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Case Study

Swissquote Bank
Achieving extreme efficiency and scalability with
T24 in Java and the Temenos Platform Framework


Executive summary
Swissquote the leading Swiss online financial services provider
Core replacement frees up skills for innovation
Temenos T24 in Java and the Platform Framework the perfect fit
The deployment model at Swissquote
Outcome - extreme efficiency and scalability with minimal disruption
T24 in Java: the benefits of a standard platform
The Temenos Platform Framework and enterprise architecture

Executive summary
This study shows how Swissquote, the leading Swiss
online financial services provider, has managed
to secure extremely high levels of efficiency and
scalability throughout its banking value chain by
implementing Temenos T24 in Java and the Temenos
Platform Framework.
The results are remarkable: as of late 2013,
Swissquote served over 205,000 customers with
a back- and middle-office office team of only 41
people, and 99.9% of its processes were completely
automatized with straight-through-processing (STP).
The benefits of the core renovation have fallen
through to the banks overall performance; after
seeing its operating profit margin contract in the
three years to 2010 (the year of the T24 go-live),
Swissquotes margins expanded in the first half of
2013, as costs remained in check while revenue

At Swissquote, automation is essential;

it increases the quality of the service for
our clients, as well as the efficiency and
the productivity of the bank . We chose
T24 running in Java to give us a highly
efficient and highly scalable platform
to support our business. To give you
a measure of efficiency, we run with
99.9% straight-through processing, and
only have 41 back and middle office
employees serving more than 205,000
Lino Finini - Head of Back Office & Banking Applications - Swissquote

T24 in Java and the Temenos Platform Framework

have played a central role in boosting the banks
cost-efficiency and revenues. First, by fully
leveraging the industry-standards platforms of its
pre-existing environment, Swissquote has achieved
extremely high levels of automation, flexibility,
scalability and vendor-independence.
Second, by freeing up Swissquotes IT resources
from mundane tasks, the bank has been able
to re-focus on revenue-generating initiatives,
exception management, and keeping its end-user
virtual interface at the cutting edge - Swissquote is
Switzerlands most visited financial platform with 10
million pages displayed every day.
With Temenos T24 in Java and the Temenos Platform
Framework, Swissquote is well set to preserve its
position as a leader in innovation and customer
experience in the virtual financial services space.

customers served by 41 back & middle office staff

Temenos Case Study


Swissquote the leading Swiss

online financial services provider

wissquote, a licensed bank since 2001, is Switzerlands leading

provider of fully-integrated online financial and trading
services. It has become an extremely efficient business,
supported by Temenos T24 in Java and the Temenos Platform
Framework. As of mid-2013, the bank served over 205,000 customers
with a back- and middle-office office team of only 41 people, and
99.9% of its processes completely automatised with straight-through
processing (STP).
Swissquotes cutting-edge Java-based online customer portal,
developed and continually enhanced by an internal team, has become
Switzerlands most visited financial platform with 10 million pages
displayed every day. The portal offers customers unlimited access in
real time to their accounts and provides intuitive and cost-effective
electronic dealing in forex, shares, funds, options, warrants and bonds,
linking customers to over 60 stock markets across the world and all
major liquidity providers. It also delivers specific services to asset
managers and corporate clients.

Swissquote at the vanguard of the virtual banking experience

In the three years to 2010, right through the financial crisis,

Swissquote continued to attract a lot of new business: its customer
base nearly doubled in size, driving double-digit compound annual
growth in assets under custody. However, not immune to the
downturn in the financial markets, its operating income growth
stagnated during this period. At the same time, the banks operating
cost base inflated by 55% in the wake of an acquisition, putting the
bank in a quandary: sustained client and asset growth on the one
hand, contracting margins on the other.

