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Dragonmark Feats

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Dragonmarks are sources of primordial power that provide

their bearer spell-like abilities. It is said that dragonmarks or, at
least, true dragonmarks, are also the sign of the Draconic
Prophecy made manifest. They always appear on the skin of
those that possess them, looking like highly decorative tattoos.
Exactly where on the skin is up to the character in question, but
the size of the dragonmark does expand as more dragonmark
feats are taken. Dragonmarks come in four levels of power:
Least, Lesser, Greater and Siberys. Least dragonmarks, either
true or aberrant, take up the size of one's palm or shoulder,
while lesser dragonmarks can easily take up half a limb, greater
dragonmarks cover any entire limb or most of one's chest and

Channeling Feats

Siberys marks cover one's entire chest or back. While true

Combat Feats

dragonmarks are often blue or purple in hue, aberrant

Dragonmark Feats
General Feats

dragonmarks are more likely red or black.

Item Creation Feats

dragonmarked races (dwarf, elf, gnome, halfling, half-elf, half-

Luck Feats

orc and human), regardless of whether they are true or

Metamagic Feats

aberrant dragonmarks. Likewise, once a true dragonmark is

Mythic Feats

determined, it's type, or house, determines all of the other

Psionic Feats

related abilities. It is not possible to have two different types of

Racial Feats

dragonmarks at the same time, even if one is true and the other

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Dragonmarked feats can only be taken by members of

is an aberrant. Usually, dragonmarks appear in their smallest

state shortly after adolescence with a Least Dragonmark feat
and growing throughout one's career as more feats are taken.
However, rarely, a Siberys mark will appear late in life and
without warning. While it is possible a bearer of a Siberys mark
to learn lesser abilities, there has never been a case of one
having a Siberys mark if they already have a one of the lesser
What makes a dragonmark true or aberrant has everything to

The Story So Far...

do with breeding and family lineage. If two people of the same


house have children, there is a good chance that the offspring


will also have a dragonmark of the same house and even if

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they don't, their own descendants may eventually manifest the

The Opposition

mark as well. However, if two people of different houses have

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children, even neither of them bear true dragonmarks, any

dragonmark that manifests in their children will be an aberrant

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mark. While it is not necessarily guaranteed, many people with

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aberrant dragonmarks also eventually go mad, compelled to

use their mark again and again even if there is no logical
reason to do so. It is for these reasons that members of the
dragonmarked houses keep detailed family lineages to ensure
proper breeding and those that manifest aberrant dragonmarks
are purged as soon as they are detected.
For ease of use, I have uploaded a useful 4th page to the
common character sheet for dragonmark spell-like abilities and
their options. You can download it here.

Ashbound Mark [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Ashbound Initiate, any Dragonmark
Benefit: Any creature that is capable of casting arcane
spells, infusions or extracts takes a -2 penalty to any saving
throw from a spell you cast or spell-like ability you activate. You
also gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls made against
targets that you know that can cast arcane spells, infusions or
extracts. These benefits do not apply to those that can only use
spell-like abilities.
Source: DrM, pg. 135

Bane of Argonnessen [Dragonmark, Combat]

Prerequisite: Any Siberys Dragonmark
Benefit: Any magic weapon you wield gains the Bane
(dragons) special weapon quality if it does not already have it.
This special quality is immediately lost once you are no longer
wielding the weapon and returns once you pick it back up. A
fighter can select this feat as one of the bonus combat feats.
This feat has no effect on weapons that have not been
permanently enchanted with at least a +1 enchantment bonus,
nor does it stack with weapons that already have the Bane
(dragons) special weapon quality.
Source: DrM, pg. 135

Breath of Siberys [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Breath weapon ability, any true Dragonmark
Benefit: Your breath weapon deals an extra 1d6 points of
damage, or 2d6 if you have a Siberys dragonmark. Breath
weapons provided by spells or magical items do not gain this
Source: DrM, pg. 135

Cannith Forgecraft [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: 4 ranks in any one Craft skill, any true
dragonmark from the House of Making.
Benefit: When repairing warforged or constructs, you do so
at one quarter the normal amount of time (to a minimum of 8

hours). If you have the lesser Mark of Making, whenever you

repair a warforged using the Craft skill, you repair an additional
10 hit points of damage. Likewise, repairing constructs only
costs 250 gp per Hit Dice. If you have greater or Siberys Mark
of Making, whenever you repair a warforged using the Craft
skill, you repair an additional 20 points of damage. Likewise,
repairing constructs can be done at no cost.
Normal: When repairing warforged or constructs, a single
check takes 8 hours. The amount of damage repaired to
warforged is the result of your Craft check -15. Repairing a
construct costs 500 hp per Hit Die and takes 1 day per 2,000
gp (half the cost and time of making it).
Source: DrM, pg. 135

