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IPPF Practice Guide

Assessing the
Adequacy of
Risk Management
Using ISO 31000

December 2010

IPPF Practice Guide

Assessing the Adequacy of
Risk Management Using ISO 31000

Table of Contents
Executive Summary...................................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................................. 1
Risk Management in the Organization........................................................ 2
Internal Auditing and Risk Management..................................................... 5
Internal Audit Review of Risk Management................................................ 6
Obtaining Audit Evidence............................................................................. 8
Assurance of the Risk Management Process............................................. 9
Assessing the Quality of
Risk Management Documentation............................................................. 13
Authors ...................................................................................................... 14
Reviewers & Contributors.......................................................................... 14

IPPF Practice Guide

Assessing the Adequacy of
Risk Management Using ISO 31000

Executive Summary
Many organizations are moving to adopt consistent and
holistic approaches to risk management and recognize that
risk management is a management process that should be
fully integrated with the management of the organization.
It applies at all levels of the organization enterprise level,
function level, and business-unit level.
The risk management framework must be designed to suit
the organization: its internal and external environment. For
risk management to be effective, the framework in any organization, regardless of size or purpose, should contain
certain essential elements. This guide details three approaches to assurance of the risk management process: a
Process Elements approach; an approach based on Principles of Risk Management; and a Maturity Model approach.
The assurance process that is used should be tailored to the
organizations needs.
Internal auditors should have a means of measuring the
effectiveness of risk management in an organization. This
can be achieved by the examination of criteria that reflect
aspects of the risk management process. The criteria used
must be relevant, reliable, understandable, and complete.
The aggregate of the observations should allow the auditor to form a conclusion on the organizations level of risk
management maturity.

perform the risk assessment. This guidance does not imply implicit or explicit endorsement of this or any other framework.

Over the last few years, the importance of managing risk
as part of strong corporate governance has been increasingly acknowledged. Organizations are under pressure to
identify the significant business risks they face social,
ethical, and environmental as well as strategic, financial,
and operational and to explain how they manage them.
The use of enterprise-wide risk management frameworks
has expanded as organizations recognize the advantages of
coordinated approaches to risk management.
Risk management is defined in the Glossary of the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) as a process to identify, assess,
manage, and control potential events or situations to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of
the organizations objectives.1 A comprehensive risk management framework provides an end-to-end link between
objectives, strategy, execution of strategy, risks, controls,
and assurance across all levels in the organization.

The quality of an organizations risk management process

should improve with time. Implementing effective risk
management true ERM often takes several years. One
of the key criteria that internal auditors should consider is
whether there is a suitable framework in place to advance
a corporate and systematic approach to risk management.

Enterprise risk management (ERM) or more properly

enterprise-wide risk management is a term in common
use. The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the
Treadway Commission (COSO) defines it as a process,
effected by an entitys board of directors, management
and other personnel, applied in strategy setting and across
the enterprise, designed to identify potential events that
may affect the entity, and manage risk to be within its risk
appetite, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the
achievement of entity objectives.

This practice guide uses ISO 31000 as a basis for the risk
management framework. Other frameworks may be used to

ISO 31000 (Section 4.1) states that the success of risk

management will depend on the effectiveness of the

This is consistent with the International Organization for Standardizations (ISOs) definition of risk management, which is coordinated activities to direct and control an organization
with regard to risk. (ISO Guide 73:2009 Definition 2.1)

IPPF Practice Guide

Assessing the Adequacy of
Risk Management Using ISO 31000

management framework providing the foundations and

arrangements that will embed it throughout the organization at all levels.2 A risk management framework refers
to the components and organization of risk management
within an entity.
Standard 2120 states the internal audit activity must
evaluate the effectiveness and contribute to the improvement of risk management processes. It continues with
the following interpretation.
Interpretation: Determining whether risk management pro
cesses are effective is a judgment resulting from the internal
auditors assessment that:
Organizational objectives support and align with the
organizations mission;
Significant risks are identified and assessed;

and improving risk management in their organizations, and

assessing the organizations risk management activities is a
critical component in that effort.
This practice guide uses the structure and some of the terminology of ISO 31000. While ISO 31000 is not designed
as a basis for certification, its concepts and structures form
a basis for assessing any risk management process. The ISO
31000 framework is not the only risk management framework in common use, and this guidance does not imply any
endorsement of this particular framework.

