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job description

of nursing


Job description is written record of principal duties and scope of responsibility for a
particular job, together with the required employee characteristics.
A job description is a written statement of the specific functions which the individual
worker is expected to perform, the requirements for the job and the relationship of the workers
with other personnel in the organization structure.
Title: Principal, College of nursing
Educational qualification and experience

General: Pre-university course/10+2 or equivalent exam

Professional: M.Sc Nursing or equivalent degree.
Ph.D, in or other equivalent doctoral degree.

Registration: Registered with Karnataka Nursing Council/INC.

Experience: Should have teaching experience in college of nursing not less than 5 years.

Standard Norms.
As per Indian Nursing Council.
Job summary
Principal, college of nursing is the administrative head of the college of nursing, will be directly
responsible to the Director of Medical Education/Director of Health and Family welfare services
and responsible for implementation and revision of curriculum for various courses, and research
activities of the college of nursing.
Duties and Responsibilities

1. Planning
2. Develops philosophy and objectives for educational programme.
3. Identifies the present needs related to educational programme.
4. Investigates, evaluates and secures resources.
5. Formulate the plan of action.
6. Selects and organizes learning experience.
1. Determines the number of position and scope and responsibility of each faculty and
2. Analyses the job to be done in terms of needs of education programme.
3. Prepares the job description, indicate the line of authority, responsibility in the
relationship and channels of communication by means of organization chart and other

Considers preparation, ability and interest personality in equating responsibility.
Delegates authority commensurate with responsibility.
Maintain plan of work load among staff members.
Provides an organizational framework for effective staff functioning such as meeting

of the staff etc.

1. Recommends appointments and promotion based on qualification and experience of
the staff, scope of job, and total staff composition.
2. Subscribes and encourages developmental aspects with references to welfare of staff

and students.
Directs activities of staff working under.
Provides adequate orientation of staff members.
Guides and encourages staff members in their job activities.
Consistantly makes administrative decision based on established policies.
Facilitates participation in community, professional and institutional activities by

providing time, opportunity for support for such participation.

8. Creates involvement in designing educationally sound programme.
9. Maintenance of attitude rightly acceptable to staff and learners.
10. Provides for utilization in the development of total programme and encourages their
11. Provides freedom for staff to develop active training course within the framework of

12. Promotes staff participation in research.
13. Procures and maintains physical facilities which are of a standard.

1. Co-ordinates activities related to programmes such as regular meetings, time schedule,

maintaining effective communication etc.
2. Initiates ways of co-operation.
3. Interprets nursing education to other related disciplines and to the public.


1. Provide for continuous follow-up and revision of education programme.

2. Maintains recognition of education programme by accrediting bodies, university etc,
KNC, INC, etc.
3. Maintains a comprehensive system of records.
4. Prepares periodic reports which reviews the progress and problems of the entire
programme and presents plans for its continuous development.
5. Prepares, secures approval of and administrates the budget

Instruction (Teaching)

1. Plans for participating in educational programmes for further staff development.

2. Recognises the need for continuing education for self and staff and provides stimulation
of oppurtunities for such development.
3. Participates as a teacher in the educational programme.


1. Provides for systematic guidance programme for staff members and students.
2. Encourages studies, research and writing for publication.
3. Provides and maintains a programme for recruitment, selection and promotion of

Title: Professor, College of nursing

Educational qualification and experience
1. General: Pre-university course/10+2 or equivalent exam
2. Professional: M.Sc Nursing/M.N or equivalent degree in nursing recognised by INC.
Ph.D, in nursing with any speciality or other equivalent doctoral degree of nursing.
3. Registration: Registered with Karnataka Nursing Counsil/INC.
4. Experience: Should have teaching experience in college of nursing not less than 5 years.
Standard norms
As per Indian nursing council.
Job summary
The professor is overall in change of the department and thereby responsible for
administrative teaching activity and guidance of that particular department.
1. Participating in determination of educational purposes and policies.
2. Contributes to the development and implementation of the philosophy and purposes
of the total educational programme.
3. Utilizes opportunities through group action to initiate improvement of the educational
4. Interprets educational philosophy and policy to others.
5. Directs the activities of staff working in the department.
1. Identifying needs of learners.
2. Identifies the needs of the learners in terms of objectives of the programme by
utilizing records of previous experience, personal interviews, tests and observation.
3. Assists learners in identifying their needs.
4. Develops plan for learning experience.
5. Participates in the formulation and implementation of the philosophy and objectives
of the programme.
6. Selects and organizes learning experiences which are in accordance with these
7. Participates in the continues development and evaluation of the curriculum.
8. Plans within the educational unit, with the nursing services and allied groups.

