Provincial Strategy

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C MY K B4 .

Provincial Strategy to Protect Children

From Sexual Abuse and Exploitation on the Internet (taken from
March 2010
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Willy 26 Toronto, 3 2-counts Possession Pending
------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-count Make Available
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Young Person 17 Brantford, 2 1 count Possession March 10, Jimmy ROCA 36 Toronto, 4 2-counts Possession Pending
Ontario Child Pornography 2010 Ontario Child Pornography
1 count Accessing 1-count Import Child
Child Pornography Pornography
------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-count Make Available
Dave DERIVERS 41 Collingwood, 4 1-count Possession March 10, Child Pornography
Ontario Child Pornography 2010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1-count Make Available Daryl SKREPTAK 30 Windsor, 2 1-count Possession Released
Child Pornography Ontario Child Pornography $10,000
1-count Possession 1-count Distribution surety no
Prohibited Weapon Child Pornography deposit
1-count Possession of with
Controlled Substance conditions
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Casey McTAGGART 23 Collingwood, 2 1-count Possession March 10, Nirushananthan 32 Markham, 2 1-count Possession of March 10,
Ontario Child Pornography 2010 THILLAIAMBALAM Ontario Child Pornography 2010
1 count Make Available 1-count Make Available
Child Pornography Child Pornography
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
David Allan 37 Cornwall, 3 2-counts Possession March 10, Jeff JOSEPH 25 London, 5 2-counts Possession of March 10,
GLAUDE Ontario Child Pornography 2010 Ontario Child Pornography 2010
1-count Make Available 1-count Distribution of
Child Pornography Child Pornography
------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-count Accessing Child
Richard NAULT 56 Sudbury, 14 1-count Possession March 9, Pornography
Ontario Child Pornography 2010 1-count Unauthorized Use
1-count Possession of a of Computer
Prohibited Firearm -------------------------------------------------------------------------
6-counts Unsafe Storage Young Person 15 London, 2 1-count Possession of March 10,
20 of a Firearm/Ammunition Ontario Child Pornography 2010
4-counts Unauthorized 1-count Accessing Child
30 Possession of a Firearm Pornography
1-count Unauthorized -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Possession of Prohibited William Ronald 25 London, 9 2-counts Possession of March 10,
Ammunition ENGLAND Ontario Child Pornography 2010
1-count Possession of 1-count Accessing Child
Cannabis Marihuana Pornography
------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-count Distribution of
70 Ryan HOPKINS 27 Sudbury, 16 3-counts Sexual Assault March 22, Child Pornography
Ontario 3-counts Voyeurism 2010 4-counts Possession of
80 1-count Criminal Harassment Prohibited weapon
1-count Possession of 1-count Possession of
Child Pornography Break-in Instruments
1-count Manufacture Child -------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 Michael Daniel 61 Thunder Bay, 1 1-count Accessing Child March 10,
2-counts Unauthorized BEWCYK Ontario Pornography 2010
Access to Computer -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2-counts Mischief to Data Matthew SMITH 21 Ajax, Ontario 1 1-count Make Available March 10,
2-counts Breach of Weapons Child Pornography 2010
Prohibition -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1-count Possession of a George MILLER 23 Ajax, Ontario 2 1-count Possession of March 10,
Controlled Substance Child Pornography 2010
------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-count Make available
Adrian COTE 19 Sudbury, 4 2-counts Possession of March 10, Child Pornography
Ontario Child Pornography 2010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1-count Access Child Edwin KHITAB 33 Ottawa, 3 2-counts Possession Unknown
Pornography Ontario Child Pornography
1-count Make Available 1-count Make Available
Child Pornography Child Pornography
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Young Person 15 Guelph, 2 1-count Possession of April 29, Young Person 17 Ottawa, 3 2-counts Possession Unknown
Ontario Child Pornography 2010 Ontario Child Pornography
1-count Make Child 1-count Make Available
Pornography available Child Pornography
for distribution -------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael 23 Ottawa, 3 2-counts Possession Unknown
Liam SELMAN 18 St. Clair, 4 3-counts Possession of March 10, McCURDY Ontario Child Pornography
Ontario Child Pornography 2010 1-count Make Available
1-count Make Available -------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex MASON 29 Ottawa, 1 1-count Possession of Unknown
Young Person 16 Stevensville, 2 1-count Possession March 10, Ontario Child Pornography
Ontario Child Pornography 2010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1-count Make Available Jean Michel 26 Ottawa, 1 1-count Possession of Unknown
------------------------------------------------------------------------- DUVAL Ontario Child Pornography
Corey PHIBBS 18 Stevensville, 2 1-count Possession March 10, -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ontario Child Pornography 2010 Ryan CREAMER 36 Burlington, 3 1-count Possession of March 10,
1 count Make Available Ontario Child Pornography 2010
------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-counts Make Available
Kevan BROWNSON 57 Peterborough, 4 2-counts Possession March 8, Child Pornography
Ontario Child Pornography 2010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1-count Make Available Robert Fletcher 51 Burlington, 3 1-count Possession of March 10,
Child Pornography BURNS Ontario Child Pornography 2010
1-count Making Child 2-counts make Available
Pornography Child Pornography
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Joel CHARLEBOIS 34 Sault Ste. 3 1-count Possession To be Alfred Douglas 47 Kingston, 2 1-count Possession of March 10,
Marie, Ontario Child Pornography determined STELPSTRA Ontario Child Pornography 2010
1-count Make Available 1-count Possession of
Child Pornography Prohibited Weapon
1-count Breach of -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Probation Derek WINGER 19 Waterloo, 2 1-count Possession of March 10,
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ontario Child Pornography 2010
David MARCEAU 21 Sault Ste. 2 1-count Possession March 10, 1-count make Available
Marie, Ontario Child Pornography 2010 Child Pornography
1 count Make Available -------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>

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