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Joseph Ejercito Estrada

Jose Marcelo Ejercito (born April 19, 1937), better known as Joseph Ejercito
Estrada, served as the 13th President of the Philippines from 1998 until his ouster in the 2001 EDSA
Estrada gained popularity as a film actor, playing the lead role in over 100 films in an acting career spanning
33 years. He leveraged his popularity as an actor to make gains in politics, serving as mayor of San Juan for
seventeen years, as Senator for one term, then as as Vice President of the Philippines under the
administration of President Fidel Ramos.
Estrada was elected President in 1998 with a wide margin of votes separating him from the other
challengers, and was sworn into the presidency on June 30, 1998. However, allegations of corruption
spawned an impeachment trial in the Senate, and in 2001 Estrada was ousted from power after the trial was
aborted. In 2007, he was found guilty of plunder and sentenced to reclusion perpetua, but was later granted
a pardon by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
Early life and career
Joseph Marcelo Ejercito, popularly known as Erap, was born on April 19, 1937 in Tondo, the poorest district
of Manila. He belonged to an upper middle class family, and was the eighth of ten children of Emilio Ejercito,
a government engineer, and his wife Maria Marcelo. He studied at the Ateneo de Manila University, but was
expelled in his sophomore year of high school for unruly behavior. He went to Mapa Institute of Technology
to continue schooling with an engineering course, but dropped out from studies altogether two years later.
In his twenties, he began his a career as a film actor. He adopted the screen name "Joseph Estrada", as his
father objected to his chosen career and his decision to quit schooling. He also acquired the nickname "Erap"
(a play on the Tagalog word "pare", meaning buddy) from his good friend Fernando Poe, Jr..
He played the lead role in more than 100 movies, and was producer of over 70 films. He was the first FAMAS
Hall of Fame awardee for Best Actor (1981) and also became a Hall of Fame award-winner as a producer
(1983). He often played heroes of the downtrodden classes, which gained him the admiration of a lot of the
nation's many unschooled and impoverished citizens. This later proved advantageous to his political career.
In 1974 he founded the Movie Workers Welfare Foundation (Mowelfund) which helps movie makers through
medical reimbursements, hospitalization, surgery and death benefits, livelihood, and alternative income
opportunities and housing. Its educational arm, the Mowelfund Film Institute, has produced some of the
most skilled and respected producers, filmmakers, writers and performers in both the independent and
mainstream sectors of the industry since its inception in 1979.. He also founded, together with Dr. Guillermo
De Vega, the first Metro Manila Film Festival in 1975.
Early political career

As an actor with no prior political experience, Estrada ran for mayor of San Juan, a municipality of Metro
Manila, in 1968 and ended up losing his bid for mayor. He was only proclaimed mayor in 1969, after winning
an electoral protest against Dr. Braulio Sto. Domingo. As mayor of San Juan he turned it to one of Metro
Manila's outstanding municipality, then a municipality. He built public schools both for elementary and high
school and having children go to school for free. He also built parks, playgrounds, modern police stations and
ensuring peace and order. When Corazon Aquino assumed the presidency in 1986, all officials of the local
government suspected of malfeasance and anomalies were removed and replaced by appointed officers-incharge. Estrada was then removed from his position as mayor.
The following year, he ran and won a seat in the Senate under the Grand Alliance for Democracy (GAD). He
placed 16th place in the said elections (out of 24 winners). As senator he became chairman of of the senate
committee on cultural minorities and passed a bill on commission on ancestral domain. He also sponsored
bills that were signed into law, namely, the preservation of carabao (republic act. 7307) and the construction
of irrigation projects (republic act. 6978).
He served as Vice President of the Philippines under Fidel V. Ramos from 19921998. President Ramos
appointed him as the chairman of the Presidential Anti-Crime Commission (PACC). Estrada arrested criminal
warlords and kidnapping syndicates. He resigned as chairman of the PACC on 1997. In 1997 Vice-President
Estrada, together with former President Corazon Aquino, Jaime Cardinal Sin, Senator Gloria Macapagal
Arroyo and other political leaders, led an anti-charter change rally brought in an estimated half a million
people to Rizal Park against the charter change moves by supporters of President Fidel Ramos.
