
'Your immune system recognizes squalene as an oil molecule native to your body. It
is found throughout your nervous system and brain. In fact, you can consume
squalene in olive oil and not only will your immune system recognize it, you will
also reap the benefits of its antioxidant properties.

The difference between "good" and "bad" squalene is the route by which it enters
your body. Injection is an abnormal route of entry which incites your immune
system to attack all the squalene in your body, not just the vaccine adjuvant.

Your immune system will attempt to destroy the molecule wherever it finds it,
including in places where it occurs naturally, and where it is vital to the health of
your nervous system.'

Squalene in anthrax vaccine has been fundamentally connected to the 'mysterious'

outbreak of Gulf War syndrome among Gulf War veterans after 1991. A study
conducted at Tulane Medical School found that virtually every soldier with Gulf
War syndrome had antibodies to squalene, showing that their immune systems had
reacted to it. The troops who did not have Gulf War syndrome had no anti-bodies
to squalene.

Dr Viera Scheibner, a former principle research scientist in New South Wales,

Australia, spent many years investigating the destructive effects of vaccines. She
said of squalene:

'... this adjuvant [squalene] contributed to the cascade of reactions called "Gulf
War syndrome," documented in the soldiers involved in the Gulf War. The
symptoms they developed included arthritis, fibromyalgia, lymphadenopathy,
rashes, photosensitive rashes, malar rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic headaches,
abnormal body hair loss, non-healing skin lesions, aphthous ulcers, dizziness,
weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric problems, anti-
thyroid effects, anaemia, elevated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), systemic
lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis),
Raynaud's phenomenon, Sjorgren's syndrome, chronic diarrhoea, night sweats
and low-grade fevers.'

The potential dangers of 'swine flu' vaccine can be seen with the experience in the
United States after the mass vaccination programme in 1976. This was 'justified'
by the death of a single person, an Army recruit at Fort Dix in New Jersey. A panic
was then generated on the basis that he had died from a swine flu strain allegedly
similar to that which killed tens of millions in 1918 (another vaccine-created
disaster - see item at the end of this article).

It was later established that the recruit died because 'normal' flu had turned to
pneumonia and this was compounded by dehydration and heavy physical work. He
collapsed on a morning run. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) admitted that not a single case of swine flu was confirmed.
The 1976 scare-them-shitless campaign

Mass vaccinations for 'swine flu' followed the death of the Army recruit and led to
hundreds of people developing Guillain-Barre syndrome, an autoimmune disorder
affecting the nervous system that triggers paralysis in legs, upper limbs and face,
and an inability to breathe. At least 25 died and, longer term, the figure would
have been far higher.

The drug companies and the World Health Organization (WHO) are telling us that
the 'swine flu' vaccine is safe when it has been revealed that 600 senior neurologists
in the UK were sent a confidential letter by government health officials warning of
a coming increase in Guillain-Barre syndrome as a result of the 'swine flu'

The letter came from the Health Protection Agency, the official body that oversees
public health, and warned neurologists 'to be alert for an increase in a brain
disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which could be triggered by the ...
vaccine'. A senior neurologist quoted by the London Daily Mail said: 'I would not
have the swine flu jab because of the GBS risk'.

Great, eh? The government 'Health Protection' Agency tells 600 neurologists about
the expected effects - but not the public.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in the United States have officially
predicted 30,000 serious and potentially fatal reactions to the H1N1 vaccine while
at the same time insisting that it be effective in only three out of every ten
recipients. The requirement is even less for people over 65.

You might say that this was madness and it is on one level, because the people
behind the global conspiracy are by any standards utterly insane. It is not
bureaucratic madness, however, except in the way it plays out through the useful
idiots. At its core, it is cold, calculated mass murder-type madness.

As I have been stressing for years, the same families, led by the Rothschilds and
the Rockefellers, created and control the World Health Organization, the Centers
for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration (and their equivalent
around the world), and the pharmaceutical cartel, or Big Pharma. These bodies
may appear to be unconnected, but they are all on the same team answering to the
same masters.

Executives from drug giants Baxter International, Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline

sat on the World Health Organization's vaccine advisory board that recommended
mass vaccinations in July. They all move as one unit.

Baxter International of Illinois was exposed in February for contaminating vaccine

materials with live bird flu virus sent to 18 locations. The virus was supplied by the
World Health Organization and was mixed with seasonal flu viruses to produce a
potentially deadly combination.
This 'mistake' - yeah, right - was only discovered when a laboratory in the Czech
Republic tested the concoction on ferrets and they all died.

Now tens of billions of public dollars, pounds and euros are being handed to
sinister corporations like Baxter International and Novartis to mass vaccinate the
global population. No matter what the economic situation there is never a shortage
of money when the agenda is involved, be it for wars of mass slaughter or
vaccination programmes of mass slaughter. Killing people is big business - ask the
weapons producers.

Austrian journalist Jane Bürgermeister has filed criminal charges with the FBI
against the World Health Organization, United Nations, Barack Obama, a
Rockefeller, a Rothschild, and others, after she uncovered a plot to cull the
population with the 'swine flu' vaccine.

She said that bird flu and swine flu have been developed in laboratories and
released on the public with the aim of mass murder through vaccination. Her filed
document, Bioterrorism Evidence, correctly claims that the World Health
Organization, United Nations and vaccine-makers such as Baxter International
and Novartis are part of a single system under the control of a core criminal group
that has 'funded the development, manufacturing and release of artificial viruses
in order to justify mass vaccinations with a bioweapon substance in order to
eliminate the people of the USA, and so gain control of the assets, resources etc. of
North America'.

Bürgermeister's 'core criminal group' is the network of interbreeding families, like

the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, known as the Illuminati. The plot she talks about
is, of course, worldwide and not just in the United States.

Novartis and Baxter International applied for patents for this vaccine long before
the engineered 'outbreak' in Mexico in April. Novartis made its provisional patent
application in 2005 and it was approved in February this year. Baxter
International applied for its patent in August 2008 and it came through in March,
just before the virus was released in Mexico to start the whole thing rolling.

The sequence is this: patent the vaccine; release the laboratory-created 'swine flu'
virus in Mexico; use the controlled and pathetic media to cause panic in the
population over 'deadly' swine flu; tell the World Health Organization to declare a
pandemic and demand vaccination for the entire human race; spread a
strengthened virus in the vaccine and through other means to cause terror and
hysteria to ensure that people line up for their jab of live virus. Oh yes, and get
governments to give you blanket immunity from prosecution for the effects of your

Drug companies would not coldly set out to kill and maim vast numbers of people?
What?? That's their job. They have been doing it year after year since Big Pharma
was created by John D Rockefeller, an asset of the Rothschild dynasty.
Shane Ellison was a medicinal chemist for drug companies Array BioPharma and
Eli Lilly, but resigned in disgust at what he saw on the inside. He now promotes
natural remedies under the title 'The People's Chemist'. He said in an article this

'As a young chemist working in the chemistry labs of corporate America, I

watched as they promoted cancer causing drugs as anti-cancer remedies
(tamoxifen). I also witnessed the pharmaceutically compliant media convince the
world that depression was a disease and you needed the so-called antidepressant
drug Prozac™ to treat it. I began to wonder, "How gullible are the masses?" The
reaction to the swine flu scare answered this.'

American researcher Patrick Jordan uncovered World Health Organization

memos dating from 1972 explaining how to kill people with vaccines by
undermining the immune system, injecting viruses and creating an immune
response so enormous that it kills the body. This is known as the cytokine storm.

The initial spread of Aids in the United States matched the locations of vaccination
trials for Hepatitis B in homosexual communities and the initial outbreak in Africa
mirrored the locations of mass smallpox vaccinations ordered by the World Health
Organization with vaccine reportedly supplied by Novartis.