Risk Management in the


Risk management processes are monitored through ongoing

management activities, separate evaluations, or both.

The ISO 31000 Risk Management Standard provides

guidance for the framework of risk management applicable for organizations of any size. ISO 31000 defines
a risk management framework as a set of components
that provide the foundations and organizational arrangements for designing, implementing, monitoring, reviewing
and continually improving risk management throughout
the organization.3 The risk management framework, regardless of the level of formality, is inherently embedded
in an organizations overall strategic and operational policies and practices. Organizational arrangements include
plans, relationships, accountabilities, resources, processes, and activities. The diagram on page 3 (Figure 1) shows
a conceptual model that can be used for analysis of these

The starting point for improving an organizations approach

to risk management should be a gap analysis that takes
stock and evaluates what processes and systems are present now. If any of the essential parts are missing, it is highly unlikely that risk management will become effective.
Internal auditors have an important role to play in assessing

The internal auditor should assess whether the framework takes into consideration and defines risk management responsibilities and the risk management strategy,
and whether the elements of the framework allow for the
building of a risk-smart workforce and environment while
still allowing for responsible risk-taking and innovation.

Appropriate risk responses are selected that align risks

with the organizations risk appetite; and
Relevant risk information is captured and commu
nicated in a timely manner across the organization,
enabling staff, management, and the board to carry out
their responsibilities.
The internal audit activity may gather the information to
support this assessment during multiple engagements. The
results of these engagements, when viewed together, provide
an understanding of the organizations risk management pro
cesses and their effectiveness.

ISO.This material is reproduced from either ISO 31000:2009 or ISO Guide 73:2009 with permission of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) on behalf of the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO). No part of this ISO material may be copied or reproduced in any form, electronic retrieval system or otherwise made available on the
Internet, a public network, by satellite or otherwise without the prior written consent of ANSI.Copies of this standard may be purchased from ANSI, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY
10036, (212) 642-4900,


IPPF Practice Guide

Assessing the Adequacy of
Risk Management Using ISO 31000


Design of
framework for
managing risk
of the

Monitoring and
review of the

Figure 1 Framework for Managing Risk (ISO 31000)

Responsibilities for Risk Management

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
defines risk attitude as an organizations approach to assess and eventually pursue, retain, take or turn away from
risk.4 Management is responsible for setting the organizational attitude regarding risk and the board is responsible for determining whether the risk attitude is aligned
with the best interests of shareholders.
Boards provide governance oversight of ERM and should
understand key elements of ERM, ask management about
risks, and concur on certain management decisions.
Stakeholders should be given sufficient information to understand the risk attitude of management and the board,
in order to invest in accordance with their tolerances for
potential variation in performance. Organizations communicate levels of risk through quarterly and annual reports, press releases, investor calls, etc.

The board has overall responsibility for ensuring that risks

are managed and that there is an adequate risk management system in place. In practice, the board will delegate
the operation of the risk management framework to the
management team. There may be a separate function
with specialized skills and knowledge that coordinates
and project-manages these activities, but everyone in the
organization plays a role in ensuring successful enterprisewide risk management, and the primary responsibility for
identifying and managing risks lies with management.

Monitoring and Assurance

The application of ERM changes over time. The risk
attitude can change due to internal or external factors,
once-effective risk responses may become irrelevant, and
control activities may become less effective or no longer be performed. Changes can be brought about by the
arrival of new personnel, changes in entity structure, or

ISO.This material is reproduced from either ISO 31000:2009 or ISO Guide 73:2009 with permission of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) on behalf of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).No part of this ISO material may be copied or reproduced in any form, electronic retrieval system or otherwise made available on the
Internet, a public network, by satellite or otherwise without the prior written consent of ANSI.Copies of this standard may be purchased from ANSI, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY
10036, (212) 642-4900,

