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9 Ether Beings and the Sun


Firstly, when eye say ETHER UTOPIANS, eye am using Phonetics to display the name
ETHIOPIAN. We know that Ethiopian is a Greek title and that the original name of that land
was Axum, When looking at the etymology of the word Ethiopia we get this:
1382, from L. Ethiops Ethiopian, from Gk. Aithiops, perhaps from aithein to burn + ops
face (cf. aithops fiery-looking, later sunburned).So we see that the root word is
Aethiops meaning to burn from aithein. Now when we look at the etymological meaning of
Ether we get: 1398, from L. ther the upper pure, bright air, from Gk. aither upper air,
from aithein to burn, shine, from I.E. base *aidh- to burn
So here we see that Ether means to burn and it is the burning of gases that perpetuates life
through all levels of existence like the Oxygen in lungs. 9 Ether is the combination of all
existing gases and thus 9 is the highest number in mathematics. Reason dictates, that the
highest number in mathematics, coupled with all existing gases in the Universe, gives us 9
Knowledge, 9 Overstanding, and 9 Wisdom which leads to 9 Mind, which is the true
LIBERATION FORCES for those who are mentally dead. 9 is mathematics and 9 Ether is
science. Mathematics stems from the Greek word Mathema, which translates as Science and
science is from the Latin Scientia meaning Knowledge so you see that 9 Knowledge is the
highest degree of Science and Mathematics strictly possessed by those who have 9 Ether
Now before we were called Ethiopians, we were called NUBUNS by the Ancients. The Nubuns
still exist today in the land called Nuba where they are called the first people on planet
earth. The words Ethiopian and Nubun are the same in meaning. They both mean ETHER
the life-giving, light-giving burning energies that the Sun produces called PROMINENCES
and SUNSHINE. The Caucasian hides words so when looking for the name Nuba in their

dictionaries, you will find Nuba hidden in the etymological meaning of the world Nuance:
Nuance1781, from Fr. nuance slight difference, shade of color, from nuer to shade, from
nue cloud, from Gallo-Romance *nuba, from L. nubes cloud; related to obnubere to
veil, from PIE *sneudh- fog (cf. Avestan snaoda clouds, Welsh nudd fog, Gk. nython, in
Hesychius dark, dusky).
So here you see Nuba meaning dark an obvious nuance to the Caucasian because they
represent 6 and us Woolly Haired ETHER UTOPIANS represent 9 in nature knowledge and
the 9 and the 6 are obviously adverse forces to each other and this is why the Caucasian never
taught us that Sunshine is Ether, because if they had, some of us would have been able to
reason out our origin many many years ago. However, it is the Caucasians purpose to keep
Ether Utopians ignorant so we can be used against ourselves, and for their well being. Just
look at the entertainment industry and you will have the utmost perfect and absolute example.
So now we see that the root of the word ETHIOPIAN is the word ETHER, and it means our
origin is THE SUN, because the Sun is NINE and NINE ETHER SUN produces the Ether
Utopian Race. We witness this adverse first hand when the Caucasian basks in the Sun and
gets dark, however, this darkness fades once he or she leaves the Sun and they begin to go
back to being pale. On the other hand, our darkness is inherent from the Sun, that is, our
being the Suns original offspring has empowered us Ether Utopians with the same powers
that It has the power to be black and produce the darkest offsrpring. Eye personally do not
say BLACK because nothing has black skin by nature except certain cold blooded reptiles. In
other words, our skin is dark because of the Melanin, which is a complex chemical Carbon,
rooted in certain cells in our skin.
Like the Sun, we Ether Utopians or Ptah-ites, (offspring of PTAH) have in our reproductive
system and marrow of our bones what is called SUN HEAT GENES, and these Sun Heat
Genes become part of the blood and they emanate outward to the skin, and our Sun Heat
Genes gives off a burning energy that changes the skin to the darkest color that our species
can attain. The more Sun Heat Genes one has, the darker that person will be. Therefore,
BEING DARK SKINNED IS BEING SUPERIOR in color because THE SUNS of the Multiverses are JET BLACK, and they are superior to all universal bodies. Hence, the dark skinned
peoples called BLACK, is not only beautiful, but is the best and purest of all other COLORS.
The Sun is male and Mother Earth is female. The Sun gives off Ether in the form of what is
called PROMINENCES. Let us first take a look at what PROMINENCES are. A prominence is

