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Question Bank for Customer Relationship Management Paper

Qs No Question Mks
Unit I : Introduction to CRM
1) Define CRM giving example? 4
2) Write short notes on any 3 : 12
i) Analytical CRM
ii) Operational CRM
iii) CRM Engine
iv) Front Office Solutions
3) Explain Customer Lifecycle 4
Unit II : eCRM
1) Features of eCRM 4
Unit III : Sales Force Automation (SFA)
1) Explain the needs and barriers of SFA 4
2) Explain any 4 functionalities of SFA 4
3) Describe Data Synchronization 4
4) Explain some of the applications of SFA 4
Unit IV : Enterprise Marketing Automation (EMA)
1) What are Business Analytic Tools? What does a Business 4
Analytic Application do?
2) Explain Campaign Planning & Management? 4
3) Describe in brief any 2 EMA Components? 4
4) Write short notes on any 2 : 8
i) Enterprise Marketing Automation
ii) Opt-In/Opt-Out
iii) Response Management
Unit V : Call Centers mean Customer Interaction
1) What is a Customer Interaction Center? 4
2) Explain the functionality of Call Center? 4
3) Write short notes on any 3 : 12
i) Automatic Call Distribution
ii) Interactive Voice Response
iii) Web enabling the call center
iv) Automated Intelligent Call Routing
Unit VI : Implementing CRM
1) Write short notes on any 5 : 20
i) Kick off meeting
ii) Requirements gathering
iii) Prototyping
iv) Power User Beta Test
v) Training
vi) Roll-out & System hand off
Unit VII : Application Service Provider (ASP)
1) Who is an ASP? 4
2) Explain the role of an ASP? 4
3) Explain some advantages and disadvantages of implementing 8
4) Explain some criteria for selecting an ASP? 4

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