IPPF Practice Guide

Assessing the Adequacy of
Risk Management Using ISO 31000

introduction of new processes. Furthermore, entity objectives, as well the nature of potential events or conditions
that may affect the achievement of those objectives, will
change. Accordingly, management needs to determine
whether the ERM components continue to be relevant
and able to address new risks.
A critical element of a sound risk management system is
monitoring to ensure it is performing as intended. Monitoring can be done in two ways: through ongoing activities or separate evaluations. This combination of ongoing monitoring and separate evaluations will ensure that
ERM maintains its effectiveness over time.
ERM processes incorporate periodic evaluation of risks
and risk ratings. The greater the degree and effectiveness
of ongoing monitoring, the less the need there may be for
separate evaluations. The frequency of separate evaluations necessary for management to have reasonable assurance about the effectiveness of ERM is a matter of
managements judgment. In making that determination,
consideration is given to the nature and degree of changes, the competence and experience of the people implementing risk responses and related controls, the nature
and significance to the business of the risks that are being
managed and the results of the ongoing monitoring.
Ongoing monitoring is built into the normal, recurring operating activities of an entity. It can be more effective than
separate evaluations, because it is performed on a realtime basis, reacting dynamically to changing conditions,
and is ingrained in the entity. Problems will often be identified most quickly by ongoing monitoring processes since
separate evaluations take place after the fact. Some entities with sound ongoing monitoring activities will nonetheless conduct a separate evaluation of ERM, or portions
thereof. The perceived level of objectivity is greater for
separate evaluations than for self-monitoring.
An entity that perceives a need for frequent separate
evaluations should focus on ways to enhance its ongoing

monitoring activities and, thereby, to emphasize building

in rather than adding on monitoring activities.
The need for assurance arises from the governance processes of an organization. Its origin is in the stewardship
relationship between the board of an organization and
its stakeholders. This stewardship relationship positions
boards to establish processes to both delegate and limit
power to pursue the organizations strategy and direction
in a way that enhances the prospects for the organizations
long-term success. Assurance processes allow the board
to monitor the exercise of that power.
The internal audit activity will normally provide assurance over the entire risk management process, including
risk management activities (both their design and operating effectiveness), management of those risks classified
as key (including the effectiveness of the controls and
other responses to them), verification of the rigor and reliability of risk assessments, and reporting of the risk and
control status.
With responsibility for monitoring and assurance activities
traditionally being shared among various parties, including line management, internal auditing, risk management
specialists, and the compliance function, it is important
that assurance activities be coordinated to ensure resources are used in the most efficient and effective way. It
is common for organizations to have a number of separate
groups performing different risk management advisory,
compliance, and assurance functions independently of
one another. Without effective coordination and reporting, work can be duplicated or key risks may be missed or
The chief audit executive (CAE) is directed by Standard
2050 to coordinate activity with other assurance providers. The use of an assurance map can help achieve this,
offering an effective tool to manage and communicate this
coordination. Practice Advisory 2050-2 provides more information regarding Assurance Maps.

IPPF Practice Guide

Assessing the Adequacy of
Risk Management Using ISO 31000

Internal Auditing and Risk

Standard 2100 states that the internal audit activity
must evaluate and contribute to the improvement of governance, risk management, and control processes using a
systematic and disciplined approach. The internal audit
activity often has a role providing independent and objective assurance to the organizations board regarding the
effectiveness of an organizations ERM activities. This
helps ensure key business risks are being managed appropriately and the organizations system of internal controls
is operating effectively and efficiently.

In support of the assurance process, the risk management

process will:
Establish an organization-specific, documented risk
management framework.
Provide a structured analysis of the risks of the
organization recording:

Risk management is a management process that promotes the cost-effective achievement of organizational
objectives; assurance provides reliable information about
the achievements of risk management activity. Assurance
and risk management are complementary processes.
In support of the risk management process, internal auditing and other independent assurance providers would
assess whether:
The risk management process has been applied
appropriately and all elements of the process are
suitable and sufficient.
The risk management process is in keeping with the
strategic needs and intent of the organization.
All significant risks have been identified and are being treated.
Controls are being correctly designed in keeping
with the objectives of the risk management process.
Critical controls are adequate and effective.
Review by line management and other nonaudit
assurance activities are effective at maintaining and
improving controls.
Risk treatment plans are being executed.

