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Procedia Technology 5 (2012) 40 49

CENTERIS 2012 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / HCIST 2012 - International

Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies

A Successful ERP Implementation in an Ethiopian Company: A

case Study of ERP Implementation in Mesfine Industrial
Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
Abiot Sinamo Boltenaa,*, Jorge Marx Gomeza

Carl Von Oisietzky University of Oldenburg, Ammerlnder Heerstr. 114-118,

26129 Oldenburg, Germany

The implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems has been known to be much more difficult than the
development of a computer application supporting a single business function. In this article, the researcher presents a case
study of an ERP system implementation by a medium company in Ethiopia. Mesfine Industrial Engineering (MIE) Pvt.
Ltd. is a vast unrivalled metal construction and electromechanical engineering in Ethiopia, and has recently adopted and
implemented an ERP system. The paper examines key dimensions of implementation of ERP system within MIE and
takes an in-depth look at the issues behind the process of ERP implementation by focusing on business and technical as
well as cultural issues at the heart of the MIE implementation. The case study also looks at the implementation risks and
reports how MIE coped with the typical challenges that most medium organizations face when implementing an ERP
2012 Published
Elsevier Ltd.
peer review
by Elsevier
responsibility ofOpen
BY-NC-ND license.

Keywords: Enterprise resource planning, Case study, Implementation, Mesfine Industrial Engineering (MIE) pvt. Ltd

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 (0) 441 / 798 - 44 70; fax: +49 (0) 441 / 798 - 44 72.
E-mail address: [email protected]

2212-0173 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of CENTERIS/SCIKA - Association for Promotion
and Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

Abiot Sinamo Boltena and Jorge Marx Gomez / Procedia Technology 5 (2012) 40 49

1. Introduction
Firms around the world have been implementing ERP systems since the 1990s to have a uniform
information system in their respective organizations and to re-engineer their business processes [1]. ERP
system implementation process involves a wide range of complicated resources and issues. With no plan or
supporting procedure, companies may spend tons of money, resource, and time on ERP implementation but
not enjoy a bit of the benefit ERP system should have brought out [2-10]. A successfully implemented ERP
system has the advantages of reduced cost and high system quality [11]. It can also yield benefits to its
customers not only because they can purchase products or goods at low prices resulting from the cost savings
but also because they share the data of the production line in real time [12]. The benefit of ERP systems is
highly dependent on the success of its implementation. In order to get the best out of ERP system the
implementation must be managed as a program of wide ranging organizational change initiative rather than as
a software installation effort [13]
Many business organizations that adopted ERP systems attained the benefits they sought [14]. After ERP
systems were successfully implemented, companies could set up standards on financial management and
operating procedures like managing inventory systems [15]. However, not all adopters had successful
implementation, and some organizations failed because ERP system implementation was much more complex
than just developing a computer application for a single business function. More than 90% of ERP
implementations have been delayed and required additional budget amounts due to numerous changes in the
original plan [16]. Even when a company realizes that its ERP implementation is not going to be successful, it
is usually impossible to cancel the effort [17]. Such IT driven initiatives require change of the organizations
socio-economic system, which is intertwined with technology, task, people, structure, and culture [18].
A quick review of ERP research revealed different strategies for implementing ERP successfully.
Aladwani [19] stated that past ERP implementation research may be described as factor research, which
involves identifying the factors or variables that are critical for implementing ERP successfully. Although
factor research is valuable for advancing our understanding of ERP implementation success, it adopts a rather
static view, which limits its adequacy in explaining the dynamics of the implementation process. Thus, factor
research alone is not adequate for explaining successful ERP implementation. Unlike factor research, process
research helps us understand how ERP implementation efforts have happened; it therefore gives a moving
picture about how we got from time 1 to time 2.
Most literature on ERP implementation has focused on large enterprises that were considered to be
appropriate for ERP systems [20]. However, the cost of ERP systems is rapidly decreasing to let small- and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) adopt the system [21]. For example, the application service provider (ASP)
for ERP is an attractive source of support for SMEs that have a few IT professionals [22, 23]. Considering the
importance of ERP in SMEs, an attempt has been made in this paper to analyze the implementation issues of
ERP in a medium Ethiopian company. The paper takes an in-depth look at the issues behind the process of
ERP implementation via a case study methodology. To benefit from both factor and process research
perspectives the case study explains the reasons behind the successful ERP implementation practices of MIE
such that companies of similar nature will get a practical exposure in managing such complex implementation
In reporting the case study this paper is organised as follows. In Section 2, the reasons why MIE adopt ERP
system and the organizational representation of the ERP project team is presented. The phases followed in
implementing the ERP system has been presented in section 3. In section 4, risks of the project and how these
risks were managed is presented. Finally, summary is provided together with the conclusions in section 5.



