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Energy Transition

The German Energiewende

By Craig Morris, Martin Pehnt

An initiative of the Heinrich Bll Foundation

Released on 28 November 2012
Revised July 2015


Craig Morris
Martin Pehnt
Dorothee Landgrebe
Rebecca Bertram
Lucid. Berlin
Released on 28 November 2012
Revised July 2015
Heinrich Bll Stiftung
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working all on energy and climate issues

About us
The Heinrich Bll Foundation is a catalyst for green visions and projects, a think tank for
policy reform, and an international network. The primary objectives guiding our work are
establishing democracy and human rights, fighting against environmental degradation, safeguarding everyones rights of social participation, supporting non-violent conflict resolution
and defending the rights of individuals. We work with 160 project partners in over 60 countries and currently maintain offices in 29 countries.

Craig Morris Born in the United States, Craig has been living in Germany since 1992 and
working in the renewables sector since 2001. In 2002, he founded Petite Plante, a translation and documentation agency focusing on renewables. He is the author of two books in
German and English, has served as editor of several energy magazines, and is contributing
editor at Renewables International. In 2013 and 2014, he served as technical editor of
IRENAs REmap 2030, and in 2014, he won the IAEEs award for journalism in energy economics.
Martin Pehnt A trained physicist, Martin is scientific and managing director of the Institute
for Energy and Environmental Research (ifeu), where he also heads the Energy Department.
He previously worked at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (USA) and the German
Aerospace Center (DLR). He now serves as an advisor for many national and international
organizations, including German federal ministries, the Environmental Protection Agency,
environmental NGOs, utilities, the World Bank, IRENA and the GIZ. Pehnt teaches at various

Rebecca Bertram is the Director of the Energy and Environment Programat the Heinrich
Bll FoundationsWashington office.Her work focuses on building a global and transatlantic
dialogue on German and European energy and climate policy. Rebecca holds a Masters
degree in International Affairs and Economics from the Johns Hopkins Universitys School of
Advanced International Studies (SAIS).
Dorothee Landgrebe is the Head of Department for Environmental Policy and Sustainability
at the headquarters of the Heinrich Bll Foundation. Her main focus is domestic and European
energy, nuclear and climate protection policies along with the ecological conversion of the
economy (Greening the Economy). She is a lawyer by training. Dorothee is currently on sick
leave, Stefanie Groll is temporarily filling her position
Kathrin Glastra is the Liaison for Energy Transition in Western Europe and Deputy Director
of the Climate and Energy Program at the Heinrich Bll Foundations EU office in Brussels.
She coordinates the Foundations network EnergyTransition@EU, a joint project between the
offices in Berlin, Brussels, Prague and Warsaw. This network aims at discussing challenges
and opportunities of energy transitions in Europe; strengthening a mutual, solution-oriented
dialogue among the EU Member States and promoting visions for a European Energy Transition. Kathrin holds an MA in Political Science, Law and Spanish and an MA in Advanced
European Studies from the College of Europe (Bruges).



Alexander Franke is a project assistant for the German Energy Transition project. He holds
a B.A. in Political Science and Public Law from the University of Heidelberg and currently
pursues an MA in Political Science with a concentration on renewable energy and public
policy at the Free University Berlin.

Media Development
Lucid. Berlin
As a media solutions laboratory, Lucid develops tools and designs which enable foundations,
NGOs and institutions to inform, foster dialog and involve people.
is the second international web project afterdiscover boellthat lucid has designed and produced for the Heinrich Bll Foundation.

About the project

Germany has drawn a lot of international attention for its aim to switch to a renewable energy economy and leave nuclear and fossil energy behind. A lot of the international reporting
about the German Energy Transition, or Energiewende, has, however, been misleadingfor
instance, when it comes to the role of coal power, energy price trends, competitiveness and
carbon emissions.
This website aims to explain what the Energiewende is, how it works, and what challenges
lay ahead. It is intended to provide facts and explain the politics and policies to an international audience. The website highlights the effects of the Energiewende on the German
economy, environment and society and addresses the most important related questions.
All the texts and graphs are under Creative Commons License (CC BY SA) with the aim to
make this information available to the public. We encourage you to use the materials in your
work. In return, we would appreciate it if you would let us know what you have used.
We welcome your feedback and encourage you to comment and discuss the German
Energiewende with us.
On our Energiewende Blog, a team of international energy experts write on how the German
energy transition continues and how it relates to other countries.



1 Why the Energiewende..........................................1
A Fighting climate change ......................................... 2
B Reducing energy imports........................................4
C Stimulating technology innovation
and the green economy...........................................5
D Reducing and eliminating the risks
of nuclear power......................................................6
E Energy security........................................................8
F Strengthening local economies
and providing social justice....................................8
2 Technology as a key issue....................................10
A Efficiency................................................................ 11
B Less electricity from coal......................................14
C Wind power............................................................16
D Biomass..................................................................18
E Photovoltaics (PV)................................................. 21
F Other renewables.................................................. 22
G Grid and power storage.........................................24
H Flexible power production (no more baseload)... 27
I Energy by the people for the people.....................29
3 Policies for clean energy......................................33
A Nuclear phase-out.................................................34
B Renewable Energy Act with feed-in tariffs...........35
C Emissions trading..................................................39
D Environmental taxation.........................................41
E Cogeneration Act...................................................42
F Renewable Energy Heating Act
and Market Incentive Program (MAP)..................43
G Act on Accelerating Grid Expansion.................... 44
H Energy-Conservation Ordinance (EnEV)
and financial support schemes.............................45
I Ecodesign/ErP Directive....................................... 48
J International Climate Initiative........................... 49
K Amendments to the Renewable Energy Sources
Act (EEG) in 2014................................................. 50
L Coordination with the European Union................53



4 History of the Energiewende................................55

A Origin of the term Energiewende......................58
B Wyhl the nuclear plant that never was..............58
C The oil crisis..........................................................59
D Chernobyl change comes slowly....................... 60
E Full-cost compensation for photovoltaics............61
F EU court says feed-in tariffs are not state aid...62
G Renewable Energy Act (EEG)................................62
5 European perspectives........................................63
A Energy Transition Think european.................... 64
B Polands Energiewende. No, not a Polish joke.
A European transition...........................................65
C The frontrunner
Denmark is putting its money on wind................ 66
D Ready for take-off:
the French energy transition in the making........ 68
E Energy in the Czech Republic:
small steps in renewables,
but still no progress towards the future.............. 69
F Energy Transition in Spain
which way forward? ............................................. 71
G Austria and its energy transition:
A frontrunner falls behind.....................................73
H Dazed and confused? The UKs energy policy
needs a sense of direction....................................74
6 International perspectives...................................76
A Renewables in South Africa:
The need for a developmental case...................... 77
B Theres more renewables in the Philippines........78
C Jordan seeks a solar-torch from Germany.........79
D Transatlantic Take-Away:
What Germanys Energy Transition means
for the United States............................................ 80
E The Energiewende a blueprint for the
energy transition in Japan?...................................81
F Indias Opportunity to Leapfrog into
the Renewable Age................................................83
G Chinas Sustainable Energy Development............85

7 Questions & Answers...........................................87
A Is the energy transition affordable?..................... 88
B How will Germany ensure that the poor
can still afford energy?......................................... 89
C When will renewables pay for themselves?........ 90
D Is the energy payback from wind and
solar ever positive?...............................................91
E Why are low-carbon goals
not enough in themselves?...................................91
F Will Germany import more power
from abroad after the nuclear phase-out?............92
G Did Germany not overreact to Fukushima?..........92
H Are renewables not a relatively expensive way
to lower carbon emissions?..................................93
I Will the nuclear phase-out not increase
Germanys carbon emissions?...............................93
J Would nuclear power not be an inexpensive
way to reduce carbon emissions?........................ 94
K Will the lights go out?............................................95
L Will the Energiewende kill jobs?...........................95
M Do Germans support the Energiewende?............ 96
N How can Germany be both a green leader
and remain an industrial powerhouse?................97
O How are energy-intensive companies exempted
from the surcharge for renewable power?...........97
P What role will shale gas play in the
German Energiewende?........................................97
Q Why did carbon emissions increase in 2013
and fall again in 2014? ........................................ 98
R Is Germany undergoing a coal renaissance?....... 99
S How much electricity storage
will Germany need?............................................ 100
T How could the cost of Germanys
Energiewende be decreased?............................ 100
8 Key Findings.....................................................102
9 Glossary............................................................106



Why the Energiewende

There are reasons to switch to renewable energy and to increase energy conservation,
and there are reasons to do so now.

A Fighting climate change

B Reducing energy imports
CStimulating technology innovation and the green economy
DReducing and eliminating the risks of nuclear power
E Energy security
FStrengthening local economies and providing social justice




1 Why the Energiewende

A Fighting climate change

The burning of coal, oil, and gas is causing our climate to overheat. Our current energy supply is not
sustainable. One major aim of the Energiewende is to decarbonize energy supplied by switching to
renewable sources and reducing demand by means of greater efficiency.
Based on a large body of research conducted by scientists from around the world, the International
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which does not conduct its own research but rather reports on
the general international scientific consensus, has repeatedly warned that the rampant effects of
climate change could be disastrous.
In 2011, a survey found that 66 percent of Germans believe that climate change is a very serious
problem, far more than the mere 27 percent who felt that the economic crisis was the biggest problem
perhaps because Germanys economy has proved so resilient over the past few years partly thanks
to green technology. Not surprisingly, the survey determined that 79 percent of Germans believe that
energy efficiency and combating climate change are good for economic growth and can create jobs. A
survey in 2013 found that only 7 percent of Germans are climate skeptics.
The German business world agrees. In 2009, another survey taken among 378 leading businesspeople, researchers, and politicians in Germany just before the Climate Summit in Copenhagen,
Denmark, found that more than four fifths of those surveyed believed that the pioneering role that
Germany has played in reducing greenhouse gas emissions would lead to technological leadership.
Even skeptical onlookers are coming around: in 2014, only a third of those surveyed by the World
Energy Council said that the Energiewende would have long-term economic benefits, compared to
54 percent in 2015.
What is more, Germans feel a responsibility to act. They understand that they are one of the countries that have contributed the most to carbon emissions over the past 150 years, and their current
position as a leading industrialized nation brings with it a responsibility towards countries that
not only still have a lot of development ahead of them, but will also be more severely impacted by
climate change. Germans assume this responsibility mainly in two ways:
1. a commitment to international climate funding; and
2. the energy transition.
The carbon budget
Climate experts say that a certain amount of global warming is unavoidable at this point because
the climate reacts with such inertia, and the warming would continue for a few decades even if

Germany is getting more value from less energy

Energy consumption is shrinking though power generation is up thanks to efficiency

Source: BMWI

Change in %


Energy efficiency


Gross power

Primary energy
1990 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14





1 Why the Energiewende

carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere were to stabilize at the current levels which are
drastically higher than anything in recent history. Around the beginning of the Industrial Revolution
in the 19th century, the atmosphere had 280 parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide, but we are
now exceeding 400 ppm.
In order to keep the planet from heating up more than two degrees Celsius, which would prevent the
most disastrous changes, we need to keep that figure from rising above 450 ppm. Many scientists
believe that returning to 350 ppm is a good long-term goal, but that would require a net subtraction
of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere at present, we continue to add CO2 to it.
Relative to 1990, Germany reduced its carbon emissions by 27 percent at the end of 2014, thereby
overshooting its target for the Kyoto Protocol of 21 percent for the end of 2012 in the process. But
Germany aims to go further, with targets of a 40 percent reduction by 2020 and an 80 to 95 percent
reduction by 2050.
While these targets may seem ambitious, the industrialized world needs to move faster in light of the
consequences we face. If we are to stay within the carbon budget of 450 parts per million, then no
more than 1,230 billion tons of greenhouse gases can be added to the atmosphere. In 2004, around
50 billion tons of such heat-trapping gases were emitted; at that rate, we would use up this budget in
only 25 years, meaning we would ideally need zero emissions globally starting in 2030.
Furthermore, if we admit that developing countries have a right to increase their emissions slightly
as they develop, then the burden of lowering emissions falls even more upon already industrialized
countries. In other words, Germany needs to reduce its emissions by 95 percent, not 80 percent. Note
that a reduction in emissions will not necessarily lead to less economic growth; from 1990 to 2014,
EU member states reduced their carbon emissions by 19 percent even though they posted 45 percent
economic growth.In 2014, Germanys economy grew by 1.6 percent, while greenhouse gas emissions
and fossil fuel consumption fell by almost 5 percent respectively.
Renewables and efficiency are the solution
In 2010, the WWF asked Germanys Institute of Applied Ecology and corporate consulting firm
Prognos to study what would need to be done to reach that 95 percent reduction without reducing
our standard of living. The short answer is that we can first become considerably more efficient
in order to reduce energy demand, including for heat; then, we switch our power supply over to
renewables. The only major problem that remains is the transportation sector, where a wide range of
solutions will be needed. Nonetheless, the study found that emissions from transport can be reduced
by 83 percent below the current level by 2050.

Renewables are becoming competitive

Forecast of power generation cost in Germany up to 2030

Source: Fraunhofer ISE


Power generation costs in / kWh

Energy sources
Wind, offshore
small roofs
German power mix
(fossil and nuclear)
other types + sizes
large ground
Wind, onshore
















1 Why the Energiewende

Renewable energy offsets expenses for fossil fuel imports

Benefits of renewables in energy use, Germany
Source: AEE



23.0 bn



16.0 bn

3.9 bn

11.0 bn

4.9 bn


1.2 bn




Many efficient technologies are already available, such as LED lights instead of conventional light
bulbs. When it comes to air conditioning and heating, passive houses can provide pleasant levels of
comfort at very low levels of energy consumption.
Renewables can increasingly cover a larger share of the energy we still have to consume. In Germany,
renewables offset an estimated 146 million tons of CO2-equivalent emissions in 2013, 105 million
tons of which was in the power sector alone. Biomass is also generally carbon-neutral, meaning that
the amount of carbon emitted is roughly equal to the amount that the plants bound during growth.
Biomass in the German heat and transport sectors reduced CO2 emissions by roughly 50 million
tons in 2013.

B Reducing energy imports

Germany imports two thirds of its energy. Renewables and energy efficiency help reduce imports
significantly, thereby increasing Germanys energy security.
In 2013, Germany spent around 90 billion euros on energy imports, equivalent to eleven percent of
its expenses for imports. Germany imports two thirds of its energy, including uranium. The German
Environmental Ministry estimates that renewable energy offset 6.7 billion euros in energy imports
in 2010 alone. Most of that renewable energy was electricity and heat, however, with domestic
renewable motor fuel production making up only around five percent of the pie.
Energy efficiency can also significantly help reduce energy imports. A study conducted by the
IFEU Institute of Heidelberg, in cooperation with the Institute of Economic Structures Research,
found that a scenario with more efficient energy consumption would reduce energy imports by four
billion euros in 2030 compared to a scenario without these efficiency gainsand that figure would
continue to rise. In this respect, the energy transition also increases energy security.
The recent conflict with Russia and Ukraine has also highlighted the importance of energy security.
In 2014, a study conducted by the Fraunhofer IWES found that the growth of renewables could
offset the equivalent of Germanys current gas consumption from Russia by 2030.



1 Why the Energiewende

Renewables do not hurt Germanys economy

Gross Domestic Product and share of renewables in power generation from 19912014, Germany
Source: BMWI, AG Energiebilanzen, Destatis




since 1991s



GDP per capita
(1991 = 100)


Share of
renewables in
electricity mix

1991 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 2014



C Stimulating technology innovation and the green economy

The energy transition boosts green innovations, creates jobs, and helps Germany position itself
as an exporter of green technologies.
Germany is an export-based economy and is positioning itself as an innovator in green technologies. The
German Solar Energy Association (BSW) estimates that exports made up 65 percent of German PV
production in 2013, up from 55 percent in 2011 and14 percent in 2004 and the target is 80 percent
for 2020. The German Wind Energy Association (BWE) puts the wind industrys current export ratio
at 65 to 70 percent.
The market for products that increase energy efficiency is already significant, which is especially
important, because this market will only continue to grow, similar to the market for renewables.
Germany is a major player on both of these markets. In 2004, Germany made up 17 percent of the
global efficiency market an even larger share than the US, Japan and Italy had.

Renewables create more jobs than conventional energy does

Employment in Germany in renewable and conventional energy sectors, 20052011
Source: BMU, BMWI




Jobs in renewables




Jobs in coal mining

and conventional




These figures represent gross job

creation, meaning the absolute
number of jobs that have been
added. A thorough study of the
German market estimates a net
job creation of around 80,000,
rising to 100,000 150,000 in
the period from 2020 to 2030. The
net count means that jobs lost in
other sectors (such as conventional
energy) are subtracted from the
total. One reason why renewables
have such a positive impact on
net job creation is that renewable
power directly offsets power from
nuclear plants, and very few
people work in those sectors.


1 Why the Energiewende

Recognizing the danger of nuclear power

30/80 km radius around nuclear reactors in Germany and nearby reactors of neighbouring countries

30 km evacuation radius
around Fukushima






80 km evacuation radius
recommended by US for Fukushima





A study conducted by corporate consulting firm Roland Berger found that the market for energy efficiency products will continue to grow rapidly, doubling in volume from 2005 (450 billion euros) to 2020.
Not surprisingly, a lot is being invested in development in this sector, where Germany makes up the
second largest share of the pie at 20 percent, behind the US at 24 percent.
In particular, midsize firms are benefiting from the growing demand for energy efficiency products
and applications, with more than half of the sales revenue from environmental protection goods
(of which energy efficiency is a subcategory) being posted by firms with fewer than 250 employees.
A strong position in local and global green technology markets creates jobs. In Germany, roughly
370,000 people already worked in the renewables sector in 2014, and the German Renewable Energy
Federation (BEE) estimates that this number could rise to 500,000 by 2020.
Nonetheless, the number of green jobs in Germany fell slightly in 2012 and 2013 from 380,000
due mainly to layoffs in the solar sector.
In 2015, the German Ministry for Energy and Economic Affairs estimated that the net number of
additional jobs brought about by renewables would reach 100,000 by the year 2030 and 230,000
by 2050.

D Reducing and eliminating the risks of nuclear power

Germany rejects nuclear power because of the risks, the costs and the unsolved waste issue. In addition, nuclear power does not have the potential to play a major role in future world energy supply.
In the debate about the Energiewende, the environmental community often focuses on carbon emissions. Supporters of nuclear power no longer speak only of power too cheap to meter but now also
call for low-carbon technologies (though some carbon is emitted during plant construction and
uranium mining), a term that encompasses not only renewables, but also nuclear power.
The German public sees a significant difference between nuclear and renewables, however. Indeed,
as we discuss in the History section, the Energiewende movement started in the 1970s as a popular
protest against nuclear power.
There are six main problems with nuclear power:
1. the risk of a nuclear disaster at a plant (such as the rather well-known ones at Fukushima,
Chernobyl, and Three Mile Island, but also lesser-known ones, such as the Kyshtym accident);
2. the risks of proliferation (plutonium from nuclear plants for military purposes);



1 Why the Energiewende

3. the risk of radiation from the storage of nuclear waste;

4. the cost, with nuclear being unbankable at the moment banks will not finance the construction
of new nuclear plants because the cost is too high in comparison to renewables, so all plants
currently on the drawing board in Western countries have massive state support the new
Hinkley Point nuclear plant proposed in the UK is to have feed-in tariffs higher than what
Germany pays for solar in addition to state guarantees for bank loans; and
5. the limited availability of uranium resources, and
6. the incompatibility of inflexible baseload power with fluctuating wind and solar.
The third risk is even greater because it will be passed it on to future generations, who will not be
able to consume the nuclear power we produce today but will be forced to deal with our waste. Even
when all of our nuclear fission plants have been shut down globally, mankind will have to protect its
repositories of spent nuclear fuel rods for up to 100,000 years.
Those who nonetheless support nuclear power and deem these risks manageable also believe that we
will not be able to reach a 100 percent renewable energy supply. In fact, nuclear power is far more
limited than renewables. Indeed, as with current coal plants, the use of waste heat from nuclear
plants is a technical challenge, and nuclear security trumps waste heat recovery.
In contrast, solar heat is quite efficient, and systems can be installed directly where heat is consumed (such as on your house). Waste heat from biomass units is also easily recovered, and such
cogeneration units can have high total efficiencies well above 80 percent.
The true future of nuclear power
In the end, however, it does not matter whether you believe 100 percent renewables is possible or not.
Nuclear power is simply too small a player on global markets; it does not even account for six percent
of global energy supply right now, and more plants are scheduled to be taken off-line over the next
decade than are expected to go online. The International Energy Agency, which has supported nuclear
power since its founding in 1973, believes that the world can roughly triple the number of nuclear
plants from the current level (approximately 440) to around 1,400 by 2050 equivalent to 35 new
nuclear plants per year but the WWF has estimated that this highly unlikely scenario would only
lower global carbon emissions by ten percent. That outcome is too little, too slow, and too expensive
to contribute meaningfully to tackling climate change. In addition, severe resource issues would arise
in the process. At current rates of consumption, uranium for light-water reactors will only be available at affordable prices for roughly the next 30 years. Nuclear is therefore not a solution, even if you
believe the risks are manageable and your main goal is to reduce carbon emissions.
If we can gradually shift to a renewable energy supply, then it seems irresponsible to have nuclear
plants today and unethical continue passing on these risks to future generations.

More renewables strengthen Germanys energy security

Share of imports of conventional energy sources in Germany, 2013
Source: BMWi













1 Why the Energiewende

E Energy security
Renewables reduce Germanys dependency on energy imports, making Germany less vulnerable
to unpredictably fluctuating prices for fossil fuels and to political influence from abroad.
Energy security reflects the availability of affordable energy. Demand for energy is increasing in a
growing number of emerging countries especially those with large populations, such as China and
India and may outstrip supply, which could eventually lead to considerable price hikes. Germany is
especially vulnerable here because it imports so much of its energy.
In addition, as the world saw in the 1970s when OPEC restricted its oil supply to certain countries,
energy imports can dry up for political reasons overnight. A few years ago, Russia discontinued
its natural gas supply to Ukraine, which also affected downstream western European countries.
The recent armed conflict in eastern Ukraine has only worsened the situation. The more energy a
country gets from within its own borders, the less vulnerable it is to such political disruptions, for
which it may not even be responsible. A diversification of energy carriers also means a diversification of producing countries.
In western Europe, Germany is by far the largest importer of gas from Russia. Whats more, Germany
only produces around 15 percent of its own natural gas, importing roughly 40 percent from Russia.
In the winter of 20112012, Russia even reduced imports to Germany by as much as 30 percent
because Russians were consuming so much gas themselves during a long cold spell. While Germany
does have sufficient storage reserves to cover such gaps, domestic production of renewable gas will
make supply more consistent.
Renewables and energy conservation can reduce the dependence of countries that consume energy on
countries that provide energy resources. Over the past few decades, this dependency has constantly
increased. Reducing this dependency would also promote global peace; after all, wars over resources
and the oil curse are directly related to the problems that many politically fragile regions face.
Renewable energy can consist of numerous small, distributed units, but it can also consist of a small
number of large, central plants. In the latter case, the power stations can be gigantic solar arrays in
deserts or large wind farms on coastlines. The Desertec project, which aimed to set up large solar
power plants and wind farms in Mediterranean countries (including northern Africa) to generate
electricity for Europe, is one example showing that renewables need not be distributed. Proponents
of Desertec said the cost of such electricity would be lower, economic development would be stepped
up in relatively poor countries, and power generation would be more reliable because the best sites
would be chosen. The project was discontinued, however, in 2014, at least as a concerted effort to
export renewable electricity to Europe. Yet northern Africa continues to pursue renewable energy
projects for domestic consumption. It remains to be seen whether renewable power would continue
to be exported from northern Africa to Europe if there were political turmoil.

F Strengthening local economies and providing social justice

Local ownership of renewables provides great economic payback to investing communities. Energy efficiency and renewables together give the poor a way to hedge against fluctuating prices
for fossil fuels.
When communities invest in projects themselves, the economic payback is much greater than when
large, out-of-town firms invest. According to a study produced by the US National Renewable E
Laboratory in 2009, the operations-period impact is on the order of 1.5 to 3.4 times greater than
in absentee-owned projects.
But while community ownership is widespread in Germany, it faces tremendous obstacles in other
countries. At the World Wind Energy Councils 2012 conference, the session on community ownership
found that community power was considered a seemingly politically contentious form of activism in
Canada, Australia, and the US in particular. Yet, macroeconomically, it also makes a great deal of
difference whether we purchase energy from domestic sources or import it from abroad.
For instance, you can import heating oil to heat your home, and that money leaves the country, but
if you install solar hot water collectors to cover part of your demand for heat, you get the energy for
free and a much greater share of your energy expenses will stay within your country and possibly
even within your community. Some of your investment will come back to benefit you indirectly as



1 Why the Energiewende

Citizens form cooperatives to drive the energy transition

Number of energy cooperatives in Germany, 20012013

Number of cooperatives
































tax investments in infrastructure (schools, roads, research, etc.). There have been a number of estimates for specific programs in Germany. For instance, a lot of government funding for renewables
is funneled through Germanys development bank KfW. Its building renovation program has been
estimated to produce three to five euros in tax revenue for each euro of tax money invested. And
these building renovations not only help decrease imports of heating oil and natural gas, but also
protect and create a lot of jobs in the construction sector.
Local added value also has a welcome side effect it increases acceptance of change. When the
wind farm is funded partly by the community, there is far less NIMBY-ism than when an anonymous
out-of-town investor is behind the project. In Germany, hundreds of energy cooperatives have come
about; here, citizens come together to collectively invest in renewables and, increasingly, in energy
efficiency. In addition to numerous power plant projects, local power grids are also being purchased
from large grid operators so that communities can have more control of their own grids.
German regions and municipalities are discovering the economic opportunities in renewables and
energy efficiency, especially for communities that produce more energy than they consume over the
year. For more on how investments in renewables can stimulate the local economy, see the section
2 I Energy by the people.
Protecting the poor
Another important aspect of the energy transition is social justice. Energy efficiency in particular
not only helps promote domestic added value, but also reduces energy poverty. As prices rise in Germany, energy poverty moves into the foreground as an issue. Over the long run, the price of renewable
energy will remain stable (there are no fuel costs for wind or solar, and equipment costs continue
to drop), whereas the cost of fossil fuel and nuclear will only continue to fluctuate, so the energy
transition itself is a way of keeping energy poverty in check.
Rising energy prices impact low-income households the most; after all, on average they spend a
higher portion of their income on energy needs and are the least likely to be able to afford investments in energy efficiency such as energy renovations, efficient appliances, and fuel-efficient vehicles.
The most efficient way to combat energy poverty is to implement energy efficiency measures on a
large scale including renovating low-income households to reduce energy demand.
The German government is currently sponsoring energy audits in a nationwide project as part of
the Energiewende. The goal is to help people including those on welfare, to conserve power, heating
energy, and water. In addition, fixtures that reduce power and water consumption (such as compact fluorescent light bulbs, power strips with on-off switches, and water-saving showerheads) are
provided. These energy audits are one example of how the Energiewende can produce innovative
cooperation concepts.



1 Why the Energiewende

Technology as a key issue

Germany has resolved to replace fossil and nuclear energy with renewables but
the process is more complicated than that. Most of all, it involves lower energy
consumption through efficiency and conservation and requires that energy
consumption be tailored to availability. And in addition to all of this, people who
used to be mere consumers will increasingly also become energy producers.

A Efficiency
B Less electricity from coal
C Wind power
D Biomass
E Photovoltaics (PV)
F Other renewables
G Grid and power storage
H Flexible power production (no more baseload)
I Energy by the people for the people




2 Technology as a key issue


German energy transition: high certainty with long-term targets

Long-term, comprehensive energy and climate targets set by the German government in 2010

(compared to 1990)






Target in %
Share of renewables in %










(compared to 2005)





Final energy


(compared to 2008)


Heat demand,



(compared to 2008)




Gross energy


(compared to 2008)




Source: BMU




A Efficiency

In terms of
primary energy




A renewable energy economy will only be possible if we lower energy consumption considerably.
Policies to improve efficiency are in place, but they consistently fall short of what is not only
theoretically possible, but also what is reasonable.
When people talk about Germanys energy transition, they often think mostly of the switch from
nuclear and coal power to renewables but in fact, a renewable future will only be possible with
significantly lower energy consumption.
As the authors of Factor Four showed almost 20 years ago, lower consumption does not entail a lower
standard of living on the contrary, our consumption of fossil energy detrimentally affects our health
and is contributing to climate change, which is a threat to civilization. Furthermore, by consuming
nuclear power, we create mines of nuclear waste that will threaten future generations for millennia.
Over the past two decades, economic growth has generally outstripped the growth in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in most industrialized nations. It has been estimated that
energy productivity economic output per energy consumed increased by around 40 percent from
1990 to 2013.
Perceptions of energy use
What people want is not energy, but energy services the things we do with energy. In other words,
we do not want gallons of gas, but mobility; not electricity and fuel oil, but cold food storage and
well lit, comfortable homes. Over the past decade, our computers and handheld devices have become
far more high-performance even as they increasingly make do with less power. Such advances are
possible in a wide range of fields. In our buildings, for instance, we can provide a comfortable indoor climate with not only energy-intensive air conditioning and heating systems, but also properly
filtered air and low concentrations of carbon dioxide. In other words, buildings of the future will
provide even greater comfort than the ones today even though they consume less energy.
When it comes to efficiency, however, we face a special obstacle: information. Economists who
believe that the market takes care of everything most efficiently assume that all market participants are equally and sufficiently informed and therefore that all efficiency measures that pay
for themselves have already been utilized.
In fact, while most consumers may know what their monthly power bill is, they may not know how
many kilowatt-hours they consume, nor are they used to assessing how much a particular appliance
will cost them per year in terms of power consumption. Yet, without such information, it is impossible
to assess the payback on investments in energy efficiency. So even if we believe that the market comes
up with the best solutions, the government still needs to ensure that everyone is properly informed.



2 Technology as a key issue


Germany continues to produce more GDP with less energy

Energy intensity (=energy use per unit of GDP) of different world regions, 19902013
Source: Enerdata Yearbook


Energy intensity





North America
Latin America



1990 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13


Raising awareness


The example of standby power consumption is especially illustrative. Unbeknownst to most consumers,
household appliances from coffee machines to toasters, televisions, game consoles, and computers
consume power even when they are off. It has been estimated that such standby consumption
amounted to four percent of gross power demand in Germany from 2004 to 2006, more than the three
percent of German power supply consumed by all electric trains and trams in the country! Consumers
are not always aware that the annual power costs for an inexpensive appliance might even exceed its
purchase price.
One example of the government providing market participants with information is the European
nions Ecodesign directive, also known as the ErP (Energy-related Products) directive. It aims
to make products more sustainable over their entire lifecycle (not just in terms of energy) partly
by providing labels as guides for consumer purchases and by imposing stricter energy efficiency
standards for designs. This law is dealt with in detail in its own section; see Ecodesign/ErP Directive.

Germanys plan: ramp up renewables, drive down energy consumption

Final energy supply and demand in Germany 20052050, scenario
Source: DLR Lead Study, scenario A

Final energy in petajoules per year


Energy consumption

Geothermal, ambient heat
Biomass and waste
Wind power













2 Technology as a key issue


The European Union (EU) is also working to reduce energy consumption in buildings, and Germany
is at the forefront of that movement as well. In 2002, it adopted the Energy-Conservation Ordinance,
which was made stricter in 2009 and 2014. Some homes built as early as the 1990s demonstrate what
the standard of the future will be: passive houses, which become plus-energy homes when solar roofs
are added to them. The EU will require that all houses constructed starting in 2020 be nearly zeroenergy homes, essentially making German passive houses the standard within Europe.
While these new laws will help when it comes to new buildings, Germany needs to address the situation
with existing buildings. The countrys renovation rate, the number of buildings renovated per year, is too
low in Germany at around one percent; the figure needs to be doubled. In addition, renovations often
do not go far enough. Frequently, not enough insulation is added, and the building service technologies
used do not fulfill the requirements that buildings will have to meet in 40 years.
These matters are also dealt with in their own section; see Energy-Conservation Ordinance (EnEV). As
of 2015, however, Germany was not scheduled to meet its targets for efficiency by 2020.
Improving efficiency
Another area where there is a lot of room for improvement is power efficiency. Studies have shown
that the yearly power consumed by electric motors used in industry could be reduced by around 30
TWh up to 2020 enough to make several central station power plants redundant. Similar conservation potential can come from the use of efficient lighting systems and a switch from inefficient
electric heaters to more efficient systems.
Germany has set an ambitious goal for itself of a ten percent reduction in power consumption by
2020 and a 25 percent reduction by 2050. As of 2014, however, Germany was not on schedule to
meet its targets for efficiency by 2020.
Unfortunately, not enough is being done to promote energy efficiency. While the EU has binding targets for carbon emissions (a 20 percent reduction below the level of 1990 by 2020) and renewables
(20 percent by 2020), the target for energy efficiency (a 20 percent reduction in primary energy
consumption by 2020) is not binding. For 2030, there is a binding 40 percent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The target for renewable energy by that year is 27 percent, but it is only binding
for the EU as a whole there are no any specific targets for member states. Finally, the target for
efficiency is also 27 percent, and it is nonbinding.
In 2014, this lack of political action was recognized by the German Government, leading to the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency in December 2014. This package contains several dozens of

Germanys plan: drive down energy demand

Primary energy demand in Germany, 20002020
Source: AGEB, BMWi


Primary energy demand in petajoules

1st National
Energy Efficiency
Action Plan

2nd National
Energy Efficiency
Action Plan

NAPE, National
Action Plan for
Energy Efficiency











2 Technology as a key issue


efficiency instruments, including better energy efficiency financing, a new tender scheme for energy
efficiency, and better information and audit activities both for companies and private households.
While this package is still in the process of being implemented, one major instrument, a tax credit
scheme for the renovation of buildings, failed due to strong opposition in one of the German states.
Energy efficiency is probably the field where the Energiewende has been least successful so far. We
will not be able to get 100 percent of our energy from renewables if we continue to consume at the
current rate. Energy efficiency is not a nicety it is indispensable for the Energiewende.

B Less electricity from coal

To meet the climate targets, Germany must reduce electricity from coal. In the interim, coal consumption has fluctuated, rising from 2011 to 2013 and falling by more than 6 percent from 2013
to 2014, but the rising price of carbon and the increasing competitiveness of renewable power
will make this trend short-lived and Germany will stay within its carbon emission limits during
the process. In 2014, electricity from fossil fuels (including gas) hit a 35-year low.
Furthermore, carbon capture and storage is expensive and unsafe, and the German government has
already stated that it will not promote the technology against popular will.
When Germany resolved to shut down eight of its seventeen nuclear plants in 2011 and phase out
the rest of them by 2022, there was concern that coal power would be ramped up to fill the gap left
behind by nuclear but that is not the plan, because the country cannot meet its climate targets
with coal power. After all, roughly half as much carbon is emitted when natural gas is burned instead
of hard coal. Lignite, which is domestically available in Germany in large quantities, is three times
more carbon intensive than natural gas. Furthermore, coal plants do not ramp up and down as fast
as flexible turbines fired with natural gas do, making the latter a better way of filling in hourly gaps
in renewable power production. For more information on natural gas as a bridge to a future with
renewable gas supplies, see 2 H Flexible power production.
For a number of reasons, however, coal power consumption temporarily increased:
1. The decision to shut down eight nuclear power plants came suddenly, and industry has not yet
had time to replace the missing capacity, so power providers have no choice but to fall back on
existing power plants.
2. The economic downturn within the EU has reduced energy consumption, thereby indirectly
reducing carbon emissions and making the price of carbon and hence, the price of coal power
lower (see Emissions trading).
3. At present, a few new coal plants are going online that had been planned and constructed
several years before the decision to phase out nuclear energy.

Germanys plan: declining role for coal power

Overall installed conventional electricity generation capacity, in Germany, 20002050

Source: Fraunhofer IWES


Installed capacity in gigawatts






Hard coal
Brown coal

Nuclear energy









2 Technology as a key issue


Germanys plan: switch from coal and nuclear to renewables

In this chart based on Lead

Scenario 2012, a scenario study
commissioned by the Federal
Ministry of the Environment,
renewables would make up 85
percent of Germanys power
supply by 2050. New electricity
consumers (electromobility, heat
pumps and, starting in 2030,
hydrogen for transportation),
however, slow down the
reduction in consumption.