The organizational objective(s) and their

associated risks.
Potential exposures and assessments of current
The organizational position responsible for
managing each risk.
The key control systems established to manage
each risk.

It is not uncommon for the internal audit activity of an

organization to work in close cooperation with the risk
management function. Some organizations do not have a
formal risk management function and, in this case, internal auditing often provides more extensive risk management consulting services to the organization. Internal auditing may provide risk management consulting, provided
certain conditions apply:
It should be clear that management remains responsible for risk management. Whenever internal
auditing consults with the management team to set
up or improve risk management processes, its plan
of work should include a clear strategy and timeline
for migrating the responsibility for these activities to
members of management.
Internal auditing cannot give objective assurance
on any part of the risk management framework for
which it is responsible. Such assurance should be
provided by other suitably qualified parties.
The nature of such services provided to the organization should be documented in the internal audit
charter and be consistent with other internal audit

There is appropriate and as-reported progress in the

risk management plan.

IPPF Practice Guide

Assessing the Adequacy of
Risk Management Using ISO 31000

Any consulting advice or challenge to (or support

of) managements decision-making does not involve
internal auditing making risk management decisions

Although such advisory and consulting activities can be a

valuable part of an audit plan, the scope of this Practice
Guide focuses on the assurance activities described on
the left side of the fan. Such activities can be categorized
in three primary types:

The IIA Position Paper The Role of Internal Auditing in

Enterprise-wide Risk Management includes the following diagram that illustrates a range of ERM activities and
indicates which roles an effective professional internal audit function should and should not undertake.

Assurance on the risk management process itself.

Assurance on significant risks and management assertions.
Follow-up of risk treatment plan status.

Internal Audit Review of Risk


Assurance on the Risk Management Process

Assurance on the risk management process itself can be
performed to provide reasonable assurance to senior management and the board that an organizations risk management program is effectively designed, documented, and
operating to achieve its objectives. Potential questions
that such assurance should be designed to answer could

For higher risk areas where management has acknowledged the need to improve controls, there may be an opportunity for internal auditing to add value to the organization through consulting activities. The middle third of
audit activities in Figure 2 above represent advisory and
consulting activities, delivered at the entity or business
unit/departmental level, in a manner that should maintain
internal auditings independence and objectivity.


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developing the ER
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T ak

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I m pl e

n the r isk manag

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Core internal audit roles

in regard to ERM




D ev
e lo p


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M aintaining and




r ting on r isks


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e po

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Giving assurance






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r isk


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Consolidated rep

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to r
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r e sp
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E va
l ua

Does the risk management program have adequate

commitment from organization management, including adequate stature and resources in relation to


i ng

r isk r e


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on r

on m
o ns e s

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A ccountability for

Legitimate internal audit

roles with safeguards


o ns


ents b


r isk management

Roles internal audit

should not undertake

Figure 2 Internal Audit Role in ERM

IPPF Practice Guide

Assessing the Adequacy of
Risk Management Using ISO 31000

risks, and is it an appropriate part of organizational

processes and decision-making?
Are the risk management framework design and risk
evaluation criteria appropriate for the internal and
external context (environment) of the organization?
Is there adequate definition and communication of
requirements, risk evaluation criteria, and accountability for the development, implementation, and
maintenance of the risk management framework and
specific risk area evaluations?
Is the risk attitude established at the proper level in
the governance structure of the organization?
Are internal communication and reporting mechanisms adequate to ensure that key outcomes of the
risk management activities are communicated appropriately within the organization (balancing transparency with sensitivity)?
Do reports to stakeholders adequately reflect the
organizations attitude to and treatment of risks?

Are risk treatment plans and status monitored and

adequately communicated with appropriate levels of
management and the board?

Assurance on Significant Risks and

Management Assertions
During all other assurance work where the scope relates
to higher potential exposures identified in an organizations risk management process, audit procedures and
communications should be designed to evaluate managements assertions on the effectiveness of controls in bringing risk within an organizations risk tolerance threshold.
Reports to management (and the board) can describe the
potential exposure and managements assessment of current risks (with the implied value of the controls in place)
together with the audit evaluation of the risk ratings. Any
differences should be fed into managements risk management process for consideration.

