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Your science enthusiastically seeks to unravel the genetic codes of

life without understanding where and how this magnificent order
arose. Your heritage is from the stars. --Barbara Marciniak, Path of
Empowerment: Pleiadian Wisdom for a World in Chaos
The individual expressions of each planet is influenced in three major
1. The zodiac sign in which it is located.
2. The house in which it is located.
3. The aspects in which it is involved.
SUN represents your Soul, or inner character, your individuality in
relationship to the Divine Plan. Its aspects reveal strong character traits and
chief ambitions.
MOON represents your personality, or outer character, subconscious and
instinctual patterns (stemming from prior lifetimes), your emotional qualities
and needs. The MOON represents the sum total of your past lives.
MERCURY represents your intellect, or reasoning mindthe link between
Spirit and Form, your communication skills. MERCURY is the Messenger of
the Gods. Its closest aspect is very important.
VENUS represents your love nature. Venus is the planet of harmony,
beauty, refinement, cooperation, appreciation of the arts, and unity. Its basic
personality purpose is to assist you in developing an awareness of others.
MARS represents your desire nature. MARS grants you the desire to take
action, to accomplish and progress in the external world. MARS is the planet
of warwith self and othersyour personal battle of Armageddon for selfmastery.
JUPTIER represents your Higher Mind or Intuition, your conscience and
spiritual interests. JUPITER is the great Benefic. The only negative influence
it can have is to give the tendency to exaggerate or take on too much.
JUPITERs basic personality function is to stimulate an interest in your
spiritual growth.


SATURN is the Tester, the Disciplinarian, the Teacher, the Dweller on the
Threshold of Higher Consciousness. (The biblical book of JOB is the story of
Saturn leading Job into higher consciousnessI had heard of you by the
hearing of my ear, but now my eye sees you.) SATURNs goal for you is
perfection. SATURN assists you in bearing and transmuting your negative
karma and enables you, through its discipline, to attain the level of perfection
that will allow you to continue your Souls journey across the Rainbow Bridge
onto higher planes of consciousness. SATURN works with you to create an
Ascended Master.
The zodiac sign in which your SATURN is located indicates the age in
which you lived a series of lifetimes that are heavily influencing this
incarnation. (See the PRECESSION OF THE AGES following the listing of the
Because they move so slowly, the Outer Planets house
locations and aspects are more important than the zodiac sign in
which they are located.
URANUS is the Awakener. URANUS influences grow increasingly positive
as you learn the lessons of SATURN. URANUS is the planet of sudden,
unexpected changes that compel you to get out of your ruts, to move beyond
the status quo. Conjunctions and oppositions to URANUS are very
important. URANUS can indicate genius capacity in certain areas.
NEPTUNE is the Dissolver. It dissolves old habit patterns in order to create
new, more spiritually oriented life patterns. NEPTUNE relates to altered
states of consciousness. It rules the astral plane and is highly emotional
on the personality level. Lifted to the soul level, NEPTUNE is the planet of
mysticism, highly intuitive and artistic. A strong NEPTUNE in your natal chart
can indicate deep sensitivity and a dislike of our societys coarse, hard
nature. NEPTUNE, on the soul level, grants an attunement to and contact
with higher realms and beings. It is essential to lift NEPTUNE to the
soul level; otherwise, NEPTUNE will influence you toward illusions,
addictions, and confusion. It is my personal opinion that most, if not all,
persons behaving in an addictive fashion are stifling creative urges.

