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Appraisal note proforma

Suggested format for financing for Trades, Services (MSE)

Loans against property
Date of receipt of proposal:

(` in lacs)
1. Note for (Sanctioning Authority)
2. Name of the Account
3. Branch
4. IRAC Status
5. Business activity
(Detailed activity be given)


7. Activity Code

6. Category

7. Request For
Nature of facility
Cash Credit
Term Loan
( Rs.Nil)

` in lakhs



8. Group
* Exposure on




Applicant borrower/borrower
Other group concerns
Total to group
11. Date of last sanction

(If existing A/c)

12. Sanctioning Authority

15. Present position of the account:



New Applicant, Not Applicable

(If existing A/c)


16. Credit Risk Rating as on 31/03/2012 : AAA (Minimal)

New Applicant
Balance as on

Over dues
if any

Appraisal note proforma

1. Borrower Profile
1.1. Date of Incorporation / Inception:
1.2. Banking with us since
1.3. Office Address
1.4. KYC Compliance status
1.5. Constitution


Names of the Directors / Partners /


Net worth(as on 24/09/2012) *

1.6. Names of the guarantors (If proposed or owners of third party property)


Names of the Guarantors

Net worth(as on24/09/2012) *

Proof of Activity verification status:

1. VAT registration,
2. Godown rental Agreement,
3. Material Supply Agreement

1.8. Associate /Sister Concerns: NIL

1.9 Reference to RBI defaulters list / CIBIL list:

CIBIL Score sheet is attached

1.11. Background in brief.

1.12. Comments on conduct of the account: (If existing)

Appraisal note proforma

New Applicant - Not applicable


Compliance status of Take over norms:

Not Applicable

2. Financial analysis
2.1. Balance sheet Spread- (As per Annexure)
2.2. Key financial indicators





Net Sales
% Increase / Decrease
Net Profit after Tax
% to Net Sales
Tangible Net Worth
2.3. Comments in brief on key financial Indicators:
Net Profit

3. Assessment of credit Requirements

I. Term Loan


II. Working capital

(Rs. in lacs)


Projected sales for the year 2014

33.33% of the projected sales
MV of property (or NSCs / KVP /FDR etc) to be taken as
60% of the MV of property (or 25% of value of NSC /
KVP/ FDRs/ LIC policy Surrender value etc)
MPBF (item nos 2 or 4, whichever is low) (Maximum
Rs.5.00 crores only)

III. Non Fund Limits: (if requested)

3.9. Bank Guarantee
IV. Rate of Interest:

13.50% under priority sector
4. Security


Appraisal note proforma

Primary Security:
Description of security

Market Value

Quantum of MV net of Ist charge

Ist charge if

` 350.00 lakh


(In case of paper securities,

details thereof should be given)
Total Value
Proposed facility
% of Coverage
(A /B X 100)
(Minimum coverage should be 167% for properties or 134% for
paper securities)

` 350.00 lakh
`350.00 lakh
`210.00 lakh

Valuation Report dt. 29/12/2012 from panel Valuer _______________ obtained and held on
Legal opinion dated 14/02/2013 is obtained from panel advocate ________________
certifying the clear title of the above property. Latest EC is obtained and held on record.
Branch Head has visited the business unit / property on 23/01/2013 and there is no adverse
observations and confirmed the market value as mentioned above. Copy of report is enclose
/ held on record.
4.3 Personal Guarantees:
5. Control & Monitoring Aspects. New Borrower and Not Applicable
6.1. Compliance to Regulatory Requirements
6.2. Deviation from policy guidelines if any: Nil
a. Entry Level norms


b. Exposure Ceiling norms - Nil

c. Margin requirement Norms - Complied
d. Takeover norms

Not Applicable

e. Interest rate

(BR +3.25% for priority sector & BR +4.00% for non priority)


40% of Properities

Not Applicable


g. Tenor of loan

h. Benchmark ratios - Current Ratio 1.35:1.00


1.23 : 1.00

6.3. Regulatory Declarations

Relationship if any, of the Directors/Partners/Proprietor of the borrowing entity to any of
the director/s/Senior officials of the Bank. If no relationship exists, specific declaration
to be made.