Dragonmark Adept [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Lesser True Dragonmark
Benefit: You gain a new lesser dragonmark spell-like ability,
limited by the type of of dragonmark you possess, as listed
below. Once chosen, this spell-like ability cannot be changed.
The caster level and DCs are calculate the same way as your
original lesser true dragonmark. You also can use the
dragonmark spell-like ability from the Lesser Dragonmark feat
one additional time per day.
Dragonmark Spell-Like Abilities

Know The Enemy 1/day or Perceive Cues 1/day


Deadeye's Loye 2/day or Witness 2/day


Atavism 2/day or Wartrain Mount 2/day


Sacred Bond 1/day or Symbol of Healing 1/day;

the Sacred Bond option still requires the material


Clothier's Closet 2/day or Nap Stack 1/day


Amplify Elixir 1/day or Masterwork

Transformation 1/day


Grace 2/day or Mount, Communal 2/day


Share Language, Communal 1/day or Speaking

Stones 2/day


Ablative Barrier 1/day or Stoneskin 1/day; the

Stoneskin option still requires the material


Darkvision 1/day or Shadow Step 1/day


Cloak of Winds 1/day or Hurricane Blast 1/day


Arcane Seal 1/day, Obscure Object 1/day or

Phantom Trap 2/day

Source: DrM, pg. 138

Dragonmark Battlestrike [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any True Dragonmark
Benefit: You can, as a swift or immediate action, spend one
of the uses of any one of your dragonmark spell-like abilities to
increase the damage done on a single melee attack to a target
that has either an aberrant dragonmark or a true dragonmark of
a different house than your own. The decision to use this ability
must be determined before the attack roll is made. The
increase to your damage is based on the strength of the
dragonmark spell-like ability used: +1d6 for Least, +2d6 for
Lesser, +3d6 for Greater and +4d6 for Siberys. This extra
damage is of the same type as the base weapon itself, but is
not multiplied on a successful critical.
Source: DrM, pg. 138

Dragonmark Fist [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, any Dragonmark
Benefit: You can spend one of the uses of any one of your
dragonmark spell-like abilities as an immediate action to
maximum some or all of the hit point damage of one of your
unarmed attacks. The decision to use this ability must be
determined before the attack roll is made. The type of damage
that is maximized is based on the strength of the dragonmark
spell-like ability used: Least only covers the base unarmed
damage, Lesser covers the base unarmed damage and any
elemental damage, Greater covers the base unarmed damage,
any elemental damage and any other source except precision
damage (like a sneak attack) and Siberys covers all types of
damage. Treat this damage as the maximum result was
naturally rolled for determining the result of a successful critical.
This feat does not maximize any other type of damage, like
attribute damage or negative levels.
Source: DrM, pg. 138

Dragonmark Mastery [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any True Dragonmark, special (see below)
Benefit: You must have 2 or more uses per day of a specific
dragonmark spell-like ability to select this feat. Having multiple
different spell-like abilities that are only usable once per day
does not count, nor does having the same spell-like ability from
two different sources. If a dragonmark spell-like ability is
normally activated as a standard action, you can spend 2 uses
of that dragonmark spell-like ability to activate it as a swift or
immediate action.
Normal: Activating a dragonmark spell-like ability is a
standard action.
Source: DrM, pg. 138

Dragonmark Prodigy [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Least True Dragonmark
Benefit: You gain a new least dragonmark spell-like ability,
limited by the type of of dragonmark you possess, as listed
below. Once chosen, this spell-like ability cannot be changed.
The caster level and DCs are calculate the same way as your
original least true dragonmark. You also can use the
dragonmark spell-like ability from the Least Dragonmark feat
one additional time per day.
Dragonmark Spell-Like Abilities

Detect Dragonmark 1/day or Keen Senses 1/day


Bloodhound 1/day or Sift 2/day


Call Animal 1/day or Magic Fang 1/day


Stabilize 2/day or Status 1/day


Campfire Wall 1/day or Dream Feast 1/day


Crafter's Fortune 1/day or Jury-Rig 1/day


Ant Haul 1/day or Feather Step 1/day


Ancestral Communion 1/day or Message 2/day


Horn of Pursuit 1/day or Remove Fear 1/day


Dust of Twilight 1/day or Shadow Weapon 1/day


Alter Winds 1/day or Jolt 2/day


Hidden Ward 1/day or Knock 1/day

Source: DrM, pg. 138

Dragonmark Rage [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any Dragonmark, rage class ability
Benefit: While using your rage class ability, you gain the
benefit of fast healing, based on how strong your dragonmark
is. If you already have fast healing from another source, you
only get the benefit of the better version. Those with only a
least dragonmark (true or aberrant) gain fast healing 1. Those
with a lesser dragonmark (true or aberrant) gain fast healing 2.
Those with a greater dragonmark (true or aberrant) or a Siberys
dragonmark gain fast healing 3. When your rage ends, so does
your fast healing.
Source: DrM, pg. 138