PLUTO is the Transformer. It breaks down structures in order to renew,

reveal, arouse to more constructive action, and to bring about a higher level
of consciousness. PLUTO is very intense. It rules death of all kindsdeath to
the old and resurrection to the new. Its disruptions can be subtle, sudden,
and powerful. PLUTOs influence can be difficult until you conquer
your ego and lift your consciousness to the soul level. Its work is to
transform you into your true Self.
The Universe is assisting you
in your
Ascension Process.
According to Myrna Lofthus
A Spiritual Approach to Astrology
Stellar and planetary positions in the heavens play a definitive role
in establishing a structure and purpose by transmitting energetic
influences that outline, and to some extent, define the potential and
probable directions of the times in which you live. --Barbara
Marciniak, Path of Empowerment: Pleiadian Wisdom for a World in Chaos
4220 A.D. to 6380 A.D. Age of Baha-Ulla (Bahi) Capricorn
Sub-Age Cancer
Idea of brotherhood structured into state, the law, and social form of
man itself.
2060 A.D. to 4220 A.D. Age of Aquarius
Sub-Age Leo
Carrying ideal of brotherhood of man to group intelligence and then
acting upon this principle through self-expression in Leo.
980 A.D. to 2060 A.D. Sub-Age Virgo Crusades to present period.
Forming ideas and principles around the brotherhood of man.
100 A.D. to 980 A.D. Age of Pisces Dawn of New Man Christ
the prophet: Have faith in what you see in me and that it can come to life in
you also. Compassion for othersbrotherhood of man principle.
1180 B.C. to 100 B.C. Sub-Age Libra Athens, Rome in its move
around the world. India in its dying classical days. Appreciation of worlds
beauties created by others.
2260 B.C. to 1180 B.C. Age of Aries Moses and the sacrificial
lamb. Proclamation of laws for the sake of self-preservation of the tribe.

3340 B.C. to 2260 B.C. Sub-Age Scorpio Sphinx, Egypt, Babylonlife

surrounds the temples which are the schools. Underground gods, sacrificial
4420 B.C. to 3340 B.C. Age of Taurus Egyptian, Oriental, Near
Eastern, Babylonian, Central & South American. Worship of the Bull. Back to
land to make it productive. Use of oxen. Practical sacrifices. Long, slow
5500 B.C. to 4420 B.C. Sub-Age Sagittarius Wandererstraveling in
tribes because of a disaster. Looking for ideal place and adventures.
6580 B.C. to 5500 B.C. Age of Gemini Mediterranean-like world
lots of travel, talk, socializing. Twin-conceptsphilosophy of Ying and Yang
the twin life forces of opposite polarity.
7660 B.C. to 6580 B.C. Sub-Age Capricorn Aftermath of Atlantis
sinkingpowerful men, but they were not pertinent to what was needed.
Stoicism, but uncaring of what happensbodies without spirit.
8740 B.C. to 7660 B.C. Age of Cancer Final days of Atlantis.
Experimenting on othersphysically, mentally, and emotionally. Turmoil and
troublewater everywhere where not expected.
9820 B.C. to 8740 B.C. Sub-Age Aquarius Science is a religion.
Mental, diffusive ideas applied in electronics, magnetism, and wave theory.
Spreading knowledgeconferences. Travel by air, undersea laboratories.
10,900 B.C. to 9820 B.C. Age of Leo Golden Age of triumph.
Living in grandeur but frustrated. Magnificent cities. Felt power was in them
rather than coming to them and then out through them to others. Pinnacle of
SUGGESTION: While you are reading the PRECESSION OF AGES, write down
the following:
1. The zodiac sign in which your SATURN is in then find the Age
matching the sign. For example: Saturn in Aries = Age of Aries.
The Age indicated by the sign placement of your SATURN
indicates the age in which you lived a series of lifetimes that are
heavily influencing this incarnation.
2. The zodiac sign in which your PLUTO RETROGRADE is located. (If
your PLUTO is retrograde, it will have an
at the end of PLUTOs sign
The Age indicated by the sign placement of your PLUTO
RETROGRADE indicates a karmic debt stemming from lifetimes lived

during that Agea debt that you brought into this incarnation to
You might like to investigate the particular Ages in which your Soul
lived. The likelihood that you will feel attunement to that age is strong
because you have soul memories (conscious or subconscious) of having lived
during it.
REMEMBER: It is your Soul that is eternal and that has lived many
different lifetimes. The personality you have this incarnation is temporary
you took it on for this incarnation only. Most of us took on a veil of
forgetfulness of past lives when we entered this incarnation so that we could
focus on the goals of this lifetime.
The location of planets in the houses of your Natal Chart indicates
where you will do your major work. Empty houses mean there is no real
problem; the affairs of that house will flow easily. There are two
exceptions to this:
1. The Locomotive Chart Type If you are a Locomotive Type,
you will feel a vacuum pulling at you to be filled in the areas indicated by
your empty houses.
2. Intercepted Signs within an otherwise empty house indicate
that the sign energies without a house cusp (meaning no house through
which to express its energies) will tend to express in accordance with its
negative characteristics.
For example: A 1st house containing no planets, but having
an intercepted sign in it will mean that expressing Who You Are in a positive
fashion will involve frustrations until you have transformed the intercepted
energys negative characteristics into their positive expression.
SUN The Suns presence will highlight this house. The house affairs are
illuminated so that you will see the need to fulfill your potential in the
areas of life found here.
MOON Here, you have failed to exhibit enough emotional involvement in
previous lives. As a result, you will tend to be overly emotional in reference
to this house affairs. The goal is to balance your emotional approach to
this house.

