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AP Statistics: End of the year project

Purpose: This project is to be culmination of a years work. It will incorporate all that you have learned:
designing an experiment, exploratory data analysis and regression and hypothesis testing. In addition, it will
require learning some technological skills and practicing your presentation abilities.
Group size: The size can be either one, two or three people. The number should be based on how many people
are really necessary for the project. For example, if you are analyzing how people react in traffic, you will
certainly need 2 people one to watch cars and motorists and the other to write the information down. It is rare
that projects need 3 students and many can be done with one. Groups of 2 or 3 share a grade, If you really need
a certain grade, you may want to do a project by yourself. YOUR TEACHER WILL DECIDE THE
The first task of your group is to decide on an INTERESTING question to investigate. Whats
your favorite color? is not such a question, Part of answering the question must involve a hypothesis test,
confidence interval and/or regression. You must have permission by your teacher for any project.
Data: You may collect your data via an observational study or a survey. If you choose a study, you may
obtain your data through any appropriate source, including the internet. Surveys are allowed on a limited basis
and must done representatively. However, such surveys must deal with important issues such as ethical
questions or positions. Frankly speaking, whether the pizza in the cafeteria is good is not such a question.
Students may work alone or in pairs. If an experiment is quite complex, you may work in groups of three but
you must have permission before doing so.
Report: Your report will be in the format specified in a separate packet:
This report will be placed on the schools website for all to see. You will be given directions how to do so.
Some samples are below:
Time: During the last several weeks, of the school year you will be expected to use class time to collect data
and work on your report and presentation. You may use the computers in the library if available. I am available
for help. You are on your honor to use this class time productively. Failure to do so will lower your final grade.
If you need to be out of class for data collection or other reasons, it is your responsibility to let me know. If you
go into public places to collect data, I will give you a piece of paper identifying you in case people get upset
with your presence.
Following are some examples of the types of projects you can do. You have a very wide range of topic areas
and also wide range of tests - t tests, linear regression, proportion z tests, or chi-square - either single variable or
table data. If you are having trouble coming up with a topic, think of an interest of yours. Do not fall back on
simple studies - like do boys or girls like the school pizza more. No one really cares. Try to think of non-school
topics and weightier issues.
Examples of data collection projects:
A study to determine which brand of cookie has a higher mean number of chips per cookie: Chips Ahoy or
Famous Amos. (done last year). But this type of project can be used in many types of foods or other articles.
Does the number of French Fries in a large container versus a small container justify the higher cost?
Does Oreo Double-Stuff cookies really have double the filling? (done before)
Does age affect peoples ability to answer questions?


Stu Schwartz

A Study Comparing the Difference Between the Proportion of Men in Advertisements in Women's Magazines
and the Proportion of Women in Advertisements in a Men's Magazine
Do boys or girls have better hearing (coordinated with school nurse)?
Does higher cost in foods mean better taste?
Does taking a test with questions from easiest to hardest, hardest to easiest, and in random order make a
difference? (done before).
Does a yellow light mean that drivers stop or speed up through an intersection?
A study of whether there was a greater proportion of complaint letters to the editor in Time Magazine during the
first half or the second half of the year 2002
Clinton speeches vs. Bush speeches - is there a difference in the proportion of longer words in each.
Do men tend to make purchases more frequently than women when shopping?
Does gender make a difference in whether a person stops or goes through a yellow light?
Fill several large cylindrical pots with water and measure the heights over a period of days. Examine the
relationships to determine prediction equations.
Does a big zapper really attract bugs?
Examine the ratio of content pages to ad pages in different genre of magazines and see if there is a relationship.
Are Boys More Generous Than Girls?
Which Language Uses A Higher Proportion of Vowels? (done before)
The Proportion of Advertisements Containing Websites in Sports Illustrated and Newsweek
Do men or women have larger handwriting?
A Study Comparing the Soft Drink Preferences of Men and Women
A study of the price of a single scoop of vanilla ice cream (or other foods) from many stores
Is there a bias towards any digit on the serial number of money?
How far do rubber bands stretch before they break?
Are self-checkouts actually faster? (done before)
Weights of full backpacks for WHS students - does gender, grade, height of student, race, etc. make a
A study of gasoline prices - does having several gas stations in close proximity keep the price lower?
The age that people marry - does race make a difference?


