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Corporate Procedure

Attendance during Inclement Weather

Approved by: Council
Date Approved: November 5, 2013
Replaces: Section 5-40.3 HR Manual

Last Modified Date: May, 2013

Scheduled for Review by: 2017

Procedure Number: HR-MNG-001-001Parent Policy: HR-MNG-001

Author: Human Resources
References and Related Documents
Attendance Policy
Absence Reporting Procedure
Leave of Absence Request

This procedure outlines the options available to employees in respect of attendance
during inclement weather conditions, and outlines the process for a full-day closure or
early closure of facilities, buildings or services.
On occasion, inclement weather may make it difficult and/or impossible for employees
to get to work. In the instance of inclement weather, employees are reminded to:
1. Make every reasonable attempt to get to work, while maintaining regard for
personal safety.
2. Given the variability of severe weather, we expect you to take steps to be
prepared in advance. This may mean allowing extra time prior to your start time
to clear snow, and in anticipation of traffic delays.
3. In appropriate circumstances, and with approval from your supervisor, you may
wish to prepare to work from home in the event of a storm. If you are equipped
to work from home, the County expects you to monitor your voice mail/email
throughout the day, and initiate/return telephone calls as appropriate.
4. Notify your manager/supervisor of your absence or anticipated lateness, as soon
as possible.
Attendance during Inclement Weather

May, 2013

This procedure applies to all Non-Union County employees. Employees covered by a
collective agreement are subject to the terms and conditions in their respective

The CAO and Directors will be responsible for the administration and maintenance of
this policy.

Inclement Weather: Severe weather conditions which include, but are not limited to:
tornadoes, hurricane, flooding, snowstorms, ice storms and
dangerous weather conditions.

Office Closure and Cancellation of Services

In the event inclement weather conditions are present and it is necessary to close
certain offices and/or services, the CAO and/or the appropriate Director shall approve
the closures (except 24 hour operations).
In order to protect the health and safety of employees, only those employees whose
positions are designated as critical will remain at, or report to work, in order to sustain
operations and protect the Countys assets. Please note, employees are not expected
to travel to a worksite when access roads are closed.
a. Closure prior to regular business hours: Employees will not report to work,
except for critical personnel where practicable.
b. Closure during regular business hours: Employees will leave the
workplace, except for designated critical personnel.

Method of Notification
In advance of scheduled shifts, employees have the responsibility to determine if
inclement weather or pending inclement weather will have an impact on their workplace.
The County will provide the necessary information about office/service closures and
other important notices, using the methods below:

Call the Grey County Main Telephone Number: 519-376-2205

This is a recorded message of office and/or service closures, or directions for
where and when to report for work.

Attendance during Inclement Weather

May, 2013

View the County of Grey Website: Grey County Website

Radio and Website Information: Listen to radio announcements and/or view
Radio Station

Phone Number

Website Address



560 AM CFOS website

MIX 106.5 FM


MIX 106.5 FM website

Country 93 FM


Country 93 FM website

92.3 FM The Dock


92.3 FM The Dock website

94.5 FM The Bull


94.5 FM The Bull website

101.7 FM The One


101.7 FM The One website



920 AM CKNX website

Other methods may be used to notify employees of a closure or early closure of

facilities, buildings or services due to inclement weather, including:

Personal notification by affected employees supervisor (ie. phone tree)

Departments, particularly those operating on a 24/7 basis, may develop additional

internal procedures for notifying employees.

Timing of Notification
Every attempt should be made to communicate suspended operations or closure
decisions promptly, and if at all possible, before 7:00 am.
Every attempt should be made to take into account employees working afternoon,
evening and night shifts when communicating suspended operations or closure

Pay during Office Closures and Cancellation of Services

Closure PRIOR to Regular Business Hours: scheduled employees will be paid

their wages based on a regular work day for the period involved, regardless if
they attend work or not.

Attendance during Inclement Weather

May, 2013

Closure DURING Regular Business Hours: employees may leave the

workplace and receive their wages based on a regular work day, regardless if
they remain at work or not.
Employees or Positions deemed Critical: due to the nature of certain
positions, some employees will be required to work during a workplace closure.
These employees will receive their wages based on a regular work day.
Employees on Vacation, Sick, Lieu time, etc. during a Closure: these
employees will record their time as originally planned.

Absence due to Inclement Weather (No Closure of Office or

On days when adverse weather conditions (snow, road conditions, etc.) make it
impossible or uncomfortable for an employee to reach their place of employment, the
employee may take this time as Vacation, Lieu Time or Time Without Pay.

Standard Operating Guidelines

Once a decision has been made to curtail services/operations or close a work site, the
CAO and/or the appropriate Director will:

Contact Human Resources or designate who will in turn contact the radio
stations to place the appropriate public service announcements.
Send in a High Importance IT Request for IT to change the phone system to
After Hours Policy - IT After Hours On Call and post a Media Release
instructions to the County website homepage to inform public and staff.
Contact all other members of the Senior Management team and the Emergency
Management Coordinator to advise of the decision.
Directors will take whatever steps are necessary within their own departments to
meet operational requirements, and ensure the safety of staff and clients (ie.
place notices on entrance doors, and advise community partners, etc.).

Attendance during Inclement Weather

May, 2013

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