9. Ascertains, selects and organizes facilities, equipments and materials necessary for
Helping the learners to acquire desirable attitudes, knowledge and skill.
1. Seeks to create a climate conductive to learning.
2. Assists in learners in using problem-solving techniques.
3. Uses varied and appropriate teaching methods effectively.
4. Uses incidental and planned opportunities for teaching.
5. Encourages learners to assume increasing responsibility for own development.
Evaluating learners progress
1. Recognizes individual differences in appraising the learners progress.
2. Uses appropriate devices foe evaluation.
3. Measures and describes quality of performance objectively.
4. Helps learners for self evaluation.
5. Participates in staff evaluation of learner progress.
Recording and reporting
1. Maintains and uses adequate and accurate records.
2. Prepares and channels clear and concise reports.
3. Shares information about learners needs and achievement with others concerned with
instruction and guidance.
4. Participates in the formulation and maintenance of comprehensive record system.
Investigating ways of improving teaching
1. Measures effectiveness of instruction by use of appropriate devices.
2. Increases knowledge and skill in own curriculam area.
3. Analyses and evaluates resource material.
4. Devices teaching methods appropriate to objectives and content.
1. Co-operating in guidance programme.
2. Shares in planning, developing and using guidance programme.
3. Gives guidance within own field of competence.
4. Helps learner with special problems to seek and use additional help as indicated
1. Helps the learner to grow in self-understanding.

2. Promotes continues growth and development towards maturity.

3. Assists in selection and promotion of learners.
4. Participates in development of criteria for selection and promotion of learners.
1. Initiates and participates in studies for the improvement of educational programme.
2. Identifies problems in which research is indicated or potentially desirable.
3. Continuous to develop competance in problem solving process.
4. Co-operates in and /or initiates group activity in development and evaluation of
5. Utilises finding of research.
6. Makes data available concerning learners and concerning methods of teaching and
Title: Assistant Professor, College of Nursing
Educational qualifications and experience
1. General: Pre-university course/10+2 or equivalent exam
2. Professional: M Sc Nursing/M.N or equivalent degree in Nursing recognized by INC. or
Ph.D, in Nursing with any speciality or equivalent doctoral degree in nursing.
3. Registration: Registered with state nursing council/INC
4. Experience: should have teaching experience in the college of Nursing not less than 5
Standard norms:
As per Indian nursing council.
Job summary
The assistant professor usually works under professor and HOD of the particular
department of speciality and assists him/her in administration, teaching and guidance and
counseling and research activities.

1. Participates in determination of educational purposes and policies.

2. Contributes to the development and implementation of the philosophy and purposes
of the total education programme.
3. Utilises opportunities through group action to initiate improvement of the educational
4. Interprets educational philosophy and policy to others.
5. Directs the activities of staff working in the department.
1. Identify needs of the learners.
2. Identifies the needs of the learners in terms of the objectives of the programme by
utilizing records of previous experience, personal interviews, tests and observations.
3. Assists the learners in identifying their needs.
4. Develops plan for learning experience.
5. Participates in the formulation and implementation of the philosophy and objectives
of the programme.
6. Selects and organizes learning experiences which are in accordance with these
7. Participates in the continuing development and evaluation of the curriculum.
8. Plans within the educational unit, with the nursing services and allied groups.
9. Ascertains, selects and organizes facilities, equipment and materials necessary for
Helping the learners to acquire desirable attitudes, knowledge and skill.
1. Seeks to create a climate conductive to learning.
2. Assists learners in using problem-solving techniques.
3. Uses varied and appropriate teaching methods effectively
4. Uses incidental and planned opportunities for teaching.
5. Encourages learners to assume increasing responsibility for own development.
Evaluating learners progress
1. Recognises individual differences in appraising the learners progress.
2. Uses appropriate devices for evaluation.
3. Measures and describes quality of performance objectively.
4. Helps learners for self evaluation.
5. Participate in staff evaluation of learners progress.
Recording and reporting
1. Maintains and uses adequate and accurate records.

