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Dr. Aftab Ahmed Mangi*
Dr. Hakim Ali Kanasro**
Prof. Dr. Aslam Pervez Memon***

Pakistan came in to being on 14 august 1947 under the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam
Mohammad Ali Jinnah who became its first Governor General. It consisted of Muslim
majority areas Bengal, Punjab, N.W.F.P, the Tribal areas, Sindh and Baluchistan, these were
the parts of old British colony of the India. It was a country facing short resources for
existence, seeking security and stability to maintain its identity. As a new born country its
prime task was to develop a strong bureaucracy and political system to build a national
integrity as the founder said the foundations of your state have been laid, and it is now for
you to build. For the lack of administrative talent, political and administrative structure then
followed the legacies of the British Raj left behind. The main problem of administrative
development in the new state had to change the colonial bureaucratic practice with a new
standard but imposed a highly centralized constitutional system by the government and could
not change the old bureaucratic practice in a country which was physically and culturally
distinct. As a developing country, the focus should have had been to change new concept
from the colonial experience and the Western concept of bureaucratic as Riggs suggested for
developing countries to bring about the desired change for political and economic stability
which were fundamentals for leading a country to modernization.

Keywords: Bureaucracy, Government, Colonial, Policies, Elites.

There are two versions of the discussion which are the bureaucracy is good when it
provide services to the inhabitants in the country keep justice, intact law and order and
maintain peace final results is prosperity and sustainable growth in the economy. The second
is bureaucracy is worst when it causes and nourishes nepotisms, corruption at grassroots
level, lack competencies and promotes anarchy which leads to the failure of weak
democracies. In the research paper it has been tried to outline the exploitation that has
happened due to the bureaucratic involvement in the politics and could not focus duties and
responsibilities. One cannot discredit bureaucracys achievements in the developed countries
for providing essential services to the people but in the growth of democratic government or
provincial autonomy it deemed not very conductive (Khalid B. Sayeed 1967). In the Report
of Sindh Special Court of Inquiry, it had been proposed that secretaries should be allowed to
draw attention of the Governor if the ministers disregarded the rules of business.
Understanding the term bureaucracy can be traced to the writings of a German sociologist
Max Weber (1864-1920), he said bureaucratic system is one in which officials have defined
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behavioral characteristics: the bureaucratic administrator must ultimately be compliant and

must be prepared to administer rules peacefully; this meant that bureaucratic system develops
more as possible. The focus was on the incapability of individual bureaucrats to follow
the organizational policy due to a set of bad inducement that were uneven with the goals of
bureaucracy. The ideas of the unsuccessful states contrasts from that of the delicate state
has absence of ability
and have to raise an
environment favorable to stand
Bureaucracy must be above and beyond political the loyalty they are to serve the people not
to one political person and the main function of the bureaucrat is to provide service to people
with no political coalition and interference. There is a need to initiative the safety, tenure and
control of the exceptional powers of rulers for appointments, transfers and promotions of
public officials. The renovation of Pakistans bureaucracies has to commence with returning
to the rule of system in bureaucracy and make sure protection of tenure with
accountability. There is the prior need of job security of civil servants the political
based decisions on promotion, recruitment, removal and career side for the officials makes
disappointment among bureaucrats. The ever growing quantity of vacancies focus to political
recruitments all back to decreasing competence of the bureaucrats. The connection
between performance, reward and individual merit is uncontrolled due to political
involvements and the effectiveness and output of the organization is bargained.