Temenos Case Study


Core replacement frees up skills

for innovation
Conscious of the need to protect its margins - not least to fund
continuous improvement of its unique virtual customer portal Swissquote prescribed ongoing cost optimization and rigorous cost
control as a priority for the bank, alongside the need to relentlessly
invest and innovate in both front- and back-office technology.
CEO Marc Brki and CTO Paolo Buzzi both believed that the way
to unleash innovation by Swissquotes IT development team, while
managing costs, would be to boost employee efficiency at all levels of
the company.
Swissquote identified two principal ways in which to achieve this.
First, the bank would need to streamline its processes and automate
all regular and repetitive tasks, so as to free up back- and front-office
staff to focus on business and technical innovation and on revenueoriented and exception-focused tasks. Second, the bank would
need to eliminate all resource-consuming technical and operational
challenges typically associated with fast growth and innovation, on
both the technical and business fronts.
As of 2010, the main barrier to achieving this was Swissquotes
legacy core banking system that was more of an accounting
and performance management system than a complete core
banking solution. It suffered from technical limitations in terms of
architecture and functional evolution: excessively rigid, it required
many specialized resources for development and integration tasks,
thus limiting the banks scalability and responsiveness to changes
in market and regulatory requirements. For instance, a team of four
full-time specialists was dedicated to implementing new regulatory
requirements in the system. Overall, the black box nature of the
legacy system caused the bank to be more dependent than it wished
on the vendor.

At a time when Swissquote needed

to protect its financial margins, the
outstanding level of efficiency and
scalability of T24 in Java allowed our IT
development team to refocus its energy
on revenue-generating initiatives while
keeping operating costs in check.
Paolo Buzzi - Chief Technology Officer - Swissquote

Temenos Case Study


Temenos T24 in Java and the Platform Framework the perfect fit
To address this major constraint to growth, Swissquote decided in
2010 to replace its antiquated core banking system with a modern
third-party solution. Above all, the bank sought a cutting-edge
core banking application entirely dedicated to powering the best
possible banking business and which would be ready for immediate
deployment on the latest generation of standard technical platforms
which Swissquote already used.
A pre-requisite was that the new solution be Java-based to be able to
fully leverage the industry standards on which Swissquotes existing
environment is built. This would ensure that the new core banking
system fit right into the banks existing environment to create a
seamlessly integrated, highly automatized and massively scalable
value chain from end to end. Importantly, by addressing both these
requirements, Swissquote would avoid the expense and dependence
associated with taking on a vendor-specific technical platform.

Of the four vendors examined, Temenos was the only one to offer
a fully operational industry-leading core banking application whose
cutting edge functionality is fully implemented in the Java version.
Also, Temenos was the only contender able to demonstrate a triedand-tested framework the Temenos Platform Framework - which
mediates Temenos T24s banking business capabilities and the
commoditised technical resource management capabilities provided
by Swissquotes application servers. Moreover, only Temenos was able
to present a comprehensive long-term technological roadmap for its
platform framework.

Swissquote Banking Architecture






Risk Control





Corporate Actions
Coupons / Dividends


QI & EU Witholding



Temenos Case Study


The deployment model at Swissquote

At Swissquote, Temenos T24s Java business logic resides and
executes entirely in a JEE application server, which helps it connect
extremely efficiently with the database1 and with the message broker
which integrates T24 and Swissquotes sophisticated front-end
system.2 In this particular set up, the Temenos Platform Framework
leverages Swissquotes installed message broker rather than using the
application servers which the bank could have chosen to do had it

Web Browser

Web layer


User Interface Servlet


T24 Java Architecture - End User Community

Message Broker

JEE Application

T24 Java (T24.jar)

Business logic

Message Driven Bean (MDB)

Run-Time T24 Application Framework Java (TAFJ)


1 Temenos T24 is database independent and supports, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server. Swissquote uses an
Oracle database.
2 Using JEE servers MDB capability: Message Driven Beans (MDB) are Java EE components that run
T24 core banking functions asynchronously on separate threads to optimise the use of memory and
processor to obtain excellent performance.