Electricity generation in Germany 20052050, scenario

Source: DLR and Fraunhofer IWES

Power production in terawatt-hours per year


Hard coal


Brown coal
Natural gas and oil
(gas and coal)




Green hydrogen
Renewable imports
Wind power










Plans for new coal plants


Just a few years ago, Germanys biggest four energy firms planned to build more than 30 new coal
plants, but their current plans are much more modest. A number of projects have been abandoned
for various reasons ranging from tremendous local protests to difficulties in procuring water rights
and most of all a reassessment of profitability in light of the boom in renewables. By 2015, coal
power capacity (both hard coal and brown coal) is expected to increase in Germany by nearly 9
gigawatts, but these plants will increasingly face a lower capacity factor as renewables offset more
and more medium load and baseload power supply. Furthermore, no coal plants have been proposed
since the nuclear phaseout of 2011, while several on the drawing board at the time have since been
Due to the reduced electricity demand in 2014, lignite electricity production went down by more
than 3 percent. However, during the nuclear phase-out (up to the end of the year 2022), the share
of lignite in the power sector is likely to remain relatively stable. Depending on how fast the share
of renewable electricity grows, power from hard coal may be significantly offset even during the
nuclear phase-out.
CCS not an option for coal power
Over the past decade, there has been a lot of talk worldwide about carbon capture and storage (CCS),
which the technologys proponents misleadingly call clean coal. Essentially, this technology captures
pollutants and carbon dioxide for separate storage. For industrial processes such as cement production,
in which it is extremely difficult to reduce emissions further, CCS could be an option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In power plants, however, CCS is viewed by most energy experts as unattractive
because it drastically reduces the efficiency of the power plants, thus severely increasing fuel costs.
Furthermore, CCS investments turn out to be prohibitively expensive. Germany set up the first such
test facility designed by Siemens in 2006 at Schwarze Pumpe, a coal plant run by Swedish utility
Vattenfall. The results were apparently not encouraging, since Vattenfall announced at the end of 2011
that it had abandoned plans for a second demonstration project of 300 megawatts, which would have
been ten times the size of the pilot facility at Schwarze Pumpe, thereby even foregoing funding from
the EU for the first full-size CCS plant. Vattenfall said it was unable to go ahead with its plans because
the German states with suitable storage potential refused to accept the risk.
In addition, environmentalists are generally not excited about the technology, as stored pollutants
and CO2 will only create further problems for future generations, who will have to make sure that
the storage facilities do not leak. Local communities do not wish to have repositories for carbon
dioxide near them, so Merkels coalition which supports CCS reached a compromise with the



2 Technology as a key issue


German states in 2012. Now, the states will be able to veto plans to construct carbon dioxide repositories, making it highly unlikely that any such repository will ever be built. The agreement also
specifies that the states and hence taxpayers will be liable after the first 40 years of operation,
with the company liable for the first 40.
Furthermore, the target for storage has been reduced from eight million tons per year to four million.
To put this into perspective, it has been estimated that 3.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide would need
to be stored away each year worldwide if we are to stay within our emissions targets. In other words,
Germany now plans to contribute roughly 0.1 percent of carbon storage towards that goal.
In July 2012, former German Energy Minister Peter Altmaier himself gave up on the idea of CCS
within Germany: We have to be realistic. We cannot store carbon dioxide underground against the will
of the population. And I do not see any political acceptance in a single German state for CCS technology with hard coal and brown coal power plants.

C Wind power
Germany began switching to renewables primarily with wind power in the early 1990s. Nowadays, onshore wind power is the cheapest source of new renewable power and makes up roughly
9 percent of the countrys power supply. Whats more, the onshore sector is largely driven by
midsize firms and small investors. Both of those aspects will, however, be different in the
fledgling offshore wind sector.
In 2014, Germany got roughly 8,6 percent of its electricity from wind turbines, almost all of which
were onshore. By 2020, Germany plans to roughly triple the share of wind power (both onshore and
offshore). But the fledgling offshore sector differs greatly from traditional onshore wind; while the
latter mostly consists of midsize firms and distributed wind projects owned largely by communities
and small investors, the former is almost entirely in the hands of large corporations, many of which
have opposed the switch to renewables up to now. The traditional onshore sector therefore argues
that older onshore wind farms should be repowered; turbine technology has made great advances
since the 1990s, so far fewer turbines can now produce much more power. Onshore wind power is
also considerably less expensive than offshore wind power.
Repowering is an important issue in Germany. Because the wind sector has been at work here for
two decades, the first wind farms that received feed-in tariffs have reached the end of their service
lives, and even the ones that still have a few years left do not use the available space as efficiently as
the latest turbines can. After all, the output of an average turbine installed today is about ten times
greater than that of the average turbine made in the mid-1990s. In other words, by replacing old
turbines with new ones by repowering we can produce ever greater amounts of wind power even
as we reduce the visual impact of wind farms.

Wind turbines 40 times more powerful today than 20 years ago

Development in size and power of wind turbines, 19902014
Source: DEWI

Average rated output

1990 2000 2010

Average size

Height : 40 m
: 24 m


Max size

h : 50 m
: 30 m

1990 50 kW

H : 80 m
: 56 m

h : 100 m
: 70 m

h : 135 m
: 126 m

H : 99 m
: 80 m

2000 1660 kW

2010 1993 kW

H :116 m
: 99 m
2014 2690 kW





2 Technology as a key issue


Germany is a global leader in wind and solar

Solar and wind operating capacity, Germany and rest of world, 2012
Source: REN21






Rest of
the World





Rest of
the World




Rest of EU


Germany also has plans for offshore wind power: the government aims to have 6.5 gigawatts incc
stalled in German waters by 2020.In 2010, Germanys first offshore wind farm the Alpha Ventus
test field was connected to the grid, followed by Bard 1 and Baltic 1, the first commercial wind
farms, in 2011. Permits have already been granted for an additional 20 offshore wind farms within
Germanys Exclusive Economic Zone in the North Sea along with three in the Baltic.
Offshore wind farms are expected to provide power more reliably, as the wind on the open sea is
more constant. On the other hand, offshore wind power currently costs two to three times more than
onshore wind power. Furthermore, the German wind sector is somewhat lukewarm about offshore
wind power because these projects are firmly in the hands of large corporations, whereas onshore
wind in Germany is largely owned by citizens; indeed, the Merkel governments support for offshore
wind is sometimes interpreted as a special incentive for Germanys largest power companies, whose
nuclear plants the government is shutting down. At the end of 2014, Germany had just over 1
gigawatt of offshore wind capacity (258 turbines) exporting power to the grid. An additional 923
megawatts was under construction.

Germany is a leader in wind power

Top 10 countries for wind power in terms of total installed capacity, 2014
Source: REN 21


+ 20.7

+ 4,9

+ 5,3



in 2014





United States




+ 1.7

+ 1.9


+ 0.1

+ 2.5







United Kingdom





2 Technology as a key issue


Germany has steady wind power growth

Germanys wind sector peaked

in 2002, when roughly 3.2
gigawatts was newly installed.
The market stabilized at nearly
2 gigawatts of new capacity per
year for a decade, equivalent
to 2.5 percent of peak demand
(around 80 gigawatts). The
onshore wind sector was clearly
the big success story in 2014:
A record 4.4 gigawatt was
added, roughly a quarter of
which replaced older turbines
that were decommissioned.
That performance will probably
be repeated in 2015. Market
experts believe that planners are
currently rushing to build before
the country switches from feedin tariffs to auctions in 2017. In
addition, a number of federal
states improved the conditions for
onshore wind, removing some of
the barriers for wind installations.

Cumulative and newly installed wind power capacity in Germany, 20002014

Source: DEWI






Overall capacity
New capacity

2000 01












13 2014



Increasing acceptance of onshore wind

In contrast, the German wind sector has traditionally consisted of community-owned projects that
grow organically: a few turbines are put up, and when the community realizes what good returns
the wind farm provides its investors, more people want to get involved and install new turbines. As
the turbines go up, people also realize that concerns about noise are grossly exaggerated. Internationally, concern about the health impact of wind turbines is restricted to places with very few of
them. Health effects are not an issue in the debates in Germany and Denmark, the two countries
with the greatest density of wind turbines. On the contrary, people realize that the health effects are
positive when clean wind power replaces dirty coal power and potentially dangerous nuclear power.
Finally, as the wind farms grow, people get used to the visual impact and start to see the turbines
as no more intrusive than power pylons, buildings, and roads and less noisy than cars. For more
information on community ownership of renewables in Germany, read 2 I Energy by the people.
Thanks to the technical developments seen in recent years, the use of wind power has also become
more attractive in inland regions. In southern Germany especially in the southwestern state of
Baden-Wrttemberg, which still has very little wind power planning barriers were recently removed to facilitate the installation of wind turbines on hillsides and in forests. At the same time, new
turbines must fulfill strict ecological criteria. The state of Baden-Wrttemberg which for the first
time ever has a government led by the Green Party plans to increase its annual newly installed
capacity significantly.
In contrast, the US is the second largest wind power market in the world behind China in terms of
absolute capacity; US peak power demand is just under 800 gigawatts. Americans would have to
install nearly 20 gigawatts of wind turbines each year to keep up with Germanys performance. The
US has never came close to reaching that level, having peaked at 13.1 gigawatts in 2012.

D Biomass
Biomass is the most versatile of all types of renewable energy as it can provide heat, electricity, and motor fuel. Not surprisingly, biomass is expected to make up nearly 2/3 of Germanys
renewable energy consumption by 2020. But serving as a source of energy is only one thing
biomass does well it also provides food and materials for production (such as timber and oils).
As a result, demand for biomass is great from a number of competing sectors. Unfortunately, the
potential for sustainable biomass is limited, and the focus in German policy is on promoting the
use of residue and waste.



2 Technology as a key issue


Biomass is a special source of renewable energy in a number of ways. First, it can directly provide all
three types of energy carriers: electricity, heat, and fuel (liquids, solids, and gas). Second, it is easily
storable and dispatchable; when there is not enough sun or wind, biomass-fired generators can be
ramped up as need be. Third, the major drawback: biomass requires strict management to be sustainable. No matter how many solar panels we install, we will not use up the sun any faster, nor will we
measurably reduce the amount of wind on Earth if we keep installing wind turbines. But with biomass,
we have to avoid resource depletion, prevent monocultures from reducing biodiversity, and ensure that
the energy needs of rich countries are not met at the expense of food needs in poor countries.
Because it can cover such a wide range of energy services, biomass makes up a far greater share of
the worlds energy supply than hydropower or nuclear (which only provide electricity) indeed, more
than all other renewables combined. According to Ren21, biomass covered more than 10 percent
global final energy demand in 2012 (most of which was traditional biomass), whereas the share of
nuclear power had fallen to 2.6 percent.
Biomass in Germany
Nowadays, when we talk about biomass, we increasingly mean ethanol from corn, biodiesel from
rapeseed, biogas from organic waste and corn, wood pellets made from sawdust, etc. as opposed
to firewood, dung, etc.
Bioenergy generally comes from two sources: forestry and agriculture. Within the EU, Germany is
the greatest producer of wood, and wood is by far the greatest source of bioenergy in the country.
Roughly 40 percent of German timber production is used as a source of energy, with the rest used as
material. Germany is also the leading biogas market in 2013, more than 50 percent of Europes
electricity from biogas was produced there, with further dynamic growth to come.
In 2013, Germany was already using nearly 2.1 million hectares of its arable land for energy crops,
close to the lower limit of potential established in 2009 for bioenergy by 2020. This area is equivalent to 12.6 percent of the 16.7 million hectares of agricultural land in Germany. The upper limit
is 4 million hectares by 2020. Studies show that the share of bioenergy can be increased within
these limits as a result of the decrease in population in the next few decades and increasing hectare
yields in the agricultural sector. Environmental organizations, however, point out the environmental
impacts of energy crops; for instance, the large increase in the cultivation of corn for use in energy
production (and the problems associated with corn monocultures) is frequently associated with
the plowing of valuable grassland. Energy crops can also have adverse effects on the quality of
groundwater and cause soil erosion. To prevent these effects, Germanys revised Renewable Energy
Act (EEG) limits the amount of corn and grain eligible for special compensation. In addition, a set
of incentives seeks to encourage increased use of less environmentally polluting substrates, such as
material from landscape management activities and residues.
The German Environmental Ministry estimates that renewable energy made up around 11 percent of
total energy consumption in 2013. Nearly 37 percent of that was biomass in the heat sector, along
with over 10 percent biofuels and 15 percent biogas in the power sector. In total, bioenergy made up
62 percent of total renewable energy supply in Germany in 2013, equivalent to around seven percent
of total energy consumption.
The potential of sustainable domestic bioenergy in Germany would therefore seem to be limited to
around ten percent of overall energy supply at least at current levels of consumption but Germany could increase those shares by reducing consumption (see 2 A Efficiency).
Today, Germany uses biomass mainly of domestic origin. The challenge will be to increase biomass
usage for energy without drastically increasing imports. Germans are already concerned about the
clearing of rainforest for palm oil plantations and about conflicts with food production in developing
countries. As the German Environmental Ministryhas stated, the expansion of biomass production
for energy use [must not conflict] with food security, the right to food, and the protection of the
environment and nature. Therefore, along with the European Renewable Energy Directive, biofuels
and other liquid bioenergy carriers must satisfy strong sustainability criteria to count towards the
targets for quotas and be eligible for the bonuses set forth in the Biomass Sustainability Ordinance.
It remains unclear, however, whether strict criteria are sufficient to prevent the use of biomass for
energy from increasing food prices around the world.



2 Technology as a key issue


Germany is a leader in solar

Top 10 countries for solar power in terms of total installed capacity, 2014
Source: REN 21


+ 1.9

+ 10.6

+ 9.7

+ 0.4

+ 6.2

in 2014








United States

+ 0.9


+ 2.4

+ 0.9

+ 0.7



United Kingdom







For the future, the use of biomass seems particularly important in three areas: as fuel for air transportation and heavy-duty vehicles (where e-mobility or other technical alternatives are not readily
available), for industrial process heat, where high temperatures are required, and for cogeneration,
because cogeneration plants convert biomass to electricity and heat with the highest efficiency and
greenhouse gas benefits.
In addition, biogas and hydrogen in particular are seen in Germany as a crucial way of storing
energy seasonally to provide sufficient electricity on the dark evenings of winter, when power consumption is the highest in Germany and no solar power is available (see 2 H Flexible power
production). Nevertheless, the German government imposed a limit of 100 MW of new biogas units
per year in August 2014, partly because of concern about environmental impacts, but primarily in
order to rein in costs.

Germanys installed solar PV capacity is already half of power demand

Germany has most solar PV installed in absolute (38GW) and relative terms (58% of peak demand)
Source: REN 21, own calculations


Peak summer demand, end of 2014

65 GW

55 GW

170 GW

700 GW


38 GW


18 GW


21 GW


18 GW








2 Technology as a key issue


Price of solar down in Germany by 74 percent since 2006

Average system price for installed rooftop solar from 10 to 100 kilowatts
Source: EUPD Research and BSW-Solar

Price of solar installation in euros per kilowatt









of the total costs











E Photovoltaics (PV)




Over the past decade, Germany has been criticized for its commitment of photovoltaics, which was
once an expensive technology. But PV now is cheaper than offshore wind, competitive with biomass, and scheduled to become competitive with wind power in the foreseeable future. G
has helped make solar inexpensive for the world. The challenge now is to integrate large amounts
of solar power in the countrys power supply.
Photovoltaics is the term for solar panels that generate electricity. Solar thermal produces heat, such as
for hot water supply or space heating. Solar heat can also be used to generate electricity in a technology
called concentrated solar power (CSP), though the technology is mainly useful in deserts, not in Germany.
Though not known to be particularly sunny, Germany has developed the largest solar photovoltaics
market in the world. The price of photovoltaics has plummeted over the past two decades, more
than for any other type of renewable energy, and experts believe that it will be competitive with coal
power sometime in the next decade. Already, solar power can provide up to 50 percent of German
power demand for a few hours on sunny days of low power consumption. But the German example
shows that power markets will need to be redesigned for solar to go further because solar drives
down wholesale power rates, making backup power plants increasingly unprofitable.
Photovoltaics (PV) is what most people think of when they hear the word solar. While PV has
long been considered the most expensive type of renewable power widely used commercially, prices
have plummeted in the past few years (by roughly 50 percent from 2008 to 2012), and PV is now
cheaper than concentrated solar power and offshore wind power.
IIn absolute terms, Germany has more PV installed than any other country (roughly 35 gigawatts
in the fall of 2013), but perhaps the most important comparison is installed PV in relation to peak
summer demand. After all, the most solar power is generated on summer afternoons.
In Germany, power demand is lower in the summer than in the winter because Germans can largely
do without air conditioning in the summer, whereas a lot of electricity is needed in the winter for heat,
lighting, etc. As a result, PV alone was able to meet around half of the countrys power demand on
a few days in 2012. On June 6, 2014, German solar production reached an all-time peak at 24.2
gigawatts, peaking at a third of total power demand, though solar power only made up around a
sixth of power demand for the day as a whole.
For years, proponents of photovoltaics have pointed out how production of solar power coincides
with peak power demand around lunchtime, so that relatively expensive photovoltaics turns out to be
a good way of offsetting even more expensive power generators to meet that peak demand. Almost
everywhere, PV is still an excellent way to meet peak demand everywhere except Germany, that is,
for the country now has so much PV installed that peak demand is no longer an issue. Photovoltaics



2 Technology as a key issue


Solar PV can already cover a third of peak power demand

On a normal business day in

Germany, solar power (yellow)
is produced exactly when power
demand picks up. In the example
above, conventional power (gray)
only has to increase from around
33 gigawatts at three in the
morning to around 42 gigawatts
at 8 AM and again in the evening.
In the middle of the day, wind
power (not shown here) and
solar power keep conventional
plants from having to ramp up
to more than 60 gigawatts, as
they would have had to do 20
years ago.With additional wind
electricity, even less conventional
power will be needed.

Power demand and solar power production in Germany. Estimate based on actual data from May 2012
Source: Frauenhofer ISE, EEX





Total power

Solar covers one third

of demand when demand peaks.

Solar power


6 am


6 pm




now offsets a large chunk of the medium load during the summer in Germany and can even offset a
bit of baseload production.
One result of all of this solar power is drastically lower profits for the countrys conventional power
plant owners, whose plants are now simply no longer able to run at full capacity; in addition, they
cannot sell at such high prices because PV obliterates the need for peak power at noontime. All of
this has come about so quickly that politicians are now looking for ways to redesign the German
power market to ensure that enough generating capacity remains online and dispatchable for those
hours in the winter when Germany reaches its absolute peak power demand for the year (around 80
gigawatts), which also happens to be a time when no solar power at all is available. In this respect,
Germany offers a unique glimpse into the future for other countries.
On the shortest day of 2014, Germanys installed PV capacity still managed to produce as much power
as two large nuclear reactors for three hours,thereby helping to offset peak demand for power.

F Other renewables
Other types of renewable energy include solar heat and geothermal energy (which can be used to
generate electricity and provide heat). While Germany does not have great geothermal potential
like Iceland and the United States, for instance, certain applications are nonetheless worthwhile.
Solar heat has mainly not been as successful as solar electricity because Germany has not paid
enough attention to solar heat in its energy policies.
Germany also has geothermal resources heat from below ground. The first geothermal power plant
in Germany went into operation in 2003, though it has not yet led to many subsequent projects.
The general public remains concerned about microseismic activity, noise, and impacts on groundwater. Early community involvement, careful siting of the power plants, and the best available exploration and operation technology are therefore crucial to minimize risks and increase acceptance. Nonetheless, compared to North America and Asia, the geothermal potential in OECD Europe (including
Germany) is markedly smaller and restricted to certain attractive regions, where good energy yields
with high temperatures can be achieved. Growth of geothermal electricity generation is therefore
expected to be significantly slower than for wind and solar.
Renewable heat
When heat is generated from renewable energy such as biomass and solar thermal one speaks
of renewable heat, but the term can also encompass the recovery of waste heat for heating
applications. Because heat makes up roughly 40 percent of German total energy consumption, the



2 Technology as a key issue


Renewables are a strong and growing pillar in power supply

Share of renewables in Germany's gross electricity generation including exports, 2014

Source: AGEB

Brown coal



Natural gas

614 TWh

Wind power

in 2014



Hard coal




potential for renewable heat is greater than for renewable electricity, since overall electricity only
makes up 20 percent of the countrys energy consumption. Nonetheless, Germany has not had the
same success in promoting renewable heat, partly because it has never offered feed-in tariffs for
it. The German government has a goal of getting 14 percent of the countrys heat from renewable
sources by 2020. Under the Renewable Heating Act, all new buildings are required to have a heating
system with a minimum share of renewable energy.
Renewable heat from biomass
Up to now, most renewable heat has come from biomass, with the most common feedstock being
woodchips, firewood, and, increasingly, wood pellets. Germanys Market Incentive Program also
supports the generation of renewable heat from biomass, with strict requirements for efficiency
and emissions. In addition, waste heat from biomass units is used in district heat networks. Indeed,
Germanys Renewable Energy Act requires that most biomass units recover part of the waste heat
produced in the process of generating electricity (cogeneration of heat and power).
Renewable heat from heat pumps and solar thermal
Increasingly, new technologies using renewable energy sources are appearing on the market. In
addition to biomass, for instance, there is shallow geothermal, in which heat is taken from just
below ground or from groundwater. This heat can then be used in combination with heat pumps, as
can heat from ambient air. In 2013, a third of new buildings in Germany had heating systems with
a heat pump.
Solar thermal collectors can be also installed on homes and businesses to cover demand for heat.
In 2013, Germany was the third largest market for solar thermal in the world behind China and
the US. At the end of 2014, Germany had more than 2 million solar thermal systems installed
across approximately 18.4 million square meters of surface.
In the case of buildings, in particular, the investments in efficiency may offset consumption over
decades, but the upfront costs may still be prohibitive. To overcome such obstacles, Germany has
implemented a Market Incentive Program, which provides funding for renewable heat systems
(solar thermal collectors, modern biomass heaters, and efficient heat pumps). For more information, see Market Incentive Program (MAP).
Nonetheless, this market has not grown nearly as quickly as the PV sector. Growth rates of around
ten percent per year are common in the solar thermal sector, whereas PV installations grew by
around 60 percent annually from 2009 to 2011. One reason for solar thermals sluggishness is



2 Technology as a key issue


that Germany does not have special feed-in tariffs for solar heat, only for solar power. Solar heat
has therefore depended partly on government rebates funded by an eco-tax and emissions trading. Although the costs of solar thermal collectors has decreased, overall system costs have not,
partly due to persistently high installation costs. In addition, the market for solar thermal collectors has been largely restricted to small one and two family house applications. Other countries,
particularly Denmark, have favored large ground-mounted collectors, offering fivefold decreased
collector prices and competitive heat generation costs. In Germany, even though the systems are
supported financially, this market segment has potential to develop further.
At present, solar heat only covers around one percent of Germany heat demand, which is especially
unfortunate since heat makes up around 40 percent of German energy consumption, whereas
electricity only makes up 20 percent (the other 40 percent is motor fuels).
In other words, the potential for renewable heat is much greater than the potential for all sources
of electricity in Germanys transition to renewables.

G Grid and power storage

While everyone agrees that the German grid will need to be expanded for renewables to make up a
greater part of power supply, there is no consensus on what exactly needs to be done. Some estimates
put the amount of new lines that need to be built at 4,500 kilometers, whereas the renewables sector
believes half of that would suffice. Today, the German grid consists of 35,000 kilometers of ultra highvoltage transmission lines plus 95,000 kilometers of high-voltage lines all of which was built for the
conventional power sector, so the new lines required for renewables are minor in comparison. There are
510,000 kilometers of medium-voltage power lines and around 1,1 million kilometers of low-voltage
distribution lines.
The switch to renewable electricity will be technically challenging because solar and wind power are not
dispatchable, meaning that you cannot turn wind turbines and solar panels on the way that you can ramp
up central coal and nuclear plants to match power demand. A number of solutions are possible.
The general problem is that the exact amount of electricity that is needed at a given moment has to be
available at that moment, lest the grid collapse. We have therefore traditionally tailored power production
to demand. A number of storage options are currently being discussed, from underground compressed air
in natural caverns to pumped storage (hydropower), flywheels, and batteries. Most importantly, Germany
plans to use natural gas in the interim as a bridge fuel to be eventually replaced by sustainable biogas and
hydrogen made from excess wind power and solar power; here, solar and wind power could be stored as
a gas (called power to gas or P2G), allowing it to be used as a motor fuel, for heat applications, or to
produce dispatchable power. Finally, smart grids will help tailor power demand to the available renewable power supply the opposite of what we do now.

The future power grid will be bidirectional and intelligent

Electricity and information flow in power grid
Source: IFEU

Large power plants

Medium sized power plants

Small sized producers


transportation grid




Heavy industry

Small and medium enterprises


Commercial activity Household





2 Technology as a key issue


The need for power storage

European integration could be a solution, especially in light of Germanys limited pumped-storage
capacity (hydropower). It has been proposed that Germany could export large amounts of power to
Norway and Switzerland, for instance, which have tremendous hydro-storage potential, but at the
moment connections are insufficient. But work is being done: in 2015, plans were finalized for a new
1.4 gigawatt connection between Norway and Germany. It remains to be seen, however, whether Norway or Switzerland (neither of which is even a member of the EU) would be willing to flood more
of their pristine valleys and fjords so that Germans can have a stable supply of renewable electricity.
Over the midterm, most organizations believe that the need for power storage will be minimal in
Germany. A study produced in October 2012 for the WWF found that there would not be a major
market for storage technologies until 2030, and the German engineering organization VDE does not
expect much demand for storage until Germany has 40 percent renewable power, a target that is
admittedly likely to happen closer to 2020. Furthermore, Fraunhofer ISE point out that the amount
of storage needed is not relative to the share of fluctuating renewable power alone, but rather to
the combination of fluctuating renewables and inflexible baseload power. In other words, the need
for power storage can be reduced by decreasing baseload generation capacity, mainly lignite and
nuclear plants.
Putting renewable grid expansion into perspective
But before we discuss these options, lets put all of this in perspective. First, Germany has gone from
3% renewable power at the beginning of the 1990s to more than 27 percent in 2014 without any
major changes to its grid. After all, wind power, biomass, and solar power are largely distributed
sources of energy at least the way Germany is doing it (see 2 I Energy by the people).
Critics of renewables sometimes complain when the grid has to be expanded for renewables. As one
critic put it, The problem with wind farms is that you have to build them in places where you dont
need electricity. The electricity then has to be moved somewhere else.
In fact, this statement describes coal power better than wind power. You can spread solar, wind power,
and biomass fairly evenly across the landscape in a way that you cannot do with conventional power.
In contrast, brown coal plants are never built where power is needed, but rather where the brown
coal is dug out of the ground. Even power plants fired with hard coal, which is traded globally, were
traditionally built close to the source of the coal, such as in Germanys Ruhrgebiet (Ruhr Area).
Clearly, however, it is much easier and less expensive to transport large amounts of power across
power lines than it is to haul loads of coal. And while one could argue that coal plants are often
located close to industry (as is the case in the Ruhr Area), this description puts the cart in front of
the horse. Go back some 200 years to the beginning of industrialization most of the towns in the
Ruhrgebiet were small villages. Coal plants were not built in the Ruhrgebiet because industry was
there; rather, industry developed there because the area was full of coal reserves.
Furthermore, while nuclear plants are built more or less where power is needed, not where uranium
is mined, all central plants are so huge that the grid is always expanded for them. In the 1960s and
70s, new nuclear power plants in Germany not only required the grid to be expanded, but also led
to the installation of a large number of electric home heating systems that generated heat from
power overnight so that the nuclear plants would not have to be ramped down each day. A distributed supply of renewable power is a much softer approach with a much smaller impact on the
environment. Hermann Scheer, the late German expert on renewables, once compared distributed
power supply to our conventional centralized power supply by saying that the latter is like cutting
butter with a chainsaw.
Grid expansion
There is a consensus that the grid needs to be expanded for more renewables to be integrated, but
there is less agreement about a number of details, such as how many lines need to be added, where
they need to go up, and what kind of lines should be used. Furthermore, the renewables sector itself
has an interest in making the energy transition affordable and has therefore come up with a number
of inexpensive alternatives to extensive grid expansion. In addition, people do not want to live near
power lines, so public input is needed for planning and that requires greater transparency.



2 Technology as a key issue


The current German grid is divided up as follows:

The transit grid consisting of some 35,000 kilometers of 220 and 380 kV lines. This is the ultra
high-voltage level at which Germany is connected to its neighbors and power is transported
across long distances.
The distribution grid consisting of the following:
1. Some 95,000 kilometers of high-voltage lines (60 to 110 kV)
for conglomerations and large-scale industry.
2. Some 500,000 kilometers of medium-voltage lines (6 to 30 kV)
for many large facilities such as hospitals.
3. Some 1,100,000 kilometers of low-voltage lines (230 and 400 V)
for households and small businesses.

Germany has four investor-owned utilities operating the four sections of its transit grid, but there are
some 900 distribution grid operators.
How many kilometers?
So what needs to be done for the countrys Energiewende? At the moment, a lot of wind power is
in the north and a lot of solar is in the south. The German Energy Agency (dena) has published two
studies (Grid Study I and II) estimating that some 4,500 kilometers of ultra high-voltage lines
would need to be added if Germany is to increase its wind power capacity from 27 gigawatts to 51
gigawatts by 2020 ten gigawatts of which would be offshore in the North Sea and Baltic Sea. But
some in the renewables sector believe that this length could be cut by more than half.
Indeed, both of these studies met with great criticism among proponents of renewables in Germany,
mainly because the underlying data was not published, so the findings could not be further scrutinized. But even at the proposed level, a near doubling of wind power capacity would still apparently
only require the transit grid to be expanded by less than 13 percent. Furthermore, a lot of these
lines would not be needed if the government promoted more onshore wind in the south rather than
additional offshore wind in the north. In the past few years, the wind industry has come up with
special wind turbines with taller towers and longer blades designed especially for use in weak-wind
locations, such as southern Germany. Such onshore turbines in the south would not require as many
power lines, thereby reducing the overall cost of Germanys energy transition, and onshore wind is
also much less expensive than offshore wind to boot.
Likewise, some proponents of solar would also like to see feed-in tariffs for photovoltaics adjusted by region (as is done in France) so that more PV is installed in the north, thereby facilitating grid integration.
Below the transit grid level, the German government has produced a list of urgently needed lines
totaling around 1,900 kilometers, only 200 kilometers of which has been built. Part of the problem
is local opposition (people do not wish to live next to overhead power lines), but complicated red tape
and financing also slow things down. Underground cables are an option, but they are more expensive.
But again, keep in mind that we are talking about adding 1,900 kilometers to a grid consisting of hundreds of thousands of kilometers set up exclusively for the countrys nuclear and fossil energy supply.
Alternatives to grid expansion
Germanys renewables sector is not, however, just sitting back and waiting for the government to
provide a future-proof grid. The solar sector has come up with a way of making the use of ultra
high-voltage lines more efficient: solar power plants can act as phase-shift oscillators to stabilize the grids frequency. The solar sector hopes that this approach will reduce the number of lines
that need to be built.
The wind sector is also full of ideas. Under German law, there is a regulation called n+1; it means
that whenever a line is set up, there has to be a reserve line that can take up its capacity in case it
fails. The wind sector has come up with a solution that could mean that this requirement is no longer
necessary: dedicated power lines to connect renewables.



2 Technology as a key issue


Furthermore, the European Union as part of its Energy Union plans aims to step up interconnections between countries. At the same time, however, surges in wind and solar power production
in Germany are already pushing power into Poland and the Czech Republic, in particular, so further
integration would be a challenge for those countries. Some Polish officials have already stated that
they might need to reduce rather than enlarge their power connections with Germany so they can
have better control of their own grid.

H Flexible power production (no more baseload)

Already, it is clear that intermittent solar and wind power will eventually cut deeply into baseload power. Germans have been aware that baseload power is incompatible with intermittent
renewables for years. To complement renewables, we will need dispatchable power plants that
can ramp up and down relatively quickly. Such plants more closely resemble todays medium
and peak load (such as gas turbines) than the baseload (such as nuclear plants, which do not
ramp easily). To pay for such reserve generating capacity, the power market will need to be redesigned, however, which is why Germany is now increasingly talking about a capacity market
and a strategic power reserve.
In 2015, Chancellor Merkel stated her opposition to capacity markets, so Germany is unlikely to
have one in the medium term. However, the winter reserve is expected to be expanded from 2.5 to
4 gigawatts. The winter reserve covers power plants that are not needed except in emergency cases,
generally when power demand peaks during the heating season. These plants receive compensation
for their standby services but are prohibited from selling power otherwise.
What do you do when the sun is not shining and no wind is blowing? Outside Germany, it is often
said that conventional power plants will be needed as bridge technologies as we switch to renewables
this century. In particular, there is talk about the need for baseload power, which fluctuating wind
turbines and solar panels cannot provide. Germany already gets so much of its power from wind
and solar that it has a different viewpoint. To the surprise of many foreign onlookers, Germans realize that baseload power demand will soon be a thing of the past. What is needed is flexible, quickly
dispatchable power generation, not baseload.The difference is easy to understand if we consider
central power stations, such as coal and nuclear plants. Ideally, these plants are switched on and run
near full capacity until they need servicing. Nuclear plants in particular do not easily ramp up and
down within a matter of hours, and attempts to do so are bad for the bottom line in two ways: first,
fixed costs remain the same, with only fuel costs being slightly reduced, so the cost of power from
the plant increases; and second, the plants themselves undergo thermal fatigue, which can shorten
their overall service lives.

Does Germany need a capacity market to close the "winter gap"?

Trends in dispatchable capacity 20122022
Source: Agora Energiewende

Dispatchable capacity at the end of 2012


Conventional capacity shut-down by 2017*


Nuclear plants shut-down from 20122022


Fossil power plants shut-down for lack of profitability

0 to -10

Reserves for grid stability


+ Net additions to conventional capacity by end of 2015


+ Dispatchable new renewable generation capacity


+ Shiftable demand


Dispatchable capacity at the end of 2022


Annual peak demand, generally in winter


Possible winter gap by the end of 2022

* EU Directive on Emissions

















2 Technology as a key issue


Renewables need flexible backup, not baseload

Estimated power demand over a week in 2012 and 2020, Germany
Source: Volker Quaschning, HTW Berlin


A week in May 2012

A week in May 2020



















Pumped Storage


Coal and gas






For Germanys four biggest power companies, this new situation represents quite a dilemma. They
set up their generating capacity based on the assumption that they would be able to sell power at a
great markup during times of peak consumption. Now, power consumption remains unchanged and
still peaks at above 70 megawatts on certain days, but solar and wind push back conventional power
production into the lower 40s roughly the level of baseload power that big power corporations
are set up to cover. Just a decade ago, these power companies still belittled wind and solar power as
niche technologies that would never be able to make up a big chunk of power supply; now, solar and
wind power are increasingly making these firms unprofitable.
In 2015, German utility E.on announced to split into two companies: one for renewables and new
services, and one for conventional energy. Wholly owned by the Swedish state, the utility Vattenfall
has also announced plans to step away from its coal assets in Germany, but the motivation is political, not financial; the Swedish government elected in 2014 wants the firm to be as clean abroad as it
is at home. The state government of Baden-Wrttemberg recently took over the utility EnBW, which
now pursues a greener strategy. Finally, the utility RWE has acknowledged the need to adopt its
business strategy to account for the Energiewende, but the firm is not (yet) planning to split into
distinct business units as E.on did. RWE simply has too much lignite (more than a third of its power
generation), which remains relatively profitable on the German power market. In contrast, E.on has
only six percent lignite; a third of its power generation came from oil and gas in 2013, and natural
gas has lost of the largest share of the power market in recent years because of price. E.on is the
firm affected most by the nuclear phase-out.
Unintended outcome: renewables push back natural gas
This outcome is partly intentional (see the next section, Energy by the people) and partly unintentional. The unintentional part is that renewables are making investments in natural gas turbines
unattractive by replacing the medium load, meaning that natural gas turbines do not run for as many
hours a year. Essentially, Germany needs to have a dispatchable installed capacity at the level of its
peak demand for the year, which is currently around 80 gigawatts and occurs on winter evenings
when the sun does not shine. A large part of that 80 gigawatts therefore needs to be built as dispatchable gas turbines. This option is generally considered the best technically as it requires no additional
infrastructure and would allow electricity to be stored seasonally. German researchers have estimated
that the storage capacity in the countrys current natural gas lines can contain enough gas to meet the
countrys power demands for four months.
Though this option seems the best in terms of technology, it faces a financial challenge: wholesale
power prices are now so low on the power exchange that investments in additional generating capacity
would not be profitable. Not only are Germanys four biggest power firms abandoning plans to set up
new gas turbines; there have also been rumors that some of the existing turbines might be taken offline because they are no longer running for enough hours per year.



2 Technology as a key issue


German energy transition is a democratic movement

Ownership of renewables in 2012
Source: AEE,

Energy suppliers


capacity 2012

Citizens and coops

73 GW


and strategic investors




While this outcome was predictable, the situation has come about faster than most proponents of renewables expected, especially in light of the extremely fast growth of photovoltaics from 2010 to 2012,
when 7.5 gigawatts was installed annually. If the German PV market had continued to grow at the
level of those three years (in 2014 only 1.9 gigawatts was installed after 3.8 gigawatts in 2013), the
country would eventually have had more than 150 percent of peak demand in the summer, when demand peaks at between 60 and 70 gigawatts during the week and as little as 50 gigawatts of the weekend. One German researchers dental chart shows what the effect would be if only 70 gigawatts of
PV is installed by 2020 (keep in mind that the governments official target is 52 gigawatts by 2020).
This chart has no baseload power at all; the gray area now represents medium and peak load. Clearly,
Germany will need a fleet of very flexible, dispatchable power generators that can ramp up every day
from around ten gigawatts to 50 gigawatts or more within just a few hours. The country does not have
this much flexible generating capacity at present, and all current plans for new power plants are now
in question given the new market conditions of lower wholesale prices. From 2010 to 2014, wholesale
power prices on the German power exchange fell by around one third. One main reason for this is the
rise of solar power in particular: because most of it is generated around noon time, demand for peak
power at midday has been greatly offset.
One possible remedy currently being discussed is capacity payments. Here, owners of quickly dispatchable generators would be paid not only by the kilowatt-hour generated, but also by the kilowatt kept
on standby. Similar programs exist in other countries, such as Ireland. The UK also rolled out such
a scheme in 2014, though it has met with fierce criticism by providing payments to all power plants.
In 2015, the German government resolved to keep the passive the payments small by increasing the
winter reserve from 2.5 to 4.0 gigawatts. The winter reserve, which consists of power plants generally used on only one or two days a year, is quite small given the more than 100 GW of dispatchable
generation capacity in Germany.

