Prediction On The Basis of Bhavas: Ascendant Lord

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Prediction On The Basis of Bhavas

Ascendant Lord

In your chart, the Ascendant-lord is situated in the tenth house, which is called the house of
profession (Karma). Besides occupation (including trade), this house has governance over rank,
respect, inclination, quality, conduct, success, gait, command and authority. You will be a very active
and fairly fortunate person; in your own sphere of profession, you will go far ahead of your
contemporaries and you will become known for your abilities, discretions and individual special
contributions. Your name and fame will be widespread. If your Ascendant is Aries, your
Ascendant-lord Mars will become exalted in the 10th and will offer auspicious results as it will
generate a beneficial 'yoga'; you will be highly fortunate in respect of your profession. If your
Ascendant is Aries or Leo, then your Ascendant-lord will acquire 'Dik-Bala' in the 10th; through your
ceaseless efforts and pioneering work you will be able to shed light into some hitherto unexplored
areas for which you will find a special place of your own. If a natural benefic planet is situated with
the Ascendant-lord or aspects it, you will become a famous person and will be well-known for your
meritorious deeds. If a natural malefic planet (while it is neither exalted nor in own house) is situated
with the Ascendant-lord or aspects it, then you might become a victim of slander and disrepute.

Lord of 2nd House

In your chart, the second-lord is situated in the Ascendant, which is called the house of body (Tanu)
and is the general significator for everything including life. This is a highly favourable combination
and you will be very fortunate in respect of all favourable 2nd house attributes, although the position
may not be very good in respect of health as the 2nd-lord is termed as a 'maraka' -- this is more so if
the 2nd-lord is a natural malefic planet. However, in case of Capricorn Ascendant, the 2nd-lord
Saturn situated in own house in Ascendant will give favourable 'Dhana Yoga' results and bestow
wealth in abundance. If your Ascendant is Virgo, then debilitated 2nd-lord Venus situated in the
Ascendant may cause health-problems; however, your father will be wealthy, you will receive higher
education and will have gains from foreign sources. If the Ascendant-lord is situated with the
2nd-lord or if a natural benefic planet is situated with the 2nd-lord or aspects it, then also you will
become very wealthy. If the Ascendant-lord is not well-placed while a natural malefic planet who is
either 'combust' or "eclipsed" is situated in the Ascendant, then you may suffer from some
health-complications and your prospects might be affected.

Lord of 3rd House

In your chart, the third-lord is situated in the seventh house, which is called the house of spouse
(Kalatra). You are likely to have a highly passionate nature and may have a deep-seated desire for
the company of the members of the opposite sex. Your spouse may hail from the house of a relative
of your relative or from your acquaintances residing in your neighbourhood. If a natural benefic
planet is situated in the 7th house or aspects it, then your younger co-borns will be very helpful to
you; if in addition, the 7th-lord is also well-placed, then you may run a partnership business with your
younger co-born(s) or with an acquaintance residing in your neighbourhood. If a natural benefic
planet is situated in the 3rd house or aspects it, then you may be in printing business and may own a
Press. But if natural malefic planet is situated in the 7th house or aspects it, then your younger
co-borns may not be helpful to you; if in addition, the 7th-lord is also ill-placed, then you may have
quarrels with your partner(s) and face much of opposition from your cousins or neighbours. If your
Ascendant is Capricorn, then the 3rd-lord Jupiter exalted in the 7th and aspecting the Ascendant,
the 3rd house and the 11th house will make you very rich.