Abiot Sinamo Boltena and Jorge Marx Gomez / Procedia Technology 5 (2012) 40 49

2. MIEs ERP Implementation

Mesfine Industrial Engineering (MIE) was founded in 1992 and is a vast unrivalled metal construction and
electromechanical engineering complex in Ethiopia. MIE used over 5 systems before the ERP project was
started, many of which were developed by local vendors and internally by MIE over the last decade. These
legacy systems were expensive to operate and difficult to maintain and develop. They did not provide
accurate, consistent and accessible data that was required for good and timely decision-making and
performance assessment (e.g. delivery performance, quality metrics). These ageing systems often did not lend
themselves fully to a modern manufacturing environment. The last major manufacturing system to be
developed and implemented by MIE was MERLIN, which stands for mechanized evaluation of resources,
logistics and inventory, the system was basically a scheduling system, and, although it was capable, it was
prone to manual manipulation. One particular down fall of the system was the lack of communication
between individual sites. Work in progress was often transferred between sites and could not be tracked
accurately; often causing inventory and stock take problems. An additional system named corporate cost
accounting (CCA) was used to financially monitor transactions, which covered pipeline inventory and intersite transport. MIE also had a range of individual systems for controlling and monitoring commercial,
financial and procurement functions, these systems had problems interfacing with each other, as they had
different databases and file formats.
The legacy systems did not allow MIE to establish direct, on-line communication with customers, partners
and suppliers. In fact, these systems did not support significant growth of the business and were not
sufficiently agile to keep pace with the changing business environment. At this point MIE recognized that the
adoption of ERP system was the most significant factor that could enable the company to overcome the
challenges and led to business success. In selecting the ERP vendor, MIE took into account traditional factors
as financial situations, history, success/failure cases, and people. Within the project team are specialist
internal managers and staff that have vital knowledge of cross-functional business relationships and
experience of the old internal systems. In conjunction with this team each operational business unit (OBU)
has its own ERP planning team, which is responsible for implementing, working on changes and training.
MIEs ERP project team was organized as shown on figure 1(a) below.

Fig. 1.

(a) Organizational structure of MIEs ERP project team;

(b) Organizational structure of Syscorps ERP project team

The ERP project consists of a management team of specialists from the external consulting company
Syscorp. Syscorp was chosen because of their substantial experience within the manufacturing industries.