I Energy by the people for the people

Germans can switch power providers. In fact, they are not only free as power consumers, but
also free to become prosumers simultaneously producers and consumers. They can even sell
the power they make at a profit. Germanys Renewable Energy Act stipulates that the little guys
power has priority over corporations. German feed-in tariffs have helped produce all of this community ownership, thereby simultaneously reducing NIMBYism (not in my backyard) and increasing acceptance levels for renewables.
In most countries, the energy sector has long been in the hands of large corporations because electricity came from large central power stations. Renewables offer an opportunity, however, to switch to a



2 Technology as a key issue


The Dardesheim wind farm

has grown organically over the
past two decades, and turbines
continue to be gradually
added. Visiting the wind farm
is like going to a wind turbine
museum. At the bottom of the
tower on the right, local children
were allowed to paint life-size
figures. Photo: Craig Morris

large number of smaller generators, and this distributed approach offers an opportunity for citizens
and communities to get involved. Germany has an unusually high level of citizen involvement in the
Some countries are switching to renewables by requiring utilities to produce more green power with
policies called quota systems. These policies set targets for utilities to reach, and penalties can be
imposed if the targets are not met. The focus here is generally on cost, with the assumption being
that utilities will choose the least expensive source of renewable power. For instance, the British
Wind Energy Association lists wind projects as submitted, approved, refused, and built, categories
that do not exist in countries with German feed-in tariffs. Rejections are thus a natural part of requests for proposals, which are also common in the US.
In contrast, no single organization in Germany has the task of reviewing wind farm proposals for
approval or rejection; instead, local governments decide where wind farms can be built and how they
will be designed (space, number of turbines, etc.). Utilities face no penalties because, in fact, it is
not their responsibility to ramp up renewables. Utilities are also eligible for feed-in tariffs, but these
firms have nonetheless rarely made such investments. Overall, the difference between the two approaches feed-in tariffs versus quotas is striking. Under quotas, only the least expensive systems
go up after time-consuming reviews, and they remain in the hands of corporations; under feed-in
tariffs, everything worthwhile goes up quickly, and ownership of power supply rapidly transfers to
citizenry. In other words, Germany is democratizing its energy sector.
This focus on cost is justified in quota systems (like Renewable Energy Standards in the US) because
excess profits would go into the hands of a small group of corporations. Proponents of such quota
systems correctly charge that the cost impact of feed-in tariffs is generally greater than the cost of
quota systems, but they overlook two aspects: first, countries with feed-in tariffs generally install a
lot more renewable generating capacity; and second, if properly designed, profits from feed-in tariffs
go back to small investors, not multinational players, thereby breaking the stranglehold that large
corporations have on the energy sector. In other words, many of the people who face slightly higher
retail rates also receive revenue from those increases.
Proponents of quota systems argue that they are technology-neutral, meaning that they do not
prefer one technology over the other. They charge that feed-in tariffs pick winners. But the charge
is unusual in light of the different market outcomes. Quotas promote the least expensive type of
renewable energy, which has generally been onshore wind up to now. Not surprisingly, PV relatively
expensive until recently has sometimes failed to win bids in auctions altogether unless there was a
set-aside for photovoltaics (though that situation may be changing now that PV is so affordable). In
contrast, markets with feed-in tariffs for all renewable sources generally see a buildup of everything.
And if you want an energy transition, you will need a proper mix of renewable sources, not a focus
on the cheapest one.
Ironically, the allegedly technology-neutral policy (quotas) has led to a focus on a single energy
source (onshore wind), while the policy that allegedly picks winners has led to a technology
mix. Furthermore, while auctions are called competitive, competition takes place between energy sources; companies also compete with each other in auctions, but the auctions lead to greater



2 Technology as a key issue


A community-owned PV
array on a noise barrier
in Freiburg, Germany.
Source: fesa GmbH 2006

arket concentration. Feed-in tariffs have produced far more open markets, with new players comm
peting on a level playing field against incumbents.
Until recently, the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) had a section on its website called
Projects, which listed wind farms by location, size, and owner. At the time, Germany had the most
wind power capacity of any country in the world. Nonetheless, DEWI, the organization that collates
statistics on German wind power, said they never produced such a table: We cannot say who owns
a particular wind farm in Germany because ownership is splintered across scores, and sometimes
hundreds, of local citizens and businesses.
These examples from Germany are common, not exceptional. Dardesheim was not even the first in
1994. That honor goes to the small town of Friedrich-Wilhelm-Lbke-Koog near the Danish border.
Meanwhile, in Freiburg, Germany, a town of some 220,000 people in the southwestern corner of the
country, citizens funded roughly a third of the investment costs for four turbines put up on a nearby
hill, with the other two thirds coming from bank loans. The project manager says interest rates
from the bank were around 4.5 percent, whereas the project paid a dividend of up to six percent
to citizen investors. The citizen investments counted as equity; in other words, the banks provided
relatively low interest rates because so much equity was available. On the other hand, a lot more
paperwork is involved when you have hundreds of small investors instead of a few big loans from
banks. But the Freiburg project, like so many others in Germany, focused on greater community
acceptance so that locals can negotiate with locals, not with an out-of-town corporation that
makes everyone feel like it could get its way.
The latest projects attempt to make communities not just net exporters selling excess power to the
grid and only purchasing power from it when not enough renewable energy is available but entirely
self-sufficient. For instance, the Island of Pellworm has combined solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal in a hybrid power plant connected to a smart grid with energy storage to reduce the dependency
of its 1,200 inhabitants on energy imports by 90 percent.
There are also community-owned biomass projects. In 2004, a local farmer in the village of Jhnde formed
a cooperative with nine other farmers who wanted to grow energy crops. More than 70 percent of village
residents agreed to switch their heating systems over to a district heating network connected to a new village biogas unit.The biomass unit runs largely on local corn crops. For several years now, the villagers have
been paying local farmers and businesses for their heat instead of paying for foreign oil and natural gas.
When Jhnde switched over to its renewable heat supply, it drew a lot of attention across the country
and served as an example for scores of other communities and continues to do so. Indeed, there was
a bit of a boom in corn as an energy crop, which drew some criticism. People feared monocultures
and were concerned about the impact on biodiversity and landscapes, but anyone who has seen the
Corn Belt in the United States, soy plantations in Brazil, or palm oil plantations in Malaysia would
find Germanys largest cornfields quite small in comparison.
New projects will continue to depend on local support. If the citizens affected dont want to be
surrounded by even more cornfields, the project will not go forward.



2 Technology as a key issue


Overall, it is estimated that energy cooperatives community-owned renewables projects had

leveraged more than 1.2 billion euros in investments from more than 130,000 private citizens in
2013. It is often said that only the wealthy can make such investments; for instance, critics charge
that you need to own your own home to have a solar roof. But more than 90 percent of Germanys
energy cooperatives have already set up solar arrays, and a single share in such cooperatives costs
less than 500 euros in two thirds of the cooperatives with the minimum amount less than 100
euros in some cases. As the head of Germanys Solar Industry Association (BSW-Solar) puts it,
Energy cooperatives democratize energy supply in Germany and allow everyone to benefit from the
energy transition even if they do not own their own home.
Furthermore, energy cooperatives are moving beyond power production to include grid ownership.
In the 1990s, the movement began with the Schnau Power Rebels, residents of a village in the
Black Forest that forced their local utility to let them purchase the local grid. Now, the movement
continues to spread across the country. In 2014, Germanys second-largest city Hamburg voted
to buy back its grid. A similar campaign in the capital city Berlin failed, however. Citizens are even
to be allowed to purchase stakes in transmission lines expanded for offshore wind, albeit to a very
limited extent.
Social transition
The Energiewende is not just a technical challenge; it will also challenge us to change our behavior. If the goals are to be met, Germans will have to pursue sufficiency strategies focusing on
a cultural transformation a process that cannot be completed overnight, but will take time and
require a lot of awareness-raising. Germany is a society in which people love their creature comforts, so as all of these devices become more efficient, we must ensure that people do not simply
decide, say, that a car with twice as good gas mileage means they can drive twice as much for the
same price. This discussion about policies to change behavior is just getting started in Germany.
Already, it is clear that new ownership and financing models (such as energy cooperatives) will not
only allow people to get involved in new ways, but also increase acceptance of local change and
awareness of energy consumption.
Increasingly, new modes of flexibility will need to be tried out. Housing associations are working on flexible housing concepts to allow rooms to be easily separated in order to put an end to
the unbroken growth in per capita living area over the past few decades. Elsewhere, residential
complexes now have ultra-efficient washing machines for common use in the basement, and car
sharing provides people with efficient mobility to suit their needs. But people should not be forced
to adopt such ideas. Rather, they will come up with such solutions themselves as they become
more aware of the problems posed by unpredictably fluctuating energy prices and the impact of
carbon emissions.



2 Technology as a key issue


Policies for clean energy

Germany has implemented a number of laws and programs for its energy transition,
and there are also some at the level of the EU. The most important ones are listed

A Nuclear phase-out
BRenewable Energy Act with feed-in tariffs
C Emissions trading
D Environmental taxation
E Cogeneration Act
F Renewable Energy Heating Act and Market Incentive Program (MAP)
G Act on Accelerating Grid Expansion
H Energy-Conservation Ordinance (EnEV) and financial support schemes
I Ecodesign/ErP Directive
J International Climate Initiative
K Amendments to the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) in 2014
L Coordination with the European Union




3 Policies for clean energy


Germany is gradually shutting down all nuclear power plants

Declining nuclear energy installed capacity in Germany, 20002022
Source: Institute of Applied Ecology, BMJ, own calculations

Nov 2003

May 2005


Aug 2011

Biblis A+B
Isar 1
Neckarwestheim 1
Philippsburg 1


June 2015


Dec 2017

Gundremmingen B

Dec 2019

Philippsburg 2

Dec 2021

Gundremmingen C



Dec 2022



in megawatts


Isar 2
Neckarwestheim 2








A Nuclear phase-out




The nuclear phase-out is a central part of Germanys Energiewende. Germans view nuclear as
unnecessarily risky, too expensive, and incompatible with renewables. In 2022, the last nuclear
plant in Germany is to be shut down. At the beginning of 2011, 17 were in operation; in early 2015,
nine were still online. The country plans to fill the gasp left behind by nuclear power with electricity from renewables, power from natural gas turbines, lower power consumption (efficiency
and conservation), demand management, and in the interim the rest of its existing fleet of
conventional power plants.
The 2011 nuclear phase-out was not the first German nuclear phase-out. In 2000, the governing
coalition of the Social Democrats and the Greens under Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder reached an
agreement with Germanys nuclear sector to shut down the countrys nuclear plants after an average service life of 32 years. At the time, the country had 19 nuclear plants with commissions that
had not expired.
The firms were allowed, however, to allocate kilowatt-hours from one plant to another. In this way,
the firms themselves could decide to shut down one plant ahead of schedule but transfer that plants
remaining kilowatt-hours to another plant that, say, was located in a more critical area on the grid.
Depending on how much nuclear power had been produced by then, Germany would have switched
off its last nuclear plant around 2023.



3 Policies for clean energy


Germany can easily replace its nuclear capacity on the phaseout schedule
Replacing nuclear plants with reserves, new renewables, gas, and demand-side management (DSM)
Source: Institute of Applied Ecology, own calculations

20.9 GW of nuclear capacity

Nuclear plants phased out in 2011
8.4 GW


By 2020, Germany will have added

3.8 GW more than is needed by 2022
to replace its entire nuclear fleet







Germany had more reserve capacity

than needed for the phaseout of eight
nuclear plants in 2011

Nuclear plants phased out from 20152022

12.5 GW

From 20112015, no nuclear plants

close, but 6.5 GW other capacity added
Reserve capacity already available in 2011
11.2 GW

... to be replaced by

New renewables

New plants

3.7 GW

2.8 GW



New renewables and gas DSM


5.0 GW


2.0 GW

24.7 GW


Germanys Big Four power companies (EnBW, RWE, Eon, and Vattenfall of Sweden) had no choice
but to accept this compromise they had reached with Schroeders government, but they seem to
have pursued a strategy of waiting it out and of switching from nuclear to coal and natural gas
rather than to renewables. By the end of 2011, these firms collectively only made up seven percent
of Germanys new investments in renewables (to learn more about citizen investments in renewables,
(see 2 I Energy by the people). During that same timeframe, the share of nuclear in German
power supply fell from 30 percent in 1999 to 23 percent in 2010 a clear sign that the phase-out
was already underway, with two of the countrys 19 nuclear plants having been phased out already.
Policy reversals
Then came the nuclear meltdown in Fukushima, Japan, on March 11, 2011. In Berlin alone, an estimated 90,000 people took to the streets to protest nuclear power. The German government resolved
to shut down eight of the countrys 17 reactors immediately. The decision became final two months
later, essentially meaning that Chancellor Merkels coalition suspended the previous nuclear phase-out
for only a few months before reinstituting a similar deadline. Now, Germany is back on course to be
nuclear-free by 2022. For each of the remaining nine nuclear plants, a concrete date has been set for
Despite the Merkel coalitions complete reversal of its nuclear policy, the public did not seem to believe
the change of heart. State elections held in the wake of Fukushima often seemed like a referendum on
nuclear power, with a large block of votes shifting to the Green Party, most notably in the southwestern
state of Baden-Wrttemberg, where the Greens won the governorship for the first time ever.

B Renewable Energy Act with feed-in tariffs

Perhaps no other legislation has been copied worldwide as much as Germanys Renewable Energy
Act (EEG), making it a tremendous success story. The law specifies that renewables have priority
on the grid and that investors in renewables must receive sufficient compensation to provide a
return on their investment irrespective of electricity prices on the power exchange. The resulting
high level of investment security and the lack of red tape are often cited as the main reasons why
the EEG has brought down the cost of renewables so much. In contrast, quota systems do not provide investors with security or incentives to ensure that a wide range of renewables technologies
are deployed so they can become less expensive.
In the early 1990s, Germany came up with a very simple policy to promote electricity from renewable energy sources, including wind power, solar energy, and small hydropower generators. In
2000, these feed-in tariffs were revised, expanded, and increased; every three to four years, they
are reviewed and the law is amended, (see Chapter 4 History of the Energiewende).. The last



3 Policies for clean energy


major revision was done in August 2014 (see Chapter 3K Amendments to the Renewable Energy
Sources Act (EEG) in 2014).
Owners of solar arrays and wind farms have guaranteed access to the grid. Grid operators are
required by law to purchase renewable power, with the (intended) result being that conventional
power plants have to be ramped down in the process, renewable power directly offsets conventional power production.
While feed-in tariffs themselves have been widely copied outside of Germany in more than 50 countries,
the central aspect of grid access is occasionally overlooked. Projects that would be profitable thanks
to feed-in tariffs may then remain stuck in limbo for lack of a grid connection.
The situation is by no means perfect in Germany, either; any German project developer can probably
complain about delays in the grid connections. But overall, most grid connections are fairly easy to get
in a timely fashion, and project planners in other countries would probably love to have the grid access
terms stipulated in Germanys EEG.
The standard contract for feed-in tariffs that you sign with your utility is two pages long in Germany.
In contrast, the United States has Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), which can easily be 70 pages
long and are individually negotiated between the seller and the buyer (say, a utility company). In
Germany, feed-in tariffs are guaranteed for 20 years, which would be unusually long for PPAs. And let
us not overlook one important aspect you will need a lawyer, if not a team of lawyers, to formulate
a PPA, whereas the average German has no problem understanding the two-page contract for feed-in
Flexible tariffs
The feed-in tariffs themselves are quite simple to explain. Basically, you take the cost of a particular
system, divide that figure by the number of kilowatt-hours the system can reasonably be expected to
generate over its service life (generally 20 years), and you get the cost of that system per kilowatt-hour.
Now, tack on whatever return on investment (ROI) you want to provide, and you have your feed-in
tariff. In Germany, the target ROI is generally around five to seven percent (although the levels vary
in practice).
This approach allows distinctions to be made not only between technologies (such as solar, wind, and
biomass), but also between system sizes. After all, a giant ground-mounted photovoltaic array on a
brownfield will produce electricity that is cheaper than power from a large number of distributed
solar rooftops on homes. By offering different feed-in tariffs for different system sizes, you ensure the
economic viability of the various applications, thereby preventing windfall profits for large projects.

Feed-in tariffs grow renewables

Renewable electricity generation in Germany, 19902014

Source: BMU

Electricity generation in terawatt-hours



by 2014

EEG 2009

EEG 2004
EEG 2000




Wind power

1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002

2004 2006 2008 2010 2012






3 Policies for clean energy


Feed-in tariffs provide investment certainty and drive costs down

Simplified generalization of feed-in tariff with 20 year duration
Source: Own estimates based on WFC

Rate level

Rate is set for 20 years when system is installed

but rates for new systems drop each year.











The EEG sets very ambitious targets. For instance, Germany plans to get at least 40 to 45 percent of
its power from renewables by 2025 and at least 80 percent of its power from renewables by 2050. This
legal requirement to switch power generation almost entirely to renewable sources is one of the main
pillars of Germanys Energiewende.
Criticism of feed-in tariffs
Critics of feed-in tariffs charge that the policy does not promote the least expensive type of renewable energy.
This outcome is not, however, unintended; it is what makes feed-in tariffs successful to begin with.
Think about it quota systems (such as Renewables Obligations in the UK and Renewable Energy
Credits in the US) generally require utilities to generate or purchase a certain amount of their electricity from renewables (say, ten percent by 2020). The utility then looks for the cheapest source of
renewable power, which is almost always wind power and it is almost always large wind farms, not
community projects with just a few turbines. But we will never bring down the price of photovoltaics
by focusing only on wind turbines.
Repeatedly, critics of feed-in tariffs have charged that the policy picks winners, but in fact quota
systems always pick wind, whereas feed-in tariffs support all of the specified types of energy equally.
The confusion is based on a misunderstanding. Up to now, conventional power sources have generally
competed with each other. For instance, power companies leave their least expensive power plants
online as much as possible and only switch to more expensive generators as demand increases. But
if renewable power always has priority, then it does not compete with conventional power on price
anyway. In addition, in quota systems, financing institutions add risk surcharges. Thus, financing
costs are higher than in a feed-in tariff scheme, which provides long-term reliability for investors.
It would not be correct, however, to conclude that there is no competition with feed-in tariffs. For a
given feed-in tariff, companies from panel manufacturers to local installers compete for customers. For instance, lets say you want to put a solar array on your house. In Germany, you will get a
couple of estimates from local installers, who will probably also give you a couple of options (such
as monocrystalline or polycrystalline panels, or panels made in Germany or abroad). All of the companies you could buy from compete with each other.
Feed-in tariffs unleash the market
Not surprisingly, feed-in tariffs do not lead to unnecessarily high prices. In fact, Germany has the cheapest solar power in the world not because it has so much sunlight, but because of investment certainty
and market maturity due to its feed-in tariff policy. Solar is so much cheaper in Germany than it is in



3 Policies for clean energy


sunny parts of the US, for instance, that the largest, most cost-efficient utility-scale solar power plants
there still produce considerably more expensive power than small to midsize arrays in Germany. The
Rocky Mountain Institute estimated the cost of commercial solar rooftops (10-100 kW) in the US
at just above four dollars per watt at the end of 2013, compared to around 1.5 dollars in Germany.
Up until 2008, when the bottleneck in the supply of solar silicon finally worked itself out, critics of
feed-in tariffs charged that Germany had been paying too much for photovoltaics with its feed-in
tariffs, thereby keeping the cost up for the rest of the world, including developing countries in particular.
But since prices began to plummet in 2008, we dont hear that criticism anymore because it wasnt
true in the first place.
Changes in German feed-in tariffs for PV did not bring about these lower prices; on the contrary, German politicians have been rushing to reduce solar feed-in tariffs to keep up with falling prices. Those
who once claimed that German feed-in tariffs kept the price of solar up for the rest of the world should
now explain why prices are down so much without being driven by cuts in German feed-in tariffs for PV.
The truth is that solar can get cheaper even if feed-in tariffs remain unchanged because there is still
a competitive market. If you want to install a solar roof, you will pick one of the least expensive
offers on the market.
Cost of the EEG
The EEGs feed-in tariffs have scheduled reductions, usually annually, to ensure that the price for renewable power continues to drop. For wind and PV, there is now also a growth corridor with a target
of 2.5 gigawatts per year. If that level is surpassed, the scheduled reductions are stepped up. Unfortunately, the current market design has a flaw that actually makes the retail rate increase for consumers
when renewables lower the wholesale rate for industry. Green electricity is sold on the power exchange,
and the difference between feed-in tariffs paid to producers and the revenue from the power exchange
is passed on as the renewable energy surcharge.
To maintain dynamic development for renewables on the market, the feed-in tariffs for newly installed
systems decrease from year to year. The degression rate stepped, scheduled tariff reductions depends on the maturity of the different technologies. Hydropower tariffs go down one percent per year,
wind 0.4 percent per year, PV 0.5 percent per month, and biomass 0.5 percent per quarter. For biomass,
photovoltaics and wind, the regression rate depends partly on the market volume in the preceding year.
If the PV market falls below one gigawatt per year, rates will even increase.
The cost of these feed-in tariffs is passed on to power consumers. By 2015, this surcharge had raised
the retail price by around 6.1 cents per kilowatt-hour equivalent to roughly a quarter of the retail
power price (not including the monthly hookup fee). These investments not only reduce energy imports,
but also lower greenhouse gas emissions and the cost of resulting climate change.
But while renewable power has raised the retail rate in Germany, it has lowered wholesale prices. Solar
power in particular is generated in the early afternoon at a time of peak consumption. Normally, even
the most expensive generators are switched on during such hours (the technical term is merit-order
effect),but less expensive solar power largely offsets this costly peak demand power in Germany now.
Some changes are needed
Ironically, lower wholesale rates increased the EEG surcharge because of the way that surcharge is
calculated the price of wholesale power is reduced from the cost of renewable power, and the difference is passed on as the surcharge. Hence, as renewables made wholesale power cheaper, they also
seemed to make up an ever larger share of the power price, so consumers perceived renewable power
as a cost driver simply because of the calculations design.
In contrast, energy-intensive industry is benefiting tremendously from this trend. Not only do they
generally pay wholesale rates, not retail rates, but energy-intensive industry and the railway sector in
particular are largely exempt from the EEG surcharge. In other words, German consumers and small
businesses currently cover an inordinate share of the cost of green power.
Increasingly, however, the EEG surcharge is becoming an issue for social policy how will the poor
continue to pay their power bills? Proponents of renewables are increasingly calling for the exemption
for energy-intensive industry to be done away with, as the sector already benefits from lower wholesale



3 Policies for clean energy


prices thanks to renewables and should gradually have to share a greater chunk of the burden. It has
been estimated that the EEG surcharge would have come in around 4 cents per kilowatt-hour in 2015
(rather than 6.1 cents) had energy-intensive industry been required to pay the full surcharge.

C Emissions trading
An emissions trading system (ETS) puts a limit on emissions for the long term. The policy is the
main instrument in the EU to lower greenhouse gas emissions in industry, the power sector, and
most recently the aviation sector. The EU-ETS has been criticized, however, for a lack of ambition
and too many loopholes an outcome that comes as no surprise, given that policy makers had to
make concessions to strong electricity and industry lobbies to get the system launched at all. These
concessions include offsets, unambitious targets, and a lack of adjustments to economic downturns.
The EUs main climate policy instrument for the industrial and power sector is its Emissions Trading
Scheme (EU-ETS), which covers roughly half of the greenhouse gas emissions within the European
Union. Overall, the goal is to cap the emissions for different sectors. Each year, the amount of carbon
that can be emitted is reduced, putting pressure on firms to lower their emissions by investing in
efficiency measures or buying allowances from other emitters.
This system thus produces a price for carbon. Proponents of emissions trading point out that the
least expensive solution will always be chosen. For example, it might be cheap for a utility firm to
shut down a very old coal plant and switch to natural gas or renewables to replace that capacity. As
a result, that utility might not emit as much carbon as it holds in carbon certificates, so it could sell
the unused certificates to another utility firm, which has a relatively new coal plant in operation but
needs to purchase a few allowances nonetheless.
Absolute cap, but bumpy start and design flaws
The EU-ETS has, however, gotten off to a bumpy start. Launched in 2005 in a pilot phase, it was
comprehensively revised in 2009/2010. The price of carbon remained low, thus giving little financial incentive to switch from coal to low carbon fuels. Nonetheless, the platform does put a ceiling
on emissions, which is why Germanys nuclear phaseout will not lead to more emissions. The ETS
caps the power sector, so Germanys carbon emissions cannot rise above that level with or without
nuclear power. (See Chapter 6 Question and Answer)
A number of design flaws have kept the system from being more successful. To begin with, when
the pilot phase began in 2005, a generous volume of certificates was handed out for free to major
emitters. The result was nonetheless higher power prices because the firms charged consumers for
the value of the certificates they had received for free. Since 2013, certificates have no longer been
allotted for free but have instead all been auctioned off for the power sector; major carbon emitters
will finally have to pay for all of their carbon allowances.
The economic downturn since 2008 and other, partly unknown factors mean that too many allowances are still in circulation. In 2014, the EU had already reached its target for 2020 on the European trading platform, which sounds like good news but in fact reflects the inability of the platform
to react to the success of renewables and the economic downturn. As a result, carbon prices are
not expected to rise from the current level of around 5 euros per ton to the 30-50 euros originally
envisioned in 2005. In 2014, thebackloading of certificates was passed, postponing the sale of
900 million carbon allowances to the period of 2019 to 2020 to stabilize the carbon prices. The EU
is discussing whether to remove these allowances from the market to a reserve which would only be
activated in case of price peaks in the carbon market. The main question is whether the platform can
be made to work before the next phase, which begins in 2021.
A major problem continues to be the role of offsets, which will be expanded starting in 2013. They
basically allow European companies to reduce their emissions not at home but in developing countries, with the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Unfortunately, the requirement that offsets
be additional (meaning that the project would not have taken place anyway to fulfill existing
environmental laws) may be preventing environmental regulations from being made stricter; after
all, stricter rules would require more action, and the CDM then has to go even further. In other
words, the stipulation that a project be additional may provide an unintended incentive to keep other



3 Policies for clean energy


regulations lax. Steps must therefore be taken to ensure that offsets are not barriers to stricter
environmental regulations.
Overall, criticism of offsets centers on the question of whether developed countries outsource too
much of their emission reduction responsibilities to the developing world, thus avoiding structural
changes in their own economy. In the next phase of the EU-ETS, for example, Germany firms may
achieve up to 50% of their mandatory emission reduction with offsets a level that many believe
is too high.
Emissions trading and feed-in tariffs
Emissions trading has sometimes been viewed as in conflict with feed-in tariffs (see Chapter 3B
Renewable Energy Act with feed-in tariffs). While the ETS aims to reduce emissions in the traditional power sector, feed-in tariffs promote investments in renewables. Some analysts argue that if
the only goal is lowering greenhouse gas emissions, the ETS would deliver this goal most efficiently
because market members would choose the cheapest way to reduce emissions; they charge that
many types of renewable energy are only economically viable because of feed-in tariffs.
In fact, renewable power primarily offsets gas turbines and electricity from hard coal plants in
Germany, thereby reducing carbon emissions dramatically. Rather than viewing feed-in tariffs and
emissions trading as competitors, most Germans understand that feed-in tariffs allow us to reduce
the ceiling on carbon emissions for emissions trading faster than we would otherwise be able to do.
During the discussions in 2009, Germanys premier economic research institute, DIW, came out
strongly in favor of both instruments in a paper entitled We need both, arguing essentially that
if renewable energy has the potential to reduce carbon emissions faster than the emissions trading
platform can, then the obvious thing to do would be to lower targets for emissions trading not to
get rid of feed-in tariffs.
In reality, as the upturn in demand for German coal power from 2011 to 2013 shows, both renewable energy and emissions trading is needed. A higher price for carbon would have encouraged a
transition from coal to natural gas in the power sector.
Emissions trading internationally
Outside of Europe, emissions trading has been struggling even more up to now. Nonetheless, the policy will likely pick up not only in the EU, but also worldwide. California started its own cap and trade
program in 2013, and its carbon price is higher than the EUs; it is complemented by the voluntary
emissions trading platform along the East Coast of the US (RGGI). China recently implemented a
pilot platform in seven provinces.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that Germany is one of the few countries that not only met its Kyoto
targets, but surpassed them with flying colors. The Germans had what sounds like a relatively ambitious target of a 21 percent reduction below the level of 1990 by the end of 2012 (the UKs target
was a 12.5 percent reduction; Frances, zero percent), but 10 percent of that was related to the
special situation of the former East Germany, whose decrepit industrial sector was shut down or revamped in the 1990s. Nonetheless, Germany overshot the target by a wide margin, reducing its emissions by 24.7 percent by the end of 2012. At the end of 2014, the reduction had reached 27 percent.
Germany is not, however, on course to reach its 2020 emissions reduction target of 40 percent. Additional political action is needed. In December 2014, the government adopted a Climate Action
Plan to help close this emissions gap, and in the spring of 2015, the government was also discussing
the limiting emissions from old coal plants.



3 Policies for clean energy


Eco tax reform: taxing energy instead of jobs

Benefits of Germanys ecological tax reform which raised taxes on energy and cut payroll taxes
Source: Green Budget Germany

Gas-powered cars...................................................... 10
Public transport ........................................................+5%
Car sharing..............................................................+70%
Employment.........................................+250,000 jobs
More tax revenue to lower payroll taxes
Pension costs......................................................... 1.7%
Carbon emissions......................................................3%
Fuel consumption....................................................17%
Fossil fuel import ................................................... 13%



D Environmental taxation
Tax the bads, not the goods as the slogan puts it, environmental taxation increases taxes on
environmentally unfriendly activities (such as fossil fuel consumption). But it is also revenueneutral, for the tax revenue can be used to lower the costs of something society considers good
(such as, in the case of Germany, labor, when the revenue is used to offset payroll taxes). The
policy was very successfully implemented in Germany and created some 250,000 jobs even as it
reduced fuel consumption and made German workers more competitive internationally.
Since 1951, Germany has had a petroleum tax, which has been called the energy tax since 2006. As
of 2007 (the last time it was changed), 65.45 cents was charged per liter of gasoline, for instance,
roughly equivalent to around 2.50 euros (more than three dollars) per US gallon. In other words,
Germanys petroleum tax alone costs roughly the same as gasoline itself does in the United States,
for instance, and we still need to add on sales tax!
Unlike the previous petroleum tax, environmental taxation is revenue-neutral, meaning that it offsets a revenue stream somewhere else. In the case of Germanys eco-tax, some of the revenue
went to a budget that funded renewables, but most of it was used to lower payroll taxes because
the government felt that the main thing hurting the German businesses was the high cost of German
workers. From 1999-2003, an eco-tax was implemented for the first time in annual increments
under the governing coalition of the Social Democrats and the Green Party. It applied not only to
gasoline and diesel for vehicles, but also to heating oil and fossil fuel (natural gas, coal, oil, and
LPG) used to generate electricity.
Tax the bads, not the goods
The idea that a tax paid at a filling station should help offset employee pensions struck Germans as a
bit odd at the time, but it is in fact what makes revenue-neutral environmental taxation special. The
idea is that you tax bad things so that people will consume less of them (such as finite fossil fuel),
not good things that you want more of (such as jobs). And because the tax is revenue-neutral, political opponents cannot claim that taxes are being raised because another revenue stream already
being paid is lowered in the same amount of the new levy.
Each year from 1999-2003, the tax on a liter of gasoline/diesel was increased by 3.07 cents, which
is not much, but it sent a signal to consumers to get ready for a 15.35 cent increase over that fiveyear period. The public was able to react to these higher prices in a number of ways, all of which were
desirable: driving less, driving in a way that reduced fuel consumption, buying more efficient cars,



3 Policies for clean energy


Why cogeneration is more efficient than conventional coal power plants

Comparing the energy efficiency of cogeneration with conventional coal power plant and heating system
Source: ASUE

Separate power and heat supply


Efficiency 55%

Efficiency 87%

Useful energy

Useful energy

Coal- fired plant

natural gas

Useful energy

(heating oil)


With a coal fired power plant, more than half the energy input is wasted.
Cogeneration reduces the primary energy demand by 36%.



carpooling, taking public transport, cycling or walking, or moving from the countryside into the city,
where they could more easily do without a car.
According to Green Budget Germany, which lobbied for the eco-tax, fuel consumption dropped each
year during the implementation of the eco-tax, and the number of people using public transportation
increased every year. Likewise, sales of efficient cars also increased each year. In addition, payroll
taxes dropped by 1.7 percent, and less expensive labor is estimated to have led to the creation of
250,000 new jobs.

E Cogeneration Act
Germany wants to get 25 percent of its power supply from cogeneration units because cogeneration is much more efficient than separate power and heat generation. The Cogeneration Act therefore pays bonuses for cogeneration relative to system size irrespective of the feedstock.
Although it is possible to count kilowatt-hours of heat just as we count kilowatt-hours of electricity,
Germany has never offered feed-in tariffs for renewable heat. Instead, in 2002 the country adopted
the Cogeneration Act.
Cogeneration is when part of the waste heat from a power generator is recovered, thereby increasing the
overall efficiency of fuel consumption. The goal defined in 2009, when the first amendments went into effect, was for Germany to get 25 percent of its power supply from cogeneration units by 2020 (compared
to 14.5 percent in 2010). Because heat can be much more easily and efficiently stored than electricity,
such units could generally be ramped up when power is needed, and heat would be stored for later.
There is a debate in Germany about whether cogeneration units should be run based on power demand as opposed to heat demand, however. Critics of the current policy argue that shortfalls in heat
production may require the use of inefficient backup heating systems to cover peak demand, which
can worsen overall efficiency. Nonetheless, it is clear that cogeneration is far more efficient than the
separate generation of power and heat. German energy conservation organization ASUE puts the
potential total efficiency of cogeneration at 87 percent, compared to only 55 percent for separate
power and heat generation.
The law sets a bonus for each kilowatt-hour of power produced by the cogeneration unit, and that
power has priority on the grid. Interestingly, there is no special payment for the heat generated; the
incentive comes in the form of a bonus for the power produced. Furthermore, the only requirement
for efficiency is that the cogeneration unit must reduce primary energy consumption by ten percent
compared to the provision of the same amount of heat and power from separate generators.



3 Policies for clean energy


In 2013, Germany got 16.2 percent of its net power supply from cogeneration (96 TWh). Roughly
half of that electricity came from utility units, with a third run by industry. The remainder comes
from smaller units. In addition, these cogeneration units covered are around 20 percent of peak
demand that year (200 TWh).
The latest amendment
The law was amended in 2014. As with other technologies, the law moves away from feed-in tariffs
towards direct sales. In 2017, the plan is to switch to a system of auctions. The rates for direct sales
with a market bonus are as follows:
Power from biomass

Up to 150 kW 13.66 cents/kWh

Up to 500 kW 11.78 cents/kWh
Up to 5,000 kW 10.55 cents/kWh
Up to 20,000 kW 5.85 cents/kWh

Fermentation of biowaste

Up to 500 kW 15.26 cents/kWh

Up to 20,000 kW 13.3 cents/kWh

Fermentation of manure

Up to 75 kW 23.73 cents/kWh

F Renewable Energy Heating Act and Market Incentive Program (MAP)

Germanys Renewable Heat Act aims to increase the share of renewable heat to 14 percent by
2020. New building owners are obligated to get a certain share of their heat from renewable
energy, and owners of old building get financial support for renovations. This funding was temporarily cut during the economic crisis although every euro spent here generated more than 7
euros in private investments. Now, the program is back in place.
In 2009 long before the disaster in Fukushima Germanys Renewable Energy Heating Act was
passed. It aims to increase the share of renewable heat to 14 percent by 2020. New building owners
private persons, firms, and the public sector, even if the building is to be rented are required to get
a certain share of their heat from renewable energy systems (such as solar collectors, a heat pump,
or a wood-fired boiler). The owners can choose how to meet these obligations at their discretion.
Those who do not wish to use renewables can use more insulation or get heat from district heating
networks or cogeneration units.
Because renewable heating systems can be planned from the outset when new buildings are constructed, the Renewable Energy Heating Act only applies to this sector. In existing buildings, the
German government supports renovations of heating systems with its Market Incentive Program
(MAP), which was originally instituted in 2000. This program primarily supports existing buildings;
new buildings are eligible only for certain types of innovations.
Homeowners, small and midsize businesses, freelancers, and municipalities can apply for special
funding for the following types of systems:

small and large solar heat collectors

biomass-fired furnaces with automatic feed systems (such as wood pellets)
highly efficient firewood gasifiers
efficient heat pumps
district heating systems, heat storage and biogas pipelines
geothermal heat supply systems.