Dragonmark Smite [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any True Dragonmark, smite class ability
Benefit: When using your smite class ability, you may
choose to spend a use of one of your dragonmark spell-like
abilities to further impact your target. This decision must be
made before the attack roll. If you successfully hit, the target of
your smite must make a Fortitude save with a DC equal to 10 +
1/2 your character level + your Chr modifier. If the saving throw

fails, the target is affected affected based on what kind of

dragonmark spell-like ability you used: Least dragonmarks
causes the target to be dazed for 1 round, Lesser dragonmarks
cause the target to be knocked prone and dazed for 1 round
and Greater and Siberys dragonmarks cause the target to be
knocked prone and unconscious for 1 minute.
Source: DrM, pg. 139

Dragonmark Spellturning [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any True Dragonmark
Benefit: As an immediate action, you can spend a use of
one of your dragonmark spell-like abilities to turn a spell or
spell-like ability that was successfully targeted at you back on
the original caster, as if it was successfully turned by the Spell
Turning spell. The maximum level of the turned spell is based
on the strength of the dragonmark spell-like ability used: Least
affects up to 1st level, Lesser up to 3rd level, Greater up to 5th
level and Siberys up to 7th level spells. You can use this ability
after any applicable attack roll by the original caster and after
any applicable concealment, but before any spell resistance
checks or saving throws are made.
Source: DrM, pg. 139

Dragonmark Visionary [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Greater True Dragonmark
Benefit: You gain a new greater dragonmark spell-like ability,
limited by the type of of dragonmark you possess, as listed
below. Once chosen, this spell-like ability cannot be changed.
The caster level and DCs are calculate the same way as your
original greater true dragonmark. You also can use the
dragonmark spell-like ability from the Greater Dragonmark feat
one additional time per day.
Dragonmark Spell-Like Abilities

Arcane Sight, Greater 1/day or Symbol

of Revelation 2/day


Commune with Nature 1/day or Find Quarry



Atavism, Mass 1/day or Summon Monster

V 1/day


Breath of Life 1/day or Restoration,

Greater 1/day


Life Bubble 1/day or Rampart 1/day


Apparent Master 1/day or Unbreakable

Construct 1/day


Getaway 1/day or Passwall 1/day


Symbol of Fear 1/day or Symbol of Persuasion



Repulsion 1/day or Spell Resistance 1/day


Hide from Dragons 2/day or Legend Lore 1/day


Call Lightning Storm 2/day or Scouring Winds



Secret Chest 1/day or Mage's Private Sanctum


Source: DrM, pg. 139

Dragonmarked Summoner [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Spell Focus (conjuration), any True
Benefit: Any creature you summon gains a deflection bonus
to it's AC, based on the strength of your dragonmark: Least
gains a +1; Lesser gains a +2 and Greater and Siberys gain a
Source: DrM, pg. 139

Dragon's Insight [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any True Dragonmark
Benefit: You can spend one of your uses of a true
dragonmark spell-like ability as a free action to gain a +4 insight
bonus to the skill associated with your type of True Dragonmark
(see Least True Dragonmark). The duration of this bonus
depends on the strength of the dragonmark spell-like ability
used: 1 minute for Least, 10 minutes for Lesser, 1 hour for
Greater and 24 hours for Siberys. This bonus immediately ends
if you drop below 0 hit points.
Source: PGoE, pg. 48

Evoker's Mark [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Spell Focus (evocation), any Dragonmark
Benefit: When casting an evocation spell, you can, as an
immediate action, use one of the uses of your dragonmark
spell-like ability to empower the spell as per the Empower Spell
metamagic feat, but without any increase in spell level or
casting time. The maximum level of the spell that can be
affected by this feat is dependent on the strength of the
dragonmark spell-like ability used at the time the spell is cast.
Least dragonmarks can only be used on spells up to 1st level.
Lesser dragonmarks can be used on spells up to 3rd level and
Greater or Siberys marks can be used on spells up to 6th level.
Source: DrM, pg. 140

Eye of Medani [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any true Dragonmark of the Mark of Detection

Benefit: Once per day, you can reroll any one Perception
check. This ability can be used after the original roll is made but
before the results are determined and you must accept the
result of the second roll. Also, if you have the Lesser
Dragonmark of Detection, you reduce any miss chance you
suffer from concealment by 20%. If you possess the Greater or
Siberys Dragonmark of Detection, you reduce any miss chance
you suffer from concealment by 50%.
Source: DrM, pg. 140

Feral Mark [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any true Dragonmark of the Mark of Handling
Benefit: Once per day, you can reroll any one Handle Animal
or wild empathy check. This ability can be used after the
original roll is made but before the results are determined and
you must accept the result of the second roll. Also, if you have
the Lesser Dragonmark of Handling, you can use one of the
uses of your lesser dragonmark spell-like ability to grant
yourself or any one creature you touch a +4 enhancement
bonus to Strength and Dexterity for 1 hour. If you possess the
Greater or Siberys Dragonmark of Handling, you can use one
of the uses of your greater or Siberys dragonmark spell-like
ability to grant yourself and all allies within 60' a +4
enhancement bonus to Strength and Dexterity for 1 hour. Both
of these uses are standard actions that do not provoke.
Source: DrM, pg. 140