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Door widths of local businesses that should be wheelchair accessible.

Is there a relationship between the size of a font and the amount of space a paragraph takes on a page?
Predicting the price of a used car based on year and miles (multiple regression)
Sports teams who have higher salaries win more championships. Is this generally true?
Bake cupcakes with different color icing. Does the color make a difference when people select them? You can
do this many ways with many types of foods - shapes of glasses, shape of product, etc.
Tap water versus bottled. Is there a difference in preference? (done before)
Conjecture: given a sample of pennies, there is a relationship between the year and the number of coins minted
in that year.
Conjecture: the weight of coins are normally distributed. This type of analysis can be done with many sets of
data. See science teachers for measuring devices.
Other studies in normality: size of apples in a market, wait time at a toll booth, peanuts in a package, lifespan of
people buried in a cemetery, etc.
Do telephone numbers or addresses tend to favor or exclude certain numbers?
Comparing the Proportion of Men and the Proportion of Women of the Suburban Area Wearing Hats Indoors.
Google searches note the number of hits and narrow the search, Attempt to generate equations predicting this
data: Ex: Pacific Ocean, Hawaii, Oahu, Pearl Harbor, and Arizona.
There are a lot of data sets in Fathom that are open to hypothesis testing. Examine census files particularly.
Questionnaire Survey type projects:
Which Gender Tends to Wear Jeans More, Men or Women?
Spelling B. Do different genders, ethnic groups, perform better?
How far will people travel to save 5 cents a gallon on gas - is there a difference between the sexes?
A study comparing the proportion of young adults, middle age people, and senior citizens and teenagers who
claim to have a strong belief in God.
The mean number of showers students take a day - is there a difference between races?
In what ways does exercise help a person? How strong are these impacts? (Example: Does someone who
regularly exercises and then stops feel more depressed than someone who never exercises? How much happier
is a person after they start exercising? Does it matter what kind of exercise? How long do these impacts last?
A study to determine which gender follows the rules of the road more often by comparing the proportion of men
and women who fully stop when making a turn on red as opposed to not making a full stop.
Is there a relationship between the number of colleges a student applied to and his or her GPA?


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Do glasses make people look smart? Are people more inclined to respect a person with glasses?
Do certain accents (Russian, English, southern) carry with them certain connotations? For example, might a
person think someone is smarter simply because they have an English accent, and think the person less bright if
they have a southern accent? What affects these attitudes and have they at all shifted since Bush took office?
Is there a relationship between the colors people wear and the color of their car?
Does taking vitamin C have an impact on colds?
Do people tend to enter into professions that are like what their parents did? How much is this tendency, if there
is one, affected by the quality of their relationship with their parents? And which has more affect - the father's
relationship, the mother's, or does it depend on the quality of the parent-child relationship, or perhaps on the
match of personality?
Does working have an impact on how much one spends on popcorn and such at a movie?
Does the wording of a survey actually make a difference in the results? The government should allow as
opposed to the government should forbid
Conjecture: there is a relationship between a students GPA and the cost of the college they are going to?
Conjecture: most students have started drinking before they entered high school. (see section on honesty
Are there any factors that can predict the success or failure of a marriage? (like a common faith, age at
marriage, difference in age between the couples, the marital status of parents, etc.
Here are some examples (without graphics) of some projects done by students at other schools. Some are better
than others. Notice that each has a disclaimer which should appear in your report as well. Since this is going on
the Wissahickon website, it tells people not to take your result seriously. If, for example, you claim that there is
evidence that is more pepperoni on Pizza Hut pizza rather than other brands, you dont want to be sued by
Dominos. The disclaimer takes the responsibility off of you and the school. I have only put the disclaimer on
the first project below. But it must appear on yours.
The Anxiety of Drivers at Rush Hour
This study was done in an AP Statistics Course with relatively small sample sizes. The validity of such studies
must always be questioned. Please keep this in mind if you use or report the results of this study.
Project Summary
This study aims to measure whether people are more anxious on the roads in the morning or evening,
hypothesizing that people are more anxious to get to work in the morning than get home at night. This study
assumed that the rate at which people run red lights is a good indicator of driver eagerness. Samples were taken
from the intersection of a busy four lane and a slower two lane road in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. The
researcher observed this intersection for 60 light changes in the morning and evening (n1=n2=60) and observed
the number of times, when the light turned red, a car was in the intersection. 20 of the 60 lights in the morning
were ran, compared to 30 of the evening's 60. Using a two sided two proportion z-test of significance, it was


