Ecf Position Paper

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ECF Position Paper

Position paper
The Challenge
The prospect of major changes in the earths climate as a consequence of
greenhouse gas emissions and other human actions presents one of the most
demanding challenges facing humankind in the decades to come. The challenge has
to be jointly tackled by science, policy, industry, NGOs, and the general public.
Numerous academic studies on climate change and on possible adaptation and
mitigation policies have been completed in recent years. However, most of these
studies have been performed with little direct interaction between the scientists and
the stakeholders immediately affected by the proposed mitigation or adaptation
measures. In parallel, many industries have made efforts to reduce emissions
through improved energy efficiency and carbon saving energy technologies. Much of
this work has been similarly divorced from academia. No clear picture has emerged
from these diverse efforts on the relative advantages and disadvantages of the
various mitigation and adaptation options proposed, let alone a consensus on the
desirable research strategies and policy objectives to pursue.
The European Climate Forum (ECF) is a mechanism to bring together
representatives of different parties concerned with the climate problem: the coal, oil
and gas industries, companies engaged in renewable energy technologies or the
manufacture of energy-efficient products, major energy users (including
transportation) , insurance and finance sectors, environmental NGOs, and scientific
experts investigating climate change and options for sustainable development. The
core activity of the Forum is to jointly define and undertake studies and disseminate
results that will contribute to providing a more robust foundation for the development
of long-term climate mitigation and adaptation policies leading ultimately into a
sustainable development path.
Research objectives
The 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in
Rio de Janeiro and the follow-up series of Conferences of the Parties (COP) of the
Convention have highlighted the need for a stronger interaction between climate
policy makers, stakeholders and climate research. In particular, the complex
negotiations over the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, continued in The Hague, Bonn and
Marrakech, have raised many fundamental questions. These require extensive joint
studies by scientists from different disciplines, stakeholders representing various
sectors of industry, environmental NGOs and political decision-makers.

ECF Position Paper

The Kyoto Protocol established for the first time firm commitments by the industrial
nations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 5% relative to the
reference year 1990 by the time period 2008-2012. This negotiated transition from
an uninterrupted increase to a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions marks an
historical turning point in climate policy. Nevertheless, the Kyoto Protocol has not
been accepted by all nations, and reservations have been expressed regarding its
effectiveness. The Protocol also leaves open many questions regarding climate
policy after the first commitment period.
The 10-year horizon of the first commitment period of the Protocol is short compared
with the relevant time scales of the climate system, which range from decades to
many centuries. A 5% greenhouse gas emission decrease in 2012 by the industrial
nations is a significant first step towards a precautionary policy regime but has, by
itself, negligible impact on long-term global warming. According to the reports of the
UN Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC), climate models indicate that
global greenhouse gas emissions, in particular CO2, will need to be reduced to a
small fraction of present levels within about a century if societies wish to avoid a
change in climate comparable to that which occurred at the end of the last ice age.
In the case of unregulated emissions, the predicted global warming lies well beyond
the historical experience of humanity both in magnitude and in rate of change.
Climate change predictions, however, are fraught with uncertainty. Climate change
computations by different climate models typically differ by a factor of two. The
models also cannot reliably predict climate instabilities, such as a collapse of the
conveyer-belt ocean circulation, a melting of the Greenland or West Antarctic ice
sheets, or the release of methane presently trapped in permafrost layers or in the
deep ocean. Even more unpredictable is the evolution of the global socio-economic
system on century time scales from which the emission estimates for the climate
change computations are derived. The impacts of a major climate change on human
living conditions and on sensitive ecosystems are also uncertain.
The response of stakeholders and decision makers to these innumerable
uncertainties varies widely, from support of the precautionary principle to a more
cautionary approach.
Advocates of the precautionary principle view the risks of climate change as
sufficiently large that they warrant immediate action to curb greenhouse gas
emissions. The developing nations, which represent three quarters of the world
population, but contribute only a third of the present greenhouse gas emissions from
fossil fuels, are not included in the emission reductions under the Kyoto Protocol.
Yet they aspire to the same living standards as the industrial nations. This implies
that, applied on a global scale, the present per capita greenhouse gas emissions of
the industrial nations will need to be reduced by at least one order of magnitude if
the goal is to limit future climate change to the range of natural climate variability.
The transition to a low-carbon or a carbonfree energy system over a time scale of a
hundred years requires major technological change. Such change becomes more
expensive and difficult to achieve the longer the transition process is delayed. By
initially focussing on the 10-year horizon, the Kyoto process tends to emphasize
measures that are cost-effective in the short-term. However, many of these shortterm options have limited long-term global mitigation potential. The technology for
large-scale emission reductions, such as solar energy in combination with hydrogen