Lord of 4th House

In your chart, the fourth-lord is situated in the sixth house, which is called the house of disease
(Roga). This is not a favourable position and you may face problems from many sources. If the
6th-lord is ill-disposed, then your mother may suffer from diseases and cause much expenses; as
the 4th is the 8th from your 9th while the 6th is the 10th from the 9th, your father may face a
set-back in profession and you may have to suffer in consequence. If a natural benefic planet is

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situated in the 6th house or aspects it, your maternal relatives will prosper but your enemies might
increase. If the 6th house is influenced by a natural malefic planet, you will be able to overcome your
enemies and have good gains but your state of health might become deteriorated. As the 6th is the
4th from the 3rd, you may get into difficulties with your younger co-borns, cousins, kindred,
neighbours or tenants in connection with property-matters. As the 4th is the 10th from the 7th while
the 6th is the 12th from the 7th, your spouse may secure job-changes or might be transferred to
distant places and may stay there for long durations. For study of science subjects, it is very good
but you may not be able to do well in competitive examinations.

Lord of 5th House

In your chart, the fifth-lord is situated in the eighth house, which is called the house of longevity
(Ayus). Although this position is good for education and may make you interested in the occult
subjects, it is unfavourable for securing a good position or for gaining promotion; unless the 8th-lord
is well-placed, you may find difficulty to continue in service for long and you might be transferred or
may have job-changes. If your Ascendant is either Leo or Aquarius, then you will be very fortunate
as your 5th-lord will be in own-house in the 8th for which you will enjoy the favourable results of
'Veepareeta Raja Yoga'. In other cases, you should refrain from speculative investments since
losses are feared. If a natural malefic planet is situated in the 8th or aspects it, then during sometime
in your life, you may lose your discriminations and get entangled into disputes or quarrels with
powerful persons. This position indicates difficult child-birth unless a natural benefic planet is
situated in or aspects the 5th (if you are male) or the 9th (if you are female). When children are born,
their state of health may become very delicate and they may need special care; however, they would
pick up when they grow up and they would do well with their studies. If either Rahu or Ketu is also in
the 8th, then you may suffer from un-natural fear of ghosts, etc.

Lord of 6th House

In your chart, the sixth-lord is situated in the eleventh house, which is called the house of gains
(Labha). This makes your horoscope a singularly unique one; although some of your enemies may
remain in your circle in disguise as friends, you will have gains from your enemies and also from
your relatives. You may win in competitions and may even win in contests or elections -- more so if
the 11th-lord is in the 6th, in which case you would become simply invincible. If Jupiter or Venus is
well-placed or if they are involved in exchange of signs or stars, you may be tempted to amass
wealth through questionable means; you may have to face law-suits yet you won't have to suffer
disgrace of any sort as you will be able to come out in flying colours owing to lack of evidence
against you. Besides, you will have good gains from your spouse and business-partner -- if any. As
the 6th house indicates labour, you may have gains from production activities if Saturn is well-placed
and from construction activities if Mars is well-placed. As the 6th rules over disease while 11th rules
over cure, you may have gains by serving the pharmaceutical organisations or manufacturers of
chemicals; if your Ascendant is Aries or Libra, then the 6th-lord will be the 3rd-lord too and you may
become a sales/ medical representative. In addition, if Rahu is also situated in the 11th and/ or if the
Sun is placed in the 6th, you will gain victory over your enemies.

Lord of 7th House

In your chart, the seventh-lord is situated in the eighth house, which is called the house of longevity
(Ayus). If your Ascendant is Cancer, then your 7th-lord will be the 8th-lord too and for being placed
in own-sign will make your longevity high. If your Ascendant is either Aries or Libra, then the 7th-lord
will become the 2nd-lord too, aspecting it's own sign which will make you fortunate in respect of your
family and wealth. Otherwise, this is not a very favourable position and if a natural benefic planet is
neither situated in your 7th house nor aspects it, then your spouse may suffer blood-shed or
blood-loss owing to facing an accidental mishap or for undergoing surgical treatment -- more so if
Mars or Ketu is also situated in the 8th house. If you are in business, you may face a set-back -more so if your 10th-lord is also not well-placed; if you have a partner, then he/ she might be selfish
and greedy. If a natural malefic planet is situated in the 7th house or aspects it while neither Venus
nor Jupiter is well-placed, then you may have a long-drawn law-suit. If your Ascendant-lord is also
not well-placed or if a natural malefic planet is either situated in the Ascendant or aspects it, then
you may run the risk of receiving accidental injuries.