3 Policies for clean energy


Grid reliability and renewable growth seem to go hand in hand

Minutes of power outages per year (excl. exceptional events), based on Saidi
Source: CEER and own calculations



US benchmark



The Netherlands











The purpose is to ensure that sensible ways of using renewable energy are promoted when the current building standard does not go far enough. For 2015, the MAP has a budget of more than 300
million euros.
Budget reliability
As the backlog of available funding shows, the program has not lived up to its potential. Because it is
a budget, the MAP is vulnerable to the whims of politicians, who may want to discontinue it if they
suddenly need to cut spending. The last time this happened was during the recent economic crisis,
when industrial output and hence, carbon emissions temporarily dropped. As a result, firms had
no need for additional carbon certificates, so the price of carbon plummeted.
The MAP got some of its funding from emissions trading, so the economic downturn ironically also
meant there was suddenly less money for energy-efficient heating systems in old buildings. This outcome was especially unfortunate because, as one study conducted in 2010 found, every euro in MAP
funding generated more than seven euros in private investments, making the MAP an especially
effective type of subsidy.

G Act on Accelerating Grid Expansion

The energy transition will need an expanded, adapted grid to cope with more renewable power.
Neither has been progressing fast enough, so the German Parliament has passed the Act on
Accelerating Grid Expansion. But there is no agreement on how much needs to be done where.
Official plans are in place, but several of the projects remain contested.
The Energiewende will require properly functioning infrastructure; in particular, the grid will have
to be adapted and be made smarter. The current grid is designed to take power from central power
stations to consumers, but the future will be more complex.
Large power plants will continue to export power to the transit grid, but it will need to be changed so
that power from wind turbines (both onshore and offshore) in the north can reach consumer centers
in the west and the south. These lines will also be used for power trading. At the low-voltage and
medium-voltage levels of the grid, a growing number of small, distributed generators solar arrays,
cogeneration units, individual wind turbines, and small wind farms will be connected, and special
controls will ensure that everything runs smoothly. The grid will become more intelligent.
Up to now, grid expansion has not been progressing fast enough. Only a ninth of the 1,800 kilometers
of new lines that need to be finished by 2015 had been completed in late 2012. Lines to connect
offshore wind turbines are especially crucial. For some time, it was unclear who was financially
liable if wind turbines had been installed offshore, but the grid connection was not ready. In the



3 Policies for clean energy


summer of 2012, the German government brokered a compromise between wind farm investors and
grid operators by resolving that the former would be compensated by the latter but the costs could
be passed on to consumers. This compromise sets a double standard for wind power. Small onshore
wind farms have to pay for their own connections up to the nearest transformer station, and they
receive no compensation from grid operators if the capacity behind the transformer station needs to
be upgraded and is not done in timely fashion. The onshore wind sector, which has traditionally been
driven by community projects and small to midsize businesses, is therefore frustrated because grid
operators former subsidiaries of Germanys Big Four utilities, which have not always helped small
onshore wind farms are getting special treatment for their grid connections.
In 2011, the German Parliament passed the Act on Accelerating Grid Expansion (NABEG). It calls for
a review of ultra-high voltage lines by Germanys Network Agency and for high-voltage (110-kilovolt)
lines to be installed as underground cables as a rule. In addition, there is to be great public input and
transparency at an early stage of planning to increase public acceptance. In 2014, two drafts of the Grid
Development Plan analyzed the necessity of creating a Federal Need Plan, which would become law.
The goal is not just grid expansion; existing grids will also be upgraded and optimized. For instance, special temperature-resistant power lines could be used to transport greater amounts of electricity without
requiring further lines to be installed. Temperature monitoring would also allow power lines to be used
closer to full capacity when the wind cools them off which generally happens when there is also a lot
of wind power.

H Energy-Conservation Ordinance (EnEV) and financial support schemes

When it comes to the construction of new buildings, the German Energiewende began in 1990
with the development of highly efficient passive houses. Unfortunately, although many buildings
can now be renovated to fulfill very ambitious standards close to the Passive House Standard, a
lot of progress still needs to be made towards increasing the energy efficiency of renovated buildings. To improve things, Germany is in the process of developing an Efficient Building Strategy.
In Germany, roughly 40 percent of all energy is consumed in buildings, most of it for heating. This
area is crucial in Germanys energy transition because most renewables produce electricity, which
makes up the smallest part of German energy consumption at 20 percent. In contrast, oil and gas
continue to dominate the heating sector with a combined share of more than three fourths of the
heat market.
Building retrofits the area that requires the most attention
In Germany, most of the energy used for heating, cooling, and hot water is consumed in buildings,
most of which were built before 1978, when Germany implemented its first requirements for insulation. For instance, two thirds of the roughly 15 million single-family homes and duplexes were
constructed at a time when there were no requirements for insulation. The energy transition has yet
to take proper account of the potential from renovations. Instead of ensuring that renovations are
as comprehensive as possible, German law has generally encouraged building owners merely to make
the most urgent minor repairs.
In other words, the low renovation rate is not the only problem; not enough is done during renovations. Buildings are not properly insulated during renovation, and the technologies that would pay
for themselves the most are not used often enough. As a result, buildings renovated today will soon
need to be renovated again.
The reasons for these shortcomings include a lack of awareness, a lack of motivation, financing
problems, low returns on investment, and insufficient skills among firms, planners, and tradespeople
who perform renovations.
The dilemma of tenants and landlords is another major issue. Building owners do not have proper
incentives to invest in renovations that merely lower the utility costs for their tenants. The situation
is especially serious in Germany, where 22 million of the countrys 39 million families do not own
their own homes.



3 Policies for clean energy


The housing sector offers large potential for energy savings

Characteristic energy demand of buildings
Source: IFEU 2011

Energy demand in kWh/(ma)


German laws

Low consumption houses

Energy demand
Domestic power
Building services
Hot water






Solar passive Zero heating



Trying to improve the situation


At present, Germany is focusing on increasing its renovation rate from one percent per year (meaning that all buildings would be renewed within 100 years) to 2 percent (so that all buildings would
be renewed within the next 40 years).
The Energiewende has made great progress when it comes to electricity, for which a number of
policy tools have been implemented, but progress in building renovations has been slower. If things
are to speed up here, policies will have to be changed. The Energy Conservation Ordinance (EnEV)
includes requirements for energy audits, replacements for old heating systems, and the quality of
renovation steps. However, that last point is only effective if renovations are actually carried out. In
Germany, there is no legal tool for speeding up retrofits.
Instead, Germany is focusing on information and financial support. Germanys development bank
KfW provides special low-interest loans for energy-efficient renovations, although more than 50
percent of this funding is still devoted to new buildings. Furthermore, laws protecting the rights of
tenants were revised in 2012 to help encourage building owners who rent their properties to invest
in renovations.
What is needed is a substantial increase in funding for retrofits. Low-income families often live in
poorly insulated buildings and therefore face high energy costs. Yet, building owners are not willing
to invest in renovations because they will not be the ones who benefit from lower utility bills. The
only way around this dilemma is providing funding for renovations in such situations, but the energy
transition has yet to address this problem sufficiently.
As part of the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (NAPE), new programs have been developed which will specifically address non-residential buildings an area neglected so far. New tools
for energy consultancy are being developed. For instance, the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research develops a tool called building individual renovation roadmap which specifically
helps owners with ambitious step-by-step renovations.
Unfortunately, one of the major instruments proposed in the NAPE, a tax break for renovations, did
not pass the Bundesrat (Upper House) because of objections of a few Federal States.
The new policy for 2015 is intended to get weatherization efforts going again. The German Environmental Ministry has created a special project called Hauswende to facilitate the focus on energy
conservation in renovation projects, which are often complex and include several trades. Additional
efforts within the NAPE include a new labeling scheme for existing heating systems as well as a
heat check, a program carried out by chimney sweepers and installers, meant to increase the dynamics of heating modernization.



3 Policies for clean energy


It would also help to move beyond building renovations and look at how entire neighborhoods and
city districts can be made more energy-efficient. In 2012, the development bank KfW started a special and successful support scheme entitled Energetische Stadtquartiere that provides financial
incentives to municipalities to plan, organize, and implement district-wide retrofit schemes and to
implement district heating networks. In addition, within the urban development promotion programs
and another programs targeted towards municipalities, efficiency measures and the installation of
renewable and district heating infrastructure is funded.
The Energy Conservation Ordinance (EnEV)
In 2002, Germany adopted its Energy Conservation Ordinance (EnEV). For the first time, this
legislation provided a way of creating an eco-balance for a building by counting not only the useful
energy provided to the building, but also the primary energy needed in the process, which includes
losses in generation, distribution, storage, etc. In addition, EnEV includes requirements for the quality of renovation steps, energy audits, and replacements for old heating systems. The current EnEV
specifies that new homes must not consume more than 60 to 70 kilowatt-hours of energy per square
meter of heated indoor area per year for heating and hot water.
Passive houses
The current EnEV figure seems like a lot when you consider that way back in 1990, a number of
German architects built houses that make do with only 15 kilowatt-hours of heating energy per
square meter the first passive houses. So little energy is needed for heating that some residents of
passive houses simply invite friends over for dinner when the apartment starts to get cold. Heat from
the kitchen and from human bodies suffices to warm the house.
Passive houses basically allow you to completely do away with heating systems even in a cold climate like Germanys. Heating expenses are cut by an estimated 90 percent compared to a conventional new building, partly because backup heating systems can be so much smaller.
Passive houses are a combination of high-tech and low-tech. The low-tech aspect is relatively straightforward: homes are built facing the south in Germany. The southern faades have large glazed surfaces
to allow a lot of sunlight and solar heat in during the cold season; in the summer, overhanging balconies
on the south side provide shading, thereby preventing overheating, as do deciduous trees planted on the
southern side of the building, which provide additional shade in the summer but lose their leaves in the
winter to let the sunlight pass through.
The high-tech aspects mainly concern the triple-glazed windows, which allow light and heat to enter
but largely prevent heat from exiting the building. Most importantly, passive houses have ventilation
systems with heat recovery, which also help prevent mold.
In short, passive houses are an excellent example of how Germanys Energiewende will produce
much higher standards of living even as energy consumption is reduced and made more sustainable.
Plus-energy homes
Some cities in Germany (such as Frankfurt) already require the Passive House Standard for all new
buildings constructed on property purchased from the city. The EU has also stipulated that all new
buildings will have to be nearly zero energy homes starting in 2020.
And when solar roofs or other ways of direct renewable energy supply are added to passive houses,
you end up with homes that essentially produce more energy than they consume at least in theory.
Called plus-energy homes, or, in the terminology of the KfW, Effizienzhaus Plus, such buildings are
not, however, off the grid; rather, they export solar energy to the power grid at times of excess production and consume power from the grid at other times. And of course, any gas needed for cooking
purposes, etc. also has to be purchased as usual.



3 Policies for clean energy


Germany is the second biggest funder of international climate finance

Bilateral and multilateral cooperation assistance in million Euros, Germany 20082013
Source: Oxfam

























Reducing emissions





Protecting forests/



2011 (target)

2012 (target)

I Ecodesign/ErP Directive

2013 (estimate)



The Ecodesign Directive, another important energy transition tool, is the main regulatory instrument
for cutting off the products with the worst environmental performance. This essential regulation
was initiated throughout Europe; it remains one of the most important tools for reducing demand
for new grids and power plants in Germany, thus making it a crucial part of the energy transition.
The 2005 Ecodesign Directive (called the Energy-related Products Directive (ErP) since 2009)
has its roots in Brussels and the European Union. It regulates the efficiency of energy-consuming
products, with the exception of buildings and cars. The ErP Directive sets minimum standards for
many different product categories. It also considers lifecycle assessments for certain products to
determine their environmental impact and detect ways to make improvements.
As of 2015, 11 product groups fell under the directive, including consumer electronics, refrigerators,
freezers, and electric motors. The directive applies not only to products that use energy themselves
(such as computers and boilers), but also to products that affect energy consumption (such as windows and showerheads). Additional directives for individual products are produced and revised in a
continuous process. By 2020, the directive is expected to reduce power consumption within the EU
by twelve percent compared to the business-as-usual scenario.
There are also European standards for energy labeling. This efficiency tag addresses the important
market failure based on a lack of information; customers do not readily have the information they
need about what energy consumption will cost them if they buy a particular device. The ErP Directive
works to remedy that situation.
In this way, the ErP Directive cuts off the products with the lowest performance, whereas the labeling scheme tries to guide demand towards the highest efficiency level by convincing customers to
buy the best products.
Specific regulations
Probably the most effective measure was the regulation of standby and off-mode power losses. Appliances
on standby used to consume dozens of watts even though they were essentially off from the consumers
point of view; one example is a television that remains reachable for the remote control. Today, the ErP
Directive requires that such devices must not consume more than one watt when on standby, and that
amount is to be reduced to 0.5 watts. For consumers, there are no drawbacks. The most well-known directive is the one on domestic lighting, which bans the use of most incandescent bulbs. The lighting product
portfolio has changed from incandescent bulbs to compact florescent bulbs and LED lighting.



3 Policies for clean energy


By 2020, phasing out incandescent light bulbs will result in energy savings across Europe of 39
terawatt-hours, equivalent to the power generation of six old coal power plants. The eco-design
regulation for electric motors will even lead to a reduction of 135 terawatt-hours by 2020
equivalent to 20 coal power plants.
Another successful example is the regulation of vacuum cleaners. Studies found that there was no
correlation between electric power and cleaning power. Therefore, a maximum power of 1.600 Watt
was defined, starting in 2014, with a second tightening in 2017. The result: a very rapid market
re-organisation, with more efficient, technologically optimized and more energy-efficient vacuumcleaners gaining in market share within months.
Such efficiency rules are defined throughout Europe because the EU places great store on the free
trade of goods within the common market. The ErP Directive therefore directly applies to Germany
and all other EU member states.
Although the ErP Directive was handed down by the EU, it is a crucial part of Germanys
Energiewende because it reduces the need for great expansion and new plant construction by reducing energy consumption.

J International Climate Initiative

Germany is the second largest donor of financing for climate protection worldwide. German
climate funds promote action to mitigate climate change by enabling efficiency measurements,
funding renewables, electric mobility, etc. Nevertheless, Germany is far behind the internationally agreed target of 0.7 percent of gross national income for Official Development Assistance. In
2013, the level was around 0.38 percent, a level that has been roughly stable since 2008.
Germany has long been one of the largest donors of financing for climate protection. Nonetheless,
like almost all other OECD countries, Germany is far behind the multinational commitment made
at the beginning of the 1970s to provide 0.7 percent of its gross national income for official development assistance. An estimated 2 billion euros of Germanys budget from 2013 was set aside for
climate protection and adaptation in developing countries.
In 2010, the Special Energy and Climate Fund was created along with the National and International Climate Protection Initiatives (now known as Climate Initiatives). They mainly get funding
from the trading of emissions certificates to promote actions that mitigate climate change, such as
efficient cooling systems, small cogeneration units, energy audits for low-income households, consultation networks for small businesses, and, in the future, highly efficient industrial technologies and
production processes to name just a few examples.
The International Climate Initiative (ICI) finances pioneering projects and advisory services outside
Germany. In all of 2013, some 394 projects were been funded, totaling some 1.45 billion euros, plus
another 1.6 billion euros from implementing agencies and other public and private-sector sources.
The ICI focuses on climate policy, energy efficiency, renewables, adaptation to climate change, and
reducing deforestation and loss of biodiversity. According to the official website, priority is given to
activities that support creating an international climate protection architecture, to transparency, and
to innovative and transferable solutions that have an impact beyond the individual project. Each
year, multipliable projects in developing, newly industrializing, and transition countries are selected to
receive support.
Each year, multipliable projects in developing, newly industrializing, and transition countries are selected to receive support. A large part of the money is devoted to electric mobility, more efficient new
power plants, and (starting in 2014) compensation for energy-intensive firms to keep power prices
down for them. Environmental protectionists say that the funding is skewed in favor of utilities and
automobile manufacturers, with too little left over for energy conservation and greenhouse gas reductions. The low price of carbon certificates is another problem. Revenue from emissions trading
was only half as great as expected in 2012 at around 350 million euros. In 2013, the funds budget
grew to around two billion euros. In 2014, the carbon price remained low at around 7 euros per ton,
far below the envisioned 30 euros.



3 Policies for clean energy


K Amendments to the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) in 2014

In August 2014, the German government adopted comprehensive amendments to its Renewable
Energy Sources Act (EEG), which is the driver behind the Energiewende. It marks the attempt to
address the issues of reliability of supply and affordability.
For photovoltaics, the 2014 changes were relatively minor. The EEG already specified the limit of 52
gigawatts of installed capacity. When that amount has been built (39 gigawatts had been installed
at the beginning of 2015), further arrays will not be eligible for feed-in tariffs. It is unclear, however,
what the market will look like for such systems at that point. Small arrays will probably still have
access to the policy of direct consumption, while larger arrays which may not offset any particular partys consumption may have to find a buyer and enter into conventional power purchase
Germany also already had a target corridor for new annual PV additions of 2.5 to 3.5 gigawatts.
If more than that amount is installed, feed-in tariffs are reduced each month at a faster rate. If less
is installed, the monthly reduction in feed-in tariffs is not as great. Note that these reductions only
apply to new arrays starting in the month when the array is connected to the grid, not to existing
systems. Once an array is connected to the grid, its feed-in tariff remains stable for 20 years.
In October 2014, the German PV market fell below 100 megawatts of installed new capacity
per month for the first time since March 2009. It seems likely that the country will only install
1.9 gigawatts in 2014 as a whole, thus missing the bottom end of its target (2.5 gigawatts) by a
considerable margin. This market slowdown is largely the result of the changes adopted in August,
which we discuss in the next section.
Surcharge on direct consumption
Since 2009, Germany has had a policy of incentivizing the direct consumption of renewable energy. In contrast to the concept of net-metering, in which the power meter simply runs backwards
when more solar electricity is generated than consumed, the German policy of direct consumption
requires that electricity from a solar array never touch the public grid one either consumes it immediately or stores it locally for later consumption.
Because storage entails additional costs (battery systems), special incentives such as subsidies, have
been provided since 2009 for the purchase of storage equipment. But the government has now realized that this option also endangers the financing of the grid, at least in its current form. At present,
grid fees are charged by the kilowatt-hour, so the more power you consume, the more you pay for
the grid. This approach makes obvious sense consume more, pay more but it also means that
households and businesses that start making more of their own power will then purchase less from
the grid and therefore cover less of the grids fixed costs.
One unintended side effect, then, of an increasing number of households installing solar roofs is
that grid fees could increase for those who have not yet gone solar. Such households may not have
suitable roofs, or low-income households may simply lack the money. Thus, those who can afford to
invest in solar are raising the cost of electricity for those who cannot. In order to ensure the affordability of power supply (one of the three main targets of the Energiewende), the government decided
that the renewable energy surcharge should be at least partly applied to power consumed directly.
This decision does not reduce the grid fee directly for households that have not gone solar; it merely
shifts part of a different surcharge from households and businesses without solar to those with.
Up to the end of 2015, 30 percent of the renewable energy surcharge will be applied to power consumed directly. That number rises to 35 percent in 2016 and 40 percent in 2017. At present, the
renewable energy surcharge is around 6.2 cents per kilowatt-hour, so roughly 1.9 cents (30 percent
of 6.2 cents) is charged for each kilowatt-hour of green electricity consumed directly.
However, arrays smaller than 10 kilowatts around 40 to 50 panels and less than 10 MWh annual
electricity consumed directly remain exempt from the surcharge on direct consumption. The government probably feared voter backlash, so it exempted the category of household arrays. But larger
arrays on farm buildings and businesses will have to pay the surcharge. The surcharge also applies
to conventional energy consumed directly.



3 Policies for clean energy


Finally, the full surcharge is applied to any power sold by a party that is not a power provider. Such
examples include apartment complexes with a solar roof. If the management of the building complex
sells solar power to the tenants directly, the full surcharge now applies.
In addition to the exemption for small household arrays, the surcharge does not apply for off-grid
systems or retroactively. In addition, the electricity used directly in power plants (roughly 5-10 percent of their production) also remains exempt.
Though this issue caused a lot of controversy in Germany, its actual impact is minimal at present.
It has been estimated that the average household without a solar array will only save 44 cents per
year in 2017. Mainly, the policy is intended to slow down the trend towards solar arrays with battery
storage, which the government incentivized for so many years until now.
Wind power (onshore and offshore)
Considerable policy changes were implemented for wind power. The sector now has an annual target
corridor similar to the one for PV, though the range is smaller at 2.4-2.6 gigawatts. If this range is exceeded, future feed-in tariffs for new turbines will be reduced faster; likewise, if less is installed, feedin tariffs would not fall as quickly. In this respect, the policy is similar to the one for photovoltaics.
There are two important differences with PV, however:

First, repowering is not included in the equation. When a wind turbine is no longer eligible for
feed-in tariffs after 20 years of service, it is generally dismantled. The land it once occupied
then becomes available for new builds. This process is called repowering. At present, this
market segment is quite small at only a few hundred megawatts per year. But by 2022, several
gigawatts of wind capacity per year will come up for replacement. The German market will
therefore sustainably be at a level of 2.5 gigawatts (the new annual target) plus around 2.0
gigawatts (repowering) a total of around 4.5 gigawatts by the 2020s under the new policy.
Second, offshore wind is counted separately. The German government originally had a target
of 10 gigawatts by 2020, but offshore wind farm projects have not progressed as quickly as
expected, partly because of delays in grid connections. The new target of 6.5 GIGAWATTS by
2020 likely to be reached. There is also a target of 15 gigawatts by 2030.

In addition to changes in feed-in tariffs and technology corridors, Germanys 16 states were given
greater leeway in specifying minimum distances between wind farms and built environments. For
example, Bavaria implemented a draconian requirement that the space between a wind turbine and
the next building must be at least 10 times the height of the turbine measured to the top blade tip.
A turbine that is 200 meters tall would then need to be two kilometers from the nearest building, a
stipulation that experts say essentially rules out wind power in Bavaria. The height of the turbine
is defined as reaching up to the tip of the blade at the top, not just the hub height. No other state
responded with a similar requirement.
For offshore wind, two targets have been specified: 6.5 gigawatts by 2020 and 15 gigawatts by 2030.
The feed-in tariffs remain stable for new systems until 2018. Note that, as always with feed-in tariffs,
the new lower rates only apply to newly installed systems, not retroactively to existing ones.
2014 was a record year for wind power, with 4.7 gigawatts having been built roughly 50 percent
more than in the previous record year of 3.2 gigawatts in 2002. Experts believe, however, that the
sector is rushing to complete projects before auctions replace feed-in tariffs, which is gradually happening up to 2017, when the shift to the new policy will be complete.
The policy changes adopted in 2014 were arguably the most dramatic for biomass. As usual, existing systems are grandfathered, but the amendments have drastically affected the market in 2014.
The biogas market now has a ceiling of 100 megawatts per year. The reasoning behind the German
governments decision to cap biogas is that the technology is still quite expensive compared with
wind and PV, where costs have fallen more dramatically. The 2014 reform thus aims to prioritize the
least costly renewable energy technologies. Just a few years ago, up to 600 megawatts was installed
annually. But the biogas sector is unlikely to come anywhere near that goal in 2014, and experts
believe as little as 10 megawatts might be built in 2015. The main reason is that the wide range of



3 Policies for clean energy


feed-in tariffs has been done away with. Different system sizes received compensation ranging from
5.85 to 23.73 cents per kilowatt-hour including a bonus for sustainable biomass, but now only a
basic compensation is paid, with the highest rate coming in at around 14 cents. Furthermore, new
biogas units connected to the grid also have to pay a fraction of the renewable energy surcharge.
In addition, starting in 2015 all new biogas units with an electrical output larger than 500 kilowatts
will no longer be eligible for feed-in tariffs, but will have to market their power directly (see direct
marketing below). In 2016, all biogas units larger than 100 kilowatts (electric) fall under this
regime. Biofuels largely fall under EU law, not the German Renewable Energy Act. Otherwise, a
number of policies were tweaked, but there were no major changes.
Mandatory direct marketing and green power privilege
The concept of direct marketing is quite simple: you find a buyer for your energy and negotiate
a price. Up to now, renewable electricity in Germany was sold to the transmission grid operator
at a price determined by law. The transmission grid operator then sold that renewable electricity
on the exchange. The difference between the payments for the green power (feed-in tariffs) and
revenue from sale of that power on the exchange was passed on to ratepayers as the renewable
energy surcharge.
The option of direct marketing has been available for a number of years, but it was optional. Companies could decide retroactively on a monthly basis whether they would like to opt back in to feed-in
tariffs if direct marketing turned out to be less profitable. Furthermore, a management payment was
also provided to cover the extra expenses of selling the power. The phase of optional direct marketing
is now over with the 2014 reform. Over the past few years, companies have had time to understand
how the power exchange works and set up capacities to perform this function. Many of these power
sellers are not large utilities with a lot of experience on the power exchange, but rather new, unexperienced players, such as community-driven energy cooperatives. Now, the management bonus has
been done away with, and direct marketing is mandatory for PV and wind systems larger than 500
kilowatts in 2015, falling to 100 kilowatts in 2016.
Reactions to this policy change have been divided. The stated goal was to encourage energy producers not only to produce and forget, but also think about how their projects can provide power
when the grid needs it. Economists warn that solar and wind power in particular react to the weather,
not to price signals on the exchange, and point out that the uncertainty about future revenue will
only increase risks, thereby making borrowed capital more expensive. This aspect is especially crucial for wind and solar, which have relatively low maintenance costs and no fuel costs at all upfront
investments therefore play a tremendous role.
Others point out that this new market will bring about aggregators, who can help coordinate various
players in the renewable energy sector. For instance, wind farms and solar plants can be combined
with biomass and hydropower to produce a more reliable and constant supply of renewable power.
Furthermore, utilities are unbundled by EU law, meaning that transmission grid operators cannot
own power plants and sell electricity. Yet, by German law transmission grid operators buy and sell
this green electricity. On the path towards 80 percent green electricity, these firms will eventually
control 80 percent of German power supply if the policy does not change.
Another policy option called the green power privilege was done away with in the process of the
2014 reforms. Up to August, power providers who sold green electricity directly to consumers (as
opposed to the transmission grid operator) paid a slightly lower (two cents) renewable energy surcharge. The green power privilege was considered a kind of direct marketing and a way of protecting the character and value of green electricity, which otherwise becomes grey electricity when
transmission grid operators have to sell it on the power exchange. Because electricity financed with
feed-in tariffs cannot be resold as green electricity, it simply becomes part of the German power mix
after being sold on the exchange. It is no longer identifiable as renewable power.
This situation led to some difficulty for utilities that sell 100 percent green power to consumers. Because these utilities cannot purchase green electricity from the exchange, they were forced to import
green electricity from other countries to serve German customers. The green power privilege was a
way of getting around that complication, but this option no longer exists. The official explanation is
that this option was only used for around two percent of total renewable electricity. The European
Commission also expressed concern about the green power privilege possibly conflicting with EU
law because only domestic electricity was covered. The government also believes that this option was
more expensive than direct marketing.



3 Policies for clean energy


Pilot auctions
By 2017, Germany is to phase out feed-in tariffs for systems larger than 100 kilowatts and switch
to reverse auctions, in which the buyer receives bids from sellers. It is hoped that this policy change
will reduce the cost of new green electricity towards the goal of greater affordability.
This policy switch came partly at the behest of the European Commission, which initially intended to
provide for exceptions for small systems the question was merely how small. One draft circulated
specified that projects smaller than three megawatts or three turbines (in the case of wind power)
could still be built without an auction and receive compensation specified outside of a bidding process, such as in feed-in tariffs. The German government responded to that call for a policy change
with an even lower limit for the size of systems eligible for feed-in tariffs.
Germany currently has no experience with reverse auctions in the energy sector, so pilot auctions are
to be held, starting with ground-mounted photovoltaic arrays larger than 500 kilowatts. The Commission has, however, loosened its requirements a bit (see the most recent state-aid guidelines for
2017 here). First, the size requirements officially implemented at the EU level are different than
the figures proposed (above). Now, everything larger than 500 kilowatts (as opposed to three
megawatts) needs to be auctioned, but the number of wind turbines was increased from 3 to 6.
With the largest wind turbine on sale currently having a capacity of 7.5 megawatts, the largest wind
farm that does not have to be auctioned could be as large as 45 megawatts. The reason for these
exceptions is concern about the involvement of community projects and energy cooperatives. Around
the globe, reverse auctions have led to quite low prices for renewable electricity, but in most cases
they have also led to a concentration among the winners. It is feared that communities and small
firms might initially not be able to even take part in auctions because tens of thousands of euros
would be required simply to produce the required documentation without any certainty that the
project will go forward.
The German government therefore wishes to ensure a diversity of actors (Akteursvielfalt) in the
auctions. To ensure that small players also win bids, the government included a requirement for project permits, which it believes entities with good connections to local officials have a better chance
of getting than large out-of-town firms do. Furthermore, the ultimate switch from feed-in tariffs
to auctions will only be required if the auctions actually produce lower prices. Another risk that
auctions around the world have entailed is project realization; sometimes, winning bidders delay
construction in the hope that system prices will continue to fall.
If German auctions failed to produce lower prices than with feed-in tariffs, restrict the number of
firms competing on the market, and slow down new installations in general, the country will not be
required to phase out feed-in tariffs in favor of reverse auctions starting in 2017.

L Coordination with the European Union

Energy has become a core issue for the European Union. However, the EU does not have an exclusive competence in this field. Making it a shared competence in the Lisbon Treaty of 2009 was
a bold move forward, but it remains a natural field of conflict between Member States and many
EU institutions.
Member States have the right to determine their own energy mix, but the European Commission
has the competence to elaborate the EUs sustainable energy and climate policy. As the discussions
about the completion of the internal energy market and the Energy Union show, the national sovereign right to decide about the energy mix remains a much valued asset. But even the most reluctant
Member States see the benefits of bundling competences and joining hands with their neighbors, or
to even give a mandate to the European Commission to act on their behalf, when it comes to negotiating at the international level. This becomes even more important against the backdrop of energy
security and energy independence from unreliable suppliers. On the global stage, the EUs former
front runner role as an ambitious climate union has lost some of its sheen.
Internally, the EU has actually pushed things forward: the recent years saw the EU making clear
commitments through a number of very important legislation on renewables and energy efficiency
measures, or the long-term energy policy vision energy roadmap 2050. At the same time, the EU
depends on its Member States ambitions and the last years have seen a fragmentation of diverging
national energy policies. While some are fully engaged in clean energy transition, a nuclear phase
-out and reductions in CO2 emissions, others explore unconventional resources, such as shale gas or
heavily subsidize risky technologies like nuclear.



3 Policies for clean energy


Progress of Member States towards 2020 climate and energy targets

Progress towards the goals of efficiency, carbon emissions, and renewable energy, 2014


Be ia
Bu ium
Cr ria
Cy ia
Cz us
De h Re
nm pu
Es ark lic
Fr land
Ge e
Gr any
Hu ce
Ita r y
Li a
Lu ani
xe a
M bo
al ur
Ne a g
Po rlan
n ds
Po d
Ro gal
Sl nia
Sl ania
Sl akia
Sp enia

Source: EEA

Achieving 2013 and 2020

annual GHG emission targets
under the ESD
Achieving 20112012 targets
on the share of renewables
in final energy consumption
Achieving sufficient
reduction or limitation
of energy consumption

On track
Partly on track

Improvement compared
to previous year

Worsening compared
to previous year

Not on track



Where do the EU and its Member States stand when it comes to the concrete implementation of
climate and energy objectives? The energy roadmap 2050 aims to create a low-carbon European
economy, while improving Europes competitiveness and security of supply. In order to achieve this
ambitious goal, binding interim milestones have been decided for 2020 and 2030. More concretely,
the EUs 2020 climate and energy framework aims at a 20 percent CO2 emissions reduction, a 20
percent renewables share in the electricity mix and an increase in energy efficiency by 20 percent by
2020. As a tool for these emissions reductions, an emissions trading system has been set up, as the
first of its kind world-wide and widely copied by other countries and regions.
However, more efforts will be needed in particular to reach the 2030 targets. After tough political
negotiations in 2014, Member States agreed to the lowest common denominator of reducing CO2
emissions by at least 40 percent, increasing the share of renewable energy to at least 27 percent
(binding at EU-level) and increasing energy efficiency by at least 27 percent. It is still a long winding
road to achieve the EUs low-carbon economy goals for 2050. Stay tuned.



3 Policies for clean energy


History of the Energiewende

The German Energiewende did not just come about in 2011. It is rooted in the
anti-nuclear movement of the 1970s and brings together both conservatives and
conservationists from environmentalists to the church. The shock of the oil
crisis and the meltdown in Chernobyl lead to the search for alternatives and the
invention of feed-in tariffs.

Timeline Energiewende
A Origin of the term Energiewende
B Wyhl the nuclear plant that never was
C The oil crisis
D Chernobyl change comes slowly
E Full-cost compensation for photovoltaics
F EU court says feed-in tariffs are not state aid
G Renewable Energy Act (EEG)




4 History of the Energiewende


Timeline Energiewende

The Federal Environment Agency is founded.
As a reaction to the oil crisis, the first Thermal
Insulation and Heat Operation Ordinances are approved,
regulating the maximum energy demand for buildings
and efficiency requirements for heating systems.
Germany creates the Blauer Engel (Blue Angel)
label that certifies the environmental friendliness
of products 14 years before the Energy Star was
created in the US. Whereas the Blue Angel was brought
about by a coalition ranging from environmentalists
to unions and church groups, the Energy Star was a
product of the US Environmental Protection Agency.

KfW, a state-owned development bank, launches its Carbon
Reduction Program to support refurbishment of housing
stock, particularly in the former German Democratic Republic.
The Power Rebels of Schnau finally get control of
their local grid and begin ramping up renewables.
The German power market is liberalized, meaning, for
instance, that power firms and grid operators have to
be legally separate entities; for renewables, the change
meant that new power providers could go into business
selling only green electricity; despite liberalization, the
country does without a regulatory body for seven years.
The 100,000 Solar Roofs Program gets the solar
market going in Germany. In addition, the Market
Incentive Program is launched, a multimillion financial
support scheme for renewable heating systems.

Publication of the study entitled Energiewende
(Energy Transition), showing that economic growth
can continue even as we consume less energy.
For the first time in history, the Green Party
enters the German national parliament and
gives environmental concern a voice.

Germany implements an eco-tax; each year, a few cents
are added to the price of a liter of gasoline and to a kilowatthour of fossilbased electricity; the result is greater sales of
fuel-efficient cars and slightly lower overall consumption.

In Chernobyl (Ukraine), a nuclear power plant melts down.
Five weeks later, the Federal Ministry of the Environment,
Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety is founded.
German Chancellor Helmut Kohl (CDU) speaks
of the threat of grave climate change from the
greenhouse effect in the German Parliament.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems
makes the Rappenecker Cottage the first solar-powered,
off-grid mountain cottage for hikers in Europe.
The Feed-in Act is adopted under Chancellor Helmut
Kohls coalition of the conservative Christian
Democrats and the Libertarian FDP provides
the first feed-in tariffs and stipulates that green
power has a priority over conventional power.

Drawn up by the Social Democrats and the Greens under
Chancellor Schroeder, the Renewable Energy Act (EEG)
replaces the Feed-in Act and specifies that the rates paid will
be linked to the cost of the investment, not to the retail rate.
Chancellor Schroeders coalition reaches an
agreement with nuclear plant owners to phase out
Germanys nuclear plants by roughly 2022.
The European Court of Justice confirms that feed-in tariffs
do not constitute state aid and are therefore legal.
The Initiative Energieeffizienz is established, focusing on the
promotion of end use efficiency in households and commerce.

The Schnauer Stromrebellen (the Power Rebels
of Schnau, a small town in the Black Forest) form a
ground-roots movement to buy back their local grid.

Adoption of the Heat-Power Cogeneration Act. With
two subsequent amendments, it is the most important
instrument to support combined heat and power.
Photovoltaics is taken up without restriction in the EEG.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems
builds an off-grid solar home in Freiburg, Germany
to demonstrate that a normal family could meet all
of their energy needs at home from renewables.



4 History of the Energiewende


Germanys Network Agency, which previously monitored
telecommunications and postal services, starts overseeing
the power grid and gas market, partly to settle a
dispute about grid fees related to renewable power.

somewhat more rushed phase-out of nuclear power than

under Chancellor Schroeders scheme; 40 percent of nuclear
generating capacity is switched off for good within a week,
with the last plant to be shut down roughly in 2022.

The EU launches its emissions trading system.

50%: Germany sets new world record
for solar power generation.

Germanys Integrated Energy and Climate
Program defines new targets, policies and support
schemes for efficiency and renewables.

German power exports reach record level.

