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As discussed in the earlier chapter, one of the accepted theories of aging is

the hormonal theory, which advocate that aging is a disease characterized by
declining hormonal health.
Word on the work done in area of growth hormones is becoming well known
and widespread. People are especially interested in it and want to know it the
incredible things they have heard about it can be reproduced for them. These
reported results range from the extreme to the realistic results reported in
studies done on the administration of human growth hormone. Can Hormone
replacement therapy extend the average life span? The answer is a decided
YES. The reason we know this to be true is due to the successful experiments
done by those involved with hormone replacement therapies. For instance,
estrogen replacement therapy in post-menopausal women has cut their rate of
heart attack and stroke significantly and prolonged their life span. Research
studies with human growth hormone have been encouraging better because
human growth hormone is pervasive in the body. Let us now take a look
specifically at human growth hormone (hGH).


Growth hormone is a small protein molecule containing 191 amino acids in a
single polypeptide chain. It is the most abundant hormone secreted by the
pituitary gland. Its rate of production peaks during adolescence when
accelerated growth occurs. Production rate decreases 14% every decade
into old age. Generally, however, it remains in abundant supply waiting to be
secreted into the body. For some cause yet to be identified, this all-important
gland ceases to secrete the hormone, which tells the body to repair the cells.
By receiving decreased amounts of growth hormone over time the body begins
to age. Daily secretion from the pituitary gland diminishes with age to
the extent that a 60 year old man secretes 25% of the hGH secreted by
a 20 year old man. Actually secretion decreases due to lack of instructions
from the hypothalamus to growth hormone releasing hormones, which are, as
their name implies, hormones which act to release. Adding to this already
decreasing dimension is the fact that receptor sites for hGH also become
desensitized after a certain age. This causes less growth hormone to
be released.


hGH is actuaily released in pulses that take place during the day, but
are especially prominent during the beginning phases of sleep. Soon

these pulsates are converted in the liver (within 20 minutes) to Insulinlike Growth Factor Type I (IGF-1). Although IGF-1 is not insulin, it acts like
insulin in that it promotes glucose transfer through cell membranes into the
cell. More importantly, IGF-1 elicits most of the effects associated with
growth hormone. It is measured in the blood, and this is significant because
it enables us to measure the amount of growth hormone currently being
released. Lastly, many factors affect the ability of the body to release hGH
and form IGF-1. These factors include physical and emoional stress,
chronic liver dysfunction, poor diet and genetic predisposition. Other factors
leading to decrease of hGH release are obesity, zinc and magnesium
deficiency, or an increase in blood sugar and/or insulin levels. On the
other hand, factors increasing hGH include calorie restriction,
testosterone or estrogen levels, high doses of amino acids: LArgentine, Glutamate, Lysine, intense, sustained exercise, as well as
an increase in calcium.

Growth Hormone was first discovered in 1912 by Dr. Harvey Cussing, but
was first isolated from human and monkey cadavers through glandular
extraction in 1956. Only two years later it was being used to treat dwarf
children by injection. In 1989 came the landmark double blind study by
Dr. Daniel Rudman. The results of this study conclusively showed that with
the use of GH, age reversal was possible. This study included adult men
who had measured deficiencies in growth hormones. These men were all
between the ages of 61 and 73. They were injected with GH made from
recombinant DNA synthesis. In 1990, Dr. Rudman's results were reported in
the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine.


I Lean Body Mass +8.8%

- Bone Density +1.6%

- Adipose Tissue (Fat) Mass -4.4%

- Skin Thickness from 4 sites +7.1%

Summary: skin thicker, muscles were bigger, age-related stomach fat

was disappearing, lost bone from spine was restored.
The effects of six months of human growth hormone on lean body
mass and adipose-tissue mass were equivalent to 10-20 years of
reversed aging. Here the most significant result relating to anti-aging
exists between the ratio of muscle to fat. To appreciate the full import made
by this relationship and the implications it carries, a quote form Robert
Klatz's book Stopping the Clock will suffice: " helps to recall the way our
muscle-fat ratio tends to change as we age. Some 80% of a young adult's
body are lean body mass: muscles, organs, and bone. Only 20% are fatty
(adipose) tissue. For most people, after age 30, muscles atrophy, partly
from genetic programming, partly from underused. Every decade thereafter
an average of 5% of lean body mass is replaced by fatty tissue, so that by
the time most of us reach age 70, we've gone from an 80-20 lean-fat ratio
to a ratio that is closer to 50- 50.
"The increase in fatty tissue is related to a variety of cardiovascular
problems, whereas the loss of lean body mass is part of what causes the
elderly to lose energy, strength, and mobility. Anything that can slow or
reverse the trend towards more fatty tissue in effect slows or reverses the
ago; aging processes itself."
Although drugs and therapies that claim to reverse aging are nothing
new, only Dr. Rudman's study passes the gold standard of drug testing:
controlled, randomized, double-blind clinical study with reproducible


The following are 15 common signs of declining hormonal health.
How many of them apply to you?
1. Do you go through mood swings easily?