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Lord of 8th House

In your chart, the eighth-lord is situated in the eighth house itself, which is called the house of
longevity (Ayus). This is a specially fortunate position as the lord of a 'trika-house' when situated in
it's same own house gives rise to auspicious yoga. You will remain in good health and will be
long-lived. As the 8th is the 12th from the 9th, it will offer 'Veepareeta Raja Yoga' effects for your
father; your father must have had come up in life in a spectacular way and he must be or had been
fairly wealthy. You will be highly fortunate in respect of inheritence, will have gains from insurance
sources and also from your marriage-relations; your spouse is likely to hail from a wealthier family.
You are far less likely to face any set-back in profession, face any law-suit or confiscation or suffer
from calamitous causes. You will receive good education which might be 'application-oriented' and
you may have interest in the occult or mystic subjects. If a natural benefic planet is situated in the
8th or aspects it, then you may have interest in swimming; alternately, you may earn good profits by
dealing in the objects produced in or under water.

Lord of 9th House

In your chart, the ninth-lord is situated in the sixth house, which is called the house of disease
(Roga). If your Ascendant is Leo, then the 9th-lord will be exalted in the 10th from it, aspecting the
9th; this will make you exceedingly fortunate in respect of your father as he might be very
well-placed in some active service. If your Ascendant is Cancer, the the 9th-lord who will be the
6th-lord also will offer very beneficial results as 'Veepareeta Raja Yoga' will be generated. If your
Ascendant is Libra, then although the 9th-lord will be debilitated in the 6th, as it will be 12th-lord
also, it will still offer similar results. Otherwise, the position is not very good as you may not be very
fortunate. You might be in service with meagre earnings and your prospects could be limited.
However, if the 6th-lord is in own house, you may win in competitive examinations and be
well-placed in service; if a natural benefic planet is situated in the 6th or aspects it, then you might
be in lucrative employment. Besides, you will remain in good health and your relationship with your
relatives will be very cordial and happy. If a natural malefic planet is situated in the 6th or aspects it,
then although you will be able to overcome your enemies, you may not be in good health and may
have to spend a lot for your spouse who might be a reckless spender. If in addition either Rahu or
Ketu is also situated in the 6th, then you may have to spend a lot for medical treatment.

Lord of 10th House

In your chart, the tenth-lord is situated in the seventh house, which is called the house of spouse
(Kalatra). It indicates that you will be an active person and you will be fortunate in respect of your
profession; you may run your own business or may be well-placed in a big and reputed organization.
If Jupiter and Venus are well-placed in your chart, then you may become a lawyer. If your Ascendant
is Aries, then the 10th-lord will become exalted in the 7th; then you will become a reputed
professional or a big business-man; similar will be the results if your Ascendant is Gemini or
Sagittarius where the 10th-lord will be the 7th-lord too -- for being situated in own-house, it will give
the beneficial results of 'Pancha Maha-purusha Yoga' and you will become well-settled in life. Your
life-partner might hail from your sphere of profession and/ or she/ he would work in double harness
and will actively assist you for fulfilling your aspirations. If Mars or the Sun is also in the 10th, or if
Saturn or Rahu is in the 7th, then you will secure a powerful position as the planet will gain
directional strength. If a natural benefic is in the 10th or the 7th or aspects either of these two
houses, you will be a purposeful and praiseworthy person. You will understand human nature very
well, may do well in marketing and shine forth as an efficient negotiator.