The EEG is amended for the first time without input
from the Social Democrats or the Greens; the new
law increasingly focuses on what Chancellor Merkels
coalition understands as market instruments.
The Renewable Energy Sources Act for Heat is the first
law explicitly addressing Renewable Heating, requiring
builders to implement renewable heating systems.

Surcharge for renewables increases to 5.3 Cents per kWh.
German power exports also increased by nearly 50 percent.
Surcharge for renewables increases to 6.3 Cents per
kWh. The EEG is amended in August, and the new
government also adopts a Climate Action Plan and
a National Energy Efficiency Plan in December.
As part of the amended EEG, the first auction for
large photovoltaic power plants takes place.

Adoption of the Eco-design of Energy-using
Products Act, which implements the European
ecodesign directive in German law.

Germany introduces a package of new energy efficiency

instruments, such as a new support program for
the modernization of non-residential buildings.

Chancellor Merkels coalition resolves to extend
the commissions of Germanys remaining
17 nuclear plants by 8 to 14 years.
The Sustainability Ordinance for biomass addresses
the issue of sustainable biomass production.
The Special Energy and Climate Fund, the first German
efficiency fund, is created and funded by revenue from
carbon emission certificates. Due to the low price level
of these certificates, the funds volume is cut in half.
Chancellor Merkel also nullifies the nuclear phase-out
of 2002 by extending the lives of nuclear power plants.
The nuclear accident in Fukushima causes Chancellor
Merkel to reverse her position on nuclear and adopt a



4 History of the Energiewende


A Origin of the term Energiewende

In the 1970s, the term Energiewende was born in an attempt by opponents of nuclear power to
show that an alternative energy supply was possible.
The term Energiewende (which we translate here as energy transition) did not just come about
in the past few years. In fact, it was coined in a 1980 study by Germanys Institute for Applied
That groundbreaking publication was perhaps the first to argue that economic growth is possible
with lower energy consumption a theme later taken up in many books, such as Factor 4 from
1998. Previous publications, such as Limits to Growth (1972), mainly consisted of warnings without
proposing specific solutions. The Energiewende was one of the first attempts to propose a holistic
solution, and it consisted of renewable energy and energy efficiency. Published as a book in 1982,
Energiewendes subtitle is Growth and Prosperity Without Oil and Uranium.
The Institute of Applied Ecology had itself only just been founded with funding not only from environmental organizations (such as Friends of the Earth), but also from a Protestant organization
that funded research. To this day, conservation and conservatism remain closely related in Germany,
and this connection means that conservative politicians in Germany cannot be assumed to oppose
renewables, as is the case elsewhere. On the contrary, a number of prominent proponents of renewables are members of the Christian Democrats (CDU), such as Peter Ahmels, who headed the German
Wind Energy Association (BWE) for eleven years.
Another good example is German solar activist Wolf von Fabeck, who helped institute the first
feed-in tariffs in Germany in his town of Aachen in the late 1980s. A former military officer, von
Fabeck became an environmentalist when he saw the effects of acid rain brought about by coal
plant emissions, and he became a proponent of solar when he realized the impossibility of protecting
nuclear power plants from military attack. The first meetings he held about solar power took place
at his local church, and his pastor was his main associate in the beginning. Other examples include
Franz Alt, author of Der kologische Jesus (The Ecological Jesus). A number of modern churches
in Germany have solar roofs.

B Wyhl the nuclear plant that never was

The Energiewende movement came out of the movement against nuclear power in the 1970s. One
reason for the sustained success of the movement over the past few decades is its inclusiveness;
from the outset, conservatives and conservationists worked together.
The Energiewende movement came out of the movement against nuclear power in the 1970s. In
1973, plans were announced to build a nuclear plant in the village of Wyhl in the Kaiserstuhl winegrowing area on the border to France. The decision turned out to be fateful, for it created a strong,
sustained resistance movement across large parts of society. Students from nearby Freiburg joined
forces with Kaiserstuhl winegrowers and scientists like Florentin Krause, author of Energiewende.

Club of Rome gets the

Peace Prize of the German
Book Trade Club, 1973
Source: Bundesarchiv,
B 145 Bild F-F041173-0013
Photo: Reineke, Engelbert
October 14, 1973
License: CC-BY-SA



4 History of the Energiewende


Sticker against the planned

nuclear plant at Wyhl, 1975
Photo: AlMare
License: CC BY-SA 3.0

In 1983, the governor of the state of Baden-Wrttemberg reacted to the incessant protests by declaring the Wyhl project not urgent, essentially abandoning plans for the plant indefinitely. The
success of the movement encouraged people across Germany and Europe to believe that they could
stop nuclear plants from being built. Throughout the 1980s, a number of local Energiewende groups
were formed throughout Germany as people looked for ways to act locally.
This anti-nuclear movement was one reason why the Greens were founded as a political party.
Around 1980, the Greens began consistently getting more than five percent of the vote the limit
required to enter Parliament.

C The oil crisis

The oil crises lead to the first energy efficiency policies.
The oil crises of 1973 and 1979 also got people thinking about how energy supply could be changed.
For the first time, Germany realized the economic risk of rising energy prices and that, as US President Jimmy Carter told Americans in 1977, Conservation is the quickest, cheapest, most practical
source of energy. Conservation is the only way we can buy a barrel of oil for a few dollars.
In Germany, conserving energy was also found to be a way of reducing dependency on imports of raw
materials. Some of the steps taken in Germany were short-lived (such as the ban on Sunday driving)
or had limited effects (such as the implementation of daylight saving time). Nonetheless, the foundations were laid for a new policy of efficiency. Germanys Economics Ministry launched the first
campaign, which was entitled Conservation our best source of energy. An important step came
in 1976, when Germany passed the Energy Conservation Act, which set forth the first requirements
for building insulation: Those who construct buildings must design and install insulation so that
preventable energy losses for heating and cooling are avoided in order to conserve energy. Even
today, the current Conservation Act still begins with this first sentence of the original law.
On June 27, 1980, the Bundestags Inquiry Commission on Future Nuclear Energy Policy made
most of its energy policy recommendations under the heading of promoting energy conservation
and renewable energy. Suggestions for the transport sector included adopting rules for limits on
specific fuel consumption in vehicles and speed limits on the autobahn.
These proposals led to a lively, controversial discussion among the general public starting in 1982. In
the end, the German government was only able to put a stop to the strong public demand for further
changes by forcing the automotive industry to install catalytic converters, which can only run on
unleaded fuel, thereby forcing oil firms to sell unleaded gas. In 2000, the European Union banned
the sale of leaded gasoline altogether. These steps may have helped reduce pollution, but they did not
improve energy conservation.



4 History of the Energiewende


License: public domain

Since 1982, there have been repeated attempts to water down conservation policy. For instance, in
the 1990s the tile industry opposed the use of thermal transmittance coefficients to determine the
need for additional insulation. Another controversy concerned the obligation of owners of existing
buildings to replace old boilers and insulate heating lines even when no other renovation was planned.
Nonetheless, the basic idea of conserving energy resources has remained a part of German policy
and become even more widespread since the 1970s.

D Chernobyl change comes slowly

In 1986, the reactor in Chernobyl exploded, and radioactive rain fell on Germany. The Germans
lost their faith in the safety of nuclear power, but did not know yet how to replace it.
In 1986, the reactor in Chernobyl (Ukraine) exploded, and radioactivity detectors across Europe
began registering spikes in ambient radiation levels; the Soviet Union initially did not announce the
accident. Germans heard on the radio that it was not safe for children to play outside. Public trust
in the safety of nuclear reactors reached all-time lows, though German engineers and politicians
continued to assure everyone that Chernobyl was a fluke the result of obviously inferior Soviet
technology. Over the years, German engineers and politicians repeatedly claimed that German nuclear plants are safe and that no such accident as in Chernobyl is even possible in Germany a
claim made by Chancellor Merkels coalition as recently as August 2010, less than a year before
Fukushima changed her mind.
Still, the question in 1986 was how to replace nuclear power. Since the publication of Energiewende
in 1980, nothing had really changed in Germany. Solar power was still so expensive that it was
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
Photo: Mond
License: CC-BY-SA 3.0



4 History of the Energiewende


Source: EnergieAgentur.NRW
License: CC-BY-2.0

mainly only used by NASA in outer space and to provide small amounts of power in areas with no
grid connections. And while wind power did get off to a big start in the early 1980s, when California already got one percent of its electricity from wind turbines, policy changes during the Reagan
administration led the market to collapse. In the late 1980s, only Denmark was still expanding wind
power at a considerable extent; Danish turbine manufacturers had been among the main suppliers
to those first California projects.

E Full-cost compensation for photovoltaics

At the end of the 80s, local utilities in three German towns introduced full-cost compensation
proto feed-in tariffs for photovoltaics, which led to the implementation of Germanys first
national feed-in tariffs.
In addition to Wolf von Fabeck (mentioned above), others were interested in finding ways to replace nuclear power and, increasingly, coal power; after all, acid rain had become a concern, as had
man-made climate change from carbon emissions with German Chancellor Helmut Kohl of the
Christian Democrats even speaking in the Bundestag of the threat of grave climate change from
the greenhouse effect in 1987.
At the end of the 1980s, von Fabecks newly founded Solar Energy Association (SFV) managed to
get the local utility in his hometown of Aachen to pay two deutsche marks for a kilowatt-hour of
power from photovoltaics after it was demonstrated that the utility already paid that much or more
to cover peak power demand, which photovoltaics would offset. The idea compensation for power
generated is sufficient to cover the cost of the investment has become known as the Aachen Model.
Yet, the idea did not even come from Germany. Aachen was specifically copying a similar policy in
two Swiss towns, and California had adopted a similar policy at the beginning of the 1980s with its
Standard Offer Contracts.
Indeed, two other German towns Freising and Hammelburg had even implemented a full-cost
compensation policy slightly before Aachen, but Aachen drew the most attention. One person behind
the success story in Hammelburg was Hans-Josef Fell (Greens), who later was one of the chief
architects of the Renewable Energy Act (EEG) from 2000 along with Social Democrat Hermann
But first, these small, disparate success stories led to the implementation of Germanys first national
feed-in tariffs in 1991 in an unusual coalition between the Greens and the Christian Democrats. At
the time, the two parties were hardly on speaking terms with each other (that has since changed).
But the CDU had one condition the proposed law would not be submitted as a joint effort between
the Christian Democrats and the Greens, but merely as a Christian Democratic proposal.
Legend has it that the law, which was only two pages long, almost did not come about. It was the
last thing voted on in the parliamentary session in 1990, and it passed mainly because the CDU did
not think that a couple of windmills would do much harm anyway.



4 History of the Energiewende


F EU court says feed-in tariffs are not state aid

In 2001, the European Court of Justice ruled that feed-in tariffs do not constitute state aid and
are therefore not illegal subsidies, thereby paying the way for the boom of renewables.
The law quickly led to a boom in in wind power in particular, so the conventional power sector
decided to challenge the policys legality. EU Competition Commissioner Karel van Miert openly
stated that he considered feed-in tariffs to be illegal subsidies, and around that time German power
provider Preussenelektra (which merged with Bayernwerk in 2000 to create E.ON Energie) decided
to challenge feed-in tariffs in court. The matter went all the way to the European Court of Justice,
which ruled in 2001 that feed-in tariffs did not constitute state aid and were therefore not illegal.
As the Court explained, EU member states can require private power firms to purchase renewable
power at minimum prices higher than the real economic value of that type of electricity, and, second, distribute the financial burden resulting from that obligation to consumers because renewable
energy is useful for protecting the environment and for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases
which are amongst the main causes of climate change which the European Community and its Member States have pledged to combat.
In laymans terms, the Court basically ruled that feed-in tariffs are in fact open to everyone, including large power corporations, so they do not discriminate against any market players and therefore
do not distort competition. Rather, they promote a particular type of energy to the disadvantage of
other types in order to reach goals for the common good supported throughout Europe. Specifically,
they are not subsidies because no particular firm receives payment from the government, and the
cost of feed-in tariffs is passed on to ratepayers, not taxpayers; it is not an item in the governments

G Renewable Energy Act (EEG)

Germanys Renewable Energy Act guarantees full-cost compensation to cover the actual cost of a
specific investment in terms of size and technology. The rates offered are guaranteed for 20 years
starting in the year of installation to protect investments, but the rates drop for newly installed
systems each year to put price pressure on manufacturers.
The ruling (see previous Chapter 4F) came just in time to confirm the legality of the Renewable
Energy Act in 2000. The main difference between this Act and the Feed-in Act of 1991 was that
feed-in tariffs were no longer linked to a percentage of the retail rate, but were instead differentiated
by the actual cost of the specific investment in terms of system size and technology type (also look
at Policies for clean energy: Renewable Energy Act with feed-in tariffs).
In 2004, the law was adjusted to do away with the 100,000 Roofs Program for photovoltaics, which
provided an upfront bonus for the purchase price; instead, solar arrays were now eligible for feed-in
tariffs in full. In 2009, the law was once again amended, making it three times larger than in 2004;
what had begun as two pages nearly two decades before now had 51 pages. The law was most recently amended in 2012 and 2014.
EEG closer to the market
The EEG of 2009 was the first to be amended by the grand coalition of Social Democrats and Christian Democrats, with the Greens Party no longer in power. While the basic tenants of the EEG were
retained feed-in tariffs and the priority of renewable en energy a number of Social Democrats
and Christian Democrats felt that the policy should be changed to bring renewables closer to the
The main changes in the 2009 EEG therefore reflect what these politicians thought constitutes a
market. For instance, producers of wind power were increasingly encouraged to sell directly on the
power exchange instead of receiving feed-in tariffs, and a marketing bonus is also offered because
of the extra work involved. Yet, this option only needs to be exercised if it proves more profitable than
feed-in tariffs, so it essentially constitutes a risk-free bonus not exactly what you would expect
from a policy that promises more market. Germanys traditional onshore wind sector overwhelmingly opposes this option because it provides windfall profits and unnecessarily raises the cost of the
energy transition for consumers.
Which brings us to where we are today.



4 History of the Energiewende


European perspectives

The Energiewende, is no longer a purely German phenomenon, but has implications

across its borders. All over Europe, many more and different energy transitions are
already happening. What role does energy play in the European Unions policymaking? What do other Member States do to decarbonize their energy system,
and what internal and external challenges do they meet? And is there a chance to
overcome these challenges by more European cooperation?
The following texts and country profiles attempt to provide a better insight into the
energy transition activities in Europe.

A Energy Transition Think european

B Polands Energiewende. No, not a Polish joke. A European transition
Tomasz Ulanowski and Gazeta Wyborcza
C The frontrunner Denmark is putting its money on wind
Tore Keller
D Ready for take-off: the French energy transition in the making
Kathrin Glastra and Andreas Rdinger
EEnergy in the Czech Republic: small steps in renewables,
but still no progress towards the future
Martin Sedlk
F Energy Transition in Spain which way forward?
Alexa Mollicchi and Ignacio Fresco Vanzini
G Austria and its energy transition: A frontrunner falls behind
Johannes Wahlmller
H Dazed and confused? The UKs energy policy needs a sense of direction
Naomi Luhde-Thompson





5 European perspectives


Progress of Member States towards 2020 climate and energy targets

Progress towards the goals of efficiency, carbon emissions, and renewable energy, 2014


Be ia
Bu ium
Cr ria
Cy ia
Cz us
De h Re
nm pu
Es ark lic
Fr land
Ge e
Gr any
Hu ce
Ita r y
Li a
Lu ani
xe a
M bo
al ur
Ne a g
Po rlan
n ds
Po d
Ro gal
Sl nia
Sl ania
Sl akia
Sp enia

Source: EEA

Achieving 2013 and 2020

annual GHG emission targets
under the ESD
Achieving 20112012 targets
on the share of renewables
in final energy consumption
Achieving sufficient
reduction or limitation
of energy consumption

On track
Partly on track

Improvement compared
to previous year

Worsening compared
to previous year

Not on track

A Energy Transition Think european



Energy has become a core issue for the European Union. However, the EU does not have an exclusive competence in this field.
Making it a shared competence in the Lisbon Treaty of 2009 was a bold move forward, but it remains a natural field of conflict between Member States and many EU institutions. Member States
have the right to determine their own energy mix, but the European Commission has the competence
to elaborate the EUs sustainable energy and climate policy. As the discussions about the completion of the internal energy market and the Energy Union show, the national sovereign right to decide
about the energy mix remains a much valued asset. But even the most reluctant Member States
see the benefits of bundling competences and joining hands with their neighbors, or to even give a
mandate to the European Commission to act on their behalf, when it comes to negotiating at the
international level. This becomes even more important against the backdrop of energy security and
energy independence from unreliable suppliers. On the global stage, the EUs former frontrunner role
as an ambitious climate union has lost some of its sheen.
Internally, the EU has actually pushed things forward: the recent years saw the EU making clear
commitments through a number of very important legislation on renewables and energy efficiency
measures, or the long-term energy policy vision energy roadmap 2050. At the same time, the EU
depends on its Member States ambitions and the last years have seen a fragmentation of diverging
national energy policies. While some are fully engaged in clean energy transition, a nuclear phaseout and reductions in CO2 emissions, others explore unconventional resources, such as shale gas or
heavily subsidize risky technologies like nuclear.
Where do the EU and its Member States stand when it comes to the concrete implementation of
climate and energy objectives? The energy roadmap 2050 aims to create a low-carbon European
economy, while improving Europes competitiveness and security of supply. In order to achieve this
ambitious goal, binding interim milestones have been decided for 2020 and 2030. More concretely,
the EUs 2020 climate and energy framework aims at a 20 percent CO2 emissions reduction, a 20
percent renewables share in the electricity mix and an increase in energy efficiency by 20 percent by
2020. As a tool for these emissions reductions, an Emissions Trading System has been set up, as the
first of its kind world-wide and widely copied by other countries and regions.
So far, the EU is on track to meet its 2020 objectives. A more detailed analysis can be obtained here
and country profiles are regularly updated to track European progress.
However, more efforts will be needed in particular to reach the 2030 targets. After tough political
negotiations in 2014, Member States agreed to the lowest common denominator of reducing CO2
emissions by at least 40 percent, increasing the share of renewable energy to at least 27 percent
(binding at EU-level) and increasing energy efficiency by at least 27 percent. It is still a long winding
road to achieve the EUs low-carbon economy goals for 2050. Stay tuned.



5 European perspectives


B Polands Energiewende. No, not a Polish joke. A European transition

The energy transition is appearing on the horizon even in coal loving Poland. Surprisingly, this
big Central European country has no other option. Thanks to the so-called Swiss contribution to
new countries of the enlarged European Union (Switzerland pays its modest share for being part
of the European Economic Area), several thousands of homes in four communities around Krakow,
a big city in southern Poland, will get solar water heating systems.

By Tomasz Ulanowski, science

and environment journalist,
Gazeta Wyborcza

These Swiss solar panels (made by Viessmann - Poles like German products) are not for free.
But with a 70 percent grant from Switzerland and a 10-year long technical service paid by local
communities, they are truly the best buy. A family of 4-5 people has to pay just about 1,000 euro
for the whole system, assembly included. This means that the investment should pay for itself after
around six years.
The goal of this program is to reduce Polands CO2 emissions (Poland produces around 330 million
tons of CO2 every year) and the air pollution that bothers almost every region of the country. In
Krakow, the EU limits for PM10 (particulate matter with grains not exceeding 10 micrometers in
diameter) in the air are exceeded for almost half a year. Many other cities are among the top ten of
the most air-polluted communities in the EU. Most of this pollution comes not from transportation
or industry, but from households burning coal and all sorts of garbage for heating.
When Western Europe thinks about greening its electricity generation, Poland has a more basic
problem of how to change peoples minds and turn them away from using dirty fuel in their homes.
But Polands electricity market is also about to change and a lot has happened since Poland joined
the European Union in 2004.
Numbers Matter
According to the latest report from Eurostat, in 2013, only 11.3 percent of gross final energy consumption and 10.7 percent of gross electricity consumption in Poland came from renewable sources.
And the International Energy Agencys review of Polands energy policies says that in 2011, coal
accounted for 55 percent of Polish primary energy supply and 92 percent of electricity generation.
Most of todays renewables in Poland come from biomass. According to the 2014 EurObservERs
report on the state of renewable energies in Europe, installed wind power capacity in Poland at the
end of 2013 was 3.4 GW, and photovoltaic capacity was only 4.2 MW. So even though Poland has
a climate similar to Germany, Poland is a dwarf when compared to its western neighbors solar and
wind installations. Theoretically, Germany could produce as much electricity from either wind or
photovoltaics as Poland produces from its entire coal power sector.
As depressing as these numbers are, we have to put them into perspective: In 2004, when Poland
became part of the EU, its share of renewables in their energy consumption was just 6.9 percent
and 2.1 percent in their electricity consumption. Today, the country is on a good track to meet its
2020 targets of 15 percent of gross final energy consumption to come from renewables. It may not
seem like a lot, especially when compared to such renewable giants as Sweden (a 49 percent target),
Latvia (40 percent), Finland (38 percent), Austria (34 percent) or Denmark (30 percent). But it
clearly is a beginning.
To understand how difficult this beginning has been, we have to look at the numbers again. In 2013,
around 170,000 people in Poland were employed in the mining sector (mainly coal, but also copper
and other metals). Even though 20 years ago the number of miners was twice as large (thanks to the
energy sector inherited from the post-WWII era), Poland remains the coal capital of the European
Union. And miners form a very important social and political force. Every government that has tried
to limit their social benefits or to shut down mines has been faced with fierce opposition.
So is there a place for an energy transition in Poland, something like the great German Energiewende?
The Event Horizon
The answer is yes. Simply put, Poland has no other option. The Polish version of the Energiewende,
though slightly different from the original (in Germany, it means a nuclear phase-out and a rapid
build-up of renewables), can now be seen on the horizon.



5 European perspectives


There are three issues that support this claim:

Firstly, nearly half of todays electricity and combined heat and power generating capacity is older
than 30 years and will need to be replaced when it reaches the end of its lifetime in the near future.
The current government is well aware of this fact. That is why it has been pushing to build new coalfired power plants (about 30 percent more efficient, thus less polluting than conventional ones), one
nuclear power plant (which is at the stage of location scouting) and investing in shale gas extraction (though the main reason for the last one, besides making money, is gaining greater natural gas
independence from Russia).
Secondly, the European Commission is watching. Renewable, local sources of energy are an important part of the newly emerging Energy Union. So the Commission has been stubbornly threatening
Poland with fines for its dirty air and lack of a renewable energy policy. Just in February 2015, after
years of struggling, the Polish parliament finally managed to pass a new law on renewables. Signed
by President Bronisaw Komorowski, the new law creates not only decent conditions for big renewable electricity producers, but also very favorable feed-in tariffs for producers and microproducers.
Even though the total capacity limit for those tiny up to 10 kW per unit producers is just 800
MW, and having reached it, the feed-in tariffs is no longer be available for new facilities, it may
be a true revolution. Time will tell, but when Poles see that they can earn good money producing
electricity at home (just like they produce Sauerkraut, pickles or jam for winter), they may push for
more. And politicians, who now favor big, often state-owned energy companies, will find it hard not
to succumb to such demands by its citizens.
Thirdly, in recent years, Poles have become more environmentally conscious. Never before have
there has been so much coverage in the Polish media about the air quality in Poland. What is more,
according to a recent opinion poll for the Ministry of Environment, 86 percent of Poles believe that
global climate change is an important issue; and 74 percent of them think that Poland should reduce
its greenhouse gases emissions.
Waste Not
A good example for Polands Energiewende is its waste policy. In 2005, only 7 percent of municipal
waste was recycled. In 2012, this number had reached 20 percent. Thanks to a new law on waste
passed by the parliament in December 2012, Poland is on track towards a circular economy, where
waste is either recycled or incinerated and garbage disposal is reduced to a minimum.
Krakow is currently building a combined heat and power waste plant which will be finished by the
end of 2015. It is said to cost around 150,000,000 euros, half of which comes from European
funds. This plant is supposed to incinerate non-recyclable waste not only from the city but also from
nearby communities. Actually, a network of such plants is being built around the country. Poles have
a long tradition of burning garbage in primitive stoves for heating, now they are slowly towards a
21st century technology.
In Ustronie Morskie, a small community on the Baltic seaside, an old garbage disposal farm is used
to build a 1-4 MW PV power plant. The electricity produced there will support communal buildings.
Almost one third of the investment will be covered by EU funds. We have always burnt coal to heat
our houses and meals, said a local resident of a village near Krakow when I complained about the
coal scent in the air. People do not burn coal because they love it, they do it because they have no
better fuel. If they could profit from clean(er) energy - in terms of health, money, and convenience
- they would certainly go for it. That is how human nature works. Hopefully, the European funding,
including the Swiss contribution, is going to change the Polish approach to energy.

C The frontrunner Denmark is putting its money on wind

With an exemplary decoupling of declining CO2 emissions and high economic growth, Denmark
has become a household name in green technology, sustainable society building and an energy
system that has to date integrated enormous amounts of renewable energy sources.

By Tore Keller, Danish

Freelance Journalist

The motivation for the Danish green energy leap derives from the oil crisis in the 1970s where the
Danish civil society and political system were shocked by the extent of dependency on foreign energy
imports. The Danes decided to rid themselves of this dependency and take another path.



5 European perspectives


The first move was to engage in comprehensive oil and gas research projects in the North Sea, to
roll out large-scale energy plans for district heating using excess heating from power plants and an
enhanced network for the use of natural gas.
The Danes chose to focus on renewable energy, mainly wind energy, and eventually opting out of nuclear power after intense political discussions during a period of huge rallies against nuclear power
in Copenhagen in the 1970s. Denmark still imports nuclear energy from Sweden and Germany during periods of low domestic energy production, but the general political agenda does not see nuclear
power as a viable option.
It was not until the UNs Brundtland commissions climate report in 1987 that climate policy and
environmental concerns started playing a major role in shaping Danish energy policy. However, in
1989, Denmark became the first country in the world to create legislation aimed at curbing CO2emmissions and since then, climate policy has been at the center of Danish energy policy. The current plan is to have a fossil free energy system by 2050. This ambition will require innovation, new
technology, enormous investments and political will combined with backing from civil society and
Make no mistake though Denmark today is still reliant of oil, coal and gas. The cars are not running on flowers and fairy dust. Was it not for the North Sea oil fields, the Danish story might have
looked very different. Since the 1990s, the oil and gas driven from the sea bed north of Denmark
have made the Danes self-sufficient regarding oil and gas, while simultaneously boosting the Danish
Exports of oil and gas, high taxes on energy and a political consensus has made the many offshore
wind farms in the sea surrounding Denmark feasible in the later years. Denmark has a political
target of reaching 35 percent renewables in electricity in 2020 in 2050 the goal is to remove all
fossil fuels from the energy system through investments mainly in wind, biomass and solar.
These are ambitious targets paid for by consumers through energy taxes, which all households and
companies pay. The revenue is put into renewable energy projects, such as the Horns Rev III off
shore wind farm situated off the coast of western Jutland. It is the third wind farm in the area and
will, once operating in 2017, produce enough green energy to sustain 400.000 households with a
total production of 400 MW in addition to the 370 MW produced by its two older brothers Horns
Rev I+II.
In addition to the Horns Rev wind farm, Denmark will build a 600 MW wind farm in Kriegers Flak
in the waters between Denmark, Sweden and Germany. It is clear that Denmark has chosen its renewable energy source number one: Wind power. Given the often bleak and rainy weather conditions,
solar energy has never had a major breakthrough in Denmark. In 2014, more than 39 percent of
electricity came from wind energy. That is a world record. Danish business is on board too. In 2014,
energy technology exports accounted for 9,1 billion euros roughly 20 percent of Danish exports
altogether, thus creating 56.000 jobs according to the Danish Energy Association. From 1990 to
2007, economic activity in Denmark increased by more than 40 percent, while CO2 emissions decreased by nearly 14 percent. In addition to support from business, almost all of the Danish political
parties back the long-term energy policy for 2020. A nuclear-free energy policy thus meets a broad
political consensus since the oil crisis in the 1970s.
Not all is idyllic in Denmark though. The classical tale of the not in my backyard is still an existing
concern in green Denmark. When a test site for wind turbines on land was established in a remote
nature area called Osterild in the rural countryside a couple of years ago, local citizens protested
its construction, stating that they supported renewable energy but arguing that it should be placed
elsewhere. Eventually the test site was built despite the protests.
The taxes paying for renewables has been a subject of political discussion, as energy intensive businesses ask for lower energy prices in order to keep production in Denmark. However, the small fraction of Danes opposing the shift towards a sustainability-focused society, independent from foreign
energy imports from the Middle East and Russia, is small. Green policies have a broad backing even
though Danes, as most other people, would like to see their energy bills decrease.
Recent projects researching the possibility of shale gas extraction in rural areas have met local opposition. The concern is mainly about security and the scale of a possible shale gas venture in peoples backyards. This has held back shale gas explorations; politically, the support for a gas adventure
as seen in the US is limited to certain parties in the Danish parliament.



5 European perspectives


Although Denmark has done well to diminish its impact on the worlds climate and has seen an
extensive rise in green energy, Danes are maybe not as green as they seem. A recent report from the
WWF shows that Danes are the fourth most polluting people on the planet if one includes the impact from its foreign imports, ranging from extensive holiday travel to the agricultural sector, which
remains less regulated than other industries.
However, the Danes have taken up the climate issue locally. The island of Samsoe is 100 percent
fossil free. Community projects are organized in wind turbine cooperatives, which usually have 1-3
wind turbines on land next to smaller towns or industrial areas. They can be found all over the country. Some 40,000 Danes are part-owners or individual owners of some of the more than 5200 wind
turbines in Denmark.
Denmark was forced on the green path by high energy prices in the 1970s and has shown the world
that with an extensive forward energy planning, incentives for green energy and a supportive population, it is possible to decrease the dependence on fossil fuels. Germany, too, is attempting to decouple
its GDP with fossil fuel consumption the Danes just got there first and are eager to stay ahead.

D Ready for take-off: the French energy transition in the making

The French energy policy has often been reduced to its singular attachment to nuclear energy, presenting it as the antagonistic counterpart to the German Energiewende and its nuclear phase-out.
However, with regards to the 2015 international climate conference in Paris, France is building
up its own energy transition agenda, opening up the opportunity for a strengthened cooperation
at the heart of Europe. To make this new perspective a credible one, a lot of political will and the
ability to trigger some major policy developments will be required over the next months and years.

By Kathrin Glastra, HBF and

Andreas Rdinger, IDDRI

As historian Gabrielle Hecht put it in her award-winning publication, since the acquisition of the
nuclear weapon in the late 1950s and the rapid development of civil reactors for power generation after the oil crisis, nuclear energy has become a symbolic marker of French national identity,
reaching far beyond the sphere of energy policy. Considering this, the ambition of French president
Franois Hollande to reduce the share of nuclear electricity in power generation from 75 percent to
50 percent does not only represent a structural turn in terms of technological transformation, but
illustrates the will to open up a new path for the future of the French energy system.
Indeed, much more than the future of nuclear is at stake with the currently debated bill on the
transition nergtique, which should be adopted by July 2015. Based on the conclusions of the
national stakeholder debate on the energy transition held between 2012 and 2013, this framework
law aims at building a comprehensive strategy for the energy transition starting from the structural
challenges that France must face to make its energy system sustainable. Surprisingly, this leads to a
growing convergence between France and Germany considering the main targets for the transition.
First and foremost, the comparatively lower level of greenhouse gas emissions (8,3 tonnes per capita
in France vs. 11 tons in Germany) should not hide the fact that France remains largely dependent on
imported fossil fuels and must achieve a 75 percent reduction of GHG emissions to stay in line with
a global 2C scenario on climate change. Indeed, 70 percent of the French final energy consumption
is still coming from fossil energies, with oil alone representing about 43 percent. On the other hand,
electricity represents only about a quarter of total energy consumption, nuclear alone accounting
for 18 percent. Much alike Germany, this translates into an import energy bill of more than 1000
euros per capita per year, a massive capital outflow that could as well be used to fund local projects
for sustainable energy and energy savings.
Considering this, the very ambitious objective of cutting final energy consumption by 50 percent
until 2050 and reducing the use of fossil fuels by 30 percent until 2030 represents the single most
important measure of the new law. However, achieving this objective will require a drastic acceleration on energy efficiency policies, including not only the building but also the transport sector, which
much like Germany currently remains the orphan of the energy transition. Energy efficiency could
easily become a major field for cooperation between both countries, given their common industrial
interests in the automobile and public transport sector.
Secondly, France is slowly recognizing that the current energy status quo cannot last forever. Mostly
built in the 1970s and 1980s, the nuclear power fleet reaches an average age of 30 years. While
some argue that the reactors lifetime could easily be extended to a maximum of 60 years, a lot of
uncertainties remain. The French Nuclear Safety Agency recently pointed out that there is a nonnegligible risk of systemic failure: since most reactors have been built based on the same design,



5 European perspectives


a technical failure in one reactor could allegedly spread to others, requiring a rapid shutdown of
a significant share of reactors. Furthermore, recent policy and expert reports confirmed the major
uncertainties on both the technological feasibility and costs that might be induced by a general
retrofit of the existing reactors, with a potential bill ranging anywhere between 100 and 400 billion
euros, potentially increasing the generation costs of nuclear electricity to 70 and up to 130 /MWh.
In other words, it is time to prepare for a plan B to diversify the energy and power generation mix
rather than putting all eggs in one basket, an option that was also confirmed by the recent parliamentary commissions report on the costs of nuclear energy.
This means that France must enter the age of renewables without further delay: as a matter of fact,
a recently leaked report by the French Environmental Agency Ademe shows that a 100 percent
renewable electricity system could be achieved by 2050 at acceptable costs, if the conditions and
policy frameworks are right.
Meanwhile, the draft law defines a very ambitious objective for 2030: the total share of renewable
energy is to be increased from currently 14 percent to 32 percent by 2030, including a 40 percent
renewable share in electricity. Nonetheless, current project developments have to cope with a lot of
administrative obstacles, and lag far behind the objectives for 2020. For example, it can take up
to 8 years to complete a wind power project in France, compared to 3 years in Germany. The lack
of political stability demonstrated by the 2010 moratorium on solar PV and the uncertainty induced by the legal dispute over wind power feed-in tariffs certainly represents the greatest barrier
to success. While the new law aims at eliminating some of these hurdles, it also generates a lot of
uncertainty itself: following the German example and pressured by the new EU guidelines on state
aid for energy, France will replace the current feed-in tariffs by a market-based premium scheme in
early 2016, and possibly turn to technology-neutral tendering by 2017.
Eventually, some of the major challenges for France relate to the governance of the energy transition, implying that the historical bond between nuclear power, centralized decision-making and
national monopolies should evolve into new forms of organization. Some positive steps have already
been taken to better acknowledge the importance of local action, including a national program to
support positive energy territories, similar to the German 100 % Renewable Regions initiative.
Inspired by the German success, France is also planning new measures in support of citizen-led
cooperative energy projects and dedicated crowdfunding solutions to increase public acceptance for
these technologies.
The Franco-German cooperation on energy can be qualified as a love-hate relationship, filled with
mutual curiosity, misunderstandings and stereotypes. But if France is willing to open up a new
chapter in its energy policy; and considering the various challenges outlined above, there might not
only be a great opportunity but even a need to reestablish a strong partnership in order to make the
transition a success in both countries, and more broadly in Europe.

E Energy in the Czech Republic: small steps in renewables,

but still no progress towards the future
Up until 2015, the Czech energy sector followed a policy implemented in 2004. Now, and after
having worked for five years to modernize the governments energy strategy, the Czech have received a plan which focuses on outdated nuclear technology. The Ministry of Trade, as the main
sponsor of energy legislation and government strategy in the Czech Republic is continuing along
the same track, pulling railway cars mainly full of coal, uranium, oil and natural gas.