2. Prepares and channels clear and concise reports.

3. Shares information about learners needs and achievements with other concerned with
instruction and guidance.
4. Pariticipates in the formulation and maintenance of comprehensive record system.
Investigating ways of improving teaching
1. Measures effectiveness of instruction by use of appropriate devices.
2. Increases knowledge and skill in own curriculam area.
3. Analysis and evaluates resource material.
4. Devices teaching methods appropriate to objectives and content.
1. Co-operating in guidance programme.
2. Shares in planning, developing and using guidance programme.
3. Gives guidance within own field of competence.
4. Helps learner with special problems to seek and use additional help as indicated.
1. Helps the learners to grow in self understanding.
2. Promotes continuous growth and development towards maturity.
Assisting in selection and promotion of learners
Participates in development of criteria for selection and promotion of learners
1. Initiates and participates in studies for the improvement of educational programme.
2. Identifies problems in which research is indicated or potentially desirable.

3. Continuous to develop competance in problem solving process.

4. Co-operates in and /or initiates group activity in development and evaluation of
5. Utilises finding of research.
6. Makes data available concerning learners and concerning methods of teaching and
Title: Lecturer, College of nursing
Educational Qualifications and experience
1. General: Pre-university course/10+2 or equivalent exam
2. Professional: M.Sc Nursing/ M.N or equivalent degree recognised by the Indian Nursing
3. Registration: Registered with Karnataka State Nursing Council.
4. Experience: Should have experience as staff nurse not less than 5 years in government
Standard Norms.
As per Indian Nursing Council.
Job summary
He/ She works under the direction of departmental head and assists him in administration,
instruction and guidance activities.
1. Identifies the needs of the learners in terms of the programme by utilizing the records of
previous experience, personal interviews, tests and observation
2. Assists the learners in identifying their needs.

3. Participation in formulation and implementation of the philosophies and objectives of the

4. Selects and organizes learning experience which is in accordance with these objectives.
5. Participation in evaluation of curriculum.
6. Plans with the educational unit with the nursing and allied groups.
7. Ascertains, selects and organises facilities equipment and materials necessary for
8. Assists the learners in using problem-solving process.
9. Measures and describes quality of performance objectively.
10. Maintains and uses adequate and accurate records.
11. Prepare clear and concise reports.
12. Shares information about learners needs and achievements with others concerned.
13. Measures effectiveness of instruction by use of appropriate device.
14. Increases knowledge and skill in own curriculum area.
15. Devices teaching methods appropriate to objectives and content.
Guidance and counseling
1. Gives guidance within own field of competence.
2. Helps the learner to grow in self understanding.
1. Assist in initiating and participating in studies for the improvement of education
2. Identifies problems in which research is indicated or potentially desirable.

3. Make data available concerning learners and concerning methods of teaching and
4. Continues to develop competence in problem-solving process.
1. Co-operate in and /or initiates group activity in development and evaluation of studies.
2. Utilizes the findings of research.
Title: Assistant Lecturer, College of nursing
Educational Qualifications and experience
1. General: Pre-university course/10+2 or equivalent exam
2. Professional: B.Sc Nursing degree recognised by the Indian Nursing Council.
3. Registration: Registered with Karnataka State Nursing Council.
Standard Norms.
As per Indian Nursing Council.
Job summary
1. Preparation of course outline and lesson plans of subjects assigned and prepare teaching
materials under the guidance of Senior teachers.
2. Plan clinical rotation and clinical teaching
3. Supervision of students in the clinical field/ community health field.
4. Plan teaching/demonstration, setting up of laboratory for the assigned subject.
5. Plan, construct, administer and evaluate tests/exam.
6. Prepare Council/Board exams.
7. Give and evaluate student assignments.
8. Participate in working of various committees.
9. Guidance and counseling of students.
10. Plan and organize the Community health field for both rural and urban areas.
11. Maintenance of classroom, lab, equipment, supplies and teaching aids.
12. Participate actively in professional activities.
Title: Clinical instructor in college of nursing.