Lord of 11th House

In your chart, the eleventh-lord is situated in the seventh house, which is called the house of spouse
(Kalatra). This is a highly favourable position as the 11th-lord aspecting the Ascendant will make you
fortunate in respect of having earnings from various sources. If a natural benefic planet is situated in
or aspecting the 11th, then your spouse will consider you to be dearer than her/ his life, will always
give you good advice and will actively assist you in all your works. She/ He is likely to hail from a
wealthier family and may have a steady source of earnings from which she/ he will contribute for
uplifting the family's standard of living. But if a natural malefic planet is situated in or aspecting the

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11th, then the condition might be reversed; your spouse might oppose you and so might do some of
your friends. If in addition the 7th house is also not well-disposed, then you may even think of having
a second marriage or continue to have illicit relationship(s) -- more so if the 4th house is not
well-disposed. If a natural malefic planet is situated in each of the three houses -- the 6th, the 7th
and the 8th -- then married life might be very short-lived. However, the situation will be much
improved for the better if Jupiter is in the 7th or aspects it.

Lord of 12th House

In your chart, the twelfth-lord is situated in the tenth house, which is called the house of profession
(Karma). It indicates that your profession is likely to have some connection with the 12th house
significations like hospitals, asylums, jails, charitable institutions, tanneries and footwears, bedding
materials, prohylactics, investigations, research, fisheries, waste-disposal, etc. If your Ascendant is
Aries, then your 12th-lord which is the 9th-lord also will become debilitated; then you may not be
very fortunate in respect of your profession. If your Ascendant is Leo, then the 12th-lord will be
exalted in the 10th; this will give you quick rise in the sphere of profession -- more so if the Moon is
'waxing' or if the 10th-lord is well-placed; you may become a medical practitioner or may hold some
positions which involve public connection. In other cases, this position would give fair to good
results; you may have transfer or change of profession a few times and in connection with
profession you may have to go to distant places. However, if Saturn is well-placed or if another
natural benefic planet is either placed in the 10th or aspects it, or if the Sun or Mars is in the 10th,
then you will enjoy highly beneficial results. If Mercury is well-placed and if the 5th house is
associated with or aspected by a benefic planet, you may be an Astrologer.

Results for Planets in Houses


Since the Sun is situated in your 8th house, you are likely to have a dare-devil nature; it will be more
so if another natural malefic planet is also situated with it. However, if either Saturn or Rahu is also
in the 8th, the physical or mental health and well-being of your father might cause you some
concern. If your Ascendant is Virgo, then the exalted Sun as 12th-lord situated in the 8th will
generate 'Veepareeta Raja Yoga' and will give you riches through inheritance. If your Ascendant is
Capricorn, then the Sun will be in own-house in the 8th; this will give you high longevity and you will
be fortunate in respect of your father who will be very wealthy. However, if your Ascendant is Pisces,
then the debilitated Sun situated in the 8th might cause you suffer from health-problems and you
may receive injuries for facing accidental mishaps; alternately, you may have some disputes with the
government authorities and if Venus is afflicted, then you may get entangled in a long-drawn
law-suit. If any planet is situated close to the Sun, then you may suffer from eye-diseases. If the Sun
is situated close to the 8th-cusp, then your health might be weak and your longevity may not be
high; the position will however be improved if a natural benefic planet is with the Sun or aspects it
but if Saturn or Mars aspects the Sun, then you may become a victim of slander and disrepute.


Since Mercury is situated in your 8th house, your fortunes might be inconstant after your marriage
unless Mercury is exalted or in own house. If your Ascendant is Aquarius or Scorpio, then Mercury
strongly placed in the 8th will give you high longevity, good gains through inheritance and a happy
married life; but if your Ascendant is Leo -- unless Jupiter is well-placed -- debilitated Mercury will
cause ill-health, loss of fortune and unhappiness in marriage. If Mercury is 'combust', you may suffer
from eye-diseases. If Mercury is situated close to a natural malefic planet or aspected by it and if
you are male, then you may suffer from embarassing diseases like dropsy of the scrotum; but if you
are female, then you may suffer from uneasy irritations or itchy patches may affect the regions near
private parts. If Mercury is situated close to Ketu, then you may have interest in mystic subjects like
Astrology, Palmistry, etc and you may have good gains from the computer field. If Mercury is
situated with Jupiter or aspected by it, then you may gain proficiency in many languages and might

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become interested in studying sacred religious classics. If Mercury is situated with Venus, then you
may be gifted with a sonorous voice and have artistic talents.