By Martin Sedlk, Alliance

for Energy Self-Sufficiency

Other countries may have noticed this during talks about the EUs 2030 climate and energy policy
targets. At first, the Czech Republic tried to dismantle attempts to increase the share of renewable
energy in the EU. When the Czech government understood that it could not stop clean energy growth,
it tried to at least influence the scope of the binding EU targets. Still today, the Ministry of Trade is
trying to push through nuclear energy support in other strategic documents.
Five years of work on an energy policy... and no progress
The Ministry of Industry and Trade began preparing a new State Energy Policy in 2009. The first
version featured what could be called a coal strategy: it was based on expanding coal mining even
at the expense of demolishing towns and villages. Coal energy was supposed to be complemented
by nuclear. After the 2010 elections, along with a new right-wing government came a policy heavily focused on nuclear energy, which called for strengthening the share of nuclear power in total



5 European perspectives


electricity production to up to 80 percent. If this were to happen, the Czech Republic would trump
even atomic France. Even the largest Czech electricity producer EZ considered this policy to be
way over the top.
With the arrival of a new government in 2013, consisting of SSD (social democrats), ANO (businessman Andrej Babis party) and KDU-SL (Christian democrats), pressure mounted to finalize
the energy strategy. After more than five years of preparation, the government proposed a new
energy policy at the end of 2014, which was approved in May 2015 and aims at a nuclear share of
up to 50 percent through the construction of new reactors at Temeln and Dukovany. The Ministry of
Industry and Trade presents nuclear as the source that will strengthen the Czech Republics energy
independence. However, the policy also forecasts an increase in total energy consumption, which
means that despite the construction of new reactors, gas consumption will increase by 10 percent.
This policy, created under the leadership of Industry and Trade Minister Jan Mldek (SSD), will
not bring independence from natural gas.
Because the Ministry of Trade has focused so intensely on planning new reactors, it has overlooked
another much more important source of energy. Surprisingly, this source is not a source in the
traditional sense; it is increased energy efficiency. By increasing energy efficiency, the Czech Republics dependence on imported Russian gas could be reduced to a minimum. Today, natural gas is used
mainly for heating, thus remodeling buildings to increase energy efficiency could halve the Czech
Republics consumption of gas. This fact is not new, as these numbers have been available since
2008, when experts first made these calculations available for the Independent Energy Commission
(2008). It is, however, a mystery as to why the current government has not used this data in its current updated energy policy.
The underutilized potential of energy efficiency measures is not the only issue in the Czech energy
debate related to updating the State Energy Concept. The Ministry of Industry and Trade seems to
want new reactors so badly that it has included very low costs for constructing nuclear power plants
in its calculations. All along, there has been a lack of public support or democratic participation of
the citizens in this debate.
To make matters worse, alternative energy policy plans besides the nuclear option have not been
considered. One alternative option was developed, however, in the planning phase but was quickly
written off as being unrealistic. This should come as no surprise, however, as the potential of renewable energy in the current outlook is assessed as being almost a quarter less than it was six years
ago when the Independent Energy Commission of the Government of the Czech Republic made its
initial calculations.
Renewables? Theyre on hold unfortunately
Clean energy had its day in the sun in the Czech Republic in 2005, when members of Parliament
approved the Renewables Support Act, which was inspired by the German energy transition. The introduction of subsidies kicked off growth in wind, biomass and even solar energy, which today cover
10 percent of household electricity consumption.
However, difficulties arose with solar energy in particular. In 2010 that is, when the price of photovoltaic technology significantly decreased legislators were unable to react timely to investors
increased interest in solar energy, causing investors to spread out their investments in installations
with a total solar capacity of 2,000 MW over the course of several years. The government then
destabilized the business environment by making retroactive changes in the form of a solar tax that
lowered the guaranteed revenue for solar energy investors. After 2010, new photovoltaic panels
could only be installed on buildings, and in 2014, support was cut off without substitution for these
installations altogether.
2015 has brought several small but positive stimuli: support for heat-generating biogas plants has
been restored, but the Ministry of Industry and Trade has heeded the criticisms of the Czech Photovoltaic Association, the Alliance for Energy Self-Sufficiency, and other trade groups that have
repeatedly called for removing administrative barriers to operating small-scale power plants. This is
a first step that will help revive Czech interest in increasingly affordable renewable energies. According to a proposed amendment to the Energy Act, a license for small-scale plants with an installed
capacity of up to 10 kW will not be necessary including plants that are connected to the grid.



5 European perspectives


What could a progressive energy sector in the Czech Republic look like?
The above-described experiences with renewables in the Czech Republic demonstrate that the country could serve as a compelling example of what not to do. But what would our energy sector look
like if we left clean energy to develop on its own?
In the Czech Republic, wind energy has long produced enough electricity to power two million households. According to the Chamber of Renewable Energy Sources and Hnut DUHA - Friends of
the Earth Czech Republic, wind energy has the potential to produce one-third of electricity in the
country that is, approximately as much as two new nuclear reactors. As far as the speed of technological innovation is concerned, solar energy is the clear renewables market leader in the Czech
Republic. If we consider only utilizing available rooftops in the Czech Republic, solar energy could
supply electricity to more than two million households. In the coming half-century, biomass will also
play a more significant role as a source of clean energy (producing 56 percent of potential green
electricity) as well as heat (producing 68 percent of potential clean heat).
Therefore, in order to fully enhance renewables the Czech Republic needs a solid energy policy. The
updated law is out of line with current energy transition trends around the world. It would only need
simple measures to help strengthening the position of clean energy in the Czech Republic. For example, net-metering, being a non-financial mechanism could trigger interest in rooftop solar panels.
Instead, the governments plans are concentrated mainly on building more nuclear reactors, while
renewables are only considered out of legal obligation, but not yet receiving the support they need.

F Energy Transition in Spain which way forward?

The energy transition in Spain has been experiencing a downfall over the last few years, starting
with the abolishment of economic incentives for building new renewable energy generation in
February 2013. As early as 2008, a major tariff deficit became apparent, which was estimated
at 25.5 billion euros in 2012. This deficit essentially emerged due to the fact that regulated
electricity prices did not completely cover the costs of electricity generation. This underlined
the need for major reform of the renewables support scheme if the envisaged energy transition
were to continue.

By Alexa Mollicchi, student

at Maastricht University and
Ignacio Fresco Vanzini, Florent
Marcellesi, Ecopoltica

The first European Renewable Energy Directive from 2001 was a stepping-stone for Spains influence on and promotion of a clean energy transition in Europe. This influence was mainly due to the
fact that Spain already had a target in its national law for an overall 12 percent share of renewables in its energy mix by 2010. In fact, once the Directive became effective, Spain had very little to
turn into its legislation. This contributed to creating an environment of trust and confidence in the
Spanish market regarding the path it was taking. Moreover, Spain was the first country to adopt
support measures oriented towards the production of renewables, namely the FIT and FIP schemes.
In general terms, up until 2007, the renewables sector in Spain was doing remarkably well, increasing by 8.9 percentage points between 2005 and 2006. However, it was also in these years that the
problem of the tariff deficit started to emerge, which led to the adoption of policies that rendered
the possibilities of Spain to become a leader in this sector unachievable.
The 2009 Renewable Energy Directive laid down mandatory renewables targets and the regulation
of three different sectors: electricity, biofuels used in transportation, and heating and cooling. The
former sector is where Spain experienced the most significant growth. In fact, the Spanish sector
of renewable electricity in the interim target period of 2011-2012 had a share of 31.5 percent,
while for the renewable heating and cooling sector the share was 13.5 percent and 6 percent in the
transportation sector.
In complying with its interim 2011-2012 targets, Spain showed that it was on the right path to comply with its 2020 targets. However, a number of factors such as the evolution of the economic crisis,
the lack of a credible energy strategy, and the total tariff deficit reaching the astounding amount of
EUR 25.5 billion, led Spain into a period of stagnation.
In order to diminish electricity costs and the tariff deficit the newly elected government suspended
the support measures to newly built energy plants in January 2012. Eventually, this led to the
complete abolishment of the FIP scheme in February 2013, putting at risk the main support for
renewable electricity generation. The abolishment of the FIP scheme particularly affected operators of wind plants, which was the renewables source that contributed the most to the production of
renewable electricity in Spain (the quantity of electricity generated by solar plants was 7000 GWh
in 2011, the production by wind plants was 45.000 GWh). Cutting support measures for renewables



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was based on the assumption that the deficit was due to high investment costs in renewables. Furthermore, it demonstrated a lack of coherence with the EUs 2020 targets. Other important factors
contributing to the deficit were the aid schemes for power-fired coal, or the failure to adapt the
electricity tariff to the cost increase of conventional power around the year 2000.
As an important consequence of these government measures, Spain will not be able to comply with
its national 2020 targets. This is not only disappointing for producers efforts but also for the overall
strong position Spain held in this sector. Additionally, these measures have highly contributed to the
boosting of what is referred to as energy poverty (about 10 percent of the Spanish population
cannot afford the high electricity bills). Given the importance of the energy sector for the national
economy, there is no doubt that a clear, coherent and long-term policy perspective is necessary.
In a country with an energy dependency rate of about 73 percent, cutting support measures cannot
be seen as an appropriate decision. Spain should be deciding what energy policy it wants to implement on a long-term basis. Instead of doing so, Spain is currently only thinking of how it will comply
with its 2020 objectives, without projecting any further goals beyond that.
Spain can and must strengthen its energy transition efforts by taking further measures, for example
the following:
Maintain public audits of the tariff deficit
The Spanish energy system is a black box regarding the debts generated and its real costs. In order
to promote a proper reform and transparency two audits are necessary. First, a tariff deficit audit to
analyse the political decisions and responsibilities that led to the accumulation of the tariff deficit
and the exact amount owed. Second, an electricity sector audit of every cost attributed to the electricity tariff, as well as the definition of the guidelines determining the price of kWh for the different
electricity tariffs.
Erase legal barriers for self-consumption of renewable energy
Spain should erase the barriers to self-consumption of renewable energy and set out the net-metering scheme ensuring that consumers who operate PV systems receive credit for any electricity their
systems feed into the grid. While this scheme already exists in many countries throughout Europe,
the discussion is still ongoing in Spain.
Change the industrial production model
Energy transitions essentially mean a shift from high energy consumption and CO2 emissions towards a model based on low energy consumption and CO2 emissions, but one which creates sustainable well-paying jobs many. The key sectors for such green jobs are:
Agriculture, through the promotion of organic agriculture and relocation of production and
Energy efficiency, through better building renovation and thermal insulation, equipment of renewables facilities and the installation of more efficient energy systems. These energy efficiency
measures could save Spain about 39 billion euros by 2050; and
Sustainable Transportation, through promoting greater use of railway transportation of goods
from currently 3.2 percent to 10 percent by 2020. The transportation sector represents 40
percent of final energy consumption with 30 percent CO2 emissions and is thus a vital sector to
be tackled in this regard.
Democratize the energy sector
Energy transitions impliy a bigger democratic control over the energy sector. It is thus imperative
to regulate the practice of revolving doors. In Spain, high-ranking politicians have become part of
companies in the traditional electricity industry, such as former Presidents Felipe Gonzlez and Jos
Mara Aznar. This phenomenon explains the high level of mistrust towards many governmental energy policies, as this often leads to policies that align with the interests of the old electricity utilities. In
order to put an end to this practice it is necessary to demand that politicians are met with a certain
time period in which they cannot get involved in this sector where there are clear conflicts of interest.



5 European perspectives


The above recommendations can contribute to deepening the ecologically and socially needed energy
transition, and restore Spains leading position in renewable energy.

G Austria and its energy transition: A frontrunner falls behind

At first glance, the Austrian performance in the energy sector looks quite bright: In the year 2012
about 32.5 percent of the gross final energy consumption was provided by renewable energy

By Johannes Wahlmller, Global

2000 Friends of the Earth Austria

Only Latvia, Finland and Sweden had higher shares of renewable energy in the EU. Furthermore,
about two thirds of the electricity consumption in Austria is already provided by renewable energy
sources. The Austrian government is in favor of binding renewable targets at the European level and
opposes the ambitions by the nuclear industry to receive more subsidies. But there is also a dark
side on the climate front. Austria failed to meet its Kyoto target: instead of reducing greenhouse
gas emissions by 13 percent compared with 1990 levels, greenhouse gas emissions increased by 2.5
percent by 2012. Therefore, Austria had to buy CO2 certificates amounting to 71.55 million tonnes
of CO2. There are deep rooted reasons for this in the countrys climate and energy policy of the last
two decades.
Building blocks from the past
In Austria, the energy production from renewable energy sources is based on hydropower and biomass. Although it is a relatively small country, Austria is the 4th largest producer of hydro power
in Europe. The core development of Austrias hydropower was completed twenty years ago. Today,
there is little potential left for hydro. The same is true for biomass, therefore the potential for
traditional renewable energy sources is already used up.
On the other hand, the Austrian government has not been particularly open to new renewable energy
sources, such as wind and solar. The share of renewable energy in the electricity sector was therefore
decreasing every year for many years while the share of fossil energy increased. In 2011, after the
Fukushima nuclear accident, the Austrian kostromgesetz (similar to Renewable Energy Sources
Act (EEG) in Germany) was substantially reformed in a way that enabled more wind and solar
power onto the grid. However, this reform came too late to get effective during the Kyoto-period,
which ended in 2012, but can still be regarded as a relaunch of an Austrian energy transition in the
electricity sector. By 2020, Austria will likely reach a share of 80 percent of electricity coming from
renewable energy sources which could put Austria in a front runner position again.
Pioneers and lack of political support
While the electricity sector plays a major role in the countrys energy transition, there are other
important playing fields in the climate and energy policy that deserve attention, for example the
building sector. Buildings contribute to about one third of the Austrian final energy demand. Austria
has a pioneering role with the highest density of passive houses in Europe. In the heating sector,
emissions have been reduced by 34 percent compared with 1990 levels, and the potential for further
reductions is vast.
The main drivers of this success have been subsidies incentivizing building renovations, and higher
energy efficiency requirements by many Austrian states, that are responsible for regulations in the
building sector. However, the last strategy agreed between the central government and the federal
states to increase energy efficiency in buildings dates back to 2008, and the last step to increase
efficiency requirements for building renovations was made in 2010. Furthermore, due to austerity
policy many federal states have cut their subsidies resulting in a low renovation rate of about one
percent each year. This means that Austria would need about 100 years to renovate its entire building stock. While architects already construct the first Plus-Energy buildings that produce more
energy than they consume over the year, more political support for energy efficiency in the building
sector is needed in order to build on the success stories of the past.



5 European perspectives


Big challenges ahead

In general, Austria has a pioneering role in many aspects but policy makers do not act as decisively
as they should. While a poll conducted in 2014, 79 percent of Austrians supported a rapid phase-out
of fossil energy, there is still no long-term government strategy to phase out fossil fuels in Austria.
This is a major gap, as there are strong economic arguments for taking action. About 64 percent of
the energy needed in Austria has to be imported. The import bill for fossil energy has reached 12.8
billion euros a year, which is about 4.2 percent of Austrias GDP, four times more than it was 15
years ago.
Even coal still plays a significant role in the Austrian energy system, with external health costs
amounting to about 192 Mio. euros per year. This means that the high share of renewables has not
yet led to a complete phase-out of this dirtiest of energy sources. Furthermore, about 700.000
homes are still heated by oil heating systems, with oil companies even providing subsidies for the
installation of such new oil heating systems. Policy makers hesitate to take action in the transport
sector, which plays a decisive role in Austrias CO2 emissions. As a consequence, a lot remains to be
done if Austria wants to turn back into a real frontrunner in the energy transition.

H Dazed and confused? The UKs energy policy needs a sense of direction
In relation to the rest of Europe, the UKs role as market champion, nuclear champion and shale
gas champion has brought its policies into sharp relief in contrast to countries such as Germany
and Austria. In particular the decision to approve Hinkley Point has been challenged on the basis
of the subsidies it requires, although it was allowed by the European Commission.

By Naomi Luhde-Thompson,
Friends of the Earth England
Wales and Northern Ireland

Over three-quarters of people in the UK support renewable energy, while only a third support nuclear, and a quarter support fracking according to the UK Governments public attitudes tracker
in 2014. Sparks fly in the energy debate as peoples bills rise, companies domestic supply profits
increase, and the replacement of the ageing system mean large scale investment is required.
In relation to the rest of Europe, the UKs role as market champion, nuclear champion and shale
gas champion has brought its policies into sharp relief in contrast to countries such as Germany and
Austria. In particular the decision to approve Hinkley Point has been challenged on the basis of the
subsidies it requires, although it was allowed by the European Commission.
The UKs confused energy policy
Big utilities still dominate the UKs energy policy, as community-owned renewable energy struggles
to gain a foothold despite the barriers. It hasonly been 25 years since theprivatisation of energy,
butin mainstream politics and media, the rise of community-owned energy, orlocal authority owned
energy, is seen as a minor contribution to theUKs energy system around 3GW by 2020 is estimated by the Department for Energy and Climate Change. This will have to change if the UK is
torealise a decentralisedrenewable energy system that meets more stringent climate change emissions reduction targets, and isefficient and fair.
Energy production in the UK
A dash for gas-fired power stations was supportedby the UK Governmenta while ago.Opencast
coal mining is still being applied for, and applications for shale gas, coal bed methane, and even underground coal gasification are all being encouraged by the current framework in England,although
Scotland and Wales have both passed moratoriums on fracking. Public opposition to fracking is
on the rise, particularly in places where proposals have come forward. In places like Balcombe,
Sussex, the threat of fracking has kickstarted a campaign for locally-owned solar energy instead.
In early 2015, solar powered the equivalent of 2 million homes in Britain, and renewable energy
generationwas at record levels in 2014. Electricity generation from renewable sources increased 30
percent between 2012 and 2013, up to 13.9 percent of gross electricity consumption.



5 European perspectives


Lights going out?

The fear of lights going out has led the current Government to prop up the existing utilities.Through the capacity market the utilities are being subsidised in effectfor what they want to
do anyway - which is keeping their existing power stations open, and then being paid in addition for
the electricity they supply.These recently announced subsidies for nuclear and the capacity market
show how strongly the utilities are fighting off any change to the current centralisedenergy system.
The market focus
Both main political parties in the UK are wedded to a system which relies on a market dominated
by the big six energy companies. The problem with this approach is that the existing players in the
market have all the advantages, and the benefits of pre-privatisation investment - for instance in the
grid, while new entrants are expected to pay the cost of transformation. There are regular reports
from owners of prospective community-owned renewable energy projects who are quoted astronomical sums in order to be connected to the grid, because the grid is apparently at capacity for
instance in places like Cornwall.
Barriers in the system
There is no merit order where renewable electricity is prioritised for connection and supply on the
grid. Supplying electricity is impossible for small producers because of the cost of the supply license. The UK Government through the Departmentof Energy and Climate Changehas had working
groups on supply, grid and community ownership, but so far there has been no structuralchange.
What does this mean for energy transformation in the UK?
The relationship between the Climate Change Act 2008 and its carbon budgets and theEnergy Acts
mean that the focus for the UK Governmentis on decarbonising electricity, but not specifically on
renewable energy generation. This means that there are distractions such as CCS and nuclear to
contend with. There is no coherent strategy to deliver a largely renewable energysystem in the UK.
Instead the main political parties prefer to keep their options open, with a bit of everything in the
mix. This creates a huge sense of uncertainty - will fracking squeeze into an energy supply gap which
may open up, or will renewables and energy efficiency take off to an extent that it is squeezed out?
Will a new generation of nuclear come to pass or will it be finally killed off by cost and insurmountable waste issues? Can the grid and supply systems cope with more renewable energy?
What next?
The new UK Government will have to tackle these issues head on as peoples energy bills rise, new
energy development comes forward, and as more people engage with community energy and understand the barriers it faces. Anti-fracking campaigners will ensure that unconventional fossil fuels
remain high on the political agenda, and the pure cost of new nuclear may render it unaffordable.
Most political parties in the UK are committed to community energy but whether the changes required to grid and connection regulation, as well as supply will happen slowly or quickly depends on
how willing the politicians are to take on the vested interests of existing suppliers.
The UK needs to put renewable energy first in connecting to the grid, make it mandatory for schemes
to offer a share to local communities, and make it simple and affordable for local projects to supply
their local community. If this happens, community energy will start to transform the system as it
has in Germany.



5 European perspectives


International perspectives

With its Energiewende, Germany has raised the bar in terms of setting the pace
for renewable energy policies. By going renewable, Germany has created more
than 370,000 new jobs, built up the worlds leading green technology sector,
and has reduced its dependency on fossil fuel imports. But how is the German
energy transition perceived internationally? What do other countries make of the
Energiewende? Are there other best practices for an energy transition?

A Renewables in South Africa: The need for a developmental case

Emily Tyler
B Theres more renewables in the Philippines
Pedro H. Maniego
C Jordan seeks a solar-torch from Germany
Batir Wardam
DTransatlantic Take-Away:
What Germanys Energy Transition means for the United States
Rebecca Bertram
E The Energiewende blueprint for the energy transition in Japan?
Kimiko Hirata
F Indias Opportunity to Leapfrog into the Renewable Age
Srinivas Krishnaswamy
G Chinas Sustainable Energy Development
Fuqiang Yang





6 International perspectives


A Renewables in South Africa: The need for a developmental case

In contrast to Germany, environmental questions are not yet a voting issue in South Africa. However, providing greater access to energy is a high priority. What can a developing country take
away from Germanys experiences? What are the chances of South Africa taking a leading role in
Africas Energiewende?

By Emily Tyler, Independent

climate mitigation economist,
October 2012

What is the possibility of a similar Energy Transition occurring in South Africa? In contrast to the
developed and highly industrialised Germany, South Africa is a developing country, struggling with
high levels of poverty and inequality. Its energy landscape is dominated by coal, and it needs to meet
an anticipated fourfold increase in electricity demand within two decades. Renewables currently
contribute less than 1% to total electricity production, and are targeted to rise to only 9% by 2030.
Perhaps most significantly, there are no clear signs of the government moving beyond a rhetorical
support for substantial renewable energy in its energy and economic policies. Conversely, plans for
a new fleet of nuclear power stations to meet the rising electricity demand are due for sign off by
the end of this year.
There are a number of ingredients, which, from a South African perspective appear key to having
enabled the writing of the Energiewende into policy in Germany. First, environmental issues are
voting issues in the country; its citizens are engaged in the issue of how their energy is provided.
Further, many Germans are willing and able to pay the current premium tariff to support renewables.
Subsequently, the Energiewende enjoys support across the political spectrum, thereby ensuring its
survival through election cycles. Second, there is a plausible economic case for the Energiewendes
implementation. The country has an advanced manufacturing base, capable of responding to a major
stimulus for rapid renewable energy technology innovation and diffusion, thereby creating jobs and
dominating this growing sector internationally. Thirdly, aside from lignite coal, Germany imports
most of its fossil fuels which strengthens the economic case for domestic renewables.
At face value, South Africa does not yet enjoy any of these key ingredients, and therefore is unlikely
to commit to an Energy Transition in the near future. However, considering them does provide insights as to what might bring such a commitment forward. Because development trumps environment as a policy and political priority in South Africa, the requisite political and citizen support for
an Energy Transition would need to be achieved by framing it primarily as a developmental one. The
combination of electricity tariffs rising in the baseline, opportunities for rural areas through energy
decentralisation and the cost and corruption risks of nuclear could form the basis of a compelling
developmental case. A plausible economic case for the country is also necessary. This is likely to be
renewable technology specific, potentially involving leveraging the countrys dominant industrial position in Southern Africa to specialise in the adaptation and installation of low-tech, energy poverty
alleviating renewable technologies en mass in the continent. South Africa also has an abundant solar
regime, a resource which Germany succeeded without, which enhances the case for solar energy
generation. Put together, these factors may contribute sufficiently to competitive advantage for the
country to occupy a leadership space in this niche.
Until the development and economic cases are convincingly made, it appears unlikely that South
African political leaders will entertain, let alone promote, such an ambitious plan as that of the
German Energiewende. Right now, a transition to renewables departs substantially from the existing
institutional, policy and regulatory reality of the South African energy sector. However, the German
experience tells us that if political leadership can be achieved, and citizens engaged, the possibility
of a similar Energy Transition happening in South Africa may not seem as remote.



6 International perspectives


B Theres more renewables in the Philippines

The Philippines was one of the first nations to commit to renewable energy and it has long abandoned the idea of nuclear power. As demand for power steadily increases, the Philippines is in a
position to fill this need with renewables. How can Germanys successes inform the Philippines
continued progress?

By Pedro H. Maniego, Jr.,

Chairman, National Renewable
Energy Board, Philippines
October 2012

The successful transition of a world economic leader like Germany to renewable energy confirmed that
a pro-renewable agenda is not only possible, but practical. Being a country that is blessed with abundant solar, wind, hydro, tidal, geothermal and biomass resources, the transition is even more practical
for us. Considering the world-wide imperative to mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions, the Philippines really has no choice but to adopt a pro-renewables agenda.
In the aftermath of the peaceful EDSA revolution in 1986, the Philippines decided not to operate
the then newly-built nuclear power plant in Bataan. Despite the massive brown-outs experienced
by the country from the late 1980s to the early 1990s, the nuclear plant was never tapped for
power production. To resolve the crisis, the government instead granted licenses with take-or-pay
provisions requiring utilities to pay even for unused renewable electricity to independent power
producers. Since the approved rates were much higher than the generation charges of the government owned National Power Corporation, the electricity rates in the Philippines was often cited as
the highest in Southeast Asia.
A similar power crisis is imminent within the next few years. The buffer between peak electricity demand and dependable power capacity remains thin. This year, Mindanao has already experienced almost daily brown-outs, while Luzon and Visayas are suffering from them intermittently. To increase
the base-load capacity, the Department of Energy approved the construction and/or expansion of
11 coal plants. Some sectors also proposed the revival of the Bataan nuclear plant as a solution to
problem. The current administration maintained that long and comprehensive studies are required,
and the decision should be left to the next administration.
Unfortunately, the passage of the Renewable Energy Act of 2008 has not encouraged the development of the renewables sector yet. The Act was not able to arrest the dramatic decline in the share
of renewable energy in the power generation mix from 32.6% in 2009 to 26.3% in 2010. In contrast, the share of power generation from fossil fuel sources increased from 67.4% to 73.7% in
the same period. Unless more renewable energy resources are deployed in the next few years, their
share in the power mix will continue to decrease. Nevertheless, the Philippines is still way ahead in
renewable energy utilization compared to its Asian neighbours and most countries (i.e. 38.9% of
the primary energy consumption in 2010). But the Philippines must not waver in its determination
to leave coal power behind and move on to a renewable energy dominant future. If given a choice,
power companies would rather build large coal plants than an equivalent number of small renewable
energy plants. They contend that the time and effort required to develop a 300 MW coal plant and
a 1 MW renewable energy plant are almost the same. However, the policies and objectives in the
Renewable Energy Act are very clear: energy self-reliance, sustainable energy development, reduced
dependence on fossil fuels, and reduction in harmful emissions. The National Renewable Energy
Program set a target of tripling the installed generating capacity of renewables from 5,438 MW as
of 2010 to 15,304 MW by 2030, while the Power Development Plan aimed at doubling the total
installed generating capacity from 16,359 MW as of 2010 to 32,909 MW by 2030. Based on these
goals, the share of renewables in the power mix will increase to 46.5% in 2030. If the responsible
government agencies will just firmly implement the relevant energy and environmental laws, the
move to 80% renewables by mid-century is likely attainable.
The German Energiewende has shown that effective implementation of the law could reap huge
dividends. Germany was able to more than triple the renewable energy share in its power generation
mix from 6.3% in 2000 to over 20% in 2011. The successful transition yielded many benefits for
Germany: reduced dependence on nuclear and fossil fuels, lower GHG emissions, leadership in solar
and wind power technologies, and huge increases in levels of investment and employment.
The transition to renewable energy is not only for wealthy countries. In the 1970s, the Philippines
decided to develop its geothermal resources. At that time, power generation from fossil fuels like
coal and oil was much cheaper. However, the Philippines wanted to minimize its exposure to fuel
price fluctuations in the world market. The commitment to geothermal power has produced tremendous benefits to the country. The cost per kWh of geothermal power is not only stable, but is now
much lower than coal and oil. The Philippines is recognized as a world leader in geothermal energy
technology and production, being second only to the United States.



6 International perspectives


In the long term, solar power could wean the Philippines away from imported fuels and sustain real
energy independence. The prospects for solar energy in the country are literally bright and sunny. If
a country like Germany, with its much lower solar irradiation, can harness the sun, why cant the
Philippines do likewise? With one of the highest electricity rates in the world, grid parity may be
reached in two to three years. Moreover, the FIT, net metering and open grid access mechanisms
are expected to be finally approved by Energy Regulatory Commission and implemented within the
year. The potential for solar power development in the Philippines is limited only by its affordability
and cost per kWh compared to other technologies.

C Jordan seeks a solar-torch from Germany

Jordans climate makes it an ideal candidate for the use of renewable energy technologies. Ample
sun and a reasonable potential for wind should lead this country towards a green energy future.
But there is talk about building new nuclear power. Germanys Energiewende reminds Jordan
about its own conflict of renewables vs. nuclear when moving to a low-carbon future.

By Batir Wardam,
coordinator for Jordans 3rd
United Nations national
communication for climate change
and an environmental writer.

The global energy crises that erupted in 2007 due to the increase of the oil price had a grave impact
on those countries that depend on imported oil for their own energy supply. Jordan was, and still is,
among those countries most affected by the oil shock.
Clear Vulnerabilities
Jordan imports 96% of its national energy mix from outside sources. This translates to around
20% of GDP and puts a heavy burden on the public budget, which is already constrained by operating costs and subsidies. Moreover, Jordan is vulnerable to any unforeseen surprises in the energy
supply chain. When the people of Jordan wake up in the morning and switch on the light, they used
to receive a staggering 80% of their electricity from imported Egyptian natural gas with all the
associated security risks.
On February 4th, 2011, in the midst of the Egyptian revolution, an explosion hit the natural gas
pipeline in the Sinai which delivers natural gas to both Jordan and Israel. Since that day, natural gas
supplies have stopped and Jordan had to turn to using fuel oil for its energy supply at an additional
cost of $2.2 million US per day. There have been 15 such explosions since and Jordan has never
managed to receive a sustainable supply of natural gas. In this period, Jordan switched to the use
of its reserves of diesel and heavy oil to compensate the loss of natural gas. In November 2012 the
government of Jordan raised the price of fuel and propane for household uses, causing a widespread
wave of political protests all over the country. With a newly signed agreement with the IMF, Jordan
is expected to raise electricity prices later in 2013.
Therefore, the equation is very clear for any political decision maker. Jordan is in dire need of a
domestic supply of energy. The obvious choice should be renewable energy, especially solar. Jordan is
currently looking to have 10% of its energy mix generated from renewable sources by the year 2020.
Thus, the country is implementing a plan to generate 600MW of wind energy, and 600MW of solar
energy to reach this target. This will require an investment of $1.4-2.1 billion US based on figures
from 2007. However, research has proven that Jordans potential is certainly much greater than this
target and Jordan could even aim to become a net exporter of renewable energy within the region.
The Looming Nuclear Lobby
Unfortunately, this environmental and economic potential is in danger of being wasted due to the
strong influence of the nuclear energy lobby in Jordan, which has managed to position their project
as a top priority and marginalized the renewable energy sector. Jordan is now seeking a nuclear
energy program that could generate 1 GW at a cost of more than $7 billion US with high environmental and health risks.
In the last couple of years Jordanian society has been engaged in a wide and heated debate on the
feasibility of nuclear energy as a secure source of energy in relation to renewables. The question
was should we go nuclear or solar? The impact of the Arab Spring with more political openness and social mobilization was a major impetus for raising the bar of the debate and questioning
the justification, feasibility and even the integrity of the nuclear program compared to renewable
energy alternatives.



6 International perspectives


Taking Germanys Lead

The German case of a gradual phase-out of the nuclear energy and strategic shifting into sustainable
alternative was widely cited by legislators, politicians, activists, journalists, and researchers who
oppose the Jordanian nuclear program. It has been mentioned, discussed and hailed in a number of
advocacy and public awareness activities.
In an internal memo submitted by the Jordanian Parliaments energy committee, the committee
cited the German experience as a major reason for showing how the world is moving away from
nuclear energy towards more sustainable alternatives. Many writers and activists used the German
example as a case study of a country which managed to implement a vision of a secure and sustainable energy future. This example could be followed by Jordan, which has a much bigger potential for
harnessing solar energy due to its suitable weather conditions and large number of sunny days. It
can also do this at much lower costs than Germany has done, because prices for renewable technologies have dropped drastically over the last decade and will continue to do so.
When nuclear experts like Mycle Schneider presented Germanys path towards renewables, those impressive facts and figures were used extensively by anti-nuclear and pro-renewable advocates in Jordan.
It is also worth noting that the main political party in Jordan, the Islamic Action Front, also cited the
German example in its numerous statements against the Jordanian nuclear program.
Room for Diplomacy and Civil Society
Jordan and Germany enjoy a mutually-trusted political and diplomatic relationship which has been
strengthened with decades of economic and development cooperation. The German government has
always kept a low-profile approach towards influencing internal policies in J ordan, and thus has
not raised the issue of renewables vs. nuclear to the Jordanian government. This is different from
other countries that support the Jordanian nuclear program hoping to gain access to the Jordanian market (i.e. France, Russia, Korea, etc.). Germany has worked to demonstrate best practices in
renewable energy technology without influencing the development of energy policy. German NGOs
have been more active in pursuing a pro-renewables approach with their development partners in
Jordan and have succeeded in raising awareness at the community and society levels but not within
decision-making circles.
The transition to renewable energy in Jordan is not an option as much as an economic and environmental necessity that is still subject to political marginalization, especially by the pro-nuclear lobby.
The German model of transitioning to renewables is the most effective tool that Jordanian advocates
can use to convince their government of the economic and environmental feasibility of such a transition. More exchange of knowledge, experiences and even direct influence should be accelerated to
facilitate the energy transition process in Jordan.

D Transatlantic Take-Away:
What Germanys Energy Transition means for the United States
Germanys Energiewende has created a global market for renewable energies, such as wind
and solar, by promoting the rapid build-up of these technologies through a stable policy framework. As a result, the cost of both wind and solar has dramatically decreased over the past
few years. This is now enabling other countries to follow suit, in particular the United States.
Germany can be proud of this development, as it will in turn benefit from further technological
and innovative breakthroughs from others in this field.

By Rebecca Bertram, Program

Director, Heinrich Boell
Foundation North America
May 2015

The German government has established regulations that call for wind, solar and biomass to make
up 80 percent of the countrys power supplies by the middle of this century. Today, these generate around 28 percent of the countrys electricity demand. True, Germany did pay a price for the
Energiewende by investing in renewables when these were still relatively expensive. Now, however,
Germany ranks as a worldwide technology and policy leader in this field. And it has reduced the
cost of these technologies so much that they can now compete successfully with conventional power
The United States, on the other hand, has long struggled with implementing adequate and stable
renewable energy policies. Their share of renewables made up only 7 percent of the countrys electricity mix in 2014. However, we are beginning to witness a staggering change, caused by President



6 International perspectives


Obamas Clean Power Plan and certain states efforts to push their renewable energies through
so-called Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS). In May 2015, Californias Governor, Jerry Brown,
announced that his frontrunner state would cut carbon emissions by an additional 40 percent by
2030 and by 80 percent, with a 50 percent share of renewables in its electricity mix, by 2050. Californias 2050 climate goals are thus the same as Germanys with a slightly lower renewables goal.
Californias push towards stricter climate standards and a more ambitious renewables build-up can
be directly linked to the ongoing drought that has severely hit the states economy with its large agricultural sector. Here, renewable energies are being increasingly recognized as a way to strengthen
Californias economy now suffering from the devastating consequences of climate change.
Furthermore, we are seeing how Germany and the United States are increasingly decoupling their
economic growth from their fossil fuel consumption and carbon emissions. Take Germany in 2014
for example: Germanys GDP grew by 1.6 percent while its fossil fuel consumption and carbon
emissions fell by almost 5 percent respectively. The United States power sector is also experiencing
a similar trend in generating more electricity while emitting less carbon. In 2015, US utilities will
likely produce 0.51 tonnes of carbon for each MWh of electricity produced, compared with 0.66
tonnes in 1970.
Energy experts believe that 2015 will mark a record-breaking year in the United States renewable
build-up: 18 GW of renewable energy generation capacity will be added to the system, of which 9
GW will be solar and 9 GW new wind installation. For the first time in history, renewable energy
installations are overtaking conventional energy installations, taking advantage of the fact that
renewables are increasingly becoming cost-competitive with conventional energy sources. In the
United States, solar technology costs have decreased by 80 percent and wind technology by 60 percent since 2009. No longer are renewables solely regarded and at times dismissed as idealistic
and environmental; they actually make economic sense. Texas the US leader in wind generation
is a perfect example for this: its companies are investing in wind only because it is the cheapest
power source available, even compared with natural gas.
This is also good news for the climate: Germanys Energiewende could never manage to tackle the
global challenge of climate change on its own. Yet by decreasing the technology costs for wind and
solar in particular, the economic benefits of the Energiewende have become exportable to other
countries. Clean energy transitions can now offer a valuable and economical solution to the global
climate challenge. Faced with acute climate challenges in the form of the recent drought in California, the fresh water crisis in the South, and the almost annually reappearing wild fires in the western part of the country, the political pressure to act on climate change may be felt more acutely in
the United States than in Germany over the coming years. And the response is now facilitated by
the economic bonus of going renewable.
As a result, the United States now has the real chance to replace Germany as an energy transition
leader, already investing annually more than Germany in both wind and solar and widening its
focus beyond just electricity. The United States is already implementing aggressive fuel standards
in the transportation sector and is planning for a smart new grid infrastructure as the base for its
clean energy revolution. Americas entrepreneurial culture encourages the dynamics of innovation,
and clean tech start-ups are playing an increasingly vital role in this energy transition. The car
manufacturer Teslas announcement to produce low-costs batteries for the car and home, as well as
smart green IT from Google and Apple, is likely to further revolutionize the way we use electricity.
That, in turn, will impact the clean energy efforts of other countries. Germany has started the
process through making these technologies affordable and competitive with conventional sources
of energy. Now the US is giving it another push. Renewables are being chosen no longer for their
sustainability, but for their economic benefits. The debate therefore no longer has to focus on the
futile question of whether climate change is real and man-made or not, but whether renewables
make economic sense. The good news (for the climate): they increasingly do! Germany can be proud
of having started the ball rolling and the United States can be proud of now running with it.

E The Energiewende a blueprint for the energy transition in Japan?