Educational qualifications and experience:


General education: Pre-university course/10+2 or equivalent exam

Professional: B.Sc Nursing (post graduate) or M.Sc Nursing or equivalent examination.
Registration: Registration with state nursing council/Indian nursing council.
Experience: should have experience as staff nurse not less than 5 years.
Standard norms
According to Indian Nursing council.
Job summary
She/he is teacher in nursing school, responsible for vice principal/principal of the nursing
school and responsible for planning and implementation of teaching programs and assists
in administration of school of nursing.
Academic function
1. Responsible for planning and implementation of teaching programme.
2. Teaching subjects in the curriculum.
3. Overall supervision of clinical teaching programme of subjects in hospital/
community health setting.
4. Maintain class room equipments, supplies and teaching aids.
5. Conduct test and evaluation of students assignment and performance.
6. Preparing teaching materials and implementing it under the guidance of other
7. Helping the students with extracurricular activites.
Administration and evaluation
1. Assisting in the administration of school of nursing.
2. Supervision of student health, welfare and security.
3. Assisting the selections of students and administration.
4. Assisting in examinations, tests (sessionals and terminals)
5. Supervision of living conditions of students in the hostel.
6. Assist in teaching of other categories of personnel in the hospital and community.
7. Assisting in procurement of school supplies and equipments.
8. Assisting in library work
9. Assisting in maintaining school records.
10. Planning and implementation and evaluation of specific courses.
11. Shall carry out any other duties assigned by the principal or the head of the
department in the interest of education.




It any health care agency, staffing process is one of the most important and
difficult task f a nurse manager. Different types of nursing personnel are involved in the
organization pattern of health care agency
Chief Nursing Officer (CNO)
Job Summary
She is chief of the nursing service in the hospital.
Line of Authority
She is accountable to the Medical Superintendent (Director) of the Hospital.
1. Provides Nursing Services for patients according to policies of Hospital and the nursing
services department.
a. Determines the Philosophy, objectives and policies of the nursing department in accordance
with those of the hospital.
b. Plans for total patient care with the administration, the medical staff, and other department of
the hospital
c. Develops standard nursing care in harmony with accepted philosophy, objectives and policies.
d. Identifies needs and provides resources for nursing services.
e. Determines categories and number of nursing services personnel required to meet the nursing
needs of the patients.
f. Makes recommendations for physical facilities, supplies and the equipments.
g. Prepares and budgetary request for nursing department and administers the approved budget.
h. Develops and implements methods by which the objectives of the nursing department can be
i. Prepares, interprets and maintains a plan of organization for the nursing departments.
j. Defines functions and qualifications for nursing services personnel, prepares written job
descriptions and assigns responsibilities with commensurate authority.

k. Develops and implements a plan for recruitment and appointing and dismissing nursing
service personnel.
l. Determines and implements personnel policies and practices for the nursing department.
m. Arranges for optimum utilization of physical facilities, supplies and equipments
n. Develops a supervisory program for the nursing department.
o. Develops and implements a program of performance evaluation of Nursing Services
p. Plans for and implements a program of in-service education for nursing service personnel.
q. Plans for and shares in the development and maintenance of records for the nursing
r. Develops and implements methods for interpreting the objectives and program of the nursing
department to hospital administration, the nursing staff, the personal of other hospital
departments and the public.
s. Interprets and implements the established policies and standard of nursing department.
t. Promotes effective participation of nursing service personnel in the public relation program of
the hospital.
u. Develops and implements a plan for evaluation and improving the Nursing program.
2. Assists in the promotion of health and prevention of disease with the hospital and other areas
of the community.
a. Identifies areas in which the nursing department may contribute and support health program in
the hospital and in other areas of the community.
b. Develops methods and initiates action by which the nursing department can make the most
effective contribution of health program.
c. Evaluates the contribution made by the nursing department and makes necessary charges.

d. Facilities and/or contributes to the educational program for nursing, other health
3. Facilities and/or contributes to the educational programs for nursing, other health
a. Assesses and interprets the resources of the nursing department in relation to the requirements
of the educational programs.
b. Develops and implements methods by which the nursing department can contribute to specific
educational program.
c. Participates in evaluating the contribution made by the nursing department to specific
educational programs and make necessary adjustments.
4. Initiates and/or participates in studies or research in nursing services and other health services.
a. Identifies areas requiring study or research and defines problems for investigations.
b. Makes arrangements by which studies can be undertaken.
c. Reviews the resources of the nursing department for contributing to research planned by other
health services and arranges for participation selected research project.
She is responsible for the efficient running of the various nursing departments in the
hospital for 24 hours.
She is accountable to chief nursing officer (CNO), if there is no CNO she is responsible
to medical superintendent (Director).
She is accountable for the safe and efficient running of the various nursing department in the
hospital. She is assisted in carrying out her duties, by the deputy nursing superintendent/ assistant
nursing superintendent, ward supervisors and clerical, linen room and domestic staff.