MERCURY The mind is very activeanalyzing , evaluating, discarding,

and communicating what is learned in regards to the affairs of this house.
VENUS This house affairs are important in resolving karmic obligations.
House affairs need to be worked on and your values reoriented. Venus
blesses the house in which it is located through its beneficial
MARS Much of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual activity will
take place in this house affairs. MARS stimulates you to expand your
individuality in the affairs of this house.
JUPITER Here, there is a need and an opportunity for expansion where you
will find fulfillment. JUPITER blesses the house in which it is located
with its positive, expansive vibrations.
SATURN This house affairs will be your arena for testing and setbacks,
where you need to re-examine your motives. SATURNs presence indicates
your approach to the house affairs has been incorrect in prior lifetimes.
SATURN is your loving father who cares enough about your spiritual progress
to require that you learn self-discipline. SATURN is the Dweller on the
Threshold to Higher Consciousness. SATURN makes sure you are ready
to cross the Rainbow Bridge. It is the last of the personal planets.

Rainbow Bridge from 3rd dimension to your I AM PRESENCE (EC Prophet)

The influence of the outer planets increases as you grow
spirituallyas you begin your journey across the Rainbow Bridge into
Higher Consciousness and attunement with your Soul/Higher Self and your I
URANUS With this house affairs, you will experience changes, sudden
upsets, and reversals. Here, you are forced to utilize your talents and

skills in order to survive URANUS earthquakes OR you will allow yourself

to be devastated. If you choose devastation, then the need is to rebuild your
life on a much firmer foundation of psychological/spiritual maturity. You are
learning to formulate and stand tall on your own inner foundation.
NEPTUNE Within this house affairs, you will experience difficulties; you
can be deluded. There is a deep sense of obligation to the house affairs.
NEPTUNE, on the personality level, rules the astral plane of illusions. On the
soul-centered level, NEPTUNE is the most mystical, beneficial of
planets. Difficulties, such as escaping into substance abuse or misusing
your psychic powers, occur as you focus on the personality level of this house
affairs. The goal is to lift your consciousness from the level of selfinterest to humanitarian interest. This house affairs is the area in which you
have taken in prior lifetimes; now, you are to give. Difficulties may
express on very subtle levels, unseen by those around you. NEPTUNEs
goal is to dissolve clarity of thinkingto confuse you, in order to
dissolve egotism and outdated life patterns. It forces you to seek
Truth within yourself. Using NEPTUNEs positive qualities in this house
affairs will offer you unusual blessings. Resistance to NEPTUNEs efforts is
what causes you pain and suffering. NEPTUNE leads you into: 1) Divine
Love, 2) compassion, and 3) self-sacrifice that is a source of joy to you.
PLUTO This house is where transformative changes are taking place.
These changes can be difficult because they require you to make a sacrifice
so something better may take place. PLUTO rules the underworld or our
unconscious being. In this house affairs, you will be required to descend into
your unconscious being, your shadow side, in order to ascend into the Light.
There must be an elevation of your desire nature (physical, emotional,
mental, and spiritual) from the personality level to the desire for inner
illumination and spiritual enlightenment. You are to use the upheavals
caused by PLUTO to attune with your own inner wisdom.
REMINDER: Much suffering can be avoided by consciously embarking on
intentional holistic growth and spiritual maturity.
EARTH the symbol of Earth is the Cardinal Cross within a circle (Look for
this symbol in the diagram below). EARTH will always be located exactly
opposite your SUN in your Natal Chart. For example: If Sun is located
on 3 Aquarius, the Earth will be on 3 Leo.
The house in which EARTH is located reveals the physical
location of your spiritual Path.
For example: If your Sun is on 3 Aquarius in the 5th house, your
Earth will be on 3 Leo in the 11th house. NOTE: the meaning of the 11th
house. Your spiritual Path will the Path you tread as you offer your talents to

the world-at-large, as you work to fulfill your vision of a better world for the
whole of humanity.