a large bright feature extending outward from the Suns surface, often in a loop configuration.
Prominences are anchored to the Suns surface in the photosphere, and extend outwards into
the Suns corona. So here we see that a PROMINENCE is an extension of the Sun which joots
out and forms a loop configuration. This is part of the Suns antennae so to speak called
FLOCCULUS and an Ether Utopians or Ptah-ites hair may correctly be called FLOCCULUS.
n. pl. flocculi (-l) 1. A small fluffy mass or tuft. 2. Anatomy Either of two small lobes on the
lower posterior border of the cerebellum. 3. Astronomy Any of various cloudlike masses of
gases appearing as bright or dark patches on the surface of the sun. Etymology: ModL, dim.
< L floccus, flock of wool:
So here we see using English and its many languages that it is derived from, we see that
Flocculus, or Flocculi, which is the plural, is small flock of wool and it also is emblematic in
astrology as cloud like masses which in essence, is the very Prominences mentioned a few
sentences back with the illustrations. So our Woolly Hair looks like Flocculi and may correctly
be called flocculi. If one puts a straight strand of hair closer and closer to fire, that strand of
hair will granulate, that is ball up because of the potency of the heat. The Ptah-ites or ETHER
UTOPIANS, carries his and her SUN within, and we appeared on the Planet Earth at a time
when no other race could survive in the earths atmosphere, because just after creation, the
atmosphere was too dense and potent for the weakness of human beings called MANKIND.
Mankind is all peoples with straight hair by Nature. The Ether Utopians or so calle BLACK
race, became identified with mankind down through EVOLUTION.
Moreover, the Sun Heat Genes in those who had to live in the Earths ORIGINAL
ATMOSPHERE had to be much stronger than those of mankind who came much later. In this
time, we would have appeared more Black in appearance than the darkest of browns. In other
words, the Sun Heat Genes in THE AFRICAN PYGMIES were so dense and potent in their
bone marrow and reproductive system, that it turned the hair KINKY, as fire does to a straight
strand of hair. Hence, Woolly Hair is superior to straight hair, as the Suns are superior to all
other universal bodies. Woolly Hair by Nature assures the Ether Utopian that he and she are
the Originals on the Planets, thereby the original personifications of the Suns. We bigger Ptahites evolved from smaller Ptah-ites now called THE AFRICAN PYGMIES who live in
EQUATORIAL AFRICA. So we see that Woolly Hair is Sun hair called Flocculus or

This hair works as a Solenoid in engineering does. It is a transducer device that converts
energy into linear motion. This linear motion becomes RHYTHM in the Woolly Haired race
on this planet. A solenoid (1827, fr. solnode, gr. solen pipe, channel + comb. form of gr.
eidos form, shape[1]) is a three-dimensional coil. In physics, the term solenoid refers to a
loop of wire, often wrapped around a metallic core, which produces a magnetic field when an
electric current is passed through it. In the instance of Ether Utopians, the loop of wire is the
hair follicle and within it contains the gases of 9 Ether and that is what you smell when you
burn the hair of an Ether Utopian.
We see that the hair of the Woolly Haired race represents the loop 9 and thus it represents 9
IN THE ORIGINAL MATTER OF THE COSMOS and therefore, the SOLENOID is a symbol of
Ether Utopians-Race Originality, P OWER, UNIQUENESS, AND IDENTITY. The number
999, or 9 to the 9th power of 9, constitutes the power that exist in the top half of the circle of
SPACE, MATTER and TIME and passed down through the Ether Utopian race known as the
PTAHITES. The Sun is Nine and NINE is THE BALL which may conveniently be drawn as the
circle (O). In ancient times, the African Pygmy was called PTAH and worshiped the
personification of the ORIGINAL CREATOR. The Pygmies are from the Sun and we are from
the Pygmies, and this means that we bigger Ether Utopians are the Sun, too.
We are EVOLUTIONARY PTAH. Evolution marks death, or the Winter season in the Cycle of
Space Matter and Time. It was Mother Earth who gave birth to our ancestors, the African
Pygmies, from the Source of the Nile on the Equator in Africa. The eggs of Mother Earth in the
source of the Nile River was impregnated by Nine Ether rays from the Sun, the Nine Power.
Like the Sun, Woolly Hair symbolizes potency, life and originality.The Ether Utopians are the
only one of the races who grows her and his CROWN by Nature; Woolly Hair stands up like a
crown, and this makes the Ether Utopians the NATURAL Emperors and Empresses of the
Universe by Nature. Where do we find the Ether Utopians or PTAHITES in there book
called the Bible?
If you look in Genesis 10:13, and 1Chronicles 1:11, you find the name NAPHTUHIM, the son of
Mizraim. In any online research, you will pull this up: NAPHTUHIM naf-tu-him
(naphtuchim; Septuagint Nephthaleim): A son of Mizraim (Gen 10:13; 1 Ch 1:11); but,
according to most modern authorities, a district or a dependency of Egypt. Among the many
efforts at identification the following deserve notice: Naphtuhim = (1) Nephthys (Nephthus)
in the Northeast of Egypt; (2) Na-ptah, i.e. the people of Ptah, the dwellers in the
neighborhood of Memphis; (3) Nathu (according to Herodotus, Natho), which occurs in

Assurbanipals Annals as the name of a part of Lower Egypt; (4) Erman (ZATW, X, 118), by
the change of a letter, reads Petemhim, which signifies The Northland; (5) Spiegelberg sees
in the word an old designation of the Delta, and would therefore render the name, the people
of the Delta (compare Johns, HDB; Skinner and Holzinger on Genesis).
The Naphtuhim would be in southern Egypt today. They were originally in the Nile Delta (or
lower Egypt) giving their name to it. It is they who were the Memphites the people of the
god Ptah or Path. Memphis was originally known as Naph[1], and in more modern times as
Abu Sir. Later they migrated southwards founding the city of Napata in southern Egypt.
Peoples known as Nobatai (Oasis Dwellers) were observed in antiquity in Libya, Nubia, and

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