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aitamo dhyya
vasur uvca
tato gacched vidhisute / trtha yajga-sambhavam
indradyumna-saro nma / yatrste pvana ubham 1
Therefore O daughter of Brahm, one should go to that bathing
place born of the body of Lord Viu, named Indradyumna-sara.
It is very sanctified and causes auspiciousness.
tatra gatv ucir vidvn / camya manas harim
dhytvopasthya ca vibhu / mantram enam udrayet 2
Then after bathing and sipping water, meditating within his mind
upon Lord Hari and worshipping that all-pervading Lord one should
utter this mantra:
avamedhga-sabhta / trtha sarvgha-nana
snna tvayi karomy adya / ppa hara / namo stu te 3
O holy place, born of the avamedha-yaja, who destroy all sin.
Now I bathe in your waters Please remove my sins. I bow unto
evam uccrya vidhivat / snatv devn n pitn
tilodakena vny ca / santarpycampya vgyata 4
After thus uttering clearly this mantra in accord with precept, and
having satisfied with a tiny portion of that water the devas, sages,
forefathers and any others.
dattv pit pi ca / sapjya puruottamam
davamedhika samyak / phala prpnoti mnava 5
After offering pia to the forefathers, and worshipping the
Supreme Personality of Godhead, a man achieves the full benefit
of performing ten avamedha sacrifices.

saptvarn sapta-parn / vanuddhtya devavat

kmagena vimnena / viu-loka sa gacchati 6
One liberates seven generations before and after oneself and
shining like a god one goes to Viu loka on an airplane which can
travel according to ones desire.
bhuktv tatra varn bhogn / yvac candrrka-trakn
cyutas tasmd ihyto / moka ca labhate dhruvam 7
Having enjoyed there blessings and pleasures for as many years
as there are moons, suns and stars, he falls down from that place.
Then in this world he makes further efforts and surely attains
eva ktv paca-trthm / ekdaym upoita
jyeha-ukle pacaday / yah payet puruottamam 8
Having thus bathed at the five trthas while fasting on the
Jyeha-ukla Ekda, one can see Puruottama (the Supreme
Personality of Godhead) on the Pacada (full moon day).
sa prvokta-phala prpya / kritv ccyutlaye
pryti parama sthna / yasmn nvartate puna 9
Having obtained the benefits which I have formerly mentioned,
after sporting in the abode of Acyuta, one now goes to the
supreme situation from whence one never again returns.
pthivy yni trthni / sarita ca sarsi ca
pukariyas tagni / vpya kpas tath hrad 10
nn nadya ca samudr ca / saptha puruottame
jyeha-ukla-daamy-di / pratyaka ynti sarvad 11
On the earth as many holy bathing places as there are, including
rivers, lakes, ponds of lotus flowers, tanks, wells, and lagoons as
well as many streams and the seven oceans all of them become

manifest in Jaganntha Pur on the seven days beginning with

daam on the bright fortnight in the month of Jyeha.
snna-dndika yasmd / devat-prekane sati
nbhir yat kriyate tatra / tat sarva ckaya bhavet 12
Because of this when humans during that time, bathe at these
holy places, give charity and take the sacred sight of the Supreme
Lords Deity form, all of that becomes an imperishable
transcendental asset.
jyeha-mse tu daam / ukla-pakasya mohini
harate daa ppni / tasmd daa-har smt 13
O mohini, the tenth day of bright fortnight in the month of
Jyeha, takes away the ten kinds of sins. For this reason it is
known as daa-har (remover of the ten).
yas tasy halina ka / payed bhadra ca suvrata
sarva-ppa-vinirmukto / viu-loka vrajen nara 14
That dedicated man who in the daa-har looks upon Balarma,
the wielder of the plough, Lord Kra and Bhadr, their sister, he,
liberated from all sin, can enter the abode of Lord Viu.
naro dol gata dv / govinda puruottamam
phalguny sayato bhtv / govindasya param vrajet 15
The man who with controlled senses looks upon r Govinda, the
transcendental Personality of Godhead, swung upon a swing in the
month of Phalguna, can enter the supreme abode of Govinda.
viuve divase prpte / paca-trtha-vidhnata
dv sakaraa ka / subhadr ca sulocane 16
nara samasta-yajn phala prpnoti durlabham
vimukta sarva-ppebhyo / viu-loka sa gacchati 17

O girl with beautiful eyes, on the day of the equinox, that man
who follows the practice of paca-trtha, and sees akaraa,
Ka and Subhadr obtains the rarely attained fruit of
performing all sacrifices, and freed from all sins he enters the
planet of Lord Viu.
ya payati ttyy / ka candana-rpinam
vaikhasya site pake / sa yty acyuta-mandiram 18
He who sees r Ka in the dress of sandalwood on the third
day of the dark fortnight in the month of Vaikha enters Lord
Acyutas house.
yad bhaven mah-jyaih / r-nakatra yogata
prayatnena tad martyair / gantavya puruottamam 19
ka dv mah-jyaihy / rma bhadra ca mohini
naro dvdaa-ytr / phala prpnoti cdhikam 20
When by the conjunction of the full moon and the stars the mahjyaih (in the month of Jyeha), is formed, mortal men should
endeavor to go to Puruottama Ketra (Pur). O Mohini, by seeing
Ka, Rma and Bhadr on the Mah-jyaih, a man obtains
more benefit than from attending twelve rathaytrs.

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