The 1998 presidential election campaign, like most presidential election campaigns in the Philippines, had
hardly anything to do with a contest between political platforms and programs. Estradas political strategists
and financial backers were aware that a large share of the Philippine electorate, the "masa" (the poor and
undereducated masses), were looking for a leadership they could relate to. Estradas financial backers
designed a campaign strategy that reflected Estradas pro-poor image that he had built up throughout his
movie career. Central in the campaign was Estradas campaign slogan "Erap para sa Mahirap" (Erap for the
poor) that succeeded in inspiring the masses with the hope that Estrada would be the president of and for
the masses. Estrada's running mate, Edgardo Angara, was defeated by Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. During the
campaign, Estrada's political rivals tried but failed to discredit him while publicizing his womanizing,
drinking and gambling. Estrada was inaugurated on June 30, 1998 in the historical town of Malolos in Bulacan
province in paying tribute to the cradle of the first Philippine Republic. That afternoon the new president
delivered his inaugural address at the Quirino Grandstand in Luneta.
Domestic Policies
Early into his presidency President Estrada removed all sovereign guarantees which would require the
sovereign Filipino people to assume the financial losses of private companies doing business with the
government. His programs as president was under the name "Angat-Pinoy 2004". On the day he took office, a
new agency in government called the National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC), which institutionalizes the
processes of the Social Reform Agenda (SRA) in order to sustain its gains, Joseph Estrada became it's first
chairman. The law also mandates the NAPC to enhance the programs, approaches and strategies to
strengthen the partnership between government and the basic sectors. President Estrada also had a housing
program around the country(which provided 190,000 households with housing units), construction and
improvement of roads and bridges, construction of classrooms, proposed improvements to the curricula to
meet both global standards and local needs, and controlled the hiking prices of transportation fair, food and
medicine. In terms of peace and order, President Estrada created the Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Task

Force (PAOCTF) with the objective of minimizing, if not totally eradicating, car theft and kidnapping in
Metro Manila. With the help of this task force, the Philippine National Police for the first time in history
achieved a record-high trust rating of +53 percent.. Panfilo Lacson was it's first head. In 1999, President
Estrada signed into law and implemented Republic Act no. 8749, better known as Clean Air Act, which "The
State shall promote and protect the global environment to attain sustainable development while recognizing
the primary responsibility of local government units to deal with environmental problems". On May 1999,
President Estrada issued Executive Order(EO) 102 which streamlines the organization and functions of the
country's public health care system. Also on September the same year, he issued Executive Order(EO) 151,
also known as Farmers Trust Fund, which allows the voluntary consolidation of small farm operation into
medium and large scale integrated enterprise that can access long-term capital. President Estrada launched
the Magkabalikat Para sa Kaunlarang Agraryo or MAGKASAKA. The DAR forged into joint ventures with private
investors into agrarian sector to make FBs competitive].
International Relations
The Estrada administration upheld the foreign policy thrusts of the Ramos administration, focusing on
national security, economic diplomacy, assistance to nationals, and image-building. The Philippines
continued to be at the forefront of the regional and multilateral arena. It successfully hosted the ASEAN
Ministerial Meeting in July 1998 and undertook confidence-building measures with China over South China
Sea issue through a meeting in March 1999. President Estrada strengthened bilateral ties with neighboring
countries with visits to Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, and South Korea.
On 1999 a Visiting Forces Agreement with the United States, which was ratified in the Senate. The country
also sent a delegation of 108 observers to the Indonesian parliamentary elections, and engaged in
cooperative activities in the areas of security, defense, combating transnational crimes, economy, culture,
and the protection of OFWs and Filipinos abroad.
In 1998, the Philippine economy deteriorated again as a result of spill over from the Asian financial crisis,
although not as much as other Asian nations, and a wave of natural disasters also dragged the economy
down. Growth fell to about -0.6% in 1998 from 5.2% in 1997, but recovered to 3.4% by 1999. The inflation
rate came down from 11 percent in January 1999 to just a little over 3 percent by November of the same
year. This was in part due to the successful agricultural program Agrikulturang Maka Masa, through which it
achieved an output growth of 6 percent, a record high at the time. The peso was 44 to the dollar in 1998 and
recovered by 38 to a dollar the following year. The interest rates were 28% in 1998 and came down to 14% by
1999. President Joseph Estrada attempted to resist protectionist measures, and efforts to continue the
reforms begun by the Ramos administration made significant progress. He also established a socio-economic
program called "Angat-Pinoy 2004" pointed out five things for the economy:
The Gross National Product GNP to grow from 0.1 per cent in 1998 to 6-7 per cent in 2004.
Unemployment to decline from 10.1 per cent in 1998 to 6.7-8 per cent.