Big Pharma and the World Health Organization are killing machines and the
cemeteries of the world are full of their victims. Gullibility can indeed be lethal.

Fear and gullibility - babes-in-arms syndrome, as I call it - will ensure that

enormous numbers of unquestioning dupes race to the vaccine centres in the
coming weeks and months. But the world is a lot wiser to what is going on that it
was five, ten or twenty years ago and there are now very large numbers of people
who can see through the lies.

This is where the police state comes in and the plan is to make the vaccine
compulsory. We are already moving fast in that direction and what is now
emerging in American states like Massachusetts is the blueprint for everywhere.

'Sir, we found one that's not had the shot ...'

The Massachusetts Senate has passed the flu pandemic bill S 2028 that imposes a
state of fascism whenever the governor decides to do so in the wake of a flu
pandemic - like, you know, the one they plan to engineer. The bill authorises the
state health commissioner, law enforcement, and medical personnel to:

* Vaccinate the population

* Enter private property with no warrants

* Quarantine people against their will

* Arrest without a warrant anyone a police officer deems has violated an isolation
or quarantine order

* Jail or fine at the rate of $1,000 a day anyone in such violation

Similar isolation orders are being implemented in Florida, Washington, Iowa and
North Carolina. The rest will follow and the same is planned all over the world - if
we stand for it.

An internal French government document has come to light detailing covert plans
to vaccinate everyone in France without exception starting on September 28th and
continuing until January. The document is dated August 21st and is signed by
Rosaylne Batchelot-Narquin, the French Health Minister, and Brice Hortefeux, the
French Minister of Interior and Overseas Territories.

It has been sent to the heads of the country's 'defence zones', law enforcement and
regional health authorities. Some of its main points are:

* Medical personnel, medical students and medical army personnel can be

compelled to administer vaccines or face penalties

* 'Vaccination centers' to be established in 'secure facilities' in every region and no

medical establishments will be involved, nor any general practitioners

* Schoolchildren to be vaccinated at school by special mobile pandemic vaccination


* The public are not to be 'informed' until the end of September

Similar documents will be circulating in all 194 member states of the World Health
Organization because all this is centrally coordinated.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy ... Illuminati to his fingertips.

Documents and statements that have emerged over the years make it clear that the
Illuminati cabal and their bloodline families want to dramatically reduce the
global population to perhaps as low as 500 million - more than six billion fewer
than at present.

The 'elite' families behind the mass 'swine flu' vaccinations are the origin of the
'master race' eugenics movement with Adolf Hitler their most high-profile
advocate. The Rockfeller family, who are Rothschild subordinates, financed
Hitler's 'race purity' expert, Ernst Rudin, at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in
Munich, and many other leading eugenicists.

Rudin was president of the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations and

a global figure in the eugenics movement which advocated - still advocates - the
removal of 'inferior' people through segregation, sterilisation and extermination to
create a 'better' or 'master' race.

The population cullers are the driving force behind the swine flu vaccination
programme. The President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology in the
United States warned this week that swine flu was a 'threat to our nation',
estimated that 90,000 could die, and said everyone must be vaccinated.

This Council of Advisors is chaired by John P Holdren, the director of the White
House Office of Science and Technology. Holdren co-wrote a book in 1977, called
Ecoscience, that details proposals to mass sterilise the population by medicating
food and the water supply and to impose a regime of forced abortion, government
seizure of children born out of wedlock and mandatory bodily implants designed to
prevent pregnancy.

Holdren wrote the book with those infamous population-control extremists, Paul
and Anne Ehrlich, and have no doubt that such sterlisation plans have long been
implemented - sperm counts have dropped by a third since 1989 and by half in 50

Holdren has been desperately trying to deny that he supports forced population
control after the content of Ecoscience was recently exposed. This is rather
difficult, however, when you have co-written a 1,000-page textbook advocating
exactly that.

The plan is to introduce compulsory vaccination and they are moving there step by
step with the announcement this week that it will be mandatory for all military
personnel starting in October.

Public resistance to compulsory vaccination makes even more sense of the story I
revealed in 2008 about how designated police officers in each county of the United
Kingdom were preparing for a 'coming war' and mass public protests in the
streets. I have no doubt that a war is on the agenda, too, at some point, but it is
clear that this preparation also involves the public reaction to compulsory
vaccinations. This, in turn, connects with the establishment of 'Disaster Recovery
Centres' in each county.

One of these designated 'prepare for war' police officers told his friend (who
contacted me) that they were preparing for the military to be on the streets with
the police to deal with mass protests.

Other uniform professions, like private security guards, traffic wardens and
CCTV operators, would perform the other duties of the police while they were
dealing with the protests, the police officer said.

This is happening with traffic wardens, who once dealt only with parking offences,
now renamed 'civil enforcement officers' and given powers that were exclusively
those of the police. The UK government also announced a new designation called
an 'accredited person' - private security guards, CCTV operators etc., who will be
given some of the powers of police officers.

The Pentagon has recently asked Congress for clearance to post nearly 400,000
military personnel throughout the United States in the event of an 'emergency' and
'major disaster' under the control of US Northern Command, or 'NorthCom'.

In truth, large numbers of these troops will not even be American. The military has
been amassing an army of foreign troops to patrol the streets of America in the
knowledge that many American soldiers will be reluctant to fire on their own

NorthCom is the domestic military operation created as a Problem-Reaction-

Solution after 9/11 to 'protect' the 'homeland' from 'terrorists' (We the People).
NorthCom is also responsible for 'theatre security cooperation' with Canada and
Mexico. These people love their Orwellian language.

General Victor Renuart, the head of NorthCom, has produced plans for the
miltary to work with FEMA, the Illuminati's truly evil Federal Emergency
Management Agency, in the event of a major swine flu outbreak and is awaiting
approval from Bush and Obama 'Defense' Secretary, Robert Gates. It will, of
course, be granted.

Renuart gave public testimony in March, a month before the 'swine flu' outbreak
in Mexico, that NorthCom had prepared for a flu outbreak originating in Mexico.
He said NorthCom was focused on 'developing and improving procedures to
respond to potentially catastrophic events such as pandemic influenza outbreak ...'
Was he a prophet? No, he knew what was coming.

I can't say when all this will kick-off in earnest, but you can see the pieces being
rapidly moved into place hour by hour. The vaccinations will be underway in
weeks and everything will follow from that as the months unfold.

We need to be strong and we need to be unified. What does someone's religion,

colour, income bracket or sexuality matter when you are faced with this satanic
agenda? This is not about killing and maiming white people, black people,
Muslims, Hindus or Jews. It is an attack on the health and freedoms of all of us, so
we must meet that threat as One.

We need to come together in mutual support with unbreakable determination and

a backbone that will not wilt.

No matter what the intimidation we must refuse the vaccination for ourselves and
our families and make it as difficult as possible for the authorities to impose their
will. If people react with violent protest, they will be handing all the aces to the
police state. It is not a violent response that we need, but a calm and peaceful mass
campaign of non-cooperation.
A system run by a few cannot function if the masses will not cooperate with it.

Calmness is essential or we stop thinking straight and never was there a more
important time to think straight than in the months and years ahead before this
control system is dismantled.

Hey, and you in the middle and lower ranks of administration in governments and
their agencies; you in uniform, be it the military, police, whatever ... What the hell
are you doing? You have children and grandchildren, too. What the hell are you

Wake up, grow up, get informed and start to break ranks before you enforce a
prison-state on your own families.

This is no time for faint hearts ... we came to sort out this fascist nonsense and the
time will come when we will. Let us meet that challenge - look it in the eye - instead
of running for cover.

One line sums it up ...




By David Icke

By David Icke

These are challenging times and we need to stay calm and think things through -
not just panic and react. Fear, panic and emotional reaction got us into this mess
and it is certainly not going to get us out of it.