esoteric astrology reveals the longings of your Soul for this incarnation.
There is no end to the insights you can gain. Meditate on your Natal Chart
meditate on each of the zodiac energies meditate with each of the
planets. Your Book of Life will unfold before your eyes.
ALWAYS REMEMBER: Your Souls goal is to complete and transcend
the Map of your Soul for this incarnation. It is never to defeat with the
challenges your Soul took on or to hold you a prisoner of destiny. Your Soul
chose to incarnate with the configurations found in your Natal Chart. It is
these configurations that will lead you into higher consciousness. YOU
NOTE: Spiritual growth must be holistic growth. There are many
paths to Higher Consciousness, but YOU, AS A WHOLE PERSON,


When a planet is retrograde, its energies are turned inward

and becomes more subjective. The energy is slower manifesting in the
external world, partly because the individual with retrograde planets tends to
think more deeply about the energies involved. Many geniuses and leaders
have retrograde planets.
According to Martin Schulman, in his Karmic Astrology: Retrogrades &
Reincarnation, Vol. II, retrograde planets tend to break the time barrier. The
individual brings memories of prior lifetimes into the present incarnation.
There may be feelings of a blending of lifetimes characterized by
the person attempting to resolve issues that still appear to be
unfinished. The memories can be so vivid that the person does not
recognize them as memories. In Schulmans words: He is living in a
dulled phase of another time zone whose irresistible magnetism seems even
more important than his current life. The individual keeps re-living the
experiences that relate to the particular retrograde planet.
Retrogrades operate through multiple dimensions at the same time.
Thus, the person may be either behind or ahead of himself in this life while
still another part of self is not yet in this life at all. In addition to this lack of
synchronization with chronological time, which in itself would be enough to
upset most individuals, he also experiences on still another plane, a rather
unique orientation in space. (Schulman)
Schulmans definition of a Retrograde individual refers to having
either: 1) 3 or more retrogrades in the natal chart, 2) any one of the personal
planets Retrograde, or 3) even one single Retrograde planet near the
Ascendant or Midheaven (the 10th house cusp is called the Midheaven).
Again quoting Schulman: The Retrograde planet, with its powerful
karmic lessons being brought forward in this life tends to emphasize the
matter or form side of life, throwing man into the more primitive parts of
himself where his struggle for survival amidst the conditions and people
around him becomes predominant over the fulfillment of his Soul. This
becomes even more heightened in the case of the inner [personal]
Retrogrades (Mercury, Venus, & Mars) through which man deals with the very
same intimate, personal, and private parts of himself which he has been
struggling with since his beginning in time.
It is comforting and encouraging to know that soul and spirit
are above the laws of karma and all difficulties can be resolved.

Much spiritual growth can take place through the overcoming of the
difficulties involved with Retrograde planets.
ASSIGNMENT: Go over your Natal Chart to determine whether or not you
have planets that are retrograde. We are talking of planets only here; there
are other factors that can express in a retrograde manner as well. List your
retrograde planets. Do you meet the requirements for being a
Retrograde individual? See Schulmans definition above. The planets that
are Retrograde will have the retrograde sign included in the degree/sign
indication. Confused? Refer to the Sample Chart Venus is Retrograde in
the 2nd house.
The SUN and MOON do not go retrograde.
MERCURY RETROGRADE turns the mind inward, giving a tendency to
repeatedly go back over prior events and lessons. The thought process is
based in the subconscious rather than the conscious mind. This means the
learning process is more Right Brain than Left Brain; you absorb the
essence rather than the details. For this reason, you are likely to score lower
on standardized and/or facts-oriented tests than those students not having
to be made to feel and told that he/she is less intelligent than he/she really
is. This childs learning process is different, not less intelligent.
The MERCURY RETROGRADE individual is capable of tapping into the
collective unconscious and of perceiving knowledge from prior times. This
process is unconscious. Because you know more than you can consciously
communicate, frustration may set in. You may become preoccupied with the
form of your ideas, creating barriers to the essence of your knowledge.
Creative outlets that require non-verbal communication, such
as music and painting, are an excellent means of expression for
MERCURY RETROGRADE. Many of our musical geniuses have MERCURY
RETROGRADE. History is also a natural outlet.
MERCURY RETROGRADE KARMA: Relationships with a tendency
to react to others as if they symbolize persons from the past.
VENUS RETROGRADE indicates difficulty in expressing freely your love
and affection for others. You may feel that you lack emotional fulfillment and
tend to interpret lifes events through the lens of how much am I loved or
deprived of love? Emotionally based relationships can be difficult because
you tend to internalize and thereby exaggerate hurts.