Since Venus is situated in your 6th house, you will be very fortunate in many respects. Your appetite
is likely to be delicate and you would remain very careful in respect of your diet; the state of your
health will remain in pink and your bulk is likely to improve gracefully after your marriage. You will be
fond of dainty and pretty adornments and will spend liberally for acquiring the things of your choice.
Your servants will be faithful and you will lead a comfortable life in a joyous environment. If your
Ascendant is Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Scorpio or Pisces, then you will enjoy favourable
'Veepareeta Raja Yoga' results. If your Ascendant is Libra, you will be well-placed in service as
Venus will be exalted in the 6th; but if your Ascendant is Aries, then Venus will be debilitated in the
6th, you may have to accept short-term jobs in small private companies -- unless Mercury and/ or
your 10th-lord is well-placed. If Venus is 'combust', then you may suffer from eye-complaints and
your Kidney might also be somewhat affected.


Since Mars is situated in your 7th house, you may be of athletic build in your early years and later
may become stocky; your spouse may also have similar looks. If your Ascendant is Cancer as Mars
will be exalted and also if your Ascendant is Taurus or Libra as Mars will be in own house; in all
these cases, you will enjoy the beneficial results of 'Pancha Maha-purusha Yoga' and will be
fortunate in respect of your material possessions. If your Ascendant is Capricorn, then debilitated
Mars may give you some acute problems in married life or in business -- from partners. However, if
the Moon is well-disposed or if Jupiter is also in the 7th or aspects it, then the problems will be
sorted out but if a natural malefic planet is situated in the 8th, then you may have law-suits or may
receive injury due to accidental mishap or physical combat.
Mars in the 7th favours dealing in electrical goods, motors, metallurgical components, chemicals,
acids, fuels, ovens, kitchen wares, etc; it also gives good gains from real estate, property rentals,
hotels, etc. But it is not good for well-being in married life if Saturn and Rahu are also placed in the
6th or the 7th or the 8th.


Since Jupiter is situated in your 7th house, you will be highly fortunate as the best of the natural
benefic planet will be aspecting the Ascendant, the 11th house and the 3rd house. You will be
fortunate in respect of your younger co-borns and will have a devoted spouse who will be
religious-minded. You will also be religious-minded and honest. Unless there are some afflictions in
your chart, you will be long-lived and your married-life will be stable and happy. As Jupiter is the
natural significator for children, you will have dutiful and worthy children. As it is the significator for
wealth too, it's aspect on the 11th indicates steady and uninterrupted growth of earnings from your
profession which might be business. If your Ascendant is Gemini or Virgo, then you will enjoy the
beneficial results of 'Pancha Maha-purusha Yoga'; but if your Ascendant is Cancer, as Jupiter will be
debilitated in the 7th, then you may incur losses in business, work in private organisations, have
unhappiness in marriage and might even face legal problems. If your Ascendant is Leo, you may
have high B.P. If Jupiter is with Mercury or aspects it, you will have interest in studying literature; if it
is situated in the star of Rahu, then it will give unconventional outlook.