We also need to realise - here, now - that we have long crossed the line into a fully-
fledged fascist dictatorship. It has hidden itself to most people this far, but it is
about to lift the veil.

It is no longer an option to do nothing or passively acquiesce to authority out of

fear or apathy. Or, at least, it's not if we care about our freedoms and, most
importantly, those of our children and grandchildren who will have to live almost
their entire lives under a global jackboot of sheer, undiluted evil.

The word 'evil' is much overused and I don't say it lightly; but we are dealing with
evil in the sense that the word is the reverse of 'live'. Those behind the conspiracy
to cull the human population and turn the rest into little more than computer
terminals are anti-life. They have no respect for it and no empathy with those who
suffer the consequences of their actions, no matter how appalling.

I have been warning of what was coming for nearly 20 years and it is not 'coming'
any more - it's here. No more excuses from anyone, please. We have to deal with it.
We have to draw a line in the sand and say no more.

Never was this more important than with the conspiracy to force swine flu
vaccination upon the global population. The swine flu virus was created in a
laboratory to generate mass panic with the specific intention of forcing everyone
to have the vaccine. Problem-Reaction-Solution. This 'natural' swine flu virus
apparently contains genes from humans, birds and pigs from several continents.

If you concoct and release a virus and then implement a clearly long-planned mass
vaccination programme, there can be only one sensible conclusion: swine flu is not
the biggest danger here - it's the vaccine.

The scale and speed of the planned vaccination programme is insane given that the
overwhelming majority of those who have contracted the virus have had very mild
symptoms. Dr Peter Holden of the Rothschild-controlled British Medical
Association said that although swine flu was not causing serious illness they were
eager to start a mass vaccination campaign, beginning with 'priority groups'.
Ugh?? This is not about public health and never was.

Those administering the vaccinations have no clue what is in them or their

potential effect. They are just repeaters thinking what they are told to think and
doing what they are told to do. Only those at the core of the conspiracy, and those
who bother to research it, know what the game is.

'Get yer flu shot, get yer flu shot, get yer flu shot ...'

The Austrian journalist, Jane Bürgermeister, has filed criminal charges with the
FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations, Barack
Obama, a Rockefeller, a Rothschild, and others, over a plot she uncovered to cull
the population with a deadly swine flu vaccine.

She said that bird flu and swine flu have been developed in laboratories and
released on the public with the aim of mass murder through vaccination. Her filed
document is called Bioterrorism Evidence. She writes here about the United States,
but what she says applies everywhere:

'There is evidence that an international corporate criminal syndicate, which has

annexed high government office at Federal and State level, is intent on carrying
out a mass genocide against the people of the United States by using an artificial
(genetic) flu pandemic virus and forced vaccine program to cause mass death and
injury and depopulate America in order to transfer control of the United States to
the United Nations and affiliated security forces (UN troops from countries such as
China, Canada, the UK and Mexico).
There is proof many organisations - World Health Organisation, UN as well as
vaccine companies such as Baxter and Novartis - are part of a single system under
the control of a core criminal group, who give the strategic leadership, and who
have also funded the development, manufacturing and release of artificial viruses
in order to justify mass vaccinations with a bioweapon substance in order to
eliminate the people of the USA, and so gain control of the assets, resources etc of
North America.

The motivation for the crime is classical robbery followed by murder although the
scale and method are new in history. The core group sets its strategic goals and
operative priorities in secret using committees such as the Trilateral Commission,
and in person to person contact in the annual Bilderberg meeting.'

Jane Bürgermeister is a rare real journalist, so much so that she was sacked from
her job as European correspondent of the Renewable Energy World website after
she filed the charges with the FBI. Renewable Energy? It is their backbone and
sense of decency that need renewing, but it shows how controlled everything is.

What Bürgermeister describes in her FBI submission is a summary of what I have

been trying to get across in my books and talks for nearly two decades. A cabal of
interbreeding families is seeking to impose a global fascist dictatorship of total
human control.

Their vehicle is a secret society network structured like a transnational

corporation. The operational headquarters is in Europe, in places like Rome,
London, Paris, Brussels and Berlin. I refer to this as 'the Spider' and it dictates to
the global web.

There are subsidiary networks of secret societies in every country that answer to
the 'Spider'. Their job is to control their country's politics, banking, business,
military, media, medicine, and so on, and introduce in their sphere of influence the
global agenda dictated by the 'Spider'. Those on the inner levels of this structure
are collectively known as the 'Illuminati'.

This is how they coordinate between apparently unconnected governments,

corporations, media groups etc. The Rothschild and Rockefeller dynasties (the
same bloodline) are fundamentally involved in this, as I have long exposed, and
they dominate pharmaceutical medicine and government 'health' policy

The web controls governments, the pharmaceutical industry, or 'Big Pharma', the
World Health Organisation and public heath 'protection' agencies like the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States. In short, they control the
entire medical system.

The Illuminati cabal established global bodies like the World Heath Organisation,
World Bank and World Trade Organisation to transfer power from the many to
the few. Their goal is a world government, world central bank, world currency and
world army.
You have to centralise power to impose a global dictatorship and diversity is your
worst nightmare. The Illuminati network is behind 'globalisation' and the creation
of superstate dictatorships like the European Union for this same reason.

Given this essential background, it was no surprise when I saw the list of names
and organisations in Jane Bürgermeister's submission to the FBI:

'Specifically, evidence is presented that Defendants President Barack Obama,

President of the United States, David Nabarro, UN System Coordinator for

Margaret Chan, Director-General of World Health Organisation, Kathleen

Sibelius, Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Secretary
Janet Napolitano, the Department of Homeland Security, David de Rothschild,
banker, David Rockefeller, banker, George Soros, banker, and Alois Stoger,
Austrian Health Minister, among others, are part of this international corporate
crime syndicate which has, marching as one phalanx to carry out their plan of
genocide, have developed, produced, stockpiled and used biological weapons to
eliminate the population of the United States for financial and political gain.'

Bürgermeister says there is clear evidence that pharmaceutical companies and

international government agencies are actively engaged in producing, developing,
manufacturing and distributing biological agents classified as the most deadly
bioweapons on earth.

She says the swine flu virus was created and released with help from the
Rothschild/Rockefeller-controlled World Health Organisation - the very body
which then said it was spreading so fast that a pandemic had to be declared.

The symptoms of 'swine flu' at present are pretty much the same as regular flu and
it is easy to call everything 'swine flu' to increase the official numbers. The British
government has announced that people should no longer see a doctor if they have
flu symptoms and instead a system of diagnosis over the phone has been
introduced without laboratory confirmation. How convenient for fixing the

'Hello, I've got a cold, doc.'

'I think its swine flu, I'll tick you off.'

Jane Bürgermeister has filed bioterrorism charges against pharmaceutical giants

like Novartis International AG, based in Basel, Switzerland, Baxter AG, based in
Austria, and its parent company, Baxter International in Deerfield, Illinois. Guess
who is providing much of the swine flu vaccine for mass inoculation - Baxter
International and Novartis.

This is the same Baxter International that sent bird flu virus to European
laboratories 'by mistake' earlier this year and it was mixed with a seasonal flu
virus to create a much more dangerous strain.
Last year at least 81 people were killed by Baxter International's contaminated
blood-thinning product, heparin, which was made in China from, among other
things, pig intestines. Isn't pharmaceutical medicine wonderful? The contaminated
heparin also seriously injured hundreds of people and it was revealed that the
factory of Baxter's Chinese supplier had never been inspected by either American
or Chinese public 'protection' agencies.

More than 50 dialysis patients died in 2001 because of faults with Baxter
International equipment, and this month Baxter Healthcare Corporation, a
subsidiary of Baxter International, reached an out-of-court settlement of two
million dollars with the State of Kentucky. Baxter had been caught inflating the
cost of intravenous drugs sold to Kentucky Medicaid by as much as 1,300 per cent.