Like in Germany, people in Japan support to shutdown nuclear reactors and switch to renewables.
But under a new government, Japan is maintaining its reliance on nuclear. Meanwhile, Germany
has firmly committed to replacing nuclear and fossil fuel power with renewable technologies.
How can Germanys experience help kick-start a Japanese energy transition?



ByKimiko Hirata,
Director, Kiko Network

6 International perspectives


The increase in Germanys renewable energy production has been featured in Japanese news for
more than a decade. Many Japanese consider Germany to be the world leader in promoting renewables. After the Fukushima nuclear accident in March 2011, Germany had also gotten attention
because of its rapid political response to the incident.
Debate over Germanys Renewable Energy in Japan
A stable and fast increase of renewables is particularly in Japans interest. This has attracted many
Japanese policy makers and experts who wish to do the same.
Japan introduced the feed-in tariff (FIT), similar to Germanys system, in July 2012. In the decades long process to establish the FIT, its revision and the policy effects, such as job creation and
reduced costs for renewable technologies, were carefully studied and discussed. On the other hand,
negative aspects, such as an increase of financial burden and too generous industry exemptions, were
also pointed to as potential failures of the FIT. The recent solar tariff cuts in Germany provided
Japans conventional industries with arguments to lobby for lower tariff rates. The typical critiques,
such as claims that Germany imports French nuclear electricity or protects its coal industry, were
brought up, too.
Situation in Japan
Japans renewables are only around 10% of overall electricity production (excluding large hydro,
it only accounts for 1%). Japan has so far no renewable target for 2020 and 2030, although
target level of 25-35% is being discussed. The challenge is how smoothly the country can operationalize the FIT and firmly increase renewables. Many questions now arise, such as: whether
the surcharges under the FIT are the right size; how electricity fluctuation is dealt with; if more
renewable energies on the grid are technically feasible; what the costs and benefits for ratepayers,
the industry, and the economy as a whole would be; how the grid system should be strengthened;
and how electricity market liberalization could be realized. These issues need to be addressed
properly. In that regard, examining Germanys best practices will be a great help to subsequent
countries, such as Japan.
Nuclear Policy Discussion after Fukushima
The overall response to the Fukushima accident was different in Germany and Japan. The G
Ethics Commission Report in May 2011 and Chancellor Angela Merkels quick decision to shut
down the oldest nuclear reactors in 2011 and phase-out nuclear by 2022 was seen surprising in
light of the boldness of the decision and the way to respond to the accident.
Japan hasnt made any decisions to shut down the old and dangerous reactors, which were kept in
operation until the periodical safety check, which is obligatory in Japan. Only two Hamaoka plants,
which had very high risk from earthquakes, were shut down in May 2011.
As regards nuclear policy, the Japanese government has begun a cost analysis of each type of energy (coal, gas, and oil, nuclear, and various sources of renewables), including calculated economic
impacts, and has proposed several energy mix options. The results highlighted comparisons of the
economic burden of each option and outcomes showed that maintaining nuclear was cheapest. Unlike Germany, the aspects of ethics and philosophy from the perspective of Fukushima victims had
not been discussed in the process.
Challenge for the Future
Many Japanese are skeptical about Germanys ability to realize its ambitious goals. Renewables are
still considered to be unreliable and expensive in Japan.Thus, the idea of an economy running on 100%
renewable energies is not yet being discussed in Japan. Germanys path to higher shares of renewable
energies would motivate Japans discussion toward 100% renewable future.
In addition, another big challenge for Japan is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while reducing
reliance on nuclear. Germany keeps its ambitious climate target in the course of its nuclear phaseout. How feasible is this? We want to hear more on this from Germany, and I hope Germany can
prove it in practice.



6 International perspectives


Lessons from Japan?

What lessons can Japan provide to Germany? Above all, the Fukushima accident was the most tragic
lesson of the dangers of nuclear power being part of the mix. And from now on, Japans FIT will
take a different path from Germanys, and Japans own experiences, such as bringing down the costs
of PV panels and geothermal development, may provide new lessons to other nations in the future.
Four months after the FITs introduction, 2560MW of renewable capacity (mainly solar) are approved under the system and more are expected to come from wind and geothermal.
In 2013, Japan now has a new government after election of December 2012. The Liberal Democratic Party took a vast majority again, and the direction of nuclear and renewable policies is not yet
clear. Though, Prime Minister Abe has suggested he is considering building new nuclear plants. There
are concerns around that. However, public opinion is clear: Japanese people support renewables, not
nuclear. That will hopefully change the political landscape.

F Indias Opportunity to Leapfrog into the Renewable Age

India is poised to show the value of renewable energies to developing economies. Distributed
solar and wind generation has the chance to bring reliable electricity to many communities for
the first time. Renewables are not just the environmentally responsible alternative to fossil
fuels, they are now being seen as ever-more affordable means to development and social equity.
The demonstration by Germany that even a thriving industrial economy can switch from a conventional energy system, fueled primarily by nuclear and fossil fuel, to an energy efficient, renewablesbased one without compromising on industrial energy has definite lessons for all the countries in the
world, particularly developing economies.
Some of the key lessons from Germany that are relevant for a number of countries, particularly
energy starved countries like India, are:

The ambitious renewable energy targets and firm commitment to achieve them
Appropriate policy measures which mix market-based instruments and regulation
The transition being driven by citizens and communities
Breaking the myth that only conventional power can ensure the retention and growth of industry.

Taking the specific case of India, a snap shot of the electricity and energy scenario indicates:
1. The current total installed electricity generation capacity for India stands at 200 GW
2. Coal is still the dominant source of energy and accounts for 56 percent of Indias total installed
electricity generation capacity
3. Renewable energy has seen a modest growth from 2 percent of Indias total installed electricity
generation capacity in 2003-04 to 12 percent in 2011-12, a growth of 10 percentage points in
the last 8 years
4. India has a huge power deficit, ranging from 7.5 percent to 8 percent of the total electricity
5. 44 percent of Indias households do not have access to modern electricity
6. India has a low annual per-capita energy consumption of 778.63 kWh as against the world
average of 2596 kWh.
Therefore, in this context, the priority for India is to address:

Energy security
Access to energy for all

In the backdrop of the above, let us look at the reasons that it is important for India to take key lessons from Germany and also embark on a pathway of transition from a conventional electricity model to one which is green, sustainable, and has the ability to provide crucial energy security for India.



6 International perspectives


1. From the Point of Energy Security:

A. With a business as usual dependence on coal being the dominant fuel for electricity and
with Indias ambitious 12th five year plan target of adding 88GW, of additional electricity
generation capacities, for the period of 20132018, with close to 50 plus GW coming from
coal, India has to rely on increasing imports of coal. The Planning Commission estimates
it to be in the region of 42 percent of the total coal required
B. Hydroelectric resources are proving to be increasingly unpredictable and with increasing
threats of the impacts of climate change on river systems and water resources, energy
experts are now looking at hydro sources as more balancing power sources, rather than a
base load power source
C. India does not have its own gas or oil reserves and with the subsidies for oil being close to
9.46 rupees (17 US cents) per liter, the estimated cost of subsidies for power generation
alone is in the region of 130 billion rupees ($2.39 billion) annually

2. From a Balance of Payments perspective:

A. Very clearly, if India has to import oil, gas and coal and with the rising prices of these fossil
fuels, Indias already skewed balance of payment situation will worsen
B. We have also seen a trend of increasing prices of coal in the international market and with
the recent move of Indonesia to hike its price of coal by almost four times, a number of
proposed coal fired power plants have had to defer their operations, the most noteworthy
among them being Tata Powers super-critical coal fired power plant in Mundra.

3. From Energy Access Point of view:

A. With 44 percent of Indias households still not connected to the grid and with poor quality
grid supply, there are increasing evidences and cases of how only decentralized renewable
energy can ensure 100 percent reliable and affordable energy to a large number of remote
villages of India

4. Price and Cost Issues:

A. The cost of solar generation has come down fairly steeply from a tariff of 18 rupees (33 US
cents) per kWh in 2010-11 to almost 9 rupees (17 US cents) per kWh in 201213 and it
is said that there are likely to be bids for solar generation which could even be in the region
of 68 rupees (1115 US cents) per kWh.
B. The price of wind generation has been on an average of 3.50 rupees (6 US cents) per kWh
C. In comparison, the price of generation of electricity from coal has been steadily going up,
particularly with increased dependence on imported coal and with prices of imported coal
in the international market seeing a steep rise. The increase in cost of generation from new
coal fired power plants which use imported coal is expected to be in the region of 3.50
rupees (6 US cents) per kWh to as much as 6 rupees (11 US cents) per kWh. Looking at
the trend of global price of coal, and the trend of falling price of solar, the grid price parity
between coal and solar could be in the next 34 years itself.

In view of all the above, it makes perfect sense for India to reexamine a shift in its energy generation
policy, with an increased focus on renewable energy solution, with fossil fuels and hydro being considered as supplements. This would primarily mean a complete reverse in its current generation paradigm.
India definitely has more potential for renewable energy solutions and can opt for a basket of options and also opt for a basket of hybrid options. Amongst the various renewable energy resources,
solar energy potential in India is perhaps the highest and has been estimated to be in the region of
6,000 million GWh of energy per year.
Recent studies to look at wind potentials in India, has completely de-bunked the earlier estimate of
49 GW and has now pitched the potential for wind generation to be in the region of 200 plus GW.
There are studies which even quote a much higher potential.
Concentrated solar power (CSP) systems have a bright future for India and to a lesser extent potential run of the river systems and bio-mass generation plants.
Further, there are also a number of hybrid options such as CSP and bio-mass, or CSP and gas, which
would ensure that peak demand for electricity is also met.



6 International perspectives


It is therefore evident that India has perhaps a far higher renewable energy potential, particularly
related to some technologies than even Germany and therefore, if Germany has been able to make
this switch with a solar and wind based technologies replacing nuclear and fossil fuel based generation capacities, India can definitely not just learn from Germany, but perhaps even leapfrog.
India is right now formulating the policies of the second phase of the National Solar Mission. There
is a plan to also create a separate mission for wind generation. The mission would ensure dedicated
policy, resources and action plans for wind. The idea of having a wind mission also has the support
of the Planning Commission and therefore, it is likely that this mission for wind will be announced
very soon.
Further, there is also a discussion happening at the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy to have
a mission for bio-energy too.
This would put almost all the sources of clean and green energy in mission mode, with energy efficiency already in a mission mode. With the mission modes in various stages of starting afresh or
planning its second phase, the time is ripe for the missions to imbibe some of the lessons from Germany in its energy transition, while formulating its plans.
Energy policy makers in India have started to realize the importance of promoting renewable energy solutions and have also started to realize that conventional power generation systems are not
sustainable in the long run. The very idea to pursue renewable energy technologies in a mission is
with the intent to fast-track its penetration. If these programs are implemented well, which is where
the lessons from Germany could help the Indian policy makers in creating the framework necessary
for India, it seems likely that our dependence on fossil fuel for electricity generation will fall substantially from the 13th five year plan, which is by 2018.

G Chinas Sustainable Energy Development

Germany has strong renewable energy research and development capabilities and Chinas manufacturing ability can provide cost-effective renewable power facilities. Sino-German cooperation
could decrease tremendously the cost of renewable energy in the future, making renewables fully
competitive with fossil fuels, ensuring a secure and affordable price, and facilitating economic

By Srinivas Krishnaswamy,
Chief Executive Officer,
Vasudha Foundation
March 2013

The German energy transition has laid a strong foundation for responding to climate change. The
German federal government has proposed an ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction
target, in which by 2020 and 2050 GHG emissions will be reduced from 1990 levels by 40% and
more than 80%, respectively. The goal of the German energy transition is to provide secure, affordable
and environmentally friendly energy by 2050. The German energy transition provides forward-looking
and innovative insights for Chinas sustainable energy development.
Setting Ambitious Goals
The first important feature of Germanys energy transition is that renewables will become the countrys dominant source of energy. By 2050, renewable energy will constitute 60% of primary energy
consumption, and 80% of total electricity, as it replaces coal and nuclear energy production. In
2011, coal constituted 70% of Chinas total energy consumption, while renewables were only about
8%; excluding hydropower, other forms of renewable energy generation solar, wind, etc. constituted 1.5% of total electricity generation. Even employing todays most extreme scenario study, Chinas renewable energy will only reach around 35% of the total energy mix by 2050, and will still not
be the leading energy source. China needs innovative and strategic thinking on energy development.
A second important feature of Germanys energy transition is that energy efficiency will increase significantly. By 2050, Germanys annual energy efficiency productivity (the reciprocal of energy intensity) is planned to have increased by 2.1%, decreasing consumption tremendously. Currently, Chinas
energy intensity is up to 1.5 times higher than Germanys. In order to attain Germanys level of
energy intensity by 2050, China would have to increase energy productivity by 3.9% annually. Areas
for Sino-German cooperation in innovation include renewable power generation, energy efficiency
retrofits, electric vehicles, future energy networks, smart grids and smart metering, information and
communications technologies, advanced gas and coal power plants, energy storage technologies,
cogeneration and other types of energy-saving technologies.



6 International perspectives


A third important feature of Germanys energy transition is that overall energy consumption will
decrease. Primary energy consumption is set to decrease by 50% from 2008 to 2050. In other
words, from 2011-2050, Germanys economy and energy consumption will decouple, allowing the
economy to grow, while energy consumption decreases. In current Chinese energy demand forecasts
and scenario analyses, energy consumption will continue increasing until 2050, and the economy and
energy consumption are relatively coupled (although energy consumption growth is slower than the
economys growth). The decrease in German energy consumption is a result of a novel way of thinking,
an absolute decoupling that refutes the zero economic growth hypothesis, and ensures sustainable
development and use of energy resources.
Opportunities for Sino-German Cooperation
Germany currently relies on imports for 88% of its natural gas and 98% of its oil, and in the future
will continue to face the challenge of energy supply security. Even if, in 2050 fossil fuels still account for 40% of total German energy production (e.g. in electricity, transportation, and heating),
Germany will rely almost entirely on imports for its fossil fuels. As a result, it is in the best interests
of Germany, Europe, and countries around the world to develop closer cooperation to safeguard
their energy supplies. Chinas reliance on imported oil and natural gas is increasing significantly, and
China continues to face the challenge of energy supply security. Chinas renewable energy resources
are abundant, and could completely satisfy Chinas energy development needs.
Germany has strong renewable energy research and development capabilities, and Chinas manufacturing ability can provide cost-effective renewable power facilities. Sino-German cooperation could
decrease tremendously the cost of renewable energy in the future, making renewables fully competitive with fossil fuels, ensuring a secure and affordable price, and facilitating economic growth.
Maintaining economic competitiveness is a necessary condition for promoting an energy transition.
In the context of economic recession throughout much of the European Union, Germanys economy
is thriving. Germanys manufacturing industry is competitive throughout the entire world, and energy consumption indices and productivity in the energy sector rank among the highest in the world.
In China, manufacturing accounts for 60% of total energy consumption, and the energy saving
potential is great in the industrial sector. China could further benefit from drawing on Germanys
experience in productivity promotion, quality control, product design, clean production and recycling
in the manufacturing sector. Those are all the more important in the context of Chinas economic
transformation and mandatory requirements for energy savings, environmental protection and GHG
emission reductions.



6 International perspectives


Questions & Answers

A Is the energy transition affordable?

B How will Germany ensure that the poor can still afford energy?
C When will renewables pay for themselves?
D Is the energy payback from wind and solar ever positive?
E Why are low-carbon goals not enough in themselves?
F Will Germany import more power from abroad after the nuclear phase-out?
G Did Germany not overreact to Fukushima?
H Are renewables not a relatively expensive way to lower carbon emissions?
I Will the nuclear phase-out not increase Germanys carbon emissions?
J Would nuclear power not be an inexpensive way to reduce carbon emissions?
K Will the lights go out?
L Will the Energiewende kill jobs?
MDo Germans support the Energiewende? 96
N How can Germany be both a green leader and remain an industrial powerhouse?
OHow are energy-intensive companies exempted from
the surcharge for renewable power?
P What role will shale gas play in the German Energiewende? 97
Q Why did carbon emissions increase in 2013 and fall again in 2014?
R Is Germany undergoing a coal renaissance?
S How much electricity storage will Germany need?
T How could the cost of Germanys Energiewende be decreased?



7 Questions & Answers


Green electricity less than one percent of average household budget

Expenses of an average household in Germany at a renewables surcharge of five cents, 2013

Other electricity

Green electricity



Hotels and restaurants


Housing, gas and solid fuels

Health and education




Other goods and services


Entertainment, culture, media




Food and drink





A Is the energy transition affordable?

Yes in fact, we cannot afford not to do it. Investments made in renewables today will pay for
themselves over the usual 20-year service life of the equipment as conventional energy becomes
more expensive. Furthermore, renewables are only seen as more expensive because some of the
cost of fossil and nuclear energy is passed on as taxes and other external costs and is not directly
included on power bills.
Essentially, the cost of renewables will continue to drop, while the cost of conventional energy both
fossil fuel and nuclear power will continue to fluctuate unpredictably, with a clear long-term upward trend. In fact, heating costs in Germany mainly from fossil fuels, reached record levels in 2013.
Germanys leading economic research institute, the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW),
estimated the cost of the Energiewende at 200 billion euros over the next ten years, but the net effect (some energy costs will be reduced at the same time) would then be around ten euros per month
per household roughly what it is now.

Renewables are not the main driver for high power prices in Germany

Trends of retail rates, spot market price and renewable energy surcharge over past 14 years in Germany


Cents per kilowatt-hour

Retail rate























7 Questions & Answers


When we take a closer look at the surcharge that covers renewable power in Germany, we find that
it does not explain two thirds of the increase in the average retail power rate in Germany over the
past decade.
Hidden subsidies
Indeed, it is worth noting that Germany ramped up renewables when they were expensive and, in
doing so, helped make them inexpensive. All along, forecasts indicated that the cost impact of the
switch to renewables would peak in the first half of this decade, and now it seems clear that German
investments in renewables actually peaked in 2010 and will be more than one third lower annually
than that record level over the next few decades.
By investing in renewables so soon, Germany may have incurred high costs, but it also positioned
itself as a major provider of future-proof technologies. In other words, as renewables become more
competitive, the whole world will start switching over. German investments in PV in particular have
made the technology affordable for the world, including developing countries. For example, in the
first quarter of 2015, China installed 5 gigawatts of PV, and India also has major plans to build
One reason that renewables seem so expensive in Germany is that so much of their full cost is paid
immediately as a dedicated item (the EEG surcharge). In contrast, support for coal and nuclear
power has largely come indirectly as budget items passed on to taxpayers, and because Germany
has a budget deficit these costs are being passed on to future taxpayers with interest (source: Green
Budget Germany).
Furthermore, the cost of the Energiewende cannot be seen in isolation. The nonmonetary costs of
energy consumption do not appear on consumers bills for electricity, gas, and oil. Yet, the environmental impact caused by greenhouse gas emissions and pollution quickly adds up to a considerable
amount. A study published by Germanys Energy Ministry in 2015 estimates that some nine billion
euros net was avoided in 2013 because people used renewable electricity and heat. These savings,
however, are not separately listed on any invoice. Furthermore, Germany is gradually reducing its
dependence on energy imports by investing in renewable energy at home and by coming up with
more efficient products that will also sell well on the global market.

B How will Germany ensure that the poor can still afford energy?
In general, Germany can protect the poor by providing jobs with livable wages, which is why
one of the main goals of the Energiewende is to gear up German industry for future technologies.
Furthermore, the cost of electricity has risen more slowly than the cost of motor fuel and heating
oil over the past decade, for instance, partly thanks to renewables.
The Energiewende is an answer to unpredictably fluctuating energy prices, not the cause of higher
prices over the long run. The price of conventional energy is expected to go in only one direction: up.
Since 2000, the cost of hard coal has more than doubled in Germany, while the cost of natural gas
has nearly tripled.
What is more, the price of electricity only increased by three percent in 2013, fairly close to the
general inflation rate of two percent in Germany. And in 2014, power prices in Germany remained
largely stable even without inflation adjustments.
In contrast, the cost of renewable energy is expected to continue to drop or at least level out, depending on the specific technology. The cost of photovoltaics fell by 50 percent from 2010 to 2015,
and the US Department of Energys Transparent Cost Database shows that onshore wind power is
already roughly on par with natural gas, coal power, and nuclear. Germanys Fraunhofer Institute
for Solar Energy Systems estimates that solar power in the country will cost the same as coal power
roughly by the end of this decade even in cloudy Germany.
Concern about energy poverty is increasing, although there are no clear definitions on what the term
actually means. There were reports in the spring of 2012 that an increasing number of welfare recipients were getting their power cut off because they could not pay their bills rumors that turned
out to be unverifiable,Energy audits are already offered to poor households in order to reduce unnecessary energy consumption. At the same time, it should be kept in mind that even low-income homes
spend less than ten percent of their income on energy. It is therefore crucial that poverty itself be



7 Questions & Answers


addressed directly with proper social policy, retirement plans, and wages. Clean power will also help
mitigate global warming, which will affect poor countries inordinately. In other words, Germanys
commitment to renewables will also help poor countries.
Finally, Germany does not collect statistics on energy poverty up to now, so reports of the number
of people who cannot pay their power bills are based on rough estimates and lack a comparison
with previous years; for all we know, the number of people who cannot afford energy has not risen
significantly. Germany needs to start collecting such data and continue to use social policy to
protect the needy.

C When will renewables pay for themselves?

They increasingly do now. The differential cost of renewables is currently peaking, so renewables
are expected to help stabilize power prices within the decade. Only countries that undergo an
energy transition like Germany will be able to stabilize their energy prices within the foreseeable future.
In 2014, German research center Fraunhofer IWES published a study, which found that Germany is
currently making investments into renewables that will eventually pay for themselves by offsetting
conventional energy. The breakeven point is expected to come around 2030, and the net gains will
be clearly positive by 2050.
One thing is clear the Energiewende will not be free. There is a wide array of factors that determine
the cost; it is not just renewables and feed-in tariffs. And while the Renewable Energy Sources Act
(EEG) of 2014 costs around 20 billion euros, wind power has long been relatively inexpensive, and
the cost of solar continues to plummet. Going forward, the cost increases are expected to taper off,
and by 2020 the first generation of old systems will no longer be eligible for feed-in tariffs. By 2030,
large amounts of solar arrays will also no longer be eligible for the 20-year relatively high feed-in
tariffs, but they will remain in operation, so Germany will begin to have free legacy solar power.
During the interim, the goal must be to keep costs in check even as we further growth enewables is
The forecast increase in the retail rate in Germany is not unusual. In July 2012, French energy
regulator CRE announced that the retail rate in France is expected to rise by nearly 50 percent by
2020 due not only to the greater deployment of renewables, but also to the rising cost of nuclear.
At the end of 2013, CRE announced a 5 percent rate increase with annual price hikes in the coming years as well. The forecasts for Germany are relatively stable retail rates of the next few years.

Fossil and nuclear have received by far more subsidies than renewables
Energy subsidies in Germany, 19702014
Source: Was Strom wirklich kostet, FS, 2015








Hard coal
Brown coal





7 Questions & Answers


D Is the energy payback from wind and solar ever positive?

A common question not only among laypeople but, surprisingly, even among experts occasionally
is whether solar arrays and wind turbines ever produce more energy than was consumed for their
production and installation. The answer is easy: the payback has been overwhelmingly positive
for decades.
The German solar research institute Fraunhofer (PDF) put the payback time at around 2.5 years
for PV arrays in northern Europe, and that figure even drops to 1.5 years and less in sunnier locations. Keep in mind that solar panels sold over the past few years have had performance guarantees
of around 80 percent for 25 years, meaning that, a 2.0 kilowatt array is guaranteed to still be able
to peak at 1.6 kilowatts after 25 years of operation.
Clearly, the energy payback of PV is tremendous the energy you get back is an order of magnitude
greater than what you put in.
The payback time for wind turbines is even better; it is counted in months, not years. As a British
newspaper The Guardian put it, The average wind farm produces 20-25 times more energy during
its operational life that was used to construct and install its turbines.
With coal, efficiency always represents a loss, whereas it is always a gain with solar; the coal that
is consumed is gone for good, so at 33 percent efficiency, two thirds is lost. Had it not been used, it
would still be in the ground.
In contrast, the planet gets a certain amount of solar every day. If a solar panel is 16 percent efficient, around 5/6 of the suns energy is lost, but if a roof does not have solar, all of that energy is
lost. The 16 percent efficiency rating is a gain. The planet roughly receives the same amount of solar
energy every day, but yesterdays solar energy will be gone forever if not harvested.
In other words: coal, use it and lose it; solar, use it or lose it.

E Why are low-carbon goals not enough in themselves?

Germany wants to fight climate change and reduce the risks of nuclear power at the same time.
Nuclear power is rejected because of the risks, the costs and the unsolved waste issue. In addition, there is no economic case for it to play a major role in the worlds energy supply.
Germany aims to combat climate change, phase out nuclear power, and switch to a reliable, affordable, clean energy supply. Climate targets and emissions trading contribute to some, but not all of
these goals, which is why the German government is pursuing a comprehensive, long-term climate
and energy strategy with policies addressing different sectors and technologies.
Emissions trading is an important tool, but it will not lead to the goal that Germans want. For instance,
cost is the main mechanism in emissions trading, so actions are prioritized according to their cost
benefits, with the intended result being that the project that costs the least is the one done next. The
unintended outcome is that nothing worth doing gets done unless some investor considers it to be the
cheapest option. In the case of renewables, onshore wind power practically always beats out all other
competitors, making emissions trading a particularly bad way of ramping up all types of renewables.
For Germans, the goal is to reduce energy consumption to a level that can be provided by renewables
even as we ensure ever higher material standards of living. While questions like When is solar going to be competitive with coal or nuclear? are popular, solar or wind or any other single source
of renewable energy cannot replace conventional power on its own only a mix of renewables can.
And since emissions trading promotes only the cheapest option, it cannot produce that mix, so it is
not sufficient for the German goals. Policy-makers in the country are convinced that they need policies that gradually increase efficiency with todays technologies (which emissions trading does) as
well as policies that drive innovation for technologies that are initially more expensive, but become
competitive in time (which German feed-in tariffs do).



7 Questions & Answers


German power exports continue to rise

Net power exports from 20002014 in TWh.
Source: Agora Energiewende, AGEB


Power balance in terawatt-hours



+34 TWh



2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014



F Will Germany import more power from abroad

after the nuclear phase-out?
Germany has been a net exporter of power for years and remained so in 2011, even after shutting
down eight nuclear power plants within a week. In 2012, the country even returned to a record
level of power exports, including to France. In 2013 and 2014, new record levels were set with
France being the second biggest buyer of German electricity. Going forward, Germany will continue to add sufficient power generation capacity and is likely to remain a net power exporter.
Overall, Germany has generating capacity far exceeding power demand. Even after those nuclear plants
were switched off in March 2011, Germany still had around 100,000 megawatts of conventional generating capacity online, compared to only 80,000 megawatts of maximum power demand for the year.
At the beginning of 2011, Germany had a dispatchable (i.e., not including solar and wind) power
generating capacity of 93,100 megawatts, and roughly 8,000 megawatts of that was switched
off last March. According to the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW),
Germany exported 90,000 megawatt-hours net per day on average in the six weeks leading up to
the moratorium on nuclear in mid-March 2011, whereas starting on March 17, 2011, the country
began importing an average of 50,000 megawatt-hours net per day.
To the east, more power might be imported from the Czech Republic, but not because of any electricity shortage in Germany. Rather, the German power market buys conventional electricity where it is
cheapest. Countries like Poland and the Czech Republic are not complaining about having to prop
up the German grid after the nuclear moratorium. On the contrary, they are mainlyconcernedabout
wind and solarpower surgesfrom Germany offsetting their own production of fossil and nuclear

G Did Germany not overreact to Fukushima?

A few pro-nuclear countries did not fundamentally change their stance on nuclear after Fukushima,
but Germany was actually in the majority. And its nuclear phase-out dates back to 2000, so the
decision in 2011 represents a sudden change in Chancellor Merkels position, not a fundamental
change in general German opinion.
Germanys nuclear phase-out has been a long time in the making, but the governments decision to
shut down eight nuclear plants in the week after the accident in Fukushima still came as a surprise.
Overall, however, Germany has a strong political consensus in favor of phasing out nuclear. Since the
first nuclear phase-out of 2000, the political discussion in Germany has not been about whether, but
about how quickly the phase-out should proceed.



7 Questions & Answers


While some countries such as the US, France, and Russia did not fundamentally change their
policy on nuclear in response to Fukushima, Chancellor Merkels coalition did an abrupt about-face.
In contrast, public sentiment did not change much; the general public in Germany was overwhelmingly in support of Chancellor Schroeders nuclear phase-out from 2000, with 65 percent of those
surveyed stating that they were in favor of it in April 2010 at a time when newly reelected Chancellor Merkel had indicated she planned to roll back Schroeders phase-out.
In the wake of the accident at Fukushima, German support for a nuclear phase-out only increased
by six percentage points to 71 percent, not a great difference; in comparison, a poll taken in the
United States nearly a year after Fukushima found that 41 percent of US adults thought the risks
of nuclear outweighed its benefits, compared to 37 percent a year earlier an increase of around
ten percent in both cases.
But while the German public can hardly be accused of panicking, Chancellor Merkel certainly did.
Had she merely continued the previous nuclear phase-out and decided to speed things up, the effects
might not have been so detrimental, but she essentially reversed German energy policy twice within
a single year. Two main factors were probably behind Merkels sudden change of heart in 2011: upcoming elections in the German state of Baden-Wrttemberg, which Merkels party lost, and strong
anti-nuclear protests in the wake of Fukushima.
Countries against nuclear
Nor did Germany react more strongly than most other countries. To the north, Denmark already had
a goal of 100 percent renewable energy by 2050 when Fukushima happened. To the south, Italy
the worlds seventh largest economy had voted to be nuclear-free in a referendum in 1987, and
when then-President Berlusconi attempted to change that policy in June 2011, the Italians managed to successfully conduct a referendum for the first time since 1995 by getting a majority of
eligible voters to turn out. Of those who voted, more than 94 percent rejected Berlusconis nuclear
plans, and the event was a major reason for his political defeat a few months later.
In between Italy and Germany, Switzerland took modest steps to ensure that the country would be
nuclear-free by 2034, and in 2012, Austria which had resolved to remain nuclear-free way back
in 1978 went a step further by requiring its utilities to certify that they are not purchasing any
nuclear power from abroad starting in 2015.
For a while, Belgium was repeatedly in the news for not having a government, but when it finally
got one again, one of the first decisions made in October 2011 was to launch a nuclear phase-out
starting in 2015. Germany is not alone in its nuclear position; it stands in the middle of a larger
resistance movement.

H Are renewables not a relatively expensive way

to lower carbon emissions?
If you want to compare apples and oranges, yes. It is often claimed, for instance, that insulation
is a much cheaper way. But even if we insulate our homes better, we still have to decide how we
are going to make electricity.
But although renewables have been expensive in the past, they are increasingly becoming the cheapest option. All estimates going forward are that renewables will be the least expensive source of lowcarbon electricity in Germany within this decade. These prices are for new plants, not decades-old
central power stations that have already been completely written down.

I Will the nuclear phase-out not increase Germanys carbon emissions?

It didnt in 2011, when the nuclear phase-out was put into law and carbon emissions went down
even further. And going forward, carbon emissions from the power sector can only go down, not
up, because of the ceiling imposed by emissions trading.
Germany overshot its already ambitious Kyoto target for 2012, achieving a 24.7 percent reduction
in 2012 with the goal being just 21 percent by 2012. The country is also on track to reach its 2020
target of a 40 percent reduction. In 2014, emissions fell by 5.5 percent compared with 2013 due
to a mild winter as well as increased energy efficiency measures and a growing share in renewable



7 Questions & Answers


Price of new nuclear already higher than solar and wind

FITs for current and future solar and wind in Germany with strike price for nuclear at Hinkley
Source: Thomas Gerke, DECC, Agora Energiewende

Euros per megawatt-hours

UK New nuclear



Wind offshore

Wind onshore










Low average





High average













energies. However, resent estimates suggest that Germany is not on track of reaching its 2020 goal
of a 40 percent reduction compared with 1990 levels. To close this gap, the German government
implemented a Climate Action Plan in late 2014.
The nuclear phase-out is embedded in a comprehensive, long-term climate strategy following the
IPCCs (the UNs International Panel on Climate Change) recommendations to reduce emissions
by at least 80 percent by 2050. Scenario studies for the German power plant portfolio show that
carbon emissions from electricity production will not rise, but, in fact, fall significantly.

J Would nuclear power not be an inexpensive way

to reduce carbon emissions?
Nuclear is not bankable. No nuclear plant is currently being built in any free market without
massive state support. Nuclear is currently considered an inexpensive source of power for two
reasons: first, all of the currently operating plants in the West were built long ago and have been
written down the longer they stay in operation, the more profitable they become; and second,
we do not pay to complete cost of nuclear power in our power bills. Some of the costs are passed
on to taxpayers and future generations.
Nuclear is not bankable. No nuclear plant is currently being built in any free market without massive state support.
In the UK, French nuclear plant operator EDF is asking for a guaranteed 10 percent return on its
investments over a 35-year time frame. Specifically, EDF is asking for 10 pence per kilowatt-hour,
whereas the British government is offering eight (as of the beginning of June). In either case, this
nuclear power would be far more expensive than onshore wind power currently is and even more
expensive than power from newly installed large ground-mounted arrays. For decades from now, this
nuclear power will still cost the same, whereas new solar and wind are likely to have become even
less expensive.
In the US, Wall Street has turned its back on financing risky nuclear power. Only the massive subsidy
of 8.33 billion dollars in conditional federal loan guarantees keeps Southern Companys dream of
building two additional reactors at Plant Vogtle in Georgia alive. Vogtle, however, has a history that
should trouble taxpayers. The original two reactors at the Georgia site took almost 15 years to build,
came in 1,200 percent over budget, and resulted in the largest rate hike at the time in Georgia.
Decades-old nuclear plants (built with heavy subsidies and governmental support) do indeed produce quite inexpensive power, but all estimates are that the cost of building a nuclear plant today
without heavy subsidies would be prohibitive. The only plants currently under construction in the EU
(in France and Finland) are both behind schedule and far over budget.



7 Questions & Answers


Grid reliability and renewable growth seem to go hand in hand

Minutes of power outages per year (excl. exceptional events), based on Saidi
Source: CEER and own calculations



US benchmark



The Netherlands










K Will the lights go out?


Germany has had the most reliable grid in Europe since standardized statistics started being tallied in 2006, and the German grid reached a new record reliability in 2011. That level around
15 minutes of power outages per year has remained stable since then. Furthermore, other countries that are going renewable, such as Spain and Italy, have also seen grid reliability improve as
they ramp up renewables.
Within Europe, Germany (along with Denmark) has by far the most reliable power supply. Germans
have enough capacity for their households,their energy-intensive factories and industry, and their
high-speed trains.
Germany has had by far the most reliable power supply in Europe every year from 2006 to 2010, the
last year for which reliable statistics are available.
Power outages are always possible, of course, but a systematic shortfall in power supply will only
come about if investments in dispatchable power are not sufficient to replace aging conventional
plants scheduled for decommissioning. Technically, the solutions are there: a combination of national
and regional cross-border grid extension and optimization, a power plant mix combining a variety of
renewables, flexible backup capacity, a strategic reserve of power plants, demand management, and,
ultimately, storage. The challenge is more financial. For the future, the power sector is calling for
capacity payments to ensure that enough backup generating capacity remains in service.
2012 that turned out to be a record year for power exports in Germany, and net power exports increased even further by nearly 50 percent in 2013. The level rose slightly (by around one percent) in
2014. The Netherlands were the biggest net importer of German electricity.

L Will the Energiewende kill jobs?

Per megawatt-hour generated, renewables create more jobs than the fossil and nuclear sectors,
and most of those jobs occur at home, not abroad. Germany already has twice as many people
employed in the renewables sector than in all other energy sectors combined.
The transition to renewable energy is a job engine. An estimated 370,000 jobs had been created
in the renewables sector in Germany by 2013, far more than the 182,000 people working in all of
the countrys other energy sectors combined. Simply put, renewables and efficiency replace oil and
uranium imports with local added value, keep jobs in Germany, and have a net job creation effect.



7 Questions & Answers


92 percent of Germans support further growth of renewables

The use and growth of renewable energy is . . ., survey from October 2014
Source: VZBZ


Very or extremely important




Less important or not at all



No opinion or no answer




M Do Germans support the Energiewende?

Yes, and they have done so for much longer than the German government has. In October 2014, a
survey found that 92 percent of the German public viewed the Energiewende up favorably.
In July 2011, 54 percent of those surveyed stated that the current surcharge to cover the cost of
renewable power was at an acceptable level; it made up around 14 percent of the retail power rate
at the time. Another 25 percent said it was actually too low, so an overwhelming 79 percent had no
problem with the surcharge in 2011.
The same survey found that 65 percent of Germans support renewables in general, with 76 percent
supporting solar, 60 percent supporting wind power, and 51 percent supporting biomass. In contrast,
only three percent supported nuclear, nine percent coal, and 22 percent natural gas. Not surprisingly,
94 percent stated that the growth of renewables was important or very important for them.