VENUS RETROGRADE KARMA: Relationships reveals that your

soul carries memories of past life painful relationships and a great
misunderstanding about the nature of love. The prior life intense emotional
pain may result in a present tendency to cut yourself off from fully
experiencing the richness of loveout of fear of being hurt once more. You
will tend to react to the present as if it is the past, thereby pre-programming
your present love relationships. You tend to block yourself from happiness by
trying too hard to achieve it.
PARENTS: Encourage your VENUS RETROGRADE child to engage in
all activities that add beauty, art, and love to his/her daily life. VENUS is the
planet of beauty; teach your child to think and create in terms that focus on
enhancing lifes situations. Loving an animal may be helpful; just make sure
the child is also learning to love people freely and within the present context.
MARS RETROGRADE shifts the outward thrust of energy characteristic of
MARS and directs it inward. You will tend to expend a lot of energy reliving
internally your past experiences. Because you are constantly to the past, you
may inflict past life roles upon the persons in your present lifes
environment. There is a strong tendency to place priority upon
fulfilling your spiritual desires, resulting in neglect of the physical
bodys needs. An intentional focus on holistic growth is needed.
Sexual experiences can be less fulfilling because your energy is turned
inward. However, sex that is deeply rooted in love between two partners and
that strives for a mutual spiritual orgasm can be a much more natural
expression for MARS RETROGRADE.
MARS RETROGRADE KARMA indicates your actions tend to be
an effort to recreate situations from your prior lifetimes. You may
expend energy in attempting to find people in the present who can symbolize
those who fulfilled you in the past. You may try to act out all that you could
not express in prior lifetimes. You may over-react when your efforts fail to
produce your desired results. This over-reaction can result in coming on
too strongly, only to have people pull back.
PARENTS: Assist your MARS RETROGRADE child to form a daily
routine of plenty of sleep, a nutritious diet, lots of outdoor exercise. Since
MARS RETROGRADE tends to be more interested in spiritual desires, help
the child to understand the physical body is the Temple of God
and must be cared for accordingly.
With both VENUS & MARS RETROGRADE children, parents can be
helpful by discussing with the child the difference between past life memories
and present experiences. Help your child to discern when he/she is overreacting.
WARNING, PARENTS: If you choose to assist your Venus
Retrograde or your Mars Retrograde child to discern past life memories from
present experiences, DO NOT DENY PAST LIVES. To do so would simply