This is clearly a company you can trust and it is now is a major source of the swine
flu vaccine that governments across the world want to impose upon entire
populations with the most minimal safety checks. The vaccine is being fast-tracked
through the regulatory system with safety trials lasting less than a week. The
London Times reported:

'Regulators at the European Medicines Agency said the fast-tracked procedure has
involved clinical trials of a "mock-up" vaccine similar to the one that will be used
for the biggest mass vaccination programme in generations. It will be introduced
into the general population while regulators continue to carry out simultaneous
clinical trials.'

My emphasis.

There is no need for 'trials' at all, except for public consumption. They already
know what is in it and its effect. The drug companies have even been given
immunity from prosecution from death or injury from the vaccine in a document
signed by Obama's Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius.

Baxter International said it will be shipping swine flu vaccine worldwide by the
end of July and the potential profits are fantastic; but this is not primarily about
money. It about a long-planned mass-culling of the human population.

We are told that the drug companies and the World Health Organisation have
been working at fever pitch to develop a vaccine for the 'new' swine flu strain
known as H1N1, but ... wait for it ... Baxter International filed a patent for the
H1N1 vaccine on August 28th 2008. Click here to read ...

Baxter Vaccine Patent Application US 2009/0060950 A1 says:

'... In particular preferred embodiments the composition or vaccine comprises

more than one antigen ... such as influenza A and influenza B in particular selected
from of one or more of the human H1N1, H2N2, H3N2, H5N1, H7N7, H1N2,
H9N2, H7N2, H7N3, H10N7 subtypes, of the pig flu H1N1, H1N2, H3N1 and H3N2
subtypes, of the dog or horse flu H7N7, H3N8 subtypes or of the avian H5N1,
H7N2, H1N7, H7N3, H13N6, H5N9, H11N6, H3N8, H9N2, H5N2, H4N8, H10N7,
H2N2, H8N4, H14N5, H6N5, H12N5 subtypes.'
The patent was published in March 2009, a month before the virus was released in
Mexico in April, but it was filed seven months before this 'new strain' was officially
known about. It is the most blatant set-up you could ever see.

The patent includes the following ingredients and toxicity warning:

'Suitable adjuvants can be selected from mineral gels, aluminium hydroxide,

surface active substances, lysolecithin, pluronic polyols, polyanions or oil emulsions
such as water in oil or oil in water, or a combination thereof. Of course, the
selection of the adjuvant depends on the intended use. E.g. toxicity may depend on
the destined subject organism and can vary from no toxicity to high toxicity.'


Another Big Pharma corporation involved is Novartis in Switzerland. Chief

executive, Daniel Vasella, is a regular attendee of the secretive Bilderberg meetings
that I have long exposed in my books. The Bilderberg Group, named in Jane
Bürgermeister's FBI submission, is the creation of the Rothschild dynasty and has
been administered for decades by people like David Rockefeller and Henry

It answers to a Rothschild secret society in Britain called the Round Table. This
was first headed by the Rothschild agent, Cecil Rhodes, who plundered southern
Africa on the family's behalf. Vasella attended the last Bilderberg meeting last
May, just as the swine flu scare was being engineered, and bingo, his company
comes up with the vaccine.

I am not saying that people will die in large numbers immediately. This is certainly
possible, but it would hardly encourage others to continue to be inoculated. The
effects may be immediate in some, probably medium or longer-term in most, to
hide the true source of their problem. What we do know is that we are seeing a
long-prepared plan for mass vaccination by people who could not care less about
the health of the population. That says everything about the real motivation, but
only those in the shadows know what the effect is designed to be.

For sure, it will involve targeting the human immune system. Once that has been
disabled, it's over as we see with the immune-destroyer we call AIDS. People don't
die of AIDS, they die of diseases the immune system would normally deal with.

The excellent work of people like the American researcher and author, Patrick
Jordan, have exposed the unfolding plan to kill vast numbers of people through
engineered viruses and vaccines. He says that they have long perfected vaccines
that switch off the human immune system and US troops have often been used as
guinea pigs.

Patrick Jordan's research uncovers a three-vaccine system that the Illuminati have
developed. The first inoculation turns off white blood cells (the immune system);
the second injects viruses; and the third switches the immune system on again.
In the middle period viruses are expanding around the body, but the person
doesn't feel sick because the immune system is not fighting them. When the
immune system kicks in again it unleashes such an assault on the virus cocktail
that it kills the body.

This is known as a cytokine storm when the immune system is so overwhelmed

that it sends too many antibodies at the same time to infected areas of the body and
the body kills itself.

It is also the case that the World Health Organisation has asked for live swine flu
virus to be in the vaccine and it is quite possible that they will expand and maybe
increase the strength of the virus through the vaccine. The WHO website says:

'In view of the anticipated limited vaccine availability at global level and the
potential need to protect against "drifted" strains of virus, SAGE recommended
that promoting production and use of vaccines such as those that are formulated
with oil-in-water adjuvants and live attenuated influenza vaccines was important.'

Jane Bürgermeister's evidence has been supported by Wayne Madsen, a former

US Naval Intelligence officer and now an investigative journalist. He said that a
top United Nations scientist concluded that the H1N1 swine flu virus has certain
transmission 'vectors' that suggest the new flu strain has been genetically-
manufactured as a military biological warfare weapon. The UN expert believed
that Ebola, HIV/AIDS, and the current A-H1N1 swine flu virus are all biological
warfare agents. Madsen writes:

'Past swine flu outbreaks have been spread from pigs to humans, who then passed
the flu on to other humans. However, with A-H1N1, there have been no reported
infections of pigs. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), A-H1N1 has gene segments from North American swine, bird
and human flu strains and a segment from Eurasian swine flu.'

Wayne Madsen also says that his sources confirm that the Centers for Disease
Control and the US army recovered the body of an Inuit woman who died in 1918
in Brevig Mission, Alaska, from an outbreak of Spanish flu that killed 100 million
people worldwide in 18 months.

Madsen was told that genetic material from the corpse provided the basis for the
development of the H5N1 avian, or 'bird flu', strain at the US Army Medical
Institute of Infectious Diseases laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland. This lab was
the origin of the anthrax attacks on US Congress and media targets shortly after
September 11th in 2001.

All this will sound way out in the Twilight Zone to those new to this sort of
information, but what they need to understand is that these Illuminati families are
utterly insane. They don't think like most of the rest of us, so please don't judge
what they would do by what you would do. It's not the same, because they're not
the same.
The Illuminati plan for the world includes a mass cull of the population and the
microchipping of every man, woman and child. Microchips would allow everyone
to be tracked 24/7, but it goes much further than that.

Computer technology communicating with the chips has the potential to

manipulate people mentally, emotionally and physically. This could be done en
masse or individually through the chip's unique transmitter-receiver signal. Killing
someone from a distance would be a synch.

I mention this because, as readers of my books will know, a CIA scientist told me in
1997 that microchips developed in the secret government-military research
projects were even then small enough to be injected by hypodermic needles in
vaccination programmes. With nanotechnology, no one would know.

The fake swine flu scare of 1976 was a trial-run for what is happening now. These
events are planned way in advance and these sick people are extremely thorough in
their preparations.

The scare began with the death of an Army recruit at Fort Dix in New Jersey
which the government said was caused by 'swine flu'. The recruit was the only
death from the virus in 1976, but the government instigated a vaccination
programme for all Americans supported by a campaign of outrageous propaganda
based, as always, on terrifying people. Click here for an example.

The result was that at least 25 people were killed by the vaccine and hundreds
seriously harmed while the Fort Dix recruit was the only death from swine flu -
even if the government was telling the truth about the diagnosis. We are now
heading for a re-run on a vastly bigger scale.

The British and American governments have ordered enough swine flu vaccine for
the entire population and other countries are following suit. Of course, they are;
the 'Spider' has demanded it.