Abiot Sinamo Boltena and Jorge Marx Gomez / Procedia Technology 5 (2012) 40 49

Syscorp also have the specialized talents of Microsoft Dynamics SL consultants and took responsibilities of
coaching and facilitating the project. The project team from Syscorp side was organized as shown in figure
1(b) above.
MIE decided to adopt and utilize the Microsoft Dynamics SL solution offered for project-driven small- and
medium-sized enterprises. There were several problems the implementation project faced and they are
grouped into three areas of cultural, business and technical difficulties.
2.1. Cultural Problems
The implementation project team expected a high acceptance of the system in areas that provide just as
good or better functionality than the old system. However some functions and processes might not get the full
appreciation the legacy systems once had. The project team decided to resolve this by illustrating the
improvements made to the company as a whole, thus breaking the traditional segregation of OBUs and
departments. The original implementation plan was increased in an attempt to address training and cultural
2.2. Business Problems
Microsoft Dynamics SL requires a fairly rigid business structure for it in order to work successfully. The
participants of cross-functional workshops soon understood that their working practices must be adjusted in
order to fit Microsoft Dynamics SL, ultimately changing the way MIE does business. They achieved this by
using an internal business process reengineering (BPR) program. The program consisted of four steps, the
first involved drawing and mapping the current processes. The second step involved identifying any problems
or issues raised from the mapped process. The third step involved applying some of these issues to a
demonstration of Microsoft Dynamics SL, to identify potential problems within the new system. The fourth
step involved the re-mapping or modification of the processes in line with Microsoft Dynamics SL.
2.3. Technical Problems
The main technical problems that MIE has encountered have been with the accuracy of data. The new
system requires the retrieval of old data from the legacy systems that has to be normalized, screened and
stored in a sensible data format within the new systems data repository. The duplication of data was a major
concern that MIE had to address. In some special areas the old systems were kept running until such time as
they could be phased out by the new systems, and to do this the IT department built interfaces between the
systems. The CAD system used by MIE remained the same, as the process to alter the file formats would be
too expensive and require use of valuable resources that are needed for the core implementation.
MIE has twenty one principal business processes, which when taken together describe everything the
company does. Figure 2 below depicts the schematic representation of the business processes.



Abiot Sinamo Boltena and Jorge Marx Gomez / Procedia Technology 5 (2012) 40 49

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of MIEs business process and the interfaces

MIE has required over 50 Microsoft Dynamics SL licenses for users across all the business. The server was
provided by Sun Microsystems and in excess of 2 Terabytes of disk space. The system required almost 15
weekly manufacturing resource planning (MRP) runs cascaded by plant. A UNIX server bridges the data from
legacy systems and testing and training required an NT server.
3. MIEs ERP Implementation Phases
MIEs ERP implementation project goes through several phases. The detail implementation model plan
with project time scale is shown in Figure 4 and Table 1 respectively.

Fig. 3. ERP implementation model

Abiot Sinamo Boltena and Jorge Marx Gomez / Procedia Technology 5 (2012) 40 49

Table 1. The project time scale



Start Date

End Date

Phase 1. Project Organization & kick off



Phase 2. System Definition & Data Preparation




Phase 3. Environment Development




Phase 4. Conference Room Pilot (CRP)




Phase 5. End-User Training




Phase 6. Go Live Preparation




Phase 7. Go Live to MS. Dynamic




3.1. Phase 1:- Project Organization and kick off

The first phase of the project was a short intensive study to set the scope of the project and provide an
outline plan and costing. A steering committee was formed to administer the financial guidance of the project
and an ERP Core Team was formed to control and oversee the actual implementation process. Goals have
been established and the implementation plan has been developed at this phase. The deliverables obtained out
of this phase includes system implementation process, project team, roles & responsibilities of project team,
project objectives, project Plan, project scope, project tracking process and implementation schedule.
3.2. Phase 2:- System Definition (Blue Print)
In this phase the scope of MISs Microsoft Dynamics SL implementation has been defined and which leads
to the creation of the Business Blueprint. The Business Blueprint was a detailed documentation of MIE's
requirements in WinWord format. Activities carried out during the second phase of the project included
reviewing information flow, defining external system interface, developing prototype of modules, and
defining new policies & procedure. The expected deliverables of this phase were specified business process,
system interface process, customization requirement, report requirement, the support of finance and staff work
booking, and new policies & procedures. During phase two the projects core structures were identified.
Integrated program management (IPM) was also adopted for research and development and would eventually
cover the whole business. A significant change was also made from the original timing of phase one, the
completion of wave one was deferred for about 6 months. This has resulted in a knock-on delay to wave two
by a corresponding amount. The change in schedule was possible without a significant increase in cost
because the problems were addressed early enough in the program.
3.3. Phase 3:- Environment Development
This phase was concerned with the physical implementation of the system and its architecture, and also
with changing working practices within the company. It was too large to implement in one go, and thus was
divided internally in to two waves. The first wave was concerned with the replacement of legacy systems.
IPM was also introduced for new production projects during wave one. The new manufacturing execution
system, known as shop floor data management (SFDM) was also introduced in the same phase. The ultimate
end to wave one was a Microsoft Dynamics SL pilot project at one of MIE facility. The pilot laid the
foundation for the full go live throughout the company after 9 months. The first wave had the ultimate aim
of providing new capabilities for production order operations. The second wave was approximately 1 year in