Since Saturn is situated in your 10th house, you will be fortunate in respect of your profession
provided that your Ascendant is Aries or Taurus or Capricorn as Saturn will be in own house or
exalted and you will enjoy the beneficial results of 'Pancha Maha-purusha Yoga'. However, Saturn in
such a position should not be retrograde or combust or eclipsed or involved in planetary fight
(graha-yuddha). This very position of Saturn had become proverbial and it is greatly feared that it
would surely lead to abysmal fall after pulling one to a great height of power and glory; but that is
true if it is retrograde or afflicted but if the 10th-lord is well-placed or if Jupiter or Venus is situated
with it or aspects it, the results get considerably modified for the better. But if your Ascendant is
Cancer, then the debilitated 8th-lord in the 10th can give you jobs in private organisations which may

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not be long-lasting -- this will be more so if Mars is also not well-placed in your chart. Instead of
displaying pride and arrogance, you should cultivate patience and firmness of purpose should mark
your life. If in business, you may suddenly incur heavy losses; if in profession, you may have failure
and dishonour while in contests or conflicts, you may have defeat; but if you are guided and guarded
by caution, patience and perseverance, then you may still come up in life again.


Since the Moon is situated in your 11th house, you will become very popular and will have good
earnings through public dealings -- although with a cyclic kind of fluctuations. Your earnings will be
more if the Moon is 'waxing', if the 11th-lord is well-placed and/ or if a natural benefic planet is with it
or aspects it. If the Moon is 'waning', if the 11th-lord is not well-placed or if Ketu is situated with it,
then your earnings can only be modest. If Saturn is with it or aspects it, then also the results will be
similar -- unless Saturn is exalted or situated in own house in which case it would give good
earnings from industries, mines or through agriculture. If Mars is situated with it, it would give rise to
'Chandra-Mangala Yoga' and will give influx of wealth through real estate, property-rentals, etc. If
Rahu is with it, it will give good earnings -- although through convenient- and at times unscrupulousmeans. If your Ascendant is Cancer, then you will have boosted earnings as the Moon will be
exalted and if your Ascendant is Virgo, then also you will get similar results as the Moon will be in
own house. But if your Ascendant is Capricorn, then debilitated Moon in the 11th will give unreliable
friends and if modifying influences are not present in the chart, then you may not have good
earnings through respectable means. This position gives many friends but a few lasting
attachments; assures gains from and patronage of ladies and may give a number of female children.


Since Rahu is situated in your 8th house, you may face serious problems from unexpected sources
and if the 7th-lord or Venus is also not well-placed in your chart, then your married-life may not be
very happy. The position will however be improved if Jupiter or Venus aspects it. If the Sun is
situated with it, then the physical or mental health and well-being of your father might cause you
some concern and your own state of health may not be very good. If the Moon is situated with it, you
may suffer from wasting diseases during sometime in your life. If Mars or Saturn is with it or is
placed in either the 6th house or the 7th house, then your married-life may not be happy or your
spouse may not be long-lived; alternately, she/ he might opt for leaving you for ever and you may
have to face a law-suit with her/ him. If Mars is situated with it or aspects it, you may have a
dare-devil nature and if the 8th-lord is not well-placed in your chart, then you might recieve
accidental injuries from fire or weapons. If Mercury is situated with it or aspects it, then you may
have much interest and gain some proficiency in mystic subjects like Astrology, Palmistry, etc. If
Venus is situated fairly close to it, then your secret liaisons may soon become the talk-of-the-town.


Since Ketu is situated in your 2nd house, you may not be very fortunate in respect of your
family-wealth -- unless the 2nd-lord is well-disposed. However, if Jupiter or Venus is with it or
aspects it, then the situation will considerably improve while if a natural malefic planet influences it,
then the situation will become only worse. Good results are expected if Ketu is situated in sign
Scorpio; the results will be adverse when it is in sign Taurus or is together with Saturn in any sign
other than Libra, Aquarius or Capricorn. If Ketu is with the 2nd-lord or if Mars is with the 2nd-lord or
aspects it, then if you are male, you may be a heavy smoker (if that is not prohibited in your
community); besides, your teeth may start decaying early. If Mars is with it or aspects it, then you
may have some fear from fire or intake of wrong medicine or poison.
Unless the 2nd-lord is well-placed, and if no natural benefic planet is with it or aspects it, this
position is not favourable for having happiness in marriage; if a natural malefic planet is with it or
(except Rahu any) aspects it while the 7th-lord is not well-placed, then the span of your married-life
may come under doubt.


