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Nicholas-Lewis v.

August 4, 2006


Petitioners are successful applicants for recognition of Philippine citizenship under R.A.
9225 (Citizenship Retention and Reacquisition Act of 2003) which accords to such
applicants the right of suffrage, among others.

Long before the May 2004 national and local elections, petitioners sought registration
and certification as "overseas absentee voter" only to be advised by the Philippine
Embassy in the United States that, per a COMELEC letter to the Department of Foreign
Affairs, they have yet no right to vote in such elections owing to their lack of the oneyear residence requirement prescribed by the Constitution.

The same letter, however, urged the different Philippine posts abroad not to discontinue
their campaign for voters registration, as the residence restriction adverted to would
contextually affect merely certain individuals who would likely be eligible to vote in future


W/N petitioners and other Filipinos who might have meanwhile retained or
reacquired citizenship under RA 9225 may vote as absentee voter under RA 9189



SC: As may be noted, there is no provision in the dual citizenship law - R.A. 9225 requiring "duals" to actually establish residence and physically stay in the Philippines first
before they can exercise their right to vote. On the contrary, R.A. 9225, in implicit
acknowledgment that duals are most likely non-residents, grants under its Section 5(1) the
same right of suffrage as that granted an absentee voter under R.A. 9189. It is emphasized
further that R.A. 9189 aims, in essence, to enfranchise as much as possible all overseas
Filipinos who, save for the residency requirements exacted of an ordinary voter under ordinary
conditions, are qualified to vote.
Considering the unison intent of the Constitution and R.A. 9189 and the expansion of the
scope of that law with the passage of R.A. 9225, the irresistible conclusion is that "duals" may
now exercise the right of suffrage thru the absentee voting scheme and as overseas absentee
Sections 1 and 2 of Article V of the Constitution, respectively reading as follows:

SECTION 1. Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens of the Philippines not otherwise disqualified by law, who are at least eighteen
years of age, and who shall have resided in the Philippines for at least one year and in the place wherein they propose to vote for at least six
months immediately preceding the election. xxx.
SEC 2. The Congress shall provide a system for absentee voting by qualified Filipinos abroad.
In response to its above mandate, Congress enacted R.A. 9189 - the OAVL - identifying in its Section 4 who can vote under it and in the following section who
cannot, as follows:
Section 4. Coverage. All citizens of the Philippines abroad, who are not otherwise disqualified by law, at least eighteen (18) years of
age on the day of elections, may vote for president, vice-president, senators and party-list representatives.
Section 5. Disqualifications. The following shall be disqualified from voting under this Act:

Those who have lost their Filipino citizenship in accordance with Philippine laws;


Those who have expressly renounced their Philippine citizenship and who have pledged allegiance to a foreign country;

Those who have [been] convicted in a final judgment by a court or tribunal of an offense punishable by imprisonment of not
less than one (1) year, including those who have been found guilty of Disloyalty as defined under Article 137 of the Revised Penal Code,
An immigrant or a permanent resident who is recognized as such in the host country, unless he/she executes, upon registration,
an affidavit prepared for the purpose by the Commission declaring that he/she shall resume actual physical permanent residence in the
Philippines not later than three (3) years from approval of his/her registration under this Act. Such affidavit shall also state that he/she has not
applied for citizenship in another country. Failure to return shall be the cause for the removal of the name of the immigrant or permanent
resident from the National Registry of Absentee Voters and his/her permanent disqualification to vote in absentia.

Any citizen of the Philippines abroad previously declared insane or incompetent by competent authority .

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