It is clear they intend to make vaccination compulsory and threaten parents with
losing their children if they refuse to submit to this fascism. Even before that, the
pressure on parents to submit to the dictates of the state are going to be
considerably increased.

The Rockefeller-dominated Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in the United States
have said that children who have never had a flu 'shot' may need to be vaccinated
four times in the Autumn - twice for seasonal flu and twice for swine flu. Making
up for lost time, eh? Other children will get three shots - note the three, given
Patrick Jordan's information.

The Rothschild-Rockfeller front-man, Barack Obama, has demanded that his

'health reform' bill is passed into law by August, just ahead of mass vaccination.
The bill was approved this week by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and
Pension Committee and it includes the targeting of parents who do not have their
children vaccinated. It authorises the Orwellian 'demonstration program to
improve immunization coverage'. The bill says:
'Under this program, CDC will provide grants to states to improve immunization
coverage of children, adolescents, and adults through the use of evidence-based
interventions. States may use funds to implement interventions that are
recommended by the Community Preventive Services Task Force, such as
reminders or recalls for patients or providers, or home visits.'

'Interventions'? Home visits? It is one step away from immunising your children
by force or having you arrested for refusing to comply. World Health Organisation
'recommendations' are binding on its nearly 200 member countries when a
pandemic emergency is declared under the International Health Regulations Act of
2005 and WHO pandemic plan of April this year.

Margaret Chan, the WHO Director General, declared a swine flu pandemic when
there wasn't one so these emergency powers would be activated and this lackey of
the Rothschild-Rockefeller cabal is going to be recommending compulsory
vaccination. She's virtually done it already. The WHO advisory board on
vaccination policy includes executives from ... Baxter, Novartis, GSK and Sanofi

Margaret Chan with appropriate logo

Last week Margaret 'Be Afraid' Chan warned that a global pandemic of drug-
resistant tuberculosis may be imminent with potentially 'catastrophic
consequences'. She prattled on ...

'The situation is already alarming, and poised to grow much worse very quickly.
This is a situation set to spiral out of control. Call it what you may: a time bomb or
a powder keg. Any way you look at it, this is a potentially explosive situation.'

Oh, get a life woman. When will TB 'explode'? As soon as they've circulated it
sufficiently, I guess.

What is happening now has been planned for a very long time. Builders have been
at work for months in a highly-secretive operation at a council building called
Westridge, just down the road from me on the Isle of Wight.

The builders themselves have become very suspicious as one group is given plans
for one section of the work and then a totally new group is brought in for the next,
and so on. No single group sees the whole picture and now people in unmarked
white vans are turning up to complete the job.

I had a look through a window near a fire escape after everyone had left and it is
clearly an emergency response centre of some kind. The builders were told they
had to finish their work by mid-July without fail and, apparently, something
similar is happening all over the country.

If you listen carefully, the dark suits tell you what is going to happen. As I said in a
recent newsletter, I kept hearing the mantra from different agencies and countries
about the dangers of a massive increase in swine flu in the autumn and that is now
their target for mass vaccination to really get moving.

Now I am hearing that the virus could become more deadly in the same period and
it could well be that they are planning to increase the numbers who die from swine
flu to generate more panic and demands to be vaccinated.

We should not forget, however, that 'normal flu' kills hundreds of thousands of
people a year worldwide. Have no doubt that large numbers of those people will
now be officially designated as a death from swine flu, whether they are or not.

It was always going to come to this and aware people need to be strong and come
together in collective non-compliance. These crazies want access to our bodies and
those of our children for a reason that is nothing whatsoever to do with health.

Most people will line up with their children like good little sheep. They will accept
the blatant lies without question and the authorities will use those people to target
others who refuse. You will hear nonsense like 'You are putting my children at

In fact, it is the programmed people who stand in line who are putting all children
at risk. The authorities will claim that those who decline are preventing 'herd
immunity' when all they have done is withdraw from the herd mentality.

This is a time for like-minded people to come together in mutual support and to
prepare a strategy of peaceful non-compliance. There is far more strength in
numbers than doing this alone.

We must not succumb to compulsory vaccination, nor pressure from those who
lack a mind of their own. If we concede our freedom to stop the state enforcing
vaccination upon us and our children, what the hell freedom is left?


Epidemic Influenza And Vitamin D

Main Category: Complementary Medicine / Alternative Medicine
Also Included In: Flu / Cold / SARS; Infectious Diseases / Bacteria / Viruses;
Swine Flu
Article Date: 15 Sep 2006 - 0:00 PDT

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In early April of 2005, after a particularly rainy spring, an influenza epidemic (epi:
upon, demic: people) exploded through the maximum-security hospital for the
criminally insane where I have worked for the last ten years. It was not the
pandemic (pan: all, demic: people) we all fear, just an epidemic. The world is
waiting and governments are preparing for the next pandemic. A severe influenza
pandemic will kill many more Americans than died in the World Trade Centers,
the Iraq war, the Vietnam War, and Hurricane Katrina combined, perhaps a
million people in the USA alone. Such a disaster would tear the fabric of American
society. Our entire country might resemble the Superdome or Bourbon Street after
Hurricane Katrina.

It's only a question of when a pandemic will come, not if it will come. Influenza A
pandemics come every 30 years or so, severe ones every hundred years or so. The
last pandemic, the Hong Kong flu, occurred in 1968 - killing 34,000 Americans. In
1918, the Great Flu Epidemic killed more than 500,000 Americans. So many
millions died in other countries, they couldn't bury the bodies. Young healthy
adults, in the prime of their lives in the morning, drowning in their own
inflammation by noon, grossly discolored by sunset, were dead at midnight. Their
body's own broad-spectrum natural antibiotics, called antimicrobial peptides,
seemed nowhere to be found. An overwhelming immune response to the influenza
virus - white blood cells releasing large amounts of inflammatory agents called
cytokines and chemokines into the lungs of the doomed - resulted in millions of
deaths in 1918.

As I am now a psychiatrist, and no longer a general practitioner, I was not directly

involved in fighting the influenza epidemic in our hospital. However, our internal
medicine specialists worked overtime as they diagnosed and treated a rapidly
increasing number of stricken patients. Our Chief Medical Officer quarantined
one ward after another as more and more patients were gripped with the chills,
fever, cough, and severe body aches that typifies the clinical presentation of
influenza A.

Epidemic influenza kills a million people in the world every year by causing
pneumonia, "the captain of the men of death." These epidemics are often
explosive; the word influenza comes from Italian (Medieval Latin ?nfluentia) or
influence, because of the belief that the sudden and abrupt epidemics were due to
the influence of some extraterrestrial force. One seventeenth century observer
described it well when he wrote, "suddenly a Distemper arose, as if sent by some
blast from the stars, which laid hold on very many together: that in some towns, in
the space of a week, above a thousand people fell sick together."

I guess our hospital was under luckier stars as only about 12% of our patients were
infected and no one died. However, as the epidemic progressed, I noticed
something unusual. First, the ward below mine was infected, and then the ward on
my right, left, and across the hall - but no patients on my ward became ill. My
patients had intermingled with patients from infected wards before the
quarantines. The nurses on my unit cross-covered on infected wards. Surely, my
patients were exposed to the influenza A virus. How did my patients escape
infection from what some think is the most infectious of all the respiratory viruses?

My patients were no younger, no healthier, and in no obvious way different from

patients on other wards. Like other wards, my patients are mostly African
Americans who came from the same prisons and jails as patients on the infected
wards. They were prescribed a similar assortment of powerful psychotropic
medications we use throughout the hospital to reduce the symptoms of psychosis,
depression, and violent mood swings and to try to prevent patients from killing
themselves or attacking other patients and the nursing staff. If my patients were
similar to the patients on all the adjoining wards, why didn't even one of my
patients catch the flu?