2. Do you anger easily?

3. Do you have trouble falling or staying asleep?


4. Is your sex life declining?

5. Do you have problem concentrating?

6. Do you often get cold or feel sick?

7. Is your total blood cholesterol over 240?

8. Is your HDL cholesterol under 50?

9. Do you have high blood pressure?


Does the skin on your face and neck appear to hang?


Is it getting harder to exercise?


Is your grip strength weakening?


Is your endurance level less?


Is your breathing more labored when you exercise hard?


Are you age 45 and above?

If you answer positively to many of these questions, consult an anti-aging

physician for further evaluation. You may need hormonal replacement. If you
answer negatively to most of the questions above, chances are your
hormonal health is within normal limits and no intervention is necessary.


Numerous symptoms exist which indicate a hGH deficiency. These
symptoms can be broken down into at least four different categories.

a. Symptoms in anabolic tone include: reduced lean body mass,

reduced skeletal muscle strength, reduced exercise performance,
increased body fat, and increased abdominal fat.
b. Symptoms in lipid effects: increased LDL cholesterol and decreased
HDL cholesterol; in bone defects: osteopenia (lack of bone).
c. Symptoms in protein synthesis: thin skin, lack of collagen, decreased
size of organs, decreased nail and hair growth.
d Symptoms in mental health: reduced energy, emoional instability,
poor memory, and concentration, depression, and reduced sex drive.


Effects in hGH enhancements are numerous as well. The lost of fat and
wrinkles is reported as well as the growth of hair and a gain in muscle.
Improvements in sex drive brain function, vision, immune function and
cholesterol profile has been widely determined as well. Some of the most
exciting and phenomenal studies in medicine today involve hormones and
hormone replacement. Here we have called it "the defining secret" because,
for centuries, on all continents, humans have practiced medicine in a way,
which could extend life. Still today we are learning from Chinese, Japanese,
American Indians, etc. who have pioneered the paths to modern medicine. It
was, however, the scientific discoveries and development in hGh in this
century, which has elevated the possibilities for age longevity to a
qualitatively different level than they have ever existed in human history.
Clinical trials in hGh proliferate with the passing of each year. Dr. Rudman's
studies in Human Growth Hormone came to define a new era in anti-aging
medicine. This is because they came to document, scientifically, that a
substance can be administered to human beings that could engender age
reversal. Even before this study existed, the research into human hormones
had been growing by leaps and bounds. Along with DNA research, it holds
the bright possibilities for extending life.
Since Dr. Rudman's landmark study in the field of hGh, over 100 reputable
studies have been performed which have documented the safety and
legitimacy of this outstanding therapeutic approach. Four distinctive
methods have emerged which either enable hormones to be replaced or
stimulate the release of hormones. With the exception of one of these
methods, all have been found to be successful in replacing, releasing or
stimulating a particular hormonal response. These four methods are:
A. Direct human growth hormone injections
B. Growth Hormone Releasing Factors (GHRF)
C. GH boosting hormone replacement
D. IGF-1 Replacement

The following is a brief summary on each of these categories:


For years after Dr. Rudman's study, the therapeutic approach to dominating the growth hormone field was
done by injection of human growth hormone. Many inconveniences, however, sprung up as a result of
using this method. Fortunately, these difficulties were not safety related but became, as we said, matters of
inconvenience. For one, the injections were expensive, running high as $1,000 per month. Since the
objective of this type of procedure was to mimic the body's release pattern of hGH throughout the day, the
dosages tended to be low though delivered in higher frequencies. As can be imagined, many people
complained about having to poke themselves daily with needles. Besides the pain and inconvenience
associated with this, people often had vascular problems associated with finding veins and new sites to
inject. No major side effects were reported, with the exception of som
eminor joint aches and pains, as well as fluid retention. This tended,
however, to disappear in the first month or two. Equally fortunate was the fact that
there were no reported cases of cancer or serious degenerative illnesses. Although when a patient would
go off hGh injections, it was reported that he would experience some decrease in energy level. Even so, it
was found that bodily composition would essentially remain unchanged that is, if accompanied by an
exercise and diet program. Although injections of Human Growth Hormone maybe not be the program of
choice for many people, statistics demonstrate overwhelmingly its impressive effectiveness. Dr. Rudman's
highly successful and respected study on hGh has previously been discussed in some detail. There were as
we also mentioned other studies, which soon flourished afterwards. Following on its heels was a study
done at the same institution at which Dr. Rudman had completed his original work, a few short years after
his death. The following information was taken from this study at the Medical College of Wisconsin
between 1994-1996.

Recipients of hGh were given low dose/high frequency dosages. The

information was compiled from 308 randomly selected self-assessment
questionnaires that were completed by 202 patients.

88% reported improvement in Muscle Strength

81% reported improvement in Muscle Size

71% reported improvement in Body Fat Loss

81% reported improvement in Exercise Tolerance

83% reported improvement in Exercise Endurance

71% reported improvement in Skin Texture

68% reported improvement in Skin Thickness

71% reported improvement in Skin Elasticity

51% reported improvement in Wrinkle Disappearance

38% reported improvement in New Hair Growth

55% reported improvement in Healing of Old Injury

53% reported improvement in Back Flexibility

53% reported improvement in Sexual Potency/Frequency

73% reported improvement to Common lllness

62% reported improvement in Duration of Penile Erection

57% reported improvement in Frequency of Nighttime Urination

57% reported improvement in Hot Flashes

84% reported improvement in Energy Level

62% reported improvement in Memory

Findings such as these, which became nearly commonplace,
began causing quite a stir in the medical industry, which
precipitated a huge
demand for human growth hormone. However, interest in becoming injected
with hGH never reached anything approaching criticai mass. Perhaps the
cause for this ever happening lies not only in the method of delivery injection which is troublesome for most.


Although this category includes some unlikely paired elements; they all have
in common the fact that they all encourage the pituitary to release growth
hormone. This category is rather wide because it includes; for instance,
activities the body does to naturally release GH as well as takes in nutrients
which trigger the release of GH. The two nutrient supplements known to
stimulate the production of GH are Secretagogues and Amino Acids.

Funny name: secretagogue (pronounced se ere' ta gog). A secretagogue is
a natural polyamino acid chain that is postulated to cause the pituitary
to release growth hormone. It is the precoursor to hGH. While hGH
causes the body to act as if the pituitary has released growth hormone,
a secretagogue actually causes the release of it. So with a
secretagogue, the bodies own natural processes produce growth
hormones. They do not act as growth hormones at all; they stimulate
the pituitary gland to secrete growth hormone.

Probably more than anything else the inconvenience and unnaturalness of

hGH lead to the discovery of Secretagogues. Simply, for years it was
believed that the pituitary gland, where growth hormone is produced, dries
up as a natural effect of aging. Science, though relatively recently discovered
that in fact plenty of growth hormone resides in the pituitary but that it merely
stops secreting as age progresses. The trick was to discover an agent, which
could stimulate the pituitary to start secreting hormones again. Scientists

discovered that certain combinations of amino acids spurred the

pituitary gland to release growth hormone. Experimentation led to
perfecting the right combinations. Two different camps, however,
emerged in approaching how to make the most effective secretagogue.
Some believed that secretagogues should be derived from natural
substances and others believed synthetic substances were just as
effective. Synthetic secretagogues are currently unavailable for use
since they are still under in clinical trials.
This is just as well, however, since natural secretagogue is the most
practicai approach since there are no side effects. In comparison with
hGH their potency is low, as is their efficacy. Since these are orally
taken, they can be a first line approach for those who may not want to
be on hGH injections right away.