Inflation to slow down from 9.8 per cent in 1998 to 4-5 per cent.
The national governments fiscal balance to improve from a deficit of 1.8 per cent of GNP in 1998 to a
surplus of 0.7 per cent of GNP.
Finally, export growth to remain strong at 14.5-15.1 per cent.
Alongside these objectives, the plan calls for nurturing a "responsive citizenry" and creating an environment
conducive to a better life for all.
However, a major bank failure in April 2000 and the impeachment and subsequent departure of President
Estrada in the beginning of 2001 led to another slower growth.
Judicial Appointments

President Estrada appointed Hilario G. Davide Jr., then Associate Justice, as Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court of the Philippines on November 30, 1998. He also appointed to the post of Associate Justice of the
Philippines, Bernardo P. Pardo (1998), Arturo B. Buena (1999), Minerva P. Gonzaga-Reyes (1999) and Sabino R.
De Leon, Jr. (1999).
Moro War
During the Ramos administration a cessation of hostilities agreement was signed between the Philippine
Government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in July 1997. This was continued by a series of
peace talks and negotiations in Estrada administration. However the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), a
Islamic group formed in 1977, seeks to be an independent Islamic State from the Philippines, despite the
agreements, a sequence of terrorist attacks with the Philippine military and the civilians still continued.
Such of those attack are 277 violations committed, kidnapping a foreign priest, namely Father Luciano
Benedetti, the occupying and setting on fire of the municipal hall of Talayan, Maguindanao; the takeover of
the Kauswagan Municipal Hall; the bombing of the Lady of Mediatrix boat at Ozamiz City; and the takeover
of the Narciso Ramos Highway. By doing so, they inflicted severe damage on the country's image abroad, and
scared much-needed investments away. In addition to this, the Philippine government learned that the MILF
has links with Al-Qaeda. Because of this, on March 21, 2000, President Joseph Estrada declared an "all-outwar" against the MILF. During the war the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines(CBCP) asked
Estrada to have a cease-fire with MILF, but Estrada opposed the idea arguing that a cease-fire would cause
more terrorist attacks. For the next three months of the war, Camp Abubakar, headquarters of the MILF, fell
along with other 13 major camps and 43 minor camps, and then all of which became under controlled by the
government. The MILF leader Hashim Salamat fled the country and went to Malaysia. The MILF later declared
a Jihad on the government. On July 10 of the same year, the President went to Minadanao and raised the
Philippine flag symbolizing victory. After the war the President said, "... will speed up government efforts to
bring genuine and lasting peace and development in Mindanao". In the middle of July the president ordered
the military to arrest top MILF leaders.
In his state of the nation address, popularly called "SONA", the president highlighted his vision for Mindanao:
The first is to restore and maintain peace in Mindanao--because without peace, there can be no
The second is to develop Mindanao--because without development, there can be no peace.
The third is to continue seeking peace talks with the MILF within the framework of the Constitution-because a peace agreed upon in good faith is preferable to a peace enforced by force of arms.
And the fourth is to continue with the implementation of the peace agreement between the government
and the Moro National Liberation Front, or MNLF--because that is our commitment to our countrymen and to
the international community.
In addition to this the president said his administration can move with more speed in transforming Mindanao
into a progressive economic center.]High on the list of priorities was the plight of MILF guerrillas who were
tired of fighting and had no camps left to report to. On October 5, 2000 the first massive surrender of 669
MILF mujahideen led by the renegade vice mayor of Marugong, Lanao del Sur Malupandi Cosandi Sarip and
seven other battalion commanders, surrendered to President Joseph Estrada at the 4th ID headquarters in
Camp Edilberto Evangelista, Bgy. Patag, Cagayan de Oro city. They were followed shortly by a second batch
of 855 surrenderees led by MILF Commander Sayben Ampaso on Dec. 29, 2000.
Corruption charges and impeachment
The Estrada presidency was soon dogged by charges of plunder and corruption. He was reported by his Chief
of Staff Aprodicio Laquian to have allegedly spent long hours drinking with shady characters as well as
"midnight drinking sessions" with some of his cabinet members during meetings. In October 2000, an
acknowledged gambling racketeer, Luis "Chavit" Singson, governor of the province of Ilocos Sur, alleged that

he had personally given Estrada the sum of 400 million pesos ($8,255,933) as payoff from illegal gambling
profits, as well as 180 million pesos ($3,715,170) from the government price subsidy for the tobacco farmers'
marketing cooperative. Singson's allegation caused an uproar across the nation, which culminated in
Estrada's impeachment by the House of Representatives in November 13, 2000. The articles of impeachment
were then transmitted to the Senate and an impeachment court was formed, with Chief Justice Hilario
Davide, Jr. as presiding officer.