ECF Position Paper

technology, exists, but is not yet competitive on the free market place. A long-term
climate policy needs to anticipate the estimated rapid increase in emission reduction
costs once the present negative to low cost options are exhausted (cf. IPCC, 2nd and
3rd reports). Unless timely R&D, commercialisation and market diffusion policies are
introduced, this could well present a barrier to deep emission reductions in two or
more decades. An early start may be essential to overcome this barrier.
Protagonists of a more cautionary approach argue, on the other hand, that the long
time scales of the climate system should be used to reduce uncertainties and
develop alternative technological options before embarking on specific climate
programmes. Premature decisions for a particular technological path could well lead
to a lock-in of sub-optimal solutions which cannot be readily adjusted later to reflect
new scientific insights and unforeseen technological advances. The use of fossil
fuels will remain unavoidable and can be expected to increase during the next
decades. Thus, the efficiency of fossil fuel use should be increased by technical
measures and R&D efforts. The potential of carbon capture and sequestration
should be further explored. The call for subsidies for renewable energy technologies
is based on learning-by-doing curves derived from past experience. However, past
experience may not be appropriate in this instance and the ability of technology to
respond to market forces in a rapidly-evolving global information economy may be
greater than previously thought. In the long run, the use of renewable energies can
only be increased substantially if they become competitive on the world energy
Research Programme
These differing assessments of the role of uncertainties need to be addressed, and
where possible quantified, in order to develop flexible, efficient, effective and
equitable strategies for dealing with long-term climate risks. The ECF research
programme will accordingly focus on the long-term implications of climate change in
relation to climate policy. Research themes will include investigations of the timeintegrated global mitigation potentials of alternative greenhouse gas abatement
technologies; studies of the linkages between technological change and climate
policy instruments; investigations of the interrelation between policy, public
preferences, public awareness and information dissemination; and the impact of
major regional differences on these interrelated issues.
These general research themes will be supported by specific investigations of
climate change impacts and adaptation measures, for example with respect to
extreme weather events and climate instabilities; socio-economic data analyses,
particularly on the regional scale; and the development of modelling tools, including
a hierarchy of coupled climate-socio-economic models.
In a first step, ECF proposes to carry out four projects:
1) Instruments for climate policy;
2) Coping with extreme weather events and rapid climate change;
3) Technology assessment; and
4) Data pool: building a Sustainability Geoscope
The principal goals of the projects, which are presently still in a definition phase, are
outlined in the following appendices.

ECF Position Paper

Appendix 1. Instruments for climate policy

There exists an extensive literature on instruments for environmental policy, and most of the
results carry over to climate policy. Systematic evaluations of past and present
environmental regulation are rare, however, particularly with regard to comparisons of the
performance of different instruments. Studies of a portfolio of instruments are equally rare, as
are analyses of the interactions between target-setting and instrument choice. Recent
management theory stresses the importance of experimenting and learning, but there are
only a few studies of the advantages of, and barriers to, adaptive management for climate
policy. As a result literature on instruments for international climate policy is largely restricted
to international flexibility mechanisms leaving four outstanding knowledge gaps: the
interplay of policy initiatives with pre-existing conditions at the national level; the articulation
of voluntary agreements amongst international corporations; the capacity of various policy
packages for fostering technological change; and the specific problem posed by greenhouse
gases other than CO2.
Flexibility mechanisms will be implemented in the context of pre-existing tax systems and
regulations, which will affect both their attractiveness for industry and the social costs of
carbon constraints. Moreover the following questions remain unanswered: how to allocate
the first emissions permits to various sectors; the possible use of emissions permits as an
implicit subsidy; the complementarity with other instruments in sectors not covered by carbon
trading (transportation for example); and the appropriate level of subsidiarity in the
management of the system.
Voluntary agreements are usually made between governments and industries, with mixed
success. It is unclear whether such voluntary agreements can be negotiated between
national governments and internationally competitive industries. Increasingly, corporations
adopt self-imposed environmental targets and engage in discussions with environmental
NGOs, occasionally without governments becoming involved. One issue here is to what
extent voluntary agreements between multinational companies and multinational NGOs, or
between companies and governments, may help to overcome two key difficulties: the primary
allocation of emissions quotas, and the concerns of companies affected by distortions in
international competition.
These issues emphasize that, even though a global climate treaty is likely to be established,
it will remain incomplete. Renewed attention needs to be paid to the coordination of unilateral
emission abatement policies.
Significant reduction of carbon dioxide emissions does not require new technologies, but
rather the commercialisation of proven technologies. One way forward is to build enough
experience through the creation of niche markets, for instance through preferential
procurement by governments and NGOs combined with pricing reforms, in order to reduce
regulatory uncertainty. Guaranteed procurement for the first company to deliver a specific
technology could be awarded as a prize. Alternatively, the prize may be a money award or
market share (e.g., through regulatory standards). The details, pros and cons of such
strategies still need to be worked out, together with their relation to the general incentive
system (taxes, emissions trading). Another serious challenge is how to make climate-friendly
technologies available to developing countries at commercially attractive conditions,
preferably without disturbing OECD incentives.
Measures for reducing carbon dioxide emissions from land-use change, or methane
emissions from waste and agriculture, require more investigation. The main problem is not so
much how to reach the many, diverse emitters (a tax would do this), but rather that climate
policy is not at present an important objective in land-use, waste, or agricultural policy (unlike
energy policy, where climate is gaining importance).