A short while later, a group of scientists from UCLA published a remarkable paper
in the prestigious journal, Nature. The UCLA group confirmed two other recent
studies, showing that a naturally occurring steroid hormone - a hormone most of
us take for granted - was, in effect, a potent antibiotic. Instead of directly killing
bacteria and viruses, the steroid hormone under question increases the body's
production of a remarkable class of proteins, called antimicrobial peptides. The
200 known antimicrobial peptides directly and rapidly destroy the cell walls of
bacteria, fungi, and viruses, including the influenza virus, and play a key role in
keeping the lungs free of infection. The steroid hormone that showed these
remarkable antibiotic properties was plain old vitamin D.

All of the patients on my ward had been taking 2,000 units of vitamin D every day
for several months or longer. Could that be the reason none of my patients caught
the flu? I then contacted Professors Reinhold Vieth and Ed Giovannucci and told
them of my observations. They immediately advised me to collect data from all the
patients in the hospital on 2,000 units of vitamin D, not just the ones on my ward,
to see if the results were statistically significant. It turns out that the observations
on my ward alone were of borderline statistical significance and could have been
due to chance alone. Administrators at our hospital agreed, and are still attempting
to collect data from all the patients in the hospital on 2,000 or more units of
vitamin D at the time of the epidemic.

Four years ago, I became convinced that vitamin D was unique in the vitamin
world by virtue of three facts. First, it's the only known precursor of a potent
steroid hormone, calcitriol, or activated vitamin D. Most other vitamins are
antioxidants or co-factors in enzyme reactions. Activated vitamin D - like all
steroid hormones - damasks the genome, turning protein production on and off, as
your body requires. That is, vitamin D regulates genetic expression in hundreds of
tissues throughout your body. This means it has as many potential mechanisms of
action as genes it damasks.

Second, vitamin D does not exist in appreciable quantities in normal human diets.
True, you can get several thousand units in a day if you feast on sardines for
breakfast, herring for lunch and salmon for dinner. The only people who ever
regularly consumed that much fish are peoples, like the Inuit, who live at the
extremes of latitude. The milk Americans depend on for their vitamin D contains
no naturally occurring vitamin D; instead, the U.S. government requires fortified
milk to be supplemented with vitamin D, but only with what we now know to be a
paltry 100 units per eight-ounce glass.

The vitamin D steroid hormone system has always had its origins in the skin, not in
the mouth. Until quite recently, when dermatologists and governments began
warning us about the dangers of sunlight, humans made enormous quantities of
vitamin D where humans have always made it, where naked skin meets the
ultraviolet B radiation of sunlight. We just cannot get adequate amounts of vitamin
D from our diet. If we don't expose ourselves to ultraviolet light, we must get
vitamin D from dietary supplements.

The third way vitamin D is different from other vitamins is the dramatic difference
between natural vitamin D nutrition and the modern one. Today, most humans
only make about a thousand units of vitamin D a day from sun exposure; many
people, such as the elderly or African Americans, make much less than that. How
much did humans normally make? A single, twenty-minute, full body exposure to
summer sun will trigger the delivery of 20,000 units of vitamin D into the
circulation of most people within 48 hours. Twenty thousand units, that's the single
most important fact about vitamin D. Compare that to the 100 units you get from a
glass of milk, or the several hundred daily units the U.S. government recommend
as "Adequate Intake." It's what we call an "order of magnitude" difference.

Humans evolved naked in sub-equatorial Africa, where the sun shines directly
overhead much of the year and where our species must have obtained tens of
thousands of units of vitamin D every day, in spite of our skin developing heavy
melanin concentrations (racial pigmentation) for protecting the deeper layers of
the skin. Even after humans migrated to temperate latitudes, where our skin
rapidly lightened to allow for more rapid vitamin D production, humans worked
outdoors. However, in the last three hundred years, we began to work indoors; in
the last one hundred years, we began to travel inside cars; in the last several
decades, we began to lather on sunblock and consciously avoid sunlight. All of
these things lower vitamin D blood levels. The inescapable conclusion is that
vitamin D levels in modern humans are not just low - they are aberrantly low.

About three years ago, after studying all I could about vitamin D, I began testing
my patient's vitamin D blood levels and giving them literature on vitamin D
deficiency. All their blood levels were low, which is not surprising as vitamin D
deficiency is practically universal among dark-skinned people who live at
temperate latitudes. Furthermore, my patients come directly from prison or jail,
where they get little opportunity for sun exposure. After finding out that all my
patients had low levels, many profoundly low, I started educating them and
offering to prescribe them 2,000 units of vitamin D a day, the U.S. government's
"Upper Limit."

Could vitamin D be the reason none of my patients got the flu? In the last several
years, dozens of medical studies have called attention to worldwide vitamin D
deficiency, especially among African Americans and the elderly, the two groups
most likely to die from influenza. Cancer, heart disease, stroke, autoimmune
disease, depression, chronic pain, depression, gum disease, diabetes, hypertension,
and a number of other diseases have recently been associated with vitamin D
deficiency. Was it possible that influenza was as well?

Then I thought of three mysteries that I first learned in medical school at the
University of North Carolina: (1) although the influenza virus exists in the
population year-round, influenza is a wintertime illnesses; (2) children with
vitamin D deficient rickets are much more likely to suffer from respiratory
infections; (3) the elderly in most countries are much more likely to die in the
winter than the summer (excess wintertime mortality), and most of that excess
mortality, although listed as cardiac, is, in fact, due to influenza.

Could vitamin D explain these three mysteries, mysteries that account for
hundreds of thousands of deaths every year? Studies have found the influenza
virus is present in the population year-around; why is it a wintertime illness? Even
the common cold got its name because it is common in cold weather and rare in the
summer. Vitamin D blood levels are at their highest in the summer but reach their
lowest levels during the flu and cold season. Could such a simple explanation
explain these mysteries?

The British researcher, Dr. R. Edgar Hope-Simpson, was the first to document the
most mysterious feature of epidemic influenza, its wintertime surfeit and
summertime scarcity. He theorized that an unknown "seasonal factor" was at
work, a factor that might be affecting innate human immunity. Hope-Simpson was
a general practitioner who became famous in the late 1960's after he discovered the
cause of shingles. British authorities bestowed every prize they had on him, not
only because of the importance of his discovery, but because he made the discovery
own his own, without the benefit of a university appointment, and without any
formal training in epidemiology (the detective branch of medicine that
methodically searches for clues about the cause of disease).

After his work on shingles, Hope-Simpson spent the rest of his working life
studying influenza. He concluded a "seasonal factor" was at work, something that
was regularly and predictably impairing human immunity in the winter and
restoring it in the summer. He discovered that communities widely separated by
longitude, but which shared similar latitude, would simultaneously develop
influenza. He discovered that influenza epidemics in Great Britain in the 17th and
18th century occurred simultaneously in widely separated communities, before
modern transportation could possibly explain its rapid dissemination. Hope-
Simpson concluded a "seasonal factor" was triggering these epidemics. Whatever
it was, he was certain that the deadly "crop" of influenza that sprouts around the
winter solstice was intimately involved with solar radiation. Hope-Simpson
predicted that, once discovered, the "seasonal factor" would "provide the key to
understanding most of the influenza problems confronting us."

Hope-Simpson had no way of knowing that vitamin D has profound effects on

human immunity, no way of knowing that it increases production of broad-
spectrum antimicrobial peptides, peptides that quickly destroy the influenza virus.
We have only recently learned how vitamin D increases production of
antimicrobial peptides while simultaneously preventing the immune system from
releasing too many inflammatory cells, called chemokines and cytokines, into
infected lung tissue.

In 1918, when medical scientists did autopsies on some of the fifty million people
who died during the 1918 flu pandemic, they were amazed to find destroyed
respiratory tracts; sometimes these inflammatory cytokines had triggered the
complete destruction of the normal epithelial cells lining the respiratory tract. It
was as if the flu victims had been attacked and killed by their own immune
systems. This is the severe inflammatory reaction that vitamin D has recently been
found to prevent.