Major television networks pre-empted their afternoon schedules to bring full coverage of the Impeachment
Trial. There were three sets of cameras in the Impeachment Court (normally the Senate Chamber): one from
ABS-CBN, one from the GMA Network, and one from NBN (Then, it was PTV, or the People's Television
Network. (used as a pool camera).
During the trial, the prosecution (composed of congressmen and private prosecutors) presented witnesses
and evidence to the impeachment court regarding Estrada's involvement in an illegal numbers game, also
known as jueteng, and his maintenance of secret bank accounts. However, the president's legal team
(composed of a former chief justice, former congressman, former solicitor-general and other lawyers)
denied such allegations including his signing as Jose Velarde (which looked exactly like his signature as
Joseph Estrada) duly witnessed by bank teller Marissa Ocampo. However in February 2001, at the initiative
of Senator Aquilino Pimentel Jr., the second envelope was opened before the local and foreign media and it
contained the document that stated that Jaime Dichavez and not Estrada owned the "Jose Velarde Account"
Ilocos Sur Governor Luis "Chavit" Singson was one of the witnesses who testified against President Estrada.
The President and the governor of Ilocos Sur were said to be "partners" in-charge of the operations of illegal
gambling in the country. Governor Singson feared that he would be charged and stripped of power (there
have been talks about the governor making a deal with the opposition... he was to help incriminate Estrada
and he would be compensated for his service), but he was offered immunity by anti-Estrada lawmakers. He
was then asked to accuse the President of having committed several illegal acts.
EDSA II Revolution
On the evening of January 16, 2001, the impeachment court, whose majority were political allies of Estrada,
voted not to open an envelope that was said to contain incriminating evidence against the president. The
final vote was 11-10, in favor of keeping the envelope closed. The prosecution panel (of congressmen and
lawyers) walked out of the Impeachment Court in protest of this vote. Others noted that the walkout
merited a contempt of court which Davide, intentionally or unintentionally, did not enforce.
The afternoon schedule of television networks covering the Impeachment were pre-empted by the
prolongation of the day's court session due to the issue of this envelope. The evening telenovelas of networks
were pushed back for up to two hours.
That night, anti-Estrada protesters gathered in front of the EDSA Shrine at Epifanio de los Santos Avenue, not
too far away from the site of the 1986 People Power Revolution that overthrew Ferdinand Marcos. A political
turmoil ensued and the clamor for Estrada's resignation became stronger than ever. In the following days,
the number of protesters grew to the hundreds of thousands.
On January 19, 2001, the Armed Forces of the Philippines, seeing the political upheaval throughout the
country, decided to withdraw its support from the president and transfer its allegiance to the vice president,
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
On January 20, 2001, the Supreme Court declared that the seat of presidency was vacant. At noon, the Chief
Justice swore in the constitutional successor, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, as President of the Philippines.
Estrada and his family were quickly evacuated from the presidential palace.
On January 18, 2008, Joseph Estrada's Partido ng Masang Pilipino (PMP) caused full-page advertisement in
Metro Manila newspapers, blaming EDSA 2 of having "inflicted a dent on Philippine democracy". Its featured

clippings questioned the constitutionality of the revolution. The published featured clippings were taken
from Time, New York Times, Straits Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Asia Times Online, The
Economist, and International Herald Tribune. Supreme Court justice Cecilia Muoz Palma opined that EDSA 2
violated the 1987 Constitution.
Estrada returned to his old home in San Juan. He maintained that he never resigned, implying that Arroyo's
government was illegitimate, despite the international community's recognition of Arroyo's succession and
the acknowledgment of Arroyo as the new president by all government offices, the military, and the national
The new government charged him with plunder and had him arrested in April. Estrada's supporters,
particularly those among the poor, marched to the EDSA Shrine demanding Estrada's release and his
reinstatement as president, attempting to replicate the success of the previous revolution. On the morning
of May 1, the protesters marched straight to the presidential palace. Violence erupted and the government
declared a State of Rebellion. Many of Estrada's supporters were arrested, including politicians accused of
provoking the violence. The government called out the military and was able to quell the rebellion. The
rebellion came to be known as EDSA III.