ECF Position Paper

Appendix 2. Coping with extreme weather events and rapid climate change
A change in climate can lead to altered frequencies and intensities of extreme weather in a
number of ways. At the simplest level, a shift in the mean value of climate for example,
seasonal mean temperature or precipitation will alter the probability of occurrence of the
tails of the distribution. If the variance of the distribution is also affected by climate change
then more substantial and complex changes in the probability of extreme weather events can
occur. Substantial work has been completed in this area in recent years, although detecting
changes in observed extreme weather events and attributing them unequivocally to
anthropogenic climate change remains problematic.
Less work has been undertaken examining changes in more complex extreme weather
phenomena such as changes in conditional probabilities or bivariate distributions. For
example, it may be that the occurrence of multi-seasonal droughts winter-summer-winter or
summer-winter-summer has more critical impacts for water resources, hydroelectric power
or subsidence than a single season drought. Similarly, it may be changes in the frequencies
of events with intense rain and strong winds or high temperature and high humidity that have
the greatest impact for the built environment and for human health. Overall, it is changes in
these dimensions of climate that will likely have the greatest impact on the economy and
welfare of nations. Business sectors such as insurance, transport, finance, water,
construction and health-care are exposed to these changing risks.
However relevant extreme weather events are defined, one thing that has been generally
lacking across a domain as extensive as Europe is a pan-continental perspective of
observed and predicted changes in extreme weather phenomena. This is partly because of
difficulties of data availability and data homogenisation across national boundaries and partly
because the definition of what constitutes extreme weather varies from country to country.
There is an opportunity for the European Climate Forum to champion studies that overcome
this limitation.
The above examples of analyses are fundamentally historical or statistical in nature. Another
area of work would be more process and/or model based and would seek to provide new
insights about the probabilities of climate warming triggering rapid and non-linear responses
in aspects of the coupled biogeophysico-chemical system. There are some examples of
emerging work in this area to draw upon, but new work should also be commissioned.
Thresholds, feedbacks and bifurcation points need quantifying.
Results from any of the above areas of work will have implications for the way environmental
and social activities and assets are managed and ultimately will condition the way in which
systems and organisations adapt to real or to perceived changes in climate. The European
Climate Forum should support work looking at the interaction between irregular or
discontinuous changes in the statistical and state properties of climate on the one hand and
the institutional response to such changes on the other, a response which itself maybe
irregular and discontinuous. Such is likely to be the essential behaviour of a quasi-rational
adaptive system making decisions under conditions of uncertainty. Stochastic decision
models need coupling with stochastic climate generators.

ECF Position Paper

Appendix 3. Technology assessment

The Technology Assessment Group aims at answering two questions: First, which technical,
institutional and political innovations can lead to a substantial and sustainable reduction or
disposal of CO2 emissions? Second, what are the barriers to implementation for each of the
above options?
Advocates of precautionary climate policy point out that within the next hundred years we will
need to reduce CO2 emissions substantially to avoid significant climate change. It is by no
means clear what kind of technological options are appropriate to achieve this goal. Five
options are discussed: Reduction of end energy demand by a more efficient provision of
energy services; increase of energy efficiency of the fossil fuel energy system through R&D
investments; substitution of fossil fuels by renewable energy; substitution of fossil fuels by
nuclear power; carbon capturing and sequestration.
In general, these options require investment decisions, yet it is not obvious, how the
investment into the future energy system should be made. Neither the allocation between the
five options nor their appropriate timing can be inferred from present knowledge. Indeed, it is
an open question how rational these options really are. The research projects within the
Technology Assessment Group should highlight the crucial role of the investments into these
four options. Based on this information, we will assess whether these options could provide a
viable contribution to achieving a transition to a sustainable society and economy. The
options have to be assessed within a dynamic economic framework. In particular, past
technological progress in saving energy and reducing carbon emissions has been devoured
by economic growth and the growth of population. Therefore, the crucial question remains:
What kind of investment strategy should be launched in order to reduce the emissions from
2020 on. Changing the energy system is an important issue. Buying time may become an
important option if our objective is to stabilize climate within the next hundred years.
The second question to be addressed is: What are the barriers to implementation for each of
the above options? An appropriate investment strategy that has the potential to foster a
sustainability transition has to overcome the barriers of implementation. These become
relevant if individual preferences of actors diverge from social rationality commonly referred
to as a social dilemma. Identifying social dilemmas is a powerful tool for analysing barriers
of implementation. Social science also offers tools to overcome social dilemmatic situations,
which will be explored by the Technology Assessment Group. The group will assess
important barriers of implementation for different investment strategies. These include:
market imperfections like monopoly power, subsidies and taxes, high ecological risks which
are not perceived by relevant actors, lack of technological feasibility, too little social
acceptance which may prevent the implementation of technologies, even if they are
economically reasonable, too short time horizon of investors and savers, network
externalities which create public good problems for energy systems and lack of
dissemination for energy technologies.
The ECF encourages stakeholders and scientists to formulate a long-term investment
strategy for the transition to a sustainable energy system. Barriers of implementation will be
identified and strategies developed to overcome them. The research results will be
communicated to the broader public.