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calculated that a sample this extreme would occur 6.4% of the time (p=.064), if there was no difference in the
proportion of lights that contained a runner in the morning and evening in the long run. This is slightly above
the significance level of .05, so there was some evidence that the proportion of lights that contained a runner
does, in fact, differ in the morning and evening. However, there is not enough evidence to feel confident in
rejecting the null hypothesis.
There was one major problem with this study. The intersection observed was the junction of a four lane and a
two lane road. More cars are given the opportunity to run the red light on the roads with more lanes. To have a
runner, One out of the two lanes have to contain a runner on the two lane road, while only a one out of four
have to contain one on the larger one. So, the proportion of lights that contained a runner were measuring the
same population parameter, but in different ways. A binomial distribution was used to find the proportion of
times each individual lane would contain a runner, thus accounting for the fact that there was a difference in
amount of lanes per road. A new p-value of p=.00289 was calculated from this weighted set of data, providing
strong evidence to reject our null hypothesis. A more precise way of collecting the data, that might be used in a
follow up study, would be to observe each lane individually. This would simplify the process statistical
inference. However, this was an observational study, and therefore cannot make any attempt to detect causation.
Furthermore, we can not be sure that the portion of times a light is run is a good indicator of people's anxiety
on the roads. I feel comfortable extrapolating my results to all intersection of two lane and four lane roads
in major cities in the northeastern part of the US. The results of this study provide strong evidence against the
hypothesis that people are more anxious in the morning. However, they support the more general hypothesis
that anxiety differs in the morning and evening.
Different Eating Habits Among Different Genders
Project Summary
The goal of this study was to determine if women are more nutrition and health conscious than men when
deciding what to eat. It is thought that women tend to think of their diets and bodies, and eat accordingly, while
men tend to eat what they want because they want it. The Arlington Massachusetts Dunkin Donuts, in a suburb
of Boston, was the sample location because it offered the option of both healthy foods, such as muffins and
bagels, and sweeter, more fattening foods, such as donuts. The population of interest was those adult males and
females who eat at the Arlington Dunkin Donuts on the working week morning. A sample of 40 adult males and
40 adult females was taken. Whether they ordered a bagel, muffin, or donut for themselves was recorded. It was
first assumed that the proportion of adult males who would order donuts would be larger than the proportion of
females who would do the same. It turns out that 28 adult males out of 40, ordered donuts, and only 19 adult
females out of 40, ordered donuts. A Z-significance test for two proportions at the 0.05 significance level was
performed. The resulting p-value was approximately 0.0205. This p-value provided strong evidence to reject the
null hypothesis that the proportion of adult males at Dunkin Donuts who order donuts is equal to the proportion
of adult females who do the same.
Extrapolation was difficult beyond the adult population that eats breakfast from Dunkin Donuts, or similar
donut shops in the morning during the work week. A major weakness found in the study was in determining
whether or not to accurately disregard customers as subjects due to whether or not the subject was ordering for
themself. This was difficult to determine. From these results and factors it was determined that adult women
tend to order foods which are more healthy at Dunkin Donuts than adult males, making them more healthconscious in their decisions.