Are external communication and reporting mechanisms adequate to comply with relevant legal,
regulatory, corporate governance, and disclosure

The cumulative effect over time of such assurance activities over specific risk areas in a risk-based audit plan will
provide assurance not only over those specific risk areas,
but serve as assurance of the effectiveness of the overall
risk management process.

Do adequate performance measures and reporting

exist to monitor the design and effectiveness of the
risk management framework?

Follow-up of Risk Treatment Plan Status

Are risk evaluation criteria, appetites, responses, and

escalation/reporting requirements consistently applied in practice across the organization? Are people
with the appropriate knowledge responsible for risk
identification? Is the current state of risk identification adequate?
Are the risk framework and related processes and
controls modified as business conditions and organizational needs change?
Are people with the appropriate knowledge responsible for risk analysis, evaluation, and treatment/
response? Are these activities adequately reviewed
and approved?

For risk treatment or control remediation plans relating to

higher potential exposures, especially where plans are relatively longer in duration, it may be appropriate to monitor performance against the plan. At a minimum, such
monitoring should be designed to provide management
with an assessment of progress against milestones and
validate risk treatment plan status reports to the board.
In addition, such monitoring can assess the plan structure, resources, accountabilities, project management,
etc. and provide recommendations and considerations to
enhance the likelihood of plan success.

IPPF Practice Guide

Assessing the Adequacy of
Risk Management Using ISO 31000

Obtaining Audit Evidence

In audits of the risk management process of an organization, Practice Advisory 2120-1, Assessing the Adequacy of
Risk Management Processes, paragraph 8, states:
Internal auditors need to obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence to determine that the key objectives of the
risk management processes are being met to form an
opinion on the adequacy of risk management processes.
In gathering such evidence, the internal auditor might
consider the following audit procedures:
Research and review current developments, trends,
industry information related to the business conducted by the organization, and other appropriate sources
of information to determine risks and exposures
that may affect the organization and related control
procedures used to address, monitor, and reassess
those risks.
Review corporate policies and board minutes to
determine the organizations business strategies, risk
management philosophy and methodology, appetite
for risk, and acceptance of risks.
Review previous risk evaluation reports issued by
management, internal auditors, external auditors,
and any other sources.
Conduct interviews with line and senior management to determine business unit objectives, related
risks, and managements risk mitigation and control
monitoring activities.
Assimilate information to independently evaluate the
effectiveness of risk mitigation, monitoring, and communication of risks and associated control activities.
Assess the appropriateness of reporting lines for risk
monitoring activities.

analysis and actions taken to remedy issues raised by

risk management processes.
Determine the effectiveness of managements self-assessment processes through observations, direct tests
of control and monitoring procedures, testing the
accuracy of information used in monitoring activities,
and other appropriate techniques.
Review risk-related issues that may indicate weakness in risk management practices and, as appropriate, discuss with senior management and the
board. If the auditor believes that management has
accepted a level of risk that is inconsistent with the
organizations risk management strategy and policies,
or that is deemed unacceptable to the organization,
refer to Standard 2600 and related guidance for additional direction.
Different techniques can be used to obtain audit evidence, including:
Observations for example, by being present when
risk management is carried out at the different levels
of the organization from the board and all the way
down to individual departments, programs, projects,
and the employees.
Document reviews for example, agendas,
supporting documents and minutes from board,
executive, or other senior management committees, strategic plans, and supporting documents for
resourcing decisions.
Results from previous audits.
Reliance on the work of others.
Analytical techniques for example, root cause
analysis of detected faults.
Process mapping.

Review the adequacy and timeliness of reporting on

risk management results.

Statistical analysis for example, analysis of the

types of incident or near misses.

Review the completeness of managements risk

Risk model review and assessment.