1. Planning and organizing nursing services.

a. Participates and prepares in formulation of the Philosophy, objectives for the nursing
department in accordance with those of the hospital.
b. Responsible for delegation of duties to nursing personnel working under her at various levels.
c. Responsible for allotment and rotation of the nursing staff to the various wards and units in
planned manner depending on the suitability and qualification as well as the need of the hospital.
d. Assists the authorities during emergencies in setting up special nursing squads words or any
other machinery as required.
e. Plans and organizes to setup a new ward or department in a hospital.
2. Nursing Services Administration
a. Responsible for adequate and qualitative nursing care of the patients receiving treatment in the
indoor or the out-door.
b. Interview and recruits nursing staff and other staff whose duties are related to nursing.
c. Prepares annual statistics and projects manpower needed for patient care.
d. Attending the correspondence related to nursing service from outside agencies and individuals.
e. Investigates complaints, prepares reports and takes disciplinary action or recommends the
f. Conducts supervisory rounds of wards and departments everyday and ensures that all serious
patients are looked after by the supervisory staff.
g. Prepares proposals for special equipments required for nursing services, giving specification
and participates in purchase committee meeting as a member.
h. Prepares budget for the nursing service department.
i. Holding departmental meetings allowing free exchange of ideas and reviewing ward staffing.
j. Sanctions or recommends leave to nursing personnel. k. Maintains individual cumulative
records of all nursing staff.

l. Writing reports- confidential reports of nursing staff, annual report of the nursing department
depleting achievements, future plans of expansion-any other report that may be required to be
m. Analyses daily reports/census on hospital situation, e.g. admission, discharge etc. in order to
replace nursing manpower or submit reports to higher authority.
n. Takes active interest in staff development programme.
o. Provides guidance and counseling to the subordinate staff.
p. Serve on several hospital committees, such as purchase committee, hospital infection control
committee, hospital management committee etc.
3. Various responsibilities are:
a. Responsible that linen, bedding and clothing of all patients are clean and in good repair.
b. Countersigns all indents made by the ward sister and satisfy herself that the indents are
properly complied and that the articles asked for are necessary in accordance with the ward
c. Inspects all unserviceable articles of the wards and satisfy herself that such articles are beyond
repair before they are brought for the final condemnation.
d. Makes surprise round of the hospital once weekly.
e Ensures that all ward attendants (Male & Female), barbers and other serving under her are
acquainted with all standing order which affects them or their duties.
f. Participates in meetings, workshops, seminars of local and state level.
g. Carry out researches or cooperates/encourages others to conduct researches, pilot projects in
patient care area.
h. Provides all help and guidance so that the training institute program can operate smoothly.
i. Encourages and helps nurses to write papers on case- studies, nursing procedures etc.
j. Any other duties assigned by the seniors from time to time.


o Responsible for the efficient running of the various nursing departments in the hospital for 24


o Responsible to the nursing superintendent and assist her/him in the nursing services,
administration of the hospital. She/he is independently in-charge of nursing service department.

Nursing superintendent-II is directly responsible to the nursing officer.

Taking attendance of the staff at the proper time and making duty posting required.

She should see that all the nursing staff and the student nurse and auxiliary staff should be in
specific uniform at the time of duty.

Plans staffing pattern and the other necessary requirements of her/his department.

Complies and submits nursing statistics to the concerned authorities

Maintenance of record of nursing service section.

Making daily instruction rounds for giving guidance and directions to the staff in the wards.

Report of instructions given should be recorded in the ward.

During ward rounds he or she should specifically supervised the following:

Ensure the quality of nursing care received by the patients and doctors instructions are promptly
carried out.

Quality and quantity of food served and there is no scarcity of dietary articles.

Ensure the staff and students are prompt in their duties and courteous to the patients and their

Ensure the equipments are in good working orders and see that sufficient supplies are available
for emergency use.