Gatekeepers Mark [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Gatekeeper Initiate, any true Dragonmark
Benefit: Any aberration takes a -2 penalty to any saving
throw from a spell you cast or spell-like ability you activate. You
also gain a +2 insight bonus to any saving throws caused by
Source: DrM, pg. 140

Grace of Ghallanda [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any true Dragonmark of the Mark of
Benefit: Once per day, you can reroll any one Diplomacy
check. This ability can be used after the original roll is made but
before the results are determined and you must accept the
result of the second roll. Also, if you have the Lesser
Dragonmark of Hospitality, you can use one of the uses of your
lesser dragonmark spell-like ability to negate a melee attack
made against yourself. To do so, your attacker must be
intelligent, share a language with you and be able to hear you.
You must also make a Diplomacy check and the result of that

check must meet or exceed the attack roll made against you. If
successful, the attack is negated regardless of your armor
class. as if by unbeatable concealment. If you possess the
Greater or Siberys Dragonmark of Handling, you can use one
of the uses of your greater or Siberys dragonmark spell-like
ability to negate a melee attack made against yourself or
someone else, provided that you meet the same requirements.
Both of these uses are immediate actions that do not provoke.
You can only prevent the first attack from a full-round attack
action with this feat.
Source: DrM, pg. 140

Greater Aberrant Dragonmark [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Least Aberrant Dragonmark, Lesser Aberrant
Dragonmark, 9 ranks in any two skills, Member of a
dragonmarked race (dwarf, elf, gnome, halfling, half-elf, half-orc
or human), Must not possess a true dragonmark of any type
Benefit: The feat provides you with a single dragonmark
spell-like ability that is not directly tied to a true born
dragonmarked house. When you select this feat, choose one of
the following spells for that dragonmark to cast as a spell-like
ability when activated. Once this choice has been made, it
cannot be changed. While at a quick glance to an uninformed
observer, an aberrant dragonmark may look like a true
dragonmark, anyone that has a chance to examine it or has
been around true dragonmarks before will immediately
recognize it for what it is.
All aberrant dragonmark spell-like abilities can be used a
certain number of times per day as detailed. The caster level
for all of your aberrant dragonmark spell-like abilities is now
equal to 5 + 1/2 your character level, rounded down. In every
other manner, it is identical to the Least Aberrant Dragonmark
spell-like ability. You also get one additional use per day of your
least and lesser aberrant dragonmark spell-like abilities,
The list of available greater aberrant dragonmarks include
Cloudkill 1/day, Cone of Cold 1/day, Confusion 2/day, Dominate
Person 1/day, Enervation 2/day, Fear 2/day, Feeblemind 1/day,
Fire Shield 2/day, Flame Strike 1/day, Insect Plague 1/day,
Mass Inflict Light Wounds 1/day, Phantasmal Killer 2/day and
Slay Living 1/day.
Source: DrM, pg. 140

Greater True Dragonmark [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Least True Dragonmark, Lesser True
Dragonmark, 9 ranks in any two skills, Member of a
dragonmarked race (dwarf, elf, gnome, halfling, half-elf, half-orc
or human), Must not possess an aberrant dragonmark of any

Benefit: The feat provides you with a greater dragonmark
spell-like ability, limited by the type of dragonmark chosen by
your Least Dragonmark feat. When you select this feat, choose
one of the following spell-like abilities, limited by the type of true
dragonmark you choose with the Least Dragonmark Feat. Once
this choice has been made, it cannot be changed, although
some dragonmarks only have one greater spell-like ability
Dragonmark Spell-Like Abilities

True Seeing 1/day


Find the Path 1/day


Animal Growth 1/day or Summon Nature's Ally

V 1/day


Heal 1/day


Heroes' Feast 1/day or Magnificent

Mansion 1/day


Fabricate 1/day or Major Creation 1/day


Overland Flight 1/day or Teleport 1/day


Sending 1/day


Globe of Invulnerability 1/day


Mislead 1/day, Prying Eyes 1/day or Shadow

Walk 1/day


Control Weather 1/day or Control Winds 1/day


Greater Glyph of Warding 1/day, Guards and

Wards 1/day or Mage's Faithful Hound 1/day,

The caster level for all of your true dragonmark spell-like

abilities is now equal to 5 + 1/2 your character level, rounded
down. In every other manner, it is identical to the Least True
Dragonmark spell-like ability. You also get one additional use
per day of your least and lesser dragonmark spell-like abilities
chosen from the Least True Dragonmark and Lesser True
Dragonmark feats, respectively.
Source: ECB, pg. 54