Amino acids are also known in this field as GH Provocateurs. They provoke
the stimulation of growth hormone. They are the least expensive of the
GHRH Factors. To produce sufficient amounts of GH, one consumes
relatively large doses of amino acids. These particular amino Acids
include Glutamine, Arginine, Lysine and Ornithine.
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body. It is a condiional
amino acid, meaning that the body may not be able to synthesize it
when under stress. It causes GH secretion as well. Traditionally it has
been used in helping strengthen the immune system. Normal anti-aging
intake is 50mg to 1gm for 2 times a day. Glutamine is a neurotransmitter
in the brain. It is essential for proper brain function or it help to remove
ammonia from the brain and lung. It is vital for maintaining proper immune
function, kidneys, pancreas, bladder and liver.
In a higher quantity, it becomes one of our body's most powerful antioxidant.
Many people, especially those in weight training, add this amino acid to
common protein drink due to its benefit in muscle metabolism effect. In such
case, supplementation of 2-3gm/day is quite common. For those who plan
to take extra Glutamine, it is best if the dosage divide the doses
through out the day, can be up to 4 servings/day. Over
supplementation of glutamine will contribute to ammonia load. Free
form of L-Glutamine is known to produce a strong anticatabolic effect by
athletes, which neutralizes the cortisol that accompanies the strenuous
Other ingredient that potentate Glutamine action include:
A. Glysine - help to induce the cell-volumizing effect.
B. Alanine - help preserve muscle glutamine concentrations by
converting it to blood glucose during calorie restriction.

C. AKG (2-4 gram / day is common use for body builders). This is a
direct precursor to the synthesis of glutamine in the body
Anti aging benefit of glutamine are many, including -

A. Improve Immune function thus prevent infection (infection can

cause cellular damage/ increase stress/ aging process), thus
slowing aging process.
B. Help overcome daily stress thus prevent oxidative damage, (oxidative
damage causes cellular damage).
C. Prevent catabolic effect from cortisol thus prevent acceleration of aging
D. It causes extra Growth- Hormone release; 2 gram of glutamine was
shown to cause a fourth fold increase in Growth Hormone level. Thus
help to slow the aging process.
E. Improve the kidney function thus improve our detoxification system.
Lysine - is an essential amino acid which affects bone formation, height, and
genital function. It boosts the effects also of arginine. Dosage is 1 gram on an
empty stomach one hour before bedtime and before exercise.
Ornithine - is a nonessential amino acid. It is used to synergies and potentate
the effect of Arginine. Dosage is one gram at bedtime. More than 2-5 grams
have been know to cause diarrhea.
synergengistic effect to boost on body's secretion of GH. This knowledge
constitutes a major contribution to anti-aging medicine. Hormones other than
growth hormones decline with age as well. It is thus necessary to replace them
to ensure one's youth and health. Replacing these other hormones, for one,
makes work better (regardless of whether we're talking injectibles,
scretagogues or provocateurs). Secondly, different hormones do different
things in our body. Thirdly, raising the levels of other hormones will decrease
the amount of hGH needed. Some of these hormones are estrogen,
progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and Melotonin.
Progesterone - functions in many capacities. It is often taken to counter the
effects of estrogen, normally used by women during postmenopausal. It also

goes by the prescription . Natural progesterone is available as well and is

known to have far fewer side effects. Progesterone has many functions. First, it
is both a precursors to other adrenal hormones and a GH stimulant as well. It
likewise promotes
lipolysis (breakdown of fat) and protects against endometrial cancer. It is
known to eliminate the risk of endometrial cancer when given with estrogen
for 10 or more days per cycle. Lastly, progesterone normalizes levels of
blood sugar, zinc and copper.
Testosterone is a male sex hormone and the most potent stimulant of GH. It
decreases with age, starting in mid 40's. Only 40% of men's youthful level of
testosterone still exist at age 80. Studies have shown that the loss of it
accounts for the "pot belly" and loss of muscle mass in middle aged men.
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is as powerful an anti-aging effect
as estrogen or progesterone replacement in women. Many benefits are
associated with taking testosterone such as renewed strength, improved
balance, raised blood cell count, increased libido, lowered LDL and
cholesterol. It also stems the loss of bone mass in men. However, TRT is not
without side effects. These are known to be: higher levels of PSA (prostrate
specific Antigen) and a rise in hematocrit. It is advisable to do the PSA test
every 6 months and a 3 hear ultrasound to check for any abnormalities when
taking testosterone. Total hormone replacement including melotonin and
DHEA may actually have immune rejuvenating and cancer surveillance
properties that protect against prostrate cancer. Testosterone can be given
as intra- muscular injection, suppositories, a patch to the scrotum, as
oral micronized capsules, or sublingual lozenges.
Estrogen represents an entire family of female related hormones. For one it
reduces heart diseases and controls LDL cholesterol. It is often used to
prevent hot flashes and mood swings associated with menopause. Other
benefits include: the preventing of heart disease and rapid decline of bone
density after menopause, the improvement of body composition, protecting
against Alzheimer and stimulating GH.
DHEA is the most abundant of all steroids and is released from the adrenal
glands. Cholesterol actually makes DHEA and is told to do so when the
pituitary releases ACTH, which in turns signals the cholesterol. DHEA is
involved in the manufacturing of testosterone, estrogen, progesterone and
coritcosteroids. The decline of DHEA parallels that of growth hormone. By
age 65, the body makes only 10-20% of DHEA that was made at age 20. 11
has been shown in animal studies to act as an agent of anti-obesity, anticancer, anti-autoimmune disease, anti-stress, anti-infectious disease. In
other words, it is an all around anti-aging drug.