Veranda and the ward are not crowded with the relatives.

Cleanliness of patient unit, ward, verandas, side rooms, stairways, bathrooms, laboratories and
premises should be maintained.

Ensure medicines are administered as per the instructions of the medical officers.

Ensure patients records and ward reports are maintained properly

He or she is acts as liaison officer between the NS-II and the staff.

In the absence of NS-I, She will be a liaison officer between the administrator and the nursing
service department.
Making arrangement for physical verification of article, supplied to various sections and wards
twice in a year.
Making arrangements for condemnation of unserviceable articles.
Preparing reports to be sent to the superintendent.
Making arrangement for meeting of staff and student, examinations etc.,
She will be a member of hospital development committee in the absence of nursing
superintendent-II and nursing officer.
Ensure the welfare of the subordinates.
In the absence of nursing superintendent-I she has to look after all the responsibilities of nursing
Educational function:
Arranges classes and clinical teaching of nursing students in the department, related to the
specially experience.
Implements the ward teaching program and clinical experience of the studies with the help of
doctors and nurses.
Does counseling and guidance of staff and studies
Arrange and conducts staff development program of her/her department. Assists in planning for
and participation in the training of auxiliary personnel
Job summary

Nursing sister is accountable for nursing care, management of a ward or a unit assigned
to her/him. She takes full charge of the ward, assigns work for various categories of nursing and
non nursing personnel with her/him. She is responsible for the safety and comfort of the patients
in the ward.
Line of AuthorityShe is responsible to the Nursing Superintendent/Deputy Nursing Superintendent/Assistant
Nursing Superintendent.
1. She is responsible to ensure proper admission, transfer and discharge of the patient.
2. She has to plan Nursing care and make patients assignment as per their nursing needs.
3. Has to assist in the direct care of the patients as and when required.
4. Has to see that the total health care need of the patients is met.
5. Has to ensure safety, comfort and good personnel hygiene of the patients.
6. Has to ensure that helpless patients are regularly fed as per directions.
7. Has to see that proper observation records of the patients are made and necessary
information imparted to the concerned authorities.
8. Has to see that correct medications are prepared and administered to the patients.
9. Has to take nursing rounds with staff and students.
10. Has to make round with doctors.
11. Has to coordinate and implement instructions given by doctors and other member of the team
concerning patient care and treatment.
12. Has to participate, coordinate and assist in overall adjustment of the patient and his/her
relatives in the hospital and its routine.
13. Ensure safe and clean environment in the ward.
14. Assigns work for the work nurses and non-nursing personnel.

15. Indents ward store and keep necessary records.

16. Makes assessment of ward requirements.
17. Charges of linen and equipment in wards: Each ward will be in the sole charge of a ward
sister who shall also have charge of all linen and equipment and maintain stock ledger which will
be checked quarterly by the Matron. They shall also have charge of patient's private clothing and
their disposal.
18. Training of Ward Boys and Ayas: The ward sisters shall be responsible for training Ward
Attendants (Male or Female) in the efficient discharge of their duties. Complaints of inefficiency
of the Ward Attendants (Male and Female) should be address to the Matron.
19. Loss of weight: Whenever a patient is loosing weight it is the duty of Ward Sister to inform
the Matron in writing. This has to be reported every month till the patient regains normal weight.
20. Has to do regular inventory checking of the ward.
21. Has to make list of condemnation of articles and submit it to all concerned.
22. Has to establish or re-enforce Ward Standards prescribed in the procedures and manual of
the Ward and the hospital policies that are in force.
23. Has to maintain working relationship and discipline among the ward workers, e.g. staff
nurses, students and domestic staff.
24. Has to deal appropriately with any adverse situation that occurs in the ward and inform the
concerned authorities.
25. Has to report about any medico-legal case in the ward.
26. Organize orientation programs for new staff.
27. Organize formal and informal ward teaching, conduct bedside clinics and demonstrations.
28. Conduct ward meeting.
29. To impart incidental teaching to patients, relatives, staff nurses, students and the domestic