The benefits of renewable energy: future technologies for climate protection

Do you agree renewables . . . (multiple answers possible)

Source: TNS Emnid survey conducted for the AEE, 1015 participants October 2014

. . . help make the future safe for our

children and grandchildren


. . . protect the climate

. . . make Germany less dependent
on imports


. . . give citizens a chance to take part

in energy supply


. . . enable greater competition

with power firms


. . . strengthen midsize companies

. . . reduce costs for consumers
over the long term











7 Questions & Answers


N How can Germany be both a green leader and remain an industrial

Renewables are lowering the wholesale power rate, which firms pay, and energy-intensive firms
are largely exempt from the surcharge for renewable power. Energy-intensive industries therefore
benefit from the cheaper electricity that renewable energy provides.
Heavy industry also benefits from renewables in a number of other ways. Technologies like wind,
solar, biogas, and geothermal power provide economic opportunities for traditional industries. For
instance, wind turbine manufacturers are now the second largest purchaser of steel behind the automotive sector. A number of struggling ports in Germany are also positioning themselves for the
offshore wind sector. The solar sector will support industries ranging from glass to ceramics, and
farming communities will benefit not only from biomass, but also from wind and solar. The copper
and aluminium sector is also poised to benefit from the switch to renewables. Thus, switching to
renewable energy does not only result in developing new industries like solar manufacturing. These
technologies also provide opportunities for traditional industries to become part of the transition to
a renewable energy future.
Overall, Germans believe that high-tech green technologies are an industry for the future and see no
contradiction between ecology and economics.

O How are energy-intensive companies exempted from the surcharge for

renewable power?
In 2000, when the original Renewable Energy Act became law, the Social Democrats in the Greens
agreed that energy-intensive industry that faces international competition should be exempted
from the surcharge to cover the cost of renewable power. The goal was to ensure that such firms
do not go offshore. But over the past years, German government has unnecessarily expanded
those exemptions to cover firms that do not face international competition, thereby unfairly concentrating the cost burden on consumers and small and medium sized companies.
Energy-intensive industry is widely exempt from the surcharge to promote renewables. While almost
everyone basically paid 6.2 extra cents per kilowatt-hour in 2014, energy-intensive firms only paid
the full surcharge on the first gigawatt-hour of what they consume if their power costs make up
more than 14 percent of their total production costs. Above that, they pay a fraction of the surcharge, falling down to 0.05 cents for all electricity consumed above 100 gigawatt-hours per year.
It was estimated for 2014 that the exempt industry consumed 18 percent of German power supply
but only covered 0.3 percent of the surcharge for renewable electricity. Chancellor Merkels coalition has increased the number of industrial firms exempted from the surcharge from less than 600
to more than 2,000. Critics point out that many of these firms do not face international competition
(such as public transportation providers) and therefore should not be exempt.
Overall, energy makes up a relatively small part of production costs in Germanys processing industry.

P What role will shale gas play in the German Energiewende?

International onlookers sometimes wonder when shale gas will get going in Germany. Americans in
particular think, based on their own shale boom, that the Germans could reduce their carbon emissions and lower their energy prices with shale gas. The situation looks much different within Germany.
In Europe, shale gas is unpopular. France has already put a moratorium on it. The German government believes that shale gas production can proceed as soon as environmental concerns are assuaged which could be a diplomatic way of saying never.
German shale gas reserves are estimated to be large enough to cover 13 years of the countrys gas supply. Of course, the country would not shut down all imports of gas for 13 years, nor would it make sense
to do so. Rather, domestic reserves would be stretched across decades, offsetting imports in the process.
During that time, we would run the risk of contaminating ground water and the environment. In the US,
dozens of families have been affected by individual wells. Because Germany is so much more densely
populated, thousands could be affected in single cases. Germans therefore wonder why they should
take the risk just for 13 equivalent years of slightly more energy independence.



7 Questions & Answers


Renewables are not the main reason for rising surcharge

Calculation of renewable energy surcharge in Germany. 20122014
Source: BEE

Euro cent per kilowatt-hour











Underdraw from prior year

Liquidity reserve




Market bonus
Industry exemptions
Lower wholesale prices
Cost of RE






One reason could be lower prices. In the US, gas prices dropped, but only in parts of the country; the
US does not have not a contiguous gas network. Germany, in contrast, is part of a gas network connecting Russia to the Netherlands; northern Africa is connected to Mediterranean Europe. If shale
gas were made available, it could be sold to the highest bidder through a large network of buyers, so
prices would not drop.
Indeed, gas prices are currently pegged to oil prices in Germany, so gas prices alone cannot fall
independent of oil. But even if this pegging were done away with, gas prices would not fall because
the gas could be sold on such as large market; Germans would just be taking risks with their environment so that gas companies could post greater profits.
A publication by Friends of the Earth found that the potential of shale gas may also be overstated:

the five biggest gas wells in the US declined by 63% to 80% in the first year
industry has downgraded its reserves several-fold in recent years
firms such as BP, BHP Billiton and Chesapeake reduced the value of their shale gas
assets accordingly by billions of dollars

In Europe in particular, FOE sees the aforementioned combination of population density and water
scarcity as a general problem. Furthermore, a study conducted by the German development bank
KfW found that the US industrial sector overall had not become more competitive than the German
industrial sector during the shale boom largely because energy prices make up such a small share
of total costs (two percent). However, this situation is different for a small number of firms that
specifically consumer large amounts of natural gas.
Finally, low fossil fuel prices are not a goal of the Energiewende; keeping carbon in the ground is.
As laudable as the efforts are to curb carbon emissions by switching from coal to shale gas, in the
end we just take more carbon from the ground when we extract shale gas. What the world needs is
an energy alternative that allows us to leave both fossil reserves in the ground. Germany is working on the most promising alternative now: renewables in combination with efficiency.

Q Why did carbon emissions increase in 2013 and fall again in 2014?
In 2013, carbon emissions in Germany rose by around one percent, but estimates for 2014 reveal
a much steeper decrease of around 5 percent.
The main reason why emissions from energy consumption increased is unrelated to the power sector,
however. According to the AGEB, the working group consisting of utility and finance experts that
collate energy data for the country, the cold first half of 2013 was the main factor. Here, demand
for heating energy was up, 80 percent of which is fossil fuel.



7 Questions & Answers


To address the heat and transport sectors, which make up roughly 4/5 of German power consumption, the German Energiewende would have to truly become an energy transition, not just an
electricity transition. Only then can German carbon emissions from energy consumption truly be
addressed. While most attention continues to be paid to coal power, Germany actually emits more
carbon from oil consumption.
In the heat sector, there has been a gradual shift from heating oil and coal to natural gas, which
has lower specific carbon emissions, but in the power sector, natural gas is more expensive in Germany as a source of electricity, where coal is still less expensive. A European-wide carbon price
from emissions trading was to facilitate the transition from emissions-heavy coal power to more
environmentally friendly natural gas, but the carbon price has remained far too low.
The mild weather in 2014 reduced demand for fossil fuel in the heat sector. In combination with
2 percent more renewable electricity as well as significantly reduced electricity consumption that
year, carbon emissions decreased.
Within the power sector, the increase in coal power production is mainly due to the record level of
power exports, especially to the Netherlands and France. In 2013, German electricity exports to
other countries rose at the same level as coal power production, which renewable electricity which
has a priority on the grid would otherwise have offset. Coal plants are generally inflexible and
cannot ramp up and down quickly to meet demand, so they prefer to sell power at very low cost.
Likewise, the low carbon price in Europe means that coal power remains economically competitive.
The solution here would be a much higher carbon price.

R Is Germany undergoing a coal renaissance?

At present, a number of new coal plants are being built, and net generation capacity is expected
to increase this decade. These plants were planned starting in the first phase of emissions trading, which failed to provide a shift from coal power to power from natural gas. But increasingly,
renewables are offsetting demand, so this additional capacity is likely to be unprofitable. In 2014,
electricity production from hard coal and lignite went down by more than 6 percent. The firms are
now scrambling to shut down capacity. Since Fukushima, not a single coal plant has been added
to utility plans.
One of the main concerns about Germanys energy transition is the role of coal power.In the first
half of 2013, the share of German coal power in total supply increased by five percentage points to
52 percent, leading to extensive media coverage on an alleged coal boom. However, in 2014, electricity production from hard coal was reduced by almost 11 percent compared to 2013, whereas lignite
power went down by 3 percent.
The recent reports of new coal plants going online have also drawn a lot of attention. As Germany
phases out its nuclear plants up to 2022, more space will indeed be created on the power grid
for coal plants, which would otherwise be squeezed out by renewables. At present, renewable
electricity primarily offsets power from natural gas, which is currently more expensive than coal
power. Natural gas combustion emits only about half as much CO2 as the burning of coal. Though
it would be better for the climate, a switch from coal power to natural gas will be a tough sell
politically. Germany imports almost all of its gas, 40% of it from Russia, and is the worlds largest brown coal producer. An estimated 35,000 jobs could be at stake in the Garzweiler region,
less than a tenth of the jobs in the renewables sector.
Depending on how quickly renewables grow in power supply, however, new plants may increasingly
run for fewer hours per year. A study published in 2013 for the British government found that the
apparent surge in new coal plant construction in Germany was the result of a favorable market
environment in 2007/2008 and concludes that there will be no major new unabated coal or date
night projects in Germany for the foreseeable future beyond those currently under construction.
Indeed, since the nuclear phase-out of 2011, plans to build new coal plants in Germany are down. In
democracies, coal plants are not built in a couple of years, so the ones that went online in 2012 and
2013 were not a result of energy transition.
A chart (PDF in German) published by German environmental NGO Deutsche Umwelthilfe in 2013
shows that, as a reaction to the nuclear phase-out, Germany has not started building any coal plants
and has even stepped away from six.



7 Questions & Answers


During the nuclear phase-out, renewable enlectricity is likely to fill the gap left binding by nuclear
power. However, the growth of renewables will probably only slightly outstrip the nuclear decline so
that coal power will remain relatively strong, especially lignite. In contrast, electricity from hard
coal is expected to decline. In 2015, the German government announced plans to reduce emissions
from lignite. If these plans become law, power from lignite could indeed drop during the nuclear
Whatever the case, the coal phase-out begins with or without an official announcement after the
nuclear phase-out is completed at the end of 2022 simply because there will be nothing left for
renewables to offset in Germanys power supply.

S How much electricity storage will Germany need?

In 2014, Germany demonstrated that it could get more than 14 percent of its power from wind
turbines (8.6 percent) and photovoltaics (5.8 percent) without any additional power storage. The
amount of storage needed is not, however, relative to renewable power alone, but rather to the
share of intermittent wind and solar in combination with an inflexible baseload. In general, power
storage is not expected to become a major issue until the end of this decade.
In the short term, Germany will not need much storage. Based on statistics for actual power generation from the first half of 2012, energy expert Bernard Chabot has estimated that a combined future
output of 46 gigawatts of wind and 52 gigawatts of PV (the current targets) would generally not
peak above 55 gigawatts, meaning that this level of generating capacity which Germany is only
a few years away from would not require a lot of power to be stored because almost all of the
electricity generated could be consumed.
In 2013, researchers at Fraunhofer ISE found that Germany could still consume 99 percent of its
fluctuating wind and solar power without storage if around 62 gigawatts of wind and just over 75
gigawatts of solar were installed along with the current 20 gigawatts of must-run capacity. Here,
must-run indicates the level that Germanys conventional fleet cannot drop below. But if the mustrun level is reduced to 5 gigawatts, then Germany could have nearly 100 gigawatts of wind power
and around 120 gigawatts of solar installed and still managed to consume 99 percent of this electricity without storage.
At power consumption levels ranging from 40-80 gigawatts, Germany will therefore still need nearly a
full 80 gigawatts of dispatchable capacity even if these goals are met. The problem is that an increasing
amount of this dispatchable capacity will be idled almost all the time, making such systems unprofitable.
One solution proposed is capacity payments and the creation of a strategic reserve but it is unclear
what policy will be implemented and what the details will be. In 2015, the German government rejected
the idea of a capacity market.
In addition, a number of flexibility options are developed, ranging from demand side management in
energy-intensive companies, flexible biogas plants, smart customer solutions to new, innovative powerto-heat options, which use surplus wind and solar electricity to feed district heating systems. These flexibility options will create a new market of energy service companies.

T How could the cost of Germanys Energiewende be decreased?

A number of steps have to be taken to ensure that the cost of renewable electricity is equally spread
across power consumers, and the benefits of distributed power have to be utilized. Overall, Germany needs to start focusing on the cost impact of individual actions on the overall power supply.
A number of decisions have made Germanys Energiewende unnecessarily expensive; some solutions
are on the drawing board.
To begin with, feed-in tariffs have become unnecessarily expensive with the market bonus, which
is estimated to have cost an additional 530 million euros in January 2013 without having increased
renewable power production. Unfortunately, the market bonus is still included in the 2014 amendments to the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG).



7 Questions & Answers


Second, the German electricity market needs to be redesigned so that lower wholesale prices brought
about by renewable power are passed on to consumers. Furthermore, German industry needs to pay
its fair share in the switch to renewables; it already benefits from lower wholesale prices, so the
exemption from the surcharge for renewables is a second benefit and industries that do not face
international competition do not need to be exempt.
In the current EEG, offshore wind receives a favorable treatment although offshore plants are
currently much more expensive than onshore wind and even more expensive than ground-mounted
solar arrays. Within just a few years, even small solar roofs will be cheaper than offshore wind and
offshore wind requires the most grid expansion of all types of renewable power.
Distributed power should require far less grid expansion than large, central projects, especially offshore wind, but some experts say a well designed focus on sites with the best resources could indeed
be the least expensive option. Furthermore, the wind sector has already implemented its own ideas
about how the grid can be inexpensively expanded, but the government has yet to provide a proper
policy framework.



7 Questions & Answers


Key Findings
German Energiewende Arguments for a renewable energy future

1. The German Energiewende is an ambitious, but feasible undertaking.

A lot of people outside Germany, including environmentalists, are skeptical. But even the skeptics
like Germanys goal of demonstrating that a thriving industrial economy can switch from nuclear
and fossil energy to renewables and efficiency. The German can-do attitude is based on the experience over the last two decades, when renewables matured much more quickly, become more reliable and much cheaper than expected. The share of renewable electricity in Germany rose from
6 percent to nearly 25 percent in only ten years. On sunny and windy days, solar panels and wind
turbines now increasingly supply up to half the countrys electricity demand, which no one expected
just a few years ago. Recent estimates suggest that Germany will once again surpass its renewable
electricity target and have more than 40 percent of its power from renewables by 2020. Furthermore, many German research institutes and the government and its agencies have run the numbers
and developed sound scenarios for a renewable economy.

2. The German energy transition is driven by citizens and communities.

Germans want clean energy, and a lot of them want to produce it themselves. The Renewable Energy
Act guarantees priority grid access to all electricity generated from renewables and is designed to
produce reasonable profits. In 2013, more than half of investments in renewables had been made
by small investors. Large corporations, on the other hand, have invested relatively little so far. The
switch to renewables has greatly strengthened small and midsize businesses, and it has empowered
local communities and their citizens to generate their own renewable energy. Across Germany, a
rural energy revolution is underway. Communities are benefiting from new jobs and increasing tax
revenues, which has become even more important after the debt crisis in the euro zone.

3. The Energiewende is Germanys largest post-war infrastructure

project. It strengthens its economy and creates new jobs.
The economic benefits of the transition already today outweigh the additional cost over business as usual. The switch to a highly efficient renewable energy economy will require large-scale
investments of up to 200 billion euros. Renewables only seem to cost more than conventional
energy, but they are getting cheaper, while conventional energy is getting more expensive; furthermore, fossil fuel remains highly subsidized, and the price of fossil fuel does not include environmental

92 percent of Germans support further growth of renewables

The use and growth of renewable energy is . . ., survey from October 2014
Source: VZBZ


Very or extremely important


Less important or not at all




No opinion or no answer






8 Key Findings


Renewables create more jobs than conventional energy does

These figures represent gross job

creation, meaning the absolute
number of jobs that have been
added. A thorough study of the
German market estimates a net
job creation of around 80,000,
rising to 100,000 150,000 in
the period from 2020 to 2030.
The net count means that
jobs lost in other sectors (such
as conventional energy) are
subtracted from the total. One
reason why renewables have such
a tremendous positive impact on
net job creation is that renewable
power directly offsets power from
nuclear plants, and very few
people work in those sectors.

Employment in Germany in renewable and conventional energy sectors, 20052011

Source: BMU, BMWI




Jobs in renewables




Jobs in coal mining

and conventional



impacts. By replacing energy imports with renewables, Germanys trade balance will improve and its
energy security will strengthen. Already, more than 370,000 Germans work in the renewables sector
far more than in the conventional energy sector. Unemployment has reached an all-time low since
reunification in 1990. While some of these are manufacturing jobs, many others are in installing and
maintenance. These jobs for technicians, installers, and architects have been created locally and
cant be outsourced. They already have helped Germany to come through the economic and financial
crisis much better than other countries.

4. With the Energiewende, Germany aims to not only keep its industrial
base, but make it fit for a greener future.
German climate and energy policies are designed to maintain a strong manufacturing base at home.
On the one hand, industry is encouraged to improve its energy efficiency. On the other, industry benefits
from exemptions to regulations (some of them probably too generous) to ease the burden on industry.
Contrary to one common misconception, renewables have turned Germany into an attractive location
for energy intensive industries. In 2012, wind and solar energy drove down prices on the wholesale
power market by more than 10 percent.From 2010 to 2013, they were down by 32 percent.Cheaper
electricity means lower business expenses. Industries from steel to glass and cement benefit from
these low energy prices. But the benefits of the energy transition extend beyond today. The demand
for solar panels, wind turbines, biomass and hydro power plants, battery and storage systems, smart
grid equipment, and efficiency technologies will continue to rise. Germany wants to gain a first-mover
advantage and develop these high-value engineering technologies Made in Germany. The focus on
renewables and energy conservation is part of that forward-looking approach to business investments.
When the world switches to renewables, German firms will be well positioned to deliver high quality
technology, skills, and services for these markets.

5. Regulation and open markets provide investment certainty and allow

small business to compete with large corporations.
Germanys energy policy is a mix of market-based instruments and regulation. Under the Renewable
Energy Act, renewable electricity has guaranteed grid access to provide investment certainty and allow family businesses and small firms to compete with large corporations. The policy enables producers of green electricity to sell their power to the grid at a set rate. The rates are degressive, meaning they decline over time to drive down future prices. Unlike coal and nuclear power, the costs for
renewables are not hidden and passed on to future generations, but transparent and immediate. The
government sees its role as setting targets and policies; the market decides how much is invested in
renewables and how the price of electricity develops. Consumers are free to choose their power provider so they can buy cheaper electricity or switch to a provider with a 100% renewable portfolio.



8 Key Findings


German energy transition: high certainty with long-term targets

Long-term, comprehensive energy and climate targets set by the German government in 2010

(compared to 1990)






Target in %
Share of renewables in %










(compared to 2005)





Final energy


(compared to 2008)


Heat demand,



(compared to 2008)




Gross energy


(compared to 2008)




Source: BMU




In terms of
primary energy


6. Germany demonstrates that fighting climate change and phasing outcc

nuclear power can be two sides of the same coin.

A lot of countries are struggling to fulfill their climate commitments. The decommissioned nuclear capacity was replaced with more renewables, conventional back-up power plants, and greater
efficiency. Renewables reduce Germanys emissions by around 130 million tons annually. Overall,
Germany will overshoot its Kyoto target of a 21 percent reduction for 2012. By the end of 2011,
Germany had reduced its emissions by 24,7 percent and is now moving towards its 2020 target of
40 percent reductions (relative to 1990).

7. The German Energiewende is broader than often discussed. It not

only includes renewable electricity, but also changes to energy use in
the transportation and housing sectors.
Germanys energy transition is not only about switching from nuclear and coal to renewables in
the electricity sector. Electricity only makes up roughly 20 percent of German energy demand, with
roughly 40 percent devoted to heat and 40 percent to transportation. Most public attention has focused on the power sector, with the nuclear phase-out and the switch to wind power and solar power
making headlines. But in fact, Germany is a leader in highly efficient building technologies such as
passive houses, which make heating systems in homes largely redundant, as well as efficient electrical household appliances or industrial equipment.
Unfortunately, however, renovation rates are too low for the tremendous efficiency gains from energetic renovation to be fully effective. In addition, Germany has not expanded its district heating
networks, which allow waste heat from power generators or from large solar thermal collector
fields to be used productively, as fast as its neighbors in Austria and Denmark. But perhaps the
greatest challenges lie in the transportation sector, where a number of options are being looked into
worldwide from electric mobility to hybrid vehicles. Germany is not a leader in such technologies.
But the greatest efficiency gains will come about when we switch from individual mobility to public
transport and from large cars to small vehicles, such as electric bicycles, when we have to resort
to individual transportation.



8 Key Findings


8. The German Energiewende is here to stay.

It is very unlikely that Germany will reverse its course. The transition away from nuclear
power has been long in the making. Of course the Big Four utilities (E.ON, RWE, Vattenfall,
EnBW) once fought hard to defend their incumbent interests by delaying the switch to renewables, but Eon and RWE have publicly announced their plans to stop building nuclear plants
internationally, and EnBW is now owned by the State of Baden-Wrttemberg, which has a
Green governor who is unlikely to instruct the company to support nuclear more. Industrial
giant Siemens has also stepped away from nuclear in its global portfolio and now wants to
focus on wind power and hydropower. The public strongly supports extending renewables, even
in light of rising retail power rates. Germans expect their political leaders to take on the challenge of the energy transition. There are disagreements across the political spectrum about
which strategies are the best, but in general all German political parties today support the
energy transition because the German public overwhelmingly does.

9. The Energiewende is affordable for Germany, and it will likely be

even more affordable for other countries.
Germany has benefited economically from its international leadership role in going renewable similar to Denmark and other pioneers moving to renewables. Germany has created the
worlds largest domestic solar PV market. German commitment and Chinese mass scale production has helped to drive down the cost of renewables worldwide. In Germany, installed system prices for solar PV plummeted by 66% from 2006 to mid-2012. It will be much cheaper
for other countries to invest in renewables now that the costs are lower. On top of that, many
countries have much better solar resources than Germany; some of them with the capability
of producing up to twice as much power from the same solar panel, because of more sunshine.



8 Key Findings


Back-up power
Backup power is not a clearly defined term. In general, it
indicates that certain power plants need to be maintained on
standby in case other generators failed to produce power. In the
case of wind and solar, dispatchable backup power will always
be required, though this could soon increasingly, in the form of
stored excess renewable power. Conventional plants occasionally
malfunction themselves and have therefore always required
some kind of backup capacity; countries that do not rely heavily
on our imports all have a part of their generating capacity
on standby almost all the time. In addition, many countries,
including Germany, have reserve capacity power plants that
only rarely run in case of emergencies. For the German grid, oilfired power plants are generally reserve capacity.
Baseload/medium load/peak power
Baseload power plants are those that cover the minimum
amount of power a country needs around-the-clock. For
instance, German power consumption rarely drops far below
40 gigawatts (link to kilowatt) even in the middle of the
night, so the baseload would be considered roughly the first
40 gigawatts. Power plants that serve this load generally run
around the clock when in operation. The medium load is then
the load that is generally reached every day. On a normal
workday, power consumption in Germany easily reaches 60
gigawatts reliably, so the medium load might be considered
the area between 40-60 gigawatts. Power plants that serve
this load run regularly but also ramp up and down on a daily
basis. The peak load is everything above the medium load. In
Germany, power demand rarely rises above 80 gigawatts, so
the peak load can be considered from 60-80 gigawatts. Peak
power plants run rarely, must be able to ramp up quickly, and
may often be idle for days and weeks at a time.
Brown coal/lignite
See hard coal.
Carbon emissions/greenhouse
One main reason why the planet Mars is so much cooler than
the Earth is that Mars has no atmosphere. Essentially, the
Earths atmosphere acts as a blanket; sunlight that reaches the
Earth bounces around in the atmosphere a bit before leaving.
In the process, heat builds up instead of quickly dissipating.
A number of gases intensify this insulation effect more than
others, but to keep things simple, experts express everything
in terms of equivalent carbon emissions, with carbon dioxide
being the largest factor by volume. Essentially, civilization is
taking carbon that has been trapped underground (in coal, gas
and oil) and pumping it into our atmosphere, thereby making
the atmospheric blanket more effective. These gases are also
collectively referred to as greenhouse gases, a term that has
too positive connotations for some after all, dramatically
rising temperatures are expected to have drastically negative
consequences, not the pleasant ones suggested by the term
greenhouse. The term heat-trapping gases is therefore
also used, as is the overheating of the climate instead of the
more positive-sounding global warming.



Capacity factor
The relationship between a generators rated capacity (measured,
say, in kilowatts) and the amount of energy produced (measured,
say, in kilowatt-hours). For instance, a wind turbine with a
rated capacity of 1.5 megawatts could theoretically produce
a maximum of 36 megawatt-hours a day (1.5 MW x 24
hours) under ideal conditions, equivalent to a capacity factor
of 100 percent the turbine then generates its maximum
output all the time. In practice, an onshore wind turbine has
a capacity factor closer to 25 percent in good locations, so
a 1.5 MW turbine would run at 0.375 megawatts on the
average, producing nine megawatt-hours a day. In Germany,
the capacity factor of onshore wind turbines is below 20
percent, whereas the capacity factor of offshore wind turbines
is estimated to be in the mid-30s. The capacity factor of solar
likewise largely depends upon the amount of sunlight and is
generally estimated to be between 10 percent and 20 percent.
See full-load hours. Full-load hours: Whereas capacity
factor is an indication of capacity utilization as a percentage,
one also speaks of full-load hours, an especially useful term
for dispatchable generators, which can be switched on and off
such as biomass, coal, natural gas, and nuclear. There are
8,760 hours in a normal year.The number of full-load hours can
be used, say, as an indication of how many hours a particular
generator needs to run each year to be profitable. For instance,
a particular power plant may need 4,000 full-load hours of
operation to be profitable, equivalent to a capacity factor of
4,000 / 8,760 = 45.7 percent. If it runs at 50 percent capacity,
it would need to run for 8,000 actual hours to achieve 4,000
full-load hours.
When the waste heat of electricity generator is recovered for
useful applications, we speak of the cogeneration of heat
and power. Trigeneration indicates that the waste heat is
partly also used to provide cooling. Not to be confused with
combined-cycle gas turbines, where the waste heat (steam)
is recovered to drive a second, downstream generator that
produces more electricity, but does not directly provide waste
heat as an application. In cogeneration, the waste heat is not
recovered to produce additional electricity, but to provide
space heating, process heat, etc.
Demand Side Management (DSM)
Also known simply as demand management. Electricity
cannot easily be stored, so the exact amount consumed
generally has to be the same as the amount generated. Until
recently, our power supply systems were designed so that
the supply side was managed to meet demand; our centralstation power plants ramp up and down as electricity demand
increases and decreases. With intermittent renewables (see
dispatchable), however, power supply will no longer be able
to be adjusted so easily, so demand will have to be managed.
For instance, when there is enough power, refrigerators and
freezers could cool down a bit more so they can ride through
a few hours of lower power production. In this way, peak power
demand can be shifted slightly.

9 Glossary


Dispatchable power plants are simply those that can be switched
on and off and ramped up and down to meet power demand.
Gas turbines are the most flexible, though modern coal plants
also ramp up and down well. Older coal plants prefer to be
switched on and left running near full capacity, as do nuclear
plants. Like gas turbines, generators running on biomass are
generally quickly dispatchable, but they are the only type of
new renewable source that can be considered dispatchable
in Germany. Wind and solar are considered intermittent,
meaning that they do not produce power all the time, though
power production can be reliably predicted at least a day
ahead. Most importantly, wind turbines and photovoltaics
cannot be dispatched, i.e. switched on and off. Aside from
hydropower, the only other renewable sources of electricity
that are dispatchable are geothermal and concentrating solar
power, which Germany does not have in large quantities.

energy-intensive firms paid 0.05 cents per kWh to cover the

cost of German feed-in tariffs for 90 percent of their power and
only paid the full surcharge of 3.52 cents for the first 10 percent;
everyone else paid 3.52 cents per kilowatt-hour extra for all of
their power. Furthermore, if a firm consumes at least 100 GWh
per year and power costs make up more than 20 percent of total
production costs, it does not even have to pay the full surcharge
for the remaining 10 percent of its consumption.

Distributed power
Electricity produced by a large number of small generators
(solar roofs, wind turbines, etc.), as opposed to a centralized
power supply based on a large power stations (not only nuclear
and coal plants, but also utility-scale photovoltaic power plants
and large wind farms).

Full-load hours
Whereas capacity factor is an indication of capacity utilization
as a percentage, one also speaks of full-load hours, an
especially useful term for dispatchable generators, which can
be switched on and off such as biomass, coal, natural gas, and
nuclear. There are 8,760 hours in a normal year. The number
of full-load hours can be used, say, as an indication of how
many hours a particular generator needs to run each year to
be profitable. For instance, a particular power plant may need
4,000 full-load hours of operation to be profitable, equivalent
to a capacity factor of 4,000 / 8,760 = 45.7 percent. If it runs
at 50 percent capacity, it would need to run for 8,000 actual
hours to achieve 4,000 full-load hours.

The amount of useful energy output relative to the amount
input. Not to be confused with the capacity factor. For
wind power and solar power, efficiency measures something
fundamentally different than for non-renewable resources. For
instance, an old coal plant may have an efficiency of 33 percent,
meaning that a third of the energy in the coal is converted
into electricity, with the other two thirds being lost as waste
heat. Nonetheless, 33 percent may sound better than the 15
percent efficiency of an off-the-shelf solar panel. But there
is a difference: the coal is lost forever when consumed, so it
makes sense to use it as efficiently as possible; in other words,
we lose what we use. While it obviously also makes sense to
use sunlight as efficiently as possible, with solar and wind we
lose what we do not use the Earth gets roughly the same
amount of energy from the Sun every day. Whatever we do
not harvest with wind turbines and solar panels is lost forever.
This distinction becomes clearer when we keep in mind that
the volume of coal power is different depending on whether we
count primary energy or useful energy, but the amount of wind
and solar power is the same in terms of primary/useful energy.
Energy crop
A plantation whose sole purpose is to provide energy. A crop of
corn planted to provide food, for example, is not an energy crop
if its waste residue is also recovered and used to generate energy.
To stick with the example of corn, an energy crop used to produce
biogas is actually harvested before the ears become ripe enough
to eat, and the entire plant is used in the process. In contrast, only
the fruit the edible part is used to make ethanol.
In Germany, firms that consume a lot of energy and face
international competition are largely exempt from the
surcharge to cover the cost of renewable power. To be eligible,
companies have to consume at least 10 GWh per year to fall
into the category of privileged industry. In 2011, some 300



Energy Union
The new European Commission aims to create an Energy Union
over the next few years to strengthen the EU energy security.
In all likelihood, only small steps will be taken; there is simply
too little consensus among EU member states about what one
path should be pursued for energy policy. The current debate
focuses on energy security and the affordability of supply.

Generation capacity aka rated capacity

The maximum output a generator can produce under specific
conditions. For instance, a single wind turbine may have a
rated capacity of 1,500 kilowatts (1.5 megawatts), but it
will only produce that much power under strong winds. See
capacity factor.
Grid access
One obstacle to the growth of renewables is a lack of grid access.
German law specifies that renewable electricity has a priority
on the grid, meaning that conventional power generators have
to ramp down production. Other countries more easily allow
wind turbines and solar arrays to be disconnected to protect
the profitability of conventional plants. Furthermore, German
law specifies the conditions under which grid operators must
expand the grid to provide a connection for wind turbines,
biomass units, and solar arrays. Otherwise, investments made
in renewables could come to naught if the grid operator fails
to provide a connection.
Gross energy/final energy
Gross energy includes energy consumption within the energy
sector along with distribution losses; final energy is the energy
that reaches your doorstep as fuel or electricity. In other
words, losses in production and transport are not included. For
instance, gross electricity consumption in Germany was nearly
600 terawatt-hours in 2011, whereas net power consumption
was reported at around 535 terawatt-hours. The missing 60
terawatt-hours were consumed by power plants themselves or
lost in power lines. See also primary energy.

9 Glossary


Hard coal/anthracite
Anthracite is basically another way of saying hard coal, just
as lignite is another term for brown coal. Brown coal, which
Germany has in large quantities, is the dirtiest kind of coal; it
has relatively high water content and hence relatively low energy
content; it is therefore not generally shipped over long distances.
In contrast, hard coal is more compact with higher energy
content, which make it affordable to ship around the world.
Hard coal is generally what we imagine as a lump of coal.
Brown coal is softer. But in practice, there is no clear distinction
between lignite and anthracite, which are perhaps best seen as
two ranges on a spectrum. Indeed, most of the coal used in the
United States is called bituminous and has a slightly lower
energy content than what Germans would call hard coal.
Kilowatt vs. kilowatt-hour
1,000 watts is a kilowatt. Likewise, 1,000 kilowatts is a
megawatt; 1,000 megawatts, a gigawatt; and 1,000 gigawatts,
a terawatt. A hair dryer that has 1,000 watts written on
its label consumes a kilowatt of electricity when it is on full
blast. If it runs for an hour, it has consumed a kilowatt-hour.
Likewise, an appliance that consumes 2,000 watts when it is
on will consume 1,000 watt-hours (or a kilowatt-hour) when
it runs for 30 minutes. The terms kilowatt and kilowatt-hour
are commonly confused, but the terms refer to completely
different things. If you need a memory aid, think of kilowatts
as horsepower the amount of power your cars engine can
provide. Horsepower is then equivalent to kilowatts the
engine/appliances potential. But your car rarely runs at full
horsepower, and most of the day it stands around doing nothing
to. So think of kilowatt-hours the work done, as opposed to
the potential as, roughly, the number of kilometers driven.
Merit order
Indicates the order in which power is bought from power plants
on the market. The merit order means that the most expensive
plants currently producing determines the price of power on
the power exchange. Power plants are ranked and switched
on in the order of their marginal price, which is basically
the cost of operation (especially fuel); it specifically does not
include the cost of plant construction, for instance. In the
case of coal and nuclear, a plant is expensive to construct but
relatively inexpensive to operate, so such plants have relatively
low marginal prices and therefore run for a large number of
full-load hours. In contrast, natural gas turbines are relatively
inexpensive to build, but natural gas is expensive in many
parts of the world, so gas turbines run for a fewer number of
hours when natural gas is more expensive than coal, as is the
case in Germany but not, for instance in the UK. Renewable
electricity has a priority on the grid and therefore is not ranked
by price. The effect of renewables is therefore the same as
lower consumption; the most expensive peak power plants run
less often, thereby lowering the price on the exchange.
Passive house
A highly efficient building (residential or otherwise) that
passively uses solar heat (sunshine) to drastically reduce
the need for active heating and cooling, such as from an air
conditioner and heating system. Passive houses are able to do
without central heating systems. Increasingly, old buildings can



also be renovated to fulfill the standard. In warmer climates,

passive houses can also be built largely to offset cooling demand.
Primary energy
The amount of energy put into a supply system, as opposed
to the useful energy that the supply system outputs to
consumers. For instance, the tons of coal fed to a coal plant are
considered primary energy, whereas the electricity that leaves
the plant is considered secondary energy. For instance, a coal
plant with an efficiency of 40 percent consumes 2.5 times more
primary energy (coal) than it produces in the form of electricity
(secondary energy). For wind and solar, there is no difference
between primary and secondary energy. See efficiency.
Retail market
Typical retail power consumers include households and small
businesses. These power purchasers have low-voltage grid
connections and consume relatively little electricity. They
also generally pay the highest prices because they have been
captive up to now, meaning that they have had no affordable
alternatives to electricity from the grid. The growth of
renewables and in particular, solar with storage is changing
that situation worldwide.
Smart energy
When IT is combined with energy consumption devices and
power generators of all sizes, we speak of smart grids and
smart meters. Electricity has to be generated in the exact
amount of simultaneous consumption; otherwise, storage is
needed. Data can be used to adjust consumption and production
levels to match each other. Industry already responds to grid
needs by shifting production levels, but such steps are also
possible in households. For instance, refrigerators and air
conditioners could switch off temporarily to shave off peak
power demand. When power consumption drops to a lower
level, these units could then stay on a bit longer.
Spot/day-ahead market
Power can be bought and sold in long-term agreements, the
most common model for the bulk of electricity in free markets
like Germany. But because actual power demand cannot be
exactly estimated 18 months in advance the term sometimes
applicable for power purchase contracts in Germany the
remainder is purchased on the power exchange, which consists
partly of a spot market for relatively immediate purchases and
the day-ahead market, for purchases the next day. The dayahead market is especially interesting for renewables like solar
and wind, which depend on the weather and that can only be
reliably predicted within 24 hours.
Wholesale market
Like other commodities, electricity is sold on both wholesale
and retail markets. In Germany, big buyers (industrial firms,
retail power sellers, etc.) and the big sellers (power plants)
can sign power purchase agreements directly, but a significant
amount of electricity is increasingly sold on the spot market
in Germany. Spot market prices generally determine what
prices can be arranged in direct purchase agreements, which
generally apply for just a few years in Germany.

9 Glossary


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