DataSource (JDBC)

Temenos Case Study


Outcome - extreme efficiency and scalability with minimal disruption

With Temenos T24 in Java and the Temenos Platform Framework,
Swissquote was able to rapidly build a hyper efficient and scalable
banking value chain which leverages the full power of Java and bestin-class application servers. The bank has effectively set itself up, with
minimal disruption, for extreme efficiency and virtually unlimited
By fully utilizing the capabilities3 and standards of the Java Enterprise
Edition (JEE) application server to unleash Temenos T24s industryleading business logic, the bank has significantly boosted the
efficiency of its core banking system. Immediately upon go-live,
Temenos T24 powered 99.9% straight-through-processing of the
many tens of thousands of daily transactions for the banks hundreds
of thousands of accounts.
As a result, the bank has achieved the primary objectives of its core
system renovation: it has freed up staff to focus on innovation and
revenue-generating tasks and removed the last barriers to sustainable
growth which remained. As of mid-2013, Swissquotes growing
customer base totalled 205,000 but its middle- and back-office
employee count stood at just 41. This outstanding level of efficiency
is reflected in the banks financial performance: in the first half of
2013, the banks net revenues increased by 5% year over year while
operating expenses remained flat, causing the operating margin to
improve by 20%.
Crucially for the future, Swissquote now possesses an end-to-end
banking platform with excellent scalability, given that the deployment
will be able to use as many application servers running Temenos
T244 as necessary. Swissquote is confident that, despite the choppy
waters of todays financial markets, it is well set to grow the variety
and complexity of its offering and continuously improve its customer
portal while preserving its margins.

3 The JEE application server manages the technical resources for connectivity, scalability, clustering,
database connectivity, and security/authentication which applications need to run as efficiently as
4 The bank can choose whether or not to leverage the application servers clustering capabilities.

Leveraging the Temenos Platform

Framework, T24 in Java was seamlessly
fitted into our pre-existing standardsbased systems environment. This was
a very valuable achievement for us as
we wanted to preserve our cuttingedge virtual customer experience while
substantially increasing the level of
innovation, efficiency and scalability
of our entire business. Now that we
have accomplished this, we feel that we
have a powerful platform for profitable
growth for the years to come.
Lino Finini - Head of Back Office & Banking Applications - Swissquote

Temenos Case Study


T24 in Java: the benefits of a standard

1. By fully utilizing the standards and capabilities of the JEE
application server, the bank can significantly boost the
productivity of its core banking system. The Java version of
T24 utilizes the application servers facilities to their utmost; it
executes entirely within the JEE Enterprise Java Bean container
and is only dependent on JNDI, JMS and JDBC.5
2. As T24 in Java has been developed according to the open,
industry-standard JEE specifications and standards, it can be
deployed in any JEE application server, making it vendor- and
platform- independent. We test the product daily in WebSphere,
WebLogic and JBoss, and could approve for another JEE server
on demand.
3. As the Temenos Platform Framework uses industry-standard JEE
specifications and standards, the bank can leverage its existing
commodity JEE application server skill set, sparing the bank the
need to hire or train vendor-specific technical specialists, thus
generating substantial cost-efficiencies. Furthermore, it reduces
risk by reducing the banks dependence on specific skill sets.

4. Because a Temenos Platform Framework deployment can use a

virtually unlimited number of JEE application servers, T24 in Java
provides excellent scalability and exceptionally strong resilience.
This can be accomplished with two types of deployment,
represented in the diagrams below. In the first setup, by
executing T24 business logic inside the standard JEE application
server, the clustering capability of the JEE application server is
leveraged, giving excellent scalability and resilience through
multi-processing. figure a In the second setup, JEE application
server clustering configuration is not used and the workload
balancing is done through the use of an external message broker
(JMS or WebSphere MQ)figure b
5. The Java environment comes with many integration facilities
such as connections with databases or messaging systems, and
thus provides the bank with a high level of flexibility. A real
advantage of the Temenos Platform Framework is that it uses
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) technology provided by
the JEE application server and so can benefit from connection
pooling making the database access faster.
5 Java Naming and Directory Interface, Java Message Service, Java Database Connectivity.