Stu Schwartz

Men, Women, and Pastels

Project Summary
Do significantly more women wear pink, purple and pastels than men do? Traditionally these colors are
considered feminine, but is there actually a difference between the proportion of men and women who wear
these colors, or is this an anachronistic idea that no longer applies to the 1990's? This observational study
sampled both males and females, comparing the proportion of people that wear pink, purple and pastels in both
subgroups. The sampling took place on a Friday night, at approximately 6 o'clock on a February. The location
of the sampling was in the inside of the front entrance of the Galleria Mall, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Of the
154 people sampled, 76 people were male, and 78 people were female. By performing a Large Sample Two
Proportions Z-Test, it showed that the difference in the proportions of the males and females was statistically
significant. The probability that this could have happened by chance alone is p=.000054321. The power of this
test is very high, showing that it is very sensitive. A 95% confidence interval was constructed to compare these
two proportions. It too provided strong evidence that the proportion of men wearing pink, purple and pastels
is significantly smaller than the proportion of women. Though steps were taken in order to avoid bias and
confounding variables, it was not possible to eliminate all of them. Things such as the time of day, the entrance
inside of which the sampling took place, and even the weather, may have affected the proportion of people
wearing pastels. The population of this sample is the people that go to the Galleria mall on a Friday night, but it
would be reasonable to extrapolate the general results to the general population of people that attend the
Galleria mall, and even to all of Cambridge, Massachusetts.
A Study Comparing the Proportions of Female Shoppers at Victoria's Secret and World Footlocker
Project Summary
The goal of this study was to attempt to address the research question: is the proportion of shoppers who are
female higher at a Victoria's Secret store (a lingerie store carrying only its own brand) than in a World
Footlocker store (a dual-gender, multi-brand sports apparel store)? The study was undertaken in the hopes of
obtaining statistical evidence to either support or refute widely accepted "facts" about the shopping patterns of
women, and it was hypothesized that the proportion of females would be higher at the Victoria's Secret store
than at World Footlocker. Samples were collected on a Saturday afternoon at the Cambridgeside Galleria Mall
in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which attracts a range of shoppers from diverse backgrounds and income levels.
Samples were obtained for each store by recording the gender of each member of a random sample of the
people who entered the store. The sample was chosen by including the person who corresponded to a randomly
generated number on the interval from 7 to 15. The sample sizes were 37 (for Victoria's Secret) and 40 (for
World Footlocker.) In order to eliminate as much bias as possible having a true SRS was sacrificed, although
the sample was still assumed to be random enough to fulfill the assumptions required for the application of a
Large Sample Test of Significance for Two Proportions. It was found that the difference in sample proportions
provided strong evidence (p = .00857, nv = 37, nf = 40) to reject the null hypothesis that there is no difference
between the true proportion of shoppers at Victoria's Secret who are female and the true proportion of shoppers
at World Footlocker who are female. The power of the test was .77845. A 95% confidence interval constructed
from the samples revealed that the population proportion of females in Victoria's Secret is greater than the
population proportion of females in World Footlocker by between approximately 5.7% and 48%, thus
supporting the results obtained from the Significance Test. Duality between the confidence interval and the test
of significance was not applicable to this study, however, because the test of significance was based upon a onesided alternative hypothesis.
The population that this study was extrapolated to was (as the conservative alternative) the population of
shoppers at Victoria's Secret stores and World Footlocker stores in New England. However, due to the diversity
of the shoppers at the Cambridgeside Galleria Mall, where the data was collected, an expansion of the


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population to all shoppers at Victoria's Secret stores and all dual-gender, multi-brand sports apparel stores in the
United States was considered reasonable and justifiable.
There were some weaknesses of the study, most notably that the samples did not fulfill the technical definition
of an SRS, that the data was not collected simultaneously for each store, and that the definition used for who
was actually "shopping" at a store was not perfect. Possible sources of confounding were the fact that the
Cambridgeside Galleria Mall has, in addition to World Footlocker, several other sports apparel oriented stores,
and the fact that the data was collected roughly a week before Valentine's Day. Despite these potential sources
of bias and confounding, it was determined that it was still reasonable to apply statistical procedures to the data
and to discuss the outcomes of these procedures. However, no conclusions about causation were made from the
study because it was an observational study and not an experiment.
Foreign Cars Versus American Cars: Do They Relate To Financial Status?
Project Summary
This Observational study attempted to find out if there is a difference between the proportion of people who live
in low income areas that drive Foreign cars and the proportion of people who live in high income areas that
drive Foreign cars. The hypothesis of this study is that people who live in lower income areas are not as likely
to be driving a foreign car, therefore the proportion of people from low income areas who drive Foreign cars is
less than the proportion of people from high income areas who drive Foreign cars. In order to conduct this
experiment, two samples of cars were taken at rush hour, on a site which borders low and high income areas. A
Simple Random Sample was taken of the number of foreign cars out of cars going home after work towards
their low income area, and also of those coming home after work to their high income area. It was recorded that
the respective proportions were 36/99 for low income and 40/100 for high income. After conducting a large
sample test of significance for the difference of two proportions, for the recorded data (p-value=.2987,
n1=99,n2=100), it was determined that there was insufficient evidence to conclude that lower income people are
not as likely to drive foreign cars. There are weaknesses in the study which may have led to bad results.
However, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that the same amount of foreign cars are driven by people
with high and low incomes. The population of this study can be extended to the other areas around Boston
which have a distinct border between the higher and lower income areas.
Bad Apples
Project Summary
Is the quality of the produce at a grocery store in a wealthy neighborhood better than the quality of the produce
in a poor neighborhood? In search of support for this hypothesis a study of Granny Smith apples was taken at
two different locations of an accredited, popular grocery store, Star Market. The first sample was taken in the
wealthy suburban town and the second in a poor section of a city. The goal of the study was to find strong
evidence that the proportion of bad apples at the Star in the wealthy neighborhood was less then the proportion
of apples at the Star in the poor neighborhood. A simple random sample was taken from a population
consisting of one hundred and twenty easily accessible apples at each Star Market. Each apple was assigned a
number from one to one hundred twenty. A sample of forty random apples was chosen from each population.
An apple was determined "bad" if any of the following applied: 1) It had a bruise greater than the size of a
nickel, 2) It had more than one bruise, 3) The skin was punctured or abnormally discolored, or 5) There were
any scratches or markings on the skin. At the Star Market in the wealthy neighborhood 12.5% of the apples
were bad and in the poor neighborhood 32.5%. A Two Proportion Test of Significance found that a result as or
more extreme than the samples would occur only 1.61% of the time by chance alone. Thus, the samples provide
strong evidence that the proportions do in fact differ. These results back, but in no way verify, the more general
hypothesis that the quality of the produce at a grocery store in a wealthy neighborhood is better than the quality


