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Aznar v Comelec

GR No. 83820, May 25, 1990

On November 19, 1987, private respondent Emilio "Lito" Osmena filed
his certificate of candidacy with the COMELEC for the position of
Provincial Governor of Cebu Province in the January 18, 1988 local
The Cebu PDPLaban Provincial Council (CebuPDP Laban, for short), as
represented by petitioner Jose B. Aznar in his capacity as its incumbent
Provincial Chairman, filed with the COMELEC a petition for the
disqualification of private respondent on the ground that he is allegedly
not a Filipino citizen, being a citizen of the United States of America.
The petitioner also filed a Supplemental Urgent ExParte Motion for
Issuance of a Temporary Restraining Order to temporarily enjoin
Cebu Provincial Board of Canvassers from tabulating/canvassing
votes cast in favor of private respondent and proclaiming him until
final resolution of the main petition.


Thus, on January 28, 1988, the COMELEC en banc resolved to order the
Board to continue canvassing but to suspend the proclamation.
Private respondent, on the other hand, maintained that he is a Filipino
citizen, alleging: that he is the legitimate child of Dr. Emilio D. Osmena,
a Filipino and son of the late President Sergio Osmena, Sr.; that he is a
holder of a valid and subsisting Philippine Passport No. 0855103 issued
on March 25, 1987; that he has been continuously residing in the
Philippines since birth and has not gone out of the country for more
than six months; and that he has been a registered voter in the
Philippines since 1965. (pp. 107108, Rollo)
On March 3, 1988, COMELEC (First Division) directed the Board of
Canvassers to proclaim the winning candidates. Having obtained the
highest number of votes, private respondent was proclaimed the
Provincial Governor of Cebu.

Whether or not Lito Osmena is a Filipino citizen.

The petition is not meritorious.
There are two instances where a petition questioning the qualifications
of a registered candidate to run for the office for which his certificate of
candidacy was filed can be raised under the Omnibus Election Code
(B.P. Blg. 881), to wit:
(1) Before election, pursuant to Section 78 thereof which provides that:
'Section 78. Petition to deny due course or to cancel a certificate of
candidacy. A verified petition seeking to deny due course or to
cancel a certificate of candidacy may be filed by any person
exclusively on the ground that any material representation contained
therein as required under Section 74 hereof is false. The petition may

be filed at any time not later than twentyfive days from the time of the
filing of the certificate of candidacy and shall be decided, after the
notice and hearing, not later than fifteen days before the election.
(2) After election, pursuant to Section 253 thereof, viz:
'Sec. 253. Petition for quo warranto. Any voter contesting the
election of any Member of the Batasang Pambansa, regional,
provincial, or city officer on the ground of ineligibility or of disloyalty to
the Republic of the Philippines shall file a sworn petition for quo
warranto with the Commission within ten days after the proclamation
of the results of the election.
The records show that private respondent filed his certificate of
candidacy on November 19, 1987 and that the petitioner filed its
petition for disqualification of said private respondent on January 22,
1988. Since the petition for disqualification was filed beyond the
twenty fiveday period required in Section 78 of the Omnibus Election
Code, it is clear that said petition was filed out of time.
The petition for the disqualification of private respondent cannot also
be treated as a petition for quo warranto under Section 253 of the
same Code as it is unquestionably premature, considering that private
respondent was proclaimed Provincial Governor of Cebu only on March
3, 1988.
However, We deem it is a matter of public interest to ascertain the
respondent's citizenship and qualification to hold the public office to
which he has been proclaimed elected. There is enough basis for us to
rule directly on the merits of the case, as the COMELEC did below.
In the proceedings before the COMELEC, the petitioner failed to present
direct proof that private respondent had lost his Filipino citizenship by
any of the modes provided for under C.A. No. 63. Among others, these
are: (1) by naturalization in a foreign country; (2) by express
renunciation of citizenship; and (3) by subscribing to an oath of
allegiance to support the Constitution or laws of a foreign country. From
the evidence, it is clear that private respondent Osmena did not lose
his Philippine citizenship by any of the three mentioned hereinabove or
by any other mode of losing Philippine citizenship.
In concluding that private respondent had been naturalized as a citizen
of the United States of America, the petitioner merely relied on the fact
that private respondent was issued alien certificate of registration and
was given clearance and permit to reenter the Philippines by the
Commission on Immigration and Deportation. Petitioner assumed that
because of the foregoing, the respondent is an American and "being an
American", private respondent "must have taken and sworn to the
Oath of Allegiance required by the U.S. Naturalization Laws." (p. 81,
Philippine courts are only allowed to determine who are Filipino citizens
and who are not. Whether or not a person is considered an American
under the laws of the United States does not concern Us here.
By virtue of his being the son of a Filipino father, the presumption that
private respondent is a Filipino remains. It was incumbent upon the
petitioner to prove that private respondent had lost his Philippine
citizenship. As earlier stated, however, the petitioner failed to
positively establish this fact.

In the instant case, private respondent vehemently denies having

taken the oath of allegiance of the United States (p. 81, Rollo). He is a
holder of a valid and subsisting Philippine passport and has
continuously participated in the electoral process in this country since
1963 up to the present, both as a voter and as a candidate (pp. 107108, Rollo). Thus, private respondent remains a Filipino and the loss of
his Philippine citizenship cannot be presumed.
In the learned dissent of Mr. Justice Teodoro Padilla, he stresses the fact
that because Osmena obtained Certificates of Alien Registration as an
American citizen, the first in 1958 when he was 24 years old and the
second in 1979, he, Osmena should be regarded as having expressly
renounced Philippine citizenship. To Our mind, this is a case of non
sequitur (It does not follow). Considering the fact that admittedly
Osmena was both a Filipino and an American, the mere fact that he
has a Certificate stating he is an American does not mean that he is
not still a Filipino. Thus, by way of analogy, if a person who has two
brothers named Jose and Mario states or certifies that he has a brother
named Jose, this does not mean that he does not have a brother
named Mario; or if a person is enrolled as student simultaneously in
two universities, namely University X and University Y, presents a
Certification that he is a student of University X, this does not
necessarily mean that he is not still a student of University Y. In the
case of Osmena, the Certification that he is an American does not
mean that he is not still a Filipino, possessed as he is, of both
nationalities or citizenships. Indeed, there is no express renunciation
here of Philippine citizenship; truth to tell, there is even no implied
renunciation of said citizenship. When We consider that the
renunciation needed to lose Philippine citizenship must be "express", it
stands to reason that there can be no such loss of Philippine
'citizenship when there is no renunciation either "'express" or
Parenthetically, the statement in the 1987 Constitution that "dual
allegiance of citizens is inimical to the national interest and shall be
dealt with by law"(Art. IV, Sec. 5) has no retroactive effect. And while it
is true that even before the 1987 Constitution, Our country had already
frowned upon the concept of dual citizenship or allegiance, the fact is it
actually existed. Be it noted further that under the aforecited proviso,
the effect of such dual citizenship or allegiance shall be dealt with by a
future law. Said law has not yet been enacted.

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