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3 Human Rights
Human rights are relevant to the economic, social and environmental aspects of corporate
activity. For example, labor rights requiring companies to pay fair wages affect
the economic aspect. Human rights such as the right to non-discrimination are relevant to
the social aspect. And the environmental aspects of corporate activity might affect a range
of human rights, such as the right to clean drinking water.
So, while the primary responsibility for the enforcement of international human rights
standards lies with national governments, there is a growing acceptance that corporations
also have an important role to play.
Corporations impact on human rights in significant ways. These impacts have increased
over recent decades as the economic might and political influence of corporations has
grown, and as corporations has become more involved in delivering services previously
provided by governments.
Corporations have come to recognize that part of being a good corporate citizen includes
respecting the human rights of those who come into contact with the corporation in some
way. This might be direct contact (for example, employees or customers), or indirect
contact (for example, workers of suppliers, or people living in areas affected by a
corporations activities).
Corporations are also responding to the fact that many consumers and investors expect
corporations to act in a socially responsible manner. The extent to which a company
implements a comprehensive CSR program can influence consumer and investor
In broad term human rights may be as:

The right to liberty and security of the person.

The right to an adequate standard of living (including adequate food, water,
shelter and clothing), the right to education, the right to health, and other
economic, social and cultural rights.

The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

The right to freedom of expression.

The rights of Indigenous peoples.

In organizational view human rights to an employee means the following:

Healthy and safe working conditions providing a healthy and safe working
environment in accordance with applicable laws and regulations;

Wages and working hours complying with local legislation on minimum wages,
working hours and employee benefits;

Freedom of association allowing workers to associate with lawful and peaceful

workers associations;

No discrimination not subjecting people to discrimination based on factors

including ethnicity, age, religion and sexual orientation, amongst others;

No child labor not employing people under the age of 15 or younger than the
age for completing compulsory education;

No forced employment not using forced labor and not using employment where
terms are not voluntary;

No disciplinary treatment not subjecting people to harassment, violence or


Responsible environmental management fully complying with local legislation,

industry regulations and endeavoring to comply with the Environmental Code of
5.3.4 Environmental Regulations
5.3.5 Corruption

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