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of the produce in a poor neighborhood. The validity of this study may have been affected by the date of the
shipments of apples and various errors in the sampling.
Difference Between the Proportion of Women who Eat at Au Bon Pain and the Proportion of Women
Who Eats at McDonald's
Project Summary
This study is designed to answer the question of: who is more concerned about eating healthy, men or women?
The assumption is that women are more concerned about health than men are, therefore they are more likely to
eat healthy. To answer this question it was first determined that Au Bon Pain (an upscale caf, serving deli
sandwiches, coffee, and French pastries) will be considered "healthy" food. While McDonald's (a fast food
chain, that makes burgers fries and other highly fattening foods) will be considered unhealthy food. Sampling
was conducted at the North Shore Mall (an upscale mall north of Boston, MA, a diverse group of people, but
mostly middle to upper class people) on a Friday afternoon and evening. Two samples were taken, the first
recorded the gender of the people who ordered something at Au Bon Pain (sample size nABP= 33), and the
second sample recorded the gender of the people that ordered something at McDonald's (sample size
The sampling method that was used was done on the TI-83, using the function randInt(3,10). This means that
the calculator will generate a random integer between "3" and "10". As the calculator generated a random
integer, the experimenter would then count that many people, and record the number of the nth person (n being
the integer between 3 and 10). The sampling took place between the hours of 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. These
samples each yielded a sample proportion of the proportion of women that ate at each of the two respectful
places. The proportion of women who ate at Au Bon Pain is 24/33, while the proportion of women who ate at
McDonald's is 21/40. A large sample test of significance test for two proportions at the .05 level gives a p-value
of .0384561961. This gives strong evidence to reject the null hypothesis and that there is in fact a higher
proportion of women that eat at Au Bon Pain than the proportion that eat at McDonald's. Implying that women
are more concerned with what they eat then men are.
This is an observational study, and due to the weaknesses in the study the population was limited to the men and
women who ordered food in the food court of the North Shore Mall on the afternoon and evening of February
12, 1999. The power of the test was approximately .535187. This shows us that approximately 53.5% of the
time this test will reject the null hypothesis. This is not a very high power, and shows the test is not very
strong. There were weaknesses in the study. The most important ones were that the samples were taken
consecutively, which is a confounding variable. The appearances of both the eateries were very different, and
this could have been confounding, since it does not have anything to do with the food ordered, but can affect
weather people will go to a certain restaurant or not. The last weakness was that the sample sizes, although meet
the requirement (n>30), the results would be better had they been bigger.
Too Many Ads
Project Summary
Is the proportion of advertisements in teen magazines greater than the proportion of advertisements in news
magazines? While the advertisements in those magazines are quite different, there is reason to believe that there
are more ads aimed at teens. The goal of this study was to determine whether the proportion of advertisements
in these magazines are significantly different and there is a greater proportion of advertisements in teen
magazines. Two samples were taken out of the population of the October, November and December issues of
Seventeen and the population of the first three issues of those months of Time magazine. Pages in the samples
were randomly picked from the entire population of pages in those magazines. Only the pages that had at least a