create more confusion. Instead, recognize the past life memories as real,
then guide your child in discerning whether or not the events he/she
remembers happened in the present environment.
PARENTS: I know this is hard to understand if you have not
experienced it, so let me give an example from my life. Although my Venus
or Mars are not retrograde, I have memories of having lived in Egypt for
several lifetimes. When I entered my private counseling practice, I barely
managed to hold things together financially. This went on for years. Finally,
one day I was sitting at my computer and I heard myself think, If I had
plenty of money, I would not complete my souls mission for this
incarnation. Shocked, I realized that I had been telling myself that for
years. I asked in meditation to understand this thought pattern and was
shown a lifetime in which I had been very wealthy. Instead of using my
talents in that past life, I used my money to play. It wasin Soul termsa
lifetime in which I did not complete my souls purpose. Completing my souls
purpose and mission for this incarnation has been uppermost in my mind
since a small child. I realized that, heretofore, I had not experienced financial
abundance in this incarnation because that past life memory remained in my
semi-conscious awareness. As a result of separating past life experiences
from those of this incarnation, my needs are abundantly met as I continue to
fulfill my mission for this lifetime.
Rules the Eternal Self, the Planet of Wisdom
Jupiter is a source of enthusiasm, optimism, and the urge to seize the
opportunities offered to you in life.
JUPITER RETROGRADE turns its energy of expansion inward, so that much
inner growth takes place, often through spiritually oriented studies. JUPITER
RETROGRADE tends to procrastinate and to plan, then re-plan, to the point
of failing to get anywhere with the thoroughly planned project. JUPITER
RETROGRADE offers the opportunity for a highly spiritual
incarnation. You must seek your own Truth; for, the mundane and
status quo is likely to leave you feeling discontent. You are a free-spirit and
cannot follow happily in the footsteps of others. Great wisdom and prophetic
ability can be present, especially as you attain spiritual maturity. JUPITER
RETROGRADE can bring many dj-vu experiences; you can feel at home
anywhere on the planet.
PARENTS, your JUPITER RETROGRADE child will likely find little
value or meaning in much that our society regards as cherished traditions.
Your child incarnated to live out the richness in life, both outwardly and
inwardly. Too strict an environment can result in inner restlessness and
discontent that the child may be unable to verbalize or define. Know that
your child needs to explore a variety of places, activities, philosophies, and to

determine for self the lasting significance of each. Enjoy the versatility and
unique insights that your JUPITER RETROGRADE child can offer you.
The planet of self-discipline, SATURNs goal for you is perfection.
SATURN helps us bear our karma and successfully pass our tests. Until we
willingly accept self-discipline, we experience SATURN as feelings of
limitation, deprivation, delay, and disappointment. SATURNs true
desire is to grant us wisdom and compassion.
SATURN RETROGRADE is your signal that you are re-doing a lifetime.
This incarnation is your 2nd chance; thus, you will feel the burden of dealing
with two lifetimes at once. You can, therefore, experience inner doubts about
your self-worth and your ability to overcome difficulties. The good news is
that your soul knows you have achieved the spiritual maturity required to redo successfully a lifetime. You have in prior lifetimes advanced through great
personal struggles and sacrifices. Now, as you learn to flow with SATURNs
discipline, you will be rewarded with enormous wisdom. SATURN is
comfortable in RETROGRADE motion, and as you flow with it, you develop the
capacity to tap into all of your past life wisdom and talents. SATURN
RETROGRADE is a sign of an old Soul who has advanced far on the
spiritual path. Now, you have incarnated to perfect what you have
PARENTS: your SATURN RETROGRADE child is likely to possess a
serious nature and to feel overly responsible. You can assist your child by
incorporating regular periods of play into the daily schedule. You might need
to reassure this child that until he/she grows into adulthood, you will be the
parent while he/she enjoys being the child. Self-discipline learned through
play can be effective. Competitive sports may overload the child with the
need to be responsible and do well for his/her team. Individual sports, such
as swimming, track, and tennis may be more helpful. Observe your child and
follow your intuitive guidance. Sculpture, sewing, and woodworking can be
playful ways to satisfy the SATURN need to build structures.
SATURN RETROGRADE KARMA the re-doing of a lifetime, with
the extra weight that entails. SATURN RETROGRADE will be serious about
getting it right this time.
URANUS RETROGRADE creates difficulty in being aware of and expressing
your inner individuality. There can be a rediscovery of ideas from previous
lifetimes. URANUS RETROGRADE gives you a compelling sense of
responsibility toward personal growth because you sense that human