Appraisal note proforma

Whether exposure in the account existing as well as proposed to the borrowing entity
as well as of the group is within the prudential exposure ceilings as laid down in the
lending policy.
Confirmation that an undertaking from guarantors is obtained stating that no
consideration is proposed/received from the borrower/borrowing entity for offering
personal guarantees to the credit facilities.
Confirmation that an undertaking is obtained from the borrower/borrowing entity stating
that they have no objection for disclosure of the names of the
directors/partners/proprietor of the borrowing entity to RBI/CIBIL as per requirements.
Study of balance sheets of sister concerns, as far as possible on a common date else
balance sheet as of not older than nine months shall be obtained to analyse
interlocking of funds, diversion of funds etc. shall be done. Specific conclusions drawn
on the same .
Declaration as to Statutory certificates:
The audited balance sheet and the auditors report for the year 2011 / 2012 is perused.
The report other than what is stated elsewhere in this note and the annexures, does not
contain any qualifying statement / remarks of the Auditors having financial implications.
The proposal does not violate any guidelines of the Bank / RBI / Govt.

6.4. Delegation:
6.5. Recommendation:
In view of the above we recommend for sanction of the credit facility given below:
Rate of Interest

Cash Credit
`210.00 lakhs
Working Capital
As given below in details
Minimum 40%

The above facility is to be secured by the following properties:

EM over


of Market

Quantum of Ist MV net of

charge if any
Ist charge

All the above facilities are to be guaranteed by Shri _____________, the proprietor and Smt.
____________, wife of the proprietor.
Other terms and conditions:
1. Branch should convey the sanction in duplicate and obtain a copy duly signed by the
borrower as token of acceptance of terms of sanction and keep it on record.
2. The branch should comply with all norms of the Scheme for financing for Trades,
services and MSE as prevailing from time to time.
3. The branch should comply with the requirements as stipulated by panel advocate
and get a fresh certificate certifying the full compliance of his requirements.

Appraisal note proforma

4. The Borrower should obtain all necessary regulatory / mandatory approvals / licenses
for the proposed business from the competent authorities and submit copies of the
same to the Bank.
5. Processing fees and documentation charges and other charges as per HO guidelines
should be recovered upfront.
(At present 0.25% for CC Min Rs.1000 & Max 25000 &
1.50% for term loan on one time basis Max Rs.1.50 lacs
No processing fee for facility against our FDRs)
6. Following declarations should be obtained from the partners / guarantors to the effect
The Borrower is not borrowers/defaulters in any bank / financial
institutions and the same should be verified.
The Directors /partners are not a specified near relation of any senior
officer of the financing bank.
No litigation by any third party is pending against the Borrower or
Directors / partners.

No consideration whether it is by way of commission, brokerage, fee or in

any other form will be paid by the firm or received by the guarantors
directly or indirectly in connection with guarantees furnished in favour of
the Bank.
The firm does not have objection for disclosure of the names of Trustees
to RBI / CIBIL as per requirements.
Not to create any other charge over the assets charged to the Bank
7. Upon completion of documentation the same shall be subject to verification by law
officer / panel advocate which shall be conducted before the f release of term loan
and irregularities, if any, shall be rectified.( In case the facilities exceed Rs.50.0 lacs)
8. All KYC norms should be complied fully.
9. The facility shall be released only after completing the documentation and mortgage
process in all respects.
10. In case of borrower is a Company, Copy of Board resolution for borrowing,
authorizing the persons for execution of documents to be obtained and kept on
11. Our charge on assets of the Borrower (if Ltd company) should be registered with
ROC within the stipulated period.
12. Mortgage charge should be registered with Sub Registrar and all other regulatory
authorities as applicable including Central Registry.
13. The branch official should visit the business unit / mortgaged property at least once in
six months to verify the continuation of business / confirm the MV of property and
detailed visit report should be held on record.
14. Valuation of property should be obtained every 3 years from panel valuer and in case
of any deterioration in the value, the quantum of facility will be curtailed
proportionately so as to maintain the stipulated margin at all times during the entire
currency of the advance.
15. Property charged to the Bank should be insured adequately with the inclusion of
Bank clause in the policy.
16. In case the Borrower commits default, in the payment of any of the facilities or in the
repayment of interest thereon or any of the agreed instalment of the loan on the due
dates, the bank shall and or the RBI / CIBIL will have an unqualified right to disclose
or publish the name of the firm and its directors as defaulters in such manner and
through medium as the Bank or RBI / CIBIL in their absolute discretion may deem fit.
The bank may at its sole discretion, disclose such information to any institution(s) in
connection with the credit facilities granted to the borrower.
17. Rate of interest / commission and other terms applicable are subject to review from
time to time and are liable to be modified at the sole discretion of the Bank. Interest
as indicated will be / will continue to be charged with monthly rests. The bank
reserves the right to give notice at any time and thereafter to charge such other rate
of interest as the Bank may decide.

Appraisal note proforma

Branch Manager,

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