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half page or more of advertisements were counted. Out of the 105 pages sampled from Seventeen 61 pages were
advertisements and of 103 pages sampled from Time 47 were ads.
A Large Sample, one-sided Significance Test for the difference of two proportions was used to examine
whether the difference is statistically significant. The assumptions for this test were fulfilled. The two samples
were independently selected simple random samples and the sample sizes are large (greater than 30). A
significance level was set before the test was performed at 0.05. The p-value for the test is 0.036 (n1= 105, n2=
103)which is statistically significant at the 0.05 significance level. The sample was found to provide strong
evidence to reject the null hypothesis that the proportion of advertisements in Seventeen is the same as the
proportion of advertisements in Time. A 95% confidence interval was calculated to estimate the true
population difference between the two proportions. The interval, (-.0101, .2594) says that if this study were to
be repeated 100 times and 95% confidence intervals were made for each sample then about 95 of the
100 confidence intervals would contain the true population difference in the two proportions. The confidence
interval for this study estimates that the proportion of ads in Seventeen is anywhere between 1% less to 26%
greater than the proportion of advertisements in Time. This interval is very wide due to the small sample sizes.
Both the significance test and the confidence interval would be more accurate with larger samples. The power
of the test was equal to 0.56167.
There are a few weaknesses in this study. Time magazine is a weekly issue while Seventeen is only printed
every month. This may have been a confounding variable in the study. To try to eliminate this bias the three
issues from Time arrived at newsstands at the beginning of the months, the same time the monthly Seventeens
were out. The size of the advertisements also may have affected the results. While most advertisements in
Seventeen were full page ads most ads in Time were less than a page. The low power and the wide confidence
interval both suggest that one cannot entirely rule out the null hypothesis as incorrect even though the sample is
statistically significant at the 0.05 level. In conclusion, the sample is not practically significant. There is
evidence to support the alternate hypothesis that the proportion of advertisements in Seventeen is greater that
the proportion of advertisements in Time, but the difference is small in magnitude.
Here is a possible way to handle the honesty problem in surveys.
Hi all, A student of mine is conducting a survey of students at our school. He read in the newspaper that 25%
of high school students smoke. He believes that the percentage is higher than that at our school. He plans to
survey a SRS of students by generating a list of random ID numbers and seeking out those students during their
lunch periods. We discussed the logistics of this and it can be done easily enough. We figured we would need
at least 40 in the sample. Then we began to talk about the sensitivity of the question. When people are asked
sensitive questions, the validity of their responses may be questionable. I remember a discussion a while back
about how t deal with this. The sensitive question is: "Have you smoked at least one cigarette in the past seven
days?" Have the student being surveyed flip a coin (privately). If the coin comes up "heads", instruct him to
answer the question with "yes". If it comes up "tails" answer the question truthfully. This way, the researcher
does not know if the student answered "yes" because he has smoked or because he flipped a "head".


Stu Schwartz

AP Statistics Final Project Outline of Project

Names of students (only one form per group): ___________________________________________________
1. What is your topic? If you wish to try and prove a relationship, think of a conjecture. (ex: Oreo Double Stuff
cookies dont really have double the filling.)

2. What/who is your population? Are they people or things. Describe the individuals carefully.

3. We will gather the following set(s) of quantitative data. Remember that quantitative data are measured. Try
to get a set that can be measured to least the nearest tenth of a unit.

4. We will gather the following sets of categorical data. Remember that categorical data can be classified into
one of a group of categories.

5. How many will be in your sample? The more complex your experiment/survey is, the fewer samples you will
be able to take. A minimum of 30 is required but more will give you a better result. Remember - this is a
subset of your population.

6. How will you go about drawing your sample? Go into detail. If you use a survey form, remember your
wording. Any group using a survey form must show it to me before you start gathering data.

7. Who will be responsible for collecting data? I expect that every team member will participate in the
collection of data. You may do it together (which I highly encourage) or divide the sample points and put
them together.

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Stu Schwartz

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