30. Guide in formulation and implementation of nursing care plans.

31. Assists student nurses to develop nursing care studies.
32. Participate in medical nursing research.
33. Encourage staff development program, in-service/continuing education in her/his ward.
34. Ensure the health and welfare of staff working under him/her.
35. Update her/his knowledge by undergoing staff development education programme.
36. She will look after the general cleanliness sanitation in the wards. She will see that all
patients are receiving proper treatment and care. She will also supervise the welfare of the
patients and keep watch on suicidal and absconding


Job summary:
Senior staff nurse is a first level nursing supervisor who is accountable for nursing care
management of a ward or a unit assigned to her/him. She/ he is responsible to the nursing
superintendent Gr II for ward/ unit management. She/he takes full charge of the ward and assigns
work for various categories of nursing and non-nursing personnel working with her/him. She is
responsible for safety and comforts of the patients in her/his ward.
Direct patient care:

Ensure proper admission, discharge of patients.

Plans nursing care and makes patient assignments as per their nursing needs.

Assists in the direct care/provides direct care to patients as and when required.

She/he sees that total health needs of his/her patients are met.

Ensure safety, comfort and good personal hygiene of her/his patient.

Assists in planning and administration of the therapeutic diet to his/her patient.

Ensures that proper observation records of the patients are made and necessary information
imparted to the concerned authorities

Ensures the helpless patients regularly fed as per direction.

Takes nursing rounds with staff and students

Makes rounds with doctors, assisting them in diagnosis and treatment of patients.

Implements doctors instructions concerning patient treatment

Assists patient and his/her relatives to adjust in the hospital and its routine

Co-ordinates patient care with other departments

Supervision and Administration:

Ensures safe and clean environment for the ward/unit/special department.

Makes duty and work assignments.

Indenting and procurement of ward supplies and equipments and keeps records

Does regular inventory checking of her/his ward/unit.

Makes list for condemnation of articles and submits it to all the concerned

Assists in making ward requirements

Establishes and reinforces standards prescribed in the procedures and manuals of hospital and
policies that are in force.

Acts as liaison officer between ward staff and hospital administration

Maintains good public relations in her/his ward/unit

Ensures that ward statistics are regularly submitted.

Maintains discipline among the personnel working in the particular ward/unit, e.g. staff nurses,
students and domestic staff.

Deals appropriately with any adverse situation that occurs in the ward/unit and report to the
concerned authorities

Reports about any medico legal cases in the ward/units

Writes and submits confidential reports of the staff

Ensures that students get desired learning experience in the ward/unit

Educational function:

Organizes orientation program for new staff.

Organizes formal and informal ward teaching, conducts bedside clinics and demonstration etc.

Conducts ward conferences/meeting

Gives incidental teaching to patient, relatives, staff nurses, students and the domestic staff.

Guides in formulation of nursing care studies and nursing care plans etc.

Evaluates the students performances and submit reports to the school authorities

Helps in medical and nursing research

Encourages staff development program in her/his ward/unit.

Job Summary A staff nurse is a first level professional nurse who provides direct patient care to
the patients assigned to him/her in different shifts morning, evening and night. She assists in
Ward Management and supervision and is directly responsible to the nursing sister.
1. Is responsible to admit, discharge and transfer the patients.
2. Has to maintain personal hygiene and comfort of the patients.
3. Has to provide psychological support to the patients.
4. Has to see to the nutritional needs of the patients and should feed.
5. Is responsible to maintain clean and safe environment for the patients.
6. Has to perform technical tasks e.g. preparation and administration of medications, assisting
various medical procedures the patients undergoes, recording vital signs, tube feeding, giving
enema, bowel wash, dressing stomach was, ECT eye and ear care, collection and sending of
specimens etc.
7. Has to maintain nurses notes and intake and output chart.
8. Has to observe physical and mental change in patients condition and record and take
necessary attention and has to report to the concerned authority.
9. Should take initiative to hold ward meeting with patients and attendants.