Since Uranus is situated in your 2nd house, you are likely to experience sudden changes in fortune
and your family-life can at times be like sailing on the tempestuous seas -- unless Jupiter or Venus is

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situated with it or aspects it. You may pass through many ups and downs in life, your financial affairs
might become very uncertain and you may face fluctuations of extreme sort -- unless the 2nd-lord is
well-placed. If a natural benefic planet is also situated with it or aspects it, the situation will be much
improved; but if a natural malefic planet is also situated with it or aspects it, then the things may tend
to go beyond control. If the Moon is close to it, then you may have eccentric tendencies and an
ever-changeful mood. If Mercury is close to it, then you may invite unnecessary troubles through
your utterances. If Venus is close to it, then some person of aristocratic background or connected
with the music fields may have fleeting ties with some of your family-members; in this respect you
should better remain careful. If Mars or Pluto is with it or aspects it, then you might get into conflicts
for uttering wrong things to ruffian people. If Neptune is with it or aspects it, then you may frequently
have angry exchange of words with people of lower class.


Since Neptune is situated in your Ascendant, it will give you an inconstant nature and a wandering
disposition. You may have a visionary mind and may possess the gift of natural intuition. During
sometime in your life, you are likely to suffer from some wasting disease and you may suffer losses
as a result of design of your enemies; you should remain careful in these respects. Foreign countries
and distant places might attract you greatly and some people from such places may influence your
fortune. If Neptune is situated in a watery sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), then you would become
sentimental. If it is with a minor planet (the Moon, Mercury or Venus), then you may have a dreamy
and imaginative nature; you may have artistic inclinations or be able to express your ideas and
imaginations very vividly by the use of your pen; however, if Neptune is retrograde or if a natural
malefic planet is with it or aspects it, then you may have suffer some grief in your early age which
might change your outlook and even change your life-style. The results will be modified if the
Ascendant-lord is well-placed or if Jupiter is with it or aspects it.


Since Pluto is situated in your 11th house, you are apt to lay your hands in very risky ventures for
which you may have to experience wide fluctuations in respect of your earnings -- unless the
11th-lord is well-placed or a natural benefic planet is situated with it or aspects it. You may have
your earnings from such fields where high-temperature fires are utilised -- as in metallurgical fields,
potteries, brick-kilns or the like; this will be more so if Mars or Ketu is with it. In respect of friendships
also, your fortune-pattern would be quite pecuiliar : you might be able to form relationships very
quickly but these may not at all be long-lasting and some of your erstwhile friends may suddenly turn
to become your enemies -- this might be more so with the members of the opposite sex or with
persons of poles-apart background in any respect. You may have large gains quite unexpectedly
through your new friends at some point of time while at some other times your friends might directly
or indirectly cause you losses by simply refusing to help you out. Your mood might keep changing as
you would be much under the influence of circumstances and at times you may feel lonely or
dejected. If Rahu is with it, then you might be hauled up for giving or taking bribes.

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Result For Birth Nakshatra

General Details

You will have a very sweet nature and will be a peace loving person. You will have set principles in
your life. There is a general fear about the persons born in Mula Nakshatra. You can stand against
any adverse circumstantial wave. You have the capacity to navigate that wave and reach the
You will not be bothered about tomorrow nor will you be very serious about your own matters. You
will keep all the happenings in the hands of god and become prey to optimism.

Physical Characteristics

You will have a good physical appearance. You will have beautiful limbs and bright eyes. You will be
the most attractive person in your family.