Estrada was initially detained at the Veteran's Memorial Medical Center in Manila and then transferred to a
military facility in Tanay, Rizal, but he was later transferred to a nearby vacation home, virtually in house
arrest. He was still facing the charges of plunder and corruption. Under Philippine law, plunder has a
maximum penalty of death, though it was unlikely that Estrada would be given that sentence.
On April 2, 2005, the United Opposition movement named Estrada "Chairman Emeritus".
On September 12, 2007, the Sandiganbayan finally gave its decision, finding Estrada not guilty on his perjury
case but guilty of plunder "beyond reasonable doubt." He was sentenced to Reclusin perpetua.
On September 26, 2007, Joseph Estrada appealed by filing a 63-page motion for reconsideration of the
Sandiganbayan judgment penned by Teresita de Castro (submitting 5 legal grounds). Estrada alleged that the
court erred "when it convicted him by acquitting his alleged co-conspirators."
On October 5, 2007, the Sandiganbayan's Special Division ruled to have set for October 19, oral argument
(instead of a defense reply) on Joseph Estradas motion for reconsideration. Estrada asked for court
permission to attend the hearing, since it ordered the prosecution to file comment before October 11.
Perjury case
The Sandiganbayan's special division, on June 27, 2008, ordered Estrada to file comment within 10 days, on
the motion of the Ombudsman's Special Prosecutor to re-open the trial of his perjury case regarding 1999
statement of assets, liabilities and net worth (SALN). The court will also resolve Banco de Oro's (formerly
Equitable PCI Bank), plea that it cannot determine "without hazard to itself" who to turn over to the P1.1
billion Jose Velarde assets due to claims by Wellex Group / William Gatchalian and a Bureau of Internal
Revenue stay order.
Pardon and release from detention
On October 22, 2007, Acting Justice Secretary Agnes Devanadera stated that Joseph Estrada is seeking a
full, free, and unconditional pardon from President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Estrada's lawyer Jose
Flaminiano wrote Arroyo: "The time has come to end President Estrada's fight for justice and vindication

before the courts. Today [Monday], we filed a withdrawal of his Motion for Reconsideration." Estrada, 70,
stressed the "delicate condition" of his mother in asking for pardon.
On October 25, 2007, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo granted executive clemency to Joseph Estrada
based on the recommendation by the Department of Justice (DoJ). Acting Executive Secretary and Press
Secretary Ignacio R. Bunye quoted the signed Order: "In view hereof in pursuant of the authority conferred
upon me by the Constitution, I hereby grant Executive clemency to Joseph Ejercito Estrada, convicted by the
Sandiganbayan of plunder and imposed a penalty of reclusion perpetua. He is hereby restored to his civil and
political rights." Bunye noted that Estrada committed in his application not to seek public office, and he
would be free from his Tanay resthouse on October 26, noon. On October 26, 2007, after almost 7 years of
detention, Joseph Estrada was finally released after the Sandiganbayan promulgated the historical
When he was released he gave a message to the Filipino people that he can once again help the lives of the
people especially the poor. He also stated that he made mistakes as a public servant but he assured them
that corruption was not one of them, despite being convicted for the said crime. After the release he had a
series nationwide tour called "Lakbay Pasasalamat" (Thank you tour) and during those trips he thanked the
people for their support and gave them relief goods such as food, medicines and clothing. In politics, he is
convincing leaders of the opposition to have unity in the party or, he said, he will run.
Personal life
Estrada is married to (the former Doctor and first lady-turned-senator) Luisa Pimentel and had three children
by her: Jose Ejercito, Jr. (better known as "Jinggoy Estrada"; former Mayor of San Juan turned
Senator/married to Precy Vitug), Jackie Ejercito (married to Beaver Lopez), and Jude Ejercito (married to
Weng Ocampo). Joseph Estrada met his wife Loi while working as an orderly at the National Center for
Mental Health (NMCH) in Mandaluyong City.
He also has children from four out-of-wedlock relationships, including Joseph Victor "JV" Ejercito (from
socialite Guia Gmez) who also made a name for himself in Philippine politics by following his father's
footsteps as the current mayor of San Juan City.[50] Pagsanjan, Laguna Mayor Emilio Ramon P. Ejercito III,
known in Philippine showbiz as George Estregan, Jr., or E.R. Ejercito, is his nephew.
During the 2000 impeachment proceedings, reports of Estrada's numerous out-of-marriage relationships and
offspring surfaced in the press.

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