progress as a whole is enhanced as well. You are a forerunner of the

future, very tapped into the richness of life. You must be original; you
must explore the new; you must share your ideas with others. You are a free
spirit and cannot be bound by seeking to have others understand what you
are about. Your path may be long and crooked, but you can know extreme
happiness while traveling it.
URANUS RETROGRADE KARMA relates to karmic family and
societal difficulties. In your efforts to both relate to others and to reform,
your unconscious mind can be transformed. URANUS RETROGRADE can play
havoc with relationships because of your changeability, which can make you
appear hypocritical. Your mental and emotional bodies may struggle with
each other, as you know you need to do one thing while feeling that you
need to do another. URANUS RETROGRADE would have you lift your
consciousness above the emotional/mental bodies and focus on the intuitive
PARENTS appreciate your free spirited child. Encourage his/her
originality and inventiveness. Do not try to possess this child; URANUS
RETROGRADE is his/her own unique self and will rebel against all attempts to
chain him/her.
NEPTUNE RETROGRADE gives the desire to unveil mysteries and to
expose religious shams. You will have an intuitive awareness of your
subconscious mind, but may have difficulty making conscious attunement.
NEPTUNE RETROGRADE attunes much easier to the
subconscious/unconscious when the focus is diverted by the use of a tool,
such as astrology, or while the conscious mind is occupied with the task at
hand. It is, therefore, important to listen to and heed insights that
appear to come to you from out of the blue.
NEPTUNE RETROGRADE indicates the urge to view the material
world in terms of its significance to the Soul and its growth. Thus, NEPTUNE
RETROGRADE offers you the opportunity to achieve a very advanced stage of
spiritual evolution during this incarnation. NEPTUNE RETROGRADE requires
that you live in the material world while remaining separate from it. To
others, you will seem to lack the common sense that motivates the
behavior of others. Instead, you vibrate to a higher music,
possessing a direct attunement with your Soul. You are much more in
touch with the cosmos than the material world and know far more than you
can express in words.
NEPTUNE RETROGRADE KARMA You are living through a karma of
learning how to distinguish between the dreams that will bring true
fulfillment and those that simply appear to do so. This learning process can
mean that you attempt living one dream after the other. Because NEPTUNE
RETROGRADE, functioning on the personality-centered level, can be

confusing, you may tend not to trust your intuitioneven though you are
highly intuitive.
PARENTS your NEPTUNE RETROGRADE child may appear
impractical in comparison to societys status quo. You may be tempted to
stifle your childs dreams or to dismiss them as off the wall. Know that
your child lives in two worlds simultaneously. Simply be supportive and
allow his/her uniqueness to manifest. This child will enjoy serving others,
even at a young age. Artistic and musical activities are satisfying.
PLUTO RETROGRADE turns its transformative energy even more
deeply into the superconsciousness, bringing about an inner
illumination long before you are able to give it expression in the
outer world. PLUTO RETROGRADE indicates a carry-over of psychic
powers from previous lifetimes. These powers are to be used in
constructive ways only. You will feel the struggle humanity is going through
within yourselfhumanitys struggle is your struggle. You are aware of
and feel responsible for lifting your conscious awareness so that the
consciousness of humanity can be thereby lifted.
PLUTO RETROGRADE KARMA A karmic debt is owned to
humanity stemming from the age indicated by the sign in which
PLUTO is located. This debt is to be paid through selfless service to
humanity. Tremendous spiritual growth is possible; you have the
opportunity to rise above the karma of the human race and step off the
wheel of rebirth. PLUTO RETROGRADE joins NEPTUNE RETROGRADE in asking
that you live in the world, while remaining separate from it.
PARENTS you will need to understand the psychic powers
your child may naturally demonstrate and strive not to stifle them.
Instead, help your child use them for constructive purposes while making no
big deal over them. They are natural for your child; treat your child as you
would any other child.
(PRECESSION OF AGES found in Lesson 4 will reveal the time of the Age
indicated by the sign location of your PLUTO RETROGRADE.)
As you move deeper into your Natal Chart Interpretation, you will find
that some configurations appear to contradict others.
You are a product of your eternal past. You have developed some
aspects of self more so than others. Since energy is permanent, the ways in
which you have qualified that energy remains with you.
As I stated earlier, it is best to focus on those qualities and talents that
are repeatedly mentioned in your Natal Chart. The lesser mentioned ones
are weaker and need not be focused on, unless you sense intuitively that

they represent karmic residual characteristics or issues that have not been
completely transmuted and transformed into the positive expression.
Focusing on developing your positive characteristics and talents
usually allows the negative ones to fall away.

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