Literature Review
It was argued in 18th century in France by De Gournay. Ferrel Heady (1984) stated
that here are four different sets of meanings of bureaucracy. (1) A system of rule or
governmental system in which official dominate. (2) Method of conduct the application of
General rules. (3) The past explanation is concept of bureaucracy as Efficiency or
inefficiency. Herman Finer (1945) said that the weaknesses of public bureaucrats in the
action of their responsibilities creates the illness named bureaucracy, There are corrective, but
not to the point of excellence, according to this concept bureaucracy is at best efficiency,
involving unnecessary rules and procedures, and at worst the stifling of all initiatives by
using these rules and procedures to block them; (4) bureaucracy refers to those who work in
bureaus. Historical roots of Pakistani bureaucracy under the British colonial law and traces
that the British structure of administration was established to uniform the desires of a colonial
influence. In Pakistan the system of bureaucratic rules and regulations were not combined
with much alteration at the time of freedom. The alternative to resolve the problem
immediate and making grounds for future policies the government exceeded to creating
bureaucratic control over politicians. The assumption arise that a centralized bureaucracy was
influenced by Punjab province and it created reservations among the other province that their
lack of development is due to the lesser access in decision-making at the national level and it
presume even today. The reforms of civil services in 1973 established and a new system of
common training program was compulsory at the civil services academy, Lahore. Classes
among the government servants were eliminated and change by integrated grading system
and the first batch accepted as the 1st common. Lateral entry was introduced which was
a direct risk to the bureaucrats because now political appointees would be a part of their
system. There was a clash between civil servants who were armed with extraordinary powers,
and politicians. The Chief Secretary, who was the head of the entire civil service of the
province, was buildup an enormous amount of power for the purpose of better efficiency and
coordination. The Chief Secretary was from Punjab and the civil service in the province was
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dominated by Punjabi and Urdu speaking people who had migrated from India. There was no
meeting of minds among Bureaucratic elites and created a conflict between them and it
became harmful in the political, social and institutional setting. The environment change into
differences when one considered that the politicians of Punjab were much closer to their civil
servants and military officers than the others could ever be Khalid B. Sayeed (1967). The
Punjab province felt that to counter the aspirations of the Bengali Majority and Bengalis
would obviously come to complain that their slight majority was being undermined through
the principle of equality. Charles H. Kennedy. (1987) Describes that Pakistan as a
bureaucratic state and its dominant rule in country, lobbying of the bureaucracy since the
1973 reforms. Ralph Briabanti (1967) Debates several sides of the administration it
comprises serious evidence and can be used as a reference. Heeger, Gerald A. (1977) claims
that Bureaucratic supremacy in Pakistan caused not due to supremacy of organization but
the domination of government departments by the bureaucrats. The works on bureaucracy is
mostly derived from the effort of German social scientist Max Weber in the 19th century.
Weber (1968) in his view the bureaucrat has to follow these standards: Rationality,
Specialization, political neutrality, Merit recruitment and long term career rankings.
Bureaucrat has to offer the plan for assessing the unsympathetic role to the ruling party but
ensure neutrality and the responsibilities of the bureaucrat are to enforcement actual policy as
a part of their job. The regulations give the basis for bureaucracy that to achieve goal, protect
political intervention, and urges to follow the standard of authority.

Characteristics of Healthier Bureaucracy

Bureaucracy is not the only cause of failure in the national development but political
leaders and military interventions are also responsible. The common view is that the
bureaucracy is responsible because of their corruption, nepotism, usual incompetence and
thrust power beyond this illness there are the reasons counted as socio-political and socioeconomic as an institution it is considered ill-organized. It means as an organization itself is
not only responsible. There is no confusion that if state is able to give services based on rule
of law, and bring prosperity to the public effectively it may be because of good bureaucracy.
Pakistan is a country of180 million people cannot be managed without effective bureaucracy
having rules, neutral decision making and proper training finally political neutrality, free
organizational conduct covered by law and then hard accountability. The Politicians have
confused the bureaucracy and turned it into a tool to serve their interest instead of public.
Good bureaucrat playes role faire and follow rules, hierarchy of authority, accountability and
professional ethics. The Politics have no role in administration but they have to follow the
laws, goals and to decide strategy. The renovating laws and policies into proceedings is the
job of bureaucracy, which are to be passed in clear and answerable ways. Bureaucracy can be
successful only if it has the protection from the vindictive actions of rulers. Coverage of
bureaucracy to
medias watch will
them able to shrink the scale of dishonesty and to bring administrative improvement. Political
parties are making pledge of carry peace, security, and provide jobs, minimize. The
bureaucrats have recognized political intervention as a main concern. There is further need to
investigate how to strengthening Pakistani bureaucracy; and to assess their observations in
the bureaucracy where they were the part, their observation about them, their community,
their superiors, and the organization they stand for. The bureaucrat be allocated to
the position based on merit, and it would be his performance that would
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be enough to obtain him to the next level. All bureaucrats would work based on principles of
hard work and free and neutral in judgment, no benefit to be achieved from favoritism with
means that
political incursion in recruitments of public servants the appointments are only on the basis of
merit. Political impartiality provides the sense of security to bureaucrat it is observed. The
common view is that, if public service is provided freedom to work according to law and
avoid to favoritism by the political government and intervention from any political part
that can be more effective.

Characteristics of Awful Bureaucracy

Pakistans bureaucracies are affected by many troubles other than insecurity and loss
of professionalism. The uncertainty arises from the corruption and nepotism, but it has been
complexes by the ethnic devotions, notions of piety and accounts of religiosity, which give
reason for ignoring organizational ethics. A broad selection of exercise should be taken to
create codes of conduct for various services. Apart from changing the behavioral standards
its formation and practice need a foremost renovation. The anthropologist observers how
Pakistani bureaucracy becomes purposeless, a new book of Matthew S. Hull 2012 must be
read for reference. The literature emerged in 1990 exposed Pakistans failure because of
malfunctioning in bureaucracy and it linked with its politicizing. Fair role and Services
suffers when a bureaucrat is not impartial and is associated to serve the benefit
of an individual, and following personal benefit, at the cost of national interest. Serving
the interests of politicians and ensuring the politicians vote bank, working for chosen
benefit and not for a common man, results the causes of corruption in bureaucracy. The
concept of political neutrality has been taken as a feature and tool with which
to assess the capability and performance of the bureaucracy in developing countries and to
improve it.