10. Attitude towards patients: Nurses are expected to show extreme forbearance and tack in their
dealings with every patient. They should be gentle, cheerful, patience ad humane in speech and
action and should themselves set examples of industry, order cleanliness and obedience.
11. ill- Treatment of patients: Anything in the shape of a blow, no matter how slight or illtreatment in any form whatever, given to a patient by a nurse shall render her liable to instant
suspension by order of Medical Superintendent (Director).
12. Special Reports : Immediate and special reports must be made to the Deputy
Director/Director and Matron in all cases of accident, violence (struggles), bodily illness,
extraordinary mental symptoms, eruption of the skin, succession of fits, unusually threatening
language (suicidal or homicidal), sudden depression of spirits, attempt to abscond, loss of keys,
knives etc.
13. Suicidal case: on no account not even for a shortest period, shall a nursing sister permit any
patient of suicidal tendencies to be alone, no matter upon what excuse or how plausibly the
desire of privacy may be urgent.
14. Search of patients: When it is necessary to search a patient, it should be done thoroughly, but
in such a manner as to avoid irritation, to him/her and to give as little annoyance as possible. All
rubbish and anything that might be converted into dangerous weapons should be taken away.
15. Locking up of brooms etc.: Brooms, mops, squeezes should be kept locked when not in use.
16. Medicines must never be entrusted to the care of a patient. They must be kept under lock and
key. They must not be placed in the same cupboard as disinfectants. .
17. Handling of violent patients: When dealing with violent patients, the knees should not be
placed on any part of the body. As soon as possible the boots must be removed from a violent
patient. Otherwise he may cause serious injury to the attendant or other persons.
18. Restraint of privation of patients: No patient must ever be subjected to restraint or privation
(such a food, tobacco etc.) without the express orders of Residents/Senior Residents
19. Every sister will carry out any instructions given to her by the Residents/Sr. Residents in the
matter of medical or surgical treatment and she will on no account entrust the administration of

medicines to Ward Attendants (Male and Female). She shall be responsible that the correct doses
as ordered by the resident are administered at the correct time.
20. Duties of Ward Attendants : The sister on duty will be personally responsible that the Ward
Attendant (Male & Female) on duty understand properly the order given to them and that they
discharge their duties in accordance with the orders they have received. She shall inform them
regarding the precautions to be taken with patients placed on the Suicidal and absconders
21. Misconduct: The sister on duty shall report in her report book any misconduct on the part of
any of the Ward Attendant (male or female). She shall also inform the Matron and the Jamadar
on duty on such an occurrence.
22. Handling of noisy patients: The sister on duty at night shall be responsible for the quiet and
repose of the patient. If a patient is excited and restless the Residents on duty shall immediately
be informed.
23. Inspection of Meals: The sister on duty shall visit the dining halls during meal time and notes
any complaints from the patients about food or drink. Such complaints shall be transmitted to the
Matron. The sister n duty shall see that the patients are cleanly and decently served with their
food, she shall observe the quality of food and the manner in which it has been prepared
24. Religious services: The sister on duty shall see that the patients are paraded in good time for
their religious services.
25. Noting of patients saying and doing: Sisters are reminded that they are to take constant note
of the sayings and doings of the patients. This is maost important, especially in the cases of
patients who are recovering, or whose recovery is reasonably expected to take place. Refusal to
take food and medicine are always important but they are not always as important as the reasons
given by the patient for indulging in such refusals. Great changes, for the better as well as for the
works are often indicated by the casual remarks which a patient may let drop.
26. Management of difficult patient: In the event of a patient proving very difficult to manage,
the sister shall summon the resident for help and advice.

27. Defect in patients feed: Any defect in the quality of the diet of patients must be brought to the
notice of the Matron, who is turn, notify the Administrative Officer.
28. She has to maintain ward equipment and supply and also prepare and check ward
29. Assist nursing sister in ward management and officiate in her absence.
30. Participate in clinical teaching, both planned and incidental.
31. Help in the orientation of new staff.
32. Has to teach patient and guardian regarding the intake of medicines, its side effect.
33. She will assist the nursing sisters in administering treatment. She will assist resident doctor in
giving ECT to patients and collect all pathological specimens. She will also see that the
attendants are attending to patients properly as per the advice of resident doctor and medical
Distinguishing Features of the Class:
This is a professional position involving responsibility for the enforcement and implementation
of various Federal, State, and City laws, ordinances and regulations pertaining to a wide variety
in the field of health, safety, and welfare of the general population. Incumbent must utilize
initiative and good professional judgment under general direction. Employees in this class must
promote public health, strictly enforce compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and
at the same time maintain good public relations
2. Communication: - This involves ability to maintain good working relationship with members
of the health team, related agencies and the community. She is a link between the patient, the
family and the doctor. She participates in the staff and community meetings.

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