It may also boost the function of the brain as the brain tissue contains 6
times more DHEA than any other tissue in the body. As far as anti aging is
concern, effects may come about by increasing IGF-1 levels. Furthermore,
DHEA is an inexpensive alternative to GH. Dosage range is between 2550mg per day. DHEA levels should be measured intermittently and a
resting cycle should periodically be observed.
Melotonin is a hormone with powerful antioxidant properties. It is reportedly
an immune booster, cancer fighter, heart helper mood elevator, and natural
sleeping agent. The organ, which secretes melotonin, is the pineal gland, the
timekeeper of the brain and that that controls our circadian rhythms. Dosage
varies from person to person. Low dosages of .3mg to I mg. can reduce the
time to fall asleep as well as increase the quality of sleep. Some people
require as much as 60mg to before it begins working. Normal
recommended starting dosage is 0.5mg. to I mg. before bedtime. If you
decide to increase the dosage do so up to 5-1 Omg per day as needed.
This is contraindicated in: pregnant or nursing mother, children,
women trying to conceive, people who are on prescription steroids or
who have mental illness, severe allergies, or immune system cancers
such as lymphoma.
With IGT-1, science is attempting to manipulate IGF-1 levels, which would
then produce the responses needed to affect age reversal. At this particular
time, work done in the field on IGF-1 is so new there is not much to report. It
will be years before clinical trials are completed. Another problem to be
solved before it is approved however is how the FDA will classify it since it is
neither a pharmaceutical nor a supplement. With such questions yet to be
resolved one may wonder where is the science of growth hormone is
headed. Ideally, it looks as if science will soon discover a small, cheap, safe
pili that a person could take every day to raise hGH levels - a kind of antiaging aspirin. This would be the ultimate secretagogue. Extensive clinical
trials are already underway.


A good supplementation program, precision anti-aging exercise
program, a healthy diet, and the right mental health are vital because
they work synergistically with hGH to promote hGH secretion. For
instance, as far as exercise and growth hormone secretion are concerned,
athletes who train heavily are known to maintain youthful levels of hGH right
into their 70's. There is not coincidence that all major studies of exercise
show that the results, compared to hGH therapy, are similar. This includes
increase bone density, increase muscle mass, reduction of cholesterol, blood
pressure, and triglycerides, decrease in body fat, increased life expectancy.

Exercise and diet both promote the control of insulin. Not surprisingly, hGH
dosage is decreased with vigorous exercise. In addition, hGH can be
enhanced with supplements such as Chromium Piccolinate which
lowers circulating insulin and blood sugar. Finally, a Multi-hormonal
Replacement enhancement such as estrogen, progesterone, DHEA,
testosterone, and melotonin can give an added boost to the secretion of
hGH. With regards to hGH Diet enhancement, it is recommend that 5060% of food in-take should consist of the carbohydrates found in fruits
and vegetables. It is highly recommended that one takes complex
carbohydrates, such as fruits and vegetables, as compared to rice and
potato. Complex carbohydrates break down slowly, and therefore
restrict abrupt insulin rise in blood. Protein should account for 20-30%
and fat 10-20% of the remainder of food consumption. These
percentages of food intake represent the necessary amounts to cause
hGH to be released. Permit us a word on hGH production and exercise.
Current studies are not conclusive as of yet. Test results with athletes whose
iniial IGF-1 were near optimal contribute to our conclusion that hGH will not
be over- stimulated in people who have close to optimal hGH levels. It is
nonetheless, it is most prudent to check IGF-1 levels every 6 months. IGF-1
levels which are below normal and have been restored to normal levels, it is
advisable to back off any rigorous pace set to increase these level.

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