ECF Position Paper

Appendix 4. Data pool: building a Sustainability Geoscope

The 21st century will be characterized by global change on an unprecedented scale. The
data needs of governments, businesses, other organizations and the general public will be
profoundly different from what they have been in the past. The present project proposes to
develop a global observation system based on regional samples and remote sensing data
combined with ground-level observations. Such a system is called a Sustainability
In order to develop strategies for a transition to sustainability, for monitoring success and
failure of attempts to alter the current socioeconomic paradigms, and to give us a feeling of
where we stand, we will need robust sets of data. These data sets will address issues of
education, infrastructure, nutrition, state of the environment, resources, biological and
cultural diversity, to name just a few. In a first phase, analysis of existing data and regional
case studies will be used to address exemplary issues for sustainable development, such as
the interaction between increasing welfare, changing diets, limited water resources, and food
We do not yet have a system for the consistent and continuous worldwide collection of socioeconomic data. Global observation has reached a far more advanced state in the natural
sciences. For example, data from weather stations and geostationary weather satellites are
routinely compiled to drive models for weather forecasting. With regard to the global socioeconomy, there is no comparable effort for deriving consistent global time series of key
observational data based on co-developing theories of the system as a whole. What is
required is an extension of the global observation networks of the natural sciences into the
socioeconomic domain. In order to build an integrated information system for the earth, we
can no longer ignore that the natural and the human sphere are increasingly difficult to
separate. Human influence today affects almost all components of the global environment,
while remaining fundamentally dependent on that environment.
The number of parameters to be observed comprehensively should be small. The aim is not
a complete digitisation of the world in all its aspects, but the observation of a well-selected,
limited number of key parameters. The behaviour of complex systems can usually be
described with few parameters, as long as these parameters are measured at many points in
time and space. The real challenge is to identify a robust set of parameters for this task.
The Sustainability Geoscope will need to combine satellite remote sensing with on-theground observations. Satellites provide spatial and temporal mappings of earth surface
features at a resolution not available with other means, but their reliable interpretation is
difficult without the numerous associated parameters that can only be observed on the
ground, for example through statistical services and empirical social research. Thus,
satellites may well observe the global patterns of agricultural activity, but its relationship to
nutritional habits, agricultural policy and historical-cultural developments are the
indispensable basis for understanding these patterns and their significance. Systematic
observation with standardized procedures shall be complemented by in-depth case studies
of specific regions, phenomena, and problems. The instrument is to be built step-by-step.
Naturally, a large global information system requires gradual implementation. To begin with,
a series of comparative studies will be undertaken in different regions of the North and

ECF Position Paper

Appendix 5. ECF Board of Directors and Council

Members of the Board of Directors are:

Carlo C. Jaeger (Chairperson, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research PIK)
Klaus Hasselmann (Vice-Chairperson, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology)
Carlo Carraro (Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei)
Baldur Eliasson (ABB)
Stephan Singer (WWF International)

Members of the Council are:

Mike Hulme (Chairperson, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research)
Jrgen Engelhard (Rheinbraun AG)
Bill Hare (Greenpeace International)
Jean-Charles Hourcade (Centre International des Recherches Scietific d`Enviromentet de
Ola M. Johannessen (Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre, Bergen)
Nick Otter (Alstom Power)
Alexander Wokaun (Paul Scherrer Institut, ETH Zrich)

Dr. Martin Welp
European Climate Forum
c/o Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
P.O. Box 601203, 14412 Potsdam, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)331 288 2619
Fax +49 (0)331 288 2620
E-mail: [email protected]

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