According to the statistical bulletin of Pakistan, the population of country now has
crossed 180 million which needs restructuring of the bureaucracy, and rebuild Pakistan
through adoption of modern system of government machinery which can be used to support
popular democratic governments in implementation of their programs and bureaucracy
assures continuity of development programs, etc. National consideration, security, and
economic development are the most important objectives for any nation- state in the third
word. Literally speaking, Pakistans history is a chronicle of bureaucratic mismanagement.
Economic and political development is in a mess. Majority of the peoples of Pakistan are
uneducated. In short, socially, economically, politically, Pakistan is ruined and its security is
vulnerable among the nations. There were the leaders who could have changed the destiny of
Pakistan like Quaid-e- Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah who died very soon, General
Muhammad Ayub Khan, Zulfqar Ali Bhutto, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif
etc. The existence of bureaucracy, under political backing was not easy, the bureaucracy itself
desperate and consequently disagreement arise. The then governments were operating within
the limitations, crises, and inter-provincial rivalries. The state has to provide services, justice,
maintain law and carry prosperity, and if it has to be effective, it has to have a good
bureaucracy. The military and civilian bureaucracy is building its time to stability of
government. Civil services worked efficiently up to 1960s and to resist social pressures and
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act on rules ended a few years after 1947. The success of the civilian government through its
trials tribulation, to build political and economic institutions to withstand the tempests of the
time is yet to be seen. It's true if politicians and the military have not demoralized the
bureaucracy, turning it into a collection of self-serving individuals, instead of an institution
based on rules, the hierarchy of authority, accountability and professional ethics, the success
would have been visible today. If the spring is here, can winter be far behind. Weber said
Once bureaucracy is fully established among the social structures which are the hardest to
destroy. Imposition of martial law is the cry of certain segments of society. If that happens,
then, Pakistans development: economic, social, political and institutional is not sighted far in
the coming future. Global perception is that the bureaucracies of the developing countries are
permanent stakeholders and the copartner; Politions are for the tenure Government has to
make bureaucracies neutral in its role to stabilize the growth and system of the country


Khalid B. Sayeed, 1967 Politics in Pakistan: The Nature and Direction of Change, New York: Praeger
Weber 1968, Essays in Sociology1864-1920;Gerth Hans Heinrich, 1980;Mills,C
Ferrel Heady, 1984 Public Administration: A Comparative Perspective, 3rd ed. New
York: Marcel Dekkers, Inc.
Herman Finer, 1945 Critics of Bureaucracy, Political Science Quarterly Vol.60.No: I
Charles Kennedy, 1987 the Bureaucracy in Pakistan, Oxford University Press.
Raleaph Braibanti, 1967 Public Bureaucracy and Judiciary in Pakistan, Princeton, N.J. Princeton
University Press.

Edward C. Page, 1985 Political Authority and Bureaucratic Power, Brighton, Sussex: Harvester
Heeger, Gerald A. 1977 Politics in the Post-Military State: Some Reflections on the
Experience. World Politics.

Matthew S. Hull, 2012 Government of Paper, Berkeley: University of California Press.

S. H. Hashmi, 1987 Foreword to Bureaucracy in Pakistan, Charles H Kennedy,

Karachi: Oxford University Press.
Raleaph Braibanti, and J. J. Spengler, eds., 1961 Traditions, Values and Socio- Economic
Development, Durham: University of North Carolina Press.
Khalid B. Sayeed, 1967 The Political system of Pakistan, Boston: Houghton Mifflin
Kamal Azfar, 1987 Pakistan: Political and Constitutional Dilemmas, Karachi: Pakistan Law House.
Lucien W. Pye, 1974 New Approaches to Personnel Policy for Development, New York:
United Nations Publications
G. W. Choudhury, 1988 Pakistan: Transition from Military to Civilian Rule, Essex: Scorpion
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Robert .Laporte, Jr, 1975 Power and privilege: Influence and Decision-Making in Pakistan, Berkeley,
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Robert. N. Kearny, 1975 Politics and Modernization in South and South Asia New York: Schenkman.
Mohammad A. Qadeer 2013 Pakistans Prime Need a real bureaucracy Daily Dawn Pakistan,
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H. F. Goodnow, 1964 The Civil Service of Pakistan: Bureaucracy in a new nation, New Haven, Yale
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