Greensinger's Mark [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Greensinger Initiate, wild shape class ability,
any true Dragonmark
Benefit: When using your wild shape class ability, your
natural weapons do an extra 2d6 damage to aberrations or evil
outsiders. This benefit does not apply to any attack not
involving a natural attack and the damage is of the same type
as your natural weapons. Also, when you use your wild shape
class ability, you are no longer able to hide your dragonmark. It

appears on your new form in closest possible manner to your

natural form, making it possible for you to be identified
regardless of what shape you are in.
Source: DrM, pg. 141

Heart of Siberys [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Siberys Dragonmark of the Mark of Healing or
the Mark of the Sentinel
Benefit: Once per day, as an immediate action that does not
provoke, you can automatically stabilize any number of allies
within 30' of you. Also, you can, as part of this action, spend a
use of your Siberys dragonmark spell-like ability to transfer any
number of hit points you have to any number of your allies
within 30' at a one-to-one ratio, provided that you still have at
least 1 hit point left when you are finished. Temporary hit points
cannot be transferred in this way. This form of healing is
considered to be abjuration, just as Shield Other.
Source: DrM, pg. 141

Hunter's Mark [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Favored enemy class feature, any true
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to Bluff, Perception, Sense
Motive and Survival checks when involving any of your favorite
enemies. Likewise, you gain a +1 bonus on attack and weapon
damage rolls against any of your favorite enemies.
Source: DrM, pg. 141

Jorasco's Strike [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any true Dragonmark of the Mark of Healing
Benefit: Once per day, you can reroll any one Heal check.
This ability can be used after the original roll is made but before
the results are determined and you must accept the result of
the second roll. Also, if you have the Lesser Dragonmark of
Healing, you can use of the uses of your lesser dragonmark
spell-like ability to heal yourself or an adjacent ally as part of a
successful melee attack. The decision to use this ability and
whether you are healing yourself or someone else must be
made before the attack roll. If you successfully hit, you heal
1d8+1 points of damage. If you have the Greater or Siberys
Dragonmark of Healing, you can use of the uses of your greater
or Siberys dragonmark spell-like abilities to heal 2d8+3 instead.
Both of these are immediate actions that do not provoke. The
healing done is considered to be positive energy and of the
conjuration (healing) school, just as Cure Light Wounds.
Source: DrM, pg. 141

Least Aberrant Dragonmark [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Member of a dragonmarked race (dwarf, elf,
gnome, halfling, half-elf, half-orc or human), Must not possess
a true dragonmark of any type.
Benefit: The feat provides you with a single dragonmark
spell-like ability that is not directly tied to a true born
dragonmarked house. When you select this feat, choose one of
the following spells for that dragonmark to cast as a spell-like
ability when activated. Once this choice has been made, it
cannot be changed. While at a quick glance to an uninformed
observer, an aberrant dragonmark may look like a true
dragonmark, anyone that has a chance to examine it or has
been around true dragonmarks before will immediately
recognize it for what it is.
The caster level for this spell-like ability is 1 + 1/2 your
character level, rounded down, and the spell level is always the
lowest possible if it appears on multiple spell lists. Any
applicable saving throw has a DC equal to 10 + spell level +
your Chr modifier. Activating an aberrant dragonmark spell-like
ability is a standard action that does not provoke, but may
require concentration checks based on movement, damage or
distraction. The concentration check is made using your caster
level plus your Chr modifier.
The list of available least aberrant dragonmarks
include Burning Hands 1/day, Cause Fear 1/day, Charm
Person 1/day, Chill Touch 1/day, Detect Secret Doors 2/day,
Feather Fall 2/day, Floating Disc 1/day, Inflict Light
Wounds 1/day, Jump 1/day, Light 2/day, Pass Without
Trace 1/day, Produce Flame 1/day and Shield 1/day.
Source: ECB, pg. 47

Least True Dragonmark [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Member of a dragonmarked race (dwarf, elf,
gnome, halfling, half-elf, half-orc or human), Must not possess
an aberrant dragonmark of any type.
Benefit: This feat provides you with a least dragonmark
spell-like ability. When you select this feat, choose one of the
following true dragonmarks listed below as restricted by your
race. The true dragonmark you choose will determine what
dragonmarked house you belong to (if only distantly) as well as
the type of true dragonmark available for any other feat that has
this feat as a prerequisite. Within each true least dragonmark,
there are number of options for which dragonmark spell-like
ability to choose, which will also detail how many times per day
you can activate that ability. Once this choice has been made, it
cannot be changed. Lastly, based on which dragonmarked
house you belong to, you will receive a +2 untyped bonus to a
specific skill.