Abiot Sinamo Boltena and Jorge Marx Gomez / Procedia Technology 5 (2012) 40 49

duration, and was not operational until end of the first wave. The second wave was concerned with
implementing requisition, purchasing, inventory, and order management within the project. By this time the
legacy systems were switched to view only as Microsoft Dynamics SL becomes the executive system. Once
the new system shows a positive response the older systems were phased out. IPM completely covered the
whole business by the end of the second wave.
3.4. Phase 4:- Conference Room Pilot
A small-scale pilot of the system was run for 3 months and throughout this period, a facility known as
production shop became the central focus of attention for the whole company. This facility was chosen for the
pilot run because the facility only produced 100 parts, and material flowed into the facility at low volumes
from external suppliers and internal operational units. The purpose of the pilot was to demonstrate: business
principles, processes, procedures, role definitions and behaviors, and software, hardware and data transfers. A
second pilot was also carried out for nonproduction purchasing. The second pilot ran executively, covering
Derby-based purchasing of ground support equipment. A third pilot also was run by the requisition section.
The third pilot was nonexecutive, but designed to specifically explore the interplay between the legacy system
and Microsoft Dynamics SL.
3.5. Phase 5:- End User Training
The objectives of this training were to enable users get a better picture of global systems features, to
enhance the capability and confidence of user in running system, and to enhance the ability of user to relate
the system with daily operation. Accompanying users in their learning curve was found very important to
bring users in to the desired level of skill and understanding. The training covered finance modules, HR
modules, distribution modules, manufacturing modules, project modules, service modules, and system
3.6. Phase 6:- Go Live Preparation
The final phases of implementation, typically known as final preparation and go-live, can be among
the most stressful periods of the project. This is where the proverbial rubber-meets-the road, where months of
hard work are put to the ultimate testproduction uses of the software. Final preparation and go-live entail
number of issues requiring the careful attention of the project team. The main activities considered in MIEs
ERP project were data live preparation, data reconciliation, and live database initialization. Production
Database is the ultimate deliverable of this phase.
3.7. Phase 7:- Go Live to Dynamics SL
As the main Go Live of the new system was planned, the most difficult part of the cut over process was
in transferring the data from legacy systems. The sheer volume of data that has to be transferred is far greater
than any normal transaction load that will be carried out by the system thereafter. In order for this process to
be successful the data must be kept in a stable state for a period of roughly 10 weeks. The initial data to be
transferred includes some transaction data and master data, for example, lists of suppliers. If any changes
occur to the data on the old systems after the transfer, they are logged and then passed through to the new
system. The remaining data was loaded in after the Go Live. The next step during the Go Live process
involved running the MRP system to initialize the whole system. Purchase orders and purchase requisitions