IPPF Practice Guide

Assessing the Adequacy of
Risk Management Using ISO 31000

Analysis of control self-assessment.
Often, a combination of different audit techniques will
be used to gather sufficient information and evidence
to reach a conclusion. The auditor selects the most
appropriate procedure for the audit objective of the
assignment. The auditor also assesses whether sufficient
resources and skills are available to perform all the work
required to provide sufficient support for an opinion. The
auditor considers whether it might be prudent to decline
to express the opinion or to qualify the opinion by excluding certain areas or risks from the scope of the opinion if
sufficient resources or skills are not available.
The requirement for evidence will vary depending on
the kind of opinion the auditor wishes to render. Positive assurance provides the highest level of assurance
and normally also requires the most evidence to support the opinion. Such an opinion implies not only, for
example, whether controls/risk mitigation processes are
adequate and effective, but also that sufficient evidence
was gathered to be reasonably certain that evidence to the
contrary, if it exists, would have been identified.
Negative assurance does not provide as much assurance and therefore normally does not require as much
audit evidence. When rendering negative assurance, the
auditor, for example, states that based on the work done,
nothing came to the auditors attention. By rendering
such an opinion, the auditor takes no responsibility for
the sufficiency of the audit scope and procedures to find
all significant concerns or issues. Such an opinion is generally considered less valuable than positive assurance.
More extensive guidance on opinions can be found in
the Practice Guide Formulating and Expressing Internal
Audit Opinions.

Audit conclusions should be factual, objective, and

backed by sufficient audit evidence. Sufficiency implies
the audit evidence is factual, adequate, and convincing so
that a prudent, informed person would reach the same
conclusions as the auditor. Audit evidence must be
appropriately documented and organized.
The audit activity must not unknowingly provide any level
of false assurance (reference PA 2120-2: Managing the
Risk of the Internal Audit Activity, paragraph 8). False
assurance is a level of confidence or assurance based on
perceptions or assumptions rather than fact. In many
cases, the mere fact that the internal audit activity
is involved in a matter may create some level of false
assurance. The scope of internal audit activity involvement may be misunderstood and, consequently, false
assurance may result.

Assurance of the Risk

Management Process
A governing body should be able to determine the extent
to which the risk management process in its organization
meets the needs of the organization and has adopted generally accepted good practice. Risk management is a critical component of the system of internal control, so deficient risk management processes are an indicator that the
organizations system of internal control may be deficient.
It is important that an organization obtains assurance
on its risk management process. This assurance must accommodate the possibility that the internal auditor might
not be functionally independent of the risk management
function. In this case, assurance may be sought from an
external party.
Three forms of assurance process that may be used in
assessing a risk management process are outlined below:5

These approaches are quoted from HB158:2010 Delivering assurance based on ISO 31000:2009 Risk management Principles and guidelines, A joint publication of Standards
Australia, IIA-Australia, and the IIA Research Foundation. HB158 provides a more extensive discussion of these and other issues.

IPPF Practice Guide

Assessing the Adequacy of
Risk Management Using ISO 31000

Process elements approach

Key principles approach
Maturity model approach
While each form is self-contained, they each offer a different perspective on the effectiveness of a risk management
process in an organization. Often, the adoption of more
than one approach can yield the most informative and useful results. The risk management process should be appropriately tailored to the organization, its size, culture objectives, and risk profile. Therefore, the assurance process
also needs to be tailored to the organizations needs.
The results of any desk-based review must be validated
by examining whether the risk management framework is
operating effectively in practice. This means that this type
of assurance activity should not be conducted in isolation
and should always accompany or involve normal controlbased assurance that determines whether:
Risks are being effectively identified and appropriately analyzed.
There is adequate and appropriate risk treatment and
There is effective monitoring and review by management to detect changes in risks and controls.