Dragonmark Race


Spell-Like Abilities



Detect Magic 2/day or


Poison 2/day



Orc or Human

Identify 1/day, Know

Direction 2/day or Loca

Object 1/day




Calm Animals 1/day, C

Animal 1/day or Speak

Animals 1/day



Cure Light Wounds 1/d

or Lesser Restoration 1



Purify Food and

Drink 2/day, Prestidigit

or Unseen Servant 1/d




Whole 1/day, Mending

or Repair Light Damag





Retreat 1/day, Mount 1

or Dimension Leap 1/d




Arcane Mark 2/day, Co

Languages 1/day or W
Wind 1/day



Mage Armor 1/day, Pro

from Arrows 1/day, Shi

Faith 1/day or Shield O



Phiarlan or Thuranni Darkness 1/day, Disgu

Self 1/day or Minor Ima




Endure Elements 1/day

Cloud 1/day or Gust of

Wind 1/day



Alarm 1/day, Arcane

Lock 1/day, Fire Trap 1

or Misdirection 1/day
The caster level for all least true dragonmark spell-like
abilities is equal to 1 + 1/2 your character level, rounded down,
and the spell level is always the lowest possible if it appears on
multiple spell lists. Any applicable saving throw has a DC equal
to 10 + spell level + your Chr modifier. Activating a true
dragonmark spell-like ability is a standard action that does not
provoke, but may require concentration checks based on
movement, damage or distraction. The concentration check is
made using your caster level plus your Chr modifier.
Source: ECB, pg. 56

Lesser Aberrant Dragonmark [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Least Aberrant Dragonmark, 5 ranks in any
two skills, Member of a dragonmarked race (dwarf, elf, gnome,
halfling, half-elf, half-orc or human), Must not possess a true
dragonmark of any type
Benefit: The feat provides you with a single dragonmark
spell-like ability that is not directly tied to a true born
dragonmarked house. When you select this feat, choose one of
the following spells for that dragonmark to cast as a spell-like
ability when activated. Once this choice has been made, it
cannot be changed. While at a quick glance to an uninformed
observer, an aberrant dragonmark may look like a true
dragonmark, anyone that has a chance to examine it or has
been around true dragonmarks before will immediately
recognize it for what it is.
All aberrant dragonmark spell-like abilities can be used a
certain number of times per day as detailed. The caster level
for all of your aberrant dragonmark spell-like abilities is now
equal to 3 + 1/2 your character level, rounded down. In every
other manner, it is identical to the Least Aberrant Dragonmark
spell-like ability. In addition, you can use your least aberrant
dragomark spell-like ability one additional time per day.
The list of available lesser aberrant dragonmarks
include Bestow Curse 1/day, Contagion 1/day, Darkvision
2/day, Death Knell 2/day, False Life 2/day, Poison 1/day,
Rage 1/day, Scare 2/day, Scorching Ray 2/day, Sleet
Storm 2/day, Suggestion 1/day, Summon Swarm 2/day, Touch
of Idiocy 2/day and Vampiric Touch 1/day.
Source: DrM, pg. 141

Lesser True Dragonmark [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Least True Dragonmark, 5 ranks in any two
skills, member of a dragonmarked race (dwarf, elf, gnome,
halfling, half-elf, half-orc or human), Must not possess an
aberrant dragonmark of any type.
Benefit: The feat provides you with a lesser dragonmark
spell-like ability, limited by the type of dragonmark chosen by
your Least Dragonmark. When you select this feat, choose one
of the following spell-like abilities, limited by the type of true
dragonmark you choose with the Least Dragonmark Feat. Once
this choice has been made, it cannot be changed.
Dragonmark Spell-Like Abilities

Detect Scrying 1/day or See Invisibility 1/day


Helping Hand 1/day or Locate Creature 1/day


Dominate Animal 1/day or Greater Magic

Fang 1/day

Cure Serious Wounds 1/day, Neutralize

Poison 1/day, Remove Disease 1/day
or Restoration 1/day; Restoration still requires
the normal material components


Create Food and Water 1/day or Secure

Shelter 1/day


Minor Creation 1/day or Repair Serious

Damage 1/day


Dimension Door 1/day or Phantom Steed 1/day


Illusory Script 1/day, Secret Page 1/day

or Tongues 1/day


Lesser Globe of Invulnerability 1/day

or Protection from Energy 1/day


Clairaudiance / Clairvoyance 1/day, Shadow

Conjuration 1/day or Scrying 1/day


Sleet Storm 1/day, Wind Wall 1/day or Wind's

Favor 1/day


Explosive Runes 1/day, Glyph of Warding 1/day

or Nondetection 1/day

The caster level for all of your true dragonmark spell-like

abilities is now equal to 3 + 1/2 your character level, rounded
down. In every other manner, it is identical to the Least
Dragonmark spell-like ability. You also get one additional use
per day of your dragonmark spell-like ability chosen from the
Least True Dragonmark feat.
Source: ECB, pg. 56

Mark of Deflection [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any lesser, greater or Siberys dragonmark
Benefit: You gain a deflection bonus to your armor class
based on the strength of your mark: Lesser gains a +1, Greater
gains a +2 and Siberys gains a +3.
Source: DrM, pg. 142

Mark of Madness [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any aberrant dragonmark
Benefit: You can, as a swift action, cast Lesser Confusion as
an aberrant spell-like ability up to three times per day. This
considered a least aberrant dragomark spell-like ability for the
purposes of caster level, saving throw DC and other feats.
Source: DrM, pg. 142