Abiot Sinamo Boltena and Jorge Marx Gomez / Procedia Technology 5 (2012) 40 49

was not transferred from the old system, instead the MRP run should create them fresh. The whole Go Live
process took roughly 2 weeks to complete, and during this time the new system was off the air. Immediately
after the Go Live the existing legacy systems was switched to view only mode. The view only mode enabled
comparisons to be performed between the old and new systems. However, the legacy systems ceased to be
4. Project Risks
The ERP Project at MIE covers many different departments and many different topic areas, all of which
have associated risks. The ERP implementation team used risk analysis method (RAM) in order to identify
the most essential risks and their probability in the company context. The risk list is formed out of 21
questions or statements dealing with ERP implementation. In order to address and take positive action to
avoid failure or potential errors the ERP implementation team maintained and recorded in a great detail, a risk
register. Every issue within the company, which involves risk has been catalogued and continuously
reviewed. The risk register is very large; however the MIE ERP Intranet page offers a brief summary of some
of the major risks:
The possible failure or inability to align goals through conflicting directions within the organization.
The non-delivery or non-availability of reliable IT hardware and infrastructure both before and during
The possible failure of providing inadequate and ongoing support after implementation, from both MIE
and Syscorp.
The resistance of change to new process methods by management and supervision.
Management and supervision may treat the project as merely an IT implementation, rather than change in
process methods.
Inadequately educating the workforce to operate the new system properly.
Possible failure to cut over to the new system through an inability to load data.
Possible failure to cut over to the new system through the inappropriate systems testing of volume, stress
and data conversion.
Possible failure to give ERP adequate priority due to the number of existing and ongoing business
Maintenance difficulties may occur on bridged legacy systems.
The project may impact on company interim and end of year accounts.
The PDM project may not be sufficiently positioned in time with the ERP project.
Possible changes to kitting demand during go live may stretch the new system and those operating it on a
learning curve beyond capacity.
The project team applies characteristics analysis method (CAM) to find out the manageable size of the
ERP project of MIE. The CAM analysis was formed out of 30 questions dealing with the ERP project. The
CAM provides recommendations on what management aspects should be put more attention to successfully
manage ERP project (management of a project as a whole, management of integration, project scope
management, time management, cost management, quality management, human resource management,
management of communication, risk management, management of purchase). The result analysed by CAM is
presented in Figure 4 below.



Abiot Sinamo Boltena and Jorge Marx Gomez / Procedia Technology 5 (2012) 40 49

Fig. 4. CAM diagram of MIE.

According to CAM, Human resource management (HRM) is the management/leadership field that clearly
exceeds the critical level. MIE gave direct special attention to this factor in ERP project management. In
addition, several other management/leadership fields, such as Communications management, Purchase
management, The project as a whole, Integration management, Project scope management and Quality
management are right at the critical level. Only Cost management and Time management and Risk
management are clearly under critical level. On the basis of the CAM, MIE had a clear view of the costs
caused by the ERP project, the time spent for it, as well as the technical and operational risks involved. Then,
based on the recommendation provided by CAM the project team divided the ERP project into manageable
sub projects and put more attention on those critical management aspects and successfully managed the
5. Summary and Conclusion
This study presents experiences that are obtained from a successful ERP implementation project in MIE.
MIE has understood the business, cultural and technical difficulties of such a large project, and has developed
a solid core implementation team. The team has used the specialist skills of consultants and the partnership
with the consultant has produced a sound architectural framework for the project. MIE considered an ERP
project risk analysis method and characteristics analysis method as good tools for risk management.
The system will deliver its full benefit when it became at its executive level. The benefits of lower IT cost
will be visible when the system become stable and users have had time to adjust to new working practices. An
immediate benefit that will be achieved by the system will be the ability to promise and then deliver to the
customer on time. This was something that the older systems could never achieve. The ability to deliver on
time will improve customer satisfaction and also improve customer confidence, which should lead to an
increase of orders in the future. The system will also improve the relationship in the supply chain, as
transactions will be made easier via the use of electronic communications. The future of the project will
eventually lead to the need for a data warehouse. The data is stored centrally and is extracted from
operational, historical and external databases. The database continually absorbs new data and integrates it
with the previous data.
As a conclusion, studies towards reporting successful ERP implementation projects should be encouraged.
It is the best way to share successful experiences among companies of similar nature. Issues of postimplementation period should also be taken in to consideration such that strategic needs and requirements for
sustaining the effectiveness of such enterprise information systems after a period of relative stability
following initial implementation will be clearly understood.

Abiot Sinamo Boltena and Jorge Marx Gomez / Procedia Technology 5 (2012) 40 49

The authors are very grateful to Ato Tesfay Yihedgo, Head of ICT department of MIE, for devoting his
valuable time in providing the required information and for all his kind cooperation.

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