Process Element Approach

This approach checks whether each element of the risk
management process is in place. It is essential to validate
managements expressions of intent through sufficient
audit evidence to substantiate that the element is being
satisfied in practice. Management representation alone
would rarely be sufficient. ISO 31000 identifies seven
components of the risk management process:
Element 1 Communication: Sound risk management requires structured and ongoing communica-

tion and consultation with those who are affected by

the operations of the organization or activity.
Element 2 Setting the Context: The external environment (political, social, etc.) and internal environment (objectives, strategies, structures, ethics,
discipline, etc.) of the organization or activity must
be understood before the full range of risks can be
Element 3 Risk Identification: Identifying the risks
should be a formal, structured process that considers
sources of risk, areas of impact, and potential events
and their causes and consequences.
Element 4 Risk Analysis: The organization should
use a formal technique to consider the consequence
and likelihood of each risk.
Element 5 Risk Evaluation: The organization
should have a mechanism to rank the relative importance of each risk so that a treatment priority can be
Element 6 Risk Treatment: Sound risk management requires rational decisions about risk treatment. Classically, such treatment is to avoid the
activity from which the risk arises, share the risk,
manage the risk by the application of controls, or accept the risk and take no further action.
Element 7 Monitor and Review: Monitoring
includes checking the progress of treatment plans,
monitoring controls and their effectiveness, ensuring
that proscribed activities are avoided, and checking
that the environment has not changed in a way that
affects the risks.

Key Principles Approach

This approach is based on the concept that to be fully
effective, any risk management process must satisfy a
minimum set of principles or characteristics. ISO 31000

ISO. This material is reproduced from either ISO 31000:2009 or ISO Guide 73:2009 with permission of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) on behalf of the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO). No part of this ISO material may be copied or reproduced in any form, electronic retrieval system or otherwise made available on the
Internet, a public network, by satellite or otherwise without the prior written consent of ANSI.Copies of this standard may be purchased from ANSI, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY
10036, (212) 642-4900,



IPPF Practice Guide

Assessing the Adequacy of
Risk Management Using ISO 31000

includes a section (Clause 4) on these principles. An audit based on these principles would assess to what extent
they are true for the risk management process in an organization:
Risk management creates and protects value.6
This implies the application of the most rigorous risk
management when the value at stake is highest. It
also suggests that a range of techniques applicable at
various levels of exposure should be available in the
Risk management is an integral part of organizational processes.7 Risk management should not
be seen as an add-on task.
Risk management is part of decision-making.8
The more important the decision, the more explicit
this association should be.
Risk management explicitly addresses uncertainty.9 Risk assessments would be expected to
document areas of uncertainty and consider how
best to address the uncertainty identified.
Risk management is systematic, structured,
and timely.10
Risk management is based on the best available information.11 Obtaining information can be
expensive and the process should provide guidance
on what constitutes sufficient information.
Risk management is tailored.12 It is not an outof-the-box process and must match the operations of
the organization.
Risk management takes human and cultural
factors into account.13 The processes must be

appropriate to the competence and culture of those

who must use them.
Risk management is transparent and inclusive.14
There should be appropriate and timely involvement
of stakeholders.
Risk management is dynamic, iterative, and
responsive to change.15 The process should be
regularly reviewed and respond to changes in the
organization and its environment so that it remains
Risk management facilitates continual improvement and enhancement of the organization.16 Risk management should mature along with
other organizational processes.

Maturity Model Approach

The maturity model approach builds on the assertion that
the quality of an organizations risk management process
should improve with time. Immature systems of risk management yield very little return for the investment that has
been made and often operate as a compliance overhead or
an imposition, more concerned with the reporting of risks
than with their effective treatment. Effective risk management processes are developed over time, with additional
value being provided at each step in the maturation process. This approach provides an assessment of where the
organizations risk management process lies on the maturity curve, so that the board and management can assess
whether it meets the current needs of the organization
and is maturing as expected.
A key aspect of the Maturity Model approach is the linking of risk management performance and progress in the

ISO. This material is reproduced from either ISO 31000:2009 or ISO Guide 73:2009 with permission of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) on behalf of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). No part of this ISO material may be copied or reproduced in any form, electronic retrieval system or otherwise made available on the
Internet, a public network, by satellite or otherwise without the prior written consent of ANSI. Copies of this standard may be purchased from ANSI, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY
10036, (212) 642-4900,
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IPPF Practice Guide

Assessing the Adequacy of
Risk Management Using ISO 31000

execution of a risk management plan to a performance

measurement and management system. The outputs from
such a system can be presented to senior management and
the board as evidence of improvement in risk management.
The components for such a system normally consist of:
A protocol of performance standards, considering
current approaches to risk management and anticipating future strategic needs. Performance standards
are normally supported by a list of more detailed
performance requirements that enable measurement
of any improvement in performance.
A guide to how the standards and sub-requirements
can be satisfied in practice.
A means of measuring actual performance against
each standard and sub-requirement.