Mark of Resilience [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any true or aberrant dragonmark

Benefit: You can, as an immediate action, spend one of the

uses of your dragonmark spell-like abilities to get a luck bonus
to one saving throw. The strength of the bonus is determined by
the strength of the dragonmark spell-like ability and the
decision to use this ability must be made before the saving
throw is rolled. Least dragonmarks provide a +1 luck bonus;
Lesser provide a +2 luck bonus, Greater provide a +3 luck
bonus and Siberys dragonmarks provide a +4 luck bonus.
Source: DrM, pg. 142

Mark of Truth [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any true dragonmark
Benefit: Whenever you make a successful melee attack
against a creature that has an aberrant dragonmark, you deal
an extra 2d6 points of damage.
Source: DrM, pg. 142

Mark of Vengence [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any aberrant dragonmark
Benefit: Any time you successful hit someone that has a
true dragonmark with melee attack, dealing at least 1 hit point
of damage after damage reduction, you deal an additional 1d6
points of damage and heal the same amount as this additional
damage. This is considered a necromantic effect.
Source: DrM, pg. 143

Mark of the Wilderness [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Warden Initiate, any true Dragonmark
Benefit: You suffer no penalty to movement from any natural
terrain, regardless of type (deep snow, rubble, bog, marsh,
undergrowth, sand, whirlpools, etc). Magical altered terrain and
urban terrain still affect you normally.
Source: DrM, pg. 143

Mark of Xoriat [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Mark of Madness
Benefit: You can, as an immediate action that does not
provoke, use one of the uses of your dragonmark spell-like
abilities to grant yourself damage reduction for 1 round. The
type of damage reduction is based on the strength of the
dragonmark spell-like ability used: Least provides DR 5 /
byeshk. Lesser provides DR 10 / byeshk. Greater provides DR
10 / byeshk and either slashing, piercing or bludgeoning, as
determined each time this ability is used. This ability can be
used after you take damage but before the initial damage is
Source: DrM, pg. 143

Master of Wards [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any true Dragonmark of the Mark of Warding
Benefit: Once per day, you can reroll any one Disable
Device check. This ability can be used after the original roll is
made but before the results are determined and you must
accept the result of the second roll. Also, if you have the Lesser
Dragonmark of Warding, you can use of the uses of your lesser
dragonmark spell-like ability to temporarily disable any magical
ward or trap within 60' and a caster level less than or equal that
of your lesser dragonmark spell-like ability. This effect lasts for
1 minute. If you have the Greater or Siberys Dragonmark of
Warding, you can use of the uses of your greater or Siberys
dragonmark spell-like abilities to alter a magical ward or trap to
permanently add yourself to the list of people allowed to bypass
it. Both of these are standard actions that do not provoke.
Source: DrM, pg. 143

Mighty Dragonmark [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any true or aberrant Dragonmark
Benefit: Increase the caster level of all of your dragonmark
spell-like abilities by 2 and the saving throw DCs of all of your
dragonmark spell-like abilities by 1.
Source: DrM, pg. 143

Orien Battlestride [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any true Dragonmark of the Mark of Passage
Benefit: Once per day, you can reroll any one CMB check
for bull rush, overrun, reposition or trip attempts . This ability
can be used after the original roll is made but before the results
are determined and you must accept the result of the second
roll. Also, if you have the Lesser Dragonmark of Passage, you
gain a +4 untyped bonus to make or resist bull rush, overrun,
reposition or trip attempts. If you have the Greater or Siberys
Dragonmark of Passage, you can also take a 5' step as an
immediate action that does not provoke, but only when you are
missed by a melee or ranged attack. This does not count as a
5' step as part of a full-round action, nor does it count against
your movement rate limit per round.
Source: DrM, pg. 144

Protective Mark [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any true Dragonmark
Benefit: You can, as an immediate action that does not
provoke, use one of the uses of your dragonmark spell-like
abilities to grant yourself damage reduction for 1 round. The
type of damage reduction is based on the strength of the

dragonmark spell-like ability used: Least provides DR 5 / magic.

Lesser provides DR 10 / magic. Greater and Siberys provides
DR 10 / magic and either slashing, piercing or bludgeoning, as
determined each time this ability is used. This ability can be
used after determining whether or not you have been
successfully struck, but must be used before the damage is
determined for it to count toward that specific source of
Source: DrM, pg. 144

Quill of Sivis [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any true Dragonmark of the Mark of Scribing
Benefit: Once per day, you can reroll any one Linguistics
check. This ability can be used after the original roll is made but
before the results are determined and you must accept the
result of the second roll. Also, if you have the Lesser
Dragonmark of Scribing, you do not trigger Explosive Runes,
Fire Trap, Glyph of Warding or Sepia Snake Sigil. If you have
the Greater or Siberys Dragonmark of Scribing, you do not
trigger Symbol spells either.
Source: DrM, pg. 144