I subsequently did what physicians have done for centuries. I experimented, first
on myself and then on my family, trying different doses of vitamin D to see if it has
any effects on viral respiratory infections. After that, as the word spread, several of
my medical colleagues experimented on themselves by taking three-day courses of
pharmacological doses (2,000 units per kilogram per day) of vitamin D at the first
sign of the flu. I also asked numerous colleagues and friends who were taking
physiological doses of vitamin D (5,000 units per day in the winter and less, or
none, in the summer) if they ever got colds or the flu, and, if so, how severe the
infections were. I became convinced that physiological doses of vitamin D reduce
the incidence of viral respiratory infections and that pharmacological doses
significantly ameliorate the symptoms of some viral respiratory infections if taken
early in the course of the illness. However, such observations are so personal, so
likely to be biased, that they are worthless science.

As I waited for the hospital to finish collecting data from all the patients taking
vitamin D at the time of the outbreak - to see if it really reduced the incidence of
influenza - I decided to research the literature thoroughly, finding all the clues in
the world's medical literature that indicated if vitamin D played any role in
preventing influenza or other viral respiratory infections. I worked on the paper
for over a year, writing it with Professor Edward Giovannucci of Harvard,
Professor Reinhold Vieth of the University of Toronto, Professor Michael Holick of
Boston University, Professor Cedric Garland of U.C., San Diego, as well as Dr.
John Umhau of the National Institute of Health, Sasha Madronich of the National
Center for Atmospheric Research, and Dr. Bill Grant at the Sunlight, Nutrition
and Health Research Center. After numerous revisions, we submitted our paper to
the same widely respected journal where Dr. Hope-Simpson published most of his
work several decades ago.

Epidemiology and Infection, known as The Journal of Hygiene in Hope-Simpson's

day, recently published our paper. The editor, Professor Norman Noah, knew Dr.
Hope-Simpson and helped tremendously with the paper. In the paper, we detailed
our theory that vitamin D is Hope-Simpson's long forgotten "seasonal stimulus."
We proposed that annual fluctuations in vitamin D levels explain the seasonality of
influenza. The periodic seasonal fluctuations in 25-hydroxy-vitamin D levels, which
cause recurrent and predictable wintertime vitamin D deficiency, predispose
human populations to influenza epidemics. We raised the possibility that influenza
is a symptom of vitamin D deficiency in the same way that an unusual form of
pneumonia (pneumocystis carinii) is a symptom of AIDS. That is, we theorized that
George Bernard Shaw was right when he said, "the characteristic microbe of a
disease might be a symptom instead of a cause."

In the paper, we propose that vitamin D explains the following 14 observations:

1. Why the flu predictably occurs in the months following the winter solstice, when
vitamin D levels are at their lowest,

2. Why it disappears in the months following the summer solstice,

3. Why influenza is more common in the tropics during the rainy season,

4. Why the cold and rainy weather associated with El Nino Southern Oscillation
(ENSO), which drives people indoors and lowers vitamin D blood levels, is
associated with influenza,

5. Why the incidence of influenza is inversely correlated with outdoor


6. Why children exposed to sunlight are less likely to get colds,

7. Why cod liver oil (which contains vitamin D) reduces the incidence of viral
respiratory infections,

8. Why Russian scientists found that vitamin D-producing UVB lamps reduced
colds and flu in schoolchildren and factory workers,

9. Why Russian scientists found that volunteers, deliberately infected with a

weakened flu virus - first in the summer and then again in the winter - show
significantly different clinical courses in the different seasons,

10. Why the elderly who live in countries with high vitamin D consumption, like
Norway, are less likely to die in the winter,

11. Why children with vitamin D deficiency and rickets suffer from frequent
respiratory infections,

12. Why an observant physician (Rehman), who gave high doses of vitamin D to
children who were constantly sick from colds and the flu, found the treated
children were suddenly free from infection,

13. Why the elderly are so much more likely to die from heart attacks in the winter
rather than in the summer,

14. Why African Americans, with their low vitamin D blood levels, are more likely
to die from influenza and pneumonia than Whites are.

Although our paper discusses the possibility that physiological doses of vitamin D
(5,000 units a day) may prevent colds and the flu, and that physicians might find
pharmacological doses of vitamin D (2,000 units per kilogram of body weight per
day for three days) useful in treating some of the one million people who die in the
world every year from influenza, we remind readers that it is only a theory. Like
all theories, our theory must withstand attempts to be disproved with
dispassionately conducted and well-controlled scientific experiments.

However, as vitamin D deficiency has repeatedly been associated with many of the
diseases of civilization, we point out that it is not too early for physicians to
aggressively diagnose and adequately treat vitamin D deficiency. We recommend
that enough vitamin D be taken daily to maintain 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels at
levels normally achieved through summertime sun exposure (50 ng/ml). For many
persons, such as African Americans and the elderly, this will require up to 5,000
units daily in the winter and less, or none, in the summer, depending on
summertime sun exposure.

By: J. J. Cannell

Acknowldegement: We wish to thank Professor Norman Noah of the London

School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Professor Robert Scragg of the
University of Auckland and Professor Robert Heaney of Creighton University for
reviewing the manuscript and making many useful suggestions.

-- Dr. John Cannell, Atascadero State Hospital, 10333 El Camino Real, Atascadero,
CA 93422, USA, 805 468-2061, [email protected]
-- Professor Reinhold Vieth, Mount Sinai Hospital, Pathology and Laboratory
Medicine, Department of Medicine, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
-- Dr. John Umhau, Laboratory of Clinical and Translational Studies, National
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
-- Professor Michael Holick, Departments of Medicine and Physiology, Boston
University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA
-- Dr. Bill Grant, SUNARC, San Francisco, CA
-- Dr. Sasha Madronich, Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for
Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA
-- Professor Cedric Garland, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine,
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA
-- Professor Edward Giovannucci, Departments of Nutrition and Epidemiology,
Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA

* What Is Vitamin D?

Cannell JJ, Vieth R, Umhau JC, Holick MF, Grant WB, Madronich S, Garland
CF, and Giovanucci E. Epidemic Influenza and Vitamin D. Epidemiol Infect. 2006
Sep 7;:1-12
Reupload from NZtrillion
(the vaccine song) SAY NO TO THE VACCINE by trillion (feat. pataphysics &

Jane's Blog- Official documents of evidence and

charges can be viewed and downloaded here: Evidence of the Use of Pandemic Flu
to Depopulate USA- Criminal Charges -
Swine Flu Edits v2[1]-

trillion lyrics:

I put the needle to the record cos the needle is defective

and the needle breaks the record when the needle is the method
for prevention of the fever bringin death to the receiver
there's no effort in believing that the method feeds the fever
see the leader - diseases are invented in a lab
one believes it on reading recent mentions of the jab
centered in a grand scab of corruption and lies,
injecting views of doom from news room into the public eye
but now the floor has risen on a cause of autism
doctors show research and scores applaud with 'em
it's mercury in vaccines often there's more given
peace ignored and forbidden cos profit is war driven
profit? A Score billion - on vaccines alone
and the government dont care - theyre always taxing the clones
and the CDC is right behind this rolling cart,
part involved from the start in this evolving art
of Big Pharma Big Deception, Obama - Big Karma:
enter Wyeth, Roche, Bayer and Baxter Healthcare (and co)
all a sordid history with stacks of health scares
you got HIV and bird flu mixed up in the shots
Ive been connecting the dots between the money that swaps?
conspiracy? Yeah I sense a couple of plots.

but there is one little word that could save your health, just say NO, say NO to the
and if the doctor says YES, then make him take it himself - just say NO, say NO to
the vaccine.
there is one little word that could save your health, just say NO, say NO to the
and if Lawman says YES, then make him take it himself - just say NO, say NO to
the vaccine.