Clause 4 of ISO 31000 contains a list of practical and

important principles that should be the starting point
for any maturity evaluation. These principles address not
only does the process element or system exist but also is it
effective and relevant for your organisation and does it add
value. In fact, the first principle is that risk management
must add value.
Actual performance against each performance standard
is assessed using some system of maturity measurement
that gives credit for intent, but full scores can only be obtained by the complete implementation and practical application of the standard. A possible system for measuring
maturity (based on the original idea of Capability Maturity Models developed by the Carnegie Mellon University)
is shown below.

A means of recording and reporting performance and

improvements in performance.
The periodic independent verification of managements assessment.


Very little or no
compliance with the
requirement in any

Very Little
Only limited
compliance with the
supports the intent,
but compliance in
practice is poor.



Limited compliance
with element statement. Certainly agree
with the intent, but
limited compliance in

subscribes to the
intent, but there is
partially complete
compliance in

Absolute compliance
with the element
statement in intent
and in practice at
all times and in all

Figure 3 Maturity Model source HB158


IPPF Practice Guide

Assessing the Adequacy of
Risk Management Using ISO 31000

Assessing the Quality of Risk

Management Documentation

Necessary infrastructure for communicating risk

information is in place.

The extent of documentation of an entitys ERM will vary

with the entitys size and complexity. Larger organizations
usually have written policy manuals, formal organization
charts, written job descriptions, operating instructions,
information system flowcharts, and so forth. Smaller, less
complex organizations typically have considerably less documentation.

There are guidelines for the creation, deletion, and

sharing of risk information.

There are common definitions.

There are adequate resources assigned.

Technology is cost efficient and used where
A proactive approach is taken for monitoring.
Risk information is part of the planning process.

Many aspects of ERM may be informal and undocumented and yet can be regularly performed and highly effective. These activities may be tested in the same ways as
documented activities. The fact that elements of ERM are
not documented does not necessarily mean that it is not
effective or cannot be evaluated. An appropriate level of
documentation, however, usually makes monitoring more
efficient. It is helpful in other respects too. It facilitates
employees understanding of how the process works and
their particular roles, and makes it easier to make modifications when necessary.

Risk information is integrated with performance

These considerations and any decisions made to implement activities/processes should be documented. Such
documentation may be useful if the statement is subsequently challenged.

In deciding to document the evaluation process itself, the

internal auditor will usually draw on existing documentation of the entitys ERM processes. Existing documentation
will typically be supplemented with additional documents
prepared by the auditor, including evidence of the tests and
analyses performed in the assessment process. The nature
and extent of documentation normally is more substantive
when statements about ERM are made to other parties.
When management intends to make a statement to external parties regarding ERM effectiveness, it should consider
developing and retaining documentation to support the
statement. The internal auditor should consider whether:
A strategy for managing risk information from all
sources is in place.


IPPF Practice Guide

Assessing the Adequacy of
Risk Management Using ISO 31000

Andrew MacLeod, CIA
Patricia A. MacDonald
Benito Ybarra, CIA
Trygve Sorlie, CIA, CCSA
Brian Foster, CIA
Teis Stokka, CIA

Reviewers and Contributors

Douglas J. Anderson, CIA
Steven E. Jameson, CIA, CCSA, CFSA
James A. Rose, III, CIA


About the Institute


Established in 1941, The Institute of Internal

Auditors (IIA) is an international professional association with global headquarters in Altamonte
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The IIA publishes this document for informational and educational purposes. This guidance material is not intended to provide definitive answers
to specific individual circumstances and as such
is only intended to be used as a guide. The IIA
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Practice Guides provide detailed guidance for
conducting internal audit activities. They include
detailed processes and procedures, such as tools
and techniques, programs, and step-by-step approaches, as well as examples of deliverables.
Practice Guides are part of The IIAs International Professional Practices Framework. As part of
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The copyright of this position paper is held by The
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The IIA at [email protected].

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