Sentinel Stance [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any true Dragonmark of the Mark of Sentinel
Benefit: Once per day, you can reroll any one Sense Motive
check. This ability can be used after the original roll is made but
before the results are determined and you must accept the
result of the second roll. Also, if you have the Lesser
Dragonmark of Sentinel, you can use one of the uses of your
lesser dragonmark spell-like ability to give all adjacent allies a
+2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex saves for 1
minute. This bonus only lasts for as long as you remain
conscious and your allies stay adjacent to you. If you have the
Greater or Siberys Dragonmark of Sentinel, you can use one of
the uses of greater or Siberys dragonmark spell-like ability to a
+4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 bonus to Reflex saves for
10 minutes provided that the same requirements are met.
Source: DrM, pg. 144

Shield of Siberys [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any true Dragonmark
Benefit: Any time you are within 60' of an aberrant
dragonmark, you are immediately aware of it's presence, if not
it's location. This sense does not wake you if you are sleeping
or unconscious, but is otherwise always in effect. In addition,
you also gain a specific type of spell resistance that is effective
only against the spell-like abilities of aberrant dragonmarks.
The strength of this spell resistance is based on the strength of

your dragonmark. Least gives SR 13, Lesser gives SR 17.

Greater gives SR 21 and or Siberys gives SR 25.
Source: DrM, pg. 144

Stormrider [Dragonmark]
Prerequisite: Any true Dragonmark of the Mark of Storm
Benefit: Once per day, you can reroll any one Acrobatics
check. This ability can be used after the original roll is made but
before the results are determined and you must accept the
result of the second roll. Also, if you have the Lesser
Dragonmark of Storm, you gain electricity and sonic resistance
5. If you have the Greater or Siberys Dragonmark, you gain
electricity and sonic resistance 10. This resistance stacks with
other sources for the same energy type.
Source: DrM, pg. 144

Swiftness of Orien [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any true Dragonmark of the Mark of Passage
Benefit: As an swift action, you can use one use of your
dragonmark spell-like ability to grant yourself a bonus to your
movement rate for 1 round. The degree of this bonus is
determined by the strength of the dragonmarked spell-like
ability used to activate it. Least provides a +20' bonus. Lesser
gives a +40' bonus. Greater provides a +60' bonus and Siberys
grants a +90' bonus. This bonus applies to any one mode of
movement that you have available, chosen at the time it is
Source: PGoE, pg. 48

Tracker's Mark [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any true Dragonmark of the Mark of Finding
Benefit: Once per day, you can reroll any one Survival
check. This ability can be used after the original roll is made but
before the results are determined and you must accept the
result of the second roll. Also, if you have the Lesser
Dragonmark of Finding, you can use one of the uses of your
lesser dragonmark spell-like ability to examine a trail to gain a
vision of what made the trail at the time it was left as if you
were present when the trail was made, giving you the
opportunity to make Perception, Knowledge and Sense Motive
checks as appropriate. If you have the Greater or Siberys
Dragonmark of Finding, you can use one of the uses of greater
or Siberys dragonmark spell-like ability to gain a similar vision
of what made the the trail, but from the time the trail is made
until now.
Source: Personally created

Umbral Mark [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any true Dragonmark of the Mark of Shadow
Benefit: Once per day, you can reroll any one Stealth check.
This ability can be used after the original roll is made but before
the results are determined and you must accept the result of
the second roll. Also, if you have the Lesser Dragonmark of
Shadow, you gain 25% fortifcation. If you have the Greater or
Siberys Dragonmark, you gain 50% fortification. This
fortification does not stack with any other sources
of fortification.
Source: DrM, pg. 144

Ward of Khyber [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Any aberrant Dragonmark
Benefit: Once per day, as an immediate action that does not
provoke, you can make your aberrant dragonmark merge under
your skin, leaving only your normal flesh behind. This is an
polymorph effect that lasts for 1 hour per character level and
can be seen with abilities that reveal the true forms of
In addition, you also gain a specific type of spell resistance
that is effective only against the spell-like abilities of true
dragonmarks. That spell resistance is based on the strength of
your aberrant dragonmark: SR 13 for Least, SR 17 for Lesser
and SR 21 for Greater.
Source: DrM, pg. 145

Winter's Mark [Dragonmark]

Prerequisite: Child of Winter Initiate, any aberrant
Benefit: Once per day, you can make a melee touch attack
to inflict an amount of bleed damage based on the strength of
your aberrant dragonmark. Like touch-based spells, if you miss,
you can still hold the charge until you stop concentrating on it.
The amount of bleed damage dealt is 1d6 for Least Aberrant
Dragonmark, 2d6 for Lesser and 3d6 for Greater. As per other
forms of bleed damage, this is inflicted at the beginning of the
target's turn each round and is stopped with a successful Heal
check (DC 15) or any amount of magical healing.
Source: DrM, pg. 145

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