You may be the kind of person who renders advice to others but yourself may find it impossible to
stick to the same principles. You may be employed as a financial advisor or religious advisor.
Since you will be skilled in several fields there will be frequent changes of profession or trade. You
may find it hard to stick to one profession or line of work for too long. Mula born have a peculiar
characteristic of mixing too much with your friends and spending major part of your income on such
friends. It is quite natural that when expenditure is more than income. Hence it is advisable that you
keep away such friends. While, you may believe that all that is taking place on the earth is due to
gods will, you should also try to be a little selfish and find a way to improve the inflow of income. I
think god also wishes the same for you.
Out of all the 28 Nakshatras, I am dealing in this book, I have come to a conclusion that these are
the people who devote their entire energy with utmost sincerity to their employers as also to any
persons who have kept faith or trust in Mula borns. A deep study of the life of these persons has
revealed some facts about their separate entity than other Nakshatra born i.e. some sort of internal
force or some external force is briefing the natives in all the work they undertake.
You will earn your livelihood in a foreign place. It is advisable that you must, as far as possible, try to
get an opportunity either in the professional field or in the business field in a foreign land or country,
as you may not have good luck in your native place;
As already mentioned above, you will be capable of shining in all walks of life, particularly in the field
of fine arts, as a writer and in the social work.

Family Life

Excepting a few cases, it is seen that Mula born may not derive much benefit from their parents. In
other words, you will be a self-made man and your married life will be more or less satisfactory. You
will get a spouse, which will have the qualities expected from a good wife.


If Sun, Moon or Venus is afflicted in the horoscope you will be affected with problems connected
with chest or upper part of the body; if affliction is due to Mars, Saturn or Rahu you may suffer from
stomach problem. Whatever may be the nature of disease it will not be visible on your appearance
or face. The expression and attraction of your face will not change. Normally it is seen that the native
is not in the habit of taking care of his own health. With the result, some severe health problems can
be noticed in your 27th, 31st, 44th, 48th, 56th, and 60th age.
Once he is addicted to any drug it will be very difficult to control such addiction. Hence he must try to
keep away from any material of intoxication.

anil kumar

Sun - Uttara Phalguni - Quarter - 3

You may have a delicate and fragile appearance. You may be a painter or a poet. You may find it
difficult to deal with the public because of your shy nature. You will be devoted to your father and will
be courteous to all.

Mercury - Hasta - Quarter - 4

You will have fame and wealth and will be dearer to the ruling class.

Venus - Ashlesha - Quarter - 3

You will have the prowess of justice, sympathy and courage. You will be fond of dogs and pets. You
may get involved with wicked friends and women. You may suffer from metabolic and similar
ailments. You may also be prone to breathing disorders.

Mars - Magha - Quarter - 2

Mars makes you a high officer in defense or airlines. You may also get involved in the field of
politics. It is advised that for your own success, do not enter politics as success is certain in other

Jupiter - Purva Phalguni - Quarter - 1

You will be strong and courageous. You will make friends quite easily and will be highly learned in
various fields of science. You will have excellent general knowledge of various subjects. You will be

Saturn - Anuradha - Quarter - 1

You may crave for excitement and adventure in life. However, you must be careful not create trouble
for yourself or others through your activities. You will have a middle stature.

Moon - Moola - Quarter - 2

You may conceal your inner feelings and thoughts even from your close friends and family
members. But, you will be eloquent. In some cases it has been noticed that your wife may have a
real tough time understanding and exploring your inner most feelings and thoughts.

Rahu - Uttara Phalguni - Quarter - 4

You may acquire through honesty and hard work. You may not be very accommodating of your
maternal uncle. You must be careful about your health and take proper care and precaution.

Ketu - Uttara Bhadrapad - Quarter - 1

You will frequently change your residence. You may even leave your home. Your initial periods i.e.
up to 24 years will be full of trials and errors. This may cause you some mental tension and worries.
After your 24th year, you will settle down in a job, which will give you maximum satisfaction.

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