(then pat says)

I dont need your prescription
I aint go not affliction
Corporate pharmaceutical
Teaming with politician
Put them on proscription
That should be our own decision
Whether we want spending on vaccines
Or health and education
Soon they enlist
The general populous,
They adding to the list
pharmaceutical benefits
Well its thin line
Glaxo Smith Klien,
profit margin fine
still aint seen a diseased
mad cow, coughing bird, or swine
depopulation linked, with-holding vaccines
rather let a product lapse than save some human beings
now theyre busy counting there beans
So they wont hear us runnin up on the machine
another new flu that is the biggest threat
What about an aging population with no safety net,
so we continue to believe everything we read,
There just aint No taste in the news feed...

(back to trillion)
Weapons of trial and error, were smiling in terror at the doctor and nurse
take a hold of yourself and control of your health and say no, why dont you go

so where was i, conspiracies, secret ops and spy stations

and the catch word of the year - Depopulization
but humans generally are hard to kill, even with a jar of pills,
that's why the politicians have to pass a bill, for compulsory Gardasil
from Malta to Dargaville. and farther still,
another bill protects the maker Merck
from liability for illness and deaths that may occur
cos infertility and cancer are hidden inside the prick
and immune disorders have you bedridden, retired and sick
research is your friend - knowledge keeping is king
every vaccine has a poisoned dollar deep in it's sting
theres no master flu, theyre just after me and you
the last dance is due now their mask is see-through
SARS was a cheats sweep through, swine flu - a scam too,
designed to make a trillion bucks on out of date tamiflu
Manufactured viruses - biological war-fares,
Psychological torture - jail or jab! Dial some more prayers.
our bodies are designed to fight - those bugs intrudin
But only when our diet is right dont shove junk food in!

Target: World Health Organization


We the undersigned, as Freemen & Freewomen, do not recognize the authority of

The World Health Organization (WHO) to mandate general forced vaccinations.
Our bodies are sovereign territory and subject to our exclusive self-determination.
Any attempted violation of this trust must be construed as a breach of said basic
right. We are thus holding our elected Governments accountable in this defense
with an issuance of notice: a preemptive Class Action Lawsuit to be served in the
event our inalienable rights to choose are forsaken.


Here's a quote from the petition:

'There is no pandemic potential unless mass vaccinations are carried out to
weaponize the flu under the guise of protecting the population. There are
reasonable grounds for believing that the mandatory vaccines will be purposely
contaminated with diseases that are specifically designed to cause death.' Natural
News/Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent
to Commit Mass Murder

How to Avoid Vaccination

When you are asked/ordered to received a vaccination say the following:

I am happy to accept the vaccination as long as the Dr and Health Minister will
sign an affidavit stating they will bear liability for any ill health, deterioration of
health or death associated with the vaccination AND that they declare the
vaccination to be perfectly safe and will have absolutely no ill effect on 100% of the
population that accept the vaccination. Unless the respondents sign affidavits
prepared by me for them within 72 hours of me presenting it to them, it shall be
taken as their admission and agreement that:

1. the vaccinations are NOT known to be 100% safe and that one must accept them
under their own liability and risk and that some, possibly many may die, attain ill
health or have chronic disease as a result of the vaccination.

2. there may be another agenda behind forcing vaccinations upon the population
and that certain parties may be aiming for genocide of the people.

3. there are no laws that compel anyone from accepting any vaccination and that
all are taken with the assumed/presumed agreement/acceptance/consent of the

4. there is no law that compels a forced agreement or contract.

5. people at an individual level, reserve the right to accept or reject an offer to be

vaccinated and parents reserve the right to accept or reject the offer to vaccinate
their children.


Draft a copy of an Affidavit addressing each point as outlined above.

Send the above letter along with the affidavit by registered mail to the health
minister and one to the doctor. Keep photocopies of everything including the
registration certificate for yourself.

IF the Health Minister and Doctor refuse to sign affidavits stating they will bear
liability for any ill health, deterioration of health or death associated with the
vaccination AND that they declare the vaccination to be perfectly safe and will
have absolutely no ill effect on 100% of the population that accept the vaccination,
then BY LAW their silence is seen as agreement and thus confirmation of the 5
points that have been outlined.

Sign the Universal Declaration of Resistance to Mandatory


(NaturalNews) Vaccine against the "swine flu" will be ready in July. It

has been developed in half the time it used to take to develop flu
vaccines due to Baxter International's patented technology. This means
about 13 weeks from drawing board to injection instead of the usual
26. Never mind time for testing to see if it is safe. You remember
Baxter, don't you? It is the company that in February delivered
seasonal flu vaccine to 18 countries that was laced with live "bird flu"

With the declaration earlier this month by the World Health

Organization (WHO) that the "swine flu" has reached pandemic Level
6 (they had to change the definition of level 6 to make this
determination work), a whole series of bureaucratic prerogatives have
been triggered, and local, state, national, and international agencies
have been further empowered. In the U.S., all laws and conditions are
now in place to see to it that you are forced to be injected with the new
"swine flu" vaccine, whether you want to be or not. In the U.S., the
government is now able to mandate universal mass vaccinations at

According to the Centers for Disease Control, there will be no

exemptions. "A certain amount of human wastage" is expected.

The new vaccine is made with squalene oil as an adjuvant. According

to Dr. Viera Scheibner, micropaleontologist and world renowned
researcher in the field of vaccine effectiveness and danger, squalene
"contributed to the cascade reactions known as Gulf War Syndrome.
GIs developed arthritis, fibromyalgia, lymphadenopathy,
photosensitive rashes, malar rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic
headaches, abnormal body hair loss, non-healing skin lesions, aphthous
ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes,
neuropsychiatric problems, anti-thyroid effects, anemia, elevated
erythrocyte sedimentation rate, systemic lupus arythmatosus, multiple
sclerosis, deadly Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Raynaud's
Syndrome with paroxysms of lack of blood in fingers and toes,
Sjogren's Syndrome with blurred vision, chronic diarrhea, night
sweats, and low grade fever."

In 2002, a U.S. federal judge ruled that there was good cause to believe
squalene to be harmful. He ordered the Pentagon to stop endorsing its
In 1976, during another flu scare and government insistence on flu
shots, only one person died from the actual flu, while hundreds of
Americans died from the vaccine, according to information chronicled
by Paul Mickle of the Trentonian.

So far, the deaths of 87 people in the U.S. have been attributed to

"swine flu". However, most or all of these deaths are likely the result of
pre-existing conditions or compromised immune systems, according to
journalist Jane Burgermeister in her charges against the WHO, United
Nations, and Baxter International. Yet in the face of this almost non-
existent risk, the WHO has just declared the first full fledged flu
pandemic of the century, urging countries to shore up defenses against
the virus they characterize as "not stoppable". Each year, the usual
seasonal flu kills up to 500,000 people and infects up to five million
people worldwide, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

Is all this hype for the purpose of making Baxter shareholders rich by
turning the population of the U.S. into lab rats? Or is it something
more sinister? Could the vaccine mandated for the U.S. population also
contain live flu virus? Whatever the answers to these questions are,
there is a way to avoid being herded into nearby schools that are
standing by to be turned into shot clinics.

Here is the link to the Universal Declaration of Resistance to

Mandatory Vaccination website:

There you can sign a petition targeted for the World Health
Organization stating you do not recognize the authority of the WHO to
mandate general forced vaccinations. With this petition you are able to
stake a claim to the sovereignty of your body and stand up for
exclusive self-determination. The petition holds elected governments
accountable in this defense by issuing a notice of preemptive Class
Action Lawsuit to be served in the event the inalienable rights of the
people are forsaken. The petition is sponsored by the Vaccine
Resistance Movement.

For more information:

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