figure a

Scalable Deployment Cluster


T24 User Interface

T24 Java

Built-in redundancy
Use full JEE App. Server
scaling facilities

JEE Application Server

High Availability &




JEE Application Server

Multiple clustered
JEE Application Servers

UI Servlet

UI Servlet



T24 Java


T24 Java





Empowers JEE Application

Server capabilities
figure b

Scalable Deployment

Network Dispatcher

High Availability &


External Applications

No clustering configuration
Easy to maintain
Load Balancing
Race Condition
Empowers JEE Application
Server capabilities



UI Servlet

T24 Java

UI Servlet

Message Broker

External Message Broker

(Eg MQSeries, OpenMQ)

JEE Application Server

Multiple JEE Application



T24 Java


JEE Application Server

T24 User Interface

Temenos Case Study


The Temenos Platform Framework and

enterprise architecture
At any time, a bank will have multiple projects changing its
information system. Without ensuring that each of these projects
not only achieves its own ends but also adds to the information
system as a whole, it is very easy for the bank to be much less
than the sum of its parts. Banks need to oversee all changes to
their information systems to ensure that they optimise the bank
as a whole. This is called enterprise architecture. At Temenos,
we believe that the architecture of our products is, and always
has been, a great strength. The Temenos enterprise architecture
consists of six frameworks covering Integration, Interaction,
Platform, Component, Design and Data.
The Temenos Platform Framework as implemented by Swissquote
enables Temenos products to concentrate on best of breed
banking function rather than duplicating existing middleware. It
enables the source code to run as a native application in Java. The
product - in this case Temenos T24 for core banking - runs as a
message driven bean, and the JEE application server (WebSphere,
WebLogic or jBoss) is responsible for the resource management.
Temenos only depends on JMS and JDBC (and JNDI) to run in a JEE
application server.

Temenos also runs in the Azure cloud and supports public, private
and hybrid cloud deployment. Temenos is committed to both
cloud and on premises deployment so as to provide the lowest
cost platform for our banking customers.
Together, the six frameworks enable Temenos products to run
on multiple platforms (Java, C and the Cloud) in a fully modular
and componentised packaging, with an event-based code-free
integration capability, built, configured and changed using model
driven development, for deployment with both in-memory OLTP
and column store optimised OLAP data models and servicing user
agents specifically built for banking roles going across Temenos,
non-Temenos and third party services.6 This makes Temenos
products a world-class choice for standard software for any bank
of any size.

6 As of mid-2013, the following elements of the Enterprise Architecture were still under
development: in-memory and column store capabilities, and packaging T24 as OSGi bundles
rather than a single JAR.

Temenos Case Study


Thomas Krommenacker is Senior Manager in Strategy and Marketing
at Temenos, based in the Geneva Headquarters. He can be contacted
by email at [email protected]
Further contact
For more information about Temenos products or to arrange a
product demonstration, please contact [email protected]
For information regarding re-use of this publication or to obtain other
recent studies, please contact [email protected]
For general enquiries, please visit our website:

About Temenos
Founded in 1993 and listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange (SIX: TEMN),
Temenos Group AG is the market leading provider of mission-critical
software systems to retail, corporate, universal, private, Islamic,
microfinance and community banks, wealth managers, and other
financial institutions.
Headquartered in Geneva with 59 offices worldwide, Temenos
software is proven in over 1,500 customer deployments in more
than 140 countries across the world. Temenos products provide
advanced technology and rich functionality, incorporating best
practice processes that leverage Temenos expertise around the globe.
Temenos customers are proven to be more profitable than their peers:
in the period 2008-2010, Temenos customers enjoyed on average
a 30% higher return on assets, a 46% higher return on capital and
an 8.5 percentage point lower cost/income ratio than banks running
legacy applications.
The information contained on this report relates to Temenos
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guarantee as to the completeness, accuracy, timeliness or the results
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given, express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of
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made or action taken in reliance on the information in this report
or for any consequential, special or similar damages, even if advised
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responsibility for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained
from the use of information contained in this report. Information
obtained from this report should not be